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Assignment/Activity Title- Photography Blog Year- Ninth Grade

Skills: Media, Photography, Digital Composition Portfolio Category- Media and Communication
The Photography Blog, assigned by Mr. Bustillos in CAP Photo, allowed me to express the skills
I learned during the past semester in an all-encompassing, cumulative project. Assigned in the middle of
December, the project challenged students to craft a blog containing their best work from the past months,
tastefully organized to express growth and metacognition. By producing such a blog, I hoped to shape a
story that articulated, if not entirely blatantly, the progression of my photography and design skills over
the course of the semester.
Though seemingly simplistic, the creation of the Photography Blog was surprisingly demanding.
After months of work, it was difficult to select which particular projects to include, especially considering
their large number and diversity in subject and style. While designing the blog itself was remarkably easy,
thanks to the accessible nature of the Blogger interface, I found it harder to structure the website to best
present the information. Further, summarizing the projects and their significance proved trying; given the
succinct format of blog writing, it was often challenging to effectively communicate what I learned in a
brief number of words. However, by taking the time to evaluate each piece of work from the semester and
by outlining beforehand the key points I wanted to convey through the blog, the task became significantly
easier. Titled Gradients: Shades of Success in Semester 1 Photography, the final product came out well,
presenting the material succinctly and effectually and earned a perfect score.
Creating the Photography Blog yielded a variety of valuable lessons and skills pertaining to
media and its application. Principally, the blog forced me to condense my ideas into a limited amount of
text, requiring me to communicate concisely and get a complete point across without becoming bogged
down in needless fluff or superfluous detail. By repeatedly performing such a process, my ability to
crisply communicate larger thoughts improved, an important skill to possess in an increasingly brevityfocused world. Further, the Photography Blog demonstrated to me the value of connecting ideas to better
illustrate their meaning. While initial drafts of the blog merely listed each project and what it contained, I
discovered that by connecting each passage with a common structure and general storyline, the
significance of each project became more evident.
By offering me the chance to improve aspects of my communication skills, the Photography Blog
served to prepare me with abilities necessary within higher education and the working world.

Student Signature


Teacher Signature


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