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Ordinul de variatie numarul 33

Nota explicativa
In urma observarilor facute de constructor pe parcursul executie lucrarilor de
recompartimentare la grupurile sanitare din subsol, proiectantul emite dispozitia
de santier numarul 25Arh/10.06.2014, prin care se cere:

Complectarea peretelui de zidarie existent cu un perete nou de 12.5 cm

grosime, pe o lungime de 50 cm, pozitionat conform Anexei 1;
Se recompartimenteaza cele doua grupuri sanitare conform schitei din
anexa 1;
Lucrarile suplimentare rezultate in urma dispozitiei de santier neacceptate
prin cantitatile de lucrari din proiect afetente listelor de lucrari, pentru
demolari si recompartimentari, vor fi decontate din lucrari diverse si
neprevazute; fara a depasit valoarea totala a contractului de executie.

Variation Order number 33

Explanatory Note
Following the observations of the builder during the execution of
repartitioning the sanitary groups in the basement designer issue an building site
registered order number 25Arh/10.06.2014, which requires:
- Additions existing masonry wall with a new 12.5 cm wall thickness, on a
length of 50 cm, positioned under Annex 1;
- The repartition the two sanitary groups sketch in Annex 1;
- Additional works resulting from the building site registered order
unsupported by the amount of project work affetente of work lists, for demolition
and repartitioning, will be settled from various works and unexpected; without
exceeding the value of the total execution contract.

Ordinul de variatie numarul 35

Nota explicativa
Prin nota de constatare din 12.06.2014 se face cunoscut faptul ca in urma
executarii schelei metalice pe fatada principala s-au putut evalua la fata locului
statuile de pe fatada si s-a constatat ca nu sunt din marmura cum au fost
considerate in proiect, ci sunt turnate din metal.

Drept urmare restaurarea statuilor va trebui sa urmareasca urmatoarele


Curatare prin indepartarea exfolierelor, a straturilor de vopsea degradate si

a depunerilor atmosferice
Reabilitarea prin obturare fisuri, completare lipsuri, asigurarea stabilitatii.
Finisare in vederea asigurarii integritatii cromatice si volumetrice.

Prin dispozitia de santier numarul 28Arh/26.06.2014, proiectantul dispune:


Se renunta la articolul 1A-42/5 din listele de lucrari (asimilat restaurare

Se va cere punctul de vedere asupra restaurarii statuilor, al unui specialist
atestat M.C.
Restaurarea statuilor turnate in metal va fi evaluata prin norme locale.
Unitatea de masura va fi o bucata statuie. Normativele locale propuse de
executant vor fi aprobate de dirigintele de santier, inainte de aplicare.

Cantitatea reala a lucrarilor suplimentare va fi determinata prin masuratoare

pe santierm pe parcursul executiei.
Lucrarile suplimentare, rezultate in urma dispozitiei de santier, neacoperite,
prin lucrari de proiect aferente restaurarii statuilor vor fi decontate din capitolul
lucrari diverse si neprevazute, fara a se depasi valoarea totala a contractului de

Variation Order number 35

Explanatory Note
Through ascertainment note from 06.12.2014, is known that after the
execution of metal scaffolding on the main facade were able to evaluate onsite
statues on the facade and it was found that there are not made of marble as
were considered in the project, but are cast from metal.
As a result restoring statues will have to follow these steps:
- Cleaning by removing exfoliation, degraded paint layers and rainwater;
- Restoration by filling cracks, filling lacks, ensuring stability.
- Finishing in order to ensure chromatic and volumetric integrity
Through building site registered order number 28Arh / 06.26.2014, the
designer dispose:

- There abandoning the article, 1A-42/5 of lists of works (assimilated

restoration statues);
- It will ask for point of view on restoring statues, of a certified M.C.
- Restoration of statues cast in metal will be evaluated by local norms. The
unit will be a piece statue. Local regulations proposed by the contractor shall be
approved by the Engineer before application.
The actual amount of additional work will be determined by measurement
on site during execution.
Additional work resulting from the building site registered order uncovered
through project work, relating the restoration of the statues will be settled in the
chapter diverse and unexpected works, without exceeding the total value of the
contract execution.

Ordinul de variatie numarul 29

Nota explicativa
Prin dispozitia de santier numarul 09Arh/19.07.2013, proiectantul dispune
inlocuirea sistemului de montaj a tavanului plan continuu, din placi de gips carton
rezistent la foc, cu un sistem echivalent la care se elimina tijele de suspendare si
profile portante ale tavanlui clasic.
In solutia modificatoare, tavanul plan din placi de gips carton se va face astfel:

Montajul placilor de gips carton 2KFI-12.5 (15 mm) grosime se va face prin
frecare de profile metalice de montaj CD60/27-0.6 tip Rigips, pozitionate la
interax de 500mm.
Pentru suspendarea profilelor metalice de montaj se vor monta
suplimentar clesti din cherestea de rasinoase, dublati 2x48x15/90-100cm,
amplasati intre capriorii existenti ai invelitorii;
Profilele metalice CD60/27 se vor monta la baza clestilor suplimentari si se
vor suspenda cu cleme metalice, fixate cu hltsuruburi 2xD6-45 de fetele
laterale ale clestilor.

Variation Order number 29

Explanatory Note

Through building site registered order number 09Arh / 19.07.2013, the

designer dispose replacement of the continuous plane ceiling mounting from
plasterboard fire resistant, with an equivalent system which eliminates the
suspension rods and supporting profiles of the classic ceiling.
In modifying solution, the ceiling from plasterboard plan will be as follows:
- Installation of drywall boards 2KFI-12.5 (15 mm) thick will be done by
friction of metal fitting profiles CD60 / 27-0.6 type Plasterboard, INTERAX
positioned at 500mm.
- For suspension of metal profiles extra fitting clamps are mounted from
softwood timber, double 2x48x15 / 90-100cm placed between the rafters of
existing roof covering;
- Metal profiles CD60 / 27 will be mounted at the base of additional clamps
and will be suspended with metal clamps, fixed with holtscrew 2xD6-45 the side
faces of clamp.

Ordinul de variatie numarul 32

Nota explicativa
Urmare a observarilor facute de constructor pe parcursul executiei cu privire la
dimensiunile existente a celor doua incaperi pentru FEG si GE, proiectantul a
emis dispozitia de santier nr 24Arh/08.04.2014 prin care se cere:

Demolarea peretelui de 3 cm grosime din incaperea cuprinsa intre axele 910;

Realizarea unui perete nou din caramida plina cu grosimea de 12.5 cm
conform schitei din Anexa 1.

Lucrarile suplimentare rezultate in urma dispozitia de santier, vor fi

decontate din capitolul lucrari diverse si neprevazute, fara a depasi valoarea
totala a contractului de executie.

Variation Order number 32

Explanatory Note
Following the observatories of the manufacturer during the execution
issues on the available dimension of the two rooms for the EGF and GE designer
issued building site registered order no 24Arh / 08.04.2014 which requires:
- Demolition of 3 cm thick wall from room between axes 9-10;

- Creating a new brick wall 12.5 cm thick according to the sketch from
Appendix 1.
- Additional works resulting from the building site registered order will be
settled in diverse and unexpected works chapter without exceeding the total
value of the contract execution.

Ordiunul de variatie numarul 31

Nota explicativa
Urmare a notei de constatare din 26.08.2014, intocmita de dirigentele de
santier referitoare la materialul din care sunt confectionate carligele de sustinere
a jgheaburilor si parazapezilor de pe versantii interiori ai cladirii proiectantul
emite dispozitia de santier numarul 16Arh/06.09.2013, prin care se dispune:

Carligele pentru sustinerea jgheaburilor originale confectionate din

platbanda 25/9mm din fier forjat cu cleme pentru prinderea jgheaburilor si
rozete ornamentale din tabla de zinc nituite, vor fi recuperate in totalitate.
Carligele recuperate vor fi reconditionate prin sablare, repararea clemelor
si ornamentelor, adca este cazul si vopsite in culoarea negru mat. Dupa
restaurare, montarea carligelor pe streasina de lemn a invelitorii se va face
cu holtsurub.
Suportii parazapezilor originali din platbanda nituita se vor recupera in
totalitate si restaura similar carligelor de jgheab. Suporti se vor vopsi in
culoarea gri-mat apropiata de culoarea tablei sorturilor de streasina.
Montarea suportilor pe invelitoare se va face peste tabla sorturilor de la
streasina, pe garnituri de silicon cu holtsuruburi. Prinderile pe invelitoare
vor fi protejate cu capace din tabla de zinc de 6 mm similare capacelor

Vergelele orizontale ale parazapezilor vor fi refacute din otel rotund OB37
vopsite in aceasi culoare ca suportii.
Variation Ordiunul number 31

Explanatory Note
Following the finding note from 08.26.2014, prepared by project manager
relating to material they are made to support the gutter hooks and snow fences
on the interior slopes of the building, designer issue building site registered order
number 16Arh / 09.06.2013, ordering:
- Hooks for supporting original gutters made of wrought iron platband 25 /
9mm with clamps for holding gutters and decorative rosettes riveted zinc sheet,
will be recovered entirely. Hooks recovered shall be reconditioned by sanding,

repair of clamps and trim if necessary will be painted in matt black color. After
restoration, mounting hooks on wooden eaves of the roof covering will be done
with holtscrew
- The original snow fences supports from riveted and bolted platband will
fully recover and restore similar gutter hooks. Supports will be painted in matt
gray color close to sorts eaves board. Mounting the roofing will be made over the
eaves sorts board, on silicone gasket with holtscrew. Mounting on roof will be
protected with cover sheet 6 mm zinc like the original lids.
Horizontal snow fence rods will be restored with OB 37 round steel painted
in the same color as supports.

Variation Order number 30

Explanatory Note
Functioning of wastewater pumping installations, located in the basement
of the existing building requires lowering the floor quota on the area machine
from -3.35m overall quota in the basement floor, to -5.00m placement quota of
Designer issue number 12Arh / 02.02.2013 building site registered order,
which requires:
- Updating and completion the location plan for SPAs;
- Change slab quota from -4.55 to -5.00;
- Access to the vat will be done with a metal wall staircase with five steps
regtangular pipe 40x50x3;
- On the side of the vat will be mounted a metal railing with H = 90cm from
square pipe 40x40x3 and 40x50x3 regtangular pipe handrails fixed to the floor
with mechanical anchors D12, L = 80mm.
- Metal fabrication will be primed and painted.

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