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Step 1(Root Chakra.

Base of spine in tailbone area):Let your fears flow down the

Step 2(Sacral Chakra.Lower abdomen):Release all blame and guilt.(pleasure-guilt)
Step 3(Solar Plexus Chakra.Upper abdomen in the stomach area):Release all disapp
ointments.(willpower-shame)Accept and love all aspects of who you are.
Step 4(Heart Chakra.Center of chest just above heart):Release all sadness and lo
Step 5(Throat Chakra.):Release denial and lies you tell yourself.(truth-lies)
Step 6(Third Eye Chakra.Forehead between the eyes):Release all illusions within
yourself.(insight-illusion) The greatest illusion of this world is the illusion
of separation.Everything is connected.
Step 7(Crown Chakra.The very top of the head):Release all your earthly attachmen
ts.(cosmic energy-attachment)
"-" = blocked by

*Let's start off by getting comfortable. Sit up straight, lay on the ground,
whatever you'd like. If you find yourself to be uncomfortable, simply observe th
is, move if needed, and let yourself be uncomfortable. There you will find comfo
Now bring your awareness to the breath. Inhale fully through the nose, exhale fu
lly through the mouth. Be loud and proud. Know that you are in charge. Be assert
ive with the breath, but gentle and whole. Every time you become distracted from
the breath, see it as an opportunity to re-connect with the breath.
After five to ten minutes of this breathing exercise, expand your awareness t
o the body and to any sensations you may be having. Simply observe what is. And
remember, there are no rules. Spend another good five to ten minutes here as wel
Begin expanding your awareness to your environment. Notice how your body connect
s with the Earth at all times. Feel the chair, cushion, floor, whatever you are
in contact with. Feel how your body's electrons interact with the electrons of y
our environment. There is a space there. Spend as long as you like here.
Listen to what is going on "outside" of you. A car going by, a bird, people talk
ing, the rain, the wind, whatever is. See how it comes, see how it goes. Seeming
ly, without "you".
Now listen to what is going on "inside" of you. Your mental thought process,
your ego, your personality, who you think you are. All coming and going like a c
loud passing by.
Be the watcher of thought. Notice how thoughts will come and go without "you" st
arting or ending them. Be present with your internal dialogue. Try to watch the
very next thought that comes from start to finish. Watch it come in, watch it di
ssolve. Do this for five to ten minutes or as long as you like.
Notice how you distinguish the world "out there" from the one "in here". See how
these realities are but one process, one experience, one reality. See experienc
e at it is. Listen to the outside world and be present with your internal dialog
ue simultaneously. This does not take effort, it only takes awareness. Be with t
he unity of experience.
There is but one experience, right now. Whatever is in the realm of conscious
ness, is. No matter how "asleep" you may be, that is what is. Observe it. Self-a
wareness is here to do just that, observe.

You see, it all goes on without "you". "You" don't have to do anything. In fact,
"you" cannot. Life, the moment, thoughts, they are always beyond us. Let go int
o what is, into the abyss of consciousness that is the reality you see unfolding
around you. You are that. You are not encapsulated within this meat-bag. You ar
e all that is through this experience at this very moment right now
* Live life for yourself, lead yourself, feed yourself don't be someones underli
ng, but dont forget to help those instead of yourself. The greatest thing in lif
e isn't money, women or anything like that. It's the emotions, the feelings you
get for doing whats right. Gratitiude is the worlds finest art and the most rewa
rding. But let yourself get too deep, then you become corrupt. Do good on your o
wn accord, do good for yourself. Legs were meant for walking not carrying.
* People meet their needs through money and the technologies it facilitates, and
not through intimate human relationships.
The more I questioned the basic cultural assumptions of the society I was worki
ng within, the less sense it made to continue working in it.
That security was now going to have to come from the strength of relationships
I had with the people and lands around me, both of which felt a lot less predict
able than the cold hard cash I was used to.
We became participants in life, not only consumers of it.
I soon came to the conclusion that travelling probably ought to be slow.
Having spent most of my life worrying about the future or regretting the past,
like wild animals do, I suspect. I had a
I was living in the moment, day to day
strong sense of connection to the land and waterways around me, on whose health
I realised my own depended. Instead of consuming food, music, booze and so on, I
was producing them with people who I was in a full relationship with.
* There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is be
ing superior to your former self.

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