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This article provides a step-by-step guide for creating IBM WebSphere Message
Broker deployable packages from source code using Ant scripts. It also shows you
how to create different build parameter files and deployable packages tailored for
different target environments.
A broker archive (BAR) file enables you to deploy or dynamically install executable
content to a WebSphere Message Broker domain or execution group. A BAR file is a
standard ZIP file with the extension .bar instead of .zip. BAR files are similar to the
EAR files used for J2EE deployment packages, which are ZIP files with the
extension .ear instead of .zip. A BAR file contains a single deployment descriptor
named broker.xml along with compiled message flows, message set dictionaries,
XML, XSLT, and JAR files used by the Java compute node or within ESQL code. The
broker.xml deployment descriptor file is stored in the META-INF directory within the
BAR file, and it specifies overrides for the configurable properties in all of the
message flows within a given BAR file.
Creating BAR files manually or using the WebSphere Message Broker toolkit is not
an ideal option in an enterprise environment. This article shows you how to create a
BAR file from source code located in a source control directory, apply environmentspecific parameters to the generated BAR files, and deploy them in a target

broker.xml XML schema definition

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
<xsd:element name="Broker">
The document element of the broker.xml file is always a Broker element.
The structure of the broker.xml file may not be extended or modified by users.
<xsd:element ref="CompiledMessageFlow" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />

<xsd:element name="CompiledMessageFlow">
A CompiledMessageFlow element defines all the property overrides
for a single compiled msgflow ("CMF") file in the root folder of
the bar archive.
<xsd:element ref="ConfigurableProperty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:element name="ConfigurableProperty">
A ConfigurableProperty optionally specifies a deploy-time
value for a single configurable property.
Attribute "uri" specifies the broker-schema qualified flow name,
the node name (if needed),and the property name. Uri is required.
Attribute "override" specifies the value to assign to the
property during installation.
Override is optional. If override is not set, the configurable
property value at install defaults to the value in the flow.
If override is set (even to ""), the value of the configurable
property at install is set to the value of override.
<xsd:attribute ref="uri" use="required" />
<xsd:attribute ref="override" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="uri" type="xsd:string">
The following specifies the syntax for uri attribute values in the
broker.xml ConfigurableProperty elements.
>>--+-------------------+--flowName-- # --+-----------------+--propertyName-->>
+--schemaName-- . --+
+--nodeName-- . --+
* "schemaName" is the name of the Broker schema the msgflow was defined in,
or nothing if the msgflow is defined in the unnamed schema.
schemaName is a dot separated list of path segments.
* "flowName" is the name of the msgflow; i.e. the name of the file without
the .msgflow or .msgnode extension.
* "nodeName" is the label of the node, if the property is defined on a node.
The nodeName parameter is optional, and does not appear if the
property is defined on a flow.
* propertyName is the name of the property, or the label key if the node is
a primitive node. The descriptor tab of the BAR editor displays
the NL enabled name if the label key matches a NL enabled name,
else it displays the key itself.

<xsd:attribute name="override" type="xsd:string">

Override is an optional attribute. If the attribute is absent, the
default value set in the msgflow tool will be applied at install time.
If a value is provided for override, then that value will be applied
at install time. If override="", then the value at install time is the
empty string.

Creating BAR files using Ant

Ant is a powerful tool for automating build environments. Calling mqsicreatebar from
within an Ant task is a common way to build a BAR file from message flow and
message set source artifacts. The most common way to build a BAR file from source
files is to use an Ant script to extract the source data from a repository, although you
do not have to use this technique to use the mqsicreatebar command. Here is the
syntax for the mqsicreatebar command -- for more information, see mqsicreatebar
command in the in the WebSphere Message Broker V7 information center.
mqsicreatebar -data <workspace> -b <barName> [-version id] [-esql21]
[-p projectName [...]]
-o filePath1 [filePath2 [...]]

-data <workspace>
(Required) Path of the workspace in which your projects are created.
-b barName
(Required) Name of the BAR file where the result is stored. The BAR file is
replaced if it already exists, and the META-INF/broker.xml file is created within
the BAR file.
(Optional) Refreshes the projects in the workspace and then invokes a clean
build before new items are added to the BAR file. Use the -cleanBuild
parameter to refresh all projects in the BAR file and invoke a clean build if
amendments have been made to the BAR file resources using external tools.
-version VersionString
(Optional) Appends the underscore (_) character and the value of
VersionString to the names of the objects added to the BAR file, before the file
extension. Message Broker V6 or later includes runtime versioning, and you
should use it to version your source files and propagate them to the deployed
execution group.

(Optional) Compile ESQL for V2.1 brokers.

-p ProjectName(s)
(Optional) Projects containing files to include in the BAR file. You can specify
multiple projects, which can include a message flow project, a message set
project, or a message flow plug-in node project. If a project that you specify is
not part of your workspace, the command links the project to the workspace
so that the files in the project can be included in the BAR file. The command
does not copy the files into your workspace directory. If a project that you
specify is part of your workspace but is closed, the command opens and
builds the project so that the files in the project can be included in the BAR
-o filePath
(Required) The workspace relative path (including the project) of a msgflow or
messageSet.mset file to add to the BAR file. You can add more than one
deployable file to this command by using the following format: -o FilePath1
FilePath2 .... FilePathn

Sample Ant task to build a BAR file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="project" default="run">
<target name="run" description="">
<property name="toolkit.home" value="C:\MessageBroker\700" />
<property name="ant.bars.basedir" value="C:\OutputDIR" />
<property name="" value="${ant.bars.basedir}\" />
<property name="workspace.dir" value="C:\workspaces\wmb" />
<antcall target="build" />
<target name="build">
<echo message="Building the Message Broker Project @ ${workspace.dir}" />
<exec executable="${toolkit.home}\mqsicreatebar.exe" spawn="false">
<arg value="-data" />
<arg value="${workspace.dir}" />
<arg value="-b" />
<arg value="${}" />
<!-- List all the message flow projects -->
<arg value="-p" />
<arg value="TestProject" />
<!-- List all the files to be included in the archive -->
<arg value="-o" />
<arg value="TestProject\TestFlow.msgflow" />
<arg value="TestProject_MSET\TestMessageSet\messageSet.mset" />

Modifying the BAR file deployment descriptor using


To modify the configurable properties within the broker.xml file, you can either use
the Broker Archive Editor in the WebSphere Message Broker toolkit, or manually
unzip the BAR file and manipulate broker.xml outside the Message Broker
environment. The mqsiapplybaroverride command can help you modify the
configurable properties in a BAR file. This article shows you how to use Ant to build
and maintain BAR files from within WebSphere Message Broker. Ant is like a Java
version of make, and as with make, Ant targets can depend on other targets.
Using the mqsiapplybaroverride command lets you replace configurable values in
the BAR file deployment descriptor with new values that you specify in a properties
file. You can use mqsiapplybaroverride in conjunction with the mqsicreatebar
command. Here is the syntax diagram for the mqsiapplybaroverride command -- for
more information, see mqsiapplybaroverride command in the in the WebSphere
Message Broker V7 information center.
>>-mqsiapplybaroverride-- -b --BarFile-- -p --PropertiesFile---><

-b BarFile
(Required) Path to the BAR file (absolute, or relative to the executable

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