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Physics Equations Sheet

Newtons Laws
2. Kinematics in one dimension
v(average) = r / t
vs = ds / dt (vs = slope of position vs time graph)
Area under a graph is displacement
Final velocity: vfs = vis + ast
Objects final position = si + area under the velocity curve vs
between ti and tf
Area under a straight velocity time graph: Sf = si + vis*t + 1/2as(t)2
Final velocity depending on position: Vfs2 = vis2 + 2as s
as = +/- g sin
as = dvs / dt = slope of the velocity-vs-time graph
4. Kinematics in two dimensions
aavg = t
V = vxi + vyj
Vx = dx / dt
Vy = dy / dt
Vx = vcos
Vy = ysin
V = vx2 + vy2

ax = dvx / dt
ay = dvy / dt
Constant acceleration
xf = xi + vit + 1/2at2
vf = vi + at
xf = xi + 1/2(vi + vf)t
vf2 = vi2 + 2a(xf-xi)

The difference of the trajectory without gravity and the actual

trajectory is 1/2gt2.

Relative motion
(vx)CB = (vx)CA + (vx)AB
Uniform circular motion
v=2 r/T
f = i + w t
|w| = 2 rad / T

Non-uniform circular motion and angular acceleration

Angular acceleration = dw / dt
a = w2r

5. Force and motion

F = ma
Fnet = F1 + F2 + Fn
6. Motion along a line
Fx = F1 + F2 + F3 = 0 Fy = F1 + F2 + F3 = 0
Fnetx = Fx = max
Fnety = Fy = may
Fs max = s n
Fs = fpush
s > k

Fk < Fs max
Fk = k n
Fr = r n
r < k
terminal speed:
sqrt(2mg / Cpa)
FD= pACdv2
7. Newtons third law
a = Fnet / m
FA on B = -FB on A
aax = abx = ax
aax = -aBy
Tstring on A= -TA on string
8. Dynamics: motion in a plane
Projectile motion
ax = -pCa / 2m vx(sqrt(vx2 + vy2)
ay =-g -pCa / 2m vy(sqrt(vx2 + vy2)

Uniform circular motion

(Fnet)r = mw2r
(Fnet)t and (Fnet)z = 0

Circular orbits
Vorbit = sqrt(rg)
T = 2pi.r / vorbit
g = GM / R2 - w2R = gearth - w2R

Uniform motion second laws:

(Fnet)r = mw2r
(Fnet)t and (Fnet)z = 0
Non-uniform motion second laws:

(Fnet)r = mw2r = mv2/r

(Fnet)t = mat
(Fnet)z = 0

Conservation Laws
9. Impulse and Momentum
m dvx = Fx(t) dt
p = mv
Px = mvx
Py = mvy
F = ma = dp / dt

Jx = Favg . t
Px = Jx
pfx = pix + Jx
The final momentum is pfx = pix + Jx = pix + area under curve
The final velocity is vfx = pfx / m

Conservation of momentum
d(px)1/dt = (Fx)a on b
d(px)2/dt = (Fx)b on a
If we were to add the two equations (Fx) a on b + (-(Fx)) b on a) = 0
Px1 + px2 = constant

Inelastic collisions
(m1 + m2) x vf = m1v1 + m2v2

Momentum in 2 dimensions
Pfx1 + pfx2 + pfx3 = pix1 + pix2 + pix3
Pfy1 + pfy2 + pfy3 = piy1 + piy2 + piy3

10. Energy
EP = mgh
EK = mv2
Free fall
Ekf + Epgf = Eki + Epgi = (mgh = mv2)
Fsp = ks
Ep = Kx2
Elastic PE is Fnet=ma=m(dv/dt)
Elastic collisions
Velocity of ball 1: ((m1-m2)/(m1 + m2))vinitial1
Velocity of ball 2:((2m1)/(m1 + m2))vinitial1

11. Work
W>0: the environment does work on the system and the systems
energy increases W<0 the system does work on the environment and
the systems energy decreases
Emech = Ek + U
Esystem = Emech + Eth = K + U + Eth
K + U + Eth = Work (W)

Ek = mv =
2m 2m

W = Fs ds

W = F(d)cos

Dot product

A.B = ABcos
A.B = AxBx + AyBy

Conservative force potential energy

U = Uf -Ui = -W(i-->f )
Eth = Kmicro + Umicro

Conservation of energy
K + U + Eth = Emech + Eth = Esys = Wext
Isolated and non-dissipative
External and dissipative
K + U + Eth = K + U + Wext

P = Esys / t
P = f.v = fvcos

Applications of Newtonian Mechanics

12. Rotation of a Rigid Body
x = m1x1 + m2x2 /(m1 + m2)
y = m1y1 + m2y2 /(m1 + m2)
mr2 is the moment of inertia which depends on the axis of rotation
K = 1/2 i2
Different rotational axis :
Emech = Krot + U = 1/2 i2 + Mgycm
I = m1r12 + m2r22 + mnrn2

( x 2 + y 2 ) dm

(Change dm with equivalent expression to integrate)

Parallel-axis theorem
I = icm + Md2

( x 2 +d 2 ) dm

torque T = rfsin()
T = rF
|T| = dF
The magnitude of gravitational torque is |t|=dmg
Therefore the torque due to gravity is -Mgxcm
Ftangential = mr
= tnet / I

rotation due to ropes and pulleys

vobj = ||r
obj = ||r

The critical angle is the angle at which a balanced object tips

= tan-1(t/2h)

rolling objects
acm = aparticle / 1+c
d = 2piR
vcm = R

Contact on ground is stationary at that instant when rolling

EK = 1/2 I 2
EK rolling = 1/2 Icm 2 + 1/2mvcm2 = Krot + Kcm
^ similar to rolling EK + linear EK

Oscillations and Waves

14. Oscillations

20. Travelling Waves

21. Superposition

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