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April Halladay
Communications Coordinator
315.775.2020 ext.51


May 28, 2015
WATERTOWN, NY The North Country Regional Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc. (NCREMSCO) unanimously
approved at a special meeting on April 20th to accept a proposal from Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization
to become the new North Country EMS Program Agency. The NCREMSCO is defined under Public Health Law Article 30
and is responsible for improving the delivery of pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services through coordinated oversight
of personnel, recruitment and retention, training and resources for the counties of Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence.
The North Country EMS Program Agency is currently contracted with SUNY Canton College, a relationship that has
existed since 2001 and will end on June 30th. Deborah Singleton, Chair of the NCREMSCO stated On behalf of the
members of the North Country Regional Emergency Medical Services Council, I would like to thank Canton for their
dedication and support of this program over the last 14 years. The support SUNY Canton provided has positioned the
North Country EMS Program Agency for future success and their assistance during this transition process is a testament
to the quality of their organization. We look forward to continuing to work with NCREMSCO during and after this
transition, said SUNY Canton Vice President for Administration, Shawn Miller. We remain dedicated to serving our first
responders across the region, and will continue to offer EMT core courses on our campus to ensure St. Lawrence County
has the training opportunities it needs. The new contract, which will become effective July 1st, is a five-year contract.
The North Country EMS Program Agency is responsible for activities to support and facilitate regional emergency
medical services as identified under Public Health Law Article 30. Currently there are over fifty ambulance and advanced
life support first responder agencies within the three-county region that rely on assistance and guidance from the North
Country EMS Program Agency. Ms. Singleton stated with the emerging healthcare reform it is imperative that the North
Country Regional Emergency Medical Services Council align with an agency that is at the forefront of healthcare and
FDRHPO is that driving force.
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Denise K. Young, Executive Director Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization stated We are pleased to have
this opportunity to serve the emergency medical service agencies in the three-county region through the North Country
EMS Program Agency. Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization (FDRHPO) is committed to building
collaborations and strengthening healthcare for the Tri-county Region including emergency medical services. This has
always been part of our mission and is a great fit for our organization. Over the next few weeks staffing requirements
will be analyzed and FDRHPO anticipates having staff on board for the July 1st transition.

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