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Topic 2: Kinematics

Graphical Analvsis of motion

Gradient Area under eraph


of displacement-time graph of velocity -time graph


ofvelocity-time graph o{ acceleration time grdph

Acceleration )

Equations of uniformlv accelerated motion

The 4 kinematics equations can only be used when the acceleration of the motion is constant.
ln I9Stj!9!L!1qI]S! (straight line motion), the 4 kinematics equations can be applied directly.

r=1(,,+,,tt tt':tt2-2as

Note: Usually, the direction of the initial velocity is taken as the positive direction.
Vector (v, s or a) which has an opposite direction is given a negative sign.
Displacement is always measured from its initial position

Proiectile Motion
ln non-linear motion (2D projectile motion), we have to consider the r lhoizontall and J
(rerlical) components of u, v, s and a separately. Time t is a scalar - it is the gdllqla4ilflllq!
links the )r motion to the y motion.

Tvpical approach to solvine such questions
Step 1: Sketch the tra,ectory including labeling all the quantities {very important!)
Step 2: Resolve the initial velocity, ll (if necessary)
Step 3: List down the quantities given by the question:
Considering horizontal motion I Considerins verttcal motion (take note of sign
rrr = ,r (th is is true for free-falling obj ect) I conventions I
| /, =? {rhis is zero if initiat motion of object is
r, I horizontdl)
a,: 0 (this is zero for free-falling object) | .t, = ? {this is zero if object returns to original
position / same level as original position)
I r,y
I - ? (this is zero atthe max height of the
dr, : g {this is gravitational acceleration for
free-falling obiect)
Step 4: Apply the kinematics equations- Remember that time links the horizontal motion to
- the vertical motion

Ail resistance
Air resis6nce is a resistive force that opposes the motion of an object as it tries to push air
(fluid) particles out ofthe way. lt depends on the shape and speed ofthe object.

Direction of air resistance: opposite to the direction of motion

Magnitude of air resistance: increases with speed ofthe object

Consider an obiect being proiected verticallv u'pwards:

While it is moving upwards, air resistance acts in the same direction as its weight.


- The object will decelerate at a higher rate than g.

As the object travels higher, its speed will decrease. The air resistance will also
decrease until zero,
- Maximum height reached by the obiect wall be lower than that without alr resistance.
At this point, air aesistance is zero.

Consider an obiect movi rds {this is like the tvDical moti n of a falli rachutistl:
lnitially speed of object is zero and acceleration is g.
As the object gains speed. air resistance is no longer zero. lt acts in the direction
opposite to its weight-


ot rotion


lhe oble( t will a( celerdte slower thdn g.

As the object falls further, its speed will increase- The air resistance will also increase
until its magnitude equals its weight.
The resultant force on the object is now zero. The speed of the object remains
constant thereafter -the terminal velocitv (Vr).



For 2D projectile motion under ot

resistohce. the projeciion will:
(d) rcoch lowetthdn its maximum possibte height;
(b) redch thortet thon its maximum possible range;
H take shortertime to reoch its top thon its woy down;
(d) hdve on dsymmetficdl path.

path without air resistance

path with air resistance '..



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