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Thanks for your useful suggestions.

I am posting the HVAC details of one showroom:

TFA CFM TFA TR Tonnage(TR)per unit Dehumidified CFM/unit Eqpmt No of Units
TotalTR Total CFM
500 3.4 1.9 1400 CAHU 1 5.3 1900
As per the above mentioned detail, TFA has 500 CFM and AHU has 1400 CFM.
1.Considering the first case, TFA is left above the false ceiling (near the AHU ) ..
How much CFM will the AHU deliver in a minute ?? Will leaving the TFA near AHU
enhance the capacity of AHU ??
2. TFA is bring down from the false ceiling and air is distributed with its own
ducting,separate from AHU air distribution.In this case, the total CFM supplied in a
showroom will be 1900 (Correct me, if I am wrong).
While sharing the HVAC details with all clients, We(Mall Management) tell them that
both TFA and AHU will serve a purpose of Air Conditioning in a store.So consider
total TR & CFM (AHU+TFA)....
Thanks for your cooperation in advance.
Case 1 - The total air supplied to the occupied space will be 1400 cfm. This will
consist of 500 cfm of TFA and 900 cfm from the room return. The remainder will
pressurize the room and leak out or be mechanically exhausted. The temperature
and humidity of the air entering the air handler cooling coil will be the result of
mixing 900 cfm of air at the room conditions with 500 cfm of the treated fresh air.
The air handler will deliver its rated 1400 cfm.
Case 2 The total air supplied to the occupied space will be 1400 cfm. Consider
that injecting the outside air into the room is no different that injecting it at any
other point of the air handler return. Consider a box. If 500cfm is brought in to the
box, then 500 cfm must be simultaneously exhausted, regardless of what goes on in
the box.
The comfort of occupants in any space depends on more than just the temperature
and humidity of the conditioned air supply. It also depends on the distribution of the
air into the space, specifically the spacing and throw characteristics of the supply
diffusers. Therefore, whether or not the fresh air is pre-treated, it should be
introduced into the air handler return, in my opinion, as this gives the designer the
best control over the supply air distribution. If the air handler is taking its return
directly from the ceiling plenum, it would be a waste of ductwork to direct the
ventilation (outdoor) air into the occupied space, since simply injecting it into the
ceiling plenum will result in its being picked up by the air handler return. If the air

handler return is ducted from grilles in the occupied space, then the ventilation air
must be ducted into the air handler return or directly into the space.

Finally, understand that when any amount of outdoor air is injected into a building,
the occupied space is pressurized and excess air must leak out or be mechanically
exhausted. Remember the box above. If the cfm of the outdoor air is large enough
to require more than three air changes per hour in the room, then some mechanical
exhaust may be needed to avoid excessive door loads, or even popping out
windows. A good rule of thumb is to mechanically exhaust 60% - 80% of the outdoor

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