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Ink Drafting Ink on film has saveral advantages over pencil on vellum. Ink rating makes precise, consistent ne wisths possible, with Ines that are denser anc that produce much clearer prints. Fim s mare resistant to damage than paper and is ow stable It wil not shink fo atrch with variations in numicty, Equipment and Materials ‘Technical Pens “These are precision drafting tools designed tobe used on i, reservoir L esiar barrel Fens come in variety of set sizes and brands. The best sets have jewel tips, but these ate expensive. Tungsten tips are less expansive and quite durable, Stainless steel ips ate the least expensive, A good staring sot would have a mix of four point sizes, 2%0.0r02 mm—fine 106 0.4 mm—medium 2.0F 06 mm—medium broad 4.01 1.0 mm—broad Point sizes as fino as x 0 and as broad as 6 are availabe. To fil, romove only the barrel, the colorcoded collar, and the reservoir ‘Ad ink (4 to Yenc), thon reassembie. in Do nol take the pen apart any more than shown here. The wire eadle Inside the tip assembly is delicate and easly damaged if removes Pen Care Handle carefully and avoid shocks or jaring, Keep caps on and store wth points up or secured in thir awn sat containers Empty and rinse with warm water periodically throughout the year land always befow storing when hey are rot going tobe in use for ‘a month or so ‘Stubborn, “fozon’ pons should be soaked in warm soapwater or Immersed in @ special sonic bath for technical pens. Inking Triangles and Templates INworking witn both ink and pencil, purchase inking triangles anc Templates. These have a rocosved or Beveled edge to prevent ink ‘om running beneath the guide Ink Eraser ‘These are impregnated with erasing Mid especialy designed for erasing ink lines trom daling fms EG nk Usually ink comes with @ set of pens, but it can be bought separately Look for brands whieh give tue, inlense blackness, ae free-fowing,fas-crying, and have good adhesion o cating fim Drafting Film Use polyester lm which is 3 to 4 mil thick The most common fm is Myiay, which nas a roughened surface, callad mall on one or both'sides. Do not daft on the smooth side, Laok fr fim that has a high degree of transparency. (Other tools ae similar 0 those shawn under pencl rating materials (pages 57, 58). Techniques ‘Tape the fim down, but before stating, clean the surface with Use a very ight touch: do not press down, Move slowly and evenly ‘rubbing alcofo to remove possiole fingerprints or stains. Ganty _—_across th fm (Fast stokes will dsvupt the even line gual) Walt shake the pen in a vertical poston to acivata the fiw of ink Test nti the ink dries belore moving tools across the fm iting {on a scrap piece of vlum. Unike the pencil the pen must be held templates between stokes may be necessary Eraso with ink Vertical o the drafting surface in al directions. Do not tithe pen in. etaser or moistened eraser soon ater the nk has died. Old inked the diection of movernent or pont tino he straightedge. ‘rawings can be erased with rubbing aleah, To obtain shatp comers on large ateas al sald black, begin by coutining wit a nartow pen size, such a8 a0, and then iil with 2 wider pen sizo, such as a 3.0ra4 t— JAA outline. North Indication and Scale ‘Both north indication and scale must be dawn onto alllandscape ‘North indicators plans. Often they are integrated into @ combined graphic element North inaeations shoul 1. Be simple, unobtrusive, yot easy to find 2, Have a prominent, straight shalt portion. 3 Point straight up, it possible, and always at some angle above hereortal, 4, Never point down, / ‘The north indication is usualy placed close tothe scale and sometimes iniograted with a graphic scale. iis usualy placed ‘ear the potom or tne right side of he sheet anc often in the tte block area, Graphic scales ‘The value ofa graphic scale i that itetans is tru relationship to eres a ee OAK ——— o 3 8 g Written Scale Conventions “Te lft side ofthe wrtten scale equation tells the size ofa unit on the plan, whereas the right side tolls he size of hs same unit on the actual site. For example, "= 1-0" would mean that one quarter af an inch on the drawing equals one foot onthe st, Architects scales are wien with fractions ofan inch on the lett ‘side ang a un of one oot on the Fight side. For example, "= 1-0" 94" = 1", and" = 1.0" ae used for ‘expanded detals such as those for deck construction or steps, Small units, such a5 Ye" = 1-0", 16" = 1-0, ana ae ~ 10", Used for detaiag ita work such as the landscaping close 102 buling. Engineer’ scales are written wit a unit of one inch on the let side ‘and inremens often feet or one hundred feat onthe ight sce. “Thus one inch onthe scale equals en or twenty feet onthe actual site For overall ste plans, ts comman to use scales of ” = 10°, 1" = 20,1" = 30", and 1 = 50’. Forlarge urban or regional projects, itis common to use scales of 1 = 100'. 1" = 2007, and = 500" Do not mix the artitect's scale convention withthe engingers ‘scale convention. I's incorect louse 1” = 4-0" or 1 = 20" “The metic system of measurement uses the metric scale and a ‘simple ratio to show the scale relationship: 1.50, 1100, +200, 1'500, ‘a 17000. Reading Scales Archies Seale > Sart by lin with 1 bg ng. * fpadthe rete | tet gnats 42 Cumbers for te le starhng fro fe other thd ic! -o" IG ° 1 <———irdieates one. inch rot ten feet Engineer's Seale 26'-0" 3 Cindicates multiples } feet en feel Title Blocks All plan view working drawings must have a wolLorganized tle block, usually along the lower edge or right-hand side of he sheet. ‘Thay include several essential elements, Elements Examples Tile of shaet content Planting Plan Name of project ‘Shores East Townhomes ‘daress of project or {618 Fron! Street, developers name ‘Sheet number 406 Design company (with loge and Gordon Associates addtess) ‘Spaces for check signatures Checked Date Revisions and dates Revised Date Scale Noth indication Many companies have standard pre-printed Mylar base sheots with he gaps and company logo laid out to save redrating time for these repaitve laments, Conceptual Site Plan Wind Creek Bay (south) Legend 5 Lettering Lettering on a drawing fulfils an important requirement. Information ‘that cannot be revealed by graphic shapes and lines alone must be included inthe form of notes, tiles, labels, cimensions, and identication. The lltring can ener enhance the drawing by ‘making i easy to interpret and pleasant o look at, ort can umn an ‘otherwise good drawing by making i ciicult to read and unsightly tolock at Legible lellering should be planned as pat ofthe overall ‘graphic composition ofthe Grawings on which they appear Lettering MO6T LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS USE A SIMPLE UPPER CASE (CAPITALS) STYLE WITH NO SERIFS AS SHOWN HERE, KEEP LETTERS VERTICAL AND CONSISTENT IN SHAPE, THIS UNIFORM STYLE IS BASY TO READ ABCDEFGHIJKLMMANOPORSSTUVW WXYZ 12345617810 lower cave letters are less formal and are cuited for use on concept plane, preliminargy eketches and plant lets aaecdef gghijkimnoparet Uvw xu Z Pencil Lettering -Shape and Spacing ‘Mos ators should ft within a slightly narrowed square. Spacing Dotwoen words should be the equivalent ofthe letter. Size ‘Alvaye use guidelines to obtain correct size and unitrmity. The ‘pcs Lettering Guide, shown here, wil help. thas a rotating aise ‘ohich allows quick setup of guidelines of any size, Running through the center ofthe disc is @ row of evenly spaced holes, At the end ofthis row is the number ten. Rotate the disc 80 ‘hat he ten ines up with the frame indox mark near the base of the fame. Insert a needie-sharp 4H pencil ilo the top hole. Move the ‘Pencil ightly across the paper, Keeping a sigh! pressure toward Fe Sttagniedge, Shit te pencl down fo the next hole and repeat the back-and-forth mation unl there are enough fines fo: the arbose Il you want close ines, rotate the cis toa lower number. Tadex mari SETTING 1O CENTER ROW — —_—_— GNES LINES WITH EQUAL - SPACING ATT — IS SIZE ss “The rvs of holes on either side ofthe center row produce sets of three nes (between the brackets) which have the middle guideline [Tight above center A mide guideline is helpful to obtain i: Soisttency of shape for upper case letters such a6 BEF. H, and f Prime s patculaty true for larger letters (einen oF more) iS THE 24 2 Several diferent lettering sizes and thet applications are shown on IN SLIGHTLY RAISE! L the next page. Letter Sizes and Applications Vv SS 4 LETTER GUIDE SETTING CENTER ROW SETTING © CENTER ROW SETTING & % Rov SETTING &@ % ROW EXAMPLE Toe RHA Pe Manta LEER GooD FOR SMALL LABELS 4 BLOCKS OF LETTERING: CAN WRITE A LOT IN A SMALL SPACE. ALWAYS LEAVE A GAP EBTWEEN LINES OF LETTERING AVERY COMPORTABLE SIZE FOR. MoCT LABELLING GOOD FOR SUBTITLES. Use A CENTER GUIDE LINE. UPPER LIMIT FOR PENCIL SETTING & LETTERING. Technique Alter seting up guidelines and ighty dusting the surlace wih the Right: Pencil hel at fw arate ‘ry clearing pad, begin with a small iangle onthe lower side of tha parallel rule Al Yoo“ ‘AOS mm pencil with H or HB lead ie ideal because you novor have to sharpen it. Regular lead holders are beter for large laters 'e- inoh) but the lead must be periadicaly sharpened. For Mya, use harder lead (2H) or plastic leads, ‘The Lettering Grip Wrong: Pencil too vertical. Rotate the pencil slighty, 60 tha the fattened edge is a vertical guide. a Drew vert a thin ngs wth song, dak nds emphasis thin line. hit: ef hit emphaus, LTTE EEE TP ‘Watch the guidelines, Keeping the vercals a consistent size, ‘Te horizontals should be orawn as thicker, darker ines. Maintain a firm pressure throughout. Avoid Brushing of the ends. A sight Upward slope is acceptable. EEE E € correer INCORRECT ee Be = terponbs T her ental. borzerbs Paralle| te emphasised ends brushed excessive out nt ‘Do not move the fingers. Paton the pam or forearm muscle and let he fngars side and steady the hana, stead tee, a cuentaeean 4 small wrist mavement may be necessary for horizontals Remember: Make thin verticals with song ends and thick, dark hofzontals As the lead wears down, simply tale the pencil Bighty 19 place the new chisele side against the vertical guide and thus maintain the narrow verticals. EFHILT Diagonal strokes and circular stokes are done wih an even pressure, Some variations o ne width will occur as a resu of Sietion change. Do not move wrist of arm postion, Move the \etical guide anay and use quick, confident slrokes with adequate pressure. AKMAVWXYZ BCDOPQRRSS More Hints for Better Lettering + Letter a drawing last to avoid smudges and overlapping with father areas ofthe dtewing. Tis wil enable you to space out OUT Tetlering and to avoid lettering through important deta. «Dont ty to develop apeed a ist, Make each stroke quick, but take your ine between lellers and between strokes unl you have mastered each leter Then gradually increase your speed, ‘Yu wil soon be able f eter almost as fast as you can write script + Oigatize lettering in logical blocks. Wherever possible, align roles down a vertical uidetine. Place notes where they wil not fbscure other messages «Relate the size of te lettering tothe importance ofthe labeling + Choose a sive of lltering thats compatible with the character of the presentation and maintain tha siyla consistently + Make letiors bold and distinctive. Avec a delicate, fine touch. Ty ‘mphasizing the beginnings and ends of strokes « Farm the habit of lefering whenever possibie—as you take nes, [address envelopes, wt laters, and compose memos. Lettering Evaluation Guidelines Ccheck your pencil lettering against these crite + Aietiers are dark with no fuzzy gray lines. (Test by unning & ‘lueine print) «The shapes are similar tothe example alphabet and are ‘consistent throughout. «Theis @ uniformity of size, with al letters meeting the guidelines. «The vericals ate tin, dark lines wih strong ends {The horizontals have sight upward slant and are thick, dark, and paral, «The sheet has a neat, clean appearance with no smudges Prepared Letters ‘Avatoty of prepared lettering systems is available, These are Usually Used instead of freehand lettering when a more finished appearance is requir, Dry Transfer Letters ‘Als call rub down ets, these ae avaiable in many diferent font sles, HeNeioa medium f a naual sie favored by many landscape arhtecs, Dy transfer eters come ina vay of band names, such as Ghapak and Letraset, ‘Advantages + A wide variety of on styles is avaiable + Many pont tes are avalabie + Diy taster eters ge professional, ished appearance Disadvantages + They are expensive, espacial nthe larger sizes + Thay a me-consiming, eepectly when working wih smal Itis good practice to caver dry transfer lets with clear tape to prevent thet being dislodged during printing or fling. Burr wel to remove air bubbles, ‘Aquick touch with clea tape is good way to remove transfer eters, Kroy Lettering System roy isa brand name for a mechanical process whereby letters are punched out onto an adhesive strip Alter removing the backing, the stp is applied tothe drawing ‘Advantages. + Gives fas, uniform, an professional-looking tes, + Avariely of styles is evalabl, Disadvantages + The equipment and discs are expensive + Curent machines have size limits, Sticky Back Transfers \Whon lage blocks of notes or plant lists are required on a drawing, its faster o use the typewriter and an adhesive-backed clear sheet. Simply type or copy the notes onto the transl sheet. Remove the protective backing, and apply the sheet adhesive to the drawings. ‘Advantages +The method permis fast and uniform letters. Disadvantages + When printed, a ghosting effect sometimes appears due othe ‘extra thickness and the adhesive material + Itcannat substitute for the character of handlatering, ‘Try exercises 26, 27, and 28, _ 6 Presentation Plans Presantaton plans need to combine bath straightedge and freehand techniques. They should be looser in sila than working ‘raninge, bul more reat than concept plans “The most commmanly used projection in he landscape design proess at the design development stage isthe plan view. There fre some good reasons or ti, Ina plan view, easy to ‘manipula and show the horizontal relationships between objects ‘and epacee. Furhermare, these elaments can be accurately drawn to scale. Picture the plan view asa glagram ofthe ste as sen looking straight down ftom a hot air balloon. The graphic symbols represent the real objects and materials which ae fo be part of the ‘evign, Of course, ths isan abstraction of ely and the symbols ‘chosen can create a fairy realistic message or a rather abstract ‘message. Abstract symbols are simple and fast to create Dut ae not a convineing as tne more realistic drawing. The graphic artist, ‘must choose tne corect balance between ime and realism to sut the message, the budget. and the time avaiable, ‘The symbols and signatures shown in this chaptor have been developed to produce the most convincing message of realty wih feconamy of ime in mind. Only black-and-white techniques are shown here After mastering these methods, adapt them to colar ‘media and replace some with faster, more vig color rendering techneques. Keep in mind that a black-and-white rendering i less ‘expensive to reproduce than is a color rendering Understand the objects you ae representing. Know something ‘about thei shape, texUr, and rellecive qualties. Choose ine tone ‘and textural symbols that maich these quaities. Practice pian ‘araphics by copying ideas from the folowing pages. developing {our own symbots and style along wih proficiency. Landscape Plan — LANDSCAPE PLAN 90% of actual sizo Medium: Pencil on Mylar Quick Trees Very fast template and freehand outline symbols Simple single circle “Tees should be drawn al about two-thirds to thee-ourhs oftheir template oxtline ‘mature ultimate spread. This ghes a fair presentation ofthe impact of the planing design in the near future, rather than in twenty oF tity years, Always use alight guideline and show the center ofthe te. Double circle template outline, offset Freehand double outline around a light guideline / ‘Angular outline with ‘Angular outline halfcircles at the f ‘comers ‘Thick and thin double ‘outline with quick branching Circular outline with Doral wary Re ‘small We removed Bites out of the cookie Irregular putty edge Good for showing detail, ‘on the ground plane Note: This size is good for ten scale plans. ‘Open branching wi ‘small circles o triangles ‘suggests loaves. Note: This size ie good for one-eighth of one-quarter scale pias. | daemmennonsraieiities:
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