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It is a common Operation process in any industry to move people around or transfer employees

temporary basis for a particular project or Assignment. Or transfer them permanently to a

different country.

Though this functionality was available in 11i for the HR professionals to do it manually if the
cross business group is enabled they can update organization and location in the assignment
form, or another method of doing this is to terminate and hire the employee in the new business

Now in R12 this functionality has been made as a standard functionality in the Manager Self
Service Responsibility Under the function 'Transfer'

Manager Self Service > Transfer

Select the employee you wanted to transfer, follow the wizard which will take you through
complete process like new salary change, new direct report, New Location Change, Time card
approver, work Schedule etc., finally you will receive a Review summary page where you can
review and submit for the approval

Note: if you are a Oracle Payroll Customer you need to take necessary actions when changing the
work location for the payroll Taxation
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L A B E L S : H R M S , R 1 2 , TAL E N T M A N A G E M E N T

T H U R S D A Y, O C T O B E R 2 5 , 2 0 0 7

HRMS PFK RUP2 Global name Search

Mainly in the multi BG environment we end up in creating duplicate employee name, the current
HRMS search functionality some times the duplicates are missed out due to the localization and
the Name format used in each legislation.

In the Family Pack K Rup 2, System Uses Global Name format to Search for the Duplicates Across
Business Group.
The Global name format is independent of the Legislation which helps us to avoid the duplication.

To Enable this Functionality we need to enable the profile HR:Cross BG duplication Person

Still the HRMS uses the same existing functionality to search the employee in single business

Try this out!!!

Ramesh Kumar S
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 1 1 : 3 3 P M

S U N D A Y, O C T O B E R 1 4 , 2 0 0 7

Payroll Reversal Pack K Rollup 2

HRMS Family Pack RUP 2 was released on Jun 2007.
Due to current project schedule i didn't had much time to test the new functionality.
This week i had the chance to install the PF K RUP 2 to my test instance, the lot of functionality
which i was expecting is here now...

The first thing which i would like to highlight is Payroll Reversalfunctionality.

If you want to reverse assignments that have been processed as part of a payroll run
or QuickPay run, you can now reverse them as a group by assignment set instead of reversing by
individual assignment only. Any assignment sets that you use for reversals can also use the
normal assignment set features such as:

Include or exclude specific assignments

Make formula-based amendments

The original reversal by single assignment is still available, and you can continue to access it from
the Assignment window.
Payroll Reversal Details
Defining Assignment Set
Try it out!!!
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 1 : 4 4 P M

S U N D A Y, O C T O B E R 7 , 2 0 0 7

Changing Salary Basis

An interesting scenario came in one of my current projects with my customer who are already
using Oracle HRMS for past three years
They wanted to change the salary basis from Monthly to Period (Biweekly). It is a common
scenario that many company may change their Salary basis from monthly to biweekly or
Bimonthly, but the interesting thing in this project is they wanted to modify the history salary
information for all the employees from Monthly to Biweekly.

The first thing that came in my mind was the Auditing issue that we might run since we are
touching the most sensitive information of the employee data (SALARY), But the HR Users
clearly informed us they can provide us with the exact data that need to be loaded.
Another advantage was the customer is not using Oracle Payroll,OracleHRMS system is not
a transactional system

We followed the following approach

Remove the salary proposal for the employee for whom we need to modify.

Update the Assignment with the new Salary Basis in Correction mode

Reload the salary with the same Change date as we unloaded

We used WebADI for unloading Salary information, updating assignment with the new salary
basis and loading the salary proposal for the new salary basis.
We used WebADI custom Integrator with the following API




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P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 9 : 3 7 P M
L A B E L S : H R M S , P AYR O L L

S A T U R D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 2 9 , 2 0 0 7

Balance Adjustment
When we process the payroll, there are times that the users might have deducted excess tax or
other deduction, So we might need to correct the Balances for the correct YTD and the for year
end reporting

There are two methods of doing it.

By defining an Balance Adjustment Element or if we know the exact amount to be corrected then
we can able to adjust using the Adjust Balance Form. The latter one is very simple and it is an easy
option to adjust the balance

Follow the below steps to adjust the balance using the Adjust Balanceform, if we know the exact
amount to be adjusted

Fast Path > Adjust Balance > Select the Assignment for which we need to adjust the balance
Set the Effective date

Select the element who's pay or the Input Value need to be adjusted

Select the Consolidation set to control the further Post-run Processing

Check the costing Check box if you need the balance adjustment to be costed

Save the work

Try this out!!!

P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 2 : 2 9 P M

S U N D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 1 6 , 2 0 0 7

Payroll Reversal
After running the payroll and if post run processing has already occured we cannot correct the
payroll by Retry, even in case of roll back we need to roll back the complete Payroll for correcting
an entry for one or two assignment.
In these cases we can use Payroll Reversal. In short Payroll Reversal helps to correct the run
result for an single assignment

To Reverse the Payroll run for an assignemnt

(R) US HRMS Manager
(N) Fast Path > Reverse Payroll Run
Select the Assignment that you need to reverse from the LOV, Tick the Reverse Check Box for the
Payroll that we need to reverse and save the work. Consolidation set for the run will be
automatically displayed for the Reversal
Now the Run Result is been reversed to the Value before the payroll Run. Now you can modify the
Entry and start processing your payroll again.

Try this out!!!

P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 2 : 3 8 P M

W E D N E S D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 5 , 2 0 0 7

Payroll Rollback
Once the Payroll /Quick Pay process is completed if there is some issue or if some correction need
to be made. We can either




In this blog i am trying to explain how to rollback a Payroll process.

What Rollback does?
In simple word to explain Rollback process reset the Run Result and the Latest balance back to
the value before running the Payroll Process.
Rollback process has to be run in the same reverse sequence of the Payroll Run. for eg. for
processing the payroll, we run the following process in sequence Payroll run, Prepayment,
costing, Transfer to GL.Similarly for the Rollback we need to run in the reverse sequence Rollback
Transfer to GL, Rollback Costing, Rollback Prepayment, Rollback Payroll Run.
Note: if the costing details are imported into GL then we cannot rollback the process.So it is
always advisable to run the Transfer to GLprocess after all validation and checking are done and
run this process when we feel no more modification are needed
List of Process type that can be rolled back in PF K RUP1

Advance Pay Element

Balance Adjustment

Bank or Post office Payment

Batch element entry

cheque writer


Costing of Payment

Estimate costing

ext/Manual Payment

Magnetic report

Magnetic Transfer



QuickPay Pre-Payment

Quick Pay run

Report Generator

Retro Costing

Retro Pay

Retro Pay by Action

Retro Pay by element



Transfer to GL

Void Payment

P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 2 : 1 9 P M

M O N D A Y, S E P T E M B E R 3 , 2 0 0 7

Quick Pay Process

For processing the payroll for a single employee we can use Quick pay

For employee who is leaving and for whom we need to pay by check or cash

When an employee is joined after the payroll run has been completed for the period we
can use Quick pay to process only for this particular employee instead of completely
rollback the Payroll Process and starting it again.

Follow the process to run the Quick Pay(N) Assignment > (B) Others > Quick Pay

Set the effective Date for the Quick pay

Date Paid and Date Earned will be defaulted to the effective date

Select the consolidation set

Select the Run Types (it varies from Legislation to Legislation)

Save the Quick Pay Definition

Submit the quick pay by pressing the start Run Button.

Status should be changed from un-processed to Complete.

If any errors fix the error and press the retry button

Once the Quick Pay run is completed we need to process the PrePayment

We can run the Prepayment from the Quick Pay window by just clicking the button start
PrePayment Or combine it in the Batch PrePayments processing for the assignments
Payroll (this can be used when a new employee is joined after the payroll run is completed

so we can run the quick pay separately for this employee and combine it with the batch or
the prepayment.)
Try it out!!!
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 7 : 3 2 P M

M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 7 , 2 0 0 7

Payroll Retry
Once the Payroll run is completed there may be chance that few assignment may end up in some
errors or few assignment may be processed with some old element entries or payroll department
would have processed with limited information or the payroll analyst would have forgotten to
modify the formula for earning/deduction element which will affect certain group of Employees,
We can uses retries for correcting these mistake which occurred in the Payroll Run provided
there are no Post run process taken Place

We can retry a single assignment, set of assignment, or Mark a large payroll Process for Retry

To retry Single assignment

It can be done in the quick Pay form by clicking the Retry Button, this is the convenient
method for retying if we have very few employees to be corrected

To retry for small number of process

In the Payroll Process window, Query the process based on the payroll and the Action
type, Mark the process for retry by checking the Retry check box

This effectively marks all the assignment attached to the process

To Mark a Large Payroll Process for Retry

If we need to retry the payroll, run the Process 'Mark Payroll Run for Retry' this has two
parameters Payroll run and the Assignment Set


If any post run process has occurred then we need to rollback the Post Run Process and
then mark the process for retry

Any assignments having a status of Error after a payroll run, those assignments are
automatically retried when you run the payroll again

Try this Process!!!

P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 9 : 4 0 AM

M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 0 , 2 0 0 7

Payroll Processing
Before we start the Payroll Run. We need to assign the necessary element for the employee

For the normal payroll run we will include all the elements and process all the assignment
But under certain circumstance we may need

Include or exclude certain element or assignment

Include or exclude certain group of assignment

Include or Exclude certain classification of element

For the above conditions we may need to create an Assignment set or an Element set
Creating Assignment Set
Example for the use of assignment set is. We need to process the payroll for the night shift
employees before the day shift employees as they need to receive the Pay advice the night before
the rest
For complete details of setting up the Assignment set please refer the blog
Creating Element Set

Enter the Element Set name

Choose the classification as Run Set

Save the work

Select the Include button and add the required element to the set

The Payroll Process

Quick Pay

Payroll run

Quick Pay
Follow the link for the Quick Pay in Detail

Follow the steps to run the Payroll Process

1) Payroll Process
Parameters: Payroll Name
Consolidation Set
Element Set
Assignment Set
Date Earned
Date Paid
Run type
2) PrePayments
Parameter: Payroll Name
Consolidation set
Start Date
End Date

3) Run the check writer Process (Enabled for few legislation)

4) Run the Direct Deposit Process
5) Payslip Archive Process

If the costing is enabled then

6) Run the costing Process
7) Costing of Payments (if you want to cost at the payment method level)
8) Transfer to GL

From the GL side, import the Journal Entry

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P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 1 0 : 4 1 P M

S U N D A Y, A U G U S T 1 9 , 2 0 0 7

Assignment Set
Assignment set are to be defined for the following purpose

For processing only the subset of the Assignment for the payroll processing eg: Payroll for
the People who work in the night shift need to be processed first as they need to receive
the pay advice before the day shift employees

For generating the quick paint report for the set of assignment

Can be used in the BEE for creating the identical entry for all the assignment in the
Assignment set

Before we start defining the Assignment set we need to decide whether we are going to use
Assignment set for the payroll process or for some other process like reporting etc.
Defining the Assignment set

Enter the name of assignment set (Only Char, ( _ ) and Numbers are allowed and NO
SPACE allowed)

If you need to use this assignment set only for the payroll then select the Payroll from
the LOV Otherwise it is an optional field we can leave it blank.

Save the work

If we want to use the formula criteria for defining the Assignment set choose the button Criteria
from the assignment set window

Enter the Seq Number

Leave the Condition field Blank for the first line, you can choose either AND / OR
depending on the criteria

Choose the Database Item as the variable for the criteria (all the Database Item will be
prefixed by '&')

Choose the Operator (=, <=, >= , etc..,)

Enter the Value or choose the Database Item

Keep entering the other criteria from the second line

Save the work

If you specifically want to include or exclude any assignment choose the button Amendment

Choose the option Inc/Exc from the LOV

Select the Name from the LOV

Save the work

Select the Generate Button for generating the Fast Formula for the criteria defined above. The
Fast formula will be created with the same name as the assignment set
Try it out!!!
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 2 : 4 1 P M
L A B E L S : H R M S , P AYR O L L

M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 1 3 , 2 0 0 7

Cost Allocation flexfield and Costing process

Following are the important Key flexfield in HR and Payroll

Job Flexfield

Position flexfield

Grade Flexfield

People Group

Cost Allocation

Competence Flexfield

Personal Analysis Flexfield

Soft Coded KeyFlexfield


People Group Flexfield

Cost Allocation Flexfield

Bank Details KeyFlexField

Setting up of Cost allocation flexfield is an mandatory setup step for the Payroll Setup

Cost allocation Flexfield is used to accumulate the employee costing information, if we use
Oracle Payroll we can accumulate the cost associated with the payroll and transfer to GL and if
we are not using Oracle Payroll we can able to interface the costing information to the third
Party Payroll system
Few important points which should be taken care before creating the Cost allocation flexfield.

If we are planning to integrate with the GL, then the number segment in the cost
allocation flexfield should be same or more than the accounting flexfield.

We should atleast have one segment for the cost allocation flexfield otherwise will run
into error when defining payroll or in other form which is having this flexfield

Cost Allocation flexfiled makes use of qualifiers, we can use the segment qualifiers to control the
level at which the costing information can be entered in the system.the various level at which we
can cost are

Element entry



Element Link


If the element is not costed at any level then the final costing information will get accumulated in
the suspense account which is defined in the payroll form.

Use the GL Map window to map the cost allocation flexfield with the GL Accounting flexfield, we
should map each cost allocation segment with the GL Segment for each Payroll. for the addition
segment in the cost allocation flexfield should be mapped to 'Null'
Following are the process that you need to run for transferring the costing information from
Oracle to Payroll

Costing process

Costing of Payment

Transfer to GL

Try it out!!!
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 3 : 4 0 P M
L A B E L S : H R M S , P AYR O L L

S U N D A Y, A U G U S T 1 2 , 2 0 0 7

Assignment action interlock rule failure

During the Payrol Run Rollback Many time we might come accross with the Error message
APP-PAY-07507: Assignment action interlock rule failure

This May be due to multiple resason but one such reason is, there may be some future sequenced
process which has to be rollback before we roll back the current process.

To find the list of all future sequenced process Exucute the following Query

select distinct pact.payroll_action_id, pact.effective_date, pact.action_type

from pay_action_classifications CLASS,
pay_payroll_actions PACT,
pay_assignment_actions ACT,
per_assignments_f ASS,
per_periods_of_service POS,
pay_assignment_actions act1,
per_assignments_f ass1
where POS.person_id = ass1.person_id

and ass1.assignment_id = act1.assignment_id

and ASS.period_of_service_id = POS.period_of_service_id
and ACT.assignment_id = ASS.assignment_id
and ACT.action_sequence > act1.action_sequence
and ACT.action_status in ('C', 'S', 'M')
and ACT.payroll_action_id = PACT.payroll_action_id
and PACT.action_type = CLASS.action_type
and CLASS.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'

This Query will return the list of all future sequence process which need to be rolled back first
before we rollback the current process

Hope this helps :)

P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 3 : 0 2 P M
L A B E L S : P AYR O L L , T I P S A N D T W E A K S

Defining Payroll
Sample Setup Steps for Defining Payroll

Before Defining the Payroll you need to make sure that you have defined the Payment Method.
You can refer the blog for defing the payment method

(N) Payroll > Description

Set the Effective date

Enter the Payroll Name

Select the Payroll Type you want to Use from the List e.d Bi-weekly, Bi-Monthly, Monthly

Enter the End date of the Payroll's First Period

Enter the number of years you want the Payroll Calendar period to be opened, Note
certain process needs this date to be extended to the future e.g PTO carryover process
needs payroll calendar to be opened till the end of the accrual term

In the date offset region you can either enter positive or negative values for the number of
days before and after the period end date: Check Date: is the date on which the

Paycheck becomenegotiable; Schedule Run: Is the date scheduled for the regular each
period Cut off Date: This date provides the information that that final date for entering
and modifying any payroll information before the Run Pay Slip: This is always a positive
number which Will prevent your employee from viewing the payslip before the actual
payment is been made. Note: These Offsets date default for the calendar you can modify
the date for each period based on your needs by selecting the period

Select the Default Payment Method. this Default payment method will be used when the
employee is not have the valid personal payment method

Select the consolidation set. One consolidation will be created once you create a BG.

In the costing region select the costing account and the suspenseaccount.
these segments are based on the Cost Allocation Flex field setup

Select the option Negative Payment check box, if you want the the prepayment process to
calculate the Negative amount

Multiple Assignment attribute is enabled only for few legislation, This attribute enables
the employee to get single payment for multiple assignment

Further Payroll Information is completely based on the localization, each localization will
have their unique attribute. This Further information Will be enabled only for the payroll

Save the work

You can select the Valid Payment Method for this employee in the Valid Payment Method

Select the Period dates form, you can see the periods with the default offset date defined
above. If you need to close the payroll period you can change the status which will prevent
from modifying the payroll period.

Try this out!!!

P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 2 : 2 6 AM

T H U R S D A Y, A U G U S T 9 , 2 0 0 7

Payroll Payment Method Definition

The first step to start the payroll Setup is Payment Method

In the Planning and Analysis Phases come up with the Plan of type of Payment Method the
company is going to follow

Type of Payment Method


Direct Deposit


Check will be the default pay method for the payroll.

The Direct Deposit varies from Legislation to Legislation e.g NACHA in US, GIRO in Singapore

We need to also analysis whether we are planning to Reconcile with Cash Management,

Once we freeze the requirement, follow the below steps for defining the Payment Method

Set the Effective date

Enter the Payment Method Name e.g Check, NACHA

Select the Payment Method type NACHA for Direct Deposit, Cash for Cash Payment etc

Currency Will be defaulted to the BG but you can change it if required

If the Payment method controls the payments to third party then select the option Third
Party Payment e.g Payment for Benefit Carrier

Country will be defaulted from the BG

Enter the Bank Details, Bank Details field varies from Legislation to legislation. For few
legislation the flexfield uses Value Set, for few other legislation it is Free Text

Now if you are in 11.5.10 CU 2 and Family Pack less then PFK.RUP1 the Next step will be select
the Set of books and enter the cash account.
If you are in 11.5.10 CU2 PFK.RUP1 follow below steps.

Select the costing Tab you can able to select various option of costing based on your needs
and if you need to transfer the payment details to GL select the option transfer to GL

Select the General Ledger Tab, Select the Set of Book Enter the Cash account and Cash
Clearing account for the purpose of Reconciliation. Error Account and the Control
Account are optional. These segments comes from GL accounting Flexfield

Once we select the Cash account in the General Ledger Tab and save. Automatically the
cash account and the Set of book information is populated in the Reconciliation Tab

In Others Tab if we use the Direct Deposit as the Payment Method then we need to enter
the details of the Direct Deposit In Singapore we need to enter the Company Code. In US
we need to enter few details about the NACHA

Save the work


From PF.K.Rup1 the payment method can be costed which was not available in the
previous release.

The Bank Defined in Payroll should match with the Bank Defined with the AP otherwise
reconciliation will not work as expected

For the Third Party Payment always choose the option either Cash or Check

Try it out!!!
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 1 0 : 0 2 P M

T U E S D A Y, A U G U S T 7 , 2 0 0 7

Maintaining An Element
As I previously mention in my Blog 'Element are the Building Blocks for both HR Analysis and for
the Payroll Processing'
For Element Creation refer

After you have defined and used the Element following are the list of changes that can be made:

You can Change the Required Input Value to Not-required

Alter the Sequence of the Input Value to be displayed in the Element Entry Screen

You can Change the Input Value Validation Rule minimum, Maximum, Lookup and

Change your specification of which input values create Database Items. Note, however,
you cannot remove Database Items if they are used in any formulas
or QuickPaint reports.

You cannot remove existing input values or add new one if you have created any entries
for the element

If you wish to delete the element or make any modification you have to follow the below process

Delete the element entries from all the assignment

Delete the Element Link

Date Track to the Element creation Date and modify the details needed or you Can delete
the element in the current date itself.

P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 1 0 : 0 4 P M

S U N D A Y, A U G U S T 5 , 2 0 0 7

Salary Management and Administation

This is sample setup for the Salary Management.
Before we start the setup we need to have the plan and the complete analysis of the Business

Salary Frequency

Single Currency or multiple Currency involved

Does company follow any grade Scale for the salary etc..,


Follow the setup for the defining the salary
Salary Element Setup

Set the effective date.

2. Define an Recurring Element with classification Earning, Actual Termination, Multiple

Entries allowed, and with process in Run option selected.
3. Create the input value with the Unit as Money.
4. Link the element based on the Eligibility criteria.

For more details about the element setup refer my previous posting

Grade Scale Setup (Optional based on Requirement)

workstructure > Grade > Grade Rate

Define the Name for the grade rate

2. Select the Unit as 'Money'

3. Save the header information
4. Select the grade name and the enter the minimum and maximum value

Save the work

Salary Basis Setup

Salary Basis form is used to define the salary basis for each salary element to be used in the salary

Enter appropriate name for the salary Basis

2. Select the Basis Monthly or Annual or Hourly or Period

3. Based on Basis we selected, we need to enter the annualization Factor. The annualization
factor for monthly and Annual will be defaulted by the system. For hourly and period we
need to enter
4. Select the element name that we defined above or the seeded element name (Regular
Salary or Regular Wages)

Select the input value e.g in US legislation for the Regular Salary element choose the
option Monthly Salary

6. Select the Grade Rate defined above


Select the appropriate Grade rate Basis as defined in the Grade rate form

8. Enter the Grade Annualization factor e.g. for hourly 40 * 52 = 2080 hours
9. Save the Work

Navigate the People > Assignment (B)

Note: From the Family ack PF K salary PUI form is replaced by the Self Service Screen

Select the Salary information Tab

2. Select the Salary Basis

3. Save the assignment
4. Select the salary button> Add new Salary

Enter the Details in the salary Screen

6. Once you apply the salary will be automatically approved for the first time entry.

The Salary Element entry will be automatically created once the salary information is

Points to be noted
The Salary will be automatically approved during the first time entry and from the second time
onwards only the menu or the responsibility having the salary approval function will be able to
approve the proposed salary.
Enjoi Implementing!!!
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 5 : 3 4 P M

Clearing the Cache from front end

For the modules involving OA Frame work (Self Service) whenever we do any modification with
respect to setup or profile option change etc.., It will not be reflected immediately as you expected
due to cache

Another Very common problem is when we add a new responsibility involving the Self Service to
the user we will sometimes end up with the following error
'XXX is not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator'

The above issue may be due to the cache in the Apache server
we need to request the DBA to bounce the Apache Server for clearing the cache and for the setup
to be reflected

I was wondering Is there a way we can do this from front end?

Yes it is simple and easy..... Follow the steps below

Add the responsibility 'Functional Administrator' to the user name

Navigate to (R) Functional Administrator > (T) Core Services > (T) Caching Framework >
(M)Global Configuration > (B) Clear all

It will prompt a warning message. Select Yes

Now navigate to the corresponding module, you can able to find the setup reflecting if the
previous issue was due to the cache

Try it out!!!
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 4 : 4 6 P M

S U N D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 0 7

Leave Management
High Level Setup details for the Leave Management and Accrual Plan Setup


Navigate to the element form


Define an element Name and Description

2. Select the classification as Earning or Information

3. Select the type as 'Non Recurring'
4. Select the termination rule 'Actual Termination, final close or Last Standard process'

Select the option Multiple entry,

6. Process in run(optional)

Enter the qualification condition if needed

8. Save the Element

9. Create the link for the element

Absence Type form

Enter the name of the Absence Type (Best Practice same name as the Element defined)

2. Select the Category of the Absence

3. Associate the element that is defined above

4. Select the Input Value


Units get selected same as the one which we defined in the element input value

6. Select the Balance either Increasing or Decreasing


Select the list of Reason for the LOV

You can end the setup if you want to just use the abscence element as the adhoc abscence type. To
define the PTO accrual follow the below steps

Accrual Plan form


Enter the Accrual Name (Same as the Absence Name)

2. Select the Accrual Category, based on the category that is selected the balance will be
displayed in the SOE

3. Select the Accrual start date, based on the date we select the accrual balance will be

4. Accrual Units will be same as the Unit the we selected above in the Absence type


Select the Accrual formula provided by the oracle or a custom formula based on the
business requirement

6. Select the carryover formula seeded one or the custom one based on the requirement


Select the Absence information form the list.

8. Based on the Business requirement select the Balance reset date e.g if you need to reset
the accrual count on Jan 1st, select the option 1 January. We can also build our custom
balance if needed

9. Select the Period of ineligibiltiy: Legth, units or any custom formula

10. Save the work.

11. This will create 5 element and also link will be created automatically similar to the
Absence element link

12. Enter the accrual Band

13. Optionally you can include Net Calculation Rule in addition to the once which is created
during the accrual definition

14. Save the work

15. Attach the Accrual Plan to the employee assignment

Following are the elments created autmatically once an accrual plan is saved

Accrual Plan

Acrual Plan Payroll Balance

Accrual Plan Carried over

Accural Plan Residual

Accrual Plan Tagging

Try it out!!!
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 1 0 : 5 8 P M

Element Definition
Element are the Building Blocks for both HR Analysis and for the Payroll Processing

Elements can be used define Salary, Benefits, Absence from Work etc..

Here is the brief description of creating element in general.

Before we start building a new element we need to identify

Whether the element is a recurring or nor recurring

Whether we need to process it in the payroll

Whether it is deduction or earning or information or non taxable or non payroll payment


What are the input and the output expected from the element

Whether we need to build any formula for processing an element

Whether the element is to be linked to all employees or is there any eligibility criteria that
has to be set.

What is the currency that is going to be used for processing

Whether we need to cost the element.

Whether the element is taxable or non-taxable

Once we are able to identity the type of element from the above list of criteria.
List of steps for creating the element

Select the Effective date

2. Enter the Element Name

3. Enter the reporting name- The name which will be displayed i the SOE (Optional)
4. Enter the Brief description about the element

Select the classification of the Element form the LOV-this classification may vary from
Legislation to legislation

6. Select whether the element is Recurring or non Recurring


Based on the termination Rule that you want to set for your element, choose the option
Actual Termination, Final close or Last Standard process

8. Choose Multiple entries for the Non Recurring element Additional Entries if needed from
the recurring element, Process in Run for the element that need to be process through
9. choose the option closed for entry if want to prevent any new entry for this element, this
does not affect the entries which are previously defined.
10. Select the Currency Input and Output if not using the default currency defined in the BG

11. Select the Tax With holding rule from the Further InformationDFF.
12. Priority of element processing will be defaulted based on the classification selected
13. Skip Rule can be selected based on the requirement.
14. Save the Element definition
15. Enter the Input Value, Select the Input Value type based on the element e.g Date,
Number, money or Time
16. Select the Option Database Item if we plan to use the Input value in the Fast formula for
any processing
17. Enter the Default Value for the Input Value if needed
18. Save the Input Value Definition
19. Select the Balance Feed if we need to feed any Balance in addition to the Default balance
Defining Element Link
Once we define the element, We need to Link the Element before we can able to use the element
for any assignment

Set the Effective date

2. Select the element from the element link Form

3. Select the Standard Link if the element need to be attached to all the assignment
4. Select the Eligibility criteria based on Job, Position, Grade, salary Basis, Payroll , Group,
position and Location

Select the costing if the element need to be costed and transferred to GL

6. Select the qualification condition based on Age and the Length of Service

Save the work

Attach the element to the assignment

Enjoi HRMS implementation :)
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 1 0 : 5 7 P M

F R I D A Y, J U L Y 2 0 , 2 0 0 7

Security Profiles Setup

Once the Business Group is Setup a Default Security Profile will be created with the same name as
the Business group with security type as "View All Organization", It is Strongly recommended not
do modify the default Security Profile.

Attach this profile option to HR:Security Profile and attach the Business Group to the
HR:Business Group at the site level if it is the Base Business Group or attach it to the
responsibility if it is the Multi Business Group

In case of the multi Business Group, if we need to enable the Security Group ,
set the Profile option 'Enable Security Groups' to yes at the Application level,

Either we can attach the new security group manually to each responsibility at the time of
attaching it to the User or we can able to create the responsibility for each of the Security group
defined by running the concurrent program 'Enable Multiple Security Group process'

To Build the Custom Security Profile:

Enter the name of the Security profile and select the Business Group from the LOV. Now three
type of security can be assigned

'Secure Organization by Single Operating Unit' or 'Secure by Operating unit and

Inventory organization' are for the restricting certain Financial and Manufacturing
Business View.Attach this profile option to MO:Security Profile at the responsibility level

'Secure Organization by Organization Hierarchy and or Organization List', this security

type is for the restricting the user to access certain Organization based on the hierarchy.
Select the Organization hierarchy from the LOV, you can include the top organization in
the hierarchy or you can exclude the Business Group. Once the necessary setup is done

you can attach this security profile to the Responsibility level in the Profile Option
HR:Security Profile.
Note: Once the security is setup we need to run the concurrent program 'Security List
Maintenance' and choose the parameters based on the requirement.
Enjoii Implementing :)
P O S T E D B Y R A M E S H AT 1 0 : 3 1 AM

T H U R S D A Y, J U L Y 1 9 , 2 0 0 7

Business Group Creation

To start new implementation or even during planning Phase we need to come up with the plan
Whether we need to go for Multi business Group or Single Business Group

The Need to go multi Business Group:

If you are going for the global Implementation with Multiple Legislation

If you going to implement Payroll then we need to have the Localization specific to the
Particular country

If suppose the company mainly operates in one country and if they have very few
employees in the Other countries we can go for two BG once for the home country and
other for the Rest of the World

Single Business Group are advantages if the company operates in only one country.
If suppose the instance in single BG and if the business exist in multiple Legislation.If the
instance is already live then we need to do a shared HR to a Full HRMS conversion. The Best
Practice to follow for this conversion is

Create the new BG with the required Legislation

Migrate the Employees data to the new business group

Also we need to take care of the migration of Legal entity, Organization and the operating

After the Data migration we need to apply the legislation Patches and the
Run HRGlobal.drv

Once the HRGlobal.drv is run, all the legislation specific data will be loaded automatically, Based
on the Legislation code the Bank and the Legal entity flexfield get mapped to the BG
To View the data across Business Group use the Profile optionHR:CROSS BUSINESS GROUP

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