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Mariah Crew

Unit 2
Where We

Unit 2 Where We Live

28 Days

long ago
land Male & Female
In this
unit, students
will use the
idea of location to study maps, globes, and basic physical g
celebration of
world Columbuss voyages. Students will continue their study
words, phrases, and
concepts using
sailorsthe idea of time, change, and continuity.
Power Concepts: Culture, Spatial Relationships
Unit Sections

Unit Intro & Pre-assessment (1 day)

Map Skills ( 12 days)
o Maps and Globes Skills
o Address (street, city, county, state,
nation, continent)
o Using map skills
Columbus Day (11 days)
o Now and Long Ago (Columbus time
vs. Now)
o Christopher Columbus Voyage
o Columbus Day
Culminating Assessments (4 days)

Vocabulary Development
Priority Terms

Performance Standards
(Priority Standards in Bold)
SSKH1b: The student will identify
the purpose of national holidays and
describe the people or events
celebrated. b. Columbus Day
(Christopher Columbus)
SSKG1: The student will describe
American culture by explaining
diverse community and family
celebrations and customs
SSKG2a,b,c: The student will
explain that a map is a drawing of a
place and a globe is a model of the
Earth. a. Differentiate land and water
features on simple maps and globes.
b. Explain that maps and globes
show a view from above. c. Explain
that maps and globes show features
in a smaller size.
SSKG3: The student will state the
street address, city, county, state,
nation, and continent in which he or
she lives.
Social Studies Skills Targeted in
this Unit
(Anchor: Social Studies Skills
Map and Globe Skills:
1. Use cardinal directions
Information Processing Skills:
1. Compare similarities and
2. Organize items
3. Identify issues and/or
problems and alternative


Where do you

Why do we ce

Literacy Skil
(Anchor: Com

support, ask an
key details in a
written texts re
presented orally
asking and answ
key details and
something is no


support, identif
key details of a
in order to seek
clarify somethin
drawing, dictati
compose opinio
a reader the top
book they are
an opinion or pr
or book (e.g., M
places, things, a
prompting and
additional detai
drawing, dictati
compose inform
which they nam
about and supp
the topic
visual displays
to provide addit
thoughts, feelin

Unit Preview

n the unit by exploring what a map is. Draw a map of your classroom and then allow students to draw a map of t
including the students sitting at their table or students can map their place in the class or on the carpet to get
mentary understanding maps.

Unit # Culminating Performance Task


Where We Live
[2-3 days]
Help potential visitors find your city by drawing a map to show your continent, country,
state, county and city.
Potential visitors to your city

You have been given the task of creating a map to be included in a travel brochure to
attract visitors to your city. You will draw a map that will help potential visitors to find
their way to your city by showing its place on our continent and in our country, state,
and county.
Product You will draw a map on construction paper or drawing paper showing your continent,
country, state, county and city.
Standar SSKG2 The student will explain that a map is a drawing of a place and a
globe is a model of the Earth.
a. Differentiate land and water features on simple maps and globes.
b. Explain that maps and globes show a view from above.
c. Explain that maps and globes show features in a smaller size.
SSKG3 The student will state the street address, city, county, state, nation,
and continent in which he or she lives.
Notes to the Teacher:
Allow students to complete this project in class. Provide them with many resources to
use when drawing their maps, i.e. Google Earth, wall maps, previous section
performance tasks. Have students explain their drawings to demonstrate their
mastery of the above standards.
Where I
Live-Performance Task1.doc

Unit # Culminating Performance Task Rubric



a. Does my map show a view from above?

b. Does my map show my continent, nation, state,
county, and city?
c. Does my map label my continent, nation, state,
county, and city?
d. Does my map include a title and a key?



e. Did I recite my home address from memory?



f. Did I tell what city, county, state, nation, and

continent I live in?
g. Did I speak in complete sentences and speak clearly
and distinctly using volume loud enough to be heard
by all?


= Excellent; 5 4

3 or below

= Satisfactory

= Not Satisfactory

Unit # Pre-Assessment/ Post Assessment

Where do you live?

Why do we celebrate Columbus Day?

Required Lesson Components

Unit 2 Section 1 Map Skills

Pacing: 12 Days
Essential Question: How does where you live affect how you live?
Performance Standards:
SSKG2 The student will explain that a map is a drawing of a place and a globe
is a model of the Earth.
a. Differentiate land and water features on simple maps and globes.
b. Explain that maps and globes show a view from above.
c. Explain that maps and globes show features in a smaller size.
SSKG3 The student will state the street address, city, county, state, nation,
and continent in which he or she lives.
Focus Topics
Social Studies Skills
Literacy Skills
Map and Globe Skills:
Maps and Globes
1. Use cardinal directions
View from Above
Water and Land
Information Processing
What an address is 1. Compare similarities and ELACCKSL2
Key Vocabulary
Core Text
Unit 2 Core Lesson 2 - Our Worlds Land TE
pp. 32-35/Skill builder TE pp. 118-119
Unit 2 Core Lesson 3 - Our Worlds Water
view from above
TE pp. 36-39/Skill builder TE pp.120-121
street address
Unit 2 Core Lesson 5 - Community Homes
TE pp. 44-47
Unit 4 Core Lesson 1 - The Flag and the
Bald Eagle TE pp. 88-91
Unit 4 Core Lesson 2 - Other Symbols for
Our Country TE pp. 92-95 /Skill builder
TE pp.128-129
Unit 4 Core Lesson 3 - Our Countrys
People TE pp. 96-99
Lesson Questions:
Where do you live?
What street do you live on?
What city, county, state, nation, and continent do you live in?
What is the difference between a map and a globe?
Learning Targets:
The student will
Explain that a map is a drawing of a place and a globe is a model of the
Differentiate land and water features on simple maps and globes.

Explain that maps and globes show a view from above.

Explain that maps and globes show features in a smaller size.
State the street address, city, county, state, nation, and continent in
which he or she lives.

Teacher Notes
Here are some suggested learning tasks
Task 1:
Go to Google Earth. Explain the difference between a map and a globe. Have students
point out the water and land on the globe. Explain that the globe shows a view from above.
Zoom in to show students a view of buildings, trees, etc. to illustrate the perspective from
which they are viewing on the globe.
Ask students, Do you know where you live? Tell students that it is important to know the
address where you live. (Your address tells people how to find your house.) Ask students
for an example of when an address is needed. (Mailing letters, finding a place, to know how
far a place is from you, etc.)
Using Google Earth locate the address of a student who is able to tell you his/her address.
Put a place mark (push pin) there and label it with the students name (Tonys house).
Say, Lets see how far Tonys house is from our school. Locate the school, put a place
mark, and label it with the schools name. Create a path from the students home to the
Tell students that it is important that everyone learn their home address. Assign the task of
memorizing their address. Tell students when they have memorized their address, their
address will be added to Google Earth like the first students address.
As students successfully memorize their addresses, add a place mark on Google Earth for
their addresses. This can be done before or after school. Periodically show the class how
many place marks have been added. Continue to encourage the rest of the class to
memorize their addresses. It may take several months before all students have memorized
As new students join the class throughout the year, have them learn their address and add
it to the globe.
Whenever Google Earth is used, take a little time to congratulate students for learning
their addresses.

Task 2:
Go to Google Earth. Review the difference between a map and a globe. Have students
point out water and land.
Tell students that they have done a good job learning their addresses. But where in the
world are these addresses? Explain that they all have different addresses but most of their
addresses have something in common (the same city and county). Zoom out to show the
city in which they live. Show the city and Clayton County on the globe.
The teacher will tell students what city (& county) she lives in and see how far apart they
are. Tell students that although you do not live in the same city (& county); we still have
some other things in common. Tell them your city and my city is in the same state. Ask
what state that is. Explain that there are many states. Make some connections to other
states. Students may have relatives in other states. Find some on the globe and see how
far away they are.
Explain that even though some of our relatives live in different states from us, we still have
something in common (the same nation). Ask students what nation we live in. Show
students the US on the map. Explain that when we say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing
the national anthem, we are honoring this nation, the United States of America.
If there are Hispanic students in the class ask what country their family is from. If they are
from Mexico make the connection that even though we live in different nations, we still
have something in common (the same continent). Explain to students that our continent
has 3 countries, the US, Canada and Mexico. If there are students in the class who have
relatives on other continents (Africa, S. America, etc.) show where those continents are

Supplementary Resources

Picture Books
The Little Country Town, by Jandelyn Southwell, Holt 2001
I Live in the City, by Mari Takabayashi, Houghton Mifflin 2004
I Live in Tokyo, by Mari Takabayashi, Houghton Mifflin 2004
Trip Across the Country, by Ruth Alder
Read Aloud Books
Its My City! A Singing May, by April Pulley Sayre, Greenwillow, 2001
Seas and Oceans, by Miranda Ashwell, Heinemann, 1999
Mapping Our World, by Janine Scott, Compass Point, 2003
Sundance/Newbridge Books
Americas Landforms
Map It
Getting Information from Maps
Tasks from Core Text:
Role Playing
Design a Stamp Collection: Assessment Options pp. 15, 16
Find It on the Map: TE p. 29
Practice Book pp. 10 15
Unit 2 Test Assessment Options pp. 9 12
Unit Objectives Checklist Assessment Options pp. 13,14
Google Earth
Neighborhoods: Understanding Where We Are
Welcome to the Neighborhood: A Place Where People Live, Play, Work, and Worship
Beginning Maps: Models and Places - Students discover the relationship between the real world, small
models of real locations, and the purpose of maps. They also identify places on the map from stories of the
past (like where Columbus landed) and today (like where the president lives.)

Unit 2 Section 1 Map Skills

Performance Task 1
Learning Task

Materials: Maps coloring sheet

Direct Explanation: Students will be given the opportunity to label their continent,
nation, state, county, and city on a map.
Modeling: The teacher will use Google Earth as well as a world map to model where
we live showing the continent, nation, state, county, and city.
Guided Practice: Allow individual students to model where we live using Google
Earth or a world map.

Work Session: Students will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their

Honors/Gifted: Extend activity to have students locate other
places of interest such as relatives homes, nations capital, etc.
SWD/EL: Allow students extra time and verbal prompts to help
students complete task.
When activity is completed by all, teacher can review the activity,
grade it, and offer feedback on the worksheet.
Connection to

This task will help students master the information needed to complete
the culminating task in which they will be drawing their own maps.

Required Lesson Components

Unit 2 Section 2 Columbus Day

Pacing: 11 of Days
Essential Question: How does celebrating Columbus Day reflect our American
Performance Standards:
SSKH1 The student will identify the purpose of national holidays and describe
the people or events celebrated.
b. Columbus Day (Christopher Columbus)
SSKH3 The student will correctly use words and phrases related to chronology
and time to explain how things change.
a. Now, long ago
b. Before, after
f. Past, present, future
SSKG2 The student will explain that a map is a drawing of a place and a globe
is a model of the Earth.
a. Differentiate land and water features on simple maps and globes.
Focus Topics
Social Studies Skills
Literacy Skills
Columbus Day
Map and Globe Skills:
1. Use cardinal directions ELACCKR1.2
Information Processing
Now and Long
1. Compare similarities
and differences
2. Organize items
3. Identify issues and/or
problems and alternative
Key Vocabulary
Core Text
Unit 1 Holiday Lesson Columbus
Day TE pp. 136-139
r Columbus
long ago
Unit 2 Core Lesson 1 Where Is It?
TE pp. 28-31
Unit 2 Core Lesson 3 Our Worlds
Water TE pp. 36-39 - Skill builder TE
pp. 120-121
Unit 3 Core Lesson 5
Transportation TE pp. 80-83 Skill
builder TE pp. 126-127
Unit 4 Core Lesson 3 Our Countries
People TE pp. 96-99
Unit 4 Core Lesson 4 Heroes Long
Ago TE pp. 100-103 Skill builder TE
pp. 130-131
Unit 4 Core Lesson 5 Our Leaders
TE pp. 104-107
Lesson Questions:

How do various American celebrations and traditions reflect our culture?

Why do we celebrate Columbus Day?

How do people in the United States celebrate Columbus Day?

How is life today similar to and different from life long ago?

How can you tell the difference between land and water is on a map or
Learning Targets:
Students will
Identify the purpose of the Columbus Day holiday.
Understand and explain the contributions of Christopher Columbus to
the Americas.
Understand and explain the basic features of maps and globes.

Teacher Notes
Suggested Learning Tasks
Task 1: Introduce the new unit by stating the enduring understandings for location and time, change and
continuity. Tell students that they are about to go back in time, long, long ago, before there was a United
States of America, before there were any airplanes or cars or electricity. We are about to learn about a
historical figure who made it possible for us to live in the United States of America. Use the Norman
Rockwell photo gallery to print pictures of children from the early 20th century.
Have the students look at the way life is presented in these pictures (Example: type of bicycle, clothing,
surroundings). Using pictures brought from home as a comparison, students will discuss the similarities and
differences of pictures from long ago to pictures of today. Draw and label a picture of the past, present and
future. Students choose one category (clothes, transportation, recreation, etc.) to draw a picture of something from
that category in the past, present, and future.
Task 2: Read the story of Christopher Columbus in the Holiday book OR show a video or video clip from
United streaming to tell the story of Columbuss voyage. Discuss how things were different in Columbuss
time. View United Streaming Video: Animated Hero Classics: Christopher Columbus.
Provide students with the patterns to make Christopher Columbus ships. Students retell the story of Christopher

Task 3: Show a picture of Christopher Columbus. Open Google Earth. Explain to students that Google Earth
is a globe that shows a model of the Earth. Review the difference between a map and a globe. Ask students
what the blue parts of the globe show and what the brown/green parts show. Go over the story of Columbus
using Google Earth showing his trek from Spain to San Salvador.
Task 4: Have students act out the story of Columbuss voyage with Columbus, the queen, and sailors. Video
tape with a flip camera. Revisit the video throughout the year as a part of the class history.
Task 5: Complete a vocabulary web with Columbus Day words such as ship, sea, trip, crew, land, water, etc.,
and have students write a sentence dictated with each word.
Task 6: Create a Venn diagram comparing life in Spain (during Columbus time or today) to life in the United
Which language would we speak?
What types of clothing do we wear?
What are the school days like in the United States and Spain?
What was school like in Columbuss time?
What do homes look like in Spain? Are they similar or different to yours?
Have students tell one way we are alike and different. (Example: We all use words to communicate, but most signs
in the United States are in English, while most signs in Spain are in Spanish; we all live in homes but they may
look different from one another.)

Task 7: Complete Performance Task: The Columbus Journey. Check for understanding of concept.

Supplementary Resources

Book Titles:
Seas and Oceans by Miranda Ashwell
Mapping Our World by Janine Scott
Geography for Fun: People and Places by Pam Robson
Clothes in Colonial America by Mark Thomas
How We Lived in Colonial New England by Deborah Kent
Travel in the Early Days by Bobbie Kalman
A Picture Book of Christopher Columbus by David Adler
In 1492 by Jean Marzolla
What is Columbus Day? By Margot Parker
Tasks from Core Text:
Drama: Ship Puppets Columbus Voyage TE p. 137
Make a Model milk carton ships TE p. 136
Map It: Make a map showing land and water.
Columbus Journal:
World map:
Christopher Columbus patterns:
Ship pattern:
Story Prompts and Discovery Map:
Norman Rockwell Photo Gallery (comparison of children/people from long ago with today)
United Streaming: Math Monsters: Mapping
United Streaming: Animated Hero Classics: Christopher Columbus
United Streaming: Long Ago, Yesterday, Today

Unit 2 Section 2 Columbus Day

Performance Task 2
Learning Task

Materials: Columbus Day performance task, individual copies of World Map, green,
blue and black crayons
Direct Explanation: Students will color the continents green, color the
oceans/bodies of water blue, and draw a line from where Christopher Columbus began
his travels to where he landed (San Salvador) with a black crayon. Students will then
answer discussion questions.
Modeling: Google Earth or world map
Guided Practice: Using Google earth or a world map have individual students

Connection to

Honors/Gifted: Extend activity by allowing students to locate

and label the 7 continents and 4 oceans.
SWD/EL: Students will be provided with hands on activities and
When activity is completed by all, teacher can review the activity, and
grade and offer feedback on the worksheet.
This activity will allow students more practice identifying where they
live and more map practice that will prepare them to draw and label
their own maps for the culminating task.

Some resources came from Clayton County Public School

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