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The Lesson

By The Monk

Published by Samsara Publishing

P.O. Box 365 Orange, MA 01364

Written by The Monk

Printed and bound in the United States of America.

THE LESSON: Copyright 2001 by The Monk. All rights

reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any electronic or mechanical means including information
storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from
the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages
in a review.
Second Edition. First Printing. September 2001

Published by:
Samsara Publishing
Post Office Box 365
Orange, MA 01364.

The Monk 101 Program

Index To Pocket Billiards Excellence

Allow the fulfillment to come to you. Resist the temptation to
chase your dreams into the world. It may take a little self-discipline,
perserverance, and faith in your efforts. Be simple. Be faithful. Do
not strain after the skills of the masters. It is sufficient to be quietly
alert and aware of them. The skills are here and now. Attend to your
inner health and happiness. Be still and quiet, and this material will
beckon at your feet.
The Monk 101 Program
Foreword ...................................................................................... 11
The Ten Commandments ............................................................. 17
Introduction ................................................................................. 19
The Monk Clicks ......................................................................... 21
The Back English System ............................................................ 29
Play To Win .................................................................................. 34
The Gerald Sobask Series ............................................................ 38
SECTION ONE: Basic Strokes and Shots
The Four Strokes of Pocket Billiards ........................................... 43
The Punch Stroke......................................................................... 47
Have a Great Follow Stroke ......................................................... 56
Stroke and English ....................................................................... 58
Stroke Determines Track Line ..................................................... 60
Consistent Track Line 1 ............................................................ 62
Float to the Target ........................................................................ 64
Rely Upon Your Stroke ................................................................ 66
Gently Walk the Ball .................................................................... 67
Float Down .................................................................................. 68
Consistent Track Line 2 ............................................................ 69
Bunt Shot ..................................................................................... 73

Have a Great Draw Stroke ........................................................... 75

The Draw ..................................................................................... 76

The Follow Through Draw ........................................................... 78

The Snap Back Draw ................................................................... 79

Follow Through Draw vs The Snap Back Draw .......................... 80

Snap Back Draw Vs Follow Through Draw ................................. 81

Rail Draw ..................................................................................... 82

Snip Draw .................................................................................... 83

The Snapper ................................................................................. 86

The Bouncer ................................................................................ 87

The Spin Stroke ........................................................................... 88

Spin for Position .......................................................................... 89

Develop Your Stroke .................................................................... 90

A Vital Series ............................................................................... 91

The Ultimate Stroke 2-7-2 Series ............................................. 94

Corrective Action ....................................................................... 115

Stun Stroke ................................................................................ 116

Stun Variation ............................................................................ 117

Slight Angle Stun Shot .............................................................. 118

Kicking Your Way to the Finals ................................................. 119

The Monks Famous 13 Ball Exercise ....................................... 122

Touch No Rails .......................................................................... 124

The Four Ball Exercise .............................................................. 126

Look Familiar? ........................................................................... 127

For Advanced Players Only ....................................................... 128

SECTION TWO: Mastering Shots

Punch Time ................................................................................ 135

Force Follow .............................................................................. 137

Enlightenment ............................................................................ 138

Be Free 1 ................................................................................. 139

Shot Ingredients ......................................................................... 140

Draw and Follow ........................................................................ 141

Different Stance for Different Shot ........................................... 142

Understanding Your Track Line ................................................. 143

The Slide Rule ........................................................................ 144

Stroke for Position ..................................................................... 146

Get The Stroke ........................................................................... 147

Spin Your Way to the Finals ....................................................... 148

The Delicate Touch .................................................................... 149

Stun Forward .............................................................................. 150

Be Committed ............................................................................ 151

Overcut ...................................................................................... 155

The Monks Famous 12 Ball Exercise ....................................... 156

Sneaky Strange .......................................................................... 157

Inside the Lines .......................................................................... 159

Take What Is Offered You .......................................................... 160

Four!!!! ...................................................................................... 161

The Power Glide ........................................................................ 162

Sight the Rail ............................................................................. 163

Jacking Up ................................................................................. 164

Skill Level .................................................................................. 165

Master Draw .............................................................................. 166

Kill Shot ..................................................................................... 167

Speed, Slide, Speed .................................................................... 168

Creative Draw ............................................................................ 169

Snappy Position ......................................................................... 170

Two Choices ............................................................................... 171

Bridgework ................................................................................ 172

Dont Fall Short ......................................................................... 173

Impossible!!! .............................................................................. 174

The Walker ................................................................................. 175

Same Stroke for Different Folks ................................................ 177

+5 Extended ............................................................................... 180

Slow Rollin With Speed ............................................................ 181

Spin Softly, Darling ................................................................... 182

Dont Cross My Path ................................................................. 183

Shock Effect .............................................................................. 184

Attack the Problem .................................................................... 185

Be Particular .............................................................................. 186

Road Kill ................................................................................... 187

Let Nature Take Its Course ....................................................... 188

SECTION THREE: A Dynamic Workout

Know When ............................................................................... 193

Two Rail Speed .......................................................................... 194

Back and Forth ........................................................................... 195

Nice Touch ................................................................................. 196

The Fearsome Foursome ............................................................ 197

Around The Horn ....................................................................... 198

Inside The Horm ........................................................................ 199

Stay Alert ................................................................................... 200

Get Past The Trouble .................................................................. 201

The Monks Famous 14 Ball Exercise ....................................... 202

Embrace The Law of Least Effort ............................................. 203

Four Ball Force Follow .............................................................. 204

The Foursome ............................................................................ 205

Mid-Term Exam ........................................................................ 211

The Three Options ..................................................................... 214

Be Particular .............................................................................. 215

Play To Your Strength ................................................................ 216

A Snap Decision ........................................................................ 217

The First Shot Is The Key .......................................................... 218

I See, Therefore I Win ................................................................ 219

Be Free 2 ................................................................................. 220

A Spot Check ............................................................................. 221

Speed Control ............................................................................ 222

Having Fun With 2-7-2+1 .......................................................... 223

Knowing Your Lines .................................................................. 224

I Have Just Been Killed ............................................................. 225

Look Familiar? ........................................................................... 226

The Pattern From Hell ............................................................... 227

2-7-2+2 With Purpose ................................................................ 228

2-7-2+3 With Purpose ................................................................ 229

SECTION FOUR: Strategy Play

Smart Choice .............................................................................
Straight Pool Shot ......................................................................
The Grady Crunch .....................................................................
Hide and Go-Seek ......................................................................
Our First Safety .........................................................................
Separation Stress ........................................................................
One Mission At A Time .............................................................
Nudge Me Gently ......................................................................
A Tough Call ..............................................................................
Inside One Time .........................................................................
The Pay Off ................................................................................
Double Double = Four Rails ......................................................














Be Conservative ......................................................................... 251

Know When To Duck ................................................................. 252

Play The Percentage ................................................................... 253

Play Within Yourself .................................................................. 254

Dont Gamble ............................................................................ 255

Straight Pooly Safety ................................................................. 256

Safety First ................................................................................. 257

The Last Lesson ......................................................................... 258

The Law Of Giving .................................................................... 260

This book is dedicated to my daughter

Faye Kerr
In everything she does, she expresses total faith in all my work.
Ever since she rode in the wheel barrel while I gathered firewood,
she has been helping her daddy. She is honest and means what she
says. Faye single handedly organized The Monk Billiard Academy
so that this book is now offered throughout the entire world. I am
very proud of this exceptional child. Faye Lynn Miller Kerr has
been running our lives for thirty years.

As you go through this wonderful life you meet certain people who become very

important in helping you along the way. I would like to take this time to thank

the following friends who have been so generous with their support.

Toby Vaughn, who looks through this manuscript with an eagle eye.

Ted Harris, my publisher, who has faith in my work.

Faith Pace, my sister, who finds a way to pick my up when I am down.

Debbie Curtis, who laid out this manuscript with great care.

Andy Sujdak, whos help with The Monk Clicks is appreciated.

Maria Stanbury, whos continuous support has always kept me going.

Laura Luce, a loyal friend, who keeps me on the straight path.

Jeremy Kerr is a mainstay at The Monk Billiard Academy.

Penny Gelanis, my wonderful niece. I wouldnt do anything without her.

Richard Chase, whos studio does a fine job with my audio tapes.

Steffie Bennett, my cousin who is working with me on a musical project.

Audrey Dimitrive, who has helped me with the interpretation of this book in


Lydia Nenewale, for all her help with my projects in New Zealand/

Bob Henning, who loves everything I do. His favorable reviews help sales.

Marcia Mallard, her sharp eye catches any mistakes I make.

Marylin Morin, my sister who fights me on every project, but love all that I do.

Vitilina Thetslova, a friend I met in Russia who is working on my web site.



At some point in your pocket billiards career

you will have to deal with how you approach win
ning and losing. There will always come a time
when you stand at the fork in the road. The Les
son will prepare you for this moment in your bil
liards experience. After you master each lesson,
you will be skilled in all the challenges that con
front you. You will automatically know what to
do when you step to the table. You will see the run
out as it will relate to your past experiences. No
longer will you agonize over what to do when faced
with a problem. And it will be this clear cut solu
tion to your problems that will allow you to give
one hundred percent to the shot. Not knowing what
to do is what causes us to be tentative. And we all
know the results of a tentative stroke. We all know
what happens when we shoot a shot we are not
totally committed to. With The Lesson you will
know what to do. You w ill acquire the knowledge
to see you through the tough times.
With this knowledge you will reach a point in
this game where you will be faced with your real
thoughts towards winning and losing. It is a great
time to face these realities. A time when we offer
no excuses for our losses. We will have no shot
we cannot make. We will face no decision that
leaves us confused. So it will be a reality check
on how we view this great art called winning.
Winning brings us great joy. We are happy
when we win.
Winning creates conflict. Those we beat are
unhappy with us.
Winning brings great rewards. We win money.
Our expectations level raises when we win a
tournament. Everyone wants to see us do it again.


Foreword (cont.)


Winning brings controversy. Our brain does

not like to be caught up in controversy. Our brain
will avoid controversy at all cost. As we move
through the tournament chart, our brain begins to
sabotage our wonderful performance. We find
ourselves doing dumb things. How many times
have you missed a shot and then turned to your
friend and said, I can make that shot a hundred
times? Have you ever really tried to understand
why you missed a shot you can make a hundred
times in a row? There is a reason for this let down.
It is not by chance. After all, you did miss the
shot. You did miss the shot and lost your turn at
the table. You did miss the shot and blow the game.
There is a reason for that miss cue. A very good
reason indeed. If you can understand the reason,
and change that reason, you will change your des
If you are the type of player who blows games,
it would be safe to say that you have some con
cerns about winning. The high cost of winning is
not your biggest desire. You have reservations
about the winning experience and therefore you
take subtle steps to avoid it. Face that person and
change those reasons. It is not hard to do.
We have values. Some we move towards and
try to acquire and others we move away from and
try to avoid. A value is what drives us. If gives us
energy. It gives us motivation. If you dont want
to hurt someones feelings, you may not want to
beat them in a match. So when it comes to beat
ing that person, you have a conflict. A value of
winning, and also, a value of not wanting to hurt
the feelings of those you play. You move towards
your winning values, and away from hurting oth
ers. In this experience you cannot give one hun
dred percent. You will always hold something

Foreword (cont.)

You want to move towards something, and you

want to move away from something at the same
time. Many players are caught up in this contro
versial web. They are torn between two concepts.
They are divided within their minds.
There is only one solution to this inner tur
moil. You must be certain as to what you want to
accomplish. For instance, the pain you feel when
you hurt another players feelings will always in
fluence you. You need to change that value. You
need to see how much it costs you to worry about
another players feelings and change that value. You
cannot succeed if you are torn between two val
There are players who will not gamble or play
for money. It is not because the money puts added
pressure on them. The money does not cause them
to choke. It is simply because they do not want to
destroy another human being. They will play a
marvelous game when it is for the pure fun of it.
But when money is on the line, it changes the na
ture of the game. It means that they will be taking
something away from another person. And in their
heart of hearts, they do not want to do that. They
find no pleasure in it, therefore they will not al
low themselves to win the match. They will lose.
One value takes precedent over another.
Do you see how this works? Once you gain
the skills to play this game, you then need to gain
the skills to compete with a clear mind, a one
tracked mind. You must be clear about what you
want to do. You must be certain of your values.
And you can do this by focusing on the only thing
that really matters in this game. The shot in front
of you. Shoot it with the skills you learned in The
Lesson. Shoot it with the singleness of purpose

Foreword (conclusion)

you learned from this book. Shoot this shot with

the clear intention of pocketing the ball and set
ting up for your next shot. That is your only value.
That is the only motivating energy running through
your mind. You are not preoccupied with the re
sults. You are not concerned with winning or los
ing . Your focus is on the shot in front of you. One
shot at a time.
Name the shot. Decide on the stroke, and shoot
the shot. You will then move on to the next shot,
and then the next and then the next. Since your
only focus is on the shot you are shooting, you
will not experience the conflict between values.
If you are to become a champion in this game,
you will need to work out the conflict within your
values. Change the ones that hold you back or pro
hibit you from turning in a fine performance. Re
member, you can change your destiny if you
change your values.
Its time for you to shine in this great game.
Its time for you to experience the victories that
should be yours. It is time for you to gain the re
wards you deserve. Master each lesson and I will
look for you in the finals.
May all the rolls go your way.






You Are About To Take A Lesson

There is nothing like taking a lesson at The

Monk Billiard Academy. At the MBA you will get
the one on one attention you need to make a dramatic difference in your game. You will be further
along in your development than your friends. We
take personal pride in our students. The Lesson is
the material we master. The cost for the three day
program is $700.
If you are not able to visit The Monk Billiard
Academy you can purchase The Lesson and work
your way through this exciting material. The Lesson has taken many years to write. I have taken
the time to sit at amateur events to watch match
after match so I could identify the problems pool
players face in their games. It is estimated that I
have personally watched over ten thousand
matches being played by developing players just
like you. So I understand how to strengthen your
game and help you become the player you desire
to be. My hands on experience is unmatched by
any instructor today. From this experience, I have
been able to assemble The Lesson. You can save
the seven hundred dollar tuition money and use

You Are About To Take A Lesson

this book to improve your game and reach new

levels. The Lesson is just $39.95. Once you have
The Lesson in your possession, you will want to
read it over and over. It will become your personal
This is well researched material. Master each
lesson and you will be well on your way to a new
and exciting game. Look no further. All the mate
rial you need to improve your game is right here.
Be patient and master each exciting Lesson. Your
skills will improve and you will be able to execute
more shots and win more games.
The journey towards pocket billiards excel
lence is our greatest reward. Harry Chapin once
said, Its got to be the goin, not the gettin there
thats good. Let us travel this road together. With
The Lesson, The Monk points the way for you.
Get The Lesson today and begin your jour
ney now. Dedication, hard work and a love of the
game will take you to the finals. Working on your
game is vital to your enjoyment. What you do with
your practice habits is how you personally ap
proach this game, and I applaud you on all your
hard work. Join The Monk Billiard Academy fam
ily of fine players and play the game you always
dreamed of.
After you begin your journey, feel free to email
me with any concerns you have. I will help you
all I can.
May all the rolls got your way,
The Monk

The Monk Clicks

A Special Lesson, Very Important

As in any good sighting system, you need to
practice until you can sight the cue ball automati
cally. Pool is a game of instinct, feel, rhythm. You
must be able to sense the shot in order to make the
shot. We cannot reduce this game down to an in
tellectual level. It is not about absolutes. But we
can master The Monk Clicks sighting system
so it serves us in those difficult times when the
game is on the line and we need to perform. It is
far better to focus on the dynamics of the shot than
to agonize over the score and the results of what
you are about to do. Work on The Monk Clicks
system until it becomes a natural part of your
shooting process. You will be glad you have a spe
cific purpose with each shot.

We begin all shots by sighting straight in. Note

the line goes straight through the cue ball and then
on through the object ball. If we shoot the shot
along this line, we can easily see that it will not
send the object ball into the pocket. From the
straight in position, we begin the sighting process.

The Monk Clicks


From the center of the object ball, and to the edge,

there are four points. We will call them clicks.


With this shot, two clicks to the right will send

the object ball to the corner pocket. So we will
call this a two clicks shot. We will sight two clicks
to the right on the object ball.


If you draw a line from the cue ball to two

clicks to the right of the object ball, you will note
that you are not really lined up. You have com
pleted half of The Monk Clicks. Since we are
sighting two clicks to the right on the object ball,
we must set up to sight our line from two clicks to
the left of the cue ball.

The Monk Clicks

Place your right leg (right handed) in this line.

You will feel good about how you are set up for
this shot. Be sure you feel good about your set up.
If we are not set up properly, there is no system
that will help us.
In order to be a fine player and make all the
shots you must be set up and in line with the tar
get. Lets look at the next shot.


Here we set up straight in. We can see that this

will not pocket the object.
One click will not pocket the object ball.
Two clicks will not pocket the object ball.
Three clicks will pocket the object ball.

The Monk Clicks


Now we move three clicks to the left of the

cue ball and observe the line from cue ball to ob
ject ball. If you have a classic stance, you will plant
your right foot in this line and prepare to pocket
the ball. If you are a shoot across your body
player, you will line up your right shoulder with
this line and prepare to pocket the ball.
The Monk Clicks system will help you when
the pressure is on. You will calmly go through your
sequence and focus on the dynamics of the shot,
rather than allow your mind to be confused by the
conditions of the game.
Lets look at another situation. When we go
through The Monk Clicks sequence in this shot
we find that it is two clicks to the right.

Thought for the day

I work on The Monk Clicks until it becomes

The Monk Clicks

We need to use one cue tip to the right with

low draw in order to play position for the next shot.
We are aware that using this stroke will cause our
cue ball to be deflected to the left. In fact, based
upon our past experience we find that the cue ball
deflects one click when we use the draw stroke
with low right cue tip position. So we adjust our
sighting. Instead of a two click shot, this now be
comes a three click shot. We go through The
Monk clicks set up and deliver the winning shot.
As you can see you will still move two clicks
to the left on the cue ball. That line does not
change. Sight it up, since you are deflecting to the
left one click, add one click and shoot the shot.

Thought for the day

I go through the entire sequence on all shots.



The Monk Clicks

You can use The Monk Clicks for bank shots

as well. I like to use the mirrow system. Deter
mine if it is one, two, three or four clicks and shoot.
I do use a slight outside cue tip position as it helps
to reduce the throw effect. I seem to make more
shots when I favor slight outside english. If it is
possible, I never play position off a bank shot. Most
of my bank shots are makers or the bank shot
itself is the best position play. Good position, with
out making the ball, is deer tracks.
When I moved to the wilderness of the Upper
Peninsular of Michigan I was awed by the un
touched beauty of the place. The Upper Peninsu
las was wild, free and untamed. On one occasion,
I got excited because I saw some fresh deer tracks
on the trail. When I returned to town I stopped by
the tavern and told one of the locals about all the
deer tracks I saw. The old lady scratched her chin
and looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. I
never did find a good recipe for deer tracks.
Good position play, without making the shot
is deer tracks. I have never seen anyone run out
when they got good position and missed the shot.
There are so many times we miss a shot be
cause we forget to allow for deflection. With The
Monk Clicks system you will go through the en
tire sequence on every shot. Remember, we only
have one shot. The shot before us is the total mea
sure of our ability to win this game. Every shot is
an important shot. You will hear me say There
are no easy shots in the game. We should respect
each and every challenge this great game offers
us and we should go through our pre-shot routine
on even the simplest of shots. We are profession
als. We are Monk Billiard Academy graduates. We
are winners. Decide on the shot. How many clicks
will it take to pocket this ball? What stroke will
you be using? Does the choice of stroke change
the clicks? Stand in line with the shot. Lean into
the shot. Sight it. Feel it. Shoot it. Collect the
money. May you click you way to the finals.


The Back English System

A Special Lesson

There is a little known secret that the masters

of this game use when spinning a cue ball. If you
watch some footage of the great players from days
gone by, you will see that they use the Back En
glish method to spin the cue ball. When you
master this technique, you will reduce the amount
of deflection you experience with center hits on
the cue ball.
The Back English system is not for all shots.
It is for specific shots. The system is used to pocket
the object ball and play position. Try this on the
Four Ball Exercise. You will be amazed at the di
rect line your object ball takes to the pocket. With
out the Back English system, you see the object
wobble into the corner pocket. With the Back
English system you see the object ball race di
rectly into the pocket. I mastered specific shots
for this system and it has helped my game. You
should try it on the 2-7-2+1. You will notice a dif
ference in the way the object ball reacts. Try it
with the 2-7-2+3. It is amazing that you can hit
center ball and spin the cue ball around the table.
Master the Back English system for your own
personal shots. Find out which shots you can use
it on. And then be sure to use it. You will win more

The Back English System

You are striking center ball. When the cue tip

comes forward towards the center of the cue ball,
flick your wrist at the moment of contact and im
part spin. If you want to spin to your right, flick
your wrist to your left, the cue tip swipes across
the cue ball to the right, the cue ball moves for
ward with dramatic right spin. There is no deflec
tion since you have made contact at the center of
the cue ball.
The cue ball is a stationary target. It is easy to
deliver the Back English stroke. You can use the
Back English on all four strokes. It is not hard
to do. The cue ball is sitting there. We are able to
put right or left spin on a tennis ball that is mov
ing towards us at ninety miles per hour. We should
be able to master spin on a stationary ball. And
we can. We will master the Back English system
and use it for our own personal choice of shots. It
is not for all shots.


The Back English System

Set the cue ball on the spot. Sight to the bottom

rail. Send the cue ball to the bottom rail and then
back to your cue tip. This is center ball at its fin

Right spin

Now strike the cue ball, center, with back

english to the right. Send the cue ball to the num
ber two diamond near the spot from which you
began the shot.


The Back English System

Right spin

Try it again. Shoot center ball, with back

english to the right, and bring the object ball back
to the corner pocket.

Right spin

Try it again. Shoot center ball, with back

english to the right and bring the object ball to the
number three diamond. Work on this until you can
deliver the Back English and bring the cue ball
exactly where you want it to be. Develop your in
stincts with the shot. Become aware of how much
spin you are putting on the cue ball. Get a feel for
the shot.

The Back English System

Then try the four ball exercise or the 2-7-2+1.

Run off several racks using the Back English
system. This way you will discover your personal
choice of shots. Sometimes I will spend an entire
day running racks with the Back English sys
tem and The Monk Clicks. This sharpens my skills
and serves me when in a match.
Remember, many of the four ball exercise
shots are one cue tip outside english, thus the clicks
are not totally true. We make adjustments for the
outside english. With the Back English we do
not have to make any adjustment.I have seen some
golfers us the Back English system in putts of a
short distance. A spinning golf ball will not be
affected by a spike mark or slight defect in the
green, while a rolling golf ball will be thrown off
We have been spinning balls and spinning our
wheels since the beginning of time.
May you spin your way to the finals.


Play To Win

A Special Lesson


We spend a lot of time mastering these tech

niques here in The Lesson. This is the material we
will need to reach the finals. Once we master these
techniques we will then have to turn our attention
on the mastery over self. Though you may mas
ter a thousand men a thousand times, the greatest
warrior is one who masters self.
It is time we sort out how we are going to ap
proach winning. As we move closer to that ulti
mate victory, we are bothered by interference.
Shots that were easy and routine before suddenly
look harder now as we run out the final rack. This
interferences comes from our own confusion about
winning. For some of us, we are not so certain of
our goals. We want to win, but we are not sure we
want the responsibility of winning. We are not sure
we want to stand in the spot light. We are not sure
we want to listen to the jealous rumblings from
those we have defeated. We are not sure we want
the added pressure winning brings. We are about
to tread in unchartered waters and this brings un
If you are to stand in the winners circle you
must be certain in your choices. You can have no
interference running through your mind, for if you
do, you will not be able to deliver the crisp pure
stroke that winning requires. It is time for you to
give up that interference. It is time for you to mas
ter that greatest of warriors. It is time for you to
master self.
My book I Came To Win is very clear about
this. I also have recorded a dynamic tape for you
to listen to over and over. It will lead you to the
winners circle many times. If you master the ma
terial in The Lesson, you should order the tape I
Came To Win and learn to master your winning

Play To Win

If you do not want to order this tape, read the

following. For this is what the tape is all about.
Define what you really want in this game. This
gives you a value. A value you are motivated to
pursue. A desire that gives you the energy to drive
you on.
Define what you really want to avoid in this
game. This gives you a value. With this value you
have the energy to move away from it. You make a
conscious effort to avoid this value. We call it a
value because it drives you. Anything that moti
vates you has to be called a value.
You must be certain of your values for they
direct your life. Not only in the this grand game
of pocket billiards, but in all areas of your life.
Values drive us on.
Lets take a look at values we want, and val
ues we dont want.
I Want To Win

I dont want to cause disap

pointment in others.
If you think this is not true, how
come you have a hard time
playing someone who is not
even close to your skill level?

I Want To Win

I dont want to raise my level

of expectations.
How many of you complain
when the director gives you a
higher rating?

I Want To Win

I am embarrassed to stand in
the spot light.
How many of you do not enjoy
the attention winning brings?

Play To Win

Do you see the pattern here? We have a con

flict in our values. One value we are moving to
wards, the others we are moving away from. As
long as we have this conflict, we will never be
certain about winning. There will always be an
internal struggle in our efforts to win tournaments.
Are you tired at the end of a tournament? You
are exhausted from fighting this internal conflict.
You are not worn out by the grinds of tournament
play. Once you resolve this conflict, you can use
your energy to move towards your values. You
wont be wasting it on moving away from values.
So you need to change your values. Change
the destructive values that are ruling your life.
Change your values and you change your destiny.
Of course the hour long tape covers this sub
ject in greater detail. It is called I Came To Win
and retails for $14.95. As a Lesson graduate,
you may have this tape for just ten dollars plus
two dollars shipping and handling. I want you to
master this material. It is very important to our
game. I could write a book about it. In fact I did
write a book about it. My book, I Came To Win
deals with the art of self mastery. You may also
order that book. It sells for $19.95 plus $3.00 S&H.
There is a companion tape available that deals
with meditation. One side helps you identify with
the I Came To Win principles. The other side deals
with Be the Master of the game. If you mention
that you are a serious student of The Lesson, I will
give you that tape free because I want you to have
it. Just call The Monk Billiard Academy:


Play To Win

I have provided a series of exercises here in

The Lesson so you can accumulate the skills to
make the shot and see the proper patterns on the
table. There are times when the game itself chal
lenges us with conditions we need to meet head
on in order to enjoy the success we seek. Once we
have acquired the knowledge or intellectual cog
nition we must accumulate this informational
foundation into our mind computer. And then
move on the intuitive expression of that knowl
edge. Until we have mastered these Lesson tech
niques, we will not be able to rely upon our in
stincts where the real game of pocket billiards is
played out. We must be able to recognize what it
is we want to accomplish, If we have not acquired
the knowledge we will be like a little child who
knows exactly what she wants to say, but has not
yet learned the words.
I wish I could say that your mastery of The
Lesson would complete your training. But I would
be the worst of masters if I were to teach you at
the expense of your experience. For it is in the
battle itself where we acquire our greatest skills.
Begin to move on to the intuitive side of this great
game. Learn to compete. Learn to concentrate on
the shots at hand. Train yourself to be the best.

Thought for the day

When you are ready to measure yourself by the
moment, you are ready to meet any goals.

The Gerald Sobask Series

Many times when I am working with a stu

dent at The Monk Billiard Academy, a series of
shots will come up so we can work on a skill that
will help us become the winners we desire. I was
working with Gerald Sobask from Connecticut and
this lesson came up. It will be great for you to
demonstrate the ability to deliver three different
strokes to get three different positions on one shot.

Place cue ball near the spot.

In the first lesson, deliver a nice smooth fol

low stroke and allow the cue ball to hit the long
rail and then come down for position on the nine


The Gerald Sobask Series

In the second lesson, punch the cue ball with

some inside english and allow the cue ball to come
down for position on the nine ball.

In the third lesson, snap draw the cue ball and

go two rails for position on the nine ball. This is a
good opportunity for you to see where your
strength and weaknesses are. If you have trouble,
work on it until you are able to succeed with each
stroke. You need this ability to survive the diffi
cult test that will be sure to come in future matches.



Section One
Basic Strokes and Shots



The Four Strokes of Pocket Billards

You must understand how you are hitting the cue ball before you
can anticipate where the cue ball is going. The way you deliver the
stroke determines the outcome of the shot. The Stroke Determines
Track Line lesson proves that we need to be certain of what stroke
we are using if we are to master good position play.
The fact that there are four strokes in pocket billiards should come
as no surprise. In all sports there are a variety of shots we can use to
win games. You can hit a high fade in golf, a low draw, a punch &
run, and back spin pitch shot, a plop shot. You do not hit the golf ball
the same way for each shot. You use a different swing to get the dif
ferent results. In bowling, you can use various methods to shatter the
pins. In tennis, there are spin shots, back hands, power forwards. In
all games, we use different shots to gain the advantage. So it is with
pocket billiards. Once you begin to use your stroke to control the cue
ball you find that you have far better control of your position play.
This is a breakthrough. Decide to dedicate your training to the mas
tery of each stroke and you will find yourself in the winner circle
more often.
The Punch Stroke

Compare this to a boxers left jab. You are flick

ing the stroke out to stop the cue ball dead in
its tracks.

The Follow Stroke

In this case, you are rolling the cue ball along

the slate to follow the object ball. There is no
dramatic spin like you would find in a force
follow. The Follow stroke is limp, soft and

The Draw Stroke

In this fabulous stroke you are snapping

through the cue ball to impart dramatic spin.
Actually, there are four distinct draw strokes:
The Follow Through Draw
The Snap Back Draw
The Snip Draw
The Bounce Back Draw

The Four Strokes of Pocket Billiards (cont.)

You will find that you need to execute one draw

stroke over the other to win games. The dif
ference between winning and losing is found
in which draw stroke you use. There are Les
sons in this book to help you master each one.
The Spin Stroke

This is a throw back to the old days of 14.1

pocket billiards. Once again, the difference
between winning and losing comes from your
choice of strokes. I have seen situations where
The Spin Stroke was the only way to position
the cue ball for the winning shot. It is an im
portant weapon to have in you fine arsenal.

The are some variations of the four strokes of pocket billiards.

The force follow could almost be a stroke of its own. However, when
you really take a look at this wonderful skill, you will find that is a
draw stroke. Instead of putting back spin on the cue ball, you are
putting over spin. You use the same stroke. You hit the cue ball above
center instead of below center. With the draw stroke you are shooting
a little down on the cue ball. With the force follow, you are dead level
with your delivery. The force follow is difficult to master because
many student still shoot down on the cue ball and turn their force
follow into a punch stroke. The Stun could be a stroke of its own.
There are many things you can do with a Stun Stroke. However, when
you look closely, you will find that it is a punch stroke, delivered in a
unique way. The Stun is very difficult to master. It calls for great
skills. Yet it can and will be the difference between winning and los
ing a game. In fact, I will show you how The Stun can be developed
to serve you as a very effective break shot. In my best selling book
Point The Way, I called The Stun, The Creeper because the cue ball
crept forward after making the object ball. Then I learned how to use
it to walk the cue ball across the table, so I called it The Walker.
The Stun is unique in itself, but it comes out of the Punch Stroke.
Once we master the four strokes of pocket billiards, we will find
ourselves adding a little of one stroke with another. For instance,
there are times when you add a little punch with your force follow, a
snip draw with your punch. It is important however that you become

The Four Strokes of Pocket Billiards (cont.)

the master of the four strokes of pool. You must reach a point where
you will not be using one when you intend to use another.
Decide right now that you will master each stroke. Put yourself
into action to make that happen. Go through each lesson with com
plete dedication. Measure your progress on each level. You will be
the master of the four strokes of pool. You will be able to define your
game. You will increase your focus on each shot. You will get better
In this Lesson there will be times when I tell you to Know what
You Want; Take Action; Measure Your Progress. Apply these el
ements to your mastery of this book. Be sure to work hard on each
lesson. Measure your progress. Do not stop until you feel like you
have mastered each and every lesson. It is just a matter of time before
I meet you in the finals.
If you have trouble visualizing any of the four strokes, my Monk
101 video series will help you.

Thought for the day

Once we decide to become a master, we are alreay
a master.



The Punch Stroke

Lesson 1

The punch strokedont leave home without it.

Pocket the object ball in the side pocket and
stop the cue ball dead in its tracks.
In order to master this game, you must master
the most popular stroke in pool.
In this Lesson the punch stroke is a soft pop
with a center ball hit. Learn to execute the stop
shot with a soft hit. Bring the cue ball to a dead
stop. Any movement to one side or the other means
you have not hit center ball. Remember that cen
ter ball is actually 1/16 of a tip below center. Be
low center allows for the curve of the tip. Return
to this shot to check your hit.
You are developing a skill here. The ability to
hit the punch stroke forms your instincts. You can
do this by the sound of the stroke. You can do this
with your eyes closed. You can do this by the feel
of the stroke. Willie Mosconi used the Punch
Stroke over seventy percent of the time. It is by
far the most popular stroke in pool. You will be
using the Punch Stroke to gain position on your
next ball.
You must be able to stop the cue ball dead in
its tracks. Feel the hit, listen to the sound. Famil
iarize yourself with this unique delivery. There will
be times when the pressure is on and you need to

The Punch Stroke (cont.)

deliver a crisp punch stroke. You will want to rely

upon your instincts and reduce the outside pres
sure. Turn within and make the shot. Move on to
the next one. Take away the interference. If the
shot calls for a punch stroke then you deliver the
goods without concern for the results.
The punch stroke is vital to the game. Be sure
your cue is level, solid, and pause in your back
stroke. When you face this shot, stand with feet
apart. Then drop your right leg back. Make sure
this leg stays in line with the shot. Move your left
leg forward slightly, with your left toe pointed at
the target. Lean over and be sure your chin is even
with the joint of your cue. Extend your bridge hand
to the table and rest the shaft between your fin
gers. The inner portion of your right thigh should
be lined up with the target. Your target is the spot
on the object ball. It is not the cue ball. Your right
shoulder should be in line with the target. The left
toe is in line with the target. With a stance like
this, you should be able to shoot the shot with your
eyes closed. If you want to work on your stance,
and you should from time to time, shoot shots with
your eyes closed once you get down in position.
Rely upon your stance to make the ball. Your grip
should be loose, about four inches from the bal
ance point. With this set up, you are ready to de
liver the stroke you desire.

Thought for the day

I never shoot until I am ready.

The Punch Stroke 2

Lesson 2

In this lesson, I want you to be able to deliver

the punch stroke even though you are not straight
in. You are shooting a stop shot. Focus on a nice
clear crisp punch stroke. The punch stroke is the
natural stroke in pool. If you can get your desired
position with a punch stroke, you would do it the
natural way.You reduce your chances of error when
you can let the cue ball go where it naturally wants
to go.
With the punch stroke, you will get a V. The
cue ball will go to the rail and come out via the
same angle in. Thus a V is achieved. If you do
not get a V, then there is something wrong with
your punch stroke. For instance, if the cue ball
comes out at a wider angle, you have allowed some
draw into your punch stroke. If it comes out at a
tighter angle, you have allowed some follow in
your stroke. This is a good way to test your punch
stroke capabilities. You get a V when you de
liver a good punch stroke. So your natural shot
would be to deliver a punch stroke and play posi
tion for the nine ball in the same corner. In this
case, you have just asked yourself to do something
very natural. You have cut down the reasons for
missing the shot.

The Punch Stroke 2 (cont.)

Sometimes in a shot like this, we stand a little

too far from the cue ball. As a right hander, when
you face the shot, you drop your right leg back,
move your left leg in line and lean over, some
times you end up slightly too far from the cue
ball. Then, you hit the cue ball with the end of
your stroke, thus, the cue ball comes off as if you
delivered a follow stroke. When you are not get
ting that nice V you may want to check to see
that you are close enough to the cue ball to be
able to deliver the proper stroke. When I face a
shot like this, I go to a spread eagle stance. I sim
ply spread my legs apart and I am able to main
tain a proper distance from the cue ball so I can
deliver a nice crisp hit and get the results I desire.
In this case, I focus on lining up my right shoul
der with the shot. Sometimes it is necessary to
drop my grip hand back a couple of added inches
to be able to deliver a nice solid hit on the cue
ball. Remember you want to drive through the cue

Thought for the day

I see the spot on the object ball and deliver the
winning stroke

The Punch Stroke 3


Lesson 3

In this lesson we simply want to gain good

position on the nine ball for the side pocket. Since
we know the punch stroke will give us the V
and good position, we dont need to fool around
with anything unnatural. This is a center ball hit.
In our case, we use one sixteenth below center to
gain a pure center ball hit. Go to your spread eagle
stance, pause in your back stroke, deliver a good
solid nice sounding punch stroke, and get ready
for an easy shot in the side pocket. If you are un
der pressure you can reduce it by understanding
exactly what you need to do, and by listening for
your great sounding punch stroke. Let the shot do
the rest.

Thought for the day

Today I deliver a straight, smooth, solid stroke on
all winning shots.

The Punch Stroke 4

Lesson 4


Here you are getting more distance with the

cue ball. Use a punch stroke and allow the cue
ball to reach the target area. Learn to do this with
a nice smooth hit. Once you master this skill you
will find improvement in other areas of your game.
Use a more pronounced follow-through to gain
more distance with the cue ball.
Get a feel for how to control the distance with
the cue ball. If you use a draw stroke, you actually
kill the natural speed and come up short. To gain
position with a draw stroke, you will need to use
more force. Most of us would normally use low
right with a draw stroke and we could get position
on the nine ball. When we use low right, we need
to allow for deflection on the cue ball. In other
words, if we hit the cue ball on the lower right
side, it will deflect the cue ball to the left. So we
would have to allow for this deflection in our aim
ing. The amount of deflection is relative to the
force of our stroke. Sometimes we are not always
in control of this force, and we allow too much for
deflection, or too little for deflection. When we
are allowing for deflection, we are giving ourselves
a reason for missing the shot. We are putting spin

The Punch Stroke 4 (cont.)

on the cue ball. This will throw the object ball. So

we have to consider how much throw will happen
when we line up the shot. Another reason to miss
the shot. We are using spin on the rail to gain the
desired distance for position on the nine ball. So
we need to get a feel for how much spin we are
going to have. Spin is relative to how much chalk
is on the tip, the kind of tip we have on our cue,
the type of cue we are using. Another reason for
missing the shot. With the draw stroke we have
given ourselves three added reasons for missing
the shot, yet, in spite of all the adjustments we
have to make, we are usually successful with the
shot. However, if we use a nice punch stroke,
slightly below center, follow through with our cue,
we will get the desired position and not risk the
built in variables that come from low right with a
draw stroke. In a shot like this, it is important to
be deliberate. Pause just before delivering your
finest punch stroke and enjoy the positive results.

Thought for the day

My hit always has a fine sound.

Value of the Punch Stroke

Lesson 5


Here is another fine opportunity to demon

strate the value of a punch stroke. We will be shoot
ing the eight ball into the corner pocket and al
lowing the cue ball to travel three or four rails
around the table for position on the nine ball. With
a draw stroke the cue ball will lose speed. With a
follow stroke you will scratch in the side pocket.
Since the punch stroke does not alter the natural
dynamics of the shot, you will be able to control
your speed.
To master the punch stroke is to master the
The punch stroke gives you natural track lines.
In other words, the cue ball goes where it wants to
go. This is why Willie Mosconi used the punch
stroke over seventy percent of the time. This is
another reason to choose the punch stroke. It gives
you natural speed. With the punch stroke you do
not alter the natural track lines, and you do not
alter the natural speed. Line up for Lesson Five
and deliver a nice crisp punch stroke. Listen for
the wonderful sound of a committed stroke. You
do not have to slam the ball. And watch the cue
ball travel around the table for perfect position on
the winning nine ball.

Value of the Punch Stroke (cont.)

If you travel three rails, and scratch in the cor

ner pocket, give yourself added bonus points. You
have just delivered a perfect punch stroke. This is
a good lesson for working on your trust skills. You
are close to the object ball. You have a cut shot. It
looks like you will scratch in the side pocket. It
looks like a hard shot to make. Yet you are required
to trust yourself and deliver a punch stroke. The
stroke does all the work.
I talk about trust skills in my book I Came To
Win. If you can trust yourself to do the right thing,
you will experience better results. Too often we
hold back, when a full commitment is required
for success.

Thought for the day

I deliver the finest stroke.

Have a Great Follow Stroke A

Lesson 6

Thought for the day

The follow stroke is the first stroke we learn.

Simply allow the cue ball to roll towards the ob
ject ball and follow along behind it. Just roll the
ball and follow through. Use both parts of the
Have a Great Follow Stroke lesson to develop
your touch. Master these exercises. Improve on
your score each time you practise.
Shoot the first ball into the corner pocket us
ing a follow stroke. The cue ball must roll for
ward after contact with the object ball on each shot
Replace the object ball where the cue ball stopped
and reset the cue ball at the starting point. Shoot
again, allowing the cue ball to move forward with
the follow stroke. Set up an object ball where the
cue ball stopped. Begin again. The object of this
exercise is to shoot the object ball and control the
cue ball so it does not move very far. At some
point you will run out of room. Count up your
score, see how many time you can hit the cue ball
before your cue ball is all the way down table. Lis
ten to the sound of your fine follow stroke. You
will know the difference between the follow stroke
and the punch stroke.
My intention is my drive.


Have a Great Follow Stroke B

Lesson 7

Shoot the object ball into the corner pocket.

Mark with a piece of chalk where the cue ball
stopped. Reset the cue ball and object ball at their
original starting points. Shoot the object ball and
allow the cue ball to pass the chalk. Move the chalk
to where the cue ball landed. Begin again. Remem
ber if the cue ball doesnt pass the chalk, you are
finished. Shoot until you run out of room. Count
up your score. Remember, the cue ball must pass
the chalk on each shot.

Thought for the day

My will is connnected to my desire.

Stroke and English

Lesson 8

This is a nice time to really test your follow

stroke. Shoot this ball, and allow the cue ball to
follow it directly into the side pocket. You must be
smooth here. I will allow you to use one quarter
cue tip above center. Feel the follow through of
your soft stroke. Get a good feel for your follow

Thought for the day

I deliver the finest stroke.

Stroke and English (cont.)

Lesson 9

Repeat your nice smooth follow stroke here.

Use one cue tip low and one cue tip left, use a
nice soft smooth follow stroke and watch the cue
ball go to the rail, and walk softly and tenderly
back for perfect position on the nine ball. You can
get position with a punch stroke. You can get po
sition with a draw stroke. You can get position with
a follow stroke. In this case, you have more con
trol with the smooth follow stroke. Any time you
come into your target zone with the cue ball, you
want to be coming in slowly, under control. This
is a good chance for you to work with your stroke.
Use your stroke to gain favorable position.

Thought for the day

On every shot I am relaxed.

Stroke Determines Track Line




Lesson 10


This exercise shows how the stroke determines

the track line. To reach point A you will be using
center ball with a punch stroke. Point B can be
reached with one half cue tip above center with a
punch stroke. To reach point C, you will need to
use center ball with a follow stroke. One half cue
tip above center with a follow stroke will get out
to point D. This is an excellent test of your stroke
control, and it demonstrates how to control the
track line with the use of a stroke. Center ball can
get you point A and center ball can get you to point
C. The determining factor is your use of stroke.
In every shot you take you will have a per
sonal time with that effort. Take a moment to pre
pare for the shot. Visualize the desired results.
Experience it. And then deliver the proper stroke
to win the game. You are gaining position by use
of your stroke. You are making it happen with your
personal skills. Listen to the sound when the cue
tip makes contact with the cue ball. You will know
when you have hit the shot correctly.

Stroke Determines Track Line (cont.)

The eight ball is one chalk width out from the

bottom rail. The cue ball is between the number
six diamond and the number one diamond. Cen
ter ball is always one sixteen below center. We need
to allow for the curve of the tip in order to create a
true center ball hit.
To reach point A you will need a crisp punch
stroke. Repeat lesson one. Deliver a nice pop shot,
stop shot, stick shot.
To reach point B you will need to use a punch
stroke again, but this time, you will be hitting the
cue ball one half cue tip above center.
To reach point C I want you to use center ball,
with a follow stroke. Isnt is amazing? You use a
center ball hit to reach point A and a center ball
hit to reach point C.
To reach point D, I want you to use one half
cue tip above center. Isnt it amazing? To reach
point B you use one half cue tip above center and
to reach point D you use one half cue tip above
center. You have moved the cue ball to two differ
ent positions on the table with the same tip loca
tion. This is an excellent test of your stroke con
trol. And it clearly demonstrates that The Stroke
Determines The Track Line. This is the material
for The Masters.

Thought for the day

My cue glides through the cue ball as if it were not

Consistent Track Line 1

Lesson 11


I want you to use one cue tip high right and

gain position for the eight ball in the pocket marked
A. In this case, you will be using your finest punch
stroke. It will take all of your skills. The cue ball
must walk directly down the table without touch
ing the long rail. See if you can walk the cue ball
into the corner pocket. Learn to control the cue
ball with your stroke. I have had students at the
Academy take a long time to master this shot. It
seemed inconceivable that they could use a punch
stroke with high right and walk the cue ball di
rectly to the corner pocket. With practice and time,
they were able to master the shot.
Know what you want. Take action to gain it
and measure your progress along the way. Do this
in every lesson. Each lesson is a skill you must
master to be able to put your complete game to
gether. I know what you need to be a champion
and I have included all the skills in these lessons.
Each one is vital to your development.
You want to be a fine player. Follow The Les
son faithfully and measure your progress.

Consistent Track Line 1

Lesson 12

In this lesson you will be using the exact same

cue tip location. One cue tip high right. Deliver
your finest force follow stroke and play position
for the eight ball in the pocket marked B. Of course
this is a free stroke shot so it will be easier than
the previous lesson. I want you to make contact
with the long rail before settling in for an easy
shot on the eight ball. Try to hit the number two
diamond. Develop a feel for the shot.
Once again, you know what you want. You step
up to the table to deliver the stroke, and you can
measure your progress. Do these three things in
all your endeavors. Along the way, you will want
to make adjustments. If something is not work
ing, you will be able to change your approach and
make it happen. This is why it is important to mea
sure your progress. This is why I have these les
sons here. I want you to be able to measure your
skills. Each of these shots takes a specific skill.
Once you master this skill, you will be able to use
it in a variety of other shots. Not only have I helped
you with a specific shot, I have helped you de
velop skills to handle a wide range of problems.

Float to the Target

Lesson 13


As you recall in exercise 2, 3 and 4 you are

getting a V when you use a punch stroke. It will
be no different in this exercise. Shoot object ball
A using center ball and a punch stroke for posi
tion on object ball B. This position will be consis
tent with the use of this stroke. In this lesson we
can uncover some serious problems. If you are
consistently missing this shot, you may have a vi
sion defect. I have had talented students fail with
this exercise. They thought they were hitting cen
ter ball on the cue ball when in fact, they were
ever so slightly right of center. This caused them
to hit the rail just before the object ball and rattle
the shot. In addition, the cue ball went straight
across the table. After several misses, I instructed
them to shoot ever so slightly left on the cue ball.
The ever so slightly left was really center ball for
them. They hit the shot perfectly with this minor
adjustment. Once they became aware of their vi
sion problems, they were able to adjust. With this
new adjustment, they moved on to the next level.
This is why it is important to measure your
progress. If you are doing the same thing over and
over, then you will need to make an adjustment.

Float to the Target (cont.)

In Vegas I had four students fail over and over

with this lesson. We worked for over an hour and
I could not find their problem. Finally, I handed
one of them my cue and walked around the table
to watch his line up. He executed the shot per
fectly. All four students were using an inferior cue.
The cue I was using at the time was a Viking, which
was of fine quality. I could rely upon the consis
tency of the hit. If you have problems with this
lesson, it may be in your vision, or it may be in
your cue.
You will be hitting ball first here. The cue ball
hits the object ball, goes to the rail, comes out in a

Thought for the day

My head stays down until all the balls come to a

Rely Upon Your Stroke

Lesson 14

Here is a pattern for you to work on. Use a

punch stroke on the first shot. Hit the cue ball one
half cue tip above center to walk the cue ball across
the table for position on the eight ball. You should
be set up for a nice crystal clear punch stroke that
will take you out for a straight in shot on the nine
ball in the side pocket.
You will find that you can be consistent with
your position play if you rely upon your stroke.
Do not be tentative here. Deliver a crisp punch
stroke. Mean what you do. If you are even the
slightest bit tentative on this shot, you will fail to
pocket the object ball. Any time you shoot a ball,
you must mean what you are doing. If you have
my book I Came To Win, you will understand what
I am saying. I Came To Win means you are not
even the slightest bit tentative about what you are

Thought for the day

I must have a copy of The Monks book I Came To

Gently Walk the Ball

Lesson 15

Here is your opportunity to demonstrate a soft

punch stroke. Note the track line when you use
the punch stroke. The cue ball will gently walk to
the desired area. Dont pass by this lesson.
You need to work on your soft punch stroke.
Return to Lesson One and shoot some real soft
punch shots by going low on the cue ball. Do not
draw the ball back. Stop it dead in its tracks. Make
sure the cue ball goes in a direct straight line in
this lesson. If you get a slight curve here, you are
allowing draw to creep into your punch stroke.
Try some long full table stop shots. Note how
low you need to go on the cue ball to stop it dead
in its tracks. Work on long stop shots until you
can shoot them with a nice soft click. You will be
surprised by how important it is for you to de
velop the ability to deliver the punch stroke at a
variety of speeds.

Thought for the day

My eyes are perfectly aligned with the shot.

Float Down


Lesson 16

We need to play position for the seven ball on

the lower rail. Since the eight ball is blocking
pocket B, we need to float down for a shot in pocket
A. Now is the time to deliver a nice soft punch
stroke. We will be getting our V so we know
where the cue ball is going. Be sure to bring the
cue ball to the number one diamond and let it float
into position for a shot on the seven ball. Once
you master the stroke, you will be able to gain
favorable position almost every single time. This
will win you more games.
You know what you want. You step up to the
table and take action. You measure your progress.
If you need to, you make adjustments. This skill
will help you in many other situations. Stay with
this lesson. Fall in love with the punch stoke. Have
an affair with the punch stroke. Marry the punch
stroke. Dont leave home without it.

Thought for the day

I know what I want, and I want it now.

Consistent Track Line 2

Lesson 17

This exercise will help you develop consistent

track line control. In the first shot, you will be
delivering a soft stroke to achieve the position for
the object ball down into the corner.
Master this series of shots as it will enable you
to handle a host of problems in your future games.
(Lessons - 17, 18, 19, 20)

Thought for the day

I am part of the set up.

Consistent Track Line 2

Lesson 18


This second lesson calls for a tighter line into

and out of the corner to achieve the desired posi
tion. We want to pocket the nine ball in the side
pocket. Naturally you will be using a nice crisp
punch stroke so you control the cue ball into and
out of the corner. It is in the stroke. You are the
master and have complete control of the track line.

Consistent Track Line 3

Lesson 19

This third shot requires you to open up the line

and come out to the middle of the table for posi
tion on the object ball into the side pocket. You
may do this with some follow dynamics in your
stroke. You will notice a difference in your stroke
for each lesson, yet it is the same shot.

Thought for the day

I am part of the end of the shot.

Consistent Track Line 4

Lesson 20

This fourth shot requires a crisp, snappy punch

stroke to go four rails for position on the ball in
the side pocket.
There are some days when I am not capable of
hitting this shot. I simply do not have the stroke
that allows me to hit the diamond number one on
the long rail and then to the bottom short rail for
position on the nine in the side pocket. When this
happens I walk away from this lesson. But I come
back from time to time so I know I will have the
stroke when I need it. Make sure you include Les
son Twenty in your practice sessions. You will be
glad you did.

Thought for the day

I am free to shoot each shot.

Bunt Shot

Lesson 21

Shoot the object ball softly into the side pocket.

Do not allow the cue ball to contact the rail.
This is a very soft shot. We call this a bunt.
There will be many times when you need to
call upon your bunt skills during a match. In The
Monk 101, Volume One video, Suzanne used The
Bunt several times in her thirty ball Touch No
Rail exercise. The bunt is a powerful weapon.
When you want to roll across the table and
freeze up against the eight ball for a safety, you
will need to use a bunt. Dont pass this by. You
will be glad you have this wonderful skill.

Thought for the day

I do not get ahead of myself.

Bunt Shot


Lesson 22

Shoot ball A into the side pocket. By using

the bunt you can get position on ball B.
Listen to the sound of your bunt. Chop through
the cue ball, one quarter tip. Allow the cue tip to
stop just as you hit the cue ball. Note how far the
object ball will roll when you make contact. It will
roll further than you think. Set this shot up and
work on it. Then try The Bunt on a long slight cut
shot into the corner. The cue ball almost stops. It
is amazing what you can do with The Bunt.

Thought for the day

I am an integral part of the shot at hand.

Have a Great Draw Stroke

Lesson 23

This is a great exercise in controlling your draw

stroke. Shoot the object ball into the side pocket
and draw the cue ball back slightly. Place a chalk
where the cue ball landed. Reset the cue ball and
object ball where you started. Shoot the object ball
and draw the cue ball back a little further than
your first shot (past the chalk). Place a chalk where
the cue ball landed. Reset the cue ball and object
ball. Shoot the object ball and draw past the chalk.
Remember you are trying to move the cue ball
just beyond the chalk. The object of the exercise
is to shoot as many draw strokes as you can be
fore you run out of room. Count up your score. If
the cue ball doesnt come back past the chalk, you
are done. Master the controlled draw.

Thought for the day

My actions are part of my destiny.

The Draw

Lesson 24


The draw stroke is the most abused stroke in

pocket billiards. Very few players have command
of this fine skill. Sometimes, a player will use draw
when he/she does not know what to do. Other
times, players simply miss-use this stroke and end
up with terrible position. There are so many prob
lems surrounding the draw stroke. This is a miss
cue stroke. Players jump right over the object ball
when they attempt draw. Ive seen players stop the
cue ball dead in its tracks when they wanted to
draw the cue ball back a few feet. Someone al
ways snickers, nice draw. If you walk into a pool
room today, you will meet many players who can
not draw the cue ball. They think it is some kind
of a trick shot. It is now time for you to master
this weapon and use it to win more games. But
first, you must understand the draw.
There are four different types of draw we can
use in this game. Many times the difference be
tween winning and losing depend upon your abil
ity to use the right draw stroke. Each draw stroke
gives us a different result.
The Follow Through Draw
The Snap Back Draw
The Snip Draw
The Bounce Back Draw

The Draw (cont.)

I have four lessons to teach you these fine

skills. Make sure you take the time to master each
one and understand when they should be used. For
instance, without the Snip Draw, you could not
get through the Touch No Rail exercise. You
would not be able to run a rack of eight ball with
out the Snip Draw. And there will be time when
you use a Follow Through Draw and miss posi
tion because you need to use the Snap Back Draw.
It is not enough to simply pull the cue ball
back to you. You need to do this under complete
control and in a variety of ways. The Draw Stroke
is the ability to impart dramatic spin on the cue
ball. Snap your cue through the cue ball with a
quick flick of your wrist. It does not have to be a
powerful blast. A nice crisp snap will do. Note the
stroke you use. Note the manner in which you
contact the cue ball. Now try this same stroke when
you use one cue tip above center on the cue ball.
You have delivered a force follow. You have im
parted dramatic spin on the cue ball. It races for
ward just like it races backwards when you use a
below center hit. Both the force follow and the
draw stroke are the same. The stroke is the same,
only the cue tip location is different. It is impor
tant to understand this as you will want to develop
control over this stroke so you can send the cue
ball exactly where you intend to. With practice,
you can send the cue ball exactly where you in
tend to. With practice, you can use a force follow
to get precise position on your next shot, or you
can use below center draw to gain precise posi
tion on the next shot.
When you impart dramatic spin on the cue ball,
either forward or backwards, you have used a draw

The Follow Through Draw

Lesson 25

There are different types of draw strokes. You

have a slight angle, but would like to bring the
cue ball into the circle. Use a follow through
draw. Follow through more and dig into the ball.
It will curve first and then spin straight back into
the target area.
Any time you want to move the cue ball away
from your object ball and then back towards you,
the follow through draw will be used.

Thought for the day

There is always something to overcome. That is why
I overcome.

The Snap Back Draw

Lesson 26

A snap back draw stroke will tighten the line

and whip the cue ball back towards you.
Start with a slight angle. You would like to
bring the cue ball into the circle. Use a whip like
motion. Snap the cue ball. If you execute cor
rectly the cue ball will come straight back.

Thought for the day

If I concentrate on each shot I wont need to throw
my arms up in the air and say, I can make that shot
a hundred times in a row.

The Follow Through Draw vs The Snap Back Draw

Sna p b a







Lesson 27

Use a follow through draw to gain position

on the nine for pocket A. This calls for your finest
follow through draw.
Use a snap back draw to gain position for
the nine in pocket B. You will need to be crisp
here. As you can see, a simple draw stroke is not
enough to gain favorable position. You must be
the master of the four draw strokes as the game
will demand you use one over the other to gain
position on the winning shot.
At The Monk Billiard Academy, we spend a
lot of time with this lesson.

Thought for the day

Never, never, never apologize for a fine perfor

Snap Back Draw vs The Follow Through Draw

Lesson 28

Here is a situation where the snap back is

the only draw stroke to use if you want to get a
good shot on the nine ball. A snap back draw on
the eight ball will pull the cue ball back without
making contact with the nine ball, thus leaving
you a clear shot into the same pocket. If you us a
follow through draw, you will circle around the
nine and make contact. You dont know where the
nine will end up, and you dont know where the
cue ball will land. You have no control when this
happens. So a snap back stroke is demanded
here. Be sure to master each one. One wins the
game, the other loses the game.

Thought for the day

I make a conscious effort to see what I am seeing
on the table.

Rail Draw

Lesson 29

Practice this shot with a draw stroke going two

rails. Then go one rail with inside english.
Move the cue ball and object ball around and
practice variations of this shot.

Thought for the day

I have an indifference to winning. I have an indif
ference to losing, for I am caught up in the shot at

Snip Draw

Low Left

Low Right

Lesson 30

Give yourself a slight angle with this shot and

shoot the object ball into the corner pocket with
out allowing the cue ball to touch any of the other
object balls. The cue ball must come back ever so
slightly to qualify as a draw. You will need to de
liver a crisp snip to achieve these results. The
snip draw is a vital skill. You will be using low
right in this case, so you can throw the object ball
to the left, thus allowing you to hit more of the
object ball. Since you are getting throw on the ob
ject ball, your aim can be straighter. In other words,
you dont have to cut the ball as much.
You will find that you pocket the ball more
often when you use a good snip draw. In fact, I
have missed this shot by two diamonds and the
object ball still rolled into the pocket. Be sure to
shoot table speed. Just enough so that the object
ball rolls slowly into the pocket.
You may not understand the value of this skill
at first. Be patient. When you master the snip
draw you will be using it to win many games. It is
a vital skill. You will never be a great player with
out the snip draw. Lesson Thirty is how you de
velop this skill.

Snip Draw (cont.)

When you are good at The Snip Draw, place

the nine ball down near diamond number two. Set
it up so a ball can fit through between the rail and
nine ball with about a quarter of an inch of space
left over. Then return to the shot. It does not look
like you can miss the nine ball and make the shot,
but you can. Try it. Stay with it. A nice Snip Draw
will allow you to sneak past that nine ball. You
sight the shot as if the nine ball is not there. Then
you add just a little more throw to the shot. This
throw takes you inside the nine ball. You will de
velop the instincts to succeed with this shot. In
fact, you will know if you missed the nine ball the
instant you stroke the cue ball. You will know if
you succeed or fail long before the eight ball is on
the way.


Snip Draw 2

Lesson 31

Not only do you throw the object ball with The

Snip Draw, but you kill the cue ball as well. Shoot
this shot into the corner and do not allow the cue
ball to drift across the table and make contact with
the rail. In other words, use The Snip Draw to kill
the cue ball. It can be done, we do it all the time at
The Monk Billiard Academy.

Thought for the day

I develop my instincts with each shot.

The Snapper

Lesson 32

Snap the cue ball back into position for ball

B. Use low left, but not too much.
I would like you to go back to the Snap Back
Draw for this lesson. We see this set up in the game
of nine ball. I call this shot The Snapper be
cause you are required to deliver a nice snap to
the cue ball for favorable position on the nine ball.
This shot requires a little bit of snip in the stroke
so you will not fly two rails. Try to get into the
circle area. The Snapper is a Snap Back Snip Draw.
Who says this game is easy? Wait till you need to
use the Snap Back Snip Follow Through Bouncer.

Thought for the day

I develop my instincts with each shot.

The Bouncer

Lesson 33

Shoot object ball A into the side for position

on object ball B. This is a Bounce Back Draw
stroke. Bounce the ball into position. Do not spin
the ball. Your consistency will be higher using a
Get a feel for The Bouncer. You are not spin
ning the cue ball backwards. You are actually
bouncing the cue ball into position. The Bounce
Back Draw is really a Stun backwards. You will
need to master The Stun in order to master the
Bounce Back Draw. There are times when we need
to incorporate a Bounce in our Punch Stroke. We
need to Bounce off the object ball to gain more
distance with the Punch Stroke. Once you master
the Bounce Back Draw, you will find that you have
many uses for this wonderful skill.
There are four draw strokes in this game:
The Follow Through Draw.
The Snap Back Draw
The Snip Draw
The Bounce Back Draw


The Spin Stroke

Lesson 34

Practice this shot. It should be shot very softly.

I have found myself using The Spin Stroke to
win games. There have been times when the dif
ference between winning and losing came down
to my Spin Stroke skills. This is a stroke that was
used by many of the old timers. They use The Spin
Stroke to gain better control of the cue ball. We
use side spin and flick our wrist. You can hear a
Spin Stroke. It is crisp. It imparts side spin on the
cue ball and it is this spin that carries you to your
desired position. Try this Lesson and see how of
ten you get good position.
I use the back english method to perfect my
Spin Stroke.

Thought for the day

This too shall change. Success will change, losing
will change.

Spin for Position

Lesson 35

Many players will try to use a follow stroke

with inside english to go one rail for position on
the nine ball. This takes some effort. You need to
hold up the cue ball. You need to allow for deflec
tion and throw. Sometimes you can scratch in the
side pocket or even make contact with the nine
ball. With the one rail shot you are going against
the grain. You are fighting the cue ball. You are
trying to hold it up. I like the two or three rail
shot. Use a crisp Spin Stroke and go where the
cue ball wants to go. Follow the track line to per
fect position every time. A Punch Stroke could
scratch in the corner. You need the Spin Stroke to
expand the track line off the first rail and this takes
you to an easy shot on the nine ball.
Take the nine ball and put it in front of the
side pocket. Play the same shot. Only this time,
move the cue ball further to the center of the table
for an easy shot in the side pocket. Get a good
feel for this lesson.
This is a good lesson to try some back english.
There are times when the Back English system
should be used. This in one of them. Focus on your

Develop Your Stroke

Lesson 36

This is a great lesson for developing stroke

and speed. Shoot object ball A with a Spin Stroke
and go three rails for position on object ball B.
Reset object ball A and shoot object ball B with
three rail position for object ball A. Reset B and
continue back and forth. Stay with this until you
master the stroke.

Thought for the day

When we willfully sabotage a fine performance,
there has to be a payoff somewhere. Find out what it
is and you can end the self destructive behavior.

A Vital Series

You are about to embark upon the most im

portant material in my entire series. The 2-7-2 is
vital to your own personal development in this
game. It is the foundation to a championship per
formance, I thank you for letting me share this
fine program with you. Take it to heart. Make it
an important part of your game. Up to now, you
are a butterfly fluttering its wings. You are ready
to take to the air and celebrate your own being.
The 2-7-2 series is your wings. Take your time
mastering this series, for it will be a part of your
game for the rest of your career.
In our pocket billiard experience we establish
anchors to our personal makeup. When we are in
an intense emotional state, what happens around
us gets associated with our experience. These as
sociations are anchors. We need to be careful how
we deal with anchors. They must be positive or
they will bring us down. As we build the 2-7-2
experience, we must anchor good feelings within
our hearts. We must be positive. We must deal in
success. This is why it is vital for us to do well in
this series. Stay with it until you master the speed
of each shot in the program.

A Vital Series (cont.)

Make your anchors a feeling of success. Now

is the time to become intimate with success so
when you are called upon to deliver a 2-7-2 shot,
you will be relaxed and confident. You will be fully
ready to win.
I can send you out into battle with a fine Punch
Stroke because by now you possess that great skill.
You also have a great Draw Stroke and understand
the four draw strokes of pool. You have worked on
your Follow and Spin Stroke so you are ready for
battle, right? Not yet. I would be the worst of mas
ters if I sent you into combat at this stage of your
development. I cannot enter you into the tourna
ment until I help you master speed. Speed is what
will help you become the player you desire. The
2-7-2 series will help you develop good speed
You must feel the experience when you are
successful with each 2-7-2 shot. This is your an
chor. Anchor this wonderful feeling in your mind.
Develop the expectation of success with each of
these shots. You are conditioning an automatic
expectation with the shot. Get in touch with the
feelings you have just before you deliver the win
ning stroke. Be one with those feelings. They are
your anchors to success and when you are in a
pressure situation, you can touch these feelings
so you will be able to experience success with the
shot at hand.
An anchor can be anything. I touch the bill of
my hat when I feel like I am going to make the
shot. You can express your own personal anchor
in your pre-shot routine.


A Vital Series (conclusion)

You need to develop good speed to win more

games. The 2-7-2 exercise will do this for you. It
is your beginning to a new and exciting game.
Master the ability to send the cue ball three rails
and back to the circle. You will be glad you did.
When you are successful with the 2-7-2, enter this
in your minds computer. Anchor it so you can fall
back on this feeling time and time again.
I have added five shot to this series. Use your
fabulous 2-7-2 speed to succeed with each shot.
Fall back on your anchor. Get in touch with the
sound of your 2-7-2 and use this to make each of
the five shots. Some of the shots will call for a
stronger hit than a basic 2-7-2, but all of the shots
will require you to use the 2-7-2 anchors for suc
cess. It is uncanny how this works. When you ap
proach the shot, get in touch with your 2-7-2 ex
perience and use that to deliver the winning stroke.
You must take the time to master this series. In
grain it within your pool mind. Anchor feeling of
success for you will be using the 2-7-2 through
out your entire journey. If all you learn from The
Monk is the 2-7-2 and the five shots, you have
spent your money well.
Identify with the sound of your personal 2-72 hit.

Thought for the day

I am fully anchored in the success of the 2-7-2
vital series.

The Ultimate Stroke 2-7-2

Lesson 37


Use one half cue tip left, (running) to send the

cue ball to the number two diamond on the long
rail, the number seven diamond on the short rail,
and number two diamond on the long rail. The
cue ball should return to the center of the table.
Master this stroke. It is your personal 2-7-2 stroke.
Use it to win games. Be sure the cue ball is hitting
the connecting diamonds. If you are not connect
ing the diamonds, you have a flaw in your stroke.
The speed of the hit will affect the track lines.
Sometimes when you are in this position on
the table you need to go to a spread eagle stance.
If you are not connecting the diamonds, try this.
When you are too far from the cue ball the quality
of your hit is diminished. Use one half cue tip left
to get the smooth running english.
When you enter a tournament in a strange
room, use the 2-7-2 to check both the speed of the
rails and the quality of the rubber. Once you groove
your 2-7-2 stroke, you will know that the table is
off, and not you when you test the table.
Take a two pound coffee can and make a circle
in the middle of the table. Use this as your target.
You must connect the diamonds and land in the
circle before you consider yourself successful.

The Ultimate Stroke 2-7-2

Be sure to connect the number two diamond

on the second long rail. Make sure the cue ball is
hitting that spot. If it is hitting below the number
two diamond, you have a flaw in your stroke. Not
only are you building speed with this exercise, you
are building quality into your game. You are cor
recting problems that will plague you all during
your career.
Set yourself up to deliver a classic 2-7-2. Close
your eyes. Shoot the shot and declare out loud if it
is Long, Short or Just Right. Then open your
eyes and see how well you have developed your
2-7-2 instincts. Sometimes I can declare One inch
short, two inches long, just right, etc. I have seen
Suzanne Bosselman declare, A half inch short.
She lost her temper because she came up one half
inch short. I gave her a copy of my new book, I
Came To Win.
Early in my pocket billiards development I
realized how valuable it would be to have speed
skills. They would apply to a wide variety of situ
ations in this great game. I dedicated myself to
ingrain the 2-7-2 within my system. I anchored
the sound of the hit, the feel of the hit, until it
became automatic. I can hit fifteen 2-7-2s in a
row directly within the center of the circle. I think
I have logged over one hundred thousand 2-7-2s
in my time. When I am faced with a pressure shot,
all I have to do is think 2-7-2 and I automatically
associate this with a successful experience. At one
time, I was placing an object ball in the circle with
a quarter on top of it. I could bring the cue ball
around from the 2 to the 7 to the 2 and up against
the object ball without knocking the quarter off.
This is a drill we do at The Monk Billiard Acad
emy. Any student who can nudge the object ball
without knocking the quarter off, gets a monetary

The Ultimate Stroke 2-7-2

You need to develop speed in your game. The

2-7-2 is your ticket to great speed control. 2-7-2
is natural speed. With this speed, you can connect
the diamonds, and you reduce push and throw on
the object ball. You also cut down on deflection if
you are using english. 2-7-2 is natural speed.

We dont aim directly at the diamond. We aim

through the number two diamon. This true con
tact, if delivered with a true stroke, allows the cue
ball to go through the diamond number 7 and then
through diamond number two and back to the cen
ter of the table.

The Ultimate Stroke 2-7-2

Lesson 38

Look at this set up. You can make a good hit

on the eight ball simply by using your 2-7-2 skills.
The eight ball is right on the 2-7-2 line. The 2-7-2
is your best kicking speed. It connects the dia
monds naturally.


The Ultimate Stroke 2-7-2

Look at this set up. The eight ball is on the 27-2 line, but the cue ball is not. So we make an
adjustment with the Parallel Shift, explained in
The Monk 202 series by Dr. Cue. Once we make
the adjustment, we simply deliver our 2-7-2 stroke
and bingo we hit the eight ball. Make sure you use
your 2-7-2 hit. This connects the diamonds.
If you want to Master the fine art of kicking,
order The Monk 202 Series.


The Ultimate Stroke 2-7-2

Look at this set up. The cue ball is on the 2-72 line, but the eight ball is four inches above the
number two diamond. It is not on the 2-7-2 line. If
the eight ball is four inches up the rail, we aim
two inches down the rail. If we use our 2-7-2
stroke, we will always make contact with the eight
ball. The 2-7-2 stroke is what keeps the lines natu

Thought for the day

I am a kicking machine!

The Ultimate Stroke 2-7-2









Look at this set up. The eight ball is four inches

above the 2-7-2 line and the cue ball is out of the
2-7-2 line. You know you need to make a two inch
adjustment on the 2-7-2 line. Once you establish
this, you can then do the parallel shift to the cue
ball and fire away. Use the 2-7-2 system for kick
shots. You will find yourself making more hits with
this new skill.

Thought for the day

I order the The Monks 202 Banking and Kicking

The2-7-2+1 Series

Lesson 39

Once you master the 2-7-2 natural speed, I

want you to apply this instinct with five shots. We
will call them the 2-7-2+5. This lesson is the 2-72+1. Since this is the first shot in the series, we
will call it a one. Shoot the eight ball into the cor
ner pocket and bring the cue ball back to the cen
ter of the table. Any time you shoot a ball down
into the corner pocket and bring the cue ball
back to the center of the table, you will call this
a 2-7-2+1. The eight ball position in this illustra
tion gives you a natural 2-7-2+1. Shoot a 2-7-2
and listen to the sound. Now repeat that same
sound with this shot. Use a little low right if you
need it. Listen to the sound. Repeat your finest 27-2. Become one with this experience. Apply your
instinct here. You can move the eight ball down
towards the pocket, add a little draw to your stroke
and bring the cue ball to the center of the table.
You can position the eight ball near the number
three diamond and bring the cue ball two rails to
the center of the table. When you see a shot like
this, anchor the 2-7-2+1 in your mind. You are the
master of the 2-7-2 and the master of this first
shot. You will be relaxed when it is for the cham

The2-7-2+1 Series (cont.)

If this shot comes up as the first shot in your

run, or the key ball, or the final ball, it is still a 27-2+1 and nothing more. I encourage you to shoot
this shot from several spots on the table.

Thought for the day

A shot is a shot. I shoot all shots like I Came To

The2-7-2+2 Series

Lesson 40

This shot will come up time and time again in

your eight or nine ball run out. You must recog
nize it as a 2-7-2+2 and be the master of it. Here
you will use a little low left, adding a soft pop to
your stroke. You want to bring the cue ball to the
number seven diamond and then to the number
two diamond and back to the center of the table. I
have had students at The Monk Billiard Academy
try to spin the ball around the rails to the center.
They were successful at this fine shot, but it is not
the way to do it. Once I got them to use a little pop
and stroke the ball around the table, they were far
more consistent. Any time you cut a ball into the
corner and bring the cue ball two rails, we will
call this a 2-7-2+2.
Since you are using a little left side english on
the cue ball, you will get some deflection. Aim a
little thin here and you will make a fine adjust
ment. As you did in the previous exercise, you may
move the object and cue ball around and continue
to shoot a 2-7-2+2.


2-7-2+2 Series

Lesson 41


When you are faced with this shot and

need to get position on the nine ball for
the championship, go to what you know
best. The 2-7-2+2. You will find perfect
position every time. Do not use one rail
shape on shots like this.



Once again, use your finest 2-7-2+2 to

gain position on the winning nine ball.

2-7-2+2 Series


A 2-7-2+2 will help you avoid problems

with position. You will be amazed at how
many places you can get to by using the
shot you know best. Master the 2-7-2+2
and you will be the master.

Thought for the day

I came to win this game.

2-7-2+3 Series

Lesson 42


This may very well be the toughest shot in the

2-7-2+5 series. Use high left running english with
a subtle force follow stroke and run the cue ball
two rails to the center of the table. You must con
tact the number two on the left rail and back to
center to consider yourself successful with the 27-2+3. Any time you pocket a ball in the corner
pocket and go forward with the cue ball two
rails, back to the middle of the table, you will
call this a 2-7-2+3.
If you scratch in the opposite corner pocket
you have allowed punch to creep into your stroke.
If you go into the corner tight, you have allowed
punch to creep in. You must thrust forward with
your stroke, move the cue ball directly to the bot
tom rail near the number seven and then to the
number two. If you see a large C in your first
track line to the bottom rail, you are using force
follow with a little punch. The key to this shot is
to keep your cue tip on the cue ball as your thrust
forward with your stroke. Visualize a 2-7-2 and
push your tip through the cue ball. Send the cue
ball around the table. You must stroke this shot.

2-7-2+3 Series

Lesson 43

Everyone can succeed with the 2-7-2+3. Do

not shoot down on the cue ball or it will turn into
a punch stroke. This shot is vital to your success.
You must be the master of it if you are to succeed
in tournaments or league play. Email me if you
are having trouble:

Thought for the day

My winning self image shows in my game.

2-7-2+3 Series

Lesson 44



Deliver a 2-7-2+3 here for position on

the eight ball. Now shoot the eight ball
with your finest 2-7-2+3 skills to get po
sition on the nine ball. If you are really
good at this, you can then shoot the nine
ball as 2-7-2+3 and get back to the cen
ter of the table. Well, not totally the cen
ter of the table, but you can contact the
bottom rail and come out near the cen
ter. Practice the 2-7-2+3 from many
places on the table. In a game situation
you may have trouble with this shot. It
is not an easy shot. When the pressure
is on it is hard to deliver the 2-7-2+3.
This is why you must practice this until
you are the master of it. Learn to shoot
it under pressure.

2-7-2+3 Series


In order to get position on the nine ball,

you will need to use your fine 2-7-2+3
skills. The 2-7-2+3 will give you a pow
erful weapon in position play.

Thought for the day

Here is a chance to demonstrate your I Came To
Win principles.

2-7-2 Series


Lesson 45

Time for a mid term exam here. Shoot this

pattern. Of course you recognize the 2-7-2+1 on
the first shot. And of course you see the 2-7-2+2
on the second shot. And you will be setting up for
a 2-7-2+3 on the third shot.
I want you to succeed with this pattern three
times in a row. We know what we want. We take
action to achieve the results and we measure our
progress. If you need to make adjustments, that
is, go back and practice these shots some more,
then you will do this. Because you know what you
want to achieve. And you will not stop until you
arrive at the success you deserve.

Thought for the day

I claim my success in this game.

2-7-2+4 Series

Lesson 46

When I was trapped in my basement working

on my game, I discovered if I had a crack sound
to my stroke, I pocketed this ball many more times
than I missed it. So I named it the cracker, and
every time it came up, I listened for the crack
sound in my stroke. If I got a good sound and ac
tually missed the shot, the ball still went in the
pocket. When you set up, think of your 2-7-2 and
that nice sound you make when you bring the cue
ball to the center of the table. Repeat this sound,
adding a little crack to it.
Sometimes we tend to lean out over the table
to get a better look at this shot. We get into our
stance, and then ever so slightly, lean our head out
over the table. We can see the target better this
way. You will miss the shot if you do this. Be sure
to stay in line with the shot. Stay in line and de
liver the crack to your stroke and you will be a
winner many times over.

Thought for the day

My trust skills serve me well.

2-7-2+4 Series

Lesson 47


Here is another 2-7-2+4. It looks like a

different shot. You will use your finest
2-7-2+4 stroke the crack here and
go to the bottom rail and back out. It is
refreshingly nice to realize how well this

Thought for the day

Success is simply a step along the way.

2-7-2+4 Series


Use the crack here and you will have

fine position. Focus on the 2-7-2+4 pop.
As you journey through this wonderful
game, you will find that the 2-7-2+4
comes up in a variety of ways. This is
why you must be the master of it.

Thought for the day

Success is who I am.

2-7-2+5 Series

Lesson 48

Use soft controlled draw to return the cue ball

to the center of the table. Set up the cue ball with
slight angle to the object ball.
It is not enough to simply draw the cue ball.
You must have reference to how far you want to
bring the cue ball back. With the 2-7-2+5 you have
just such a reference. You must groove this stroke
into your mind. Anchor it so you can repeat it at
will. You can almost use a perfect 2-7-2 speed with
low english to draw the cue ball into the circle.

Thought for the day

My body glides across the floor on the winds of

Corrective Action

Lesson 49

I always enjoy doing this lesson at The Monk

Billiard Academy. I get the chance to watch the
light go on inside a players head when they suc
ceed with this stroke. Then I take them to the 2-72+3 and they are able to experience the joy that
comes with success.
If you are having trouble with the 2-7-2+3 you
may work on this shot. Be sure the cue ball con
tacts below the number one diamond on the long
rail. Use a force follow stroke. Remember to fol
low through and keep the cue tip on the cue ball
as long as possible. Send your tip through the cue
If the cue ball pops up and hits the object balls
along the long rail, you have allowed punch to
creep into your stroke.

Thought for the day

I have a perfect follow through on all shots.

Stun Stroke

Lesson 50


Shoot the object ball into the corner pocket

and allow the cue ball to creep forward. Contact
the cue ball with an above center hit and stun the
ball forward. Allow the cue ball to take the place
of the object ball. Master the stun.
When I was in my basement I discovered The
Stun by accident. One day I noticed the cue ball
creeping forward consistently when I delivered the
stun stroke. Since I had a very little contact with
the outside world, I simply named the shot The
Creeper. In fact, I call it the Creeper in my book
Point The Way.
When you decide to work on your break stroke,
do this lesson. Do the Stun. The Stun is a perfect
break stroke. It will shatter the balls in every di
rection and the cue ball creeps forward just a little.
Make sure the front three balls are making solid
contact with each other and deliver you finest Stun.
The Stun exercise is a great way to work on
your stance. With this shot, if you are not right on,
you will miss the shot every time. I set ten balls
on the bottom rail and then shoot ten stuns in one
direction and ten stuns in the other. I use each
object ball as a cue ball.When I was on, I could
make all ten. Most of the time however, I must
admit to missing a few in each direction. It is a
great workout.

Stun Variation

Lesson 51

This is a variation of the stun exercise.

Use an above center hit. Remember to hesi
tate in your back stroke. This is not an easy shot.
Stay with it. You will build a great stroke with les
son fifty one. It takes a perfect hit to pocket this
ball with a stun.
Stand behind the shot.
Lean into the shot
Place foot in proper position
Sight down the shaft
Rock back and forth
Stop on last practice stroke
Pull back, hesitate and deliver the hit
Keep your head down
Stay in position until the balls stop rolling
Make sure you visualize success with each
of these steps

Thought for the day

Be faithful in practice.

Slight Angle Stun Shot

Lesson 52

This is another stun shot. You have very little

angle. A follow stroke will cause you to contact
the object ball on the bottom rail. A punch will
stop the ball right there. A stun will allow the cue
ball to bounce out and creep into the desired posi
tion. Remember to raise your cue and shoot down
on the cue ball. Create your own energy.

Thought for the day

I make no judgement on my performance. It is as it
is and I accept it.

Kicking Your Way to the Finals

Lesson 53

This diagram illustrates a system of halves. If

you trust the rails, you can cut the distance in
halves to figure out the kick shot. Of course you
need to us a 2-7-2 stroke here to keep the angles

Thought for the day

I reach all my goals.

Kicking Your Way to the Finals 2

Lesson 54

Shot A requires running english.

Shot B requires reverse english.
Remember, kicking is relative. The spot on the
rail depends on the type of rails, the type of cloth
and the environment in the pool hall. Your chalk,
the tip or the type of cue you use will have an
effect on your track lines. In addition, the kind of
stroke you have developed will give you personal
track lines. This series is for reference only. You
must sharpen your skills and master your own tech
If you really want to master kicking you should
order The Monk 202 series. Tom Dr. Cue
Rossman shares his comprehensive diamond sys
tem through this best selling video series. If you
master The Monk 202, you will never get caught
on three fouls again. Make sure you get Volume
One. This exciting video explains the table termi
nology so well that you will recognize kick shots
when they come up. Volume Two is a classic dem
onstration of the system and Volume Three is for
advanced players only.


Kicking Your Way to the Finals 3


Lesson 55

Track lines A, B and C take you to the corner.

Remember when you are close to the rail or
tight in the corner you will need to hit a little past
the diamond. So on line C you hit past the #1 dia
mond. Use running english. You will learn to iden
tify the type of running english you need to make
this shot. When your are confident, try some varia
tions, such as hitting the number six diamond on
the short rail so you can come up to the number
one diamond on the long rail. Or tighten up the
shot so you hit the number one rail. Learn to make
adjustments. You will use cross corner kicking in
the game of nine ball.

Thought for the day

I deserve to win.

The Monks Famous 13 Ball Exercise

Lesson 56

Start with ball in hand. Run each ball off with

out allowing the cue ball to touch another ball.
No combinations or bank shots allowed. You will
return to this exercise time and time again. Les
son Fifty Six is designed to groove your stroke.
Make this thirteen ball exercise a normal part of
your routine.
Many of my students are fascinated by this
exercise. I give them a visual by running off all
the balls and they think it is easy. I have been do
ing this exercise for a long time because I under
stand the value of shooting. It is important to be
lieve in your exercise program. Work on the thir
teen ball exercise and you will improve your skills
in other areas of your game.
After a tough match of nine ball come back to
this lesson. You will be amazed by how your stroke
has gotten out of sync. After a few racks of the
thirteen ball exercise you be right back in line.

Thought for the day

Each session improves my skills.

The Monks Famous 13 Ball Exercise (cont.)

This is a fine time to set some personal goals.

Begin with the desire to complete one rack with
out touching another ball. Now you know what
you want to do. You know the outcome of your
goals. Take action by working on the rack. Shoot
the balls. Measure your progress. Find out where
your game is weak and take the time to strengthen
it. Do not get frustrated. We are on a journey. De
velop an indifference to missing or making the
shots. If you miss, place the ball in the pocket,
move on and finish the rack. If you complete the
assignment, give yourself a pat on the back and
set another goal. We are on a never ending jour
ney, one step at a time. Whatever price is required
of us to move to the next level we will gladly pay.
May success be a natural part of your life.

Thought for the day

Nothing interferes with my performance.

Touch No Rails

Lesson 57


Start with ball in hand and shoot all the balls

off the table without allowing the cue ball to touch
any rails. There are many, many, many valuable
lessons built into this exercise. Do not pass it by.
The beauty of the exercise is that you will be
expected to use all your skills. Almost every shot
in pool comes up with the Touch No Rail Lesson.
The most popular stroke is the snip draw. The
punch stroke is used a lot, as is the bunt. You will
find that long tough shots are not as hard. The
Touch No Rail exercise develops your shooting
All lessons are vital is this series. You should
commit yourself to the mastery of each lesson.
That is your goal. I set a goal to shoot one hun
dred balls without a miss in this series. I reached
that goal and I am very proud of that. I passed
sixty several times.
When things are not going well, and I am hav
ing a tough time with my stroke, I go to this les
son. I use it to bring myself back to the level I
need to be at. Set your goal, take action and mea
sure your results. You will shine as one of our
brightest stars.

Touch No Rails (cont.)

We are climbing the mountain on pocket bil

liards excellence. We cannot however, keep our
eyes on the mountain top. For if we do, we may
miss the hand hold in front of us. We shoot the
shots and develop the skills. Winning takes care
of itself.

Thought for the day

I make my decision, lean into my stance, sight
down the shaft, and deliver the stroke.

The Four Ball Exercise

Lesson 58

Shoot each ball into the corner pocket and

bring the cue ball to the center of the table.
Many a career has ended with this exercise.
After you develop the stroke for this exercise, use
it as a warm up before matches and tournaments.
This is another rewarding exercise. If you go
back over the misses you experienced in the game
of eight ball and nine ball, you may find that it
was one of the four ball exercise shots. Once I
worked on this exercise for an extended period of
time. I found myself winning many more games.
My stroke improved for other shots as well.
My record is ten in a row. Forty balls. I think I
can do more than that. I use the four ball exercise
to groove my stroke. Once I am stroking well, I
move on to other lessons. When I am shooting this
lesson I pay close attention to the sound of my
stroke. Also, I use back english here.

Thought for the day

My concentration level is keen, sharp, and I see the
shot perfectly.

Look Familiar?

Lesson 59

This shot comes up often. Hear the click of

the balls. You will win a lot of games with this
I have added this lesson because I want you to
recognize situations where the four ball exercise
comes up. Here is just such a case. Listen for that
sound. Feel that stroke. And see the success of the

Thought for the day

I am poised and self assured.

For Advanced Players Only

Lesson 60


After you have mastered The Lesson, you will

still need to organize and define your game. In
the world of pocket billiards we are never finished
with our training. Here is a score sheet to evaluate
you performance. Remember, knowledge and per
formance is not necessarily related. They do not
interact as you would expect. Performance is quite
apart from knowledge. It is another entity of it
self. After you have accumulated the knowledge,
you will then go on to performance. Our runouts
sometimes break down because we lack an under
standing of our performance kills. The Monk Bil
liard Academy score sheet was designated to help
you define your game. You can refer to my book I
Came To Win to understand the performance part
of your game.

For Advanced Players Only (cont.)

The Monk Billiard Academy

Score Sheet


Missed Shot
Missed Safe
Missed Position
Missed Kick
Inner Game
Played to Safe
Must Maker
Shotmakers Run Out
Success Rating


For Advanced Players Only

Break Rate your break from one to ten.

The key to a good break is in the quality of
hit, not in the speed. I think you should try the
stun stroke on your break shot. Line up from the
left side of the table and aim at the center ball.
Use a little left english. You will need to aim
slightly left of the center ball. Perhaps a quarter
inch. With the left english you will deflect back to
the right and make a direct center ball hit on the
head ball. Your cue ball will be spinning, much
like a bowling ball. And the rack will shatter like
glass with balls dropping in the pockets every
where. Because of your stun stoke, you will keep
the cue ball in the center of the table.
Rate your break on the ability to deliver the
stroke, and the cue ball staying in the center of the
Choke There is a difference between choking
and inner game break down. When we choke, we
choke on the money ball or a key ball in the run.
But we are still giving a one hundred percent ef
fort. When the inner game causes us to miss, it is
simply our inability to give one hundred percent
to the shot at hand, therefore we have the Choking
and Inner Game category.
R.O.O. This is Run Out Opportunity. After you
score your break, look to see of you have a R.O.O..
If you do, then mark the R.O.O. box and proceed
with your run.
R.O.O.M. This is Run Out Opportunity Missed.
You do not want to have a lot of R.O.O.M in
your game.
R.O.O.F. This is Run Out Opportunity Finished.
You want to have a lot of R.O.O.F.s.

For Advanced Players Only

Must Makers In the course of many runs, we

end up with Must Makers. These are shots where
you are out of line, and you simply must make a
shot to keep your run alive. If you have a lot of
Must Makers, your position play needs some
work. It is good to keep track of these shots, to
make them is to build strong character.
Shotmakers Run Out Many of our run outs
end in the Shotmakers mode. We bank the last
three balls, or are forced to come up with a bril
liant shot. It is also good to know if three of our
last four run outs were Shotmakers run outs. A
Shotmakers run out is a sign of poor position play.
A shotmakers run out does have its value in that it
demands strong character and the ability to hang
in there when things get tough.
Success rating Rate yourself from one to ten
according to your standards.

Do not use this score system often. Use it from

time to time to check on your progress. Once you
get caught up in the score, you have left the one
shot at a time mode and have entered the world of
interference. You must always stay in the one shot
at a time mode. Use this evaluation to organize
your next practice session.

Thought for the day

I am responsible for all things on the pool table.


Section Two
Mastering Shots



Punch Time

Lesson 61

Developing your ability to gain position with

a punch stroke on this shot. It is vital you develop
the understanding of speed on a good punch stroke.
Practice getting position for both side pockets. You
will note that one requires a different speed than
the other. I have faith in you. This is not easy work.
This lesson is reserved for champions. And you
are such a champion.
I do hereby pledge to The Monk to master every
one of these shots, so help me God.
Signed: _______________________________

Thought for the day

My instincts are in tune with my trust skills.

Punch Time 2


Lesson 62


Here you will be cutting the eight ball into the

side pocket and playing position for the nine in
the same pocket. This is where the cue ball wants
to go. Remember, go with the flow. Dont fight
the cue ball. As you can see, if you get the cue
ball to any of the spots marked X, you are in
good shape for the winning nine ball. It is impor
tant for you and I to see it when it comes up. Re
member to feel three rails in this lesson.
This is an advanced shot. You will be develop
ing some very fine skills here. At first, it may be
difficult to contact the rails for position on the nine.
You may come up short and miss position alto
gether. Dont be tempted to abandon this lesson.
It is not so much the shot I want you to be suc
cessful with. It is the skill I want you to have. This
skill, the ability to control where the cue ball hits
on the second rail, will serve you as you move up
the ladder. When you reach the level of pocket
billiard excellence, I want you to have all the skills
you need to stay there. This is where you belong
and I want you to feel comfortable with that.

Force Follow

Lesson 63

So often we talk about force follow inside

english. Yet we do not practice it. And when the
shot come up, we miss and promise to work on it.
Its like a leaky roof. Only when it is leaking do
we resolve to fix it. When the sun shines, we soon
forget the leak. This lesson is in your final exam.
You must be prepared to pass it. Use inside, high
left and dont stop until you consistently get posi
tion on the winning shot. When I give you your
final exam, be sure to pass. Weve worked too hard
to fail now.

Thought for the day

I am keenly aware of my tip location.


Lesson 64

Here is a shot where you need to get down

table for position on the winning nine ball. If you
use draw to go two rails, you will negatively ef
fect the speed of the cue ball. Position will then
become a matter of chance. We know that the
punch stroke gives us our most consistent speed.
Still, a punch stroke may scratch off this shot. We
can reach the near side of the side pocket with a
low right, follow through punch stroke. We force
the cue ball to come back to the rail with the fol
low through punch, along with the low right
english. With this type of stroke, you will have
better control of the cue ball. Try it with a pure
center ball stop shot. Then use low right and drive
through the ball. Youll discover a new technique
for moving the cue ball around off this type of

Thought for the day

My stroke is smooth, pure and consistent.

Be Free 1

Lesson 65

I am almost sorry to give you this assignment.

But you must master this shot without scratching
in the near corner pocket. You must be able to shoot
this shot with the instincts that you are not going
to scratch. Once you are aware of the potential for
the scratch, you will have difficulty with the shot.
Stay with it until you can feel the desired posi
tion. You must perfect your personal hit here. Track
line is relative to your stroke. Do not use english.
It is in the hit.
When I line up for this shot I say the follow
ing. One of us is going to win here. I may scratch
and lose, but I will make the ball. Most of the
time I do not scratch.

Thought for the day

I am faithful to improve my skills.

Shot Ingredients

Lesson 66

There are all kinds of little nooks and cran

nies in this shot. Someone left the rack on the table
so we cant go two rails for the nine ball. Use a
follow stroke. We will need inside english to pull
the ball into position. First the inside english will
deflect the cue ball to the left. The inside english
will effect the speed of the cue ball. If you shoot it
softly, you may masse the cue ball. Then the aim
gets even crazier. I included this shot because I
want you to master it. You will need it. And you
will not want to miss and wonder why. Wondering
makes us feel helpless. We are in charge. Develop
the instincts for this shot. You will be glad I took
the time to share it with you.

Thought for the day

My awareness skills dominate my game.

Draw and Follow


Lesson 67

Here is a two way shot. We have the ability to

shoot this shot two ways. It is vital we make the
right decision and stick to our choice. We can draw
tightly into the corner and come out for a shot in
the corner pocket, or in the side pocket.



Still, we need to be comfortable with the shot.

There is less trouble built into the follow stroke.
We would be shooting the nine into the same cor
ner pocket as the eight. If our position is too short
or too long, we could end up with a tester. Mas
ter both shots and use the one that is serving you
best at the time.

Different Stance for Different Shot

This series represents two different stances:

1. More spread eagle
2. Need to drop right leg back

Lesson 68

When you come to my Academy I will not be

working on your stance as much as you would
expect. There is no standard stance to be used by
everybody. Therefore, it would be a waste of time
to teach you the so called classic stance. Every
one is a different size. People have different vi
sual skills. We actually see things differently be
cause your eyesight is different. In each of these
cases, the stance would not be the same.
Here are two shots. Shot number one requires
a spread eagle type of stance, while shot number
two requires you to drop your right leg back and
lean into the shot.

Thought for the day

I am focused on all shots.

Understanding Your Track Line


Lesson 69

Im sure with your punch stroke skills, you

will have no trouble with Lesson 69. The problem
comes with not recognizing the shot. Often times
we forget we can play under a ball and get good
position in the far corner pocket. You will use low
right punch with speed. Shoot this shot many times
and check your punch stroke lines. Learn to fol
low the track lines and develop the skills to ex
ecute the shots. It is shots like these that keep runs
If you are having trouble with this lesson, go
back to the Snapper.

Thought for the day

I have a great punch stroke and I love to use it.

The Slide Rule

Illustration 1

Illustration 2

Lesson 70

Here we have two examples of a slide shot. In

the first illustration, we will slide the cue ball to
position on the nine. Do not get this shot mixed
up with the soft follow through draw. As you can
see you are closer to the object ball and a slide
will work here.
In illustration #2, use the exact same hit on
the cue ball. You will see the cue ball slide di
rectly into the desired position. A slide is a punch
stroke with speed.

Thought for the day

I never have an easy shot in this game.

The Slide Rule (cont.)

Illustration 3

Lesson 71

Now try the same shot on illustration #3. You

will see similar results. The slide rule is a good
tool for slowing the cue ball down.
As you can see by now, there are variations of
the punch stroke. We add a little bit of this and a
little bit of that to get the desired effect. We use
the slide when we really want to slow down the
speed. With the slide we get the same track lines
as the pure punch but we are better able to control
the speed of the cue ball. First however, we need
to spend however long it takes to develop a con
sistent punch stroke. So much of these shots come
off the punch stroke. If you want to alter the track
line for instance, you will need to know exactly
where the natural line is and you do this by having
a great punch stroke.

Thought for the day

I am focused. I hear the cue ball colliding with the
object ball.

Stroke for Position

se S


Lesson 72

Note that the cue ball is in line with the num

ber six diamond and along side the number three
diamond. Learn to achieve position at each of the
stars off this shot. This is all done with stroke. To
reach the long rail, you will need more spin. Which
would be center right english. To shorten the line,
use a little reverse spin on the cue ball.
It is important you master this ability to reach
two different cue ball location off this shot. I in
clude this shot here because you will need this
skill to improve your winning average.
You will note that this is the 2-7-2+3 shot in
two different ways.

Thought for the day

I expect to win. I am a winner.

Get The Stroke

Lesson 73

Repeat after me, I will shoot this shot until I

am the master of the get the stroke shot. Here
you are almost on the rail. Jack up your cue stick
and snap off a dramatic draw stroke. Watch the
cue ball come back to you. This shot takes a tre
mendous amount of talent. There are very few
players who can execute the get the stroke les
The value of this lesson is in the stroke devel
opment. When you acquire the skills to execute
this shot, you now have the finest break shot in
the pool hall. Every time you work on this shot,
you are working on your nine ball break. This is
your break stroke. Use it to warm up before each
tournament. Master it and the balls will shatter
with this kind of force. With the get the stroke
lesson you can see how well you are hitting the
ball. There is no doubt in your mind. Either the
cue ball comes back, or it doesnt.

Thought for the day

I stay down on every shot.

Spin Your Way To The Finals

Lesson 74

This shot has some sneaky dynamics built into

it. When we use our 2-7-2+3 stroke, we almost
never stop on the long rail and back out. We end
up with too much of an angle. A soft roller will
never get us far enough. This calls for our per
fected spin stroke. You must deliver a spin stroke
and allow the spin to carry you to position. The
spin widens the angle and delivers the right speed.
Note the cue ball will pick up speed when it hits
the bottom rail. Master the spin stroke and learn
to recognize when to use it. Both you and I will be
glad you did. Never doubt that I am pulling for
you all the way.
This shot calls for a 2-7-2+3 mentality but you
must add spin to your stroke. It is the spin that
will carry you to position. Thrust through your
stroke. Do not hit the ball hard.

Thought for the day

I am known for my good sportmanship.

The Delicate Touch

Lesson 75

Here you will use a soft touch to get position

on the nine ball into the corner pocket. Because
you will be using soft reverse spin, you will need
to concentrate on the soft hit. Often times we are
either too far or too short on this shot. We need to
maser it so we cut down the angle and still have
the speed. This can be tricky.
Too often I have seen players not prepared to
deliver the delicate touch this shot requires. They
have not practiced it and forget how reverse kills
the cue ball off the long rail. They also forget how
soft they must hit the cue ball in order to maintain
and get good spin on the cue ball. They allow some
punch in their spin stroke and actually widen the
angle as the cue ball bounces off the object ball. It
is indeed a delicate shot and you need to be aware
of what is going on.You are working on your speed
skills here. Take all the time you need to master
this lesson.

Thought for the day

My practice is like the finals, I always give my

Stun Forward

Lesson 76

You cannot use a follow stroke in this shot

because you will need to play the five ball into
corner A. And you need to go directly across
the table to avoid the balls on the rail. So you will
need to use a punch stoke. Still the punch stroke
will bring the ball back to the center, as in 2-72+4. In order to move the ball forward, we need to
stun the cue ball with inside english. The stun will
carry you to the inside rail between the object ball.
The english will move you down table for the win
ning shot. Not an easy shot for your opponent.

Thought for the day

I stay in line over the cue stick with each shot.

Be Committed

Lesson 77

This commitment exercise includes four shots.

You need to master them, and recognize them when
they come up. It is easy. Especially for you. This
shot is a power draw. Often we do not think of the
draw here. Instead we settle for a stop shot and a
tough cut on the nine ball. You are very capable of
this draw shot. And the rewards will be great. Snap
if off with commitment and enjoy the results.
In some cases I will shoot a shot here and bank
the nine ball. I feel like this bank shot should be
one of your confident banks. If the table is play
ing tough, you may not want to risk the draw shot
as it sometimes rattles the eight. If you are not
shooting the power shots well that day, you may
want to stop the cue ball for an easy bank. Which
ever shot you chose to shoot, be fully committed.
And that means you cannot second guess yourself
if you do not find success with your choice. Make
a mental note of your attitude when you do not
make a shot. If you cannot look upon this with
complete indifference, you are opening the door
to future interference. Sometimes we need to prac
tice our attitude when things do not go as expected.

Be Committed (cont.)

Lesson 78

This shot is another draw shot. Once again,

we are tempted to play a slow roller and be a great
distance from the winning shot. Draw this ball with
low left to cut down on the angle and you will be
closer to the money ball. All it takes is a commit
ment. Stay down in the shot. Be sure not to dig
too deep and jump over the object ball.

Thought for the day

My eyes burn a hole in my target.


Lesson 79

Here is another draw shot. You have a slight

angle going the other way. A follow stroke will
leave you a tough cut shot. Once again, if you de
liver your snap back draw, you will be in fine po
sition to win the game. Learning to recognize these
situations when they come up is the real art. A
rule of thumb here is to avoid long shots to win
the game. Find a way to get closer. The draw shot
is the most overlooked shot in pool.
What is the name of this lesson? You cannot
succeed with a power shot if you are not totally
committed to the shot. Win or lose, make or miss,
you will deliver the finest draw stroke. And check
out the thought for this day.

Thought for the day

I am never critical of myself.

Commitment (cont.)

Lesson 80

Although this is not a draw shot, I include it

here because it calls for commitment. We are
tempted to slow roll this to hold up for the win
ning shot. Dont do this. Use your fine trust skills
and send the cue ball to the bottom rail. You will
be happy with the results.
I am really excited about what this lesson can
do for you how it can help you develop the skills
you deserve to have in this game. Stay the course.
Do not get discouraged. We never get discour
aged because we know we are on the right track.
We do not get discouraged because we know we
can master every single one of these lessons. And
we know the day will come when we will be able
to play anybody, anywhere. We are secure in our
own personal growth. We are certain in our own

Thought for the day

I know who I am and what I am, and I like what I


Lesson 81

In this case you are shooting over a ball while

attempting a soft cut shot on the eight. There are
two things you must keep in mind when you are
in this situation. First, you do not want to linger
with your bridge hand, you will be unstable. The
longer you stay there, the more unstable you be
come. Sight it and shoot it. Secondly, you will want
to over-cut this ball. The mere act of shooting high
on the cue ball causes a push when the cue ball
and object ball collide. Often times we miss this
shot when it comes up. Many of our failures come
when we forget the inner dynamics built into a
shot. Then we blame the table and never know what
really happened. Shoot a few of these shots. Dont
pass up this lesson.

Thought for the day

I sight, shoot, and make adjustments for the shot.

The Monks Famous 12 Ball Exercise

Lesson 82

There are a series of shots you will need to be

comfortable with in order to raise your winning
average. In both eight ball and nine ball, the money
ball often ends up in this familiar place during the
game. Check it out during your next match. If you
can make it from any of the cue ball positions,
you will win more games. Master this lesson and
youll be taking home the trophy.
I would like to see you complete this exercise
without a miss. If you are an advanced level player
you should be able to do this two times in a row.
My record is thirty four. I missed when I had just
two balls left to go into my third rack.
I call these shots foundation shots. Master
them and you will win many more games.

Thought for the day

I love my practice sessions.

Sneaky Strange


Lesson 83

Shoot this shot and gain position on the nine

ball by using a soft follow through draw.
Here you will be driving through the cue ball.
You will be forcing it to the rail. The sheer force
of it will bring it into the desired position. It is
important not to snap the cue ball. Do not use a
snap back draw. Force it with a soft follow through

Thought for the day

I believe in myself.

Sneaky Strange (cont.)

Lesson 84

In this shot, we are tempted to deliver a snap

back draw stroke. Sometimes the snap back will
work, but it is not consistent. Use a soft follow
through draw stroke with a little left center english.
Gently walk the cue ball into position for an easy
shot on the nine ball. Push your cue through the
cue ball. Avoid choppy, snappy strokes. Herky
jerky movement does not belong in this game. It
is not pretty.
What makes this sneaky strange is that you
are not really spinning the cue ball back to your
desired position. If you place the nine ball up near
the number three diamond, you will have to add
some snap back. The higher you want the cue
ball to come back, the more snap you put in your

Thought for the day

I have a unique gift.

Inside the Lines

Lesson 85

The reason there are so many shots in this les

son book is because you need to develop a certain
stroke to become a great player. All of these shots
are stroke developers. You must trust me and mas
ter each one of them. In this series I Point The
Way and you travel a successful journey, espe
cially on this shot. Snap the cue ball with center
right (inside) english. You will go to the bottom
rail and then the english will take your forward
for position on the nine. Make the sound of the
Cracker. You will love the results.

Thought for the day

All the rolls go my way.

Take What Is Offered You

Lesson 86

Very often we try to get more position than

the shot will allow. It is vital we recognize when
we are tempted to do this. In this shot we would
love to end up above the nine ball. But it is too
risky. Not only do we need to recognize that we
cannot do something, we also need to recognize
what we can do. We can build the skills to bring
the cue ball directly beneath the nine for an easy
winning shot. Master the speed of this shot. You
must be comfortable with the speed. Practice will
help you.
Sometimes we have to take our own medicine.
The position is what it is and we cant do much
better than cinch the shot and play for a tough shot.
We do not want to miss before we get a shot at the
winning ball. Lets lose the game on the money
ball rather than to lose it before the money ball.
Take your medicine and shoot the tough one when
it comes up.

Thought for the day

I automatically look for the natural shot.


Lesson 87

We cannot slow roll this shot for position on

the nine ball. Far better to go four rails. Be sure to
hesitate on your back stroke and use a slightly
above center hit. You will need to open your angle
to get a good hit on the second rail. A punch/follow stroke will serve you well on this shot.



Look at these four nine balls. If you shoot this

shot as illustrated you get perfect postion on any
of the nine balls. Four rails gives us a clear win
ning shot.

The Power Glide

Lesson 88

Here is a situation where you do not have a lot

of angle. You will need to power the cue ball three
rails for position. Do this in several shots, cutting
down the angle each time. You will be surprised
by how much energy you can put on the cue ball.
As the angle gets less and less, you will have to
use a stun to create more energy. You will need
some running english.
When you come upon this shot be sure to de
clare to ourself that this is The Power Glide. Vi
sualize the ball gliding around the table for posi
tion on the nine ball. Practice different angles so
you know automatically when you have to glide
around the table or use inside english and force
the cue ball into position.

Thought for the day

I control my life by controlling my time.

Sight the Rail

Illustration 1

Lesson 89

Illustration 2

There is great value in this shot. You will be

sighting into the rail. Dont look at the object ball.
Sight the cue ball into the space where you will
cut the object ball across the table into the corner
pocket. Your target however, is the rail. Keep your
eye on the exact spot where the cue ball will hit.
This will give you the desired cut shot. When we
look at the object ball we end up hitting it thick,
pushing it into the rail and hanging it in the corner
pocket for our opponent. Likewise with shot num
ber two. Sight in straight. Look past the ball to the
rail and deliver a pure stroke.

Thought for the day

I share my experience with a friend.

Jacking Up

Lesson 90

You must be able to shoot this shot. Often times

it is the difference between winning and losing. I
want you to have it. Jack up your cue and shoot
down on the cue ball. Pretend you are shooting a
jump shot. Snap the cue and draw the cue ball back
to the circle. Be sure to have a slight angle on your
shot. Out in Las Vegas I used this shot to gain po
sition on the winning ball. My opponent thought I
would end up going too far. Improve your skills
with this material. The Monk Billiard Academy is
going to have an army of shooters out there in three

Thought for the day

I master all The Monks shots.

Skill Level

Lesson 91

As you can see, the side pocket is not avail

able. Neither is the corner. I do not want you us
ing inside english if it is not necessary. Here we
are playing for position into the far corner. It is an
easy shot. We will need our skill level ability to
kill this cue ball with a snip draw and bring it into
position. You can do it in this situation and you
will recognize this skill level shot when it comes
up in another situation.
There are many times when we need to use
our intuition to play position for the corner pocket.
We must be able to instinctually bring the cue ball
to the long rail around the number two diamond
and then settle in for a nice clear shot into the cor
ner pocket. We feel the cue ball to the number two
diamond and the rest is easy. This comes from our
well developed instincts. We may want to consider
the 2-7-2 speed here. Say it in our minds so we
can prepare for the shot. To often when playing a
shot like this we get lazy and end up with the cue
ball freezing on the nine ball. Think it through.
Follow the ten commandments. You might even
consider using a little sneaky strange here.

Master Draw

Lesson 92

In a situation like this we are tempted to soft

draw the eight for a difficult cut shot on the nine
ball. Or we may elect to deliver a 2-7-2+4 stroke
on the eight and go back and forth. Actually, a 27-2+4 would require too much energy as the angle
is not natural. If we deliver the +4 we would have
to snap it off and could very well miss the shot all
together. There is an easy shot here. A simple
power draw. Once you hit the long rail on the other
side of the table, you are headed for easy position
for the nine ball. We must get close to our win
ning shots. In order to do so we must practice get
ting close. You do not want to deliver a power draw
when the money is on the line if you have not prac
ticed the power draw.
Monks Note: I hated to use the 2-7-2+3 in a close
game. The reason I was reluctant to use it is be
cause I did not practice it. So I put in my time on
the table and now am able to hit this shot. The
pressure of the shot does not bother me. You must
practice these shots.


Kill Shot


Lesson 93

In this case you have an angle on the eight

ball. In order to remain down table you will need
to deliver a kill shot. Remember the exercise on
the snip draw? You will need to use low outside
english and snip the cue ball with a lot of spin.
Allow the spin to throw the object ball, thereby
getting a fuller hit on the object ball, thus killing
the cue ball. The cue ball will go two rails and die
in perfect place for an easy shot on the winning
nine ball.

Thought for the day

I am solid in my stance; I never waver.

Speed, Slide, Speed

Lesson 94

There are many ways to play this shot. I want

you to master a follow through draw with speed.
You will need it during your career as a Monk
Billiard Academy champion. The follow through
draw will cause the cue ball to slide to the right
just before the reverse spin takes effect. You will
want this slide to get down table. The draw will
then take you to the rail and perfect position on
the winning nine ball. Do not give yourself a lot
of angle here. Force yourself to use a follow
through draw stroke.

Thought for the day

I will attend a Monk Billiard Academy Clinic in my
area when The Monk comes to town.

Creative Draw

Lesson 95

Here is a snap draw. You must pop the cue ball

to cover three rails for position on the nine ball in
the upper corner pocket. When you are in this shot,
you must feel the corner pocket position. Develop
your instincts with the draw.
Be sure to make the right choices. You are in
training. Always in training. Do the right thing
today, and it will become simple tomorrow.

Thought for the day

I take responsibility for all my shots.

Snappy Position

Lesson 96

Thought for the day

Here is a trap all of us have fallen into. We

cannot allow this to happen again. If we shoot the
six ball softly in order to get a good shot on the
seven ball, we end up in an awkward position to
make the seven and get to the eight. There is a
simple solution for you. You will use your snap
back draw with center hit on the cue ball, and go
three rails for shape on the seven. With the three
rail shape, you are ready to pocket the seven and
get to the eight. You do not want a shot on the
seven, where you will be going to the bottom rail.
You want to come across the table from the seven
so you can win the game. Once again, it is not
enough to master these shots. You must recognize
them when they come up. I am happy. You are
going to win a lot of games with this material.
When you play position, you are always play
ing position so you can get on the next ball, there
fore you always consider three balls the ball you
are shooting, and the angle you want on the next
ball, so you can get to the third ball.
My stroke causes oohs and aahs.


Two Choices


Lesson 97

You have two methods of achieving position

on the nine ball here. One, you can use your punch
stroke and go directly across the table. Two, you
can use the 2-7-2+3 and go to the bottom rail and
then to the long rail for position. In any case you
need to do what you are comfortable with. Still,
you must master both techniques.
I find the 2-7-2+3 works best for me. I am not
going to run into the nine ball with this shot. When
I come across the table I sometimes rattle the eight

Thought for the day

I hesitate on my back stroke every time.


Lesson 98

It is not enough to just make the ball with the

bridge. You must still play position. Practice the
2-7-2+2 on this shot using the bridge. Be sure to
deliver the pop. You may also experiment with
some 2-7-2+3s. Try some draw shots as well. Do
the 2-7-2+5. Master the use of the bridge and your
winning percentage will improve.

Thought for the day

I am faithful to my practice.

Dont Fall Short


Lesson 99

Here is a familiar pattern. You need to pocket

the seven ball and get back for the eight. You must
be sure to come back far enough. How many times
have you come up short and needed to execute a
thin cut on the eight and send the cue ball three
rails? Too often. We need to determine on every
shot what too far will do, and what too short
will do. As is the case with the seven ball, too
short leaves us in trouble. Too far is okay.
Practice this shot until you automatically rec
ognize when too short will put you in trouble.
Be comfortable with getting good position on the
eight ball. Do not allow yourself to lose another
game by coming up too short on this shot. Those
of you who skip over this shot will not get your

Thought for the day

I am faithful to my discipline that there are no easy
shots in this game.


Lesson 100

Set yourself up with a backwards cut shot.

Make sure it is one you think is almost impos
sible. Use low outside english, spin the ball with a
draw stroke, and watch the object ball fall into the
corner pocket. This is an advanced shot. You will
need to master it. It will win many games for you.
Work on the spin-draw-backwards-cut until you
understand how much you can cut a ball. Try to
get beyond what you think is possible. The draw
is the key to this shot. Do not slap at the cue ball.

Thought for the day

I share a smile and make a friend.

The Walker

Lesson 101

Here you have a straight in shot on the eight

ball. But you will need to get position on the nine
for the winning shot. Make up your mind that you
will be willing to follow the object ball into the
side pocket. You will use a force follow stroke,
with high left english. Deliver the stroke to follow
the eight ball into the pocket. The high left will
not allow the scratch. You will bounce to the left
and run to the rail and drift to perfect position on
the nine ball.

Thought for the day

My trust skills serve me well.

The Walker (cont.)

Lesson 102


This is the same type of shot. You will need to

focus on following this eight ball into the corner
pocket. Deliver a force follow stroke, with high
right english. The right english will enable you to
avoid the scratch. Be committed to your stroke on
the cue ball. You can actually shoot this shot when
you have a slight angle going the other way on the
eight ball. Try it. Youll like it.
When this shot comes up, or the Lesson 101
shot comes up, you must recognize them for what
they are. When you can see the shot, you can vi
sualize Lessons 101 and 102 and call upon your
training for success. This is why it is so important
for you to master every single lesson in this book.
When you do, all the shots are familiar to you.
You can name them and call upon your experi
ence. This will reduce your anxiety over the shot.
You have effectively reduced the interferences and
allowed yourself to deliver a one hundred percent
pure stroke.

Same Stroke for Different Folks

Lesson 103

Here are three familiar shots. Each will require

the same snappy stroke. Be sure to succeed with
each one. Note how similar the delivery is. Snap
the cue ball and enjoy the position. You will get
into this situation many times in your career. Do
not skip over this lesson. Each shot is important.

Thought for the day

My practice is the finals.

Same Stroke for Different Folks (cont.)

Lesson 104

Does this look familiar? It is the 2-7-2+4. Re

member to deliver a nice crack to your stroke.
No holding back. Your position on the winning
nine ball is automatic. All you need to do is de
liver the proper 2-7-2+4 stroke.

Thought for the day

I value winning.

Same Stroke for Different Folks (cont.)

Lesson 105

Snap the cue ball and enjoy the position. Fa

vor outside english. Do not use too much left as it
will kill speed. A crisp punch stroke will serve
you well.You will get into this situation many times
in your career. Do not skip over this lesson. Each
shot is important.

Thought for the day

I Came To Win.

+5 Extended

Lesson 106

You will need to extend the 2-7-2+5 for posi

tion on the eight ball under the nine. Snap draw
the cue ball with extreme force and use the rail to
gain position. Once again, you will sharpen your
instincts with this shot. You will be building your
skills. Remember, think 2-7-2+5 and triple the

Thought for the day

I deserve to win.

Slow Rollin With Speed

Lesson 107

Here is a shot we see many times when our

opponent has hung a ball. We are not ready to
shoot. But here it is. An easy shot to win. If we are
Monk Billiard Academy players we know there
are no easy shots in this game. We take every shot
seriously. And this one has some problems built
in. First of all, it is difficult to deliver a winning
shot when you were not prepared to shoot. So you
must take your time. Here you deliver a slow roller
with a thin cut to control your speed. A thin cut
does not interfere with the natural speed of the
cue ball. You must have good position on the eight
ball if you hope to finish the winning nine ball.
Practice this until you can feel the speed. Commit
yourself to a thin hit on the seven, so you can con
trol your speed for the eight ball.

Thought for the day

My game is a picture of my unlimited skills.

Spin Softly, Darling

Lesson 108

You must be committed to position on this shot

if you are ever to end up with a good shot on the
nine ball. Here you have a slight angle going the
other way on the seven ball. Use high right with
your finest spin stroke and catch the long rail with
enough spin to reduce your angle on the eight ball.
You do not want to go up and down on the eight.
A spin stroke will set you up for the winning shot.
Any time you end up with an up and down on
the eight ball, consider it a failure.

Thought for the day

My position is only good when I make the shot.

Dont Cross My Path

position space

Lesson 109

There are times when we have several options.

There is more than one way to get favorable posi
tion. But it is not a matter of personal choice. We
have heard the phrase, Every player sees things
differently. That is not such a good idea. We see
things based upon our knowledge at the time. But
as we travel along this journey, our knowledge in
creases. And this lesson gives us a chance to in
grain certain principals regarding position play.
Perhaps you would choose to punch the ball and
follow the solid line to position. If youve chosen
the punch path, you have gone too far on many
occasions and ended up playing the nine in the
same corner. As you can see, your position space
is very limited. You are crossing your position
space. If you choose a 2-7-2+3 path, along the
dotted line, you will see your space is limitless. If
you go to far, you still have a good shot. This shot
should be your model from now on.

Thought for the day

I am faithful to my practice.

Shock Effect


Lesson 110


The six ball is in line with the number seven

diamond on the short rail. The cue ball is in be
tween the six and seven diamond. There is only
one shot here and it is not that hard. You will cut
the object ball into the side pocket and go on to
win the game. Your opponent is left in shock. Dont
pass this shot by. Master it. You will win a game
with this shot.
Granted this may be a low percentage shot.
However, we remind ourselves that We Came To
Win and it is this concept that enables us to be
aggressive and set the tone for a winning perfor
mance. If we back off now, we may not be able to
turn it on later. You will never win any games play
ing defense. At some point you will need to play
offense. And the nature of your efforts are what
sets the tone. When you steal a game such as this,
you create more value to what you are doing. With
the Shock Effect, you are showing your oppo
nent what a Ripper is all about. If you do not
have a copy of my book I Came To Win, order it

Attack the Problem


Lesson 111

Here is a pattern that causes the death of many

pool players. Some try to slow roll the six for po
sition on the seven in the corner pocket. Often,
they end up with a tough cut with no chance to
control the cue ball. The right shot here is to set
up for the seven in the side pocket. And the eight
could hook you. But we will attack the possible
trouble by going right at the eight. If we hit the
eight, we are still in good shape. This calls for a
simple punch stroke. Visualize the natural track
line. It takes you directly at the eight ball. We are
highly trained in the delivery of a punch stroke.
Punch the cue ball with a slight below center hit
and get ready for an easy side pocket on the seven.
You will have control of your finish. Do not skip
over this shot. And remember the lesson here. We
do not avoid trouble, we attack it. We are in con

Thought for the day

I never get hooked behind balls. (stop laughing)

Be Particular

Lesson 112

This may seem like a rather routine shot, but I

want you to recognize an innocent trap. Observe
the line from the ball to the rail. If you try to nurse
the cue ball along that line and stop short, you
will have no shot on the nine ball. When this situ
ation comes up, be sure to snap the cue ball to the
rail and back out. If the cue ball leaves the rail,
you are in great shape. In addition and this will
save your life you always want an angle on this
shot. Never, never, never play for straight in. If it
is not the last shot on the table, you will need an
angle to move the cue ball to another position. This
seems innocent, but we must be aware of the po
tential danger involved. You have a slight angle
going the wrong way. What do you do to get the
cue ball coming straight back? Of course, you
deliver a snap-back draw stroke.

Thought for the day

I am rock solid in my stance, I do not sway.

Road Kill


Lesson 113

I call this shot Road Kill because I had it in

Las Vegas. I needed to draw the cue ball away from
the nine, but not down table where I would have
no shot. A snip draw would work, but I could not
cue the ball in the low right position necessary for
the shot. Here I needed to stun the cue ball back
wards with a snap thud/skid stroke and slide to
wards the object ball, picking up backward spin
just before making contact. Not an easy shot. But
its nice when you know how to do it. Jack up the
cue and act like you are going to deliver a jump
shot. Snap through the cue ball in a soft quick
manner, skidding the cue ball across the table. You
snap it, but not hard. Think stun backwards. You
will be working on this one for a while.

Thought for the day

I enjoy learning the game.

Let Nature Take Its Course


Lesson 114

Now is a nice time to deliver 2-7-2+4. Once

you hit the long rail, you are in perfect line for the
eight ball in the corner pocket. This is not an au
tomatic shot. You control the cue ball. While you
are at it, the shot you end up with on the eight ball
is a seldom practiced shot by anyone other than a
Monk Billiard Academy player. You and I know
we must master the long straight shot into the cor
ner pocket if we are to take our rightful place in
the billiards hall of fame. We must practice our
straight in shot even when we are not straight in.

Thought for the day

When you shoot, shoot; dont wobble.





Section Three
A Dynamic Workout



Know When


Lesson 115

Place the cue ball in each of the X positions

and determine when you need to go up and down
for position. Develop a personal instinct for how
much of an angle you can have and still kill the
cue ball and how much of an angle forces you to
go up and down. Take some time to master this
concept. You should never get into a situation
where you are not sure. So often, when this situa
tion comes up, we are not sure whether to slow
roll it or go one rail or two rails. This indecision
cost us our shot. Know when to go one rail or two
rails. Do not pass over this lesson. It is vital for a
champion to understand his limits. Note the dif
ference between the one rail stroke and the two
rail stroke. This is why we must not be caught in

Thought for the day

I never shoot before I am ready.

Two Rail Speed

Lesson 116

It is always good to work on your speed con

trol. It does not come easy. In this shot, you will
need to go two rails, back and forth for position
on the winning shot. Most of these exercises look
easy. They are not dramatic. There is no deep se
cret held by the masters. Becoming a great player
takes a lot of patience, working on the little things.
This two rail shape shot will win you more games
than a throw combination carom. Be comfortable
with this kind of speed and we will meet in the
finals. Once you master the simple stuff, you be
come the master.
For a long time I wondered why I won so many
games against players who were as good as me if
not better. Why was I the one who was coming
out on top? It was in the little things I did on my
practice table. Working on these subtle things gave
me skills that were not obvious when I was shoot
ing. But they became apparent in my victories.

Thought for the day

Be faithful to yourself.

Back and Forth

Lesson 117

I include this in The Lesson because we have

lost too many games by trying to go one rail on
this shot. First of all, we should avoid slow rollin
a cut shot like this. It is to easy to push the shot. In
addition, we are coming across the seam between
the slates. If they are not perfect, and many are
not, there will be a little roll here. Far better to use
a stun/punch with a slightly above center hit and
move the cue ball three rails. This allows you to
strike the cue ball with confidence. It takes away
the push. Once you come off the second rail, your
position is guaranteed. Be sure to master this shot.
Learn to recognize it. You will be smiling in the
winners circle where you belong.

Thought for the day

I use all the Monks tools to win.

Nice Touch

Lesson 118

This is a very difficult shot. I have never seen

it in any book before. As you can see, you must
pocket the six and go back and forth for the seven.
If you use an above center hit to go forward, you
will end up on the lower side of the seven. Still,
you need to go forward to miss the eight ball. So
you will need a center hit with soft stun on the cue
ball. This way you get a direct track line to the
second rail, and a forward one for position on the
seven. It is all in the stroke. When you master this
lesson, you will increase your skill for other shots.
Dont pass this by. I am pulling for you all the
way. Lets meet in the finals with this skill.

Thought for the day

I am a Monk Master.

The Fearsome Foursome

Lesson 119

Here you will be going four rails, back and

fourth for position on the nine. There is a trick to
going four rails. Line it up. Sight it. And deliver
your break shot. The force will take you four rails
every time. Snap the cue ball as if you are break
ing the rack. Be committed. Visualize the rack.

Thought for the day

I trust my stroke.

Around The Horn

Lesson 120

Around the Horn. Set this two shot pattern

up and master it. Master the ability to see the shot
when it comes up. You will be glad you did. Too
often we try to baby the eight ball for two-rail
shape. You stand to push the eight ball thick
when you try to be soft. It can be done, but you
will need to adjust for the push. By going four
rails, you have the freedom to shoot this shot and
your guaranteed good position. Be sure your stance
is rock solid. You will need a pure hit on the cue
ball to achieve the four rail distance. Your stance
should be solid, balanced and comfortable. Your
cue needs to be level. Get close to the cue ball.
Grip loose, wrist straight up and down, and let the
results be just that.
The sound of your stroke is very important. It
should sound like the cracker. Be committed to
this shot.

Thought for the day

I depend on a rock solid stance.

Inside The Horn

Lesson 121

Here you will use a little inside english to go

up and down for an easy shot on the nine ball.
Once again, it is of low percentage to try to shoot
this shot softly. The push effects makes it un
predictable. The inside english tends to bounce the
cue ball once it makes contact with the eight ball.
You need to flick your wrist to compensate for the
bounce, and make an adjustment for the speed.
Remember, when we use inside english, we affect
the speed once the cue ball contacts the short rail.
I include these horn shots because they will cost
you games if you do not master them. And I dont
want that on my shoulders.

Thought for the day

I always have a level cue when I shoot.

Stay Alert


Lesson 122

Every one of these dynamic workouts are vi

tal to your game. You must first learn to recognize
the problem. Then develop the ability to overcome
them. In order to succeed with lesson number 122,
you will need to go two rails with the six ball. The
location of the nine ball will force you to use a
great stroke. You will need the ability to deliver a
crisp punch stroke with one half cue tip above
center to bring the cue ball two rails underneath
the nine ball. You must visualize exactly what you
want the cue ball to do. See the line. If you are not
at the star, you will have a difficult time running
this table. Make up your mind to succeed with this

Thought for the day

Perseverance gets me everywhere.

Get Past The Trouble

Lesson 123

In a situation like this many players will draw

the cue ball back for a shot in the side pocket. A
smart idea if you go two rails. The two rail posi
tion zone is wider than a simple draw to the seven
ball. Remember, you will need to get to the eight
ball after pocketing the seven. So you must get
the proper position from the six ball.
Since these situations seldom come up, we fail
to recognize the trap when it appears. After our
failure we pass it off as poor execution. We dont
learn the inner dynamics of good position play. I
have seen players like yourself lose because you
drew back and froze on the seven ball. It has been
my honor to watch you play for many years. This
dynamic workout is the answer to your problems
with runouts. You can count on me. I will not let
you down. May all the rolls go your way, in
addition to,May you always do the right thing.

Thought for the day

Be faithful to yourself.

The Monks Famous 14 Ball Exercise

Lesson 124

This workout is not for the perfectionist. It is

difficult to succeed with this workout. You begin
by using the thirteen balls as the cue ball and shoot
the number one ball into the corner pocket. Your
cue ball then becomes your object ball. Use one
of the remaining balls in the pattern to pocket that
object ball. You must strive to keep your cue
ball in the zone.
This exercise leaves you a lot of long tough
slow rollers. You will be amazed by what you can
do with these shots. The Monks Famous 14 Ball
Exercise will help you increase your skills in all
parts of this wonderful game. I have succeeded
with this exercise many times. Still, my success
ratio is around twenty percent. I am happy because
by doing it, I strengthen my will skills and

Thought for the day

I work for every shot.

Embrace the Law of Least Effort

I embrace the law of least effort. With freedom,

I deliver the winning stroke on each of the four
teen shots. Freedom from expectations, freedom
from fear. I accept things as they are; there
fore, I have no resistance cluttering up my mind.
This is the law of least effort. Nature never tries
to do anything. Look at the bird, it does not try
to fly, it flies. Look at the dandelion, it does not
try to grow, it grows.


Four Ball Force Follow

Lesson 125

By now you are familiar with my four ball

exercise. You saw a great demonstration of it in
my video, The Monk 101. In this four ball exer
cise, you will be using your force follow stroke to
take the cue ball to the bottom rail and back out
on each shot. See if you can complete the four
balls without a miss.
This four ball force follow exercise is a great
tool for warming up before a tournament. It gets
you loose. Warm up by yourself to develop a good
rhythm and stroke. Let the hectic environment fil
ter into your immune system until you are unaware
of movement. Familiarize yourself with the sights,
smells and sounds of the place. Get a good rhythm,
stroke, and turn in a fine performance. The force
follow is a great stroke developer. You will be glad
you used this exercise.

Thought for the day

I love competition. I welcome it.

The Foursome (1)

Lesson 126

This series of four shots is a great test of your

skill. Each shot demands an ability you should
have developed by now. You will be calling on your
control of stroke to succeed with The Foursome.
It takes a few moments for me to reach this level
of execution, but when I do I can deliver each of
the shots in sequence several times over.
Shot number one is a full table kill shot. When
I am shooting this shot well, I am in tune with the
crack sound of my stroke. I snap the cue ball,
impart spin, and kill the speed when I reach the
object ball. As you can see, you are playing for
position on the nine ball in the opposite corner

Thought for the day

The nine ball doesnt know it is the nine ball.

The Foursome (2)


Lesson 127

You will be leaving the kill shot (snip draw),

and using a punch stroke to bring the cue ball
across the table for position on the object ball in
the same corner pocket. The trick here is the hit
on the cue ball. You do not want to scratch in the
side pocket. A pure punch stroke will do that. So
you will need to pinpoint exactly where to hit the
cue ball to bring the line directly across the table.
Develop an understanding between the different
strokes on shot one and shot two. Since it is all in
the stroke, all you need to do is decide what stroke
you are using and use your trust skills. Let go.
Deliver the stroke and the cue ball will do its job.

Thought for the day

I win with grace, I lose with grace.

The Foursome (3)


Lesson 128

This is my favorite shot. Look familiar? Its

the 2-7-2+3. You will be using a force follow, with
inside english to achieve position to pocket the
ball in the same pocket. Once again, you are let
ting the stroke do the work. The Foursome gives
you a perfect illustration of how the strokes work
with each shot. I know you will work hard on this
Sometimes I get a partner and we do it together.
He/she shoots from one end while I shoot from
the other. We compete. You cannot move on until
you have completed the shot you are on. It is a lot
of fun and helps to develop your skills.

Thought for the day

I do not bother myself with limits.

The Foursome (4)

Lesson 129

Here we are extending the line to play posi

tion for a ball at our end of the tale. Once again,
you are building your skills, especially your abil
ity to control the speed of the cue ball. This is
important. To be able to feel the speed of this shot
is mastery of the game. The Foursome will do
wonders for your stroke. Time after time you will
be faced with the need to be able to deliver this
series of shots. Take the time to master them. You
and I will be glad you did.

Thought for the day

My follow through is precise.

The Foursome (4)

Remember, you have an intention.You are filled

with intention. Intention cannot exist without
desire. Recognize this truth and you will work
with each lesson. The intention and desire will
carry you through the tough times.Your nervous
system knows of this desire. If we are not free,
our nervous system cannot serve us. Remember,
we need to be free. Then our intention and de
sire can have their way. This is the groundwork
for the effortless flow of our potential.



Mid-Term Exam

Lesson 130

It is now time to check our progress. We know

what we want, we take the action to achieve it,
and we measure our progress along the way. The
Mid-Term Exam is just such a tool for measuring
your progress with The Lesson.
Break a rack of nine ball, using your finest
break stroke. Note the level of your break stroke
on a scale from one to ten. On each of your nine
ball breaks, be sure to focus on the head ball and
deliver a direct hit. Dont settle for just smashing
the racks open. Break as if you are on the hill with
your opponent. In practice work as hard as we do
in a real game. After the break, take the two low
est balls off the table and begin with ball in hand.
Here is how you score the inning.
a. run out with ball in hand equals 1 point
b. your first run out gives you the opportunity
to break and run a second rack.
c. a run out in the second rack gives you a
total of 4 points in that inning.


Mid-Term Exam (cont.)

If you make the nine ball on the break, you get 1

point. You may spot it and take two ball off the
table and begin your run out. In this case, if you
run the second rack you will be getting a total of 5
points for that inning.
You also have the option of a declare if you
break the balls, make a ball on the break, and have
a clear shot on the one ball. You can then say, I
declare, if you make a ball on the first break in
the inning. You cannot declare on the second
break. You get 1 point extra for a successful de
clare. You must then attempt to run the rack with
out removing the two lowest balls, and without
taking ball in hand.
We play five innings. If you shoot a perfect
score, with one declare your total would be 21
If you were perfect, with a declare and a 9
ball break, your score would be 22 points.
I have designed this work out to test your pat
tern skills. You will also test your break. You will
also test your will skills. The point system adds
pressure to the test. You will be tested on how you
view each inning. You must play five innings. If
you fail on the first four, note how hard you work
on the final inning. You must develop the skills to
work hard on each and every inning regardless of
the score. Sometimes, when we know we cannot
post a good score, we give up. I dont want you to
do that. If you fail early, be sure to finish strong.
Test your will skills. If you pass, you strengthen
them for the future. On each and every shot, you
are giving one hundred percent. You are focused
and ready to succeed.
8 to 12 points is a
13 to 15 points is a
16 or better is an


Mid-Term Exam (cont.)

If you are passing the Mid Term Exam at the

A level, you are a first class shooter. You have the
skills of a master. I am proud of you.
Test yourself to see if you can shoot one ball
at a time. When you have the score in your mind,
you have left the professional zone and entered
the amateur zone. Shoot without thinking. It is very
difficult in the Mid Term Exam. But you are al
ways working on your professional skills. The Mid
Term Exam is merely a measurement of your
progress. It does not tell you who you are. Know
what you want. Take action and measure your
progress. Do this with the Mid Term Exam.


The Three Options



Lesson 131

Shoot this shot three ways, First, use a power

follow stroke and go around the nine ball. You will
need to strike high on the cue ball to go forward,
and use right to length out the angle to go around
the nine. In the second consideration, use your best
punch stroke, sort of like a 2-7-2+4, and go to the
bottom rail and back out for a shot on the nine.
You will be familiar with the sound of this shot: a
crack! And in the third shot, use a power draw and
race to the long rail for a good shot on the nine. In
all cases, the nine will be pocketed in the same
corner pocket. Be sure to master the ability to fol
low these three options. You will need this skill,
especially in the game of nine ball. The Three
Options are fun to work with.

Thought for the day

I control my shots by controlling my strokes.

Be Particular


Lesson 132

Here is a great pattern. You will win many more

games with this skill. The ability to see the entire
shot is paramount to winning. In this case, you
need to pocket the seven and recognize that you
need an angle on the eight ball if you are to get to
the nine ball. The seven is the last half of a 2-72+3. Get to the center of the table. The eight ball
is a 2-7-2+1. You can see how valuable it is to
look at the entire shot. I will be with you when
you reach the winners circle.

Thought for the day

I always think things through.

Play To Your Strength


Lesson 133

I include these relatively simple exercises here

because I have seen, time and time again, players
fail to win the games they were supposed to. Each
of these exercises will answer questions you may
not have the experience to ask. For instance, in
this pattern the layout is simple. Pocket three balls
and you win. Far better to think it all the way
through and play for a familiar shot. After pocket
ing the seven, end up with a 2-7-2+2 on the eight
ball. You may wonder why not play for a 2-7-2+1
on the eight ball? Your position zone for a 2-72+1 shot would be too close to the eight ball. If
you were off an inch or more, you would lose the
shot. Playing 2-7-2+2 gives you a bigger zone. A
comprehensive understanding of the 2-7-2+5 pro
gram will improve your runout percentage.

Thought for the day

I believe in The Monks work.

A Snap Decision


Lesson 134

So often we blow this shot. Our stroke is rather

tentative and we end up with a difficult side pocket
shot on the winning ball. We think the cue ball
will come back. But our stroke did not have enough
snap in it. When the cue ball ends up in a for
eign place, we are confused during the next shot.
This adds to our reasons for failure. Be sure to
recognize this situation when it comes up. You
must snap the cue ball to the long rail, near the
side pocket. Be committed to the snap. You may
think about scratching in the side pocket. Be sure
to deliver the winning stroke. Dont take it lightly.
Not long ago I attended a big league event in
Maine as a guest of The Skillful Vending Com
pany. Ross Furman invited me up for the eight
ball tournaments. I had attended this event ten
years prior and they wanted me back for this spe
cial occasion. Ray and Lyne Coate do a fine job
putting this all together. In that tournament, I saw
time and time again players losing games because
they did not recognize the Snap Decision. I want
you to win the next game you play that calls for a
Snap Decision.

The First Shot Is The Key


Lesson 135

The first shot in almost every attempted runout

is the key to your success. It is nice to know what
it takes to get desired position. In a case such as
this, we end up with a punch slide on the seven
ball. So we will need to use our 2-7-2+2 knowl
edge and extend the angle off the bottom rail to
reach the number three diamond and come out for
our slide shot on the seven. As you can see, a natu
ral 2-7-2+2 will bring us to the number two dia
mond. This will not work. So we extend the line
with english. You can do it. On the seven, we use
our punch slide skills to slide over for an easy shot
on the eight. Be sure to leave a slight angle so you
can use a 2-7-2+1 stroke for perfect position on
the nine ball.
Caution: Do not think the slide shot on the seven
is easy.

Thought for the day

I share my experience with others.

I See, Therefore I Win


Lesson 136

Here is another very important workout. I of

fer these lessons because I have seen too many
players lose from this very layout. First, you must
have the skills to pull it off. Second, you must be
able to recognize the situation when it comes up.
Playing position for nine ball A you will shoot
a 2-7-2+2 on the seven and bring the cue ball to
the place marked X. You are skilled in this fine art
so you have no reason to be anxious over your
success. You are simply shooting Lesson 36.
Playing position for nine ball B you will shoot
a 2-7-2+2 and extend the line all the way to the
number two diamond and down table for an easy
shot on the eight ball. From here you will be able
to drift down table for the nine.

Thought for the day

My love for this game shows in my dedication.

Be Free 2

Lesson 137

Often times we try to kill the eight ball and

shoot the nine ball into side pocket marked X. We
need to be free on the pressure shots. Shoot the
eight ball with a punch stroke and slide to posi
tion on the center of the table. Far better to be free
than to try anything complicated like a spin kill
shot. I include this workout here so you will rec
ognize this situation when it comes up. Be Free
is the cousin to going two rails instead of trying to
hold up the cue ball. Dont fight the cue ball. Go
with the flow. Let it go where it wants to go.

Thought for the day

My stroke is smooth, straight and solid.

A Spot Check



Lesson 138

I will give you a hint. Each shot must be shot

correctly or you will have a tough time at the fin
ish line. If you are having trouble, you may call
me for help. Do not shoot the 7 in the corner
pocket, A.
We seek the uncertainty of a match. In all
matches, there is uncertainty. This is our desire,
to enter the world of uncertainty. Therefore, we
are detached from the results. We are players in
the game. The results are just that. In our de
tachment, we are free to perform.We have inten
tion, but we are not attached to the results.

Thought for the day

Success is mine.

Speed Control

Lesson 139

This is a rewarding workout. Shoot the seven,

go to the long rail with straight high english, and
get good position on the eight. Be sure to use a
nice click follow stroke. Shoot the eight ball,
and go to the bottom rail so you will have good
position on the nine ball. You will face this chal
lenge to your skills many times during your ca
Be sure to set this up and do it. You will be
amazed by how difficult it is. You will get feed
back to your speed skills. This information is vi
tal to your development.

Thought for the day

I am graceful in winning and graceful in losing.

Having Fun with 2-7-2+1

Lesson 140

The one, two and three balls are 2-7-2+1s. You

must end up with a straight in shot on the four
ball so you can use your 2-7-2+5 stroke. Then you
will be ready to finish up with two more 2-7-2+1s.
One day, after a lesson with an advanced stu
dent, I set up this exercise. She was having coffee
and I was restless. I delivered three perfect 2-72+1 strokes and ended up with the 2-7-2+5. I suc
ceeded with that and finished the workout with
two 2-7-2+1s. She was inspired and wanted to try
it for herself. After one hour working on this lay
out, she gave up without success. I offered it to
another student who had difficulty with it. Another
time, in Seattle, I offered this pattern to the class
and I could not succeed with it. We need to check
our skills from time to time. When you master the
2-7-2+5 program, you will be able to succeed with
this lesson. It is great to work on. Dont pass it

Thought for the day

I never get discouraged.

Knowing Your Lines

Lesson 141

Here is a nice pattern to work with. You will

need your best 2-7-2+5 stroke on the six ball. Be
sure to leave an angle on the seven so you can use
your 2-7-2+1 to get across the table for a straight
in shot on the eight ball. Then you will use your
snap back draw stroke for an easy shot on the nine
ball. This exercise will improve your game. I have
found, time and time again, a situation like this,
ending a winning streak. If you are to be a great
player, you must be great with simple layouts.
Knowing Your Lines will help you reach the fi
nals where I am waiting for you. Work hard. I am
not going to wait very long.

Thought for the day

I go down into my stance when I am ready to

I Have Just Been Killed


Lesson 142

This is a killer pattern. You are on the rail, with

a long shot on the eight ball. The nine is just above
the side pocket. If you shoot the eight ball with
too much speed you will end up with a scratch
shot on the nine. By slow rolling it, you stand a
better chance to miss the eight ball. A 2-7-2+3 is
not possible because you are on the rail. Your left
english will not take. This is tough. I include it
here because you need this skill. Work on this pat
Find the answer for yourself. I slow roll it and
take a tough shot on the nine. There are times when
I play safe. I bunt the eight ball three rails to the
other side of the table. Recognize when you are in
a tough situation. It is not always possible to run
out, even though you have a shot in front of you.

Thought for the day

My grip is firm, but loose.

Look Familiar?



Lesson 143

Thought for the day

You may look at this as the Four Ball Exer

cise but it is not. The difference here is the de
mand on your position play. The key ball in this
run is the six ball. After you pocket the five ball
with your finest punch stroke, you need to be far
enough out for a 2-7-2+1. If you come up short,
and end up with a 2-7-2+2, you will be flirting
with a possible block from the nine ball to the
seven ball. A 2-7-2+1 will allow you to simply
come across the table for a 2-7-2+1 on the seven,
ending up with a 2-7-2+1 on the eight, ending up
with a winning shot on the nine. These patterns
show you how important it is to be precise in our
position. You have been trained by the finest in
structor in the country. You are a Monk Billiard
Academy student and all the material you need is
right here. When you have mastered every lesson,
contact me for a final exam and further instruc
tion. You are ready to become a Monk Billiard
Academy advanced degree instructor. You are
ready to help others with this difficult game.
My mind is quiet when I am ready to shoot the


The Pattern From Hell

Lesson 144

One of my advanced students called this The

Pattern From Hell. It is. The object is to run this
rack of nine ball without allowing the cue ball to
touch another ball. I have done it many times. And
each time my technique is different. Therefore, I
have no concrete instructions to give you. It will
take all your skill. That is what you want to dis
play from time to time anyway. So, good luck. It
takes concentration, perseverance and a little luck.

Thought for the day

Where did The Monk come up with this stuff?

2-7-2+2 With Purpose

Lesson 145

Here you are learning to control your track line

off the 2-7-2+2 shot. You need to extend to get a
straight in shot on each of the object balls. This is
fun to work with. It checks your 2-7-2+2 control.
Place one object ball at a time.
We will be going back to the 2-7-2 and the +5
shots many times during our journey. The 2-7-2+5
is the backbone of our game. This is our personal
ritual. We need to think about our game and begin
an action. Once we spring into action, we develop
a habit. Habit builds character, and character gives
us our destiny. Get the 2-7-2 series into your ha
bitual ritual and you will become a fine, fine
When I enter the tournament I step into the
field of uncertainty. When I do that, I step into
the world of all possibilities. This is where the
fun, magic and joy come in.

Thought for the day

I love this material.

2-7-2+3 With Purpose

Lesson 146

We begin this pattern with a 2-7-2+3. This shot

calls for a little more punch in our stroke. We want
to tighten the track line into the corner and come
up for a nice 2-7-2+3 on the two ball. Once again
we need to call upon our skills. By this time in our
journey, we should have the skills to succeed with
this very difficult pattern. Now we deliver a bril
liant Killing Me Softly on the three ball, and
allow ourselves to come up short so we can play a
nice shot on the four ball.

Thought for the day

I am always ready to take my turn at the table.







Section Four
Strategy Play



Smart Choice

Lesson 147

Here we simply bank the eight ball up near

the nine ball, and allow the cue ball to go the op
posite rail. When the game gets to this level, you
are about to enter into a safety game. Do not resist
this level, do not resist this concept. Expect your
opponent to answer your safety with a safety of
his own. You are willing to go back and forth until
you get the advantage. Often times, we think we
will have a shot following our great safety. If this
doesnt happen, we are anxious to deliver the win
ning shot. Thus we may be lured into an aggres
sive mistake. Be patient. When you are entered
into a safety game, stay with it until you get a clear

Thought for the day

I will play for an advantage no matter how long it

Straight Pool Shot

Lesson 148

Thought for the day


Once again, if we elect to bank the eight ball,

we are not guaranteed a shot on the nine. Why
risk a tough shot, to gain an even tougher one?
Here is a fine opportunity to play a great safety.
Develop the ability to cut the eight ball up table,
but not as far as the side pocket. And bring the
cue ball back near the corner pocket. It would be
tough to answer your safety.
When you set up these lessons, take the time
to look at them. Enter them into your pool com
puter. This way, when you are faced with a diffi
cult situation, you will know what to do.
When you play a safety shot do not think de
fense. Do not get into a defensive mode. Look at
the safety you want to play and decide that this is
a winning shot. It is a shot that will gain you the
advantage. You are trying to win the game. Take
the time to see the entire shot from beginning to
end. Never shoot a safety because you are afraid
of a shot. If there is a shot on the table, take it. Go
for it. You came to win.
I play for myself. I do not play for anyone else.
Therefore, if I am a slow player, I will remain a slow
player. If I am a fast player, I will remain a fast
player. I play at my own speed, for myself.

The Grady Crunch

Lesson 149

Here is a shot Grady Mathews taught me. You

will not make a lot of money with combinations.
Especially if you have to cut the first ball. This
puts english on the ball, which in turn puts more
english on the second ball, which spins it, squirts
it, pushes it, throws it, and usually hangs it in the
corner pocket where spin squirt, push and throw
have no effect. We should avoid combinations.
Here is a good safety if you can pull it off. Bank
the eight ball to the bottom rail. Use a follow stroke
to spin the cue ball up to the nine. Before you shoot
this shot, take the cue ball and place it against the
nine ball. Put the eight on the bottom rail. See how
this safety works? You have given your opponent
no shot when you can get the cue ball against the
nine, Now that you understand the shot, you are
well on your way to mastering it. By the way, when
you see Grady, tell him thanks. And you might
consider buying his fine videos which have helped
many players.

Thought for the day

I never forget a lesson.

Hide and Go-Seek

Lesson 150

We could cut the eight ball across the rail, but

the position on the nine ball would not be guaran
teed. Remember, we do not take a hard shot when
we are not promised a reward. A good safety on
the eight ball will win us many games. And we
have one here. Bank the eight to the long rail, and
down to the short rail. Leave the cue ball behind
the nine. A full table kick shot is difficult. Espe
cially when the game is on the line. Do not settle
for reading this lesson. Practice it until you are
the master. It is not enough to be able to hit the
shot. You must recognize it when it comes up.

Thought for the day

My journey in this game is my reward.

Our First Safety

Lesson 151

This is the first safety we learn. Use your

punch stroke on the eight ball and stop the cue
ball right there. The eight will go four rails and
down the other end. This will leave your oppo
nent a tough kick. Be sure of what you want to do
here. If you are not center ball on the cue ball, it
will drift right or left and leak out for a shot. If
you overstroke the punch stroke, you may draw
the cue ball back out. A pure Monk Billiard Acad
emy punch stoke will do the job. You are the mas
ter of this shot.

Thought for the day

My confidence comes from within.

Separation Stress

Lesson 152

Once again, we do not bank a ball when our

position is in doubt. Here is a fine opportunity to
separate the balls. Send the cue ball to the bottom
rail at the other end of the table, while the eight
ball goes under the nine ball. You will be using a
little spin on the cue ball. The spin will carry you
to the end of the table. This way, you can focus on
the speed to bring the eight behind the nine ball.
In all safety shots, we have a focus. One element
is most important. Getting the cue ball to the bot
tom rail will be our primary focus for this shot. If
your attention is divided between two balls, you
may not succeed with either one of them. There
fore, we need to be clear about what we want to

Thought for the day

I am not divided on my purpose.

One Mission At A Time

Lesson 153

The bank shot is out. We are going to play safe.

Since we are below the eight ball, we will have a
difficult time. This time we will bank the eight
ball up table. But our primary purpose will be to
place the cue ball behind the nine ball. You will be
leaving your opponent a difficult shot and putting
the wining percentages in your corner. A spin
stroke will help you accomplish your mission. Re
member, focus on one aspect of your goal.
Once I was in a match where my opponent
held a comfortable lead. I was feeling the stress
of losing. I knew I could do only one thing to get
back into this match. When I get back to the
table, I told myself, I will not let him have an
other easy out. I will take over and make it tough
for him. I switched to a conservation mode. If he
is to win, he will have to earn it. Having a plan
gave me confidence. Confidence improved my
performance. I was able to close the gap. The tough
shots I was leaving him began to take a toll on his
game. It was not long before we were hill and hill
and I was able to rip the match away from him.


Nudge Me Gently


Lesson 154

Here is a skill that will serve you for years to

come. The ability to run the cue ball up to the nine
and send the eight to the bottom rail will come in
handy. We avoid combinations, especially when
we have a lock up safety.
Use your follow stroke and focus on the cue
ball. Be sure however, you get the eight ball to the
rail. If you are frozen to the nine, your opponent
has no shot. If you are behind the nine ball, your
opponent is still in trouble. Just as we avoid com
bination and bank shots, we would hate to make a
living with kick shots. Leave those for your oppo
nent. This safety comes up in the game of Eight
Ball as well.

Thought for the day

I do not make a judgement on my performance.

A Tough Call

Lesson 155

This is one of the toughest safeties in the game.

A full table thin hit on the object ball is always a
hard shot. But it is one we need to master. And it
will take time for you to master this wonderful
shot. A weapon like this is not for the faint of heart.
This shot calls for a thin hit. And our focus should
be on the cue ball. Thin hit the eight with spin, go
three rails with the cue ball, and end up behind
the nine. If you thin hit the eight ball, you will
leave the eight ball on the bottom rail. This is a
good safety in itself. If your cue ball settles be
hind the nine ball, you are in great shape. Dont
pass this lesson by. You will use this technique in
many ways during your career, and you will have
a feeling of confidence when the shot comes up.
If you fear this shot, you are not the master. Stay
with it.

Thought for the day

My goal is to master the game.

Inside One Time

Lesson 156

Here we will be using inside english to take

the cue ball one rail. Our goal is to bank the eight
around the nine and return the cue ball to our end
of the table. We do this with high, inside english.
The inside english will give greater distance to
the eight ball. This situation comes up a lot in nine
ball with the first shot. You break the rack and end
up with a tough shot on the one. Inside One Time
can turn the advantage to you.
There is no other publication that includes this
series of material. We are fortunate. Each lesson
gives us the upper hand. Master each one. Under
stand how it is done. If you have problems and
want to spend some time at The Monk Billiard
Academy, call our office or write. Our journey
knows no limits.

Thought for the day

I put first things first in all my efforts.

The Pay Off

Lesson 157

Learning to double bank a safety will pay divi

dends in increased wins. We are not concerned
with the cue ball here. The eight ball is our only
consideration and we must get it to the bottom
rail. This shot comes up in many variations dur
ing the game of nine ball or eight ball. Once again,
we are the type of player who makes it tough for
our opponent to win. If they make a full table cut
shot, bank or combination to beat me, that is fine.
I do not leave them bunnies because I do not take
low percentage shots. You will be tested on this
shot when I come to town. Dont be caught short
handed, I will ask you what is the most important
dynamic, and then expect you to perform.

Thought for the day

Tremendous results come from little things.

Double Double = Four Rails

Lesson 158

Here you will be running the eight ball four

rails to the bottom rail. Sometimes we try to baby
this shot and leave the cue ball behind the nine
ball. The best choice would be to go four rails with
the eight. You will leave your opponent with a dif
ficult shot. Lets use our best stun shot and creep
the cue ball behind the nine. These safeties are
not easy. If they were, your opponent would have
them. They are for you. Stay with it until you mas
ter this lesson.

Thought for the day

I have committed these shots to memory. Now I
commit them to my game.





Section Five
Smart Play



Be Conservative

Lesson 159

How often have we run into this situation? And

we tried to nurse the winning nine ball into the
corner pocket. How many times have you
scratched? How many times did you succeed with
the shot? There is only one shot here, that is to
bank the nine ball four rails and offer a tough bank
shot to your opponent. Master it. Use a solid punch
stroke, one cue tip high and bring the cue ball to
the bottom rail. The nine ball will go four rails to
the other short rail.
How many times have you tried a very hard
shot to win the game only to rattle the ball and
give your opponent an easy victory? We need to
offer the hard shots to our opponents. You can do
this with the Be Conservative lesson.

Thought for the day

I believe in myself, because I persevere.

Know When To Duck

Lesson 160

In league play, your winning percentage will

increase if you avoid tough shots and offer them
to your opponent. This bank shot is low percent
age. If we miss, we leave it hanging in the pocket.
And lets face it, we would be lucky to make thirty
percent of these bank shots. That is offering our
opponent a seventy percent chance of winning.
We dont want to do that, so we bank it to the long
rail, put the cue ball on the opposite rail, and offer
the thirty percent bank shot to our opponent. Then
we are in the seventy percent winning mode. Ex
periment with your speed. Master this shot as it
comes up many times over.
We must take responsibility for our game.
During the contest, we are not victims waiting to
be slaughtered. Bad rolls do not control us. We
are proactive and do not acknowledge bad rolls.
We take responsibility for all our actions. In fact,
we have the ability to choose our response. Do
not become relative to the conditions of the

Thought for the day

I give thanks that the pathway to victory is clearly
marked before me.

Play The Percentage

Lesson 161

Here you will be using spin to bring the cue

ball down table, and send the object ball to the
bottom rail. Once again, dont try to win the game
with a low percentage bank shot.
Be consistent. Be predictable. Everyone should
know that you are going to play safe off this shot.
Our style is to make it tough for our opponent to
win. Nothing is going to come easy for him. Mas
ter each of these safeties. They will not come to
you with one practice session. Memorize them.
This is your weapon.

Thought for the day

During the contest, I always make the right

Play Within Yourself

Lesson 162

There are times when we can make this shot.

And there are times when we do not have the
stroke. Here is a high percentage safety. Simply
cut the nine ball thin. The cue ball returns down
table, and the nine ball banks to the bottom rail.
Sometimes this shot comes up as the opening shot
in nine ball. Dont be afraid to use this at any time
during the game.

Thought for the day

I am not preoccupied with results.

Dont Gamble

Lesson 163

If you were to cut this eight ball down the rail,

you stand a good chance of selling out. You are
not even guaranteed position on the nine ball. This
would be a gamble. We dont do that. Far better to
draw the cue ball behind the nine, and two rail the
eight ball to the bottom rail. These are such simple
safeties that you rarely see them in books. If you
master this shot, and I know you will, you will
win extra games with it.

Thought for the day

I am focused on all draw shots.

Straight Pool Safety

Lesson 164

This type of safety comes up in the game of

straight pool. But it works just as well in nine ball.
Your job is to cut the eight ball up table, sending it
near the side pocket, on the rail. The cue ball is to
go to the bottom rail and up to the nine ball. The
straight pool safety is worth working for. Deliver
a follow stroke, with spin, and you will enjoy the
results. Dont try to bank the eight ball to win,
and dont try to cut it up table. Leave the tough
shots for your opponent.

Thought for the day

My practice is always honest.

Safety First

Lesson 165

It would do no good to pocket the eight ball.

You will end up with a tough bank on the nine.
Never play a tough shot to end up with a tough
shot. If a tough shot will give you an easy shot,
we may consider it. In this case, it would be sui
cidal to slow roll the eight ball. Our best option is
to bank the eight ball into the corner pocket. The
cue ball will automatically come down table for
the nine ball, should we make the eight. If we fail
on the eight ball, we still leave our opponent a
long tough shot, to end up with an even tougher
shot. This is not an easy lesson. You will have to
work hard to master this lesson.
If you cannot shoot the cue ball past the eight
and into the corner pocket, you will get a double
hit on the cue ball with the bank shot. The cue ball
will go to the bottom rail and hit the eight as it
returns. If you can see the corner pocket with the
cue ball, you can bank the eight ball.


The Last Lesson

Lesson 166


Each of these lessons is an opportunity for you

to grow in this game. While they may be hard,
you are blessed with the desire to improve. Use
that desire to stay the course. I include these safety
plays because they are a necessary part of this
game. In defining our game, we encompass all
aspects in both offense and defense. Yet in each
endeavor we have the primary focus of our objec
tive. We never play a two way shot. If you chase
both rabbits, you will catch none. It is either a
safety or a shot. This way we can put first things
first and succeed with the task at hand. Do not
force things. When you work hard for something,
giving it all youve got, you sometimes fail for
just that reason. You are trying too hard. How many
pop ups have come from home run swings? How
many duffs have come from trying to hit a three
hundred yard drive? And how many times have
you jumped the cue ball off the table, trying to hit
the rack with all your might? In all our efforts, we
are faced with uncertainty. The home run, the long
drive, the nine ball break. Follow the law of de
tachment and let it happen. You have the skills.
Why would you have to try so hard? First things
first. Deliver the stroke. Let the results be just that.
Each match is within the field of uncertainty.
You and I would love to be able to control the out
come. We would love to be so good at this game
that the end is never in doubt. Yet this is not what
we really seek. For if it were, we would play those
who have no chance against us. We would seek
out the lesser skilled player and always know that
we would win. Instead, we seek the uncertainty
and desire the certain. Welcome uncertainty. That
is what you want.

The Last Lesson (cont.)

Enjoy it. Grounded in the field of uncertainty
gives you the opportunity for greater growth. These
are the ingredients of success.
We are not the match. We are the participants
in the match.
Experience the detachments to results and you
will be happy with the results. In every contest
there is a lesson. This is your guarantee.
I thank you for our journey. I thank you for
your uniqueness. I thank you for your support to
this work. May all the rolls go your way.


The Law Of Giving

We are familiar with the words, It is better to

give than to receive. Actually, life is a series of
giving and receiving. It is a circle, which must be
connected. An unending flow. If you will not give,
and choose to hoard your wealth, you stop this
flow, and it begins to clog. Soon you will wither
and die. This law applies to the game of pocket
billiards. The journey is a growth experience. We
multiply our ability by sharing with others. If we
refuse to give to others, we stop the accumulation
of our growth. Our game begins to clog, becomes
stagnant. We dont want that.
In every seed there is a promise of a forest. If
we hold on to that seed, we will get nothing. Only
by giving do we receive. Anything that is worth
while in life is multiplied when you share it with
With The Lesson you have received a gift. The
door has been open to a new and wonderful game.
You have grown. You have matured. You are on
the threshold of greatness. It is time to keep the
circulation flowing. It is time to connect the circle.
We can do that together. You and I will make an
other player very happy with our gift. Spend some
time helping a friend master the four strokes of
pool. Teach him/her the snip draw. Teach the 2-72 program to someone who needs your help. Ev
ery time you lend a helping hand you will experi
ence growth.
I hope you will order my other books. You will
enjoy each one and gain something out of what I
teach. Thousands of happy pool players every
where have worked hard on the lessons I write
about. I am humbled by how much good this has
done for my fellow players. Thanks for traveling
this journey with me. I wish you all the best.
The Monk



Order these fine products by The Monk:

Point The Way


The Eight Ball Book


I Came To Win


The Lesson


The Monk 101 V 1


The Monk 101 V 2


The Monk 101 V 3


The Monk 202 V 1


The Monk 202 V 2


The Monk 202 V 3


Focus On Winning


Consistency Through Concentration


I Came To Win


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