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Codex IX

The Nag Hammadi Library

Translated by Sren Giversen and Birger A. Pearson

Jesus Christ, the Son of God [...] from ...

... (2 lines unrecoverable)
... the aeons, that I might tell all of the aeons, and, in (the case of) each one of the aeons, that I
might tell the nature of the aeon, what it is, and that I might put on friendship and goodness as a
garment, O brother, [...] and ...
... (7 lines unrecoverable)
... their end [...]. And he will reveal to them the truth [...] in ...
... (3 lines unrecoverable)
... proverb(s) ...
... (lines 26-eop [=end of page], and first 2 lines of next page, unrecoverable)
... at first in parables and riddles [...] proclaim them. Death will tremble and be angry, not only he
himself, but also his fellow world-ruling archons, and the principalities and the authorities, the
female gods and the male gods, together with the archangels. And ...
... (4 lines unrecoverable)
... all of them, [...] the world-rulers [...], all of them, and all the [...], and all the [...].
They will say [...] concerning him, and concerning [...] and ...
... (2 lines unrecoverable)
... they will [...] hidden mysteries ...
... (lines 27-eop, and first 2 lines of next page, unrecoverable)
... out of [...] the All. They will [...] this. The lawyers will bury him quickly. They will call him 'impious
man', 'lawless', 'impure'. And on the third day, he will rise from the dead ...
... (lines 12-eop, and first 3 lines of next page, unrecoverable)
... holy disciples. And the Savior will reveal to them the world that gives life to the All.
But those in the heavens spoke many words, together with those on the earth, and those under the
earth. ...
... (lines 11-eop unrecoverable)

Codex IX
La Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi

Traducido al espaol por Jorge Santiago Leiva Delgado

Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios [...] a partir de ...

... (2 lneas irrecuperable)
... los eones, que yo podra decirle de todos los eones, y, en (el caso de) cada uno
de los eones, para que yo dijera la naturaleza del en, lo que es, y que yo podra
poner en la amistad y bondad como una prenda de vestir, oh hermano, [...] y ...
... (7 lneas irrecuperable)
... su fin [...]. Y l les revelar a ellos la verdad [...] en ...
... (3 lneas irrecuperable)
... proverbio (s) ...
... (lneas 26-eop [= final de la pgina], y 2 primeras lneas de la pgina siguiente,
... al principio en parbolas y enigmas [...] proclaman ellos. La muerte tiemblar
y se enojar, no slo l mismo, sino tambin sus compaeros arcontes
gobernantes del mundo, y los principados y las autoridades, los dioses femeninos
y los dioses masculinos, junto con los arcngeles. Y ...
... (4 lneas irrecuperable)
... todos ellos, [...] los gobernadores del mundo [...], todos ellos, y todos los [...],
y todos los [...].
Ellos dirn [...] en relacin con l, y en relacin con [...] y ...
... (2 lneas irrecuperable)
... ellos [...] ocultan misterios ...
... (lneas 27-eop, y 2 primeras lneas de la pgina siguiente, irrecuperables)
... fuera de [...] el Todo. Ellos [...] esto. Los abogados lo enterrarn a l
rpidamente. Ellos lo llamarn 'hombres impos', 'sin leyes', 'impuros'. Y al tercer
da, l resucitar de entre los muertos ...
... (lneas 12-eop, y primeros 3 lneas de la pgina siguiente, irrecuperables)

... santos discpulos. Y el Salvador le revelar a ellos el mundo, que da vida al

Pero aquellos en los cielos hablaron muchas palabras, junto con los de la tierra, y
aquellos debajo de la tierra. ...
... (lneas 11-eop irrecuperables)
... which will happen in his name. Furthermore, they will say of him that he is unbegotten, though he
has been begotten, (that) he does not eat, even though he eats, (that) he does not drink, even
though he drinks, (that) he is uncircumcised, though he has been circumcised, (that) he is unfleshly,
though he has come in the flesh, (that) he did not come to suffering, <though> he came to suffering,
(that) he did not rise from the dead, <though> he arose from the dead.
But all the tribes and all the peoples will speak the truth who are receiving from you yourself, O
Melchizedek, Holy One, High-Priest, the perfect hope and the gifts of life. I am Gamaliel, who was
sent to [...] the congregation of the children of Seth, who are above thousands of thousands, and
myriads of myriads, of the aeons [...] essence of the aeons, aba[...] aiai ababa. O divine [...] of the
[...] nature [...]! O Mother of the aeons, Barbelo! O first-born of the aeons, splendid Doxomedon
Dom[...]! O glorious one, Jesus Christ! O chief commanders of the luminaries, you powers Armozel,
Oroiael, Daveithe, Eleleth, and you man-of-light, immortal aeon Pigera-Adamas, and you good god
of the beneficent worlds, Mirocheirothetou, through Jesus Christ, the Son of God! This is the one
whom I proclaim, inasmuch as there has visited the One who truly exists, among those who exist
[...] do(es) not exist, Abel Baruch - that you (sg.) might be given the knowledge of the truth [...], that
he is from the race of the High-priest, which is above thousands of thousands, and myriads of
myriads, of the aeons. The adverse spirits are ignorant of him, and (of) their (own) destruction. Not
only (that, but) I have come to reveal to you the truth, which is within the brethren. He included
himself in the living offering, together with your offspring. He offered them up as an offering to the
All. For it is not cattle that you will offer up for sin(s) of unbelief, and for the ignorances, and (for) all
the wicked deeds which they will do [...]. And they do not reach the Father of the All [...] the faith ...
... (20 lines unrecoverable)
For the waters which are above [...] that receive baptism [...]. But receive that baptism which is with
the water which [...], while he is coming ...
... (3 lines unrecoverable)
... baptism as they ...
... (18 lines unrecoverable)
... pray for the offspring of the archons and all the angels, together with the seed <which> flowed
forth from the Father of the All [...] the entire [...] from [...] there were engendered the gods and the
angels, and the men [...] out of the seed, all of the natures, those in the heavens and those upon the
earth and those under the earth ...
... (14 lines unrecoverable)
... nature of the females [...], among those that are in the [...]. They were bound with [...] But this is
not (the) true Adam nor (the) true Eve.
For when they ate of the tree of knowledge, they trampled the Cherubim and the Seraphim with the
flaming sword. They [...], which was Adam's, [...] the world-rulers, and [...] them out [...] after they
had brought forth [...] offspring of the archons and their worldly things, these belonging to ...

... lo que va a pasar en su nombre. Adems, ellos dicen de l que es no

engendrado, a pesar de que l ha sido engendrado, (que) no come, a pesar de que
come, (que) l no bebe, a pesar de que l bebe, (que) l no est circuncidado , a

pesar de que ha sido circuncidado, (que) l es incrporeo, aunque ha venido en

carne, (que) l no vino al sufrimiento, <aunque> lleg al sufrimiento, (que) no se
levant de entre los muertos , <aunque> se levant de entre los muertos.
Pero todas las tribus y todos los pueblos hablarn la verdad que estn recibiendo
de ti mismo, oh Melquisedec, Santo, Sumo Sacerdote, la esperanza perfecta y los
regalos de la vida. Yo Soy Gamaliel, quien fue enviado a [...] la congregacin de
los hijos de Seth, que estn por encima de miles de miles, y millones de millones,
de los eones [...] esencia de los eones, aba [.. .] aiai ababa. O divino [...] de la [...]
la naturaleza [...]! Oh Madre de los eones, Barbelo! O primognito de los eones,
esplndido Doxomedon Dom [...]! O glorioso, Jesucristo! Oh jefe de los
comandantes de las luminarias, tus poderes Armozel, Oroiael, Daveithe, Elelez, y
t, el hombre de la luz, en inmortal Pigera-Adamas, y t, buen dios de los
mundos benficos, Mirocheirothetou, por medio de Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios !
Este es el que quien yo os anuncio, ya que ha visitado a Aquel que
verdaderamente existe, entre los que existen [...] hace (es) no existe, Abel Baruch
- que t (sg.) podra dar el conocimiento de la verdad [...], que l es de la raza del
Sumo-sacerdote, que est por encima de miles de miles, y millones de millones,
de los eones. Los espritus adversos son ignorantes de l, y (de) su (propia)
destruccin. No solo (eso, sino que) yo he venido a revelar a usted la verdad, la
que est dentro de los hermanos. l se incluy a s mismo en la ofrenda de vida,
junto con su descendencia. l los ofreci como ofrenda al Todo. Porque no es
ganado que va a ofrecer para los pecado (s) de la incredulidad, y por las
ignorancias, y (por) todas las malas acciones que ellos van a hacer [...]. Y ellos no
llegan al Padre del Todo [...] la fe ...
... (20 lneas irrecuperable)
Pues el agua que est por encima de [...] que reciben el bautismo [...]. Pero
reciben el bautismo, que es con el agua, que [...], mientras que l se acerca ...
... (3 lneas irrecuperable)
... El bautismo, como ellos ...
... (18 lneas irrecuperable)
... orar por los descendientes de los arcontes y todos los ngeles, junto con la
semilla <que> flua del Padre del Todo [...] el todo [...] de [...] haba engendrado
los dioses y los ngeles y los hombres [...] fuera de la semilla, todos de las
naturalezas, los que estn en los cielos y los que estn sobre la tierra y debajo de
la tierra ...

... (14 lneas irrecuperable)

... la naturaleza de las mujeres [...], entre los que estn en el [...]. Estaban atados
con [...] Pero esto no es (el) verdadero Adn ni (la) verdadera Eva.
Pues cuando ellos comieron del rbol del conocimiento, ellos pisotearon los
Querubines y los Serafines con la espada de fuego. Ellos [...], que fue Adn, [...]
los gobernantes-del mundo, y [...] fuera [...] despus de haber dado a luz [...] los
hijos de los arcontes y sus cosas del mundo, stos pertenecen a ...
... (13 lines unrecoverable)
... light [...]. And the females and the males, those who exist with [...] hidden from every nature, and
they will renounce the archons [...] who receive from him the [...]. For they are worthy of [...]
immortal, and great [...], and great [...], and great [...] sons of men [...] disciples [...] image, and [...]
from the light [...] which is holy. For [...] from the beginning [...] a seed ...
... (lines 13-eop unrecoverable)
But I will be silent [...], for we are the brethren who came down from the living [...]. They will [...]
upon the ...
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... of Adam, [...], Abel, Enoch, Noah, [...] you, Melchizedek, the Priest of God Most High, [...] those
who [...] women ...
... (lines 14-eop unrecoverable)
... these two who have been chosen will at no time nor in any place will they be convicted,
whenever they have been begotten, by their enemies, by their friends, nor by strangers, nor their
(own) kin, (nor) by the impious, nor the pious. All of the adverse natures will [...] them, whether
those that are manifest, or those that are not manifest, together with those that dwell in the
heavens, and those that are upon the earth, and those that are under the earth. They will make war
[...] every one. For [...], whether in the ...
... (3 lines unrecoverable)
... many ...
... (2 lines unrecoverable)
And these in the [...] every one will [...]. These will [...] with every blow [...] weaknesses. These will
be confined in other forms, and will be punished. These the Savior will take them away, and they will
overcome everything, not with their mouths and words, but by means of the [...], which will be done
for them. He will destroy Death.
These things which I was commanded to reveal, these things reveal as I (have done). But that
which is hidden, do not reveal to anyone, unless it is revealed to you (to do so)."
And immediately, I arose, I, Melchizedek, and I began to [...] God [...] that I should rejoice ...
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... while he is acting [...] living [...] I said, "I ...
... (2 lines unrecoverable)
... and I will not cease, from now on, forever, O Father of the All, because you have had pity on
men, and you have sent the angel of light [...] from your aeons [...] to reveal [...]. When he came, he
caused me to be raised up from ignorance, and (from) the fructification of death to life. For I have a
name: I am Melchizedek, the Priest of God Most High; I know that it is I who am truly the image of
the true High-Priest of God Most High, and [...] the world. For it is not a small thing that God [...] with
[...] while he [...]. And [...] the angels that dwell upon the earth ...
... (2 lines unrecoverable)

... is the sacrifice of [...], whom Death deceived. When he died, he bound them with the natures
which are leading them astray. Yet he offered up offerings [...] cattle, saying, "I gave them to Death,
and the angels, and the [...] demons [...] living offering [...]. I have offered up myself to you as an
offering, together with those that are mine, to you yourself, (O) Father of the All, and those whom
you love, who have come forth from you who are holy (and) living. And <according to> the perfect
laws, I shall pronounce my name as I receive baptism now (and) forever, (as a name) among the
living (and) holy names, and (now) in the waters. Amen."

... (13 lneas irrecuperable)

... La luz [...]. Y las hembras y los machos, los que existe con [...] escondidos de
cada naturaleza, y ellos van a renunciar a los arcontes [...] que reciben de l el
[...]. Porque ellos son dignos de [...] inmortales, y grandes [...], y grandes [...] y
grandes [...] hijos de los hombres [...] discpulos [...] la imagen y [...], a partir de
la luz [...] que es sagrada. Para [...] desde el principio [...] una semilla ...
... (lneas 13-EOP irrecuperables)
Pero voy a estar en silencio [...], porque somos los hermanos que venan desde la
vida [...]. Lo harn [...] sobre la ...
... (1 lnea irrecuperable)
... de Adn, [...], Abel, Enoc, No, [...] t, Melquisedec, Sacerdote de Dios
Altsimo, [...] los que [...] las mujeres ...
... (lneas 14-EOP irrecuperables)
... Estos dos que han sido elegidos a voluntad en ningn momento ni en ningn
lugar van a ser condenados, siempre que hayan sido engendrado, por sus
enemigos, por sus amigos, no por extraos, ni su (propio) pariente, (ni) por los
impos, ni los piadosos. Todas las naturalezas adversas [...] ellos, ya los que se
manifiestan, o los que no estn de manifiesto, junto a los que moran en los cielos,
y los que estn en la tierra, y los que estn debajo de la tierra . Ellos harn la
guerra [...] cada uno. Para [...], ya sea en el ...
... (3 lneas irrecuperable)
... muchos ...
... (2 lneas irrecuperable)

Y esto en el [...] cada uno [...]. Estos sern [...] con cada golpe [...] debilidades.
Estos sern confinados en otras formas, y sern castigados. Estos el Salvador los
arrojar lejos, y ellos van a superar todo, no con la boca y palabras, sino por
medio de la [...], que ser hecho por ellos. El destruir la Muerte.
Estas cosas que me fue mandado a revelar, estas cosas revelan como yo (he
hecho). Pero lo que est oculto, no se revela a nadie, a menos que se revele a
usted (para hacerlo) ".
Y de inmediato, me levant, yo, Melquisedec, y empec a [...] Dios [...] que yo
debera alegrarse ...
... (1 lnea irrecuperable)
... mientras l est actuando [...] vivir [...] me dijo: "Yo ...
... (2 lneas irrecuperable)
... y yo no voy a dejar, de ahora en adelante, para siempre, oh Padre del Todo,
porque usted ha tenido piedad de los hombres, y ha enviado el ngel de la luz [...]
a partir de sus eones [...] para revelar [...]. Cuando lleg, hizo que yo sea
levantado de la ignorancia, y (de) la fructificacin de la muerte a la vida. Porque
yo tengo un nombre: Soy Melquisedec, Sacerdote del Dios Altsimo; Yo S que
soy yo quien soy realmente la imagen del verdadero Sumo Sacerdote del Dios
Altsimo, y [...] el mundo. Porque no es una pequea cosa que Dios [...] con [...]
mientras l [...]. Y [...] a los ngeles que moran sobre la tierra ...
... (2 lneas irrecuperable)
... es el sacrificio de [...], a quien enga a la Muerte. Cuando l muri, les at
con las naturalezas que los estn llevando por mal camino. Sin embargo, l
ofreci ofrendas [...] ganado, diciendo: "Yo los di a la Muerte, y los ngeles y los
demonios [...] [...] que ofrece la vida [...]. Yo me he ofrecido a ti como una
ofrenda, junto con aquellos que son los mos, a usted mismo, (O) Padre del Todo,
y aquellos a quien amas, que han salido de ti que son santos (y) que viven. Y
<segn > las leyes perfectas, voy a pronunciar mi nombre como yo recib el
bautismo ahora (y) para siempre, (como un nombre) entre los vivientes (y) los
nombres de santos, y (ahora) en las aguas. Amn ".
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, O Father of the All, who truly exists, [...] do(es) not exist,
Abel Baruch [...], for ever and ever, Amen.
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, Mother of the aeons, Barbelo, for ever and ever, Amen.

Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, First-born of the aeons, Doxomedon [...], for ever and
ever, Amen.
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, ...
... (2 lines unrecoverable)
... for ever and ever, Amen.
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, ...
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... first aeon, Harmozel, for ever and ever, Amen.
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, commander, luminary of the aeons, Oriael, for ever and
ever, Amen.
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, commander of the aeons, man-of-light, Daveithe, for ever
and ever. Amen.
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, commander-in-chief, Eleleth ...
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... the aeons ...
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... for ever and ever, Amen.
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, good god of the beneficent words, ... Mirocheirothetou, for
ever and ever, Amen.
Holy are you, Holy are you, Holy are you, Commander-in-chief of the All, Jesus Christ, for ever and
ever, Amen.
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... blessed [...] confession. And [...] confess him [...] now [...], then it becomes [...] fear and [...], fear
and [...] disturb [...] surrounding them [...], in the place which has a great darkness in it, and many
[...] appear [...] there [...] appear ...
... (lines 23-eop unrecoverable)
And [...] they were clothed with [...] all, and ...
... (6 lines unrecoverable)
... disturbances. They gave [...] their words [...], and they said to me, "[...], Melchizedek, Priest of
God Most High," [...] they spoke as though [...] their mouths [...] in the All ...
... (7 lines unrecoverable)
... lead astray ...
... (lines 25-eop unrecoverable)
... with his [...] worship, and [...] faith, and [...] his prayers, and ...
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... those that are his [...] first ...
... (2 lines unrecoverable)
... They did not care that the priesthood which you perform, which is from ...
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... in the counsels of [...] Satan [...], the sacrifice [...] his doctrines ...
... (2 lines unrecoverable)
... of this aeon ...
... (4 lines unrecoverable)
... which exist(s) in [...], lead(s) astray ...
... (lines 27-eop unrecoverable)
... and some ...

... (2 lines unrecoverable)

... he gave them to ...
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... and thirteen ...
... (lines 7-eop unrecoverable)
... throw him [...], in order that you might ...
... (1 line unrecoverable)
... for immediately, [...], by means of [...] on the ground. The ...
... (lines 7-eop unrecoverable)

Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres t, oh Padre del Todo, lo que
verdaderamente existe, [...] haces (es) no existe, Abel Baruch [...], por los siglos
de los siglos, Amn.
Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Madre de los eones, Barbelo, por los
siglos de los siglos, Amn.
Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres, Primognito de los eones, Doxomedon
[...], por los siglos de los siglos, Amn.
Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres, ...
... (2 lneas irrecuperable)
... Por los siglos de los siglos, Amn.
Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres, ...
... (1 lnea irrecuperable)
... primer en, Harmozel, por los siglos de los siglos, Amn.
Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres, comandante, luminaria de los eones,
Oriael, por los siglos de los siglos, Amn.
Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres t, comandante de los eones, el hombre de
la luz, Daveithe, por los siglos de los siglos. Amn.
Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres, comandante en jefe, Elelez ...
... (1 lnea irrecuperable)
... los eones ...

... (1 lnea irrecuperable)

... por los siglos de los siglos, Amn.
Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres t, buen dios de las palabras benficas, ...
Mirocheirothetou, por los siglos de los siglos, Amn.
Santo eres t, Santo eres t, Santo eres t, comandante en jefe del Todo,
Jesucristo, por los siglos de los siglos, Amn.
... (1 lnea irrecuperable)
... bendito [...] la confesin. Y [...] confesar a l [...] ahora [...], entonces se
convierte en [...] el miedo y la [...], el miedo y la [...] molestar [...] que rodea ellos
[...], en el lugar que tiene una gran oscuridad en ello, y muchos [...] aparecen [...]
ah [...] aparecen ...
... (lneas 23-EOP irrecuperables)
Y [...] estaban vestidos con [...] todo, y ...
... (6 lneas irrecuperable)
... perturbaciones. Dieron [...] sus palabras [...], y ellos me dijeron: "[...],
Melquisedec, sacerdote del Dios Altsimo," [...] ellos hablaban como si [... ] sus
bocas [...] en el Todo ...
... (7 lneas irrecuperable)
... llevar por mal camino ...
... (lneas 25-EOP irrecuperables)
... con su [...] la adoracin, y [...] la fe, y [...] sus oraciones, y ...
... (1 lnea irrecuperable)
... los que estn a su [...] primero ...
... (2 lneas irrecuperable)
... no les importaba que el sacerdocio que se realiza, que es de ...

... (1 lnea irrecuperable)

... en los consejos de [...] Satans [...], el sacrificio [...] sus doctrinas ...
... (2 lneas irrecuperable)
... de este en ...
... (4 lneas irrecuperable)
... lo que existe (s) en [...], guia(s) por mal camino ...
... (lneas 27-EOP irrecuperables)
... y algo ...
... (2 lneas irrecuperable)
... l les dio a ellos ...
... (1 lnea irrecuperable)
... trece ...
... (lneas 7-EOP irrecuperables)
... echarlo [...], con el fin de que usted podra ...
... (1 lnea irrecuperable)
... de inmediato, [...], por medio de [...] sobre el terreno. El ...
... (lneas 7-EOP irrecuperables)

(pp.23-24 of the codex are almost completely missing)

... men. And [...] you (pl.) struck me, [...] you threw me, [...] corpse. And you crucified me from the
third hour of the Sabbath-eve until the ninth hour. And after these things, I arose from the dead, [...]
came out of [...] into me, [...] my eyes saw [...], they did not find anyone ...
... (lines 13-eop unrecoverable)
... greeted me [...]. They said to me, "Be strong, O Melchizedek, great High-priest of God Most High,
for the archons, who are your enemies, made war; (but) you have prevailed over them, and they did

not prevail over you, and you endured, and you destroyed your enemies. [...] of their [...] will rest in
any [...] which is living (and) holy [...] those that exalted themselves against him in [...] flesh ...
... (lines 15-eop unrecoverable)
"... with offerings, working on that which is good, fasting with fasts. These revelations, do not reveal
to anyone in the flesh, since they are incorporeal, unless it is revealed to you (to do so)."
When the brethren who belong to the generations of life had said these things, they were taken up
to (the regions) above all the heavens. Amen.

... me salud [...]. Ellos me dijeron: "S fuerte, oh Melquisedec, Sumo sacerdote
del Dios Altsimo, pues los arcontes, que son tus enemigos, hace la guerra, (pero)
t has prevalecido por encima de ellos, y ellos no prevalecern sobre t, y
superars, y destruirs a tus enemigos. [...] de su [...] va a descansar en cualquier
[...] que est viviendo (y) santo [...] los que se exaltan a s mismos en contra de l
en [...] carne ... ... (Lneas 15-EOP irrecuperables) "... con ofrendas, trabajando en
lo que es bueno, ayunando con ayunos. Estas revelaciones, no revelan a nadie en
la carne, ya que ellos son incorpreos, menos es revelado a t (para hacerlo)."
Cuando los hermanos que pertenecen a las generaciones de la vida haban dicho
estas cosas, fueron llevados hasta (las regiones) por encima de todos los cielos.

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