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Joey Yurkanin

JRAP1st hour Mrs. Yanule

The God of Anger

The God of Anger named by Jonathan Edwards, I am. The truth Jonathan Edwards
spoke, right and just is. Gelatinized sugar clumps in the bonfire of Gods wrath, those not
confessed to God are. Gods justice and pleasure, henceforth hitherto those impotent in mind or
body, or rebellious against Gods will shall feel and cause. Pleasures God, Gods reasoning for
Gods wrath thitherto inflicted does. Need rational in Gods arbitrary arbitration of the plagued
sugar clumps, God does not. Alone in Gods wrath exacting, God is not; help in the
consummation of the souls of the damned gelatinized sugar clumps, the devil does by way of, the
infernal clown circus of Hell, by the clown Justin Bieber, serenaded, sending them to.
God wishes submit, the natural men would, for pleasure God, this action would. Roast the
gelatinized sugar clumps of their souls in Gods relentless bonfire, in any case, God will
otherwise; wait, the devils hellish clown circus, fiendish Bieber and all, does as well, for bring
pleasure to God, this will also.
Escape the pleasure of God, none can. Roast in Gods bonfire like gelatinized sugar
clumps, men will, who escape Gods pleasurable wrath, try. Weigh the clumps down, the plague
of the gelatinized sugar clumps does, such that withstand the weight, even the least impotent of
the men cannot, but, when pleasured, with Gods hand, stand a chance against the weight, men
do. For Gods pleasure, thus men are. The wrath of Gods pleasure, like a jammed water fountain
barely stopped is: damns the dam, the almighty, omnipotent, everlasting, pleasurable,
incomparable, unimaginable, paw-like hand of God does. So great the hand of Gods wrath is,
fathom the pleasure it does cause, not even God can. The pleasure of God, such is. Spray the
drinker with watery wrath of God, the jammed water fountain can, in the face.
Confuse himself with Gods Godspeak, God sometimes does, but confused, at the same
time, God is not, for know all, God, obviously, does. God, the only entity more intelligent than
God, is; God and Gods eternal, such are. Like All that which Gods pleasurably hermaphroditic
earthworms are not, God is.
Straight, the spit of God is, and made ready to stab a hole in the gelatinized sugar clumps,
the spit of God is, and pressed against the gelatinized sugar clumps, the spit of always God is;
holds back the spit of God, only the pleasure of God does, for pleasure God, it does. A
pleasurable god, indubitably, God is. When know God, a sugar clump does, changes for them, all
but Gods pleasure does. Like how reaches a Pokmon to a certain level of experience, so too
evolve, will the gelatinized sugar clumps to chocolatized, gelatinized sugar clumps, much like in
fondue, better, they become. God, thus is. But this, all should know: of all the Pokmon, the God
of Pokmon, God is. In the same way, like All that which a feeble Magikarp Pokmon is not,
God is, and pleasures God, this does. However, all that which a Magikarp Pokmon is, so too a
gelatinized sugar clump, chocolatized or not, is also. Knock out all Magikarp without attacking,
God can, for pleasures God, this does; but abhors Magikarp, God does also, so smites he the

Joey Yurkanin
JRAP1st hour Mrs. Yanule

Magikarp amongst the previously smote, whom with the pleasure of God, smitten were. Looks
down upon gelatinized sugar clumps so, God does, that deign gelatinized sugar clumps in Gods
eyes as nothing, God elects.
So warned of the infernal bonfire of Gods pleasure-induced wrath, be, for its power
knows no bound; understands it, not even God with all Gods power can. Remember: smite
everything in Gods infernal bonfire, God does, except those who confess to God, do; for
mercifully cast from the spit into the bonfire, they are. Seeing an unhappy gelatinized sugar
clump on the spit of God, much sorrow comes from. Especially in consideration that the other,
happy, sugar clumps, can on themselves feast. Freed by the pleasure of God, me, be!
Thought God.
You know, God is a peculiar name for a dog. Next time, I dont think Ill name my pet
by simply spelling the animals name backwards. Then again, it fits him. He refuses to catch the
gelatinized sugar marshmallows I throw at him, and he barks at the TV when Star Wars or

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