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1. Which of the following statements include all the essential elements of

Newtons first law?
A. A body will remain at rest unless acted upon by a non-zero net external force.
B. A body will remain at uniform motion in a straight line as long as the net
external force is constant.
C. A body will remain at rest or at uniform motion in a straight line unless acted
upon by a non-zero net external force.
D. A body will remain at rest or at uniform motion in a straight line as long as
the net external force is constant.
2. An applied force F accelerates a box of mass 2M. A second box requires four
times as much as F to produce the same acceleration. What is the mass of the
second box?
A. 2M

B. 4M

C. M/4

D. 8M

3. A hypothetical giant balloon has a volume of 82,100 mL and is filled with 20.0
mol of He. Calculate the pressure of helium gas at 27.0C.
A. 0.00600 atm

B. 0.600 atm

C. 6.00 atm

D. 60.0 atm

4. In the redox reaction 2Mg(s) + O2(g) 2MgO(s), which of the following

statement/s is/are TRUE?


O2 gains two electrons.

II. The reduction half-reaction is Mg Mg2+ + 2eIII. Mg is the reducing agent.

A. I only

B. II only

C. II and III only

D. I and III only

5. Which of the following formula and name pairs is INCORRECT?

A. HClO(aq) hypochloric acid
C. HClO3(aq) chloric acid

B. HClO2(aq) chlorous acid

D. HClO4(aq) perchloric acid

6. Which of the following is an allotrope of O 2?

A. H2O

B. O3

C. Fe2O3

D. Cl2

7. Fill in the blanks:

___ N2H4(l) + ___ N2O4(l) ___ N2 (g) + ___ H2O(l)

A. 1, 1, 1, 1,

B. 2, 1, 3, 2

C. 3, 1, 4, 3

D. 2, 1, 3, 4

8. You need three breads and two patties to make a special sandwich, how many
special sandwiches can you make if you have six breads and six patties?
A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

9. Glycine has the simplest structure among the 20 amino acids that
make up proteins. Calculate the molarity of a 150-mL solution that
contains 0.075 mol of glycine.
A 0.0005 M

B 0.5 M

C 2M

D 0.002 M

10. When the pH meter is dipped in an unknown solution, its reading is 2.88. What
can you conclude about the solution?
A. It is acidic.

B. It is basic.

C. It is neutral.

D. The data is

11. Which nitrogen species has the largest oxidation number?

A. N2O4


C. N2O

D. N2O3

12. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about covalent bonding?


CO is stronger than CO.

SBr is longer than SF.
Most covalent substances are good electrical conductors.
Molecular covalent substances have low melting point.

13. What is the set of quantum numbers for the eighth electron of the F atom?
A. n = 2, l = 1, ml = -1, ms = -
C. n = 2, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = -

B. n = 2, l = 1, ml = -1, ms = +
D. n = 1, l = 0, ml = 0, ms = +

14. According to Aufbau Principle, which of the following has the correct filling order
of sublevels?
A. 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s
C. 3s, 3p, 4d, 4p, 5s

B. 3s, 3p, 3d, 4s, 4p

D. 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d

15. Arrange B, C, F and O in decreasing atomic size?

A. C > B > O >

B. B > C > O >


C. O > F > B >


D. F > O > C >


16. In the given equilibrium equation between four substances, what will happen if

you increase the concentration of A?

A. The equilibrium will move to the left, meaning C and D will react more which
will result to producing more A and B.
B. The concentration of B will also increase because of the increase in the
concentration of A.
C. The equilibrium will move to the right, meaning A and B will react more to
produce more C and D.
D. Nothing will happen.
17. Kevin built five boxes. The boxes are labeled A to E. Each box has five colored
transparencies on top and front. A half-inch mongo plant was placed inside each
box. Each plant was exposed to different colors of light. The experiment was
conducted for one month.

Color of



Died midway the
Very poor
Second tallest

What is the best conclusion for this experiment?

A. Plant breeders should expose their plants in red light to have healthy plants.
B. Plant breeders should not let their plant to be exposed in green light.
C. Plant breeders should expose their plants in all colors of spectrum to have
the healthiest plants.
D. Plant breeders should expose their plants in all colors of spectrum, except
from blue, to have the healthiest plants.
In a crystal growth experiment, a saturated solution of potash alum or
tawas was prepared and divided into two separate jars. Each jar
contained a small seed crystal which hung on a thread and was
submerged in the solution. This serves as the nucleation site in which
most of crystal growth will take place. Jar A was kept in a freezer while
Jar B was left at room temperature. After 12 hours, both jars were
observed. Jar B had larger crystals than Jar A.
18. What can be inferred from the experiment?

A. Temperature is directly related to crystal growth rate.

B. Crystal growth rate is inversely related to temperature.
C. Concentration of solution decreases with decreasing temperature, thus
forcing crystallization.
D. Crystallization rate is higher in a cold environment because of rapid freezing.
19. Which of the following variables in the experiment is the manipulated variable?

A. Jars

B. Seed

C. Temperature

D. Time

20. He is most famous for his work on the penicillin drug.

A. Alexander

B. Louis

21. Evaluate the following:

A. 0.83

C. Henri

D. Robert

( 10.005.000 ) +(10.0005)
3 x 6.0225

B. 0.840

C. 0.84

D. 0.838

C 50 F

D -32 F

22. Convert 10C to degrees Fahrenheit.

A -14.4 F

B -40 F

23. What is term for moisture that falls to the ground from clouds?
A. Condensatio

B. Precipitation

C. Rain

D. Evaporation

24. The time it takes for the light from the Sun to reach Uranus is _______ the time it
takes to reach the Earth.
A Less than

B Equal to

C Greater than

D Unknown

25. Which of the following is TRUE when a solar eclipse occurs?


Moon and Sun orbit around Earth.

The diameter of moon and Sun appears almost the same in the sky.
Sun collides to the moon.
There is a significant difference between the size of moon and Sun as seen on

26. This theory by Alfred Wegener postulates that the single large continent
Pangaea broke into sections and drifted apart and that the movement of the
plates produced geologic features such as mountain ranges. The theory was

rejected by the scientists at that time due to lack of a mechanism to explain the
movement of the crust.
A. Seafloor Spreading Theory
C. Plate Tectonics Theory

B. Isostasy Theory
D. Continental Drift Theory

27. Which of the following illustrates a reverse fault?





28. The hardest mineral based on the Mohs Scale of Hardness is _______.
A. Corundum

B. Diamond

C. Talc

D. Adamantium

29. What type of rock forms from the accumulation or deposition of

particles/materials from pre-existing rocks?
A. Igneous

B. Intermediate

C. Sedimentary

D. Metamorphi
c Rock

30. According to Geologic Time Scale, we are living in the _____ era.
A. Mesozoic

B. Cenozoic

C. Holocene

D. Paleozoic

31. In the scheme called the Central Dogma of molecular biology, what is the
correct flow of the genetic information in the cell (DNA RNA protein)?
A. replication translation
C. replication transcription

B. transcription translation
D. None of these

32. Which of the following is NOT a function of cell division or mitosis in humans?
A. Growth

B. Wound

C. Embryonic

D. Production
of gametes

33. When dogs become overheated, they pant. During panting, blood flow to the

tongue increases and this circulates heat from the center of their body to where
it can be dissipated. This is an example of:
A. Metabolism

B. Homeostasis

C. Adaptation

D. Inheritance

34. The ability to curl your tongue up on the sides (T, tongue rolling) is dominant to
not being able to roll your tongue. A woman who can roll her tongue marries a
man who cannot. Their first child has his fathers phenotype. What are the
genotypes of the Mother, father and child?
A. Mother: Tt, Father: Tt, Child: Tt
C. Mother: Tt, Father: tt, Child: Tt

B. Mother: TT, Father: Tt, Child: Tt

D. Mother: Tt, Father: tt, Child: tt

35. Which of the following is NOT a correctly stated difference between monocots
and dicots?
A. Parallel veins in monocots, netlike venation in dicot leaves.
B. Usually only primary growth in monocots; secondary growth in many dicots.
C. Flower parts in threes in monocots; flower parts in multiples of four of five in
D. Two cotyledons in monocots; one cotyledon in dicots.
36. Simple, multicellular animals with tissues but no distinct organs, commonly
known as sponges, typically attach to rocks, shells, or coral. What are they
A. Cnidarians

B. Ctenophoran

C. Placozoans

D. Poriferans

37. This kingdom comprises of organisms with cell walls that has the same
substance as that of the outer bodies of insects.
A. Kingdom

B. Kingdom

C. Kingdom

D. Kingdom

38. Newtons third law states that for every force there is an equal but opposite
reaction force. A horse harnessed to a wagon refuses to pull. Why does the
horse can pull the wagon?
A. After it gives a jerk and the wagon is moving, its pulling force will be greater
than the reaction to this force.
B. The law applies only to static cases.
C. The wagon cannot possibly pull back with a force equal in magnitude to the
pulling force.
D. The action and reaction forces are acting on different bodies.
39. Sixty-kilogram Joneva is standing at rest. 40-kg Rhod, running at 1.5 m/s
towards Joneva, pushed her. If friction is ignored, what is the speed of Joneva

and Rhod if they move together after?

A. zero

B. 0.6 m/s

C. 0.9 m/s

D. 1.0 m/s

40. The capacity of a sample of air to hold water vapor has decreased. What is the
possible reason for this?
A. The air
sample was

B. The air
sample was

C. The air
sample is in
the vacuum.

D. None of the

41. What contact force always act in opposite direction of the motion?
A. Frictional

B. Gravitational

C. Normal

D. Tension

42. A box weighing 200 N lies on a plane inclined 20 with the horizontal. What is
the amount of force that tends to pull the block down the plane?
A 200/(cos

B (200)(sin

C 200/(sin 20)

D (200)(cos

43. Ball A and Ball B are in the same height. Ball A was dropped while Ball B was
thrown horizontally with a force Fo. The two balls were released at the same
time. Which ball will land first?
A. Ball A
C. They will land at the same time.

B. Ball B
D. Insufficient data

44. You have three liquids A, B, and C which is colored red, yellow, and
blue respectively. The three liquids were put in a container. After few
seconds, you observed that the colors do not mix. The yellow liquid
stays on top, blue at the middle and red at the bottom. What are the
liquids and their respective color? Given the following densities in
g/cm3: water = 1.00, seawater = 1.03 and gasoline = 0.680.

Yellow liquid is water; blue liquid is seawater; red liquid is gasoline.

Red liquid is gasoline; yellow liquid is seawater; blue liquid is water.
Red liquid is water; blue liquid is gasoline; yellow liquid is seawater.
Yellow liquid is gasoline; red liquid is seawater; blue liquid is water.

45. A particle is moving in one dimension which is shown in the position vs. time
plot. Which of the following is true?


ax = 0

II. vx = 0

III. vx > 0

IV. vx < 0
V. ax < 0

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and IV only

D. III and IV

46. Which of the following will increase the entropy of a gaseous system?
A. cooling the

B. heating the

C. heating,
followed by

D. compression
at a specific

47. Assuming
that both
parent plants in the diagram below are homozygous, why would all of the f1
generation have yellow phenotypes?

A. because the f1 genotypes are

C. insufficient data

B. because yellow is dominant over

D. none of these

48. All of the following statements about the diagram are correct EXCEPT:

A. The grasshopper is an herbivore.

C. The mouse and grasshopper are
at the same trophic level.

B. Only two trophic levels are

D. All of the organisms except grass
are consumers, regardless of

49. A 120-kg alien runs in the 0.3-km track for 1 minute. What is the
aliens average kinetic energy?
A. 3 J

B. 54/5 J

C. 600 J

D. 1,500 J

50. A man went jogging one morning. He walked 2 km northward for about half an
hour and rested for 24 minutes. When he was ready to go home, he decided to
take a different route which is longer by 240 meters. He noticed that it also took
him 15 minutes longer to reach home. What is the total time and distance
A. 2240 m;
1.65 hr.

B. 4.24 km;
1.65 hr.

C. 4.24 km;
1.15 hr.

D. 2.24 m; 1.15

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