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Supplications for Hajj

Dua before entering mikat

For Hajj only/Ifrad

َ ِ َ‫اَللَهَمَ َ ََإنَي َأَريَدَالَحَجَفَي‬

َ‫ّسهَ َ لَيََوَتَقَبَلَه‬
‫مَ َنِى‬
For Umrah and Hajj/ Tamattu

َ ِ َ‫اَللَهَمَ َ ََإنَي َأَريَدَ َالَعمَرةَوَالَحَجَفَي‬

َ َ‫ّس َهمَا‬
‫لَي َوَتَقَبَلَهَمَاَمَ َنِى‬
‫‪On way to Mekka‬‬

‫لَبَيَكَ َ َ َؕاَللَهَمَلَبَيَكَ َ َ ََؕلَبَيَكَلََََيَكَلَكَلَبَيَكَإَنَ‬

‫الَحَمَدَوَال َِنعَمَةَ َلَكَ َالَمَلَكَلََََيَكَلَكَ‬
‫‪Entering mekka‬‬

‫اَللَهَمَإنَهَذَاَحَمَكَوَحَمَرَسَوَلَكَفَ ِ َ‬
‫وَعَظَمَىَعَلَىَالنَارَاَللَهَمَٰامَ َنِىَمَنَعَذَابَكَيَوَمَتَبَعَثَ‬
‫ََإنَكَ َأَنَتَالتَوَابَ َ‬
‫‪Upon seeing the Kaaba‬‬

‫اَللَأكَبَرَ َاَللَأَكَبَرَ َاَللَأَكَبَرَ‬

‫لَاَلَهَإَلَاللَ َوَاللَأَكَبَرَ‬


‫اللَهمَ ََإنَيَاَريَدَطَوَافَبَيَتَكَالَحَامَ‬
‫ّسهَ لَيَوَتَقَبَلَهَمَ َنِىَسَبَعَةَاَشَوَاطَِهلِلَ‬
‫فَيَ ِ َ‬
‫‪Or third Kalimah‬‬

‫سبحانَاللَوَالحمدَللّهَوَآلَالهَا ّلَاللّه‪َ،‬‬
‫العل ّىَالعظيم‬
‫‪Greeting black stone‬‬

‫‪Drinking zam zam‬‬

‫اَللَهَمَانَيَاَسَئَلَكَ َعلَمَاَ‬
‫ِمنَك ِلَدآءَ‬
‫‪Dua on Safa‬‬

‫اَللَأَكَبَرَاَللَأَكَبَرَاللَأكَبرََوِهلِلَالَحمَدَاَلَحَمَدَِهلِلَعَلَىَمَاَهَدَنَاَاَلَحَمَدَِهلِل َعَلَىَ‬
‫مَا َاَوَلَنَا َاَلَحَمَد َِهلِل َعَلَى َمَآ َاَلَهَمَنَا َاَلَحَمَد َِهلِل َالَذَي َهَدَنَا َوَ َمَا َكَنَا َلَنَهَتَدَىَ‬
‫لَوَلَ َأَن َهَدَنَا َالل َآلَ َإَلَهَ َإَلَ َالل َوَحَدَه َلَ َََيَك َلَه َلَه َالَمَلَك َو َلَه َالَحَمَد َيَحَيَىَ‬
‫وَيَمَيَت َوَ َهو َحي َلَ َيَمَوَت َبَيَدَه َالَخَيَر َو َ َهو َعَلَى َكَ ِل َشَىَء َقَدَيَرَ َ َ َ َ َ۝ َآل َاَلَه َإَلَ َاللَ‬
‫وَحَدَهَ َوَصَدَقَ َوَعَدَهَ َوَنَصَ َعَبَدَهَ َوَأَعَزَ َجَنَدَهَ َوَهَزَمَ َالَحَزَابَ َوَحَدَهَ َآلَ َاَلَهَ ََإلَ‬
‫الد َين َوَلَو َكَه َالَكَفَوَن َ َ َ َ َ َ۝ َ َاَللَهَم َإَنَكَ‬
‫الل َوَلَ َنَعَبَد َإَآل َاَيَاه َمَخَلَصَيَن َلَه َ ِ َ‬
‫ؔ ََاَسَئَلَكَ‬
‫قَلَتَ َوَقَوَلَكَ َحَقَ َاَدَعَونَؔى َاَسَتَجَبَ َلَكَمَ َوَ ََإنَكَ َلَ َتَخَلَفَ َالَمَيَعَادَ ََوَإنَى‬
‫كَمَاَهَدَيَتَنَىَ َلَلَسَ َلمَ َاَنَ َلَ َتَنَزَعَهَ َمَ َنِىَ َحَتَىَ َتَوَفَنَىَ َوَاَنَاَمَسَلَمَ َسَبَحَنَ َاللَ‬
‫وَالحَمَدَ َِهلِل َوَآلَ َاَلَهَ ََإلَ َاللَ َوَ َاللَ َأَكَبَرَ َوَ َلَ َحَوَلَ َوَلَ َقَوَةَ ََإلَ َبَاللَ َالَعَلَ ِ َى َالَعَظَيَمَ َ َ َ‬
‫ل َوَ َسَ َِلمَ َعَلَىَسَ َِيدَنَاَمَحَمَدَ َوَ َعَلَى َٰالَهَ َوَ َاَصَحَبَهَ َوَاَتَبَ َ‬
‫اعهَ ََإلَىَيَوَمَ‬ ‫اَللَهَمَ َصَ ِ َ‬
‫الد َينَ‬
‫‪Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allah akbar, llillah alhamd, Alhamdulillah, ala ma‬‬
‫‪hadna Alhamdulillah ala ma awlana Alhamdulillah ala ma alhamana‬‬
‫‪alhamdullah illadhi hadana wa ma kuna an hadanallah la illa ill lullah wahidahu‬‬
‫‪la sharika lahu luhumulku wa luhulhamdu yuhihu wa yumitu wa huwa hajjun la‬‬
yamutu biyadhilkhar wa huwa ala kuli shashin kadir. La illa ill lullah wahidu wa
sadaqa wa’adu wa nasaru abdu wa aaza juduhu wa hazam ulhazaba wahidu la
illa ill lullah wa la nabudu illa ilyahu mukhlseen luhuddeena wa luw
karialkafireen. Allahumma innaka qulta wa qaqluka haqqu uduwni astajib
lakum la tulifumudaad wa inni asulatka kama hadaytna lilislam an la tanziau
minii heta tawfani wa ina muslimun subhandullah wa Alhamdulillah, wa la illa
ill lullah, wa allahu akbar wa la hawla wa la quwatta illah billahil alilazeem.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidna Muhammad wa ala alli wa asahbi wa itbahhi illa

Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, to Allah belongs
praise, all praise is for Allah for all our guidance, all praise is for Allah gave
what he made us proceed, All praise is for Allah for what he inspired us with,
all praise is for Allah who guided us as we are unable to guide if it was not for
the guidance of Allah, there is no deity except Allah, the one, he has no
partner, to him is the dominion, to him belongs praise, he brings life, causes
death, he is the ever living and does not die, his possess all goodness and he is
able to do all things. There is no deity except Allah the one, his promise is true,
he gives victory to his servant, makes his soldiers mighty, decimate parties, he
is one, there is no deity except Allah, we do not worship other than him,
sincerely in his religion despite the dislike of the disbelievers. O Allah you said
the truth when you said you would respond to us, as you truly do not break
your promise, I ask as you have guided me to Islam that you do not remove it
from me until I pass away whilst in a state of Islam. Glorified is Allah, all praise
belongs to Allah, there is no deity except Allah, Allah is the greatest, there is no
might or power except Allah the loftiest the greatest, O Allah bless our master
Muhammad, his family, his companions and those who follow him until the
day of religion.

Invocation at Mina

َ,َ َ‫َسَبَحَنَ َالَذَيَ فَيََالَرَضَ َمَوَطَ َئه‬,َ َ‫سَبَحَنَالَذَيَ فَيَالسَمَآءَعَشَه‬

َ‫ سَبَحَنَالَذَيَ فَيََالنَارَسَلَطَانَهَ َسَبَحَن‬,َ‫سَبَحَنَالَذَيَ فَي َالَبَحَسَبَيَلَه‬
َ‫الَذَيَ فَيَالَجَنَةَرَحَمَتَهَ َسَبَحَنَالَذَيَ فَيَالقَبَرَقَضَاءَهَسَبَحَنَالَذَيَ فَي‬
َ‫الَهَوَآءَرَوَحَهَ َسَبَحَنَالَذَيَرَفَعَالسَمَاءَسَبَحَنَالَذَيَوَضَعَالَرَض‬

َ‫سَبَحَنَ َالَذَيَلََمَلَجَأَ َولمنَجأَ َاَلََاَلَيَه‬

Glorified be Him whose throne is in the heavens, glorified be He who
made the earth a mount, glorified be He who made the sea a path,
glorified be He who made fire a power, glorified be He who made
paradise a mercy, glorified be He who made grave a decree, glorified
be he who made winds his ease, glorified be He who raised the
heavens, glorified who set the earth down, glorified He who there is
no recourse or salvation except to him.
Subhananaldhi fissamaai arshu, Subhananaldhi filardi mawtiuu,
Subhananaldhi filbahri sabilu, Subhananaldhi filnahri sultanuu,
Subhananaldhi filjannati rahmauu, Subhananaldhi filqabari qadau,
Subhananaldhi filhawaau rahhau, Subhananaldhi rafaassamaa,
Subhananaldhi wadaalarda, Subhananaldhi la maljaa wa la manjaa ila
‫‪Dua on Arafat‬‬

‫اللَ َوَحَدَهَ َلََََيَكَلَهَلَهَالَمَلَكَ َوَلَهَالَحَمَدَاَللَهَمَاهَدنَىَ َبَالَهَدَىَ‬
‫وَنَ َِقنَىَوَاعَتَصَمَنَىَبَالتَقَوَىَوَاغَفَ لَيَ فَيَالَخَةَوَالَولَىَ َ َ َ۝َ َاَللَهَمَاجَعَلَهَ‬
‫حَجَاَمَبَرَوَاَوَذَنَباََمَغَفَوَراَ َ َ ََاَللَهَمَ َلَكَصَلتَىَ َنَسَكَيَ َوَمَحَيَاىَوَمَمَاتَيَ َ‬
‫وَاَلَيَكَمَابَىَ َ َ َ ََؕاَللَهَمَانَيَاَعَوَذَبَكَمَنَعَذَابَالَقَبَرَوَوَسَوَسَةَالصَدَر َ‬
‫وَشَتَاتَ َالَمَرَ َاَللَهَمَ َاهَدَنَاََبَالَهَدَىََوَزَ َيِنَاََبَالتَقَوَيََوَاغَفَلَنَا فَيَ‬
‫الَخَةَوَالَولَى ََاَللَهَمَانَيَ َاَسَئَلَكَ َرَزَ َقاَحَ َللََطَ َِيباََمَبَارَكاَ ََاَللَهَمَ َ‬
‫أَمَرَتَنَىَبَالدَعَاءَوَلَكَالَجَابَةَوَاَنَكَلََتَخَلَفَوَعَدَكَ َاَللَهَمَ َمَاَأَحَبَبَتَ‬
‫ََفَ ِ َ‬ ‫مَنَخَيَرَفَاَحَبَهَاَلَيَنَاَوَيَ ِ َ‬
‫ّسهَلَنَاَوَمَاَكَهَتَمَنَ ّ‬
‫وَجَ َِنبَنَاَعَنَهَوَلََتَنَزَعَمَنَاَاَلَسَ َلمَ َبَعَدَاَذَهَدَيَتَنَاَآلََاَلَهَ َاَلََاللَ َوَحَدَهَلَ‬
‫ََيَكَلَهَلَهَالَمَلَكَ َوَلَهَالَحَمَدَ َيَحَيَىَوَيَمَيَتَ َوَ َهوَعَلَىَكَ ِلَشَىَءَقَدَيَرَ َ‬
‫اَللَهَمَاجَعَلَ فَيَصَدَريَ َنَوَرَاَوَ فَيَسَمَعَيَنَوَرَاَوَبَصَىَ َنَوَرَاََوَ فَيَقَلَبَىَنَوَرَاَ‬
‫َاَللَهَمَ َاََحَ لَىَ َصَدَرىَوَ ِ َ‬
‫يّس لَىَ َاَمَرَىَوَاَعَوَذَبَكَمَنَوَسَاوَسَ َالصَدَرَ‬
‫وَتَشَتَتَالَمَرَوَعَذَابَالَقَبَرَ َ َاَللَهَمَانَىَاَعَوَذَبَكَمَنَ ِ‬
‫ََمَاَيَلَجَ فَيَيَلَجَ‬
‫الريَاحَوَ ِ‬
‫ََبَوَائَقَالدَهَرَ َ َرَبَنَآَ‬ ‫ََمَاَيَلَجَ فَيَالنَهَارَ ِ‬
‫ََمَاَتَهَبَ َ َ‬ ‫فَيَالَيَلَوَ ِ‬

‫ٰاتَنَا فَيَالدَنَيَاَحَسَنَةَوفَيَالَخَةَحَسَنَةَوَقَنَاَعَذَابَالنَارَ َاَللَهَمَانَىَ‬

‫نَبَ َِيكَصَلَىَاللَ َعَلَيَهَوَسَلَمَ ََؕرَبَنَاََظَلَمَنَاََاَنَفَسَنَاََوَاَنَلَمَتَغَفَلَنَاَ‬
‫وَتَرَحَمَنَاََلَنَكَوَنَنَمَنَالَخَّسَ َينَ َ َ َ َ َ۝َ َرَ ِ َ‬
‫ب َاجَعَلَنَىَ َمَقَيَمَالصَلَةَ َوَمَنَ‬
‫ذَ ِ َريَتَىَرَبَنَاَوَتَقَبَلَ َدَعَآءَ َ َ َ َ۝َ َ َرَبَنَاَاغَفلَىَوَلَوَالَدَىَ َوَلَلَمَؤَمَنَيَنَ َيَوَمَ‬
‫يَقَوَمَالَحَسَابَ َرَ ِبَارَحَمَهَمَاَكَمَاَرَبَيَنَىَصَغَيَراََرَبَنَاَاغَفَلَنَاَوَلَخَوَنَنَاَ‬
‫الَذَ َينَسَبَقَوَنَاَبَالَيَمَانَ َوَلَتَجَعَلَ فَيَقَلَوَبَنَاَغََلَ َِللَذَ َينَٰامَنَوَاَرَبَنَاَاَنَكَ‬
‫رَءَوَفَرَحَيَمَ َ َ َ َ۝َرَبَنَآَاَنَكَاَنَتَالسَمَيَعَالعَلَيَمَ َوَتَبَعَلَيَنَاَاَنَكَاَنَتَ‬
‫التَوَابَالرَحَيَمَ َلَحَوَلَوَلََقَوَةَاَلََبَاللَالَعَلَ ِىَالَعَظَيَمَ َاَللَهَمَاَنَكَتَعَلَمَ‬
‫وَتَرَىَمَكَانَيَوَتَسَمَعََكَمَىَوَتَعَلَمَ ِ َ‬
‫سىَوَعَ َلنَيَتَىَوَلََيَخَفَىَعَلَيَكَ َشَىَءَ‬
‫َ ِ َمنَأَمَرَىَوَاَنَاَالَبَآئَسَ َالَفَقَيَرَالَمَسَتَغَيَثَالَمَسَتَجَيَرَالَوَجَلَالَمَشَفَقَ‬
‫الَمَقَالَمَعَتَرَفَبَذنَبَهَاَسَئَلَكَمَسَأَلَةَ َالَمسَ َكيَنَوَاَبَتَهَلَ َاليَكَ‬
‫ابَتهالَ َالَمَذَنَبَالذَلَيَلَوَأَدَعَوَكَدَعَآءَالَخَآئَفَ َالّضَيَرَ َمَنَخَضَعَتَ‬
‫لَكَرَقَبَتَهَوَفَاضَتَعَيَنَاهَوَنَحَلَلَكَجَسَدَهَوَرَغَمَلَكَاَنَفَهَ َاَللَهَمَلَ‬
‫تَجَعَلَنىَ َبَدَعَآئَكَشَقَيَاَوَكَنَ بَيَرَءَوَفَاَرَحَيََيَاخَيَرَالَمَسَ َئوَلَيَنَ َوَيَاخَيَرَ‬
‫الَمَعَطَيَنَوَيَآ َاَرَحَمَ َالرَاحَمَيَنَوَالَحَمَدَِهلِل َرَ ِبَالَعَلَمَيَنَ َٰامَيَنَ َيَامَنَلَ‬
‫يَبَرَمَهَالَحَاحَالَمَلَ َِحيَنَ فَيَالدَعَآءَ َوَلََتَضَجَرَهَمَسَئَلَةَالسَآئَلَيَنَاَذَقَنَا َ‬
‫بَرَدَعَفَوَكَوَحَ َلوَةَمَغَفَتَكَوَلَذَةَمَنَاجَاتَكَوَرَحَمَتَكَ َ َ َ َ ََؕاَلَهَىَ َمَنَ‬

‫ِ َمنَعَمَلَوَلََشَفَيَعَسَوَىَالَمَلَ‬
‫‪Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa illahihamd, wa illahihamd, wa‬‬
‫‪illahihamd , laa illa illullah wahidu la sharka lahu luhulumku wa luhulhamdu‬‬
‫‪Allahumma indni bihudayya wa naqini wa atsimni bitaqwa waghfirli fil akhara‬‬
wa ulla. Allahumma ijalu hajjanmubraruan wadhabimban mughfuran.
Allahumma laka salat wa nusuki wa mahyatia wa mamati wa ilyka ma baabi.
Allahumma inni audhubika min adabilqabri wa waswatisuduri wa shatilamri
Allahumma ihdna bihuda wa zaynnaa bitaqqwa waghfir lana fiakhrati wa uulla.
Allahumma inni isaaluka rizaqan halalan tayyibanmubarkan. Allahumma
amartini biduaa wa lakailijabatu wa inka la tukhlifau wa’adak. Allahuma ma
ajibta min khayrin faahibbau ilayna wa yasiruu lana wa ma karita min sharin
gfakariyau ilayna wa jannibna anu wa latanzia minalislam bada idh hadaytana
laa illa illullah wahduu la shirka luhu, luhulmulku wa luhuamdu yuhiyi wa
yumitu wa huwa ala kuli shayin qadirun. Allahuma ijal fi sadri nurun wa fi
samihi nurran wa fi Basri nurran wa fi qalbi nurran. Allahuma ishrah li sadri wa
yasrili amri wa aaudhu bika min wasawisissadri wa tashttutilamri wa
adabbilqadr. Allahumma inni aaudhu bika min shari ma yaliju fillayli washri ma
yaliju finnahri wa shri ma tuhiburriyshu wa shari bawaikiddahir. Alluhmma nni
asaluka min kharin ma sailaka bihi nabiyka wa audhu bika min shari mastaadh
minu nabiyyuka sallullahu aylhi wa sallam. Rabbana zalamna infusana wa in
lam taghfir lana wa tarhamna latakunna minalkhasirrin. Rabijalni
muqimmasalati wa min dhrati rabbana taqbalan duaai. Rabbananghfir li wa
liwalidayya wa lillmumineen yaum yaqumulhisab. Rabnirrhamhuma kama
rabbyni saghiran. Rabban ighfir lna wa likhwaninaaldhna sabqauna bilimani wa
la tajal fi qulubina ghillan lilladhina amanu rabanl innka anta
raoufrurahameem, rabbana innka antasumaiualimeem watub alyna inka
antatawwaburraheem, la hawla wa la quwatta illa billah ilalyilazeem,
allahumma innka taalimu wa tara mukani wa tasmau kalami wa talamu siri wa
alaniyya wa la yakhfi alyaka shayun min amri wa ana
lbasaaisulfiqaraulmustaghithu lmutajizyu lwajuzulmshfiqu lmuqiru lmutarifu
bidhmbhi asaaluka masalatalmisqini wa abtahilu ilakaibtihalalmudhnibidhilili
wa aduka duaaalkhaifi ddarir man khdaat laka raqabatu wa fadadt aynau wa
nahil laka jasadau wa raghmaka anfau. Allahumma ta tajalni biduaaika
shaqiyyan wa kun bihi roufan rahiman, ya khayraulmauliyna wa khayrlmutayyn
wa yaa arhamirrahimeen, wa Alhamdulillah rabil alameen, ameen, ameen, la
yabarhu ilhahulmulihiyyn fiduaaai wa tadjaru masalatasaaileena adhiqna birda
afwika wa halwata maghfiratika wa ladhata munajatika wa rahamtik ilahi man
madha ilyka nafsau fainni laaimu nafsi akharsatilmashi lisani fa mali wa silattun
min amalin wa la shafiyun siwalamali
Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, to Allah belongs
praise, to Allah belongs praise, to Allah belongs praise, there is no deity except
Allah, the One, He has no partner, to him belongs to dominion and to him
belongs praise. O Allah, guide me by your guidance, protect me, make me
guard myself by piety and forgive me in the afterlife and the present. O Allah
make this hajj accepted and sins forgiven. O Allah my prayer is for you, the
rites are for you, my life, my death, and to you is the ending. O Allah I seek
refuge with you from the punishment of the grave, whisperings of the chest
and my matter dissolved, O Allah guide us by your guidance, beautify us by
fear, forgive us in the afterlife and presently. O Allah I truly ask you for blessed
lawful provision. O Allah you have instructed me with supplication and you
with response and you truly do not break your promise. O Allah you have not
responded except in goodness so make it beloved and easy for us, what is
disliked of evil make it disliked to us, allow us to avoid it, do not take Islam
from us, after you have guided us, there is no deity except Allah, the one, you
have no partner, to you belongs dominion, to you belongs praise, you bring to
life, you cause death and you are able to do all things. O Allah make light in our
hearts, in our hearing light, in our eyes light and in our eyes light. Allah expand
our chests, make our matters easy. I seek refuge with you from the
punishment of the grave. O Allah I seek refuge with you from the evil of what
comes in the night, the evil that comes in the day, the evil that is given in the
wind, the evil calamities of time. O Lord give us goodness in the world and
goodness in the afterlife and protect us from the punishment of the fire. O
Allah I ask you for goodness of what your Prophet asked for. I seek refuge with
that your Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him) sought
refuge from, O Lord we have oppressed ourselves, if you do not forgive us and
show mercy to us we will be from the losers. Lord make me from those who
pray and from my offspring, o Lord accept this supplication. O Lord forgive our
parents and the believers on the day of accounting. O Lord show them
(parents) mercy as they did when they brought us up. O Lord forgive our
brothers who proceeded us in faith and do not make rancour in our hearts for
those that believe, truly you are compassionate and merciful. O Lord you are
the all seeing and the all knowing. Accept repentance from us as truly you are
the repentant and merciful. There is no might no power except Allah, the
exalted, the greatest. O Allah you know and see my place, hear my words,
know my secrets, what is announced, nothing is hidden from you from my
affair. I am in despair, neediness, seeking assistance, seeking refuge, fearing, in
need of sympathy, in position of knowing their sins. I ask you the request of
the poor and supplicate to you the supplication of the humiliated sinful person.
I make supplication you the supplication of the harmed fearful from humilitude
of freeing themselves and eyes that weep, we submit our bodies you in spite of
ourselves. O Allah do not make us distressed in our supplicate to you and be
compassionate and merciful to us, O best of responders, O best of bestowers,
O most merciful of those who show mercy. All praise belongs to Allah; Lord of
the universe. please accept, please accept. Do not turn us away in our
supplication, do not exasperate us in requesting, make us taste the coolness of
your pardon, the sweetness of your forgiveness, the pleasure of your victory
and mercy. O my Lord who can praise you like your praise yourself. I blame
myself for the sins of a held tongue. I do not have a means of action and no
intercessor except hope.

Greeting the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and

blessings upon him) in Medinah

َ‫السَ َلمَعَلَيَكَيَاَرَسَوَلَاللَوَرَحَمَةَالل‬

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