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Love your job but don't love your Company because you may not know when your

company stops
loving you - > Dr. APJ ABDUL KALAM
What is the Secret of SUCCESS...... ? "RIGHT DECISIONS"
How do you make Right Decisions... ? "EXPERIENCE"
How do you get Experience.. . ? "WRONG DECISIONS
Without your involvement you can't succeed. With your involvement you can't fail.
You are not responsible for what people think about you.
But you are responsible for what you give them to think about you.
A man is lucky if he is the first love of a Woman.
A woman is lucky if she is the last love of a man.
Write your Sad times in Sand, Write your Good times in Stone.
Behind every successful man, there is an untold pain in his heart.

It's better to lose your Ego to the one you Love,

than to lose the one you LOVE because of EGO.
Don't make promise when you are in JOY . Don't reply when you are SAD.
Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise.
... Be Happy...
If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth
shut. - Albert Einstein
You are not responsible for what people think about you.
But you are responsible for what you give them to think abt you

The disease of anger needs the medicine of tolerance; the pain of

disappointment needs the medicine of hope; the violence of revenge and
spite needs forgiveness; fear needs courage, ego needs self-respect.
Through inner silence we receive the strength to heal.
The one who checks himself constantly is the one who experiences
progress. The one who keeps checking himself is also able to bring
about a change in himself. Such a person takes each situation as a
chance to learn something new and bring about some change for the
better. So there is constant improvement in his life.
moon in dark night also gives energy to us & fresh mind for making many things success.

Sun glows only @ daytime, Candle only for hours, Matchstick only for mins, but ur
face will glow day & night just by keeping God in your mind.
The one who is comparing oneself with what he was and seeing how he
can improve or how he has improved is the one who is constantly
bringing about progress in his own life. On the contrary the one who
is comparing himself with others is the one who is constantly finding
excuses and leaving behind the opportunities that he gets for bringing
about a change. When we are free from excuses and free from comparison
with others, we are able to be light even in the most challenging
circumstances. We are not caught up with our own mistakes or those of
others, but are able to constantly add on to our treasure store of
experiences and be richer and richer with every new challenge faced.
If you want to give someone a real Gift, try giving them your time and attention. A loving heart
dosen't expect anything more than that.
Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. So, never give
up! U will surely get victory!
When we change our world changes. We usually wait for the world to
change, sometimes the world at large and sometimes our own little
world. Since it is not in our hands we don't find it changing
according to what we want and we give up trying. We rarely think of
changing ourselves which is possible. When we change, our thoughts and
attitude change too. We are then able to look at the people and our
world around us with a different vision. Thus we find that our world
changes, not so much in the situation as much as in our own

The one who sacrifices name and fame is the one who gets recognition.
When we make a positive contribution we usually want to get
recognition for it. We might not always say it in words but there is
always an expectation that others should recognise our contribution.
We need to make sure that we enjoy whatever we do. Since the task
itself becomes enjoyable for us, we don't anymore expect recognition.
The more we become free from expectations we get the love from others
and recognition too.

Who am I? I am truth, I am love, I am purity, I am peace, I am wisdom,

I am courage, and I am bliss. That's who I truly am, and who I always
will be. Believe this, and you will be taking personal responsibility
for yourself, thereby giving benefit for all, and helping to reshape
the world for the better.

You cannot finish the book of life, without closing it's chapters. If you want to go on, then you have to
leave the past as you turn the pages.

The fact that we are not and cannot be perfect gives us the opportunity to improve constantly.
When you start the day with a moment of solitude and contemplation, even the most crowded
schedule runs more smoothly.
Everyone has a song in their heart. Everyone has a reason for being
here and a season for making their highest, greatest most auspicious
contribution. No one knows what that is or when it is for anyone else.
Only our own heart knows what and when it is for us. Your heart wants
to sing.
Love is a powerful force. It can take us to great heights and leave us
feeling light and airy. Yet it has been the most abused and misused
force. Many degraded things pass for love. True love is based on
understanding, mutual trust and respect and not simply on transient
emotions. Love is being in balance, that is, in harmony with the self,
God and each other. Love dwells in the soul. We must allow this love
to flow out and around us. Without love, all of life's treasures are
locked away from our vision and experiences, for indeed 'love is the

To feel renewed, take a Spritual journey. You don't have to go anywhere except inside yourself, away
from the external.

Leave worries aside and you will be surprised by the beauty of the sky
and the colour of flowers, of the freshness of the breeze and the
generosity of the sun. You will feel you are part of creation, and
life will start to make sense. The greatest wealth is to appreciate
what we have and what we are.
As well as being sweet and generous-hearted, become powerful so that you do not fluctuate with selfdoubt in the face of challenges.
Faith enables one to bring solutions to problems. When problems come,
we tend to overreact to it or exaggerate it to such an extent that it
becomes a trap for us. Instead of working on the problem we fall a
prey to it making all our thoughts negative. Once we are caught up in
negativity we will neither look for, nor find solutions. Each thought
of ours is important when working on a problem. Instead of making our
thoughts negative, we need to remind ourselves that what we are going
through is a test which we must pass with honour. When we have this
thought, all our energy will be focussed on working to bring a
To think less is to remain happy. Usually there is a tendency to think
more than normal when there is a challenging situation. Although it is
considered to be good to think more, we usually miss out on the fact

that thinking more means having lots of waste thoughts along with
those that are necessary. When we find ourselves thinking a lot we
need to ask ourselves if all these thoughts are really necessary. We
need to recognize waste thoughts and replace them with something more
positive. With this practice we'll find ourselves thinking less and at
the same time having powerful thoughts which will keep us cheerful
under all circumstances.
The sweetness of the mind brings sweetness in words and interactions.
There is an understanding of the need for being sweet in words and
interactions. But this sweetness can be expressed only when there is
sweetness in the mind. Sweetness of the mind means there is not even a
trace of negativity. Such a mind is further open to all that is nice
and beautiful and expresses its own freshness and beauty in
interactions. When we are able to keep my mind sweet, i.e., free from
any kind of bitterness or ill-feelings, we are able to experience the
beauty of life. There is no feeling of sorrow or negativity but the
mind is nurtured to further positivity with everything that comes its
In everything, goodness is there. Our goal is to find it. In every
person, the best is there, our job is to recognise it. In every
situation, the positive is there, our opportunity is to see it. In
every problem, the solution is there, our responsibility is to provide
it. In every setback, the success is there, our adventure is to
discover it. In every crisis, the reason is there, our challenge is to
understand it. By seeing the goodness, we'll be very enthusiastic and
our lives will be all the richer.

It is wise to bend rather than to break. Those who change will get spiritual wisdom.
Conversely, those who have wisdom will decide to change. Change is the first law of Nature.
B e economical with your thoughts, time and words and you will be able to make use of the help that
is coming to you.

To develop the capacity to remain peaceful, you need the power of true peace and the
power of concentration. One who is peaceful has an easy nature and has a smiling and
cheerful face. Learn to become free from thinking unnecessarily and you will see how easy it
will be to remain calm. This is true peace.

Keys to Success
Keep giving happiness
Serve others in such a way that they receive happiness. Let go completely of the limitations
that come from thinking in terms of yours and mine. Dont become impressed by other
peoples specialties (virtues or talents), but instead, learn to appreciate them. Dont become
disheartened by seeing weaknesses in yourself or in others and dont become arrogant
about yourself and you will see how you become one who is happy and who gives

When I finish this project, then I will be happy! When this situation is resolved, I will be fine. When I
reach my goal, I will finally relax, be peaceful! To surf in the Ocean is to understand where the waves
are coming from and which ones to take. Maybe what life is asking of you is different from the
responses you were trained to give to it. To be successful in the Ocean needs effort and positioning.
Catch the right wave. The objective of the surfer is to enjoy the ride, to have fun. In the same way, do
not postpone your happiness; enjoy whatever comes your way.
Success comes to the one who is able to involve others and work as a team. Because of having a
feeling that the more the people involved, the more difficult the task becomes, we tend to avoid
involving others in any task that we take up. We tend to do everything on our own, making us lose out
on useful resources that we can get as others' contribution. As much as possible we need to involve
others in such a way that they make a valuable contribution to the task that we have undertaken. We
are doubly benefited with this. Firstly, we will gain from the others' resources. We also find that the
good wishes of others are there for the task for which they have contributed and we find ourselves

Recognising our own uniqueness makes us a support for others. We can never be a source
of support for others unless we are strong and stable. But usually our own wellbeing is
dependent on others and
their opinion of ours. As a result we make others our support, which is not always reliable.
This also makes us miss out on our self- support. Instead of looking out for support from
others, we need to turn within and see what speciality within us can get us out of the
situation. It is essential to recognize and make use of our speciality. Then we will never
expect support from others but will become a source of support for those around us.
Success in relationships comes when we are free from expectations. In our daily interactions if we find
that we are not able to get along with someone, our usual reaction is to avoid that person altogether
in order to avoid the conflict. But that is not really a solution. Unless we recognise why we are not able
to get along with that person we will face the same problem with someone else. When we are not able
to get along with someone we need to recognise the fact that the problem is not with the person but
with our own expectations. When our expectations are not being met we have a conflict which is
reflected in our relationship with that person. So we need to work at recognizing and removing these
Feelings change intentions, thus changing actions too. When there are negative feelings like jealousy
or hatred towards another person, those feelings naturally create misunderstanding. Even if the other
person has a good feeling while doing something, a negative intention is attributed and this naturally
changes one's own behaviour or response making it negative too. When there is the slightest bit of
negative feeling within us for someone, it naturally creates further negativity from others too. We find
everything we come across to be negative, like the one who wears colored glasses sees everything to
be of that particular color.
An elevated consciousness brings specialty to the task being done. As is the consciousness, so is the
feeling behind the task, and therefore its quality. Just to perform action and finish the tasks at hand
does not bring specialty and accuracy as much as it should. When the consciousness is special, that
means before a task is performed there is a thought given both to the task and to the self, there is
specialty revealed in the task. When we are able to start each task with a special consciousness, like "I
am victorious", or "I am powerful" or "this task is for the benefit of all", we are able to experience the
specialty of doing the task. We are also able to increase our state of self-respect, whatever the task or
however simple it maybe.
To be healthy internally is to make the best use of all treasures. A healthy intellect acts like a mother,
always showing the right path. When internally one is strong, there is the natural ability to treat the

mind with love and guide it towards the right direction. Such a healthy state of mind naturally enables
the recognition and the proper utilisation of everything available. Once we have learnt the art of
guiding our mind in the right direction with love, we then never experience the difficulty of having to
bring back the mind to the right thinking. Because the mind is totally under control in a very easy and
natural way and we don't have to control it or force it to think or not to think in a particular way.
Good wishes and pure feelings bring easy success while working at a task. If there are good feelings
for both the task and the one who is carrying out the task, then the result attained by those feelings is
automatically special. The feeling of giving love and cooperation, no matter what anyone is like gives
good wishes and pure feelings. There is a deep impact of such good feelings which transforms others
too. When we are able to maintain our own good feelings for others, we are able to enjoy the fruit of
our pure thoughts. We are not disturbed by temporary clashes that we have because of the different
nature of the persons we are working with, but enjoy working together. So there are also good
feelings from the other person too and there is easy success experienced.
Determination fills a thought with power. Any thought which is added with determination automatically
brings confidence. This confidence naturally fills the thought with power. When there is the thought, 'I
can do it', there is surely the power to do it. Then there are no distractions, nor is there any
comparison with others. All resources are put to the maximum use and the task is accomplished.
When we are able to fill our positive thoughts with the power of determination, we are able to bring all
our special thoughts and plans into action immediately. We are able to feel the satisfaction of bringing
equality into our thoughts, words and actions. There is no feeling of helplessness, but there is only
confidence and courage in doing what we are supposed to do.
Faith in others enables them to be powerful. Faith in others is usually mistaken for blind faith
observing helplessly, only hoping for the best in our heart. We, then, don't consciously do anything but
just hope for the best. In such a situation we subtly experience fear or tension. But this is not true
faith nor is the outcome usually right. Faith in others means to remain alert to what is going on and
then to fill the other person with the strength of our faith to such an extent that they feel able to do
whatever needs to be done. Our faith will fill them with confidence and they will be able to give their
best to the task.
Honesty gives us the persistence to solve our problems. If our
reaction to problems is to give up or to go away, it is deceiving
ourselves. We will not be able to get rid of the situation by making a
physical change because we will find ourselves faced with the same
difficulty with someone else or in some other situation. Instead of
trying to change the situation, we need to recognize and transform the
weakness that is in us that is causing us trouble in the situation.
Once we use this art we find ourselves enjoying each situation that we
are faced with.
The method to finish waste thoughts is to deal with the mind with
love.When there are waste thoughts in the mind which one tries to
stop, it becomes difficult to do that. There is discomfort and
difficulty experienced. On the other hand, when the mind is taught to
take the right direction with love, there is a quick and dramatic
change. When we learn the art of speaking to our mind with love, we
are able to free ourselves from waste thoughts without any feelings of
suppression. Concentration too becomes easy and all thoughts are
directed towards the right direction.

When you start the day with a moment of solitude and contemplation, even the most crowded
schedule runs more smoothly.
The one who is the master of time is the one who is successful. Most
of the time, we find ourselves trying to manage time or trying to race
with time. There is a lot of effort that goes into it and we tend to
feel tired. Then there is also a feeling or a need for a break.
Instead of trying to manage time, we need to make effort to manage our
thoughts. We need to make our thoughts useful, that is we need to have
such positive and powerful thoughts that serve to increase the value
of our own self and help us realise the value of our life.
To pay constant attention towards positivity is to be free from
tension. To pay attention means not to think, speak or do anything
waste, negative or even ordinary. The one who keeps attention in this
way and also allows no negativity from outside to go within, is always
free from tension. There is also the proper use of everything that is
available. When we are able to pay constant attention and also use the
inner treasures within for a positive purpose, there is the use of the
inner potential. When there is the recognition and use of this
potential within in this way, negativity finishes; just as sunshine
finishes darkness.
The one who is open to learning always finds an opportunity to learn
and change. Life has plenty of opportunities for the one who wants to
learn. Each situation and person that comes one's way is an
instrument for a new learning. Constant learning brings about a deep
internal change and progress in one's life. When we are able to learn
from all that happens, we are able to be content for both, what we
have learnt and the change that we have been able to bring about.
This contentment also keeps us enthusiastic and our mind open for
further learning. We naturally become an embodiment of what we have
To do what is right for all is to remain happy. The one who is always
concerned for others is the one who can do right for others. There is
constant benefit for others merged in every action of such a person.
Because of having given without expectation, there is happiness in
everything that is done. There is also uniqueness and speciality
revealed in every action. We experience double benefit, because there
is happiness in the effort as well as in the result of that effort.
There is constant success experienced by us. we are also able to
receive the good wishes and blessings from others and we further get
encouraged to use our speciality.
A s well as being sweet and generous-hearted, become powerful so that you do not fluctuate with selfdoubt in the face of challenges.
Greatness lies in revealing one's own speciality. Greatness means
recognising one's own speciality and being a donor with it. It also
means being royal and great in what is given to the mind - that means
giving the mind only the positive. When there is greatness in this way

there is speciality and uniqueness seen in every act of mine. When I

am able to perceive my inner greatness, I am able to be content
because there are no expectations, but there's only a feeling of being
a giver. I find myself to be light and easy and enjoying each moment
of my life, slowly moving towards perfection. I am also able to attain
the blessings and good wishes from others.
A powerful stage is like a switch which finishes darkness of
negativity in a second. Darkness is dispelled when a light is switched
on. Similarly, a powerful stage is also a light switch. When this
switch is on, one can put an end to all wasteful darkness and no
longer have to labour to stop any wasteful thoughts. By becoming
powerful, one can naturally become a donor, as there is nothing waste
within. When we are aware of our positive qualities and what we can
contribute to others, we are powerful. This naturally enables us to
be light and spread the inner light to others. We are never
influenced negatively with any kind of waste or negative, but are
always able to maintain our positivity and that of others too.
Problem solving is to work at the roots of a problem. When a problem
comes up we usually try to work at removing the problem at hand by
trying various methods based on the understanding we have.
We don't go deep into the actual cause of the
problem and so find it repeating again and again. Unless we
understand the root cause of the problem we will not be able to get
rid of it fully. The trick to problem solving is to go to the root,
i.e. to find the actual cause. When we find and work at removing
the actual cause of the problem we will never find it repeating.
For example, if the actual problem might be inability to finish everything
in time, the cause behind might not be lack of sufficient time, but my own
Who are the thieves of peace? Why is peace lost in relationships?
Complaints, guilt and comparisons are the main destroyers of peace.
Instead of complaining, share newness. Instead of looking for someone
to blame, take responsibility for improving the situation. Instead of
comparing yourself to others, value the good that is in them.

True knowledge brings humility. True knowledge inspires and encourages

one to bring about a practical change in one's life. The one with
knowledge naturally imbibes it, which is also revealed in his
practical life, because he is humbly willing to learn from all
situations. As much as there is knowledge, so much there is divinity
revealed in all words and actions. When we are able to humbly learn
from all situations, we are able to enrich our knowledge. This
knowledge further enables us to become more and more practical. So
during all difficult situations, we are able to remain light and
internally stable. There will be no fluctuation experienced within,
whatever the challenges may be.

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