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REPORT TO A JUSTICE / RAPPORT A UN JUGE DE PAIX Form | Formule 8.2 ‘Section / Article 489.1 ofthe du Criminal Code / Code eximinel CANADA To the justice vino issued a warrant to the undersigned pursuant to section 256, 487 or 487.1 of the Criminal Code, or any PROVINCE OF ONTARIO other justice for the same territorial division or, if no warrant was issued, o any justice having jurisdiction in respack of the PROVINCE DELONTARIO matter. East ‘Au juge de paix qui e décemé un mandst au (ala) soussigné{e) en vertu de fertile 256, 487 ou 487.1 du Code crimine, ou & ‘out auire juge de paix pour la méme ciconscrption temtoriale ou, si aucun mandat n'a été dlécemeé, tout juge de pal ayant ‘(Region / Région) ‘ompstence en la matte. 1, _Cpl. Lisa Williams-Pelly Je Soussignd{e), (ae Puasa GRA: Gs pan IOS SORT IC GaTOGEA GT ORO ab a TSO C1 aces underthe authoty ofa warrant issued pursuantto C1] section /arote258, [] section /arictoas7, [1] Section/artisle 487-1 ofthe ei exéoutl un mandat décemé aux termes del (ck one cecter sate eco) wu Criminal Code, by on syitan Cotia criminel, par ~ Treat ame Tse letaa nemahyiwede pak ale GcwraTe ware fe ~ CANTO REST EEASAT ERG BORN S ESIC mi at war {no Fa WI WARE Was an RTS 0 Os TDOTATCD 9d aC RATER 1 actos uncer the autnority of section 489 of the Criminal Code in the execution ofa warrant issued under section (&87 or 487.1) ‘si agen vertu des pouvoirs contérés par larticle 489 du Code ermine lorsde Fexécution dun mandat décemé aux termes de leitie (487 Gu 457.7) have: ofthe Criminal Code, by on eye tan iu Code ciminel par That naneWasiny aT ROMANIeaR pa oe MOAT ATER fe ~ Gat Die woven bona ia Sana ae mond a aa aa a a TE AS BOT ST PRICED ST EE OT Ba) acted otherwise in the execution of my duties under the Criminal Code or any other Act of Pariament: af exéouté un mandet autrement dens Pexercice de mes fonctions prévues on vertu du Code caminel ou une autre fo fédérele: Production Order (Section 487.012 of the Criminal Code of Canada) (este sy acre Tadaae BST ang have conducted a search, the specific deals of which are as ta effectué une perquistion comme suit: (prise es ckconstances exactes ‘olows: 2 a perquistion,y compris les ews, Fencrot ou les personnes ayant fat objet (Specty the exact nature ofthe search, incuaing the premises, place, or [fQ]_ dela perqusion, Fendroit exact dela peravistfon ain que la date et Mheure ‘Porson seorched, the soecfc locaton of the search. and the speciio eractes aunquelles la perqusiton s'est effectube) ‘ate and tine that the search was conducted) A Production Order was issued on January 29", 2015 by Justice K. Miller. On the same date, the Production Order was served on Mr. David Morris of Gluskin, Sheff & Associates Inc. On February 23rd, 2018, Cpl. Corey Carlisle received certified true copies of the items ‘sought in this Production Order. The items are outlined in the attached exhibit report - Appendix "A". Further, in conducting this search, | have seized the folowing things and _De plus en effectuant a perqusiton, fi sai es bens sulvents ot en a dispose hhave dealt with them inthe following way a fopon suivanto "have seized the following things and returned them tothe persons [7] wa sais es bions suivants et ee a/remis 8 la personne ayant cro leur lefty entle fo ther possession, as inated inthe attached reczins: 1 assassionléitine, ans) quia témoignent les repus cin ;(insarre chaque (istitems retumed, where adsional space is required, attach addtional _—_tien romis; au besoin, annexer une ou plusieurs pages supplémentaies et les page(s) marked as exhibit, cote), | nave seize the folowing things and detained them at 2 sas Tes bione suivants et ns tions au Royal Canadian Mounted Police located at 155 McArthur Avenue, O:tawa, ON "Gia keno whch tigi a bay Sorat pra Treat DRA tobe dealt wth according to law list tems detained, where adklonal ‘our quil en soit cleposé confonmément la fl (neerite chaque bien détenu: au 5930018 required, attach adstonal page(s) marked ae exhiit) esoin, annexer une ou plusieurs pages supplémentares etles cote) ‘See attached exhibit report ~ APPENDIX “A”. {Wie evertthat a warardwas issued purvantio sedion 487.1 ofthe (Done le cas dun mandet dlcamd aux tenes Ge Verte 4871 du Code ancl ‘tinal Cad, the floning orion ofthe reso musi be complied) ‘moti pare svete 6 rapport) Furth. _ make the folowing statements: De pus, je SOUT an cae oP ONT ES RTT TART TACIT — deere wwe {in be event thatthe warrant was exeote, complete the fllowing) ‘Pans le c3s dun mondatexéeut,remplirce qu suit) the folowing things were seized ination to he things mentioned in ‘ns bons suivants on St sais en plus ces biens mentonnés dans le manda: the warrane : necro cheque bien sais qui reat nes mentonné cans le mandat; au besoin {tal ofthe toms sized wich ae not montoneain tn warant_[] (enener ans bs pltcas poses seposmiomanes os saw) ‘whore adatvonal spaces required, atachacciional page(s) marked 3s oon the things which were seized in adion tothe things mentioned inthe ts biens sass en pus des bins mentonnés dans le mde! sont détous slau ‘warrant are being held at. asian aero the grounds for beieving thatthe tings which were seized in adition to [[] ks mots de crire que les biens qui ont été salsisen plus des bien mentionnés ‘he things mentioned inthe warrant, hag been obtained by, oF Used in dans le mandat,avaiont été obtanus ou vlisés en perpétrant une infraction, sont the commission ofan offonca: (ape the reesanable rounds for tis les suivants (préciser les mots ralsonnables de cove ans: ay besol, annexe Dele were acitional space is required, attach adztionsl page(s) ‘ne ou plusieurs pages supplémentares et les coter) ‘marked a3 exhibit) {in the event that the warrant was not executed, complete the folowing) (Encas de non-extoution tun mandet remolrle partie suivante) “The warrant was net executed fr the following reasons; (speci {Le manéat n'a pas 66 exécuté pour es ratzons sutvanies (erSccer ces rlzone) reasons) va ae 4 te Dated this / Fait oo 4 ay of jourde _March Z yeten 2015" at/aau _Gity of Ottawa LAD paytr-F$LMY Satire of Peace Officer or other person | ee ‘ORDER OF DISPOSITION OF ITEMS SEIZED / ORDONNANCE CONFERANT LE DROIT DE DISPOSER DES CHOSES SAISIES Pursuant tos, 480(1) ofthe Criminal Code / Conformément a Varce 490(1) au Code erinel 000-52-489-1 Rev.02997) on reverse / au verso ORDER OF DISPOSITION OF ITEMS SEIZED ORDONNANCE CONFERANT LE DROIT DE DISPOSER DES CHOSES SAISIES Pursuant tos. 490(1) ofthe Criminal Code / Cenformément 2 Fartoie 490(1) cu Code erevinel Having recelved the Report toa Justice in Form 5.2from _ Cpl. Lisa Wiliams-Pelly Aare avoir epi le Rapport 3 un juge ce pax rege selon Ta Formule &2 de pursuant tos. 489.1 of he Criminal Code en vertu de farce 489.1 du Code crminel ‘And having considered the application of Cpl. Lisa Williams-Pett Et aprés avair pis en consiaératon la demande de for an onder forthe detention of tems seized, pursuant to s.490(t) ofthe Crimina’ Cove ‘en wie dobtenir une oréonnance de détenton des choses saises en very de Verte 490(1) du Cede ermine! ORDER OF RETURN / ORDONNANCE DE REMISE DES CHOSES SAISIES Uereby order that Parles présentes, jordonne que 1 attems seizes: o toutes ies choses sasies; ou [11 the fotowing items seizes, namely: Jes choses sasies sulvantes § savoir be retumed to «the awful omer. or person who fs soient remisos 2 vi propristare legtime, ou laporsomne quia lawfully enti to possession ofthe tems seizes. ‘ot 8 fe possession legiime des choses saisios. ORDER OF DETENTION / ORDONNANCE DE DETENTION DES CHOSES SAISIES Uereby order that Parle présentes, ordonne que alee seizes o a Toutes les cnoses saisies; ou [the fotowing tems seizes, amet les choses seisies suivenies,& savor ‘The documents and data seized in relation to this report were seized under authority of a Production Order under Section 487.012 of the Criminal Code. Under subsection 6, a Report to Justice is required. Under section 490 (31), a thing may be detained ifthe rightful owner or person who is lawfully entitled to possession of the things seized consents in writing to its detention for that period. As such, this Report provides record of the items seized relating to the Production Order (items listed in the attached Appendix “A”), and also provides notice that the material will not be returned to the person who provided it tuness an application under Section 490 is made by the rightful owner or person who is lawfully entitied.. be detained inthe custody completion of all of RCMP - National Division uniithe proceedings dey of _——~ seient détenves par Josqau pourae {8 date not more than three mont ftom the date of satzure or, charges have bean lle before that dete, unt the comaletion of all proceecings.. ato no dBpessant pas le dla ce bois mois suivant le dete ce a sas ou, sides accusations ont été déposdes avant cete dna, jusqua Ta fn ces procédures, year qe 200.62-4894 (Rev.02197) (CONSENT TO THE INDEFINITE DETENTION OF THINGS SEIZED Section 490 (3.1) Criminal Code Mr. David Mortis, Chief Financial Officer Gluskin Sheff & Associates See attached exhibit report ~ APPENDIX “A. |, David Morris, being the lawful owner or a person lawfully entitied to possess the things, voluntarily consent to ‘the indefinite detention of the things seized from my possession on the 23" day of February, 2015, by the Sensitive ‘and Intemational Investigations Unit ofthe Royal Canadian Mounted Police. ‘This consent will avoid the necessity of obtaining judicial authorization for the detention of the things seized for 2 period ionger than three (3) months. \ understand that these things seized and described will be held by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at the ‘Leomont Building tovated ut 155 McArthur Avenue in Ottawa, Ontario, KiA OKG oF elsewnere 2s required, until ‘completion of the investigation in relation to the things sezed or termination of all court proceedings where the things seized may be required. S16 (Berane of peor fam whom te ings ware sane) 2035 at the City of Ottawa in the Province of Ontario, EXHIBIT REPORT - APPENDIX "A" RAPPORT SUR LES PIECES A CONVICTIONS - ANNEXE "A" Division Occurence/File # Exhibit Report No. Date of Report National 2013-59466 2015-03-05 Detachment or Unit Seized Location Sensitive and International Investigation Section National Division ‘Nature of Event 155 MCARTHUR, OTTAWA. Fraud & Breach of Trust, ‘Authority by which the seizure was made Production Order nn Exhibit Stored at Description of Item Seized By Date Seized Div. tem # 0001 ‘MORRIS of Gluskin Sheff & Lise WILLIAMS-BELLY "| "3015-03.33 15S McArthur | Associates, Affidavit is swom o1 2015-02-20 and 10:00:00 ‘Ave,, Ott, ON | containing attached items as Exhibit A. Also included was 2 copy of the Production Order. iger GS&A - Expenses to Sen. Wallin from | Lisa WILLIAMS-PELLY |“3015-02.33 | 2008-12.22 to 2013-06-30. 10:00:00 Item # 0003 National Div. |b. General Ledger GS&A - Buty dated 3010-09-36 & may) Lisa WILLIAMS-PELLY 15S McAxtnur | relate to expenses of 2010-09-15 t0 2010-09-16. Ave. Ot, ON ‘tem # 0004 [National Div.” [&: Documents reiated to expenses to Senator Wallin for | Lisa WiLLIAMS-PELLY 155 McArthur | 2010-05-05 & 2010-05-06. Ave., Ot, ON, item # 0008 National Div. | & Documients related to expenses to Senator Wallin for | Lisa WiLTIAMS-BELLY 155 McArthur | 2012-05-09 & 2012-05-10. 10:00:00 |Ave., Ort, ON Item # 0006 [National Div. | &. Documents related to expenses to Senator Wallin for | Lisa WILLIAMS-PELLY” | "3018-03. 135 MeArthur | 2012-09-19 & 2012-09-20. 10:00:00 |Ave., Ott, ON CERTIFIED CORRECT Tai of Repo] Sirti of CHRDURR- SEAN ORPHAN SHUT] Da TTT LVF ttt LOXTON | reno =) Ly 2015505 7 aac [Rep Fass do rapa \ Page 1 of 1

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