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3. zen is dhyaan.sitting quietly one can do many things, like japa, tapa, meditation, dharana,
pratyahara. Or u might have mastered the art of sleeping in a sitting posture.
content of the mind is decided by where you are.mind is like a garbage bin. It is cant live
without a garbage bin.but you are living and sleeping in have to crawl out it.ignorance is not
bliss.knowing everything about life and remaining untouched by it is bliss.The dirtiest and the filthiest
things are the most important.'when you jump from the top, the fall is a bliss......the fall is a bliss not
the stopping.
You know all the nonsense in life and remain untouched by it.this is bliss.somepeople develop hatred
for filth and want to run away.but you carry the mind with you.suddenly the magnitude of himalayas is
so big and wonderful for 2 days. All your problems come there .fortunately vacations are short.
Everyone is in pursuit of welbeing.Everyone wants happiness.The one who to the temple, goes
for his or welbeing. The one who goes to the bar does so for his everyone is in pursuit of
pleasantness.somebody said that heaven is a pleasant place so everyone wants to go there. If the
outside environment becomeis unpleasant, is it not so that it becomes all the more important to
keep the inside more pleasant????? External pleasantness, is managed by everyone, while the
internal pleasantness is managed only by one person and thats YOU. How many of you have
24 hours segment of happiness where there is no grief, unpleasantness etc. We are operating the
human mechanism without understanding it.
1. We know everything, but we are jerky like the driver.
We live out of fear. Mulla naseeruddin, was driving his car and the friend who was sitting next to him
observed that every time there was a honking of a lorry, mullah used to shiver..not the honking of any
other vehicle but only the honking of the lorry mullah used to shiver. Two hours passed and at the end
of the journey, his friend asked him, why this was so. I am going to say something very confidential.
My wife has been eloped by a lorry driver. I am scared that he might return the wife back to me. People
get married out of fear of loneliness,and then their life from engagement ring, to suffering to enduring
Look at life differently. The main teaching of any guru is to look at life differently.
A British lady was sitting on the chair in a railway platform and eating cookies. A hippie comes and sits
next to her and without asking her takes the cookies and eats it. The lady is annoyed that the hippie did
not have the decency to ask her. She glares at him and takes the cookie. The hippie too glares at her and
takes the cookie. She is very annoyed and her temper rises. Only a last cookie is left. She wants to
teach the hippie some manners. So, she takes the cookie, breaks it into half and eats it. The hippie takes
the half cookie, breaks it and eats it. She is very annoyed. Her train arrives. She leaves the place huffing
and puffing. Sits inside her cabin and looks around to see whether any other man is there like the
hippie. Not finding anyone, she opens her purse, and she is surprised to see her cookie packet intact. All
this while she was eating the hippies cookie.
Buddha saysiho pasiko come I will make you see life differently,

involvement is lacking 2.16
7. Bhagawad Gita has 18 adhyaya
8. it is the line drawn by bhagawan.
9. I have samasya and Gita dweshas these samasyaa
10. every adhayaya is a divine medicine for life\
11. veda vyasa has given a beautiful description of gita.
All the Upanishads put together is equivalent to a cow. According to paramatma}.Somebody
has to be a cowherd in order to take out milk from the cow,.Hence he was born as a cowherd.
While the other cowherd would milk the cows, Krishna, milked the Upanishads(cow) and
brought out bhagawad gita(milk).But in order to milk the cow, a cowherd has to first bring the
calf near the mouth of the udder and then the cow, gives milk. Here Veda vyasa, compares, the
calf to Arjuna,Just as a cowherd, brings the calf to the udder, and makes it drink a little and then
ties it somewhere, then then the cowherd distributes the milk to everyone`,
12. similarly Krishna, took Arjuna as the calf(par tho vats aha),gave the amrit of bhagawad gita and
then distributed it among everyone. It is the amrit, which makes you live peacefully, happily.
13. Arjuna chooses krishna while dhuryodhana chooses the army of krishna.SE
14. The Mahabharata war starts on margasira suddha padyami.The first 10 days the war continues.
Bhishma can die only when he wishes. On margasira suddha ekadasi , bhishma is laid on the
arrow bed.On this day, San jay tells Dhritarashtra about the war from that day (margasira
suddha ekadasi).Hence Gita jayanti is celebrated from that day and not margasira sudha
padyami.The war was fought for 18 days.Already, 10 days are over.But Sanjaya tell
dhritarashtra only from day 10.
15. we celebrate our birthday from the time we come out into the world and not the time when the
mother conceives, Similarly, Gita is celebrated from the time It was told to the world to
Dhritarashtra by Sanjaya.
16. Veda Vyas compares the war which is like a river. The banks of the river are Bhishma and
Drona who are the two soldiers.None can penetrate into the kaurava army when these two are
There. The water is like Jayadrata. Shakuni is black flowers. In the river is Shalya(Crocodile)
who is ready to eat everyone.Karna is like the dangerous wave.Ashwathama is like a
___________,.Dhurodana is like a whirlpool.
17. Can the Pandavas cross the river?Only with the help of Krishna, they can.
There are 10 Gitas,anugita, uttara gita,Kama gita,Pandava Gita,Hamsa Gita,Siddha Gita, shiva
Gita, Rama gita, uddhava Gita,and Ganesh Gita.But only Bhagawad Gita is very important.
19. Only God has told it through Krishna. All through there is Arjuna uvacha, Sanjaya uvacha, etc
but there is no Krishna uvacha, there is only Bhagawan uvacha. Bhagawad Gita is shashwat
20. how should Holy book start?It should have started a happy note, but it starts with a crying note.
Arjuna vishada yogaha. With a blind man,(Dhritarashta) the book started. Just as a man, The
Gita started. Just as a human who in starts his life in a crying note, so also the Gita starts. But it
ends not on a crying note but it gives us clarity of thought. Gita takes a human from fantasy to
reality, asatya to satya..from adharma to dharma.When you die ,one should have a clarity of
thought. Only Gita can change our life Gita
21. 6th chapter is Bhishma parva. The 1st is Bhumika(foundation) Arjuna vishada is the foundation
for the Gita.
22. Vyasa starts with the question of Dhritarashta. Kurushetra near ambala has two river
s.Saraswati and dishadwati. Narmada, is pious river.when someone does japa on the banks of

Narmada one gets phalam.when one wants to do dana, kurushetra is a good place.Kuru means
do , do , do.
23. Maharashtra means desire. Utmost desire, to have things which one does not have. Even though
blind he wants everything. Viveka sunya is Dhritarashta
24. dhritarashta asks Sanjaya a scheming question.Sanjaya, is this the dharma yudha.? Bhisma
cannot die until he wants.How come that Bhisma was killed by Arjuna?But there is only dharma
yudh going on here. Bhisma had taken a vow long back. He would fight any warrior but when
shikandi would come, he would drop all his weapons. He was originally born as a girl
child named 'Shikhandini' to Drupada, the king of Panchala. Shikhandi
fought in theKurukshetra war on the side of the Pandavas, along with his
father Drupada and brother Dhristadyumna. He had been born in an earlier
lifetime as a woman named Amba, who had won in swayamvara
by Bhishma for his younger brother and later sent her back to her lover who
insulted her and sent her back to Bhishma. Rejected byBhishma for
marriage, due to his oath of lifelong celibacy, and feeling deeply humiliated
and wanting revenge, Amba carried out great prayers and penance with the
desire to be the cause of Bhishma's death. Amba was then reborn as
25. Only bhishma tells his death secret to arjuna. We dont have any relation with anyone in this
life. Only relation we have with one person in this life is mother. Because, only she has
protected us and gave us birthstone Gangs river is very pious, only mother is pious. Only she
tells about father, and about material life. Bhisma and Arjuna has a relation of amother and
26. Dhuryodhana wanted war but he did not have preparedness. Arjuna was prepared for the war
though he did not want war.
27. Story of drona and drupada
28. never talk negaitive. Talk only positive.dhurodana says, all the great warriors have come for
him,They are ready to die for him.
29. Krishna took the chariot and placed it in front of Drona and Bhishma. These two are Arjuna
weak points.
30. Arjuna asks why this death????
31. when we are in very great sorrow, we should fall on gods feet. Pray daily to god. Not when we
are in danger,
32. In the proper discharge of duty, one has to learn to tolerate non permanent appearances and
disappearances of happiness and distress. According to Vedic injunction, one has to take his
bath early in the morning even during the month of Magha (January-February). It is very cold at
that time, but in spite of that a man who abides by the religious principles does not hesitate to
take his bath. Similarly, a woman does not hesitate to cook in the kitchen in the months of May
and June, the hottest part of the summer season. One has to execute his duty in spite of climatic
inconveniences. Similarly, to fight is the religious principle of the Kshatriya,and although one
has to fight with some friend or relative, one should not deviate from his prescribed duty. One
has to follow the prescribed rules and regulations of religious principles in order to rise up to
the platform of knowledge because by knowledge and devotion only can one liberate himself
from the clutches of Maya (illusion).

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