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The Sims 3 Cheats

Press Ctrl+Shift+C to open up the console type in TestingCheatsEnabled True now
click shift and click on a place to walk and it should say teleport me here.
Submitted By: Katelyn Theresa Lanza
Trait Modification
Once testingcheatsenabled true has been activated, if you hold the "Shift" key w
hile clicking your active Sim. An option appears were you can edit your Sims tra
Submitted By: PaulaJane27
All The Cheats
Cheat Console:
During gameplay press [ctrl]+[shift]+C to open the cheat console and type the fo
llowing to turn cheats on:
testingcheatsenabled - testing cheats on objects
[If you have Vista and you can not get the bar to show you need to press Ctrl Al
t Windows (should be next to ALT button) and C all at once. Then you may enter a
ny cheat you want]
After enabling the test cheats, you can use any of these cheats:
Cheat Code - Result
help - Display most cheats
Kaching - 1,000 more Simoleons
Motherlode - 50,000 more Simoleons
shazaam - +2,500 lifetime happiness points to active Sim
freerealestate - Ignore the cost when buying a lot
modify traits - Set or clear traits
add to household - Add active Sim to current household
set age [number] - Set age of the Sim
edit in cas - Take the Sim back to Create-a-Sim
set career [career/level] - Give selected Sim a career
force opportunity - Click career building you work at to force an opportunity
force event - Click career building you work at to force an event
force all events - Click career building to display all events for the career co
force service sim [name] - Force a specific service Sim to appear
force visitor - Forces a neighbor to show up
make me know everyone - Selected Sim knows every other Sim
make friends for me - Make several random friends for selected Sim
make happy - Sets all mood/moodlets for everyone in the house to perfect; remove
s negative moodlets
make motives [static or dynamic] - Set motives static or dynamic for entire hous
unlockOutfits [on or off] - View career outfits and service uniforms [Note 1]
moveObjects [on or off] - No limitations for placing/moving objects
resetSim [first name] [last name] - Return Sims to safe and neutral state at hom
constrainFloorElevation [true or false] - Force terrain adjustments regardless o
f objects, Sims, and other structures
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off] - Objects will not snap to slots while h

olding [Alt]
fadeObjects [on or off] - Objects fade when camera gets close to them
snapObjectsToAngle [true or false] - Toggle 45 degree angle object snap
snapObjectsToGrid [true or false] - Toggle snap to grid for placed objects
hideHeadlineEffects [on or off] - Show talk/thought balloons above Sim's head
jokePlease - Print random joke to console
enablellamas [on or off] - Llamas enabled message
slowMotionViz: [0-8] - Slow motion visuals; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest
testingCheatsenabled [true or false] - Enable testing cheats [Note 2]
fps [on or off] - Toggle framerate display at top right
fullscreen [on or off] - Full screen
quit - Quit the game
Note 1: This code must be enabled before entering Create-A-Sim mode.
Note 2: You can move your Sims' status bars as desired by clicking and dragging
(hygiene, energy, fun, etc.).
Submitted By: MissSimsJunkie, Brandon, Medicalman88
Age Sims Prematurely
Entry Location:
buy a birthday cake
Buy a birthday cake even before you Sims birthday and have them blow out the can
dles and they will age when they blow them out
Submitted By: Djontop123116
Get A List Of Cheats
Entry Location:
Type "help" into cheat box.
Submitted By: simsdude
Static Needs
Entry Location:
Testing cheats on Mail box
Once the TestingCheatsEnabled True code has been activated, you can shift-click
on the mailbox outside of your sims' house to fill their needs bars using the 'M
ake all happy' option and freeze them with 'Make Motives Static.'


The Sims 3 Hints

Have a Ghost Baby (Without Killing)
How to do it:
- Set one of your Sim's traits to Kleptomaniac (Sim must be female)
- Go to graveyard
- Wait until Sim steals remains or tell sim to swipe something (remains must be
- On the second day since stealing grave and putting it in home, the ghost will
appear at 11:00pm and disappear at 4:00am it will appear every other day
- Socialize with ghost every night it appears until you are at best friend ghost
will then begin appearing every night
- get fertility reward
- Confess attraction to ghost
- ask to snuggle on bed, kiss
- Try for baby every night until you start throwing up
- Congrats! You're now having a ghost's baby! (It will be born as a ghost that y
ou can control)
Submitted By: ShadowNova
Gender of Babies
Entry Location:
Must have a pregnant female
Eating apples will increase your chances of having boys!
(i.e. 3 apples = 3 boys)
On the other hand, eating watermelons will increase your chances of having girls
(i.e. 3 watermelons = 3 girls)
**To have increased chances of twins or triplets have one or both parents have t
he lifetime reward of fertility treatment.
I heard this from someone else. I had my pregnant female eat three watermelons t
o test it out and it worked! She had 3 triplet girls.
Submitted By: Anonymous
Easy Money
Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the lea
st amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, y
our skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be
able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance
Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "
Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week

, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighbor
hood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should
have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simo
Submitted By: MissSimsJunkie
Protection From Death
Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard, and near the gate, there is a strange bush called
a "Death Flower Bush" - Harvest the flower from it.
If you keep this flower in your sim's inventory, when you die the grim reaper wi
ll trade it for a second chance at life.
This flower will not reappear, but there are Unknown Special Seeds (requires lev
el 7 Gardening to plant) dotted about near the graveyard (and a few other places
) which may grow another Death Flower (and sometimes more if your Sim has the Gr
een Thumb trait to revive the plant.)
Submitted By: Lazarus
New clothes
To get new clothes, you first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once the
re, click "Plan Outfit." You can put a total of three different clothes for each
type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.).
Submitted By: MissSimsJunkie
Making Friends
Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach
5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that a
bility, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the pa
rk, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips." People watch
ing you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar ski
ll, the faster they will become friends with you.
Submitted By: MissSimsJunkie
Turn off Aging
In the options menu you can choose the gameplay settings. When you uncheck the b
ox before "Aging" the sims won't become older anymore. You can also slow aging d
own in this menu by setting the lifetime bar. It's changeable from 25 days too 9
60 days.



Strategy Guide
Message Boards
# Cheat Codes
While playing the game, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C to display the console window
. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corres
ponding cheat function. Note: In Windows Vista you may need to press [Ctrl] + [W
indows] + [Shift] + C to display the console window.
Result Cheat Code
Display most cheats
Enable testing cheats [Note 1] testingCheatsenabled [true or false]
1,000 more Simoleons
50,000 more Simoleons Motherlode
View career outfits and service uniforms [Note 2]
unlockOutfits [on or off
No limitations for placing/moving objects
moveObjects [on or off]
Return Sims to safe and nuetral state at home resetSim [first name] [last name
Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures
constrainFloorElevation [true or false]
Objects will not snap to slots while holding [Alt]
Alt [on or off]
Objects fade when camera gets close to them
fadeObjects [on or off]
Show talk/thought balloons above Sim's head
hideHeadlineEffects [on or off]
Print random joke to console
Llamas enabled message enablellamas [on or off]
Slow motion visuals; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest slowMotionViz [0-8]
Toggle framerate display at top right fps [on or off]
Full screen
fullscreen [on or off]
Quit the game quit
Note 1: This code allows additional cheat codes to be used and unlocks various t
esting options, as described below.
Note 2: This code must be enabled before entering Create-A-Sim mode.
# Testing cheats
Enable the "testingCheatsenabled true" code, then type one of the following code
s at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result Cheat Code
Make toddler that grows to child become an NPC ageuptonpc
Set Simoleon total for indicated family
familyfunds "[last name]" [numbe

Set game speed speed [0 to 4]
Toggle map tags maptags [on or off]
Toggle all audio
playsounds [on or off]
Record video with specified size and quality
After enabling the "testingCheatsenabled true" code, you can also hold [Shift] a
nd click on the following objects to access new options:
"Make All Happy"
"Make Friends For Me"
"Make Needs Static" or "Make Needs Dynamic"
"Make Me Know Everyone"
"Force Visitor"
Various "Force NPC" options
Various "Set Career" options
Work place
"Force Opportunity"
"Force Event"
"Force All Events"
Any Sim
"Trigger Age Transition"
"Modify Traits"
Active Sim
"Modify Traits for Active Sim"
Non-household Sim
"Add to Household"
Moodlet Panel
Remove a Moodlet from the Moodlet Panel. Note: If it is motive induced, th
e bar related to the negative Moodlet will be completely filled.
When the "testingCheatsenabled true" code is enabled on the "Select Family" scre
en before loading a family, hold [Ctrl] and click just below the box in the life
time happiness to add 500 to lifetime happiness.
# Watching your own videos on the TV
Use the following trick to watch your own videos on the Sim television. Place th
e video you want into the "/My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 3/Movies/Broadcast/[t
elevision station]" folder. Turn on the television in the game, and you can watc
h it. The video must be in .AVI format, with a resolution no larger than 128x128
pixels, and frame rate not greater than 15 frames per second.
# Listening to your own music on the radio
Place the desired .MP3 files in the "/My Documents/EA Games/The Sims 3/Music/[ra

dio station]" folder. Start the game, go to "Options" menu, select "Music Settin
gs", then choose radio station. Select which songs you want the radio to play.
# Easy money
Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the lea
st amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, y
our skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be
able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance
Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "
Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week
, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighbor
hood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should
have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simo
# Saving money
No matter how many times you use an object, if you sell it the same day you got
it you can get all your money back. If your Sim is poor and needs body points or
something else, buy a body machine and keep selling it back to get a refund of
all your money.
# Easy Cooking, Fishing, and Gardening skills
This trick requires a TV with a Cooking, Fishing, or Gardening channel and a vid
eo game system. Have a Sim sit down and watch television. Switch the TV over to
one of the previously mentioned channels so that the Sim can start earning his o
r her skill point. Then, have a second Sim go over and start playing video games
. Notice that although the TV is displaying video games, the first Sim still has
the skill meter above their head. Allow this Sim to sit there for as long as th
ey please until they decide to do another activity of their own. After that, the
skill meter should stay above their head until you start another Cooking, Fishi
ng, or Gardening skill activity. As an added bonus, you can train two skill poin
ts at once. For example, work out and both the Athletic and Cooking skills will
continue to rise. If you keep repeating the steps until each skill channel has b
een viewed, the Sim will keep learning the three skills as he or she goes on abo
ut their daily life, and four when doing skill activities.
# Free bookcase skills
Buy a bookcase, then have your Sim begin to study. Interrupt the action so that
the book is placed on the ground. Sell the bookcase. The book can now do everyth
ing the bookcase could have done for free.
# Increasing chance to have baby boys
Have a pregnant female Sim eat apples to increase the chance of having a boy.
# Increasing chance to have baby girls
Have a pregnant female Sim eat watermelons to increase the chance of having a gi
# Increasing chance for multiple babies
To increase the chance of having twins or triplets, have one or both parents hav
e the lifetime reward of Fertility Treatment.
# Ghost baby
Set one of your female Sim's traits to Kleptomaniac. Go to the graveyard, and ha
ve the Sim steal male remains. On the second day after putting the male remains
in your home, a ghost will appear at 11:00 p.m. and disappear at 4:00 a.m. It wi
ll appear every other day. Socialize with the ghost every night it appears. When
you become best friends with the ghost, it will begin appearing every night. Ge
t the "Fertility" reward. Confess your attraction to the ghost. Ask to snuggle o
n the bed, and kiss him. Try for a baby every night until you start throwing up.

You will now have a ghost baby that you can control.
# Ghosts in your house
Go to the graveyard, click on all the tombstones, and take all possible tombston
es. Return to your house, and place them somewhere in your backyard. You now hav
e a 70% chance of a ghost or two, or even a whole party of ghosts visiting your
house each night. To improve your chances, write in the epitaph "Here Lies [Sim'
s name], The One Who Returns".
# Making friends
Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach
5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that a
bility, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the pa
rk, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips". People watch
ing you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar ski
ll, the faster they will become friends with you.
# Disable aging
Instead of using a cheat code to toggle "aging on" and "aging off" like in The S
ims 2, you can de-activate the age in "Game Options" under "Options". When you u
ncheck the box next to "Aging", your Sims will no longer become older. You can a
lso slow aging down in this menu by setting the "Lifetime" bar. It can be set fr
om 25 days to 960 days.
# Quickly advance age
Use the following trick to change your Sim's age (toddler, child, teen, etc.) qu
ickly. Buy a birthday cake from the grocery store, and place it somewhere on you
r lot. Click the cake, and select "Have Birthday". Then, choose the Sim to be ag
ed. This is a good method to get past the baby stage.
# Avoiding death
Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard. Near the gate is a bush called "Death Flower Bush
". Harvest the flower from it, and keep it in your Sim's inventory. If you die,
that Sim will give the flower to the Grim Reaper and be resurrected. Although th
e flower will not reappear there again, if your Sim has Level 7 Gardening, they
can plant the "Unknown Special Seeds" found in the graveyard and some other plac
es that have a chance to grow as a Death Flower. Note: Having the Green Thumb tr
ait to revive the plant may help.
# New clothes
To get new clothes, you first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once the
re, click "Plan Outfit". You can put a total of three different clothes for each
type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.).
# Learning all guitar songs from books
Have your Sim reach Guitar skill level 5. Have a level 5 book in their inventory
, click the guitar, then select "New Song" to learn it. After reaching Guitar sk
ill level 6, do the same thing with a level 6 book. Repeat the process until the
Sim reaches Guitar skill level 10, and they will know all songs that were taugh
# Creating brilliant paintings or masterpieces
Create a stylized still life after it is unlocked. Choose "Genius", and make it
in the largest possible frame. You will now have a much better chance of getting
a brilliant painting or masterpiece.
# Duck Time moodlet
Buy the Ducksworth of Bathington, and place it in your bathtub. When a Sim takes
a bath, they will get the Duck Time moodlet which results in a +15 boost for fo
ur hours.

# Strange faces
There is a glitch in Create-A-Sim mode that allows to you to make very strange f
aces. Go to the face designing area. Select a face part such as the eyes, and ma
x out all the sliders one way or the other. Then, go to a different face part, a
nd select one of the predesigned parts. Return to the eyes. The sliders will hav
e reset to the middle, but the eyes will still look the same. This works for all
of the face adjusting tabs. You can then continue to max out the size of the ey
es and repeat. You can make eyes the size of dinner plates, very long cheekbones
, huge noses, and more.
# Hording pizza
Have a Sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery man arrives, do not accept th
e pizza. The delivery man will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, an
d it will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas there as you want. If yo
ur Sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.
# EA game references
When you have the video game system and your Sims play it, zoom in on the TV to
see that the games they are playing are various Electronic Arts titles.

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