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Windows phone 8 vs android?

Dwi asked 3 months ago

Was originally asked on Yahoo Answers Indonesia

Agan2 yg smart, mau tanya dong. Lbh bagus mana sih, hp WP8 sm android 4.1/4.2..? Kl dilihat dr app
android emg menang sih.. tp kl dilihat sr sisi2 yg lain gmn?

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Best Answer Asker's Choice

I'm Klose answered 3 months ago
Dari sisi-sisi yang lain:
- Office: Windows Phone tentunya lebih baik karena adanya Microsoft Office asli dan resmi.
- UI: Windows Phone lebih unik terlebih adanya Live Tiles, namun banyak orang mengatakan UI Metro di
WP membosakan. Tapi banyak cara-cara di internet untuk mempercantik tampilan Windows Phone.

- Multimedia: Android lebih baik, banyak fitur multimedia canggih yang hadir lebih dulu di Android.
- Kamera: Windows Phone menang, tapi untuk seri Lumia saja. Karena Nokia menghadirkan banyak fiturfitur kamera pada Lumia seperti Cinemagraph, Smart shot, Creative studio, dll dan terlebih saat ini sendiri
rajanya ponsel kamera adalah Nokia.
- Multitasking dan performa: Windows Phone unggul. Dari prosesor dan RAM, Windows Phone tentu
kalah dengan Android yang sudah mencapai Octa-core namun jangan salah karena performa Windows
Phone sangat luar biasa dan mengalahkan Android.
Coba kamu pinjam Nokia Lumia 520 milik orang lain lalu buka aplikasi berat seperti Internet, Games dan
Office. Kalau di Android seperti Galaxy Fame, tentunya lambat. Namun di Lumia, semuanya berjalan
lancar dan sangat smooth walaupun dari spek lebih kecil. Hal itu dikarenakan UInya yang ringan dan tidak
seperti Android.
Meledak, Galaxy S4 Hanguskan Apartemen:
Asker's rating & comment
Keren gan.. Thanks buat informasinya



Other Answers (5)


Sam answered 3 months ago

Menurutku bagusan WP8, lebih familiar
gi nyari wp8 jg stelah 2th pake android..




Adolf answered 3 months ago

Kalo soal game bagusan Android, tapi kalo soal browser lebih bagus Windows 8.




curious answered 3 months ago

secara keseluruhan lebih baik android, makanya android lebih populer ketimpangan windows mobile,.
selain jumlah aplikasi di android lebih banyak, android juga jauh lebih fleksibel dalam penggunaan,..
penggunaan android jauh lebih simpel ketimbang windows 8,. keunggulan windows 8 adalah dengan
spek yg le ih rendah mampu memberikan performa lebih smooth, tanpa lag dll,..
follow me on Twitter @FirdausKusum4




Alfian Fahmi answered 3 months ago

berhubung saya gamer, saya plih wndos8, aplkasi gamenya lebih keren2




Anymouse answered 3 months ago

bagi pengguna symbian belle mnggunakan android tdk mngalami ksusahan krna android mmang meniru
symbian belle ... Dari semua tampilan hnya berbeda os. Android yg bagus yaa os'terbaru byr bisa
mngikuti update trbaru dri pabrikan maupun pihak ketiga ,,,, tetapi android yg mmpunyai speak mumpuni
menuntuk kelanacran /kenyamanan harus mempunyai chipset dan gpu kalo anda cuma skedar menikmati
fitur chating ,multimedia, dan browsing android tanpa chipset dan gpu ngga masalah ttpi klo penikmat
game msalah sekali ... Android yg bagus yaa mmpunyai multitouch minimal upto2 finger ,ada
acselerometer ,prosesor dual-core k'atas ram lebih dri 512mb demi fitur melimpah ....
Windows phone 8 ... Bagus pake banget ... Ttpi yg punya nokia bukan HTC,samsung dan huwaei dn
lain ... Krna windowsphone llbih mngutamakan ktimbang vendor lain .... Apa yg ada d'pikiran anda jika

mndengar kata windows phone .... 100% anda mngatakan nokia lumia bukan samsung/HTC ... Ada
beberapa fitur yg mmbutuhkan bantuan PC sprti Zune dan skydrive jika anda punya komputer dgn
os.windows8 anda bisa berbangga diri krna inilah penolong windowsphone ... Anda hrus mngeluarkan
dana lebih untuk membeli aplikasi di windowsphone8 krna rata2 hrus beli jarang yg gratis ... Kaya sudah
cukup ini saja

Windows Phone vs Android? Windows Phone

REP | 24 June 2013 | 18:47

Dibaca: 16220

Komentar: 1

Belakangan ini, smartphone menjadi salah satu gadget yang paling

digandrungi di pasaran. Melihat minat konsumen yang begitu besar terhadap
perangkat ini, produsen smartphone gencar memperkanalkan produk baru
dengan fitur yang tidak ada pada produk sebelumnya. Persaingan tersebut
memang membawa dampak positif bagi konsumen terutama mereka yang
ingin mendapatkan produk terbaik dengan harga menarik. OS adalah salah
satu pendukung utama smartphone. Tanpa sistem operasi, smartphone tidak
bisa dioperasikan. Dengan kata lain, OS juga menentukan kualitas dari
smartphone itu sendiri. Jika Anda ingin membeli smartphone, Anda juga perlu
membandingkan sistem operasi di dalamnya. Android, iOS, dan Windows
Phone adalah sistem operasi yang diterapkan untuk smartphone.
Bagaimanakah perbandingan antara Android dan Windows Phone 8?
Dilihat dari segi popularitas, Android jauh lebih unggul daripada Windows
Phone. Jika dilihat dari market share, presentase Windows Phone memang
sangat kecil (hanya sekitar 3%). Perlu diketahui, Android menjadi sistem
operasi yang sangat populer karena mudah dioperasikan, didukung banyak
aplikasi gratis, dan perkembangannya juga sangat cepat. Android adalah

sistem operasi yang cukup user friendly karena mendukug fitur layar sentuh.
Hanya dengan menyentuh tombol atau ikon tertentu, pegguna bisa
mengakses menu dan fitur Android. Sistem Android juga menjadi primadona
karena penggunanya bisa mengakses ribuan aplikasi gratis yang disediakan
Google di Play Store. Jika Anda membandingkan Android versi Froyo dan
Gingerbread, perbedaan kedua OS tersebut sangat signifikan. Meskipun
selisih usia kedua sistem operasi tersebut tidak terlalu besar,
perkembangannya cukup pesat.
Bagaimana dengan popularitas Windows Phone 8 ? Windows Phone 8
memang belum lama masuk dalam market smartphone, tetapi perusahaan ini
sudah menduduki peringkat teratas untuk sistem operasi bagi PC desktop
atau notebook. Mungkin Windows butuh waktu yang cukup lama untuk
menarik minat konsumen dan mendapatkan market share yang lebih tinggi.
Tidak seperti Android yang digunakan oleh banyak produsen smartphone
terkenal, Windows Phone mungkin bisa dibilang sepi peminat. Nokia
Lumia memang mencapai penjualan yang cukup memuaskan, tetapi
penjualan tersebut tidak bisa mendongkrak popularitas Windows Phone.
Selain itu, penjualan Lumia pun masih jauh di bawah iPhone.
Bagaimana dengan perbandingan fitur antara Android dan Windows Phone?
Fitur yang telah dikembangkan dalam Android 4.1 Jelly Bean memang jauh
lebih baik dari versi sebelumnya. Sistem operasi untuk smartphone ini juga
menyediakan akses bagi penggunanya untuk menikmati hiburan multimedia
melalui Google Play. Pengguna Android bisa mendapatkan aplikasi, musik,
atau film terbaru sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Pengguna juga bisa
mendapatkan game baik yang gratis maupun berbayar. Windows Phone 8
menawarkan akses untuk menikmati musik melalui Xbox Music. Dibandingkan
dengan Google Play, jumlah game untuk pengguna Windows Phone 8 masih
sedikit, tetapi pengguna bisa mendapatkan game eksklusif yang tidak bisa
ditemukan dengan mudah. Jumlah aplikasi untuk Windows Phone sendiri
meamng lebih sedikit dari Android. Windows Phone 8 hanya menyediakan
sekitar 100.000 aplikasi dan Android menyediakan lebih dari 600.000 aplikasi
untuk penggunanya. Untuk membuat penggunanya tetap terkoneksi satu
sama lain, Android juga memberikan integrasi melalui berbagai social media

seperti Twitter dan Facebook. Namun, Windows Phone 8 menambahkan

LinkedIn dan Windows Live untuk penggunanya.
Sistem operasi manakah yang lebih Anda sukai? Dari segi popularitas,
Android memang jauh lebih unggul dari Windows Phone. Dilihat dari fiturnya,
kedua sistem operasi tersebut mempunyai keunggulannya masing-masing.
Banyak kalangan orang awam yang bingung dalam hal memilih jalur ponsel yang
akan mereka miliki. Tapi kebanyakan orang cenderung berpihak kepada kedua
sistem operasi ini, Android dan Windows Phone. Karena kedua sistem operasi
tersebut lebih menonjol ketimbang lainnya, baik dalam hal fitur maupun aplikasi
yang tersedia.
Jika kita telaah sebentar, Perbedaan Android dan Windows Phone yang pertama dari
sisi pembuatnya. Android merupakan sistem operasi yang dinaungi oleh perusahaan
ternama berjuluk, sedangkan Windows Phone dikembangkan oleh
Microsoft. Kedua produsen ini sama-sama tenar dan unggul di banding lainnya.
Windows Phone cenderung lebih muda ketimbang Android.
Perbedaan Android dan Windows Phone
Nah, setelah kemunculan Windows Phone yang diusung produsen ternama seperti
HTC dan Nokia dengan seri Lumianya, banyak yang berfikir dua kali antara pilih
android atau Windows Phone. Oleh karena itu, Tabloid Gadget akan membahas
tentang Perbedaan Android dan Windows Phone yang semoga menjadi bahan
pertimbangan anda dalam memilihnya,
Android dan windows phone adalah salah dua sistem operasi ponsel smartphone
yang saat ini menguasai pasar ponsel global. Lihat aja jumlah pengguna ponsel
samsung dengan OS android dan nokia lumia dengan windows phone yang
meningkat luar binasa. Perbedaan mendasar dari dua OS ini adalah perusahaan
yang mengembangkannya, Android dikembangkan oleh dan Windows
Phone dikembangkan oleh Microsoft. Selain hal mendasar itu, sebenarnya apa aja
sih perbedaan antara kedua OS ini? Lets check it out guys!

1. Ketersediaan aplikasi
Android : OS ini berbasis linux, so memudahkan penggemar IT atau
programmer membuat aplikasi baru karena aplikasi buatan mereka bebas
didistribusikan dengan lisensi open source, shareware atau bahkan freeware. Inilah
yang membuat ketersediaan aplikasi android begitu banyak dan mampu menembus
angka 700.000 apps di bulan November 2012.

Windows Phone : Windows Phone menyediakan Marketplace sebagai

tempat mengunduh berbagai aplikasi. Dan menjadi peringkat ke-3 dalam
jumlah aplikasi, tetapi aplikasi yang disediakan tergolong sedikit dibanding OS
android. Windows Phone hanya mampu menembus angka 100.000 apps di
bulan November 2012.
2. Keamanan
Android : Akibat dari open source, banyak juga programmer usil membuat
malware yang membuat keamanan OS android terancam. Malware ini bahkan
dapat menyebabkan kehilangan seluruh data ponsel. Tapi hal ini dapat
dicegah dengan berhati-hati menginstall aplikasi.
Windows Phone : OS satu ini sudah diakui sebagai OS terama. Sampai saat
ini belum ada malware yang mampu menembus keamanannya. Tapi dengan
melihat pertumbuhan malware yang begitu pesat, ada kemungkinan OS ini
bisa dibobol malware baru di kemudian hari.
3. User Interface
Android : Dengan widget dan layout yang dapat diatur sesuai keinginan
pengguna, user interface android tidak akan membosankan penggunanya.
Tapi, harusnya android membuat user interface baru agar lepas dari bayangbayang iOS :)
Windows phone : Windows phone memiliki UI yang unik dan jauh berbeda
dari Android maupun iOS. Mereka menyebutnya dengan modern UI yang
dianggap UI simpel dibanding android.
4. Koneksi

Android : Memiliki kecepatan akses internet yang tinggi. Bisa terkoneksi

dengan seluruh layanan google seperti GMail, Google Maps, YouTube,
Google+, dll. Notifikasi sms, email maupun jejaring sosial. Dan mudah untuk berbagi
data, dengan menggunakan bluetooth maupun kabel data.

Windows Phone : Memiliki kecepatan internet yang tinggi sama halnya

dengan android. Windows Phone memiliki Integrasi yang lebih dalam dengan

jejaring sosial karena memberikan notifikasi yang real time. Hal yang kurang
menyenangkan dari OS ini adalah saat ingin berbagi data. Windows phone 7
tidak menyediaan fitur bluetooth, sehingga memaksa pengguna mendownload
aplikasi baru untuk memungkinkan mengirim foto. Saat ini fitur bluetooth baru
disediakan di windows phone 8. Kendala juga terjadi saat kita ingin
mentransfer data ke PC, kita juga harus menginstall zune terlebih dahulu agar
bisa terkoneksi. Tapi kalo udah terkoneksi, mengintegrasi microsoft office
windows phone ke PC sangat mudah. Hal ini gak bisa disangkal, secara
pembuatnya perusahaan Microsoft sendiri :)

iOS 7 vs Android Jelly Bean vs Windows Phone

8 vs BB10
IN DEPTH Which is best in the battle of the new platforms?

By Thomas Thorn June 19th


mobile OS is best?
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The battle for dominance of the smartphone world is one that has been raging for a few years. With
the migration of consumers from feature phones to modern wonders such as the iPhone 5 and
the HTC One, or even the cheap as chips offerings like the Nokia Lumia 520 or Huawei Ascend
G330, it is clear where the money, and the future lies.
We've seen some impressive hardware come and go, quad-cores grace most flagship devices
(i.e. Sony Xperia Z or HTC One) and there is even the quad/octa core that sits inside the Samsung
Galaxy S4, dependent on your location.
Needless to say, all the big guns in the tech industry have some level of input into the mobile OS
world. Apple has iOS (just about to reach iOS 7), Google has Android, the most recent version being
4.2 Jelly Bean, Microsoft has Windows Phone 8, leaving BlackBerry with its hopes pinned
on BB10.

The iOS 7 interface is a radical new look compared with previous iterations. Although with a clean
and modern new look, the formula based upon simplicity is one that has been stuck to. Icons have
had an overhaul, and there is transparency through apps, giving iOS devices a more unified feel.

Users familiar with previous iOS versions may be in for a bit of a shock, with elements such as the
lock screen taking a new look. Elements now seem more rounded, and much brighter than before.
On the face of it, things seem very different with iOS 7, but the real changes go deeper.
Android is currently sitting at version 4.2, which is another iteration of the popular Jelly Bean OS.
Jelly Bean built upon the work done by 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, with everything being much
smoother with 'Project Butter', and the introduction of Google Now.

Pretty much every OEM has placed a skin over the top of Android, take a look at HTC's Sense,
Samsung's Touchwiz or Huawei's Emotion UI.
That said, nigh on every version builds on the use of multiple home screens populated with widgets,
and apps being kept tidy in a 'drawer'.
Microsoft's offering bases itself around a system of 'LiveTiles'. These are used in a similar way to
widgets on Android, providing information at a quick glance. Users of Windows Phone 7,
or Windows 8 on tablets or desktops will feel right at home.
In terms of user customisation, much like iOS, Windows Phone 8 is relatively closed. Live Tiles can
be resized, so that more important tiles can take up more screen real estate, and the tile colour can
be any of 20 variations. It is also possible to change the lock screen, to bring up photos, or widgets
and notifications.

Out of Canada comes BB10, with BlackBerry pinning pretty much all its hopes on the OS. In a
similar way to Windows Phone 8, BB 10 allows 8 'Active Frames', of which only 4 are visible at one
These show the most recent apps used, as well as any information that app may offer, be it weather
or calendar events.
Being a totally different OS to prior BlackBerry OS iterations, BB10 is at first a little confusing to use.
Closing apps by running your finger up from the bottom of the screen feeling a little unnatural.
The BlackBerry 10 lock screen comes complete with notifications, calendar events and ability to
quick launch the camera.


Buying Guide

Android phone
With the Camera app being one of the most widely used features on the modern smartphone, it is
only natural that every OS has given the camera a certain level of attention. One feature we are very
fond of, that appears on iOS 7, pretty much every Android UI and BB10 is the ability to launch the
app directly from the lock screen.

Read our in-depth Android Jelly Bean review

iOS 7 brings in a raft of changes to the camera app. There isn't a whole load of changes deep down,
these being limited more to photo effects; varying lens shapes and live photo filters giving you the
Instagram look, without having to use the app. Elsewhere, the interface has become more swipefriendly.
The Gallery app has also had a few tweaks, meaning that photo's are arranged by location, being
titled 'moments'. Pinching to zoom will re-draw your library, highlighting days out or holidays.
Pinching further shows an overview of the year's photos, complete with location tags.
Android's camera app is one that gets a lick of paint with each UI that is placed over the top. Also,
with the incredible variation in Android devices, each camera is different, the HTC One being most
notable for camera tech with UltraPixel and HTC Zoe, or there is Samsung with Burst Mode found on
the Galaxy S3 or S4.

id Jelly Bean camera app
That said, there is an underlying theme that graces Android's camera and gallery app. Photo filters
are common place, even the basic Android devices offer Sepia, Monochrome and Negative effects.
Gallery apps are a little more varied, however most can pull down images from the cloud, from
Picasa/Google+ web albums, with some going so far as Facebook albums too.
Being a unified OS across all devices, Windows Phone 8 camera settings are common. Pinch to
zoom has been brought in, and the ability to take photos by tapping the screen making the app feel a
little more natural. There is also the idea of 'lenses', that allow you to use camera tools that you have
downloaded, rather than via a separate app.

ows Phone 8 camera app
BlackBerry was keen to show off their camera at the BB10 launch. The reason for this is something
that the Canadians are terming 'Time Shift'. This is a nifty piece of tech that, if selected, allows you to
go 'back in time' to find the perfect smile. It even works on multiple faces, however needs good
BB10's other features include standard scene and shooting modes, as well as the ability to use the
volume keys as a shutter button.

Media, Apps and Storage

Buying Guide

Windows Phone
The original iPhone launch in 2007 put media on phones very much back in the spotlight. iOS7
continues that, given that it will be available on the 5th gen iPod Touch, as well as later iPad
iOS 7 now incorporates your iCloud stored media, allowing you to see all your tracks in one place,
with a wall of album art in Landscape mode adding a nice look to things.
The biggest revolution it brings is iTunes Radio, Apple's much rumoured and talked about music
streaming service, previously dubbed iRadio. We are unable to comment on the exact release, with
availability confirmed for 'this fall' in the US, with the rest of the world left waiting for news. We can
say that there will be both a free (ad-funded) and premium service, though.

Read our in-depth Windows Phone 8 review

As for apps, Apple's App Store is by far the most famous of all app stores/markets across all OS'.
iOS7 brings in some updates, such as being able to search for apps based on age range, or the
'Apps near me' feature, which shows you the most popular apps in your location. Apps can also
update in the background.
Storing all this media, and all your apps is done in true Apple fashion, with varying sizes of internal
storage available. MicroSD is still unsupported, although we never expected, nor ever expect that to
Playing catch up in the media department, Google has launched its Play Books, Play Magazines,
Play Movies and Play Music apps. Whilst nowhere near as popular as the iTunes version, media
downloading is now a lot easier on Android devices.

Downloading apps is also very easy, as Google's rebranded Play Store has become a very attractive
and very functional marketplace, with different sections and lists of apps for you to peruse. Auto
updating is available, and disable-able too.
The Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry app stores are far less populated in comparison to both the
Google and Apple offerings, although we would be doing them a disservice by calling their offerings
sparse (BB10 has 120,000apps compared to iOS' 900,000), especially given that the Microsoft OS
has Xbox compatibility.
Since Android 2.2 Froyo, apps to microSD has been a standard feature, alongside its long supported
media storage feature. App installation on microSD is also supported via Windows Phone 8, with
standard microSD support also being available in BB10.

With NFC slowly becoming more prevalent across devices, it has been noticed on the lower end
handsets that we have reviewed (LG Optimus L5 2, Huawei Ascend G510, Samsung Galaxy
Fame to name but a few), OS support is vital.
NFC wasn't something that wasn't explicitly mentioned with the launch of iOS7. Until now, previous
iOS devices haven't come with NFC chips. We could look into this and say things about upcoming
iOS touting devices, such as the unlikelihood of NFC inclusion, with the claim that there's 'No need to
wander around the room bumping your phone with others.' That said, apps will be able to share
information via Airdrop, provided that it supports Share Sheet.

Android has supported NFC for a while. Android Beam has been used on devices to share data
since Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Certain manufacturers have taken it a little further, with

Samsung adding it's S title to create S Beam. Google's wallet application is also likely to make use of
NFC as mobile payment becomes increasingly popular.
Windows Phone 8 also packs in NFC support, with its very own Microsoft Wallet app to rival
Google's version, and BlackBerry has long had NFC in its handsets so it's no surprise BB10 also
makes use of the technology.

Notifications and Control

Notifications are something that are very important across devices, giving quick access to Calendar
events, Emails and Text messages. Device control is equally important.
iOS 7 makes a big deal out of both notifications and Control. The notifications centre that was
accessed by swiping down from the top has become a full-screen affair, also available via the lock
The Control Centre is where the real innovation lies, however. Previous iOS versions had a very
basic centre, however now quick settings such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can be enabled or disabled,
as well as controlling screen brightness, music being played, and access to AirDrop and AirPlay

Android has had its notifications bar longer than Apple, so it has come on in leaps and bounds. Jelly
Bean also brings in expandable notifications, showing more information about the top event, as well
as being able to swipe to dismiss.
Many custom UI's include access to the quick settings (Touchwiz has gotten this nigh on perfect) in
the notifications bar. Android also include a Power Control widget that can be placed on home
screens, giving quick access to a lot of important settings.

Notifications aren't something that ever made it over to Windows Phone 8, however there are strong
suggestions that there is a notifications centre making it over in Windows Phone 8.1.
Notifications are viewable from the lock screen.

Read our in-depth BlackBerry 10 review

With BB10, there is a dedicated Notifications hub, accessed by swiping from the left hand side of the
screen, as well as notifications that can be seen for individual apps such as Email, Texts or social

Given the kerfuffle surrounding the launch of iOS Maps on iOS 6, there was a disappointing lack of
map based announcements with iOS7, although 'developers have been making great improvements
to Maps', which will bring features such as being able to push mapping info from a Mac of MacBook
to an iDevice.

There has been no such problems for mapping on Android, given that Google has managed to port
across its Google Maps desktop browser application so successfully.
Google maps provides one of the most comprehensive mapping apps available, as well as being
able to provide information through its Local app, and sat-navving via the Navigation app. Google's
recent acquisition of Waze is going to throw in user based traffic updates as well.
Microsoft has also got a decent map app. Bing maps brings over many features that were prevalent
throughout Nokia phones of old, including Nokia's turn-by-turn directions from Nokia Drive. Other
useful features include downloading maps for offline use, pinning favourite locations and Local Scout
(similar to Google's Local).

BB10 provides a basic mapping option as well, covering turn-by-turn and traffic updates. The app is
a fairly basic affair, with fewer features than the other options available on other devices.

You would expect, given that it was the key to revolutionising mobile browsing, that Safari on iOS7
would be important. You wouldn't be wrong. The URL bar is now resizable, you can swipe through
the history, and the bookmarks and tabs have had an overhaul.
Bookmarks now sit on the home screen, drawing in data from your Twitter feed. Tabbing is no longer
limited to 8, and is synchronised across multiple Apple devices through iCloud.

Since Ice Cream Sandwich, Google has mobilised its Chrome browser, which now interestingly sits
alongside the native Android Internet app. We've not understood why both browsers are run side by
side, but it provides a little choice. Google bookmarks can be synced across, and incognito browsing
is available too.
Internet Explorer is available on Windows Phone 8 devices, with the version being nearly identical to
IE10, even if it looks a little different. Internet Explorer is a very accomplished mobile browser overall,
and comes with the Do Not Track feature by default, as well as SmartScreen phishing protection.
BB10's browser is a minimalist design, with the URL at the bottom of the page, akin to IE on
Windows Phone 8. BB10 does pack in some useful features, such as a Reader mode that lifts text
and images, making it more readable. We also found that the BB10 browser was lightning fast, which
is a major tick in anybody's book.


iOS7 brings more changes to the Multi-tasking window as well. No longer does a swipe from the
bottom bring up recently used apps, but a newer interface that shows information from the app
screen, as well as the app icons along the bottom.

What to know more? Check out our iOS 7 release date, news and features
Google's multi-tasking has been handled for a long time through the long press of the home button, if
the device has one, or through the dedicated button on total touch screen devices. This brings up a
quick window of what was last on the app whilst you were using it, and can be swiped to dismiss.
Windows Phone 8 has a similar method of bringing up its multi-tasking window. Long pressing the
back button brings up the multi-tasking screen, allowing users to flick across to the app they wish to
RIM have implemented a multi-tasking action, which is vaguely reminiscent of cards on WebOS. The
Canadians call this 'Cascades', accessed by swiping left to right. BB10 also uses the multi-tasking
screen on the home page we mentioned earlier, that gives access to your eight most recently used
apps, shown four at a time.

Buying guide

best mobile phones in the world today
Apple have said that iOS7 will be available on a large amount of its iDevices, from the iPhone 4
upwards, iPad 2 and up, iPad Mini and iPod Touch 5th generation. iOS7 is due to launch 'this fall',
and we would highly expect it to launch alongside at least one new iDevice, the iPhone 5S/6, iPad
5 or iPad Mini 2.

Android Jelly Bean has been around for two years now, available on devices from multiple OEMs,
and with devices now being launched 4.1 or 4.2. There is a lot of talk of Android 4.3 Jelly Bean also
being released at some point this year, and rumours of the Key Lime Pie (Android 5.x) also being
launched this year.
It is available on the highest end devices, from a variety of OEMs, such as the five star HTC One,
and at the bottom end of the market on devices such as the LG Optimus L3 2.
Windows Phone 8 is also available on devices from different OEMs, with Nokia Lumia devices being
the most talked about. HTC, Samsung and Huawei also have their own devices out and about.
Talk of Windows Phone Blue, or 8.1 has also been bandied about, with an expected release
alongside Windows 8.1. Current devices span the market, again from a variety of OEMs, with the
high end Nokia Lumia 925, or the low end Lumia 520.
BB10 is unavailable on all new BlackBerry devices, the BlackBerry Z10, Q10 and Q5. Being a whole
new OS, it is unavailable on previous BB7 toting devices.
As for BB10 on the PlayBook, your guess is as good as our at this point, with BlackBerry's 2012
annual conference stating that it would make its way across, although 12 months later, there is still
no update. Being an all new OS, BB10 is now available on the BlackBerry Z10, BlackBerry
Q10 andannounced BlackBerry Q5.

Early verdict
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The iOS7 launch is arguably as important to the Cupertino-based firm since Steve Jobs first took the
stage in 2007 to launch the original iPhone.
A number of previous devices (iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad 2, 3, 4, iPad Mini and iPod Touch 5th
generation) will be getting the update, with the OS also being a major precursor to the upcoming
iPhone 5S/6, iPad 5 and iPad Mini 2.
Apple therefore has a very large existing customer base ready to upgrade, with those on earlier
iDevices also potentially looking to the launches of the next line of products. iOS is also highly
successful in the business market, as well as the personal market.
It is therefore almost impossible to say that iOS7 will be a flop, after all the trouble that Apple maps
gave iOS6, it is still very popular. Android is Apple's biggest worry, with Windows Phone 8 and BB10
making strides through the mobile market, yet still not as firmly established.
Android handsets are still the most popular on a world wide scale, but only just over a third are
actually running Jelly Bean, with the fragmentation the major negative point against what is a highly
versatile platform.
iOS7 will be massive, but don't forget it is really just the first OS refresh to launch this year, with
Windows Phone 8.1, Android 4.3 Jelly Bean and/or 5.0 Key Lime Pie likely to arrive later in 2013.
Expect to see the competition really heating up.

10 things a Windows Phone 8 user

misses about Android

By Mihaita Bamburic

Published 3 months ago



Adopting Windows Phone 8, and ditching Android, was one of the most daring decisions
that I have ever made in my entire tech life. I am the sort of person who does not warm
up to major changes (not my strong suit), especially ones that involve transitioning
between two polarizing mobile platforms. But, surprisingly, I gave up the flexibility and
versatility of the green droid operating system for the glanceable information and
simplicity of Windows Phone. Admittedly, it was not smooth sailing from day one.
The problem is that, in order to fully adjust to the change, something has got to give,
namely features that I consider to be essential for a modern-day smartphone operating
system. For some they may not matter as much, but others -- like me, and maybe you -are likely to be left wanting for more. And, no, I am not talking about widgets, themes,
root or Instagram (it, however, seems to be the tech media's favorite blaming toy even
though there are good third-party alternatives), but rather more down-to-earth,
mundane ones.
Without further ado, here's my list of ten things that I miss about Android.
1. In-Depth Personalization Options

I often struggle to interpret the sounds that my Nokia Lumia 920 makes, and it's not
because of low-quality speakers (far from it, in fact). The problem is that, unlike Android,
Windows Phone 8 doesn't allow me to set individual notification sounds on a per-app
basis. A Twitter mention alert sounds the same as a Facebook one, and there's nothing
that I can do to change that.
Similarly, Windows Phone 8 also does not allow one to set individual sound levels, for
notifications, apps and multimedia content. Android does -- you can have music playing
at half-volume and, when someone calls, the smartphone rings at full-volume. Or, mute
notifications when you want to hear your favorite tune playing quietly in the
background. A simple control panel would get the job done but, at least for now, no
such option exists.
2. LED Notification Light
Most (if not all) Android smartphones feature an LED notification light, which starts
flashing in various colors whenever there is a new notification. This way, folks do not
have to constantly check their smartphones just to see if there's a new email or SMS
message. It's a minor feature, but one that has a major impact over the user
By contrast, no such counterpart exists on Windows Phone 8 handsets. That said, the
HTC Windows Phone 8X features an LED notification light but, sadly, it only lights up
whenever the smartphone is running low on battery or the charging is complete.
Smartphones like the Lumia 920 offer no such hardware feature.
3. Control Toggles
Android makers, like Samsung, allow users to quickly toggle between various states for
built-in software and hardware features through dedicated widgets or panels. Disabling
Wi-Fi, for instance, takes only a couple of seconds.
On Windows Phone 8, one has to go through the Settings menu and look up the
adjacent sub-menu and then flip the switch. It's not as straightforward. Admittedly,
there are third-party apps for this but they only provide shortcuts rather than actionable
4. File Manager

Even though file managers may not be as essential as social networking apps, they do
hold a special place for Android enthusiasts. Such offerings allow users to handle (move
or delete, for instance) locally-stored files, without connecting the smartphone to a
computer and performing changes from the outside.
While it may seem like an unneeded app, there's a case to be made for it on Windows
Phone 8 as well. Any incoming transfers, or downloads that are made on the internal
storage cannot be managed without, again, connecting the smartphone to a computer.
This oversight also makes sharing files a bit more difficult, as one has to navigate to an
app which can handle such content.
5. Browser Sync
One of my favorite things about Android was the fact that the Google Chrome app would
sync with its desktop counterpart, which made the browsing experience more enjoyable.
All my desktop bookmarks, passwords and even tabs would make their way onto my
smartphone as well. I could pick up what I was looking at on my laptop on my Android
handset, on the go.
After switching to Windows Phone 8 I had to give this feature up. When compared to
Google Chrome on Android, Internet Explorer is quite basic, only offering basic features
like the ability to locally-save passwords, manage tabs and improve the browsing
security through external services.
6. App Feature-Parity
Popular Android apps rarely come without features which are available on other
platforms. Evernote, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, to name a few, always bring the
latest and greatest to the green droid operating system, while on Windows Phone (if the
apps exist) users have to wait months even to get the most-recently added features.
Evernote cannot be used to create notebooks, Facebook does not have a security code
generator and Twitter has yet to implement any two-factor authentication-related
functionality, just to give you a couple of example as to how major developers
implement the latest features in their Windows Phone 8 apps.
7. Timely App Releases

Similarly to the aforementioned point, Android also gets most popular app and game
titles (well, at least shortly after iOS), while Windows Phone 8 users have to wait quite a
bit of time until even the first installment in the series is released. Older offerings like
Pandora arrived on the tiled smartphone operating system only earlier this year, while
on Android the app was offered since 2009.
Case in point to the late game releases is Temple Run, which was launched on Windows
Phone 8 two years after the game made its way on other platforms. And, what's worse,
newer titles have also been launched in the meantime.
8. Contextual And Local Search Results
Android users have Google Now and Windows Phone 8 users have... a robotic-sounding
male or female voice that does not respond back. The former provides comprehensive
features, from replying with the outside temperature to giving indications to a nearby
shop. Meanwhile, the latter can only power up Bing Search and perform a query and, at
best, allow users to dictate some voice controls to the few apps that support this.
What I find the most troublesome is that Google Now works decently well in the land of
Dracula, while the Windows Phone 8 counterpart can't even show me nearby coffee
shops, let alone point me to a mobile operator's store in a new city.
9. Extensive Browser Sharing Options
Various Android offerings can integrate into the browser's built-in sharing menu,
allowing users to send links to read-it-later type of apps (like Pocket). When stumbling
upon things that I wanted to check out later, I could save the webpage's link for an indepth reading with Evernote or Pocket.
On Windows Phone 8, Internet Explorer only allows users to send the links to someone
else or another device, via emails, messages, social networks or Xbox, but not to an
existing app like Evernote or Pouch (a third-party Pocket client). As a result, I find that
it's best to rely as little as possible on Internet Explorer for such tasks, which is a shame
as the browser should allow users to do more things rather then limit them to an
established path.
10. Notifications Center

Android, in my opinion, is the best smartphone operating system at aggregating and

managing all notifications from various apps and games, into a single place.
Notifications are actionable, users can individually dismiss them and, generally
speaking, it's a very well though-out system.
Windows Phone 8 does provide some notifications via toasts and live tiles, but it's
difficult to pinpoint the source of one at times. The smartphone rings and, if it's not a
lockscreen-enabled app (which can show a counter), I have to scroll through the Start
screen just to find the information that I need. Sometimes I have to wait a bit for the live
tile to update or flip, in order to see what I came to find.
Microsoft is undoubtedly working on a notification center, but until that day when us,
Windows Phone 8 users, can actually use it we are stuck with lesser functionality.
Similarly, Android switchers will have to adopt to the different (and older) way of doing
Change Can Be Good (Or Not)
Windows Phone 8 still has a long way to go until it can catch up with Android, in terms
of functionality. But, that's not necessarily a bad thing, as the tiled smartphone
operating system is, at least for now, very clean when it comes to its overall design
(both under-the-hood and on the outside). The problem, for first-time users coming from
Android, is that it can be too stripped-down. Whether you can live with it or not, it's up
to you to decide.

So, the iPhone event came and went, people argued on Apples
innovation credentials, the Android vs. iOS debate reared its head
again. Another week in this bubble we call tech.

Given that the Android and iOS stranglehold on the smartphone

market exceeds 90%, its understandable why they tend to dominate
the headlines from a mobile perspective. And with BlackBerry looking
set to go the way of the dodo as a smartphone manufacturer, at least
that pretty much leaves Microsofts Windows Phone as the
only real contender to the status quo out there (Firefox OS, yeah yeah),
though admittedly it languishes far behind in third place.
But a lot of change is afoot at Microsoft Towers: Ballmer is making way
for a new CEO, and it finally caved in and snapped up Nokias Devices
and Services division. One last big throw of the dice for Windows
Phone, guided by a new visionary. Perhaps.
However, the one giant stick in the mud is apps. Or lack thereof. The
issue has been a perennial pain in the posterior for Windows Phone, as
it looks to play catch-up with iOS and Android.

Few people question the quality of the

Windows Phone 8-hosting Nokia devices its flagship Lumia handsets

are solid and beautiful, offering arguably the best camera functionality
of any smartphone. We called the Lumia 1020 a camera that makes
calls. And Windows Phone 8 with its Live Tiles is a refreshing departure
from the square-icon-laden interfaces of Android and iOS.
Theres no question that Windows Phone is a compelling proposition,
but its all about the apps, right?

The state of play

We took a quick peruse through some of the top Android and iOS apps,
and checked which were available on Windows Phone, and which
arent. And were talking official here, meaning that its produced
either by the company itself or by Microsoft/Nokia. As youd expect,
many are missing in action.
What there isnt
Theres no Google Maps, but there is the home-grown Maps and Here
Maps, and while theres no official Gmail app there are some
reasonable third-party efforts, plus you can set up native Google Sync
support with your Windows Phone. Theres no Chrome either, though
there is a bizarre pseudo-Chrome app that redirects to Internet
Theres no Instagram app yet, but theres a decent third-party effort,
plus there isan official Hipstamatic app. And because Googles
attention lies elsewhere,YouTube has arrived on the scene via
Microsofts own developersbut due to aseries of squabbles, Google is
currently blocking access.
They may be coming soon, but still no sign of Vine, Path or Flipboard.
Dropbox is missing too, as is SoundCloud, RunKeeper and Yahoo Mail,
though a reasonable third-party incarnation exists for that. Throw into
the mix no Firefox, Airbnb, Snapchat, Uber, Wikipedia and Pinterest,

and its clear that many companies have yet to embrace Windows
The point to all this, of course, is that yes, there are many apps missing
from Windows Phone. But you knew that already. On the flip side,
however, there are probably more first-party native Windows Phone
apps than you thought, and Microsoft has the financial clout to try and
push for more.
What there is

The likes
of Skype (naturally), Twitter, WhatsApp,BBC
iPlayer (UK), Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Angry Birds, TuneIn
Radio, Shazam, Spotify, Netflix,Evernote, PayPal, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Wor
dPress,Foursquare, LivingSocial, and Runtastic are all present and
correct. So is eBay, though its lacking a little functionality. IMDb, too,
has an app but it hasnt had much in the way of updates for a while,
similar to Google Search, while Rdio lacks some basic functionality
compared to its iOS and Android bretherns. But there is a fully

functional Words With Friends courtesy of Zynga, which will please

many would-be defectors. The less said about Fart Machine, the better.
Whatno Facebook? Actually, there is Microsoft has taken the
trouble to develop an incarnation off its own steam, given that Zuck &
Co. havent bothered. As for Groupon, well, Nokia sorted that one out.
There are are many, many more little ditties on the Windows Phone
Store too, from calculators to flight search engines. And when you
consider that all you really need is an Internet connection and a mobile
browser, theres no real reason why Windows Phone shouldnt appeal
to large segments of the smartphone-buying population.
So why doesnt it?

Self-fulfilling prophecy
For me and many reading this, the lack of so many native apps is of
course a problem. But Id go as far to say that many if not most
people dont really care about a large percentage of these apps.
My mum, girlfriend, buddies, postman they would all get by
absolutely fine on Windows Phone. They dont use Vine, Uber or
Snapchat on their iPhones and Androids. Working in the technology
industry, be it as a programmer, marketer or journalist, this can blind
us to what people actually want from their smartphones.
Windows Phones big problem is a lack of apps AAANND repeat. We
seem to have repeated it so many times that its become a selffulfilling prophecy.

Id posit that a good browser, Facebook,

Twitter, Kindle, YouTube, Spotify, email, maps and directions, camera
and perhaps a few others are ample for many people. But the fact
remains people arent ditching Android and iOS for Windows Phone, so
Im not convinced its entirely down to a lack of native apps. Not
directly, at least.
Word-of-mouth plays a big part in the gadgets that non-techies buy,
and Microsoft cant quite get that mindshare among the general
smartphone-buying populace because the message thats trickling
down from those in the know (developers, techies, journalists and so
on) is that Android and iOS are the only worthwhile mobile platforms
because of their app-count. And thus, in a roundabout sort of way, a
lack of apps does indeed become one of Windows Phones biggest
problems. Just not for the reason everyone cites.
Its understandable why more developers dont pay a lot of attention to
Windows Phone it doesnt have the user base to justify it. But
Microsoft could conceivably get all the missing in action apps we
mention above and it wouldnt make a difference what it has to really

do is get inside the minds of the general public, and keeping things
simple is key.

Keep it simple, stupid

Despite Android being the most dominant mobile operating system,

it still plays second fiddle to iOS from an apps perspective.
Its very unusual for any app to hit Android before iOS, and some apps
can take their time to make it to Android at all. Vine took six months to
hit Android after iPhone, while Instagram took more than a year. Nike+
Fuelband? 18 months on, were still waiting. And there are many
little non-big-brand independent appsthat are fantastic, but will never
see the light of day on Android. Its also worth adding that Google is far
less stringent on the quality of apps that pass through its gates
compared to Apple.
Yes, Android has app problems of its own. Much of this has been put
down to the fragmentation of Android devices a myriad of form
factors and OS versions are difficult to cater for, with iOS theres really

just the iPhone and iPad. So why does Android flourish? The answer is
simple Google.
The Internet giant had already emerged as a dominant online player
while Microsoft was still resting on its Office and Windows laurels. As
such, it was well-positioned to embrace the cloud, with Google Docs,
Maps, Earth, Search and an innovative new email service called Gmail.
It also saw the future of mobile and acquired Android way back in
2005. Throw everything together into a giant melting pot, make it open
source so any OEM can use it, add a pinch of Google+, and you have
one mighty mobile giant.
Microsoft has elements of this too it has taken Office to the cloud,
given Hotmail the elbow for Outlook, introduced Bing Maps and Search
and has Windows Phone. But it all just feels a little too late Google
had gained the mindshare of the mobile online masses establishing a
firm foothold and, well, thats difficult to budge. As for Apple, well, the
quality of its hardware was ahead of the competition from the start,
and it pretty much kickstarted the app ecosystem we all see today.
But now that Microsoft owns Nokias mobile business, it has to start
simplifying its device-range. I started losing track of the number of
handsets Nokia sent to market this year alone, some featuring
Windows Phone, some not.
Under Microsofts stewardship, it should phase out many of these
devices at least from a marketing perspective. It should also lose
the S40 operating system. It needs to keep things simple, focus on a
handful of low-, mid- and high-end phones. If it can strike the right
balance between the singularity of iOS and fragmentation of Android
with 3 or 4 really notable devices, it can simplify its marketing
message and hopefully see some growth. This may even mean
restricting Windows Phone to Nokia devices, letting HTC, Huawei and
Samsung put all their eggs in Androids basket.

Also, if theres one thing Microsoft has, its money. Armed with a few
flagship phones, it can strike more partnerships with high street
retailers to position its handset(s) front-and-center when people walk
So yes, Windows Phone needs to get more quality native apps, but that
isnt the root of its problems. Its merely a symptom of the overarching
problem, which is this perception that everybody needs tonnes of apps
on their smartphone. If all those people who are content with just a few
of the big-name apps, Internet Explorer and a good mobile camera got
on board with Windows Phone, the native apps would take care of
themselves in due course, once developers realized it was a viable
But over and above all this, theres one thing Microsoft certainly
should not do. Itshouldnt mock its competitors in such a crass manner,
because it smacks of desperation and doesnt reflect well on the
company. Does it really believe that by bad-mouthing Apple it will
tempt people on board with Windows Phone? Its crazy, and whoever
takes over the reins from Ballmer should put their foot down fast.
Photo credit: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

Android vs iOS vs Blackberry vs Windows Phone 8 [Data & Fakta]

14.25 Artikel Konten Labels: riview produk

Boleh dikatakan bahwa perkembangan smartphone saat ini tak terlepas dari teknologi
yang diusung oleh masing-masing pabrikan. Sebut saja; Android, iOS, Windows Phone,
dan Blackberry. Semua ponsel smartphone yang menggunakan sistem operasi tersebut
adalah penguasa pangsa pasar saat ini.

Jika anda ingin membeli ponsel smartphone saat ini, mungkin sempat mencari
perbandingan dari masing-masing OS tersebut. Manakah yang paling unggul?

Perbandingan Antara Android, iOS, Windows Phone & Blackberry

Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows Phone 8

Berdasarkan data statistik pengguna yang dikeluarkan oleh situs crackberry (26/9)
menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman pengguna pada masing-masing sistem operasi
memang berbeda satu sama lainnya. Data statistik dihitung berdasarkan pengalaman
(experiences) terhadap masing-masing OS.

Pengalaman tersebut didasarkan pada tingkat kesulitan, sisi fleksibilitas, dan tingkat
kepuasan konsumen. Dari data statistik tersebut menunjukkan bahwa iOS berada pada
urutan teratas yang menjadi favorit konsumen / pengguna dengan nilai rata-rata 73,25.
Posisi kedua masih ditempati oleh iOS versi 6 dengan persentase nilai 70. Sedangkan
untuk pengguna Android menunjukkan hasil yang berimbang dengan Blackberry 10,
dengan nilai 57,25 berbanding 56,37. Sementara itu, OS Windows Phone 8 yang
terhitung sebagai pendatang baru berada di posisi buncit dengan nilai 47,25.

Dari data statistik tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengguna smartphone memiliki

pengalaman yang paling baik dengan sistem operasi iOS 6 & 7. Sedangkan Android
yang juga merupakan penguasa di dunia Smartphone justru berada dibawahnya. Para
pengguna masih beranggapan bahwa smartphone Android masih sama ribet nya
dengan penggunaan Blackberry 10.

Untuk Windows Phone 8 sendiri nampaknya masih harus sedikit bersabar dengan nilai
index yang didapatkannya karena harus berada di posisi paling buncit. Para pengguna

beranggapan bahwa Windows Phone 8 -yang merupakan pendatang baru- masih belum
bisa menyamai level Android dan iOS dari sisi penggunaan, fitur, dsj.

Kesimpulan: Android (Samsung) vs iOS (Apple)

Kalahnya Android dibanding iOS (atau Galaxy vs iPhone) didasarkan dari konsep yang
diterapkan oleh masing-masing pabrikan. Semua mengetahui bahwa keduaOS tersebut
memiliki kelebihannya masing-masing.

Pengguna Android memang diharuskan memahami atau mempelajari fitur-fitur

kustomisasi dari ponsel yang dibelinya. Sedangkan untuk pengguna iOS bisa sedikit
dimudahkan karena sistem buatan Apple (iOS) tersebut memang sengaja dibuat untuk
mempermudah konsumen dalam menggunakannnya.

Pengguna tak perlu mengotak-atik sistem operasinya agar mempunyai kemampuan

maksimal, tak seperti halnya Android dan Blackberry 10.

Namun, ada 1 kelebihan lain yang masih menjadi favorit kebanyakan orang saat ini,
yaitu ketersediaannya aplikasi dan game gratis yang bejibun jumlahnya di Play
Store Android. Sedangkan untuk pengguna iOS (iPhone), ketersediaan aplikasi dan
game gratis sangat terbatas.

Demikianlah informasi mengenai Android vs iOS vs Blackberry vs Windows Phone

8 [Data & Fakta]. Semoga bermanfaat :-)
erbedaan Mencolok Antara iOS 7 dan Android 4.2 serta Windows Phone
8</span></b>&nbsp;<b style="color: blue; text-align: justify;">(mobileweb-tips)&nbsp;</b>Sesudah pada artikel sebelum ini kami telah informasikan mengenai perilisan ios 7 kepasaran
dunia sebagai generasi terbaru dari ios yang notabenenya merupakan sistem operasi dari iphone.
Nah sekarang ini bagaimana bila ada 3 os yang kita bandingkan, ini pada ios 7 dan android 4. 2
serta windows phone 8, kurang lebih siapakah yang menang ?<br />
<br />
Meskipun ios 7 dirilis dengan bermacam pergantian yang terbilang secara
keseluruhan merombak desainnya, ini tampak pada nyaris tiap-tiap elemen
dipoles ulang dengan antarmuka yang lebih kinclong. dari apa yang telah kita
tengok sejauh ini, banyak perihal baru yang butuh dipelajari dari versi yang

sudah ada.<br />

<br />
Ada beberapa bagian pergantian baru dengan up date aplikasi, pergantian di ios
7dinilai lebih pada perihal yang berbentuk kosmetik serta itu-itu saja dari pada
perihal yang mendasar. Namun tetap dapat di terima dikarenakan tidak tiap-tiap
up date tidak mesti beralih secara keseluruhan.<br />
<br />
Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai keempat os yang sekarang ini ada pada sebagian
smartphone kelas atas dunia. Anda dapat lihat di bawah ini sebagai
perbandingan mana yang lebih unggul dari total os tersebut.<br />
<br />
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="
edaan+iOS+7+dan+Perbandingannya.jpg" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left:
1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img alt="Perbedaan iOS 7 dan Perbandingannya"
border="0" height="297" src="
daan+iOS+7+dan+Perbandingannya.jpg" title="Perbedaan iOS 7 dan
Perbandingannya" width="400" /></a></div>
Nah itu dia perbandingannya, semoga saat ini tulisan saat ini mengenai
perbandingan ios 7 vs android 4. 2 serta windows phone 8 dapat jadikan acuan,
smartphone mana yang anda dapat tentukan kedepannya serta sudah pasti
dengan keunggulan pada sistem operasinya.
<br />

Perbedaan Blackberry, iOS, Android dan Windows Phone - Setiap gadget menggunakan operating system (OS) atau sistem operasi
agar dapat bekerja optimal dan memberi keunikan kepada pengguna gadget dengan
beragam fitur yang ditawarkan. Pengembang OS berkompetensi dengan waktu dan pesaing
mereka agar dapat merebut pasar pengguna gadget yang terus berkembang.

Pada awal abad ke-21 kita hanya mengenal Windows sebagai satu-satunya sistem operasi
terpopuler untuk perangkat komputer. Saat ini kita mengenal setidaknya lima operating
system terpopuler di dunia yang dibenamkan dalam perangkat komunikasi seluler, yaitu
Blackberry, iPhone OS (iOS), Symbian, Android, dan Windows Phone. Mari kita bahas
perbedaan Blackberry, iOS, Android dan Windows Phone.

Blackberry OS
Sistem operasi Blackberry dikembangkan oleh perusahaan RIM, Research in Motion,
untuk ditanamkan pada semua jenis ponsel Blackberry (BB) produksi mereka. Blackberry OS
hanya bisa dipakai pada smartphone Blackberry, tidak bisa untuk gadget lain. Blackberry OS
bekerja secara multitasking dan dilengkapi fasilitas trackball, touchscreen, trackwheel, dan
Fitur unggulan dari Blackberry OS adalah Blackberry Messenger (BBM) dan Push Mail. BBM
adalah fitur komunikasi BlackBerry yang bekerja serupa dengan Yahoo Messenger (YM) dan
Google Talk (GTalk). Sedangkan Push Email memudahkan pengguna gadget BB untuk
membuka email secara mudah dan cepat dari smartphone mereka.

iPhone OS (iOS)
iOS dikembangkan oleh perusahaan Apple dan digunakan secara eksklusif pada gadget
produksi Apple. Sama seperti sistem operasi Blackberry, iOS hanya bisa dipakai pada
perangkat smartphone tertentu. Saat ini teknologi iOS mendukung performa perangkat
mobile seperti iPad, Apple TV, dan iPod Touch. Versi terbaru operating system ini adalah iOS

iOS mampu menjalankan perintah suara (Voice Commands), reading list, call filtering, call
reply actions, dan video chatting dengan koneksi 3G maupun WiFi. Bagi Anda yang
menyukai aktifitas berjejaring sosial, iOS mendukung integrasi akun Facebook dan Twitter
Anda sehingga lebih mudah berbagi cerita menarik ke teman-teman dan relasi.

Android OS
Android Operating System dikembangkan oleh Google Inc. dan merupakan open source
(platform terbuka) yang memungkinkan pengguna gadget Android menciptakan beragam
aplikasi sesuai kebutuhan. Saat ini Android tumbuh sebagai OS yang paling banyak
digunakan pada perangkat ponsel pintar (smartphone) di seluruh dunia. OS Android memiliki
ribuan aplikasi dan jumlahnya terus bertambah.
Upgrade OS Android terus berjalan dengan versi terbaru Android 4.0. Versi OS Android
memiliki nama-nama unik berdasarkan menu makanan, misalnya Android 1.5 Cupcake,
Android 1.6 Donut, Android 2.2 Frozen Yoghurt (Froyo), Android 2.3 GingerBread, dan Android
4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Karena bersifat openSource, OS Android bisa diterapkan pada
beragam gadget yang mendukung komunikasi mobile.

Windows Phone
Windows Phone pada awal kemunculannya bernama Pocket PC lalu berubah nama menjadi
Windows Mobile (2003) dan Windows Phone (2010). Sistem operasi ini dikembangkan
oleh Microsoft Corp. dan digunakan untuk perangkat mobile buatan mereka. Versi terbaru
OS smartphone Microsoft ini adalah Windows Phone 7.5 dan mendukung fitur Photo
Streaming melalui SkyDrive.
Sama seperti iOS, OS Windows Phone memiliki fitur content sharing, Facebook integration,
dan Twitter integration. Windows Phone dikembangkan menurut Cloud Computing
(komputasi awan) dengan sejumlah layanan menarik seperti SkyMarket, SkyLine, dan
SkyBox. Cloud Computing dapat berjalan dengan optimal pada jaringan internet dengan
kualitas andal.
Itulah perbedaan mendasar dari operating system blackberry, ios, android maupun windows
phone. Jadi pilih gadget apa, sudah tahukan operating systemnya?
Sekarang ini ada banyak merek smartphone yang beredar di industri mobile Indonesia. Semakin
hari pembuatnya bertambah dari waktu ke waktu karena semakin hari peminatnya juga semakin
meningkat. Smartphone terkenal seperti BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, dan Windows Phone
inilah yang banyak digemari.</p>
<p>Dalam artikel kali ini Paseban akan melakukan <a
href="" title="Perbandingan
Smartphone"><strong>perbandingan smartphone</strong></a>
antara BlackBerry, Android, iPhone, dan Windows Phone. Jika dilihat
sekilas semua smartphone tersebut serupa tapi tak sama. Setiap merek
memiliki keistimewaan sendiri-sendiri, yang akan menunjukkkan
perbedaan yang jauh berbeda satu sama lain.</p>
<p>Berikut ini perbandingan smartphone tersebut ditinjau dari segi
kelebihan dan kelemahannya. Mungkin dengan hasil komparasi ini
akan dapat membantu menentukan pilihan smartphone yang sesuai
dengan keinginan Anda.</p>
<p>BlackBerry merupakan produk buatan Research In Motion (RIM).
BlackBerry adalah smartphone bisnis yang dilengkapi dengan ratusan
aplikasi yang tersedia di BB App World.</p>
<p>Keistimewaan BlackBerry terletak pada Messenger-nya, sehingga
smartphone satu ini disebut sebagai mobile instant messenger. Meski
sebenarnya messenger ini juga tidak terlalu unggul jika dibanding
dengan messenger lain yang sekarang sudah banyak tersebar seperti
Whatsapp, Viber dan Skype.</p>
<p>Aspek bisnis smartphone BlackBerry ini terlihat dari serangkaian
fitur keamanan yang ditawarkan seperti <a
title="Beginilah Cara Enkripsi Data dengan Mudah">enkripsi
data</a> dan smartcard. Dilengkapi dengan fasilitas push-mail, yang
memungkinkan Anda untuk membuka email dengan cepat melalui
smartphone secara otomatis. Tapi tampaknya sistem operasi lain juga

sudah banyak yang menawarkan fitur yang sejenis.</p>

<p>BlackBerry adalah smartphone untuk komunikasi <em>real
time</em>. Jika Anda menginginkan ponsel multifungsi dengan fitur
chatting maka BlackBerry adalah pilihan yang tepat. Smartphone ini
juga cocok digunakan untuk semua umur dan profesi.</p>
<p>Android merupakan sistem operasi besutan Google Inc yang
berbasis Linux. Android menyediakan platform yang terbuka bagi
para penggunanya untuk mengembangkan aplikasi mereka sendiri.
Syarat dan ketentuan bagi para pengembang aplikasi di Android jauh
lebih ringan daripada Apple, sehingga wajar jika sekarang aplikasinya
lebih banyak dari Apple. Browser yang dimiliki Android tergolong
cepat, termasuk saat membuak website dengan flash. Produsen
penyedia smartphone ini juga banyak sekali seperti <a
title="Sejarah Samsung Mobile Phone dari Awal Berdiri Hingga
Sekarang">Samsung</a>, HTC, Motorola, LG, dan lain-lain.</p>
<p>Sayangnya, Android memiliki fungsi pencarian yang kurang
akurat dan masih banyak ditemukan aplikasi yang kurang berguna.
Untuk membeli aplikasi berbayar pada Android market juga hanya
bisa dilakukan menggunakan kartu kredit.</p>
<p>Pilihan terhadap Android jatuh bila Anda menyukai smartphone
multifungsi dengan browser yang baik. Android biasanya banyak
digunakan di kalangan mahasiswa, eksekutif, profesional, pegawai,
<p>iPhone yang menggunakan sistem operasi iOS adalah smartphone
buatan Apple yang sangat populer. iPhone unggul dalam hal
penggunaan sistem yang mudah dan aplikasi third party yang selalu
konsisten dengan Apple. Dengan adanya iTunes membuat
pengelolaan file di <a
title="Sejarah iPhone Pertama di Dunia Diciptakan">iPhone</a>
semakin mudah ditambah dengan pencarian aplikasi di App Store
yang hingga saat ini masih menjadi yang terlengkap. Salah satu
keistemewaan iPhone adalah sebagai mobile multimedia player yang

<p>Meskipun iPhone terkenal sebagai smartphone yang user-friendly

dengan interface-nya, iPhone kurang fleksibel dalam dalam
melakukan penyesuaian tertentu bagi penggunanya. Interkoneksi di
iPhone juga lumayan merepotkan. Pihak Apple tampaknya memang
tidak merancang iPhone untuk saling menukar lagu atau video ke
sesama penggunanya dengan mudah.</p>
<p>Jika Anda sedang membutuhkan multifungsi handphone
digandeng dengan fungsi game player, photo viewer, music player
dan video player, iPhone adalah pilihan yang sempurna untuk
<p><strong>Windows Phone</strong></p>
<p>Sepertinya belum banyak yang tahu bahwa Microsoft juga
memiliki sistem operasi untuk ponsel yang diberi nama Windows
Phone. <a href="" title="Aplikasi Windows Phone yang Wajib
di Gadget Anda">Aplikasi Windows Phone</a> sangat jauh berbeda
dengan iPhone dan Android. Jumlah aplikasinya juga masih tergolong
sedikit karena memang masih baru di industri sistem operasi
<p>Yang menarik dari Windows Phone ini, user interface nya yang
modern dan relative berani sehingga tampak berbeda dengan lainnya.
Diferensiasi ini sengaja dilakukan agar terlihat berbeda diluar
pesaingnya. Namun hal ini belum tentu mendapat respon positif
apalagi untuk pengguna yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan iPhone
dan Android. Selain itu, Windows Phone memiliki document explorer
yang lebih mudah dan ringkas.</p>
<p>Karena memang masih baru, banyak potensi pada mobile
platform ini yang belum optimal. Misalnya aplikasi third-party tidak
bisa berjalan di latar belakang, tidak ada folder, dan akses multimedia
yang harus melalui Zune.</p>
<p>Windows Phone adalah smartphone untuk keperluan office yang
handal. Pilihan terhadap Windows Phone akan sangat tepat jika Anda
menyukai smartphone dengan fungsi dokumen editing.</p>
<p>BlackBerry adalah smartphone instant messenger yang paling
detail. Android memiliki mobile internet browser yang paling solid
dibanding lainnya. iPhone unggul dalam multimedia player yang

dimilikinya. Sementara itu, Windows Phone adalah smartphone

dengan document explorer yang paling komprehensif.</p>
<p>Dengan perbandingan smartphone diatas, jika Anda
menginginkan fitur yang lengkap maka mempunyai smartphone lebih
dari satu bukanlah hal yang berlebihan, mengingat adanya banyak
perbedaan dari tiap smartphone. [RK]</p>

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