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Poor school performance - risk of early school leaving

Authors: teacher Lungeanu Ctlin, secondary school Sadova, county Suceava

primary teacher Lungeanu Ioana, secondary school Dimitrie Gusti Fundu Moldovei,
county Suceava

Early school leaving is both a matter of the individual and the society as a whole.
There are many reasons why some students drop out of education before completion of
studies: inadequacy student learning activities conducted in schools, and extracurricular or, on
the other hand, school maladjustment internal factors (biological, psychological) and external
(socio-economic, socio-cultural ). So, early school leaving is a combination of internal causes
(psychological and failure to adapt school psycho-affective instability, inappropriate behavior,
etc.) and external (socio-economic: the precarious financial and economic situation of the
family, no clothing and footwear, inadequate housing conditions, family leave, no aid for
Following the definition used in the EU, early school leaving can take many forms. It
includes young people who left school before the end of compulsory education, those who
have completed compulsory education, but have not obtained a qualification in upper
secondary education, and those who attended the pre-vocational and vocational training,
which has led to an equivalent qualification at upper secondary level. Early school leaving
negative effects on social development and future growth. The evolution of society and
economic growth is based on skilled labor: Reducing the European average rate of early
school leaving by one percentage point would give Europe's economy each year, nearly half a
million young qualified potential employees more.
It can add low levels of education have serious consequences not only for the young
people concerned, but involves the use of inefficient spending on education, in addition, given
the current demographic changes, namely an aging population, European countries can not
afford wastage talent.
High absenteeism (generated, in turn different types of cases, and can be integrated
rather in the category of school factors), learning difficulties and low motivation of students to
school activities is mentioned factors with the highest frequency .

Success and school failure are complementary aspects polar (positive - negative) of
one and the same phenomenon - the "result" of the activity. Addressing the educational
process in terms of its effectiveness requires the definition of these two concepts: success /
failure rates. Success and school failure can be explained taking into account the relationship
between the psychophysical development of the student and the stresses that it must face in
education. The school's success marks the bond established between applications and the
psychophysical development of the student, and failure (failure, failure, backwardness in
school dropout) is an index of failure between the two poles.
School failure may manifest as lagging behind in school for some subject and a period
of time (semester) or in the most serious - school failure (student has many gaps in knowledge
is turbulent at times, skipping, show contempt for school). It requires a process of mutual
adjustment between the two factors in the assessment of school failure. The student should be
helped to realize fully what it means to fall behind in school, understand, therefore, those
intellectual shortcomings and bad habits that do not produce an understanding and efficient
use of information. The teacher can intervene effectively to quantify the student's school
success, based on knowledge of the possibilities of its involvement in school activities.
Considering that each individual is unique, individual differences of children of the same age
is normal and as such may occur at different stages of maturation psychiatric particular
interest presenting him some delays in intellectual development.
The fact that a student fails to comply and achieve standards set by the school is not
only a result of its participation in the school, but also those who may discourage many
students attend the school. The feeling of failure is associated with a small note, in this case, a
source dismissing attitudes to school, as inhospitable and unfriendly environment which
emphasizes the student for what he could become whatever they possess purchases at a time.
An education based on competition and reporting standards are clearly defined, which
emphasizes cognitive acquisitions, discourage a student with poor results in school to come to
school with pleasure. From negative states and discomfort in school and to abandon the path
is short. From negative states and discomfort in school and to abandon the path is short.
Situations of failed enhances sense of failure adds further weight to self-esteem and how a
student with poor outcomes relate to colleagues who did.
An important aspect to remove school failure is to create situations for students with
academic success because success and rewards the initiative will develop and enhance
student's confidence in their own possibilities. Therefore it behooves the teacher to dose given
tasks well the difficulties students that they address with confidence and chances of success.

But perhaps the best way to get one put on a successful school student situation is to help you
move from one posture mere receiver of the information to the efficient use of scientific
reasoning by which he will can process and apply an appropriate information received in
class. The realities of the current school shows, moreover, that school success has strong
intellectual and motivational dimension, unable as he obtained a student who did not
developed critical judgment, not personal reading habits formed and has no curiosity to
research, to learn things or explain us. A student passively disinterested or unusual thinking
lacks logic and discuss the merits of those premises psychological (or operational tools) that
make up the substance of intellectual activity learning.
Knowledge of the psychophysical particularities

of students is essential when

adopting strategies requires differential treatment of students, both in terms of degree of

difficulty of content and ways of learning. From this perspective, the success or failure of
schools is presented as a relative condition.
A large number of students with academic failure have stabilized in this situation
because of their psycho-nervous overload capacity. Overload phenomenon is dangerous
because it generates sooner or later, painful subjective states specific to chronic fatigue. For
such situations are necessary hygiene measures intellectual and emotional protection overall
student. It will help to better organize the daily work, paying attention to individual rhythms
intellectual work and need to switch to the recreational activities abstract to create such
arrangements are compensatory phenomena in the cortical activity.
These are just some of the possible solutions, but each school can certainly look
positive and creative options to enhance the feeling of well being of every child who comes to
school, according to local resources and institutional objectives agreed but the school

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type=AGENDA&reference=20111201&secondRef=SIT&language=RO, accesat la data de
6.09.2014., accesat la data de 7.09.2014.

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