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ISSUE 12 | OCT 2009 活力线

MICA (P) 156/08/2009

F K!


... p.16

Aldersgate Methodist Church


98 Dover Road Singapore 139647
tel 6773 1964 | email
SEX and THE PARENT you're a strawberry the dangerous
done reading this magazine? Who should be responsible Fragile and easily bruised world wide web
Pass it on to a friend, family or a colleague for inculcating good values when under pressure? A few tips on how to protect
in your children? ... p. 10 God is the answer ... p. 22 your kids online ... p. 30
OCTOBER 2009 | Issue 12

Pastor Chiang Ming Shun
Pastor William Sam

editor in chief

Leslie Chiang

managing editor
Shirley Pee

Find out how the Methodist Church Geraldine Ang
in Singapore elects Bishops and Tiffany Ang
Gracia Chiang
Presidents. Teresa Chong
Derrick Ho
Beverly Ang shares her retreat Rudy David Wong
Yip Poh Lin
experience at the Montfort Centre;
Derrick Ho reflects on serving in contibutors
LiveLine; and learn more about AMC's Pastor Chiang Ming Shun
outreach efforts in Cambodia. Pastor William Sam
Beverly Ang
David Chan
20 LIFESTORY Eric Chiok
Wong Chong Kai and Wendy Wong Alvin Chua
share their journey to becoming parents. Derrick Ho

Mark Masillamoney
Shirley Pee
22 SHOUTOUT Charlie Tan
David Chan talks about the failings of Tong Su Yee
the 'Strawberry Generation'; and, how Teresa Wilborn
Wong Chong Kai
should we remember Michael Jackson? Wendy Wong

On the Cover Mark Masillamoney gives his take. Gordon Yuen


Jacob Kong

Becoming a Better Parent

What happens when your parents want to be
friends with you on Facebook? Will you say
yes? Clara Toh, Derek Lam and Rachel
Tan share their thoughts about being friends
with their parents/children on Facebook. If you have enjoyed reading by shirley pee
LiveLine and want to contribute

a short write-up on your Bible

reflections, your Pastoral Care remember the days when parenting entire lives. We want the best for them. children’s exposure to objectionable
Group (PCG) activities or even to most just meant providing simple But what’s not to be neglected is the material online can consider Gordon
share a great place to shop, do
food and shelter; children were left right values that must be inculcated in Yuen’s practical suggestions on how to
drop us an e-mail to let us know.
We’ll be most happy to liaise with very much to their own devices. With them. In this issue, Pastor Ming Shun talks manage (Page 30).
10 THE FIRST CURRICULUM you for your valued contributions. no television or computers to turn to, they about how strong families with strong Working on this issue of LiveLine
You can send your contributions only have friends, together with whom values affect society at large and shares reminds me once again, of our Father’s
Pastor Ming Shun talks about being
responsible parents and how strong they’ll dream up games to fill their days. the hows and whys we should equip love for us – “If you then, being evil, know
families with strong values affect They learn to share and to look out for ourselves in order to play this role more how to give good gifts to your children,
society. 24 TRAVEL TALES each other. They also learn to cope with effectively (Page 10). how much more will your Father who is
Tong Su Yee shares her experience of LiveLine is a publication of Aldersgate their studies with little or no help. They My friend’s child, at 7, already knows in heaven give what is good to those who
13 SACRED PARENTING travelling with a good friend in Cairns. Methodist Church, Singapore.
Views expressed in LiveLine belong grow up generally independent, reliable he’s going to Oxford University and ask Him!” Matthew 7:11
Pastor William Sam gives his take on to the contributors’ and do not
and resourceful. everything is done for him to ensure he So as we strive to be good parents,
how to be a good parent. 29 ALL ACCESS necessarily reflect that of the church
or the editorial team. Materials in In this day, parenting is much harder. gets there. Is this part of the reason for bringing up children in the ways of the
Gordon Yuen discusses Internet safety; LiveLine may only be reproduced
Eric Chiok gives his take on Lakewood with permission from the editorial Beyond providing food and lodging, the rise of the 'Strawberry Generation' Lord, remember that all the goodness
Church's latest music compilation; SKS
team or the contributors. we supply in abundance entertainment (Page 22)? that we want for our children, our Father
Books recommends some good reads; devices, we worry incessantly about their It is no surprise that our children lap wants for us also. And all that we want
and Geraldine Ang shares a few ideas on academic progress, their emotional states, up all the online entertainment so eagerly. from our children, our Father wants from
where to go and what to do during the Designed by christine chan their friends, the pimples on their face and The internet is both a boon and a bane. us also.
December holidays. Printed by pica digital pte ltd in extreme cases, we even map out their Parents who are concerned about their Shalom.

OCTOBER 2009 | | 01

Pastor’ s

from the desk of 蒙恩。授爱。齐祝福

Pastor Chiang Ming Shun 今年是个多姿多彩的年头。在我们欢

Q How does the Methodist Church in

柬埔寨人开办。由柬埔寨人经营的柬 Singapore elect Bishops and Presidents?

丹福”举行奉献礼。我们将在10月开 All ordained ministers who have been Elders for at least 10 years are eligible
音乐演奏会,将我们教会全新的电风 for election as President or Bishop. Elections for both positions are held
琴奉献给主。 every four years.
Two students at the Cambodian Methodist hostel (Read more on page 6). 这令我想起先知玛拉基的话。“ The President is elected by delegates at the Annual Conference while the Bishop is
万军之耶和华说:‘你们要把当纳的 elected at the General Conference by delegates from the three Annual Conferences.
十分之一,全部送入仓库,使我家中有 There is no nomination process or campaigning. During the Conferences, the inspi-

Blessed to be a blessing 粮;借此试验我,看我是不是为你们

ration of the Holy Spirit is invoked and all delegates vote by secret ballot. A list of all eli-
gible Elders is shown. The Elder with at least two-thirds of the vote becomes President

or Bishop for a term of four years. Voting is continued until someone has two-thirds of

e are in the midst of first church van, Denver. In October, 足有余呢。’”(玛拉基书3:10)
我们的上帝何等可畏!祂竟然 the vote. A President or Bishop may hold office for a maximum of three terms or twelve
a rather eventful year. we will have a night of musical perfor-
说“试验我!”并准备敞开天窗把福 years in total.
As we celebrated our mances to dedicate our church organ.

30th anniversary, we This reminds me of what the 气倒给我们。 祂 实在是慈爱又慷慨的
sought to share God’s blessings to ev- prophet Malachi wrote, 上帝。

问 新加坡卫理公会如何选出会督与会长?

eryone around us in a big way. “Bring the whole tithe into the
We launched our 30 Blessings storehouse, that there may be food 慷慨地将神的爱与祂的道种在这世
Projects, a year-long effort to favour in my house. Test me in this," says the 界。

our community in concrete ways and Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not
glorify God. We handed out card- throw open the floodgates of heaven
board boxes to help Dover residents and pour out so much blessing that

pack and move to their new home. We you will not have room enough for it.” 凡受按立成为巡回长牧十年或以上者,都有资格成为会长或会督
gave boxes for members to fill with (Malachi 3:10) 候选人。这两个职分的选举每四年举行一次。年议会的会长是由
goodies for a children’s home. We What an awesome God we have! 该年议会投票选举选出;会督则是在总议会中由三个年议会的代 December 25
collected money for needy secondary He says, “Test me!” He stands ready 表选出。 CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE
school students. We also opened the to open the floodgates of heaven to 选举过程中并没有提名或竞选活动。在年议会会议中,代表们靠圣灵的
(English/Mandarin combined service)
first Methodist Hostel in Phnom Penh, pour out blessing. He truly is a loving 感动,以秘密投票的方式选举。候选人的名单被列出.中选的会督(或长牧)
See church bulletin for more details.
Cambodia. This is a Cambodian hostel and generous God. 必须获得总议会(或年议会)出席代表人数三分之二的多数票。两个会督与
run by Cambodians for Cambodians. We, in turn, should be a grateful 会长的任期同样都是四年一任。投票必须继续进行,直到有候选人获得三分
God has continued to bless us people who generously sow God’s 之二的多数票为止。会长或会督如果获选,可以连任两次,任期最长为十二
richly. This year we also dedicated our love and Word in this world. 雅德门卫理公会第一部福音车“丹福” 年。
But whoever holds out to the end
will be saved.
matthew 24:13, tev
02 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 03
to spend some time with God in com-

happenings in and
plete silence. Armed with our bibles, writ-
ing materials and journals, we were told
to meditate on 1 John 3:11–1 John 5:12 on
our own. Derrick Ho reflects on serving in LiveLine
I had never participated in a silent

retreat before, so this was a new and
Special 30th Anniversary CELEBRATIONS photo gallery .... see page 8 une 2006. I had just returned of great minds is invigorating but at the
enriching experience for me. With noth-
from an 'escape'. Tired and over- same time, it also meant that there were
ing to distract me, I was able to give God
stretched in many ways, having trying moments — we’d ‘fight’ over how
100%, spending a good half-hour feasting
the opportunity to go on a six- topics should be covered, why this page
on the natural beauty around me. God
month student exchange programme was designed this way. Words were
revealed Himself to me through the tran-
in the U.S. was just the breath of fresh scrutinised, photos questioned, and
quillity of my surroundings — the pale sil-
air I had needed. I came back recharged, through it all, surely egos were bruised.
ver moon, the aroma of the coffee, and
but lost. I remember stepping back into Amidst the differences, the one
the clean architecture. It made me feel
church feeling somewhat out of place — thing the team has never failed to keep
incredibly loved by a God so great and
the church had grown much through the in mind is that this magazine is ulti-
majestic, and I literally felt enveloped in
Forty Days of Purpose (40 DoP) cam- mately written and designed to advance
His beauty, love and grace. The silence
paign during which I was not around. the kingdom of God. And through the
made me even more sensitive to God’s
It was also just about then that process, we — the tools — get sharp-
presence in my surroundings, and to His
LiveLine was launched. ened by Him, and by
beauty. That morning, I was able to fully
Flipping through the each another.
comprehend the lyrics, “You are beauti-
pages, I found myself The one thing Today, I am back in
ful beyond description, too marvellous for
drawn to the magazine. the team has the U.S. pursuing my
I later found out that
the magazine had been never failed Master's degree. And
as I reflect on the past
The silent retreat did a world of good for
'contracted' out to a to keep in three years, it’s amaz-
my soul. With no distractions on-site, I
designer. Having taken
a class in magazine mind is that ing to see God’s design
in and for my life, as
was able to be rejuvenated and enlight-
ened by God. In my heightened state of
design while in the U.S., this magazine I serve to design His
sensitivity to His still, small voice, I man-
I thought: “Hey why
not see if the LiveLine
is ultimately magazine. The trip in
2006 was not only a
aged to glean many insights from the
allocated passage...which also happened
team needs another written and good repose; it was His
designer”. So Leslie
designed to way of preparing and

Retreating into His Arms of Love

to be about love!
graciously took me in equipping me for a new
Furthermore, I was given the opportu-
nity to witness first-hand God’s love man-
and the rest is history. advance the ministry as well.
ifested through a fellow human being at
Since then I have been kingdom of As I spend the next
Beverly Ang shares her retreat experience at the Montfort Centre breakfast. The elderly caretaker of Mont-
helping to sub-edit and
God. couple of years away, I

design the magazine. am burdened for the
fort demonstrated God’s love through his
Designing LiveLine, magazine but excited
arlier this year, I decided God’s presence. The rooms were simply went an intensive but highly interesting humble service as he cheerfully prepared
for me, has a surprisingly therapeutic to see what He has in store. To quote
to take a step of faith by furnished, but comfortable and cosy. Each crash course on Methodist doctrine, his- delicious food for all of us and uncom-
effect. However, it would be a lie to say the lyrics, “He works in ways we cannot
enrolling in AMC’s Bap- room even exuded a personal touch, with tory, beliefs, and origins. This gave us a plainingly washed all our dirty dishes. It
that serving in the magazine was always see”, the best way is to walk in faith and
tism and Membership the occupant’s name displayed on the complete picture of our faith and the was personally profound for me as I felt
wonderful. Sure, working with a team follow His designs.
class, conducted by Pastor door, as well as a welcome note, towel, denomination which we belong to, so as God was showing me what He wanted
Ming Shun. I had previ- flower and biscuits. This was hospitality to groom us into well-informed members me to emulate. In a sense, God’s word,
ously been baptised as an infant, but now at its best, and it aptly reflected God's of the Methodist church. which I had been reading prior to break-
at age 19, I felt ready to publicly declare goodness and generosity towards Man. For most of us, however, the high- fast, came fully alive throught the seem-
my faith and allegiance to God. This time, light of the Montfort stay was the Silent ingly nondescript caretaker.
however, the confirmation would be out a new and enriching experience Retreat held the next morning. Before My Montfort experience was an alto-
of my own free will, instead of it being Over the two days at Montfort, we under- breakfast, we were given the opportunity gether beautiful one. I feel happy and
solely based on my parents’ decision. To blessed that I went, and I would like to

God revealed Himself to me

prepare for the momentous event, I found strongly encourage my fellow brothers
myself attending an overnight retreat at and sisters to do likewise if presented with

through the tranquillity of my

Montfort Centre in March. the opportunity. Do not hesitate, because
truly, nothing beats slowing down, listen-

surroundings — the pale silver

the montfort centre ing to the Father’s voice, and retreating
Montfort Centre, an idyllic building tucked into His arms of love.
away in tranquil surroundings made it an
ideal place for retreat and personal devel- moon, the aroma of the coffee,
opment programmes. From the moment
I stepped into the compound, I keenly felt and the clean architecture. BAPTISM & MEMBERSHIP CLASS
See Page 33 for upcoming dates Derrick poses with two mules in front of the University of Missouri Alumni Center.

04 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 05


by Shirley Pee 以马内利/合一组 | 张慧芬

S 从一张脸孔到一家人
tarting up a computer, using a
mouse – it’s hard to imagine a
day without doing these in Sin-
gapore. But for youths from rural 在教会中我们看到许多我们称之
Cambodia who have not used a desktop 为“弟兄姐妹”的脸孔,但行动上
before, it’s all foreign. Our task was to in- 我们有否真把他们当弟兄姐妹?
troduce basic computer skills to youths 我常发觉自己没有做到。但与我有
from Prek Omperl. 同感者别气馁,因为我们有神的帮
The Methodist School of Cambodia 助,也有小组来实践爱的功课。
(MSC) was our training venue and when 从英国回来后,我们全家参加
the youths came, I must say I’ve yet to 了两个小组,旧的小组重组后,我
see more keen learners than them. They 们就参加了由叶定带领的“以马内
dragged their feet to tea breaks and 利/合一组”,参加的大多是青年
sprang back to the computer lab before 人,所以永坚和我算是“老青年”
the break was over. 。组员体恤我们家有大有小,就一
Despite their unfamiliarity with the 个月来我们家聚会一次,每次都有
English language, they valiantly took 很好的学习。
notes and reviewed them before they 对我而言,最大的收获是更
slept. Those with a better com- 认识几位弟兄姐妹。以 你们当中有人可能还记得一位
mand of the language would
I 去世了四、五年的苏爱婆婆,请让
often help translate for
learnt that 我分享她的一点事迹鼓励大家。婆
those struggling to keep
the ability to smile 婆当年和我们一起参加“爱家组”
up. And, the results
and appreciate what ,她老人家七、八十岁,华语不灵
showed. By the end of
we have does not depend 光,行动不方便,但小组聚会她绝
the camp, the youths
on the external factors and 少缺席。虽然我们查经她可能听不
knew the names of
abundance of materials but on 太懂,但她总是专心聆听,有时分
the depth of trust and hope

Good Things Come in Pairs

the different computer 在小组中,有了交 享一些人生感言。最令我感动的
parts, learnt terminolo-
in our Lord in our hearts. 是,当我怀孕不适得卧床时,行动
gies and even created
— lisa tan, 不便的她走了不少楼梯来探望我;
computer camp team 渐渐地,组员开始有
Powerpoint presentations member 血有肉,是真实的人 我坐月时她还煮鸡酒亲自拿来给我
As part of AMC's continued outreach to Cambodia, we opened a ministry complete with animation! 了。而且和美婷、志刚、 吃。这就是一家人。
hostel in Phnom Penh and ran a computer camp for youth from Prek Omperl Before the trip, we had learnt
that there was no internet access at the
宜樟、文辉等也有真诚的分 弟兄姐妹,如果我们每一个在
享,所以除了叶定和永坚所教授的 小组中都这样真实地关怀他人,在
MSC computer lab but we asked…and 圣经知识十分精彩之外,人与人之 教会中也如此联结,你说,我们的
A DREAM HOUSE by Teresa Wilborn received generously. Eventually, we were 间距离的拉近是最宝贵的。 小组、教会会不会讨神的喜悦?
able to chat with members of Youthpho-

t all started with a vision. the house with anyone, so her vision was transition from rural to urban living — a ria and Philip Khoo’s Disciple One class
More than a year ago, Dr Seet Ai once again confirmed by the Lord. Methodist Hostel in Phnom Penh was the online. The event that left an indelible PASTORAL CARE GROUP SPOTLIGHT
Mee had a dream — the Lord showed In God’s perfect timing, prices fell answer to their prayers! mark on me was the Korean-style prayer
her a house where students coming due to the economic recession and a two- In August, the first Methodist Hostel that was offered up together with those agape ii pastoral care group | by charlie tan
to study in Phnom Penh from provinces year lease was negotiated. By network- in Cambodia was formally dedicated by at FirePlace via the webcam.
throughout Cambodia could live. ing with other Singaporeans supporting Bishop Robert Solomon. Rev Ming Shun I left Cambodia feeling burdened — A LISTENING EAR + A HELPING HAND
Having attended the Methodist Girls hostel ministries, AMC was able to quickly and Rev William, Dr Seet and I represent- there is much to be done. The comput-
the sick in the hospitals and homes,
School in Malacca as a young girl, Dr recruit Khmer Christians to provide man- ed AMC at the service. Local students ers at MSC are old. Children need educa-
comfort the lonely, evangelise the lost
Seet saw the value of a Christian home agement, supervision and around-the- provided songs of praise and testimony tion. Many still do not know Christ. Yet I and minister to the inmates in charity
for students. Through the dream, she felt clock care as house leaders. as more than 50 guests gathered to wit- feel hopeful. Many churches are sending institutions. One of the most frequented
the Lord was showing her a way to help Students coming from Methodist ness this joyful occasion. teams to Cambodia. Much has been done nursing home is the Bethany Methodist
young Khmer students. communities across Cambodia will be The opening of this hostel coincides and God-willing, more will be done. Home. Our generous members also do-
After months of searching, AMC given priority to stay at the hostel, but with AMC’s 30th anniversary, and the nate food and other daily essentials to
found a newly constructed house that it is open to all. Students will contribute church’s anniversary theme “Blessed to Agape II Pastoral Care Group is the needy.
seemed perfect. Located only minutes towards food and utilities while AMC will be a Blessing” shines forth on a brilliant an open-cell designed to care and help Praise God for helping the members
from the Methodist School of Cambodia, cover the rent. Devotions are held each yellow banner hanging prominently near Cambodian students participating in people cope with their problems and understand the meaning of service and
the computer camp; Students at the walk with the Lord. It also emphasizes ninety percent of them serve as ushers
the house is also near the Royal Univer- morning and mission teams will conduct the entrance.
Methodist hostel; Daniel with a group worship, prayer, sharing and fellowship or befrienders.
sity of Phnom Penh and a few other insti- discipleship training quarterly. and serves as an extension of the pasto- As Lisa, one of our members, puts
of students; The pink hostel in Dr Seet's
tutions of higher learning. When pictures Cambodian Methodist pastors have ral care ministry of our local church. it, “God’s love is radiated through mem-
CAMBODIA OUTREACH INFO dream; Cambodian youths show-off their
were emailed to Dr Seet, she immediately long expressed deep concern that stu- If you wish to contribute in any way, artwork created using MS Paint; Dany at The members of the cell provide a bers of our PCG. Let us share this love
recognised the house in her vision…it was dents coming from distant villages for please contact Teresa Wilborn at the computer; Rev. Phillip Lim and Dr. Seet listening ear and offer a helping hand to the larger world beyond the church
pink! She had not shared the colour of tertiary education needed help to safely at the opening of the Methodist Hostel. for those who need assistance. We visit body.”

06 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 07


30 Years of Blessings

08 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 09

{ by pastor chiang ming shun }


Parents need to take on the responsibility of
inculcating good values in their children so that they may
walk on the path of righteousness

10 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 11

In his book, Risk-Proofing Your Family, Dr.
Donald Joy writes of the “First Curriculum”,
a powerful unwritten curriculum that en-
compasses the life experiences of a child. He

Sacred Parenting
uses that term to refer to the three gifts of
Parents, Intimacy and Sexuality in the Im-
age of God.
Today, I think the first curriculum for The secret to good parenting stems
children should be right values, and two key from maintaining a close walk with God
values are Accountability and Responsibil-
ity. by pastor william sam
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 22:6, “Train

a child in the way he should go, and when he acred Parenting by Gary L. Thomas our kids who are dependent on us to get
is old he will not turn from it.” was one book that took the flight it right will ultimately suffer.

the Bible
with me to Phnom Penh, Cambodia What’s true in the air physically is
THE PATH TO RIGHTEOUSNESS for the Methodist Hostel Dedication. equally true on the ground spiritually. If
What is the way a child should go? It is his Just as the safety video finishes, I we neglect our own ‘spiritual oxygen’ —
found myself reading what the author our walk with God — our motivations will
or her own God-created unique way. It does
described as ‘spiritual oxygen’. become polluted. Our ability to discern,
not mean the child is allowed to run amok,
The author relates what Dr. Kevin empathize, encourage, and confront will
but instead, to grow into all that God wants Leman once told him: waste away.
the child to be. Parenting is like an airline emergency. I’m reminded once again of the impor-
This is only possible if there is account- Before take off, every plane passenger tance of maintaining a close walk with God
ability and responsibility in the family. Par- is instructed that if oxygen masks come if I truly desire to parent well.
ents have to be accountable to their children. down, parents should put on their own I have bought a few gifts for both my
As Josh McDowell and Dick Day put it in masks first before attending to their kids. girls in my recent trip to Cambodia. But
their book, How to be a Hero to Your Kids, Why? Because in an emergency, kids the message I received from the Lord on
this means that parents have to be humble need their parents to be able to think this missions trip is that the best gift I can
says in Proverbs 17:6, “Children's children influence upright and godly families, and that even primary school children can look and submissive enough to give their children clearly and act effectively. If we don’t take ever give to my children will be a solid
in oxygen, our thinking will grow fuzzy, and walk with God.
are a crown to the aged, and parents are the not for the better but for the worse. up free porn on computers. permission to “call [them] to account” when
pride of their children.” We have also read stories of chat rooms parents act in an unloving, irresponsible
We all know how important families are.
Parents want to bring up their children well,
So much has already been written and said
that allow sexual predators to meet chil-
dren. Too many teenage girls have no com-
manner. As children watch parents being
accountable, they learn to be accountable.
If we neglect our own ‘spiritual oxygen’ — our
and make a real positive difference in their about the influence of the media and Holly- punction chatting up strange boys/men and Parents are also responsible for their walk with God — our motivations will become
lives. They want to be proud of their chil-
dren, just as children are proud of their par-
wood on the way we view sex. Sex is no longer
a special intimate act of a married couple. It
meeting them for sex.
Even ordinary teens are experimenting
children. Parents are responsible for loving
them sacrificially, providing for them, edu-
polluted. Our ability to discern, empathize, en-
ents. Grandparents want to be surrounded is a casual encounter between strangers; an with sex earlier. According to The Straits cating them, and moving them to faith in courage, and confront will waste away.
by happy grandchildren. The world certainly experiment in depravity and debauchery; an Times article, “Sex Talk is Where the Atti- God. As children grow older, they will learn
needs upright and godly families to positive- alternate lifestyle choice. tudes Start” (18 Aug 2009), virginity is even and assume that responsibility for them-
ly influence society and culture. We now give children technology which sold on eBay. selves. Children must become responsible
Unfortunately, perhaps the reverse is opens them to sexual wantonness. Pornog- on their own, so that what they do with their THE DUTCH MODEL dependent schools according to their own
more commonplace — society and culture raphy is so readily available on the internet THE ROLE OF THE PARENT lives and the choices they make will be re- What then will the outcome be? beliefs and values. In the Netherlands, the
Who teaches children about these things? sponsible ones. Netherlands has one of the lowest teen- influence of the churches and involvement
More and more often, we expect schools to. To teach accountability and responsibil- age pregnancy rates in the world. It is claimed of parents are also much stronger.
Schools in Singapore engage external ven- ity, there must be strong relationships. Par- that Dutch sex education is more open, ex- In addition, the Dutch have stronger fam-

Go Dutch
According to the 2008 State of World Population report issued by the United Nations Population Fund,
dors to teach our children internet safety
and sex education.
ents must be Available to show Acceptance,
Affection and Appreciation. Read the book
plicit, graphic and delivered in schools from
an early age. This is a myth.
ily structures and more traditional patterns
of family life compared to other European
What has happened to the role of the by McDowell and Day to see what these mean Sex education may have very little to do countries. Perhaps this is why they also have
the Netherlands has the lowest teen birth rate among the six European nations with the highest gross
domestic products. There is an average of five births for every 1,000 women between the ages of 15 to 19. parent? in detail. What is essential is time - parents with it. Published and unpublished research a lower proportion of single-parent families,
Maybe it is because we have world-lead- must spend time with their children. indicates that sex education does not reduce out-of-wedlock births, and divorces.
Births per 1,000 women aged 15–19 ing schools that take children away from the It is parents who must transmit values. sexual behaviour among teenagers and may Strong families with strong values do
home for an extended period, so much so The Bible tells us in Deuteronomy 11:18-19, even contribute to increased sexual activity affect how the whole society turns out.
that parents leave it to the schools to bring “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and among girls. In the same way, health educa- Therefore parents must be more involved in
up their children. Teachers are now expected minds; tie them as symbols on your hands tion on tobacco and dieting may not change instilling the right values in children. That
to not only cover curriculum subjects, but be and bind them on your foreheads. Teach lifestyles for the better. Knowing something must be their responsibility.
mentors to build character and mould lives. them to your children, talking about them and acting on that knowledge are two differ- So why not go learn more about good
After all, our world-class economy requires when you sit at home and when you walk ent things. Christian parenting? Read a few books. At-
9 7 24 6 9 5 5 parents themselves to be away at work for along the road, when you lie down and when The facts are that Dutch parents are tend some courses. Train yourself to train
GERMANY FRANCE U.K. SPAIN ITALY NETHERLANDS SINGAPORE most of the day and into the night. you get up.” free to set up their own publicly-funded in- your children in the right values.
source: united nations population fund; world bank.

12 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 13


第 要孩子们走当行的道,父母必须付起向子
女灌输正确价值观的责任 父母务必以舍己的


奉献礼的行程中,葛芮汤母斯(Gary L.

言17章6节说:“子孙 现象越来越普及。本地的学府也因而 职责》(Sacred Parenting) 成了我在空
为老 人的冠冕。父亲 转向外来机构为孩子提供网络安全意 中的旅途良伴。
是儿女的荣耀 。” 识及性教育的课程。 当机上的飞行安全短片播映结束
们、教育他们、引 时,我刚好在阅读书中作者形容为“
心灵氧气”(spiritual oxygen) 的一段内

带来正面的影响。子女能让父母引以 儿,只好交由教育界来带大子女。如 作者阐述了凯文雷曼博士 (Dr Kev-
导他们信靠神。 in Leman) 曾对他说的话:“为人父母
敬神的家庭正面的影响社会及文化。 工作,没时间陪子女。 落下,家长们应该自己先戴上口罩,
不幸的是,也许相反的情况更为普 为人缺乏爱心,不负责任。当儿女看 荷兰是世界拥有最低青少年怀孕率 然后才帮孩子戴上。”
遍—社会及文化给正直敬神的家庭带 第一堂课 到父母承担责任,他们会效仿。 的国家之一。有人说那是因为荷兰人 为什么?因为在紧急事故中,孩
来了负面的影响。 Dr Donald Joy 在《风险防范你的家 此外,父母也必须为儿女尽责。 的性教育较为开放、写实,而更早被 子们需要父母以清晰的思路和有效的
庭》写道了“第一堂课”,指的是包 他们务必以舍己的爱爱儿女,供应他 学校采用。那是虚实。 行动帮助他们脱离险境。如果我们不
现代青少年对性的观念 含孩子成长期间不成文但极为重要的 们、教育他们、引导他们信靠神。儿 研究显示性教育并非能降低青少年 先确保自己有充足的氧
关于媒体及好莱坞对性观念的影响众 经验。其中包括家长、亲密关系及上 女长大后才晓得对自己负责。他们必 的性行为,甚至有提高少女性行为的 气,我们的思考能力就

所周知。性不再是已婚夫妇之间亲密 帝形象中的性别。 须成为对自己负责的人,这样他们才 可能。这如同关于烟草及节食危害的 会变得模糊,而需要我
的体现。它成为了陌生男女之间萍水 今时今日,我认为孩子们上的第一 会对自己生命中所行的事,以及他们 讲座不一定能为生活方式带来良性的 们指引的孩子最终将受
相逢的行为;成为了堕落淫逸的试 堂课应包括正确的价值观,而其中两 所作的抉择承担责任。 影响。知与行是两回事。 到伤害。
验;成为了另一的生活方式。 个便是负责与责任感。 要灌输承担责任与责任感,家庭关 荷兰家长能根据个人的信仰及价值 飞机在空中的紧急
我们给予孩子现代科技,也掀开了 箴言22章6节说:“教养孩童,使 系必须和谐。父母一定要愿意表达他 观自由的成立公立学校。当地教会及 情况,同样适用于人们
章 性放纵的途径。色情作品在网上垂手 他走当行的道,就是到老他也不偏离 们对儿女的接纳,关爱与欣赏。有关 家长的参与性也更高。 的心灵。如果我们忽
可得,甚至连小学生也能通过电脑索 。” 这几方面的详解,请阅读麦道尔与戴 如此可见,与其他欧洲国家相比, 略了自己的“心灵氧
明 取免费的色情信息。 迪克的书。关键在于父母一定要花时 荷兰人拥有更加坚固的家庭结构及传 气”— 与神同行 —
舜 在报章里,我们也看到性犯罪者利 孩童当行的道 间陪儿女。 统的家庭生活方式。也许这也是荷兰 我们的动力将会被削
牧 用清谈室与儿童接触。 愿意与陌生男 什么是孩童当行的道?这指的是上帝 向子女灌输价值观的应当是父 单亲家庭、未婚生育率及离婚率较低 弱。我们的辨识力、
师 士闲聊并发生性关系的少女更是不计 为他或她个人精心设计的道。这并非 母。如《圣经》申命记11章18-19节所 的原因。 同理心、鼓励人和应
其数。 表示随意纵容子女,而是让他们成为 说:“你们要将我这话存在心内,留 整个社会的健全与否,取决于灌输 变的能力都会减弱。
一般的青少年性行为也趋向低龄 上帝喜悦的儿女。 在意中,系在手上为记号,戴在额上 正确价值观并稳固家庭关系。 我再次被提醒: 要
化。根据《海峡时报》2009年8月18日 家庭成员必须承担责任并培养责任 为经文。也要教训你们的 儿女,无论 因此家长应当更积极地对子女灌 成为一个真正称职的家长,与神保持
的报道,甚至有女子在网络拍卖贞操 感,这才可能做得到。做父母的应当 坐在家里,行在路上,躺下,起来, 输正确的价值观。这必须是他们的责 亲密关系非常重要。
的惊闻。 向儿女负责。正如麦道尔与戴迪克在 都要谈论 。” 任。 我从柬埔寨买了一些礼物给我的
他们合著的《如何成为你儿女心目中 何不提升自己亲子关系的属灵知识 两个女儿。然而,神在这趟短宣给了
父母亲的角色 的英雄》一书中所写的:父母必须放 荷兰为模范 呢?阅读几本好书、参与一些课程, 我新的亮光:我能送给孩子的最佳礼
关于性这方面的课题,究竟是谁在教 下身段,且存顺服的心,容许他们的 根据以上所述,结果会怎样? 教育自己以教育孩子正确的价值观。 物,乃是我与神的亲密关系。
导孩子呢?家长把责任交托于学校的 儿女“要求父母解释”为何他们行事

Domestic Product)最高的欧洲国家当中,青少年生育率站最底。在每1000名15‑19
岁的荷兰少女中, 平均只有5人生育孩子。
灵氧气”- 与
神同行 - 我们
新加坡 削弱。
来源: 联合国人口基金会;世界银行
14 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009
hat do you do when your youth
spends too much of their free
time online?  
Go find out why they park themselves in
the cyber world. Better yet, get an account
on a social networking website and send
your children a friend request. Having an
account on Facebook is hardly useful unless
your kid accepts your friend request. How-
ever, fret not, our straw poll of 27 youths
show that 65 percent of them are willing to
add their parents as friends on Facebook.  
Clara Toh, 42, parent and full-time church
staff, Derek Lam, 17, student, Anglo Chinese
Junior College and Rachel Tan, 14, student,
Bukit Merah Secondary School, share their
views on how Facebook may be used to
connect two generations. 

工Clara Toh(42岁)、英华初级学院学生
Derek Lam(17岁),及红山中学学生Ra-
chel Tan(14岁)。

Interviews by ALVIN CHUA

✒ POPULAR ONLINE TERMINOLOGY | 网上的常用词汇 AFK Away From Keyboard (unable to answer messages) 离开电脑(表示暂时无法回应) BFF Best Friends Forever 永远的好朋友 BLOG A personalised web log 个人的网上博客 FACEBOOK Online social networking site 社交网站 FYI For Your Information 供参考

16 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 17

face to face
Do adolescents want to be-
What do you think is the biggest friend their parents on Face-
reason most adolescents will not book? Will they restrict their
want to add their parents parents' access to their Face-
on Facebook?  book accounts? Alvin Chua sur-
Most of the adolescents do not want their
parents to know their "secret" life — who their
veyed 27 youths from the ages
friends are and what they talk about. They 10 to 19 to find out.

think it is a disgrace if their parents chit-chat
with their friends. Some of them may have
photos with their boyfriend or girlfriend that
cannot be "exposed" to parents. They think
that adding their parents on Facebook will
14 | Secondary school student
Clara Toh
intrude their privacy. You have to have a pretty
good relationship before your children are
willing to add you as friends on Facebook.   Are you friends with your PARENTS on Facebook? 
42 | Full-time AMC staff & Mom I would love my mother to be my friend on Facebook because it is quite
cool. Then she would know what I’ve been doing through my pictures.
Are you friends with your 你是子女在 Facebook 上的朋友吗? If she comments on my pictures, my friend would see that she is hip
children on Facebook?  是的。感谢上帝,我的两个孩子都愿意让我 like us too. 
Yes, Thank God both my children are willing to 加入他们的Facebook名单。阿门。 of those surveyed would add their
add me into their Facebook life. Amen!  parents as friends on Facebook.
你是怎么开始用 Facebook 的? 你是父母在 Facebook 上的朋友吗?
What made you start using 主要是用来联络我在澳洲、美国、马来西亚 我希望妈妈能成为我Facebook的朋友,这样很酷。这么一来,她就能从

Facebook? 和加拿大的朋友。看着他们放上Facebook的照 照片中得知我在做什么。如果她在我的照片上写感言,我的朋友会觉得
It was mainly to connect with my friends from 片,就知道他们过得怎么样。我们也在网上 她和我们一样时髦。
Australia, USA, Malaysia and Canada, to know 聊天,还计划在11月和圣尼各拉女校的老同
how they are doing by seeing the photos they 学聚会。
posted on Facebook. A long-lost friend that Facebook也是抒发想法的好地方,能让所
disappeared for 28 years, found me on Face- 有的朋友知道自己的感受。它也提供了一个

in three
book. We started chit-chatting and we plan 平台,让你和朋友一起玩游戏,挑战对方。
to meet up with my St. Nicholas Girls School 在网上,也能和平时没什么机会见面的朋友
classmates in November.  聊天,还有在朋友心情差时,鼓励他们。
Facebook is also good for airing your
thoughts and letting all your friends know 你觉得 Facebook 对亲子沟通有效吗? of those surveyed cited 'privacy' as
how you feel. It provides a platform that allows 这是肯定的。我的女儿Rachel在学生交换计划

you to play games and challenge others. It's 下,到德国4个月。Facebook让我看到她在那 the main reason why they do not
a website that you can chit-chat with people 里的情况,我们全家还一起上网玩游戏,享 want their parents to view their
you seldom talk to face to face and a website 受家庭时间。 17 | Junior college student Facebook pages, Twitter accounts
that you can also use to encourage people and blogs.
when they are down.  你觉得青少年不想把父母加入

Facebook的主要原因是什么? What do you think is the biggest reason most
Do you think Facebook is useful in 多数孩子不想父母知道他们的“秘密”生 adolescents will not want to add their parents on
reaching out to your children? 
Yes, definitely. Rachel (Clara’s daughter) was
away for a Student Exchange Programme in
Teenagers don’t want to add parents because they don’t want their parents
to see everything they do. They are probably afraid that when their parents
Germany for four months. Facebook was a tool 女朋友”的照片,也不能在父母面前曝光。 see some pictures, they may get the wrong idea. If friends have pictures
that allowed me to see what was going on over 他们认为把父母加入Facebook,会侵犯他们的 of them going clubbing, parents may think they are a bad influence.
there. We also played Typing Race online — 隐私,因此,你必须先有良好的亲子关系, Parents may also start asking more about their children’s friends. Lastly,
Rachel, Reuben and myself for a family time!  孩子才愿意让你成为他们Facebook上的朋友。 Facebook is geared towards the younger generation. It may not be suitable
for parents of an older generation. 
A long-lost friend that disappeared for 28 years, 你觉得青少年不想把父母加入Facebook的主要原因是什么? of those surveyed would limit
found me on Facebook. We started chit-chatting 他们不想父母知道他们做的每一件事。他们可能担心父母看到某些照片
their parents' abiity to view their
and we plan to meet up with my St. Nicholas Girls 后,会产生误解。比如朋友放了一些上夜店的照片,父母可能会认为他们
是损友,还会问长问短的要知道更多关于朋友的事。何况Facebook是为年 account if they were friends with
School classmates in November.  轻一代而设的,可能不适合年纪较大的父母。 one another on Facebook.

✒ IMO In My Opinion 我的看法 TMI Too Much Information 太多资讯 TTYL Talk To You Later 迟些再谈 TWITTER A micro-blogging site where users post tweets or messages containing up to 140 characters 微型博客平台,可用它向追随者发放140个字母以内的简讯 YOUTUBE A video sharing site 分享录像短片的网站

18 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 19


birth pangs
Never give up in prayer
“God can do it! God will do it! God has
already done it!”
The foetuses
We learnt this simple but power-
ful lesson through a Maureen Onions
were still alive
by wong chong kai and wendy wong seminar. The desire to have a child was
still very strong despite previous disap-
in me, but
In September 2000, we gathered
as a mother,
A painful six-year journey filled with heartache and tears
a group of friends to pray specifically
for a child. Soon, Wendy was six weeks
I could not
culminates in the miraculous birth of a child
pregnant without seeking any fertility
treatment! We were overjoyed with
protect them
this wonderful piece of news! Yet, the
following 27 weeks were a journey of
at all.
Wong Chong Kai and Wendy faith, and the birth of Samuel was truly
Wong have always wanted to start a miracle. CK’s side even in the middle of the night
a family but it hasn’t been an easy Throughout the pregnancy, fear was when we were going through critical
journey to parenthood. Several our greatest enemy as past experiences episodes. Most importantly they prayed
fertility treatments over a period haunted us. When she was 12 weeks diligently with us for our unborn child
of six years yielded only pain, an- pregnant, Wendy had heavy bleeding. at every stage of his development. They
ger and four pregnancies, three of We were fearful that the worst might were pillars of strength and were always
which ended in miscarriages. The happen. Many thoughts ran through my there for us.
fourth pregnancy was heartbreak- mind but Philippians 4:6–7 gave me the One important lesson we learnt
ing as Isaac was stillborn and peace within, assuring me that the Lord was not to ignore my husband’s emo-
Claire returned to the Lord after was in control of the situation. tional needs. Very often, I received all
17 hours. But God has been good. An ultrasound scan a couple of days the attention and love but CK expe-
Eight years have passed since the later found no traces of blood clots. The rienced joy and anxiety equally too.
birth of a child, Samuel, and here doctor could only explain that “Some- Our prayer group recognised this and

do you
the Wongs share their journey of one up there took them away”. Deep attended to CK’s needs. We are very
faith as a source of encouragement down in our hearts, we knew that God grateful to them.
to couples in similar situations. was the only one who could perform

such a miracle.
Wendy went through a few more
have a sticky
emergencies, the most critical ones
were experiencing contractions in the
God — Our Master Healer
Indeed God is good — all the time. He question
you'd like
Surrender AND Giving in to God second trimester, and another bout watched over the safe delivery of Sam-
Chong Kai (CK) and I had never experi- of heavy bleeding at week 30. And in uel on 11th May 2001. Though born 7
enced such an emotional roller coaster one of these episodes, I broke into cold weeks early, he was healthy and well.
before. We were exceedingly joyful
each time we conceived but numer-
ous episodes of threatened abortions
sweat at the sight and smell of the pool
of blood on Wendy’s bed. But Wen-
dy’s faith and her words, “Don’t worry,
And his first cry was loud and strong
— very reassuring for us!
Throughout this pregnancy, God
(bleeding) set fear in us. I know it’s not time yet” were extremely has personally evidenced Himself as
The most heartbreaking moments reassuring. our comforter, redeemer, our chief phy-
happened when my water bag ruptured Throughout these episodes, 1 Peter sician. He has healed us and restored
prematurely at 16 weeks and 23 weeks 5:7 “Cast all your cares upon Him, for our faith.
for the 3th and 4th pregnancy respec- he cares for you” reminded us to trust
tively. The foetuses were still alive in God. It was such personal encounters ❇❇❇❇
me, but as a mother, I could not protect with God that carried us through.
them at all. The water bag was their ABOVE: The Wongs (Samuel, Wendy and Chong Kai) vacationing in Hokkaido, Japan For you created my
in 2008; Samuel Wong was born on May 11, 2001.
only protection and without it, every ❇❇❇❇ inmost being;
movement I made (turning my body, you knit me together in
eating etc) was actually hurting them. I WENDY my mother's womb.
cried out to the Lord with all my heart not knowing how much it hurt to hear was feeling. So we decided to trust and GOD'S LOVE through His people I praise you because I am
for days and nights. Infection and fever such words. believe, praying: “God you can heal us! It was during these trying times that fearfully and wonderfully
set in inevitably and our dreams for our Yet, God used the departure of God you will heal us! God, we thank we experienced God’s love through a made; your works are
children were all dashed. Claire and Isaac to surface the hurts, bit- you that the healing process has already group of dedicated and God-fearing wonderful,
Well-meaning relatives and friends terness, self-pity that I had harboured begun! Amen.” brothers and sisters. They provided I know that full well. Send them in to Liveline
tried to console us saying, “It’s alright”, all these years. I felt that I had to sur- tangible emotional support and practi- at
“It’s ok”, “Try again, you are still young”, render or be consumed by all that I ❇❇❇❇ cal help like bringing food, standing by — psalms 139:13–14 and we'll get them answered.

20 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009


don't touch me genius or insane

by david chan by mark masillamoney

The problems facing the overprotected young adults of the

strawberrY gENERATION and how God can help

term that originated forts. Some who perceive themselves everything for them, some even to the
in Taiwan, "Strawberry inferior or are unable to take the stress extent of mapping out their children’s
Generation" was fre- of demands and expectations choose an entire lives.
quently used to refer early end to their lives. With everything being taken care of,
to young adults born One possible cause for the rise of they have no need to take ownership of
in the 1980s. People of such a generation could stem from the their future and not having experienced
this generation are said to be fragile and changes in the social and economic hardship, they are ill-equipped to handle
easily bruised when faced with pressure, environment. In the last few decades, finances or the stress that comes with
just like strawberries. the family structure has evolved dramati- tough times.
These young adults have common cally — large extended families became There is an urgent need to inculcate
observable weaknesses such as the small nuclear ones; family sizes shrunk; values of Resilience and Appreciation to
inability to manage stress, the lack of mothers joined the workforce and left help this generation cope. We cannot
money management skills and a conspic-
uous absence of a plan for their future. All
their homes in the charge of domestic
help; fathers worked long hours and are
shield them forever. They have to take
the first step to assume accountability Which Michael Jackson should we remember: the
these add up to them being a potential
burden on the society when this genera-
often away from home. Children grew
up with little supervision and even less
for their lives. It is important that they
learn to appreciate the small things and
charitable musical virtuoso, or a man, tragically flawed? ­

tion moves into their golden years. parenting. not to take anything for granted. When
Living for the here and now, they’re Parents, laden with guilt for not they are able to do that, they will remain he Rev. Al Sharpton once thropist, supporting more charities tions of people to love more and fight
concerned mostly with the pursuit of spending time with their children would positive in the midst of challenges and told Michael Jackson’s than any other pop star. Worldwide, less. He made people laugh, hope and
their own happiness and material com- tend to spoil them by trying to do struggles. While we live in a world where children, “Wasn’t noth- a total of 39 charitable organizations aspire for better things. The singer also
change is the only constant, the Straw- ing strange about your benefited from his generosity through used his celebrity status to spotlight

While we live in a world

berry Generation needs to know the One Daddy. It was strange donations and sponsorships. charitable work.
who holds tomorrow and the Bible gives what your Daddy had to But, the King of Pop himself was Just like Noah, whom God found to

where change is the only

us a heartening message: deal with. But he dealt with it anyway.” no stranger to controversy. The press be righteous and blameless, was also a
“But we have this treasure in jars I grew up listening to Michael Jack- descended upon his every move like a drunkard. David, the “man after God’s

constant, the Strawberry

of clay to show that this all-surpassing son’s music and I would remember pack of wolves. heart,” committed adultery and mur-
power is from God and not from us. We checking out the album credits to see In MJ’s later years, his bizarre per- der. Yet God used the imperfection in

Generation needs to
are hard pressed on every side, but not who was involved in creating it. From sonal life filled the tabloids and gossip them in His own way.
crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; what I gathered, he surrounded him- columns, overshadowing his music. His I believe that the God who makes

know the One who

persecuted, but not abandoned; struck self with the best songwriters, produc- attempts to modify his looks through no mistakes used MJ for something
down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians ers and musicians of his time. multiple plastic surgeries, the sensa- despite his failings. At least, for the

holds tomorrow.
4:7-9 With MJ’s passing, the music indus- tional child molestation trial and his generation that I grew up in, he will
In knowing God, they can, in the try lost one of its greatest talents and a troubling behaviour took a toll on him be remembered as the man who used
midst of facing pressures in life, trust generation is left to mourn the death and his music career. his God-given talent to touch a hurting
that God’s all-surpassing power will turn of an icon. However, even with all his flaws, world and brought us joy through his
situations around in His time so that His In his heyday, Michael Jackson Michael Jackson inspired genera- music.
power and glory will be revealed. While was a role model to many. Some of

Even with all his flaws,

they may be pressed on every side, his most popular songs are meaning-
perplexed, persecuted and struck down ful and encouraging ballads. From "We

Michael Jackson inspired

when the going gets tough, they can Are The World" to “Man in The Mir-
continue to show resilience in their lives, ror” to “Heal The World”, these songs

generations of people to
knowing that in all things God works for espoused positive messages of hope
the good of those who love Him and and change.

love more and fight less.

who have been called according to His MJ also tried to do his part for char-
purpose. ity. He was a humanitarian and philan-

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wonderstruck! by tong su yee

High flyers
Beverly Ang and Two friends, Tong Su Yee and Beverly Ang, discover the natural beauty of Cairns,
Tong Su Yee parasail
over the waters of
Australia through captivating sea-walks, breathtaking cable car rides and more...
Cairns, Australia.

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1 2 3 5

7 9

8 10

everly and I had been good ter checking into the Shangri-La Hotel, we almost sure seagulls wouldn’t trade being a underwater world. Neither of us had snor- heading up to the Kuranda Rainforest family five years ago but I never got to ex-
friends for quite a while, immediately got the concierge to help us seagull for anything else! kelled before, so it was quite a thrill to don which was situated outside of Cairns’ city perience its beauty in such close proximity.
and since we were both reserve an adventure package comprising on snorkelling gear and take in the pretty area. The day was relatively laid back, as we The corals that cover the entire ocean floor
waiting to enter university three exciting back-to-back water activi- on our second day, we boarded the big sights of colourful corals and exotic fishes sat on a vintage train that took us through and the diverse marine life simply left me
— overseas, in her case — ties — jetskiing, parasailing and bumper Cat, a huge ferry that brought us to Green in crystal clear waters. winding tunnels and over bridges into the in awe of God’s magnificent creations.
we thought taking a short tube rides. Island. This island lies smack in the middle Enthralled by the underwater world, depths of the rainforest, more than 1,000 I was truly glad that I went on this trip
vacation together would be a great way to Water sports never fail to send adren- of the Great Barrier Reef. At Green Island, we decided to go the distance and experi- feet above sea level. We wandered around with Beverly because we did many activi-
bond and strengthen our friendship. After aline gushing through my veins. At one we were transferred to a “semi-submarine.” ence what it was like to walk among the the village shops and tried some delicious ties that I would ordinarily have been too
discussions with our parents, we both de- fishes and corals. Sea-walking, however, fruit pulp ice cream before hopping onto afraid to try. Both of us had an insane
cided that Cairns, home to the Great Bar- was an activity that incurred significant the Army Duck Rainforest Tour — a World amount of fun and good food, so much
rier Reef, would be our perfect getaway Every day that I was in Cairns, I was extra charges. But, we figured: how many War II amphibious vehicle — to explore so that we hardly had any disagreements.
destination. To minimise hassle, we pur-
chased a 4D4N packaged tour from Chan
overwhelmed by God’s creations: the opportunities does one get in a lifetime to
stroll along the floor of the Great Barrier
the nature park.
Highlights of the tour included a per-
This trip made me thank God for friends
because it was a completely different and
Brothers. Great Barrier Reef, the Kuranda Rainforest, Reef? formance by Pamagirri aboriginal dancers, positive experience travelling with a good
There were some concerns about We decided to give it a try and the expe-
which stretched for endless miles.
boomerang and spear-throwing demon- friend instead of family members.
H1N1, but that did not dampen our spir- rience was uniquely fun and indescribable. strations, and a visit to the Koala and Wild-
its and enthusiasm. We prayed for physical It felt almost like we were walking on land, life Park. We rounded off the tour with a
protection and good health before depart- point, we were driving so fast that we went Above the water surface, it looked like any except that we had on huge astronaut-like scenic cable car ride down the mountain
ing for Australia. Upon our safe return, we flying into the water. By the time we were ordinary boat, but the interesting part was helmets that pumped oxygen in to help us before returning to Cairns by coach.
both agreed that we made the right choice done jetskiing, we were having so much the lower half of the vessel. Submerged breathe normally underwater. With the FROM TOP LEFT
taking this short holiday together. The fun that we were raring for more. below the water, the lower deck had glass guidance of a professional scuba diver, we although our trip was a short one, it 1. Corals in the azure waters of the Great Barrier
enormous fun we shared and the strength- Parasailing was absolutely exhilarat- walls built all around it. Seated in the lower managed to get up close and personal with was nonetheless, a fantastic vacation. Ev- Reef; 2. Giant lizard in the Koala and Wildlife
ened friendship were altogether an unfor- ing, though a little scary for someone with deck, we were treated to a diver’s view of some rare inhabitants of the coral reef. We ery day that I was in Cairns, I was over- Park; 3. Enjoying fruit pulp ice cream in Kuranda
Village; 4. Marina across the Shangri-La Hotel;
gettable experience. a mild phobia of heights like me! When the coral reefs and marine life. could also touch many of the fishes that whelmed by God’s creations: the Great 5. One of the many catamarans that dot Cairns’
I was hoisted 100 metres above the vast Though the semi-sub was a novel ex- swam close to us. Barrier Reef, the Kuranda Rainforest, waterways; 6. Green Island-bound; 7. Jetskiing;
once we were in cairns, we literally ocean, I had a bird’s eye view of everything perience, Beverly and I decided it would be which stretched for endless miles. I had 8. Su Yee with a wallaby; 9. Panaroma of the
swung into full gear from the word “go.” Af- below me. It was a magnificient sight. I’m more fun to get ourselves wet exploring the the last full day of our trip saw us been to the Great Barrier Reef with my beach; 10. Train tracks in Kuranda Village.

26 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 27

TECH TALK How to ensure that your kids are safe online ... p30 | MUSIC CD selections for all ages ... p31 |
BOOKS Three good reads for your nightstand ... p32 | LIFESTYLE Ideas on where to go and what to do
this upcoming holiday season ... p32 | EVENTS Find out about the Music Festival and more ... p33
➺ pluck at haji lane: more on page 32 in lifestyle
Get up to date information about lessons and sermon topics.
Read what the youths are saying on their blog.
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28 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 29
tech talk music
by Eric Cheok

such sites from being displayed on the child's monitor when

he or she is googling.
There are a variety of software programs and applications
available online that have the capability to enable site-blocking
but they are not foolproof either.


It is hardly difficult for children to use proxy sites to Various Artists Delirious?
circumvent restricted sites that parents have been taught to This is the perfect album Being one of the featured
apply control measures on, either in the web browsers or in for the little ones. A com- bands at this year’s Festival
the operating system itself (for example, the Parental Controls pilation featuring popu- of Praise, Delirious needs
feature found in the Mac operating system). Even if the child lar radio hits that contain no introduction. This latest
doesn't know, he or she can easily look up the "How-tos" on positive lyrics and catchy CD/DVD set will probably
the Internet or seek the help of a more tech-savvy friend. tunes, iShine Jamz includes be the band’s last release
some of the most popular after a 15-year run. Deliri-
songs from Christian radio, ous’ signature British rock
such as Chris Tomlin’s brings tremendous energy
The mobile phones and handheld game consoles that
"Indescribable" and Audio into worship, and this live
parents provide for their children — even without internet Adrenaline’s "Big House". recording embodies that
access — are also not immune to the exchange of undesir- In addition, High School effect at its best. Featur-
able materials. Kids today have a digitally-enabled network of Musical’s "We’re All In This ing familiar tracks such as
friends who readily share all manner of fun stuff via Bluetooth Together" and the timeless "History Maker" and "Rain
or USB devices. While most materials, thankfully, are innocent classic "That’s What Friends Down" the album also
and entertaining, we do still hear about  adult content being Are For" by Elton John, includes "All God’s Chil-
aired on TV Mobile, or school kids being found with inap- Stevie Wonder and Dionne dren" — a simple track
propriate material in their mobile devices. Warwick can also be found beautifully delivered with a
in this album. children’s choir.

here is clearly a dire need to help our children steer
clear of unsavoury material and limit them to appro- ERIC'S CHOICE
priate content. In addition to making use of technol-
ogy to protect our kids, here are a few steps that BETTER THAN LIFE: THE BEST OF LAKEWOOD LIVE

Internet Safety
A PARENT'S GUIDE TO parents can undertake: Lakewood Church
This compilation brings us
COMMUNICATION the best of worship music
Educate, openly discuss and come to an agreement with from Lakewood Church — a
your children that you will monitor their access to the Internet megachurch based in the U.S.
and all of the electronic devices that we entrust them with. in Houston, Texas. The album
by Gordon Yuen As parents, it is our responsibility to regularly take the time features two talented worship
to check them on their digital footprints, and when necessary, leaders, Israel Houghton and
Martha Munizzi.

advise and even admonish.
efore writing this article, I was While there are no bullet-proof solu- SEARCH ENGINES Houghton has a knack for
under the impression that there tions to Internet safety, here are a few Almost all children surfing the Inter- writing worship songs that
are numerous web applications things that parents should be aware net use search tools like Google, Yahoo, are lyrically simple and true to the promises of the Bible
At times, we need to do what we need to do, even if
and methods out there that of when attempting to safeguard their and the like. The search results almost while Munizzi delivers with powerhouse vocals. Together with
it means implementing electronic curfews, usage boundar- an energetic band and a gospel choir, nothing brings out cel-
parents can easily utilise to implement children from accessing harmful content always include some form of objection-
measures that will prevent their kids from online: able material, even if the websites pur- ies and digital reviews. Such reviews can take place through ebratory worship more. Plus, their songs carry a strong groove
accessing undesirable materials online — port that they only allow the child to play active and mutually agreed upon logging of the child's Internet driven by acoustic guitars that will leave the Word ringing
bad content that kids might deliberately EMAIL innocent web-based games. journeys on chats, searches, sites visited, and mobile phone in your head for days. Check out all-time favourites such as
search for or stumble upon. However, it There just isn't any application that Although website warning tools like usage and content. "Friend of God", "You Are Good" and "All About You".
quickly became clear to me that it is an can satisfactorily prevent a child from "Web of Trust" can identify and classify
impossible task for any application, or sending or receiving emails that might questionable sites, there is no stopping the
even several applications working in con- potentially contain objectionable materi- child from clicking on the web links. In this ➽ MORE INFO ➽ WHERE TO GET
cert, to be absolutely effective in ensuring als because filenames can be easily dis- case, what would be most beneficial for For a suggested list of logging options and applications, please Featured CDs are available at SKS Books Warehouse
safety on the Internet. guised. parents would be to automatically prevent visit the church website at 6227-9700 |

30 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 31

books by SKS Books Warehouse upcoming
Living With Questions
by Dale Fincher
In Living with Questions, philosopher,
Everything Counts
by Steven Case
Steven Case's Everything Counts is a
It's Easy Being Green
by Emma Sleeth
Many books have been written about
storyteller and motivational speaker year’s worth of devotions for radical liv- being green but this book is like none visit for more updates
Dale Fincher, brought up seven core life- ing based on the Oswald Chamber’s clas- other — it is not only written by a teen
defining questions that teens and youths sic My Utmost for His Highest. Chamber for teenagers but it is also written from
commonly face. He provides us with a has touched many generations with his a Christian perspective. Whether you are october november cont...
practical and personal approach to these godly insights through his work and Case new at ‘going green’ or a pro at it, Sleeth 23.10 15.11
Music Festival Family Life Workshop
questions: Do what I think really matter? has updated and distilled these insights has plenty to offer as she gives lots of
Baptism/Membership class
What is Truth? Is God there? Has God with the new generation of readers in tips on how we can serve God by saving 23.11 – 26.11
spoken? Am I important enough? What’s mind in this new adaptation. the planet that He has entrusted to us. 30.10 TRAC 34th Session at
so great about Heaven? By reading this book, Case hopes This book will not only change your Baptism/Membership class Bedok Methodist Church
More importantly, we get to learn his audience's souls will be inspired and attitude towards global warming but it
how to live the questions with Jesus stirred in the same way that the daily will also provide a variety of ideas on november DECEMBER
who will give us freedom and strength devotional classic by Chamber has for how to restore this paradise in a way 04.11 25.12
to live the answers. the past few decades. God desires. LCEC Meeting Christmas Day Service*
08.11 31.12
➽ WHERE TO GET Featured books are available at SKS Books Warehouse | 6227-9700 | Family Life Talk Watchnight Covenant &
Holy Communion Service*
13.11 – 14.11

* english/mandarin combined service

Rock & Roll

Ready for the December holidays? Lifestyle editor Geraldine Ang has a few InTune Music School is a one-stop shop for all things music. HIGHLIGHT

ideas on how and where to spend some of that break time The school provides a wide range of courses — take your pick
from pop vocals, pop songwriting, pop violin, musical vocal
and more . If you are all about rock 'n' roll, pick up the bass
shop guitar, drums or electric guitar at the Academy of Rock. An Evening of Hymns and Sacred Music

Vintage point
50A Prinsep Place, #02-01, 187/189 Thomson Road, Friday, october 23 | 8 p.m. | amc sanctuary
Prinsep Street, S188680 Goldhill Centre, S307630
6336-0335 6250-8987 | 6356-8987 Come join us for a time of worship and thanksgiving as we dedicate the new classical organ for God's work.
A street filled with edgy and quirky vintage shops, Our guest organist for the dedicatory recital is Dr Evelyn
Haji Lane provides a boutique shopping experience Lim, an inspiring teacher on the staff of the Methodist
with a unique twist School of Music (MSM) and curator of the Esplanade pipe
craft organ. The programme for the evening will include choral
Tired of shopping at departmental stores? Take a walk down anthems, and music by our string instrumentalists and

Break a Tile
Haji Lane, a small back alley tucked away in the Arab Street 'ringers' from the MSM handbell ensemble. 
area, and you will find yourself surrrounded by quaint little
stores selling a variety of unique and hard-to-find items. Come and be blessed; bring your friends too.
Pluck is a small retail store on Haji Lane that all fashionistas Nanette Zehnder, owner of Mosaic
and vintage lovers should check out. Independently-owned, it not Workshop and two-time cancer
only carries a good selection of designer apparel, accessories and survivor, decided to spread her love
bags, it also sells furniture, wallpaper and other decorative items for mosaic art by offering classes
for your home. This place also has a full-service ice cream parlour to both adults and kids. Sign up
where you can sit down and savour their homemade ice cream and for one of Zehnder workshops (adult classes start at $150)
desserts. Pluck's ice cream flavours are anything but ordinary; they and create a unique piece of mosaic artwork for yourself or
range from cookies 'n' cream to soursop to sea salt caramel. someone special!


31/33 Haji Lane, S189226 (Near Bugis MRT station) Blk 207 Henderson Road, #03-07, S159550
6396-4048 | 9070-4443 |

32 | liveline | OCTOBER 2009 OCTOBER 2009 | | 33

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