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Learner: Mark Phillip Heil

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<Course ID Number> BUS 6011 <Faculty Mentor> Dr. Nicolas


<Course Title> Special Topics <Assignment Number or Title>


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Mark, please read my comments within the body of the paper and then review it one more time
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Please feel free to email me with questions etc. Thanks – Dr. P.
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Website Publishing for Business Success

Mark Heil

NorthCentral University

BUS 6011 Special Topics

Nicolas Pologeorgis

Jauary 8, 2009
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Website Publishing for Business Success

Technology Management: Preparing students for the business field

through strategic web publishing management to offer more opportunities.


Most people use various forms of web pages on the Internet for their

personal life and in the business workplace. The increase usage of Internet

for business has changed the business model and more web applications and

website features continue to change this model. Many people use a word

processing software on their computer in various ways and in the future,

people will depend more on web publishing, design, and management as it

will be the primary method over traditional word processing methods. To

better prepare for the future, more integration and instruction of web

publishing skills needs to be taught to students to prepare them for the

business workplace. Web design and management is no longer limited to

only the web and technology division of a company. Instead, all sectors of

business either are or will use variations of web publishing that is integrated

into conducting business (St Germaine-Madison, 2009).


The business workplace is constantly changing and evolving with

technology and society shifts. The job market in the business field continues

to become more competitive with higher skills and degrees required for

quality entry level job positions. The need for more strategic marketing

methods is evident. Web publishing has become an essential skill needed in

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the business work place but the preparation needs to be focused on at the

secondary level in order to reach full development. A common misperception

is that web design and management is only needed for web designers. The

Internet has changed the way business is conducted and the usage of

websites is used by various business departments (e.g. marketing,

management, finance, accounting, human resources). Students applying for

jobs in these business sectors would highly benefit with prior knowledge of

web design and management (Leeder, 2009).

The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the advantages and

necessity of web publishing skills among students to better prepare them for

the 21st century business work place. The secondary goal is to show how

these web skills can help market the student in their business career. The

types of web applications that will be explored are the following web

technologies: web publishing authorization, editing, layout, design, blogging,

portfolios, social media, and simple programming (e.g. HTML, CSS). An

example of a practical evolution process the student could complete is

beginning with a personal blog on the content area of their study. The

student could then take various projects created and design an online

portfolio to help in their individual marketing purposes. With the portfolio the

student could accept an internship with a business in applying their skills.

Finally, a job offer could result and the student would continue to use and

integrate various web-publishing applications in their field of business.

Research and business trends prove that these web applications enhance
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students’ career pursuit. Researchers of learning with technology

acknowledge that the web design is a valuable tool to use in increasing

market effectiveness and personal growth. Students should be capable of

learning through application and web design helps to facilitate the end. For

example, Keenen Geter from Baltimore, Maryland used his basic web design

skills to offer services to business and organizations. At only 18 years old,

Keenen started a business and created websites for small businesses in the

United States (Roberts, 2009).

Web Design Accessibility

Web design is evolving and becoming more applicable and useful. In

1995, creating and publishing a website quickly, easily, and at a low cost was

unthinkable but over the years web publishing has become more accessible

with less barriers to entry. Today, web pages are the content of the message

for individuals and businesses that are published and read around the world

(Ruthfield, 1995).

Unemployment Trends

Increases in unemployment have caused a more competitive job market

and also an increase in competitiveness in college applications, as there is a

surge of increase of college students. Technology change continues to

evolve in order to find higher achievements of success. The economics

effects of the job market have changed the business culture and the method

of activities. Businesses and organizations are dependent even more upon

the interactions between people using the Internet. The Internet has evolved
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and has become even more important in combating the competitive

markets. A greater awareness of web design and management among

students is needed to help them succeed and also for companies and

organizations to capitalize on (Tjahjadi, 2009).

Business Web Activity

More business is being transitioned onto the web. Businesses are

putting more of their information on the web on both their intranet and the

World Wide Web in many sectors of their business. Computer software is

slowly phasing out and being substituted with cloud computing. Employees

with more knowledge on web publishing can be more effective in their job

position with applicable business web content (Ruthfield, 1995).

Type of Web design learned

Reflection and application is an important element in student learning.

Reflection becomes and vital element in improving professional and personal

growth. Web management and editing is becoming an essential online tool to

progressing in the today’s society. Today, creating and using web content is

part of everyday life and a used for social, academic, and job related means.

Web technology competency is increasing among both older and younger

generations as they intertwine web applications into their everyday life. To

better prepare individuals to be more effective in the workplace and society,

schools should integrate web management and design into the curriculum

for students. There are three levels of web site design from adoption to

application that involves learning, integration, and the application stage

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(Tjahjadi, 2009).

Level One: Learning

Learning web management early can prove to be valuable later on in a

career. The learning curve among students has decreased as students begin

using technology more often. The process of learning web design and

management can begin as early as elementary school and continue through

high school where there is more of a focus and higher retention for learning.

There is a wide-range of web design and management principles that will

prepare students for the workplace. Students can be assessed using a

various set of web instruction benchmarks that will ensure appropriate

education and preparation for the future (Mawson, 2009).

Level Two: Integration

After students learn the methods of web publishing, it is important to

apply them to practical ways that would be beneficial to the student and

prepare them for the workplace. There are a variety of ways to apply web

publishing principals to prepare for the future. High school students are a

valuable resource for schools to use to help their school’s web publishing

needs. School web sites have become one of the top ways for schools to use

for marketing purposes. Many school organizations are not using the web

effectively internally or externally to streamline the school system. Using

students to aid in the design, publish, and management process is beneficial

to both the organization and the student’s future career as it gives them

valuable web experience that they can use (Mawson, 2009).

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Level Three: Application

If levels one and two are completed effectively, the last level of

application is a natural step of progression. At this stage the individual has

basic knowledge and various experiences to allow them to put into practice.

The application stage can begin as early as the high school level and as late

as post college in the workplace. Senior students in high school often work

part-time jobs to save money for a car, college, and other needed expenses.

Students possessing web publishing knowledge allows for part-time job

opportunities in various fields that require them the use of web publishing. A

majority of both business and non-related business jobs require word

processing or even the ability to write down important information on paper.

Both of these functions will be substituted more and more with web

publishing in the future according to the Internet growth rate. Regardless,

web publishing is needed for marketing one’s skills, experience, and

education in the form of an online resume (Roberts, 2009).

Conclusion of Rationale Summary

There is high importance for the reason of this study with its primary

purpose being to formulate an effective plan to better prepare business

students for the workplace through web publishing skills. There has been a

technology shift in general business activities. Common business job

requirements have included writing on paper and word processing skills to

transcribe digitally although the business shift to the web through Internet

integration has increased the need for basic web publishing to transcribe
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digitally online. Both high school and colleges as a whole are not addressing

the shift and preparing their students with the skills necessary to not only

survive but thrive in the workplace through diversifying via web publishing.

There are a few topic related questions that would immediately surface

about this topic. First, is web publishing essential in all or most business

related jobs? Second, what are the future trends and requirements of

business functions related to Internet and web activity? Third, what is the

process to best prepare students in web publishing and which web skills are

most essential and applicable to learn? Much research is needed for this

study in order to result in a valid conclusion. Various schools around the

world are used to compare research results and methods as well as using

first-hand applicable surveys by teachers, students, and business

professionals. The study will not include preparation for a web design job

only but instead, all positions are from a variety of business positions

(Tjahjadi, 2009).
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Leeder, C.. (2009). Surveying the Commons: Current Implementation of

Information Commons Web sites. Journal of Academic

Librarianship, 35(6), 533. Retrieved December 22, 2009, from Research


Mawson, B.. (2009). Children's developing understanding of

technology. International Journal of Technology and Design

Education, 20(1), 1-13. Retrieved December 22, 2009, from ProQuest

Education Journals.

Roberts, A.. (2009, November). Web Work. Scholastic Choices, 25(4), 21.

Retrieved December 21, 2009, from Research Library.

Ruthfield, S. (1995). The Internet's History and Development. Retrieved

December 22, 2009, from


St Germaine-Madison, N.. (2009). Head First Web Design. Review of

medium_being_reviewed title_of_work_reviewed_in_italics. Technical

Communication, 56(4), 405. Retrieved December 22, 2009, from

Research Library.

Tjahjadi, R.. (February 2009). Educational technology: The perceived values

of community colleges' position holders. Retrieved December 22, 2009,

from the Research Library of California State University, Fresno and

University of California, Davis, United States.

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