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Work Attitude and Values Enhancement

Participants Handout
I. Self-Awareness
A. Self-Awareness is the conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings,
motives, and desires.
B. Self-Awareness = Self-Knowledge + Active Involvement
C. In a nutshell, you just have to accept that youre sometimes weak and strong.
It can be tricky at times since there are also times that you just allow yourself
to be weak and there are also times that you should be strong even if you
dont feel being one. In other words, be the best friend to yourself.
II. Transactional Analysis
A. Definition: Transactional Analysis (TA) is a theory of personality and a
systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change. At its
simplest level, TA is the method for studying interactions between individuals.
B. Ego States is an organized system of behaviour or pattern of thinking and
1. Parent
a. Taught concept of personality
b. Critical vs. Nurturing
2. Adult
a. Learned concept of personality
b. Has nothing to do with age
c. Only want facts
3. Child
a. Felt concept of personality
b. Adopted vs. Natural
III. Are You A Workplace Vampire?
A. Emotional Vampires (a.k.a. Difficult People) are individuals who
suck other people's positive energy by making others feel exhausted,
unworthy and miserable. They might do this consciously or unconsciously.
1. Characteristics of Emotional Vampires

a. Vampires suck the blood of their victims


They suck your joy, energy, peace, time, money, and etc.

b. Vampires cant see their reflection in the mirror


They dont know their difficult

They think theyre right and everyone is wrong.
They cant self-reflect.

c. Vampires bite victims and turn them into Vampires


They could infect you if you allow them to control you.

You turn into a difficult person as well.

d. Vampires are burned by sunlight


They are burned by the sunlight of truth.

They cringe in the presence of accountability.

B. Types of Workplace Vampires


Backstabber. This vampire usually defends his own broken ego by

talking about other people's shortcomings.


Whiner. This is the protest-oriented emotional vampire whose main

weapon includes the mouth that fires unlimited complaints.

3. One-minute Superhero. This workplace emotional vampire never

runs out of solutions. However, in terms of applying the proposed way
out, the enthusiasm of this type of emotional vampire easily depletes;
thus, accomplishing none of the proposed solutions.
4. Bitter. This type of emotional vampire has never-ending sentiments
that can cause one's positive mood to run down.
5. Fault-finder. This type of emotional vampire hardly appreciates
anything or anybody. In his eyes, everything is imperfect, lacking, crap
or wrong. When everything apparently falls into place, this type of
emotional vampire would easily spot errors, giving unsolicited
suggestions with very little practical and sincere support.
6. The "Hurryble." This emotional vampire is always in a hurry,
accomplishing nothing but unfinished tasks. They may talk too fast and
try to control or pressure others to take immediate action even the
suggested solutions are close to impossible.
7. Egocentric. Narcissism may be obvious when someone frequently
showcases his/her same old stories of self-victory. On the other hand,
egocentricity can also be expressed indirectly by means of being
distant or passive. This emotional vampire gives no aid when his

services are needed. Passivity may be a sign of retaliation to serve

one's own needs.
8. Crab. Pulling others down is likely for this type of emotional vampire.
People with crab mentality don't want others to get ahead of them.
Thus, they sabotage their perceived competitor by badmouthing or
exposing pointless issues.
C. Were here to self-reflect and not criticize others. As Bo Sanchez puts it,
dont heal their badness; heal their brokenness because only love
heals. Therefore, help a Vampire heal out of love and not of hate.
IV. My SMART Goals
To be able to build our own legacy, we need to build our personal brand. A brand
that people would remember us when the word comes to mind. The only way for us
to build a good brand, is to be an effective person whether at home or at work.
That means putting our best quality in everything that we do.
At work, all actions we do affect our personal brand. We need have a concrete set
of principles to guide our acts toward excellence. And as employees, there is no
best way to guide us toward excellence than to align our goals and aspirations to
the goal of our company (HPOI). Embrace some set of values from Hoya which can
help you build the kind of brand you want people to remember you even outside the
Write down some qualities which you believe can help you achieve a good personal
and professional brand:
1. Integrity - doing what is right even if no one is watching, honesty at work
2. Timeliness - respect in company's time, keeping yourself productive, veer
away from unproductive activities
3. Understanding - being patient with fellow workers in sharing skills, being
able to understand where they are coming from.
4. Respect - people are given role for some reason, we will get the kind of
treatment we give to them when we have the kind of role someday.
If we write down our professional and personal goals allows us to see ourselves 3-5
years from now and check where we are today in terms of realizing these goals and
work on our action items through self-awareness.
S M A R T goals
S - specific
M - measureable
A - attainable
R - realistic

T - time bound
V. How do I communicate effectively?
Communication is an essential part of human interaction. We communicate in all
aspects of our life - home, school, work, or in play. Building our communication
skills allows us to be effective and efficient in all the things we do.
To be a better communicator, we need to know the different communication styles
of people we interact with and adapt specific communication style when needed.
4 types of communication styles:
1. Thinker - detail/data oriented, works from facts rather than feelings, doesn't
like being wrong
2. Driver - results oriented, controlling, risk taker, doesn't like wasting time
3. Sympathizer - relationship oriented, patient, dislikes being rejected
4. Celebrator - celebration oriented, optimistic, dislikes boring routine
Factors of communication:
W V M - Words, Voice, and Movements
Words - impacts 7-18% of our audience's perception
Voice - how we say it impacts 38% of how we are understood
Movements - our action impacts 55% of total message
Through our body language, we are always communicating whether we want to or
Other factors to consider when communicating:

Manage your facial expressions

Maintain eye contact
Avoid distracters - nail biting, tapping of foot, etc.

We're all born with one mouth and two ears. If we used them in that proportion,
we all would be better communicators ~ Anonymous.

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