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The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #1

by Chris Thomas

April 5th, 2015

and ministries, as well as foreign

embassies, would move to the
new metropolis Now when you
add the economic disadvantages
of such a move, the motive
becomes obvious, possibly even
to the Planet X unaware. With the
new capital being on an inland
sea, that isolates the shipping
routes to the new capital from the
Americas and Northern Europe,
forcing the shipping lanes to
round the horn of Africa or pass
through the South China seas, a
much longer route. On the other
hand, the transport of goods from
old Cairo would be over 350
kilometers to the south east,
The above image depicts the government of Egypt's plans to move their capital city to
adding many costs and transport
another Egyptian city named: Sharm el-Sheikh which is the administrative hub of Egypt's
South Sinai Governorate. This is a 675 foot flood-map clearly showing that Cairo will be glitches such as: loss from theft,
spoilage, etc. obviously not good
under-the-waves after the Pole-Melt completes in about 1 years after the Pole-Shift.
for the economy of Egypt. If
there ever was a most blatant example of the Elite of
Featured Recent Event
Egypt reading ZetaTalk, this would be it.
The Government of Egypt has announced it's
As Planet X hovers overhead, it appears very
intentions to move it's capital city to Sharm el-Sheikh
and certainly this is the most obvious Pole-Shiftpolitical move I have ever seen. The original City of
Cairo was established in 969 AD, that's 3,000 years the
city has been on the eastern Mediterranean sea shore,
so why in the world move Cairo and why now? The
Egyptian establishment cites overcrowding, but since The Egyptian Winged Disk: a popular icon made famous these
days due to the rising awareness of Planet X and the Pole-Shift.
when did a third world country worry about
overcrowding? Even on the surface of the undertaking
differently than is represented by historical accounts.
it's bazaar, but when you look at some of the
As far as historical experiences go, we only have
ramifications of the move, and most especially the
verbal descriptions, cave drawings, rock carvings and
location, the intention is laid bare.
icons such as the above image to draw detail from. We
By moving the capital to this Red Sea resort area, we
do have scholars such as the Iraqi Physicist Kameran
see several advantages against the Pole-Shift. First is
Fally for a wonderful old-world point-of-view that is
that Sharm el-Sheikh (name for new capital has not
been released) is situated on a promontory overlooking described with a physicists mind who is also drawing
from the Koran: It has certain features, the first
the Red Sea well above the Pole-Melt-flooding. looks like it's faced with hands..or a
Second, by being on an inland sea, the new capital will if you have a hand and knuckle, it means
be spared the massive waves from the Atlantic during
you have these five accompanying objects with the
the hour of the Pole-Shift. This new capital will be
designed to house 5 million people, well short of the 18 central object spiring off things that the other objects
are catching, hence you get the things that look like
million living in greater Cairo now, so the move
fingers coming out In my opinion, the traditional dual
smacks of being the city of the Egyptian-elite that will
cobras seen in the above image were used to represent
rule in the After-Time. In that theme, this new city is
the Planet X moon spirals.
clearly a move to protect the ruling elite since The
Egyptian parliament and its government departments

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #1

Introduction to my new series of the Planet
X NewsLetter
The scope of these NewsLetters will range from the
commonly-known information among the newly Planet
X aware to the more esoteric knowledge found by the
deep research that I do regarding this topic. I will often
will add my own viewpoint, rather than mimicking
others, although there are some great minds that have
explored this topic, I will
include those thoughts in
quotes. Since this document is
the first in my new series, I will
be explaining the Planet X
essentials based on ZetaTalkScience. I will also move ahead
with my opinion pieces (such
as the opening piece) about
Alternative Egyptian
current events and perhaps
version of the
some newly created subjects
appearance of Planet X:
about the influences that Planet
The four-winged
X has had on our globe over
this Precambrian supereon.

During the latter half of 2007, as I was beginning my
first studies of ZetaTalk, I realized that ZetaTalk,
entirely managed by it's creator Nancy Lieder (N.L.),
was the only dominant viewpoint on the Internet worth
reading on the subject of Planet X and the Pole-Shift. If
one has visited (if not, then it is highlysuggested), they will understand that the concepts
explained there are intense, very deep and highlydetailed, and at the time of this writing, the website
hosts 28,000 pages. As I was reading through the site
from 2007 to 2009 , I realized that the average person
would not have the time and energy to read and absorb
the size of the master concept: the geographical PoleShift and it's cause, Planet X (a.k.a. - Nibiru). is a repository website for all of N.L.'s
reports, whereas the website: is a
social networking site that is the on-going source of
current ZetaTalk. Sometime in 2010, I was asked to
assist as an administrator there, I accepted and served
for a little over a year. After about a year, I fell out of
favour with N.L. and was removed
both as an admin and as a member.
The back-story is much larger and
more complex, but suffice it to say I
made some errors in judgment, said
some things I am not proud of and
Nancy Lieder

by Chris Thomas

April 5th, 2015

remain persona non grata and unwelcome there.

Nevertheless, Nancy Lieder's ZetaTalk remains the
seminal source of information on Planet X and the
Pole-Shift, but don't take my word for it, go there and
study it for yourself.

The inner workings of ZetaTalk

Nancy Lieder takes information given to her by her
4th dimensional Extra Terrestrial Zeta soul-family
beings and converts it into the human written English
language. This is accomplished via a special implant
she had installed (by the Zeta beings) sometime in her
past that allows her to talk to her Zeta ET assistants
in the 4th dimension from our 3rd dimension. She
receives impressions, concepts, thoughts and images
from the Zetas, then writes it down with some kind of
an error-checking process to make sure she has the
information correct.
When reading ZetaTalk, one cannot help but notice
how detailed concepts of breadth and depth are
expressed with such great clarity, one can only imagine
a superior mind is at work. Indeed, the Zeta brain is
much larger and not burdened with such disparate
hemispheric divisions,
and the other isolated
regions of function as
does the human brain.
Where humans can
entertain dozens of
thoughts at a time,
the Zeta brain can
carry on thousands
at a time and if a Zeta Actual Zeta ET, image was taken
were to take a human from a CIA video. Reportedly a
survivor of the Roswell Crash in
IQ test, the results
New Mexico. Circa 1947.
would be a level of
At this point, we have to deal with the current
impression of Zeta beings, or grays, that the human
status quo consciousness carries. As in all life-forms,
there are unlimited levels of spiritual attainment, but
there are two general categories that describe spiritual
orientation which the Zetas characterize as Service To
Other or (STO) and Service to Self or (STS). The
Zetas of ZetaTalk refer to themselves as STO.
Obviously, the STS Zetas are active in our sphere, but I
leave it up to the reader to determine for themselves
what status the Zetas of ZetaTalk are, the only thing I
suggest is to read ZetaTalk information with an open
mind. In my opinion the Zetas of ZetaTalk are surely

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #1

The modern moniker of Planet X was
coined by an early American astronomer by
the name of Percival Lowell. The X was
certainly the roman numeral for 10th, but I
believe the X was a clever combination of
Percival the 10th planet and an unknown Planet.
Lowell Although Clyde Tombaugh was credited for
the discovery of Pluto in 1930, it was
Percival Lowell's initials that were adopted for the
official symbol. Percival Lowell dedicated his life to
the discovery of his tenth planet, but died in 1916
passing the legacy on to others.
The existence of Planet X was already suspected by it's
gravity attraction on the orbit of Uranus. Uranus was
unique in that it was the first planet to be discovered by
telescope in 1781 by William Herschel, consequently it
was carefully plotted for years afterward. It was during
that time that perturbations (slowdown and speedup) in
it's orbit were detected which lead to the discovery of
Neptune, and lo and behold, Neptune also had orbital
perturbations in the same direction as Uranus. Next
was Pluto, which was at first believed to be the gravity
source of the perturbations, but it's mass was quickly
calculated to be far too small to affect our outer solar
system gas giants. It wasn't until NASA launched
IRAS in January 1983 looking for this suspected heavy
planet that the true news-cover-up about it's existence
seemed to begin. As an aside, they must have known it
was a warm brown dwarf star to send up the so-named
Infra Red Astronomical Satellite.
The following excerpt was published in the Spokane
Daily Chronicle on Dec 9, 1950 by J. Hugh Pruett of
the University of Oregon. The title of the article was
named: Planet Pluto Almost Defies Measurements as
planetary scientists at the time were suspecting that the
mass of Pluto accurately until 1976. It was at that time
when scientists at the University of Hawaii were finally

Actual image of NASA's IRAS satellite. Launched January

1983, it was expressly designed to study an incoming Planet X.

by Chris Thomas

April 5th, 2015

able to calculate
Pluto's mass as that
of 1% of Earth's.
Bear in mind while
reading the excerpt
below, that the
point here is just to
show that the
existence of Planet
X was discussed
publicly during
those pre-Planet Xcover-up times, the
excerpt: This was
announced as
another planet
traveling in an
orbit far more
distant from the
sun than that of
Neptune. Since its
discovery, 84 years
earlier, Neptune
had held the honor
of being the most The above image was taken from the:
distant member of "New Science And Invention
the far-flung solar Encyclopedia" (circa 1987). The
image depicts the projected route of
the outbound Pioneer 10 towards an
The new object
for some time was incoming Planet X. Proof positive of
designated by such NASA's knowledge of Planet X Why
haven't they told us about it?
names as Planet X,
the Flagstaff object and the trans-Neptunian planet.
Some suggested that it should
be called Lowell after the late director of the
observatory since he had calculated that another
planet must lie beyond Neptune and had seemingly
predicted its location fairly accurately.
So, we are cognizant that the ancients knew of Planet X
because every surviving culture in the world today has
a name for it. We also are aware that NASA and the
U.S. government also know, since they confirmed an
incoming Planet X in 1983 with IRAS. Additionally,
some aboriginal cultures today remember the PoleShift via word-of-mouth stories, for example: The
Great Flood (melting polar ice-caps) and of course the
famous Hopi Indian culture's Blue and Red Kachina,
which is the yellow to blue-ish appearance of Earth's
dead twin (EDT) in the sky these days (top of next
page). EDT appeared after Earth was stopped in it's
orbit when Planet X entered our solar system in ...

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #1

by Chris Thomas

April 5th, 2015

Today, Black Ops have
unlimited access to funds, manwoman power and think-tank
experts in many fields. They
know the pattern of human
emotions and how they effect
our thinking and belief systems
such as: religious, logical or
scientific thinkers and the
various cultural mores, are
mapped-out to behaviouraltendencies. This humanreactive-thinking knowledge
database includes key-words
and concepts that trigger certain
desired feelings and responses
that ultimately lead to a targeted
acceptance or rejection of a
news or published item. Today,
the Internet is rife with the
Earth's Dark Twin - This image is a Planet X NewsLetter exclusive. It was passed to me by contagion with what I call
disinformation seed. This
the photographer Mr. Agrawal in India. In this image we see a dim planet in the western
seems to be the favoured
sky at dusk. It can't be Venus as it is conjunct the Sun at the time of the photo, and is too
dim to be Venus. The object is also too small to be the moon, besides the moon is in quarter method: A target concept (the
phase at a 90 angle in Taurus, so the moon would be seen at about the 12:00 O'clock
lie) is aligned with accepted
position (high in the sky) at the time of the photo.
knowledge. In other words, the
lie is mixed together in a
December 2003. The red-ish hue to Planet X is due to
published prevarication with some established facts to
it's emittance of infrared-light since it is a warm brown
lend credibility to the now designer-lie. Of course the
dwarf star. But what about late-modern 21st century
final method of simply removing website content, by
man, why doesn't he know about Planet X? It seems
threats to the web-masters or the website entirely and
the public of the developed countries are a Planet Xreplacing it with a disinformaton-website is another
knowledge dead zone as an Iraqi scientist does speak
more base method. An example of the latter was
eloquently of Planet X here. Interestingly, the (or .org) from 2009. At that time it
aforementioned physicist, Kameran Fally, says that the
was the repository of all the emails that were hacked
massive 5 million mile long dust cloud of Planet X is
from the
caused by the boiling-off of iron oxide from the
corpus and referred to in the Koran as smoke.
Research Unit
of the University
Enter the Planet X cover-up.
The Planet X cover-up is a complex organization today. of East Anglia.
These emails
The dirty end-of-the-stick is made-up of common
between the
agents (paid citizen's) at the lowest level: infiltrating
thousands of discussion forums and social networking
clearly revealed
sites such as Facebook. The agents take instructions
from what we call Black Ops who have access to
collusion to
Internet scanning technology able to monitor all forms
of Internet communication. Early in the Planet X
climate data to
cover-up however, it was not so sophisticated as
evidenced by the image (previous page-top right) being support massive NSA PRIZM surveillance program icon,
published in 1987, 4 years after the cover-up began in
courtesy of

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #1

by Chris Thomas

April 5th, 2015

Global Warming Theory-come-Climate Change. But

now, as you can see here and here,, that this domain
has been replaced with a blank page, not even offering
to sell it, as per usual. The original emails are still
available in the form a PDF file here.

Challenging Popular Beliefs

Where does gasoline come
from? The usual answer is
crude oil, but where does
crude oil come from? The
usual answer to that is based
in the official scientific
viewpoint, on
Petroleum: A fossil fuel,
petroleum is formed when
large quantities of dead
organisms, blah, blah ..
sedimentary rock and
subjected to intense heat and
pressure. But the ruling elite
lie, and often an established
scientific fact is really a skeleton of skimpy
evidence-data fleshed-out with conjectures and
theories. The Zetas of ZetaTalk on petroleum: Oil,
gas, and coal deposits are indeed the product of
biological elements decomposing under great heat and
pressure, but this is not the only source of these
products.....We have explained that the tail of Planet X,
when it wafts the Earth during the pole shift, drops the
components of petrochemicals onto the Earth.....Petrolchemicals that form in the sky, where they fail to burn
due to lack of free oxygen, soak into the fractured
ground and become trapped during the settling process
that afterquakes provide for many years after a pole
Over the many millions of years and thousands of
Planet X passages, Planet X has dumped petroleum
chemicals all over globe, so the next time you fill your
tank remember you are running your vehicle virtually
on Planet X.
Edgar Cayce on the axis shift of
Earth: There will be upheavals in
the Arctic and in the Antarctic that
will make for the eruption of
volcanoes in the torrid areas, and
there will then be the shifting of the
poles so that where there have been
those of a frigid or semi-tropical
will become the more tropical, and
moss and fern will grow.

Germanwings Air Bus 320-200. From British Airways: "The

A320 is probably best known as the first aircraft to introduce
a fly-by-wire system where controls from the pilot are
transmitted to the flying moving parts by electronic signals
rather than mechanical means." The latter makes this aircraft
susceptible to EMP.

Recent event: Germanwings aviation accident

The safety of air travel is rapidly diminishing during
these days of the run-down to the Pole-Shift. As of
March, 2015, the official odds are: 1 death in 29.4
million with a 24% survival rate. Of course there are
safer zones to fly over: this would be over land areas
where the underlying rock is not under compression or
diversion stress.
One minute after the Germanwings Flight 9525 had
reached cruise altitude and reported to air traffic
control it crashed killing all 144 passengers and six
crew members. The Zetas: This well maintained
airliner suddenly went into distress while rising into
the Alps in southern France, . Was this another case
of electromagnetic pulse interfering with the
electronics on the plane? The public will never learn
the truth, as in all such cases electromagnetic
interference is dismissed, . Meanwhile, a mechanical
problem or pilot error will be blamed.
But how does an EMP down an aircraft? First
conditions: electrons from the magnetic tail of Planet X
form a temporarily-isolated pool in the upper
stratosphere (think of an exposed electrically-live wire)
that just happens to form over continental-rock under
active compression or divergent stress. The electrical
potential builds over hours, maybe days. Then, just as a
jet aircraft flies between the electrical pool overhead
with the active zone below, electromagnetic screech
from the rock under pressure finally reaches critical
potential and the two electrically-charged sources
exchange and release an invisible lightening-bolt of
electrical power. This electromagnetic energy will pass
through the plane massively overloading the sensitive
electronic and computer circuits and burning them out
leaving the aircraft, depending on the situation, without
communications and flight control.
Condolences to any of those who have lost loved ones
in an aviation disaster. More ZetaTalk this story here.

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #1

What's NASA up to these days? Here are a few stories

with ZetaTalk backup to entertain you:

The NASA Balloon Program

March, 2015. Private balloon

spaceflight venture "World
View"..under NASA auspices
with a trip to the edge of space
carrying science experiments.

What happens when a

small meteorite hits the
upper atmosphere? It
burns up due to airfriction. This is why
NASA has been
developing an alternate
satellite balloon program
for the last 15 years.
Satellite balloons flying
under a canopy of air,
will be protected from
damage as the tail debris
from Planet X starts
knocking out the existing
space satellites. Left
image is, in fact, another
balloon program, but
with the same objective.

by Chris Thomas

another massive Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)

threatening Earth, the impact of the story just gets less
and less. Another one of NASA's front-stories is the
Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft, a billiondollar quartet of identical satellites designed to fly in a
pyramid formation high
around Earth. Apparently
in a bid to understand the
so-called magnetic
reconnection process,
referred to by the Zetas as
another in a series of the
Flat Earth theory. Of
course this is just the public
front, the real reason is to
get a shorter lead-time for
CME's as they hope to get
advanced warning, to
improve the timing of their
lies. ZetaTalk.

Two-Faced NASA
NASA has been blaming the Sun for Earth's troubles
for some time now, but every time they announce

April 5th, 2015

1 of 4 MMS Satellites.

NASA's 1.1 billion dollar

unmanned MMS payload
launched on an Atlas rocket
April 2nd 2015 from Cape

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #1

NASA's Disappearing Scientists
Another NASA scientist by the
name of Alberto Behar died in a
plane crash on Friday January
10th, 2015 just after take-off
from Van Nuys Airport in Los
Angeles. According to, this
makes a total of 74 scientists to
have died in 2 years. Behar, an
ASU professor, worked as a
researcher for NASA and JPL on
Dr. Alberto Behar
the Mars Curiosity Rover
It's not just NASA, or JPL (Jet Propulsion Labs robotics research center for NASA), it's the C.IA. or
black ops within the U.S. that is responsible here. But
lets look deeper. The human at it's lowest caliber is a
despicable creature, but it's not the body, it's the spirit
or the Soul inhabiting that body. Earth is a testing
ground for new Souls, and there are many of them.
Some seek power positions for false comfort and the
lack of an sustaining inner-life, they act in ruthless
ways to maintain their status: Service To Self, as the
Zetas say.
You would think that with the alien and the Planet X
cover-ups, and the lies: Climate Change and the Sunas-a-threat to Earth would be the motive of the killings
here, but not entirely, it goes deeper. Mars is livable,
albeit with a thin but breathable atmosphere. Our moon
sports ET bases and was found to have old equipment
laying about on the surface by the early astronauts. All
this, and much more is covered-up. Thousands of
collateral disinformation-seed accessory publications
have been proffered by NASA over the years. Are these
the motives in these killings? Still no. The Zetas on
Behar's assassination: NASA scientists have been
involved in these discussions and plans, even promised
safe passage if they participate. Instead, their
cooperation only ensured their assassination. More
ZetaTalk here.
The wealthy and power elite are throwing money at the
spacecraft building industries, companies such as
Space X, Virgin Galactic and Orbital Sciences are
building and experimenting constantly. They don't
seem to have financial recessions, yet they have
setbacks, lots of explosions and
unexplained failures that apparently
seem to fly-in-the-face of surprizingly
undaunted investors. One would expect
the fledgling NASA in the late 1950'ies

by Chris Thomas

April 5th, 2015

would have the odd rocket

veer-off course and
disintegrate with a loud
bang, but after 60 years of
development? One
wouldn't think so. The
Zetas: It has been no
secret that the elite hoped
to escape to Mars or the
dark side of the Moon
during the
endless failures, such as
disabled probes and the
dramatic disintegration of
the Columbia and a
leaking Space Station,
renewed efforts to put
humans on the Moon and Destruction of the Space X
Falcon F-R1 on August 23rd
Mars are seemingly
2014 above Central Texas
optimistic. Why? This is a development site: McGregor,
false front, whistling in the Texas.
dark, akin to a bridegroom
stood up at the altar but refusing to let the family and
guests know the situation.
It is only right that those in power positions or with
great wealth should not be allowed to avoid the PoleShift event as they have not shared their wealth with
the world. ZetaTalk: we have repeatedly stated that
the Council of Worlds will not allow the elite to escape
the Earth during the hour of the Pole Shift.
So, when the accoutrement of financial advantage,
social status, political influence and personal
possession is stripped away, you see the essential
quality of Soul: it is revealed by their actions when the
Soul is under pressure. Doggedly continuing in the face
of repeated launch disasters, all the while knowing
these are warnings, is reduced to the empty fantasy of
riding a flying carpet to the stars.

Where is Planet X?
Lets look at what is happening to Earth first. Why?
Simply by observing any effects, and understanding the
laws of the material medium being observed, one can
then trace through the analysis to the original cause.
The Inuit elders have been reporting (since
2009) that the Sky has changed and has
wobbled to the North, this supports ZetaTalk

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #1

that our magnetic north pole is being pushed away by

the north pole of Planet X that is increasingly pointed
at Earth, 'as we speak....
Climate scientists have been reporting the
build-up of the Antarctic ice sheet. This is
now a scientific fact. This supports what the
Zetas have coined: Earth Wobble. The super cold air
is being spread around expanding the ice sheet. Plus,
this aligns with the first cause, the magnetic flow from
Planet X.
Thousands of (genuine) images of secondsun sightings have been reported in the last 11
years supporting the existence of Planet X
near Earth at this time.
Those of us watching Earth changes during
this last decade have seen very unusual and
record-setting weather all around the globe.
This is well-documented.
Vast increases in sinkholes, groundmovement, land subsidence, sinking landmasses and earthquakes have occurred
globally for years now, this also is well-documented.

by Chris Thomas

April 5th, 2015

When you put all this basic evidence together, it

provides an end-run segue around all the progovernment debunking, the climate change lies and the
black ops disinformation-seed excuses.
But where is Planet X now? Physics, logic and
ZetaTalk science answers this question. First, Planet X
has to be in the solar system because of the effects on
Earth. Second, although it seems close to the Sun, the
corpus of Planet X is not, it is in a stand-off position
between the Sun and the Earth. Why? When it arrived
in our solar system from it's other orbital foci (our sun's
binary twin), is was closer to the sun (Dec, 2003), and
since it orbits our sun that is the primary attractionpoint: it's foci. But, planets have attraction as well as
repulsion forces. Consider also that Planet X's orbit is
cyclic, therefore passages have happened many times
over Earth's singular supereon (billions of years),
therefore we know it passes through our solar system
by simple logic. Consequently, the transit route of
Planet X is taking it up and outward at an angle in
front of the Sun in ecliptic zone. The reason it is still
there after 14 years, is because of the massive particle
flows into the Sun which are part of the grand flowcycle of atomic particles emitted by the Sun. Planet X
is in the ecliptic zone swimming upstream.

The Planet X NewsLetter (2015) Issue #1

Commentary on the Pole-shift: An OverView
When you imaginatively view the Pole-Shift against
the backdrop of the grand scale of Life, it melds into
it's rightful position as a natural planetary event. The
passage of Planet X through our solar system is just as
innate as a solar or moon eclipse, a transit of Venus or
the yearly visit of the Perseid meteor shower.
Therefore, hidden within spring, summer, fall and
winter is a long-cycle season-event called the PoleShift.
The Pole-Shift for the Planet X aware is only a
concept consisting of opinions based on learnedknowledge or accepted opinions of others swallowed
whole: bits and bytes of ideas and facts often spurred
by either hopes or desires of the human body. As
human-ego, none of us has known a Pole-Shift, but as
Soul we inherently understand it and may even have
experienced it in a past Life.
Some Planet X aware have, or are yet to have, the
Pole-Shift dream that cements the esoteric reality of
the Planet XPole-Shift-event to the daytime thinkingmind: the ego. This is a communication of Soul to ego
confirming the truth of what is suspected by the Planet
X curious.
Depending on the individual's state-of-being, the
searing of the Planet X brand onto consciousness after
waking, will bring pressure to bear on the desire to

by Chris Thomas

April 5th, 2015

act. Decisions made at

this point in time will
make life difficult or
easy. The wise reevaluate themselves
constantly: their
motives and their
Attitude is absolutely
the first and the last. A
good attitude
moderates personal
Chris Thomas Wakefield
responses by lovingkindness, endless patience both towards the self and
others and the self again. It calms the mind to increase
the intuition, it sees all outward events as a personal
responsibility of Soul while maintaining healthy
mental and emotional boundaries. The Pole-Shift then
becomes a game, like imagining a warm summer day
while in the gripes of a white winter storm.
To contact the Author, or to be added to the
distribution list use this email:
The Planet X NewsLetter is offered freely.
Credit: ZetaTalk website for essential Pole-Shift and
Planet X information.

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