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en aA ARO MECCANO Dae Cee. Z IMPORTANT “ & MECHANICAL, ete a a DRIVE-CHANGES. MOVEMENTS Tae CONSTRUCTED See Pe : Cees mee | oe ae Paw t 5 SCREW2GLARING MECCANO : Price 1 I: io = CopyuWhe by MECCANO VED), LIVERVOOL, firoaghout the, World eee Te Ae a A eA gre in eee ee esau eae Model-Building REAL ENGINEERING. ECCANO Is based on a standard system of equidistant Thales spaced half an inch apart and compres a great umber of mechanical elements. Thete Include Per- forated Stcips, Plates, Angle Brackets, Cranks, Couslings, Pulley Whesls, and Gear Whesls of various sizes anc ration ‘These elements are capable of being ured in. an unlimited number of ways, making possible the construétion in modal form of almost any movement or structure known t Mechanics of Enginecring. They do this without the aid fof slaborate machines and precision tools thet would atherwise be necessary Inventing New Models Model-building with “Meccano is really fascinat ‘As long as one 1s occupied by reprodueiag the hundreds of inedels shown in the Instruction Manunls it is extremely simple and easy, and no undue. brain work Is necessary, No Meccano boy fe content to Lull only the models Illustrated in tho Manuals, however, for every thinilag boy is keen fo lavent and tikes to build models from his own Ideas, ‘with this in mind, and to assist boys to. base. theic modcls on correct engineering practice, we have collected and classified a umber af Meccano movements that ave fo a certain extent become standardised. That Is to eas, these Tmevements may be spplled te more than onc model— aera si 0 gu enantio a with MECCANO } IN MINIATURE ns AHN 1m most cases without any alteration, but In some few in: statioas with only slight alterations, to the standard movement, ‘Thess who invent with Mecceno will find these move: ments, which we now publish as " Standard Mechanisms," of great ‘assistance in helping to perfect their model, "The Moverents ave been arrived at by careful thought one experiment, and some knowledge of the principles involves in many of them will well repay the study of any boy in- terested in engineering, The verlous devices have eeu arranged 40 that immediate reference may bo made t0 a7) particular motion that It [s desired to Incorporate in a model. There { no Anallty in examples of this kind, and others vill be added In subsequent editlons of thls book. ‘The Value of Meccano While the greater proportion of beys—or even. men in every generation posseca a desire to know Just why the “wheels go. round,” It has never been pesetble, prior 10 the Introduction of Meccano, for the unskilled to make mechenfeal models ‘When you build models with Meccano you use real engineering parts in miniture, for they act in a manner predsely slolar tothe corresponding elements In actual Practice. Tle means shat with Meccano you can. accom: lish more than with any other system of model construction, Other systems attempt to attain the same object by We have nusorous records 10 aiforent methods, and vail thomselvos of eanstructive cur Gar of Tange engineering firms slements ihat are not. ased on cortect enginesring ‘rho. omploy Moceane for design principles. it 6 important to Feslee thls, for if you Ing movetments or engineering struc commence with baulyjdedgned -par's jou_can only free that they” are about lo builds very Waited oumbor of models, Even these build, Famous inventors use It will be constructes Incorroctiy and ill give you faUlly. for experimenting and for work fdcas of the principles of Enginesting, Ing ‘out ideas, while in schoo) For these "feasons Meccano. becomes something ane collegze it ts wed lo domon- more than a toy-nit fs an edueatlonal medium of very Strate ah branches of mechanics teal value, "Professors of Engineering, bridge-builaing experts, draughtsmen, and tiers vo are Ina position Meceano Models are real Models to Jago, Rave from time to tims pronounced on the Meceano'sysiem, All have declaied it to be conceived ‘on sound lines and based on true enginsoring pric! las. ‘There i no limit tothe numbar ‘of modele that may be ult with" Meccano, and all are real YRorking structaree, The Meccano Glock is. 4 real deck—it keeps ‘accurate time, ‘The Meccano Loom ix a zeal Igor, and It weaves eautilul matanal for hat bends or neck ee. The Neccane Ntor Chasis—with Ackermann steering gear, gearbox, utch, and Aliferertial—so closely resembles a real motor car that itis used for teaching students at mme-oi Schools of Motoring Tinie the same. with all other Ueccano moseb—they ave all accurate ropreductions of ring, and they all word because thay are based on correct enghnooriag principles, conga wis Gove ie, Cah tenia Sm Acres Sent Meccano Standard Mechanisms CONTENTS For enytlernce pups he vsious chu Lave been owed ane the flloving SECTIONS — me ng a | ot Geer ie wien z . ee i | ae Ghceereeaeeden 2 ee Vik Roteeand needa sw heres ee Section I. GEAR RATIOS, Methods of Speed Reduction and Acceleration Zs Spur Gear ForShatsat Right Angles Saverte ceat Waa Rate 3 Further examples of Gest Ration: At Pilon and 8}° Gear Whar,” Ratio, 701 Resios CET | may be entaines by wang te I? ‘Gear Whale or tw 1 Brion” Contra Gear jon tnd Contrata ta “Apgeo ne SM.2—Reve! Gent Two fr Baral Whee? Neeion ede, er Mera, Met al Eon Rates 1g SM tReet Coxe Sit 800m ‘Tho tember of relations of 2 Warn Whoa on tune) he Coat thot ct Hand Boel Whee: Qh ae, and ‘hich Give teraronae wih the Ratosdit. 2 ‘huh oe We dives oh Section IL BELT AND ROPE MECHANISM. Exar procured wn tases Penne e ind Bolsa Si P ial ind ch o ye br “pieangle ives vetng the oper PES topong the dang ot Section II]. PULLEYS AND PULLEY BLOCKS SM, 2951—PULLEY BLOCKS ‘SAM. 2 THREE SIIBAVE PULLEY BLOCK Wo igstrate the thre. Standa “Thi loct is contracted from tno. 24° Lecoane Baluy’ Bloc These = fitabe for ie (neces and other fades wren Teed oan 8 Ply and eard meckentma, "fn args ‘nodes ‘uber tase parte would prove (Bo lig tia eaves bhece they om at Sabla, guley Beks nay be bul > from erchate” Necaze "pare, a3 regaled ete Sa i us fhe ad hts surged gh he centre Wis AT RAGS T nied of ales oe feet adh Mig e onaa gad Seti rt lig Se mmedfe ere itt, Ca van or etied Fhatire posure sed i thage ed {See by ike at Seti ase wader ein Se shed ron ie Bak te Sih Shears Relief ee Siiart6 a cred to te Roe 3” Arsiver Sou gy Sat 30 Satan gn een, ae ting ad Sout agin see Lock and the secured to any fixed potns, a theoretical mechanical advan t BERANE Geo fe Cntepes ia 5 enten! proton. NMATE EASES 2. 58 Bete aharrege tee eat We tala aamees That cd maybe ped Seth aa Sley ne a chee Theale Baer Boca Tasting tient mosh nivtge tee SNC 3¢—Tye Shae Paley heck pt N18 When sped yw, loops of carat loop bg ested ound or of the sina hs Paley Block pv torte Semel eles oGhe “Tikal etn aa se te cata Wet doo ad GIO MYST Bok, Bl nent Navarage Sed Se ne Sh Puy Hn ot tut pal} nd fea Wan heat aoretep afer WS ect Seah Be opts ooh S200 age roaed vetoes Santige ae smote" SM 33:35SINGLE MOVABLE PULLEYS On eS ‘Wariastrate stra typeset Vaccaro gabe task whisk ray beased In hte of Part No-1SL, Inagoh Sl. 36THREE SHEAVE PULLEY OLOCK ‘tov oat enol th re eaaared the talcfzatandingslesad iar Ti le anather typo el pulley i chlzweeetnuapitlepikoy ans ence owns ieeiogertuuingers. tonthteae Merete etbeek EMSs ushoun clmarind in S¥,58. ‘Two Mit TeGnolone land 12 gal adventege a these stow Ta tory ths sees af the bleh, whieh bal ip bynserting Vwce #* Bal? En ai ant Oh. Rowe Washer, ‘snd Zroio ne Tealon land asec ham Wy ute tives rther Sle" place ow fhe eee tsar needed no the sit? and ujated fo puvide coronas, ata Rad Cana tach pe ot for the paley 8: the Teton leis When Hoe ete"pasdon, AT Siesta ender 10 ebtak ate Bey tert tit axle fete ‘Sent Gerrenen for fhe ateang Ploy ancthe Soria be Sheawen (egesentne ty 7 Ince ‘weer the mute om the bel 2a, Paioya. ta’ Hook placed Teac of uh te pon’ aa erdary elt Feed sont pan ‘oust aie love’ cade Sf shee, fe mechanic Se of she and doable Sentageetw, tat 21018 peave slisyhecks bul up im Foie laps [sumaledbatvesn wana rate JO pow eartbat sum sit sMas ited winaltecat aie fel i aad 05 ne pave 3 Section II], Pulleys and Pulley Blocks—(consinned |S.M.2¢-MOVABLE PULLEY BLOCK FOR CRANE A folatiog. etd is ed over one inovibie pulley block, over + sean jib here Psectree in hs way 2 Ue ce {he ravable pulley ixauaported by Ce coves. he t~puley fering ibe sheave 6! Ue puley Sek monrtos oh a tlskce owe 2)" Spee SM. 8CUWDE PULLEY ii igcouianed by damping ‘sfare the cord isa 3 be Terk an eranory pulley 5 390 DEEP.GROOVED PULLEY A laces deepgoved pul ay be eonsireced by olde Fists "Wh er Coed ted round che gentry. of Se hee praesent belle place the prot adges s1 the Plates "A twotaved Gerpgronved pulley i nicwn tn Si 5 5.98 sou o_cue roves | SM4I-VARIABLEPULLEY mock +: Wtalogectt ay te dined 0 8 ohase by cass | Tae ace | Fi S = SMa ws aise Sp nstig ere pulled, The movement retained in lige with the 7 8Y the Chain may Silas (dicatoy, Such ae a ploys sown Sy one of inar | delbler ah fragusted a 2 protided In eaed Noo 82%, othe goa 2 Section JI. Pulleys and Pulley Blocks—tontinnai) SM. 42—aUTOMATIC 8M, AS_PULLEY RLOCKS PIVOTED 70 JENHIBAD REVERSING HOIST 4 1 “Tes spl sevice by moana of wat Sie Shee er nar model thay te rade wo woth fy iNet ‘The hive Us taken Camis Hee matey Witla A. Pinion enrnping ths w wil i seen site ere eat Ge Ne aay a ae oe rote Poot 40 cn eto 2 ashes oh anoxher ay-—SeuTod fo Whand of he Bk A Seth Gearon he ed2, manta tuflngn ald the ee Ae peer ch pulley Dock contains three sheaves §, Tao seca tea hang oh San (are mole e running ence och ng atv natch cues at ta SECA APRA in ihe Meds “He Sar peo ‘Remiiy esceond —huyes Sand corapldiny sheaves is inmovate Coes ested Oe Tacng witha jt nolo anda Maal ted Go Hel rrpecve ase Mock Fofon onthe 3 Rod 5, TWs Red snes satng ar ball ap omy “The anangemert athe cords a sna othe dererbed Ha SMM 54" Sts oaeored rilly to the Rad 5 by mato of Bu Nhe, Two I” Beans! bai faring ends re ruled fn optic: te eaniclsdranings fsose Pelee 7 settee fo turn on a 2 Red conned ty the hbo he same. ar In thae apes ut by aspleng Co fm and tye cinae Puloys Yu ae mesmted on 4)" Red Imackenies ‘wor are abe ts gal ie Tetesed power and Stiad'e the voter ‘incu rie earl ‘The spindle of the Pullays 7 fol the ettowis path luseyd aut Dy the ane of the drm 6 wills the spina of the Pulley 7s Seed. "Tae cars, whieh sttached to the ME ‘ saane beak, stew it Led down’ and over ene th the ("loose Pulleys Pa roind ane of the Pulleys. 7, back to the remsining Pillez 7h and thence tothe second I” Pulley 2" Mier acing round the Inver tb secaced fo the Plat Bracket ay th anu 6 tai tie sora 9 alerataly craun In and Faldo", ths working the It age or erane heok Up endo ‘Tin extant ofthe (aval ef the sage or hose may Be varied onegarety by altering the lareth of the atm 6 eatane toe Palle 7, sting te the legit incre tho ‘vel ond SM. 4 SWIVELLING JIB-HEAD PULLEY “The bihead Ply shown tm SIN 44 sepatle af tori ound onal thar enatiig the faiiog Hock to te mated In'at any angle to thei “The supports forthe 1 late Pulley over which pas the Iiling con covaht of vo Coraer Bracets 18 spaced spat by a Large Pork Pisa, a3dtonl with Slag obtained ttre the Bractats 18 By epee Waskors en to ie belts The od 14 1 WMA the Large Ferk Pec is sttache, la fouralee at the top el the jib i Double Braskat 17, wht (lovato pres though a GrankedEent inp secured te 9 2 Sip at Stoled aerets the ib Ange Cltdes. Section IV. LEVERS ‘SM, SI-LEVERS IN PLATFORM SCALSS I Sa, SU nse of avers ofthe the onde are errand so thet wary sigh ovemont of = eay AEE Steed to poove balanes orm thooagh & (omlderaly raion tance, with he vestlt that & he balance ar sufeent whe tne weight or ned vers upon ‘be cegre. When ec loadieapyled the movement the on F operates th second pale of overs THs Tater pv about Tength of Sprectet a tee fevers the load is Brought te fest open the pains € 5 ‘Exe fustrations of the a> of the lever as means of tarsmiting. payer wll be found in the oscars Hae Pree (model No, nha stuen Maral andthe Penshing Maceo. U8). In each thee otal a seb provers on oe ple coed te baat with greatly iereaed love mothe SM, SRSL—TYPES OF BAND LEVER SIM.S2. ‘The Red |. forming the deer arises, Gouninge 2 aed ols abrat a od eA Spo 48 Bnrecied to a2" Rod & mougied i te Couplings 2, whe a tard Spring 8 Genel an iehwecengatve ee ne Spang ces Up waive Rod. wien he et towards whit sie doweiward 7 Spree spree sane Solde the lever Shan lam: toed the pens chante Paces Bbaeital E aa ley : oe lot two balls U prevents the lever epenging 100 fr "EN Ss, ie rerio pvea abouts Hos Hr and 2 2" Rod IS secured inthe Coup 12 te suranged to tine one otter af tie slope 14. A'Spring 1B Is fied tos Calla 150m te eter 1 Rear ee ite ected tea Red [7 isha yee plsona tn 9 sora pete Ci pall of the Sping'e estat tuca Som ae pases the cena peton, be Spring pul he ver over unit the Red £3 stsies ae ofthe stops SSM. Gi "Uhe kver [8 pases Uwrcugh a Coupling 19 and ceses a ssond Coupling 20, The latter preeea upon a Sping Bu‘ 2 ana caries tos 7/32" Bolt on eppesto side. Tae thvist ie tier plspes the teher to ‘an Edn or tne oles oon a Te pats th canta! or vetted ion tb eelisneunted isthe sewer Coupling stot saps Uo pecvent the lever maving toe for S04, SS—UNIVERSAL LEVER "FOR CLOCKWORK aLOTOR gus Deke eh ioe ds eA PSs ue wn 9 ace no (eco 3-280 othe raveahig lover and to 2S" Surtn The guicetiememencn vans = mechan Section V. CLUTCHES, REVERSING & DRIVE-CHANGING MECHANISM SM, GI_PRICTION CLUTCH ‘Tie ype of clteh ts sutala fer se in model motor cae ete, fr Ht sable th Jsog postr gr be ped upsmoathly and gredual ‘Te alley oe the Re 3 fos the male portion BF the th and ts 4. ied ihn liver ing {pet No, Lésh The’ female elateh emer Trg ened nen mut se one on he Ra Cand eb 6 Retina ‘as Ig Rod Fe acpi th wig Y fate Ange Bactets leg tafe Mange Whee! Ey Ge ant. le'sctacrews iaeted In the apder' or ental olay al « Univer Coupling, "Tas sptdce Sceucd to Ube fad 4 cod s portion of « Qsaipraston Spiog 6 stled Eehuean ie and aha Uns of the Flasged Wes or the purpae lt il bs esszary to eat tht 870g Bingen the Ply bus wen of the We! tn ovder 2 5 Do Rod 2 sou he skewed 1s unt enter 12 ehtin toa ay ube arms Whee et Sniy elovoed bose yeast thespatg. SM.O2—GEAR cLurct motor chatla, The gute ope ‘Beane eee fot podet @ posed an ease 3 ‘ich oo kag pad Soa he Rod 3, {o'Ghiah i anected by the Buable Beaseat 2 jeonaed betwers the Calne and act stew 8 ONS tend 'S gat ile fonds th ‘Ticeaded Pits 10 bolted to the Dusit Weel 3 Tee"thract farce Into the hel af the“ LJ? Prey’, ara et the ane tine the Bove) Ninel ie Stave: out of gear wilh a sz Soe a aie at Senevan the coin shoe 3 pat ce ‘Springs 12 (Part No, 12o) ind the bevel ee S'ana"t is Sauin Bove into ese ° sa. 63_poc cLuToH. “ote detll roves tyota! Dog Clutch mecharism The eatoh arid a a short Red veh hating, ia bougat inte enzostmens wiih the teh jaws outta en a frther Rad 2, 9 treone of a lever 3. The latter fo plvated (by alt and focemut) to an Angle Sracket a 8 and sito to = Sinsle Bent Sip 4 leoely held Botweon the elute segment T and a Collar snd 2 coterie improvement ie afeted by eanesting & Soving Us the leer 3, in stoh mace that gory bold the fofether. ‘This Soa wesoaapse the shalt 2 Tmnedatly pesite te relazed on he lene sa. 59 Section V. Clutches, Reversing and. Drive-Changing Mechanism —(ontinucd) ‘SAL 65 -DRIVE-CHANCING AND REVERSING CPAR retonshat 2, srg a shoct Rod lonely Journaleta a ousting tans secured (othe chal, The short Rea 3 protrudes sighly fin thence Gail Sandantor alotstn the Sush Wrest 6 inlied fo tee Piste 7 ihe Rog 22 fasely Jpurmalee throes ts Bush Wheat 6 and engage, by means of the Filen and 97: 420% (Boer Wteol bau 9y3 funthe: Rod Io) “The er entrcnin'g Cauating Av aahore 2d 2 ‘righ engages been Colas Konan ftarmodate eng ena 14, The sett Ue {hoc movedis and rete bontngs by hicag the Cala 18 ane mane the Cran t ft Tighe uni the ed 9 acluted by a-zmal Campresion Spy 16 (Meccan Part No Uoehsnans hon iste the nat Hole 9 the Bush Wheol6. th ental potion the Red? teable the oot toto revabve ely, but ue movemaat ofthe Ro tothe nen le I the itm hr! tringe oe Fain 17 ete get ith another Pllor TE, whist ae veel one bole Inthy ppt action bing: (ether ions (ot shows Int he provapsaph zeae to =hatt Th inieeagenent th Coan Wess meted Sn a forher devon tlt [lg not enon) "Pha tft nsrement ay be vse) envoy te oer ous of ear with) UE cma oft taser (a) fe div th sre forward ae odused sped, and (0) lo tevese ion of ther voto 68 64 69 797860 91 aspending ta at atowe at 71 72 73887475 76 89:77 Fovmtly ts plate belted (2 sot ot SM, ADRIVE-CHANGING AND REVERSING tes 4 egrpne enaraple of = tanr-bon providing tree avenge forward, neutral, aad PGE Loni Yarn ak aaaplable te modal sates ‘he pefasey Svng that, Iie prowided wid)" Pinca 60 ads 1" Gesr Wheel 6, hats ash nd Deabie Angle Stes ofthe gear Dx {yo Gls facing ops tht Reading mevemaaiy & £0: Be aca Sear a toe more alla. one of which (74) a leee am the ed, $” Proon 78, Gear Wet GT Platte The Te driven & Rod Po carers Sodeath Gear 7%, 1" Goat Bo, ond Tr Fnion 8 ‘Rltlet one be iced tetas the Pn anc the Doubs Ana Sip "hie iio in ta ‘Ruan alli soother Dion 6% who hee to tern Upon a # Belt secure to the end Doub SEE Sip oy tuo mute Hoey ery eets pacts trough the seagate ele of Se Cank and enters the thrended ove fe colar Hi. A’put’gaced upon ii scouted Webty span the Cellar in Seder to drever is BEET tke fed i Fie Gah shoul be conected Yo dor sucabe Mana ore tit ES arc obihand ae lair. Accume tht Ua sing Sod fo atthe farthest it flo he le Thon th ce os te ere end tough The lung pas 08 72.7, Bandi. Foisemaiules evens ued Tati bec the von shal and the aie feMEL a [le 2 sight movement of Wo goet ange lace doengages the Pinion 77 [em Pion #9, an Stee metesincomeny tsimneay, te mayer ew gas ek ara ktb'ayat an cece Ue follwing exe t be sneneed: 8,7 To, and 73h lve fae Spee fovea he a tyes sal a Pease 1 in a centinelng the mocewest ofthe lever, reseed toad speed obiases the de nw bat rected ia 68 74 28, ard 5." Ratio. Ue See He eer tald verond the Red 1 af thet aft ated fo te is, he earn eneegone Sr Se aca bo Ts epasens top forward speed with salle of 1 0 Fiunteabal coats of eek Ree ‘Tis Wed cures the flioutne pa Section V, Clutches, Reversing and Drive-Changing Mechanism —(cominued} ear tees seater athe Bet 2 fag fever nearly hie tines Taian te ad 2 ‘hdesalvein tthe ema Conte Wheel thon Igso Snsageraae fee Rea Laveen an 2 the diteiy Ras, the appeoinate tate beivnes tha Te teog tet "Uthe dtcing Red 2 ls requted to remain cslaaly te guse wh seat wes BEES dad vat dat ay dan dorsi ion Rod’ 8 Journalieg tn 3 ead me he eae eee SM. 62-REVERSING GEAR the Rods and 2 may be ap the evga Bash sates Sonteled by a Boise Peod caine bah Chiles on the tates Tn Sentlpvet the ever Oe 2 Fin ie honed ongate vit iY Conrate rtggarent wih the Contato, Ee and pon oft ever Eontvate nese vevelves iy Section V. Clutches, Reversing and Drive-Changing Mechanism—tontinucad) 5.4, 69—DRIVE-CHANGING GEAR “The Rod | sicasinits bearings arate controled by lever 2, whieh e plvoted at 3 and rete betmoua tyo Gallas and So Screws 4 on the siding Rou l. The later care & rani, the wet of waieh engages Velwes twa oval Where Sseeaed toa Rod 7 anven tie Motor Oy town inthe es Neel “nuetraton GHG) The Gran 8 hs stably paced with Washer) ee ‘On operation et the lever 2 ne 2 Give Wess say be bought its ese ath one oF ther “ot the tw (iether Deve Where 9 ound ‘on sacon dary shale 10. Ths proves for aevee, whet Sah’ ay be cot feed ite the Mower by moving the vat 2, SM. 70. DRIVE-CHANCING CEAR ‘The delving Plley 1 mounted en a shalt 2 estrying {Pilon 3 aod 4° Pinon 4, Thats Pinions ‘nay be thrown in er aut ol onzacereat withthe SO and57atth Gear Wheat and ? by aldiag shaadi the Red Gof which exes Grark 7 losey Iournalled om the Rod ? Between the Palon 4 and Collar and Sot Sore 10. ‘The Finons 9 and 4 ace so acvanged on the shaft 2 that they cannot engage Met respective Gear Whos at tho sare ‘ime, “Ths ran that a: one othe lalons I moved tia engagement wth ie Goat ‘Whol, Uh other is automaticaly teen ou of ear, and wens a Section V. Clutches, Reversing and Drive-Changing Mechanism —(coatinued) SiH. THOREVERSING AND DRIVE-CHANGINE GEAR SM, 72 DRIVE-CHANGING GRAR “The meshanisn shows in SM. 71 eases twa or thee ene operations Om apecstion of he eye 4 the Rad 2 may he ave a and 9 Ip {p,be sgaleied rom sage dcvine shalt sparataly orsimeltamoealy andi ily bearing ay euaang tha t-test Goat Whee ig engage vith the Boxtad arvetere diction: Itirconpnct enctration silo enti ard Pongn'tarthe |" Furon'6 ria tne Conrate Wheel se (en "The advantage thst fre whon Fite fos cnecremiar “The ger ox shown Med ion eal “ota Cao, in wich the “The Ree Ty wbich taker the dive (om the Motor, cares 2 ¥ Pinton 2 Wome goer Pre yer poston sate he sortie pln tense i so Tae ten Fala bt FASE oy ‘aon Gls te Motor Palen 9 iitler it tee to tare ot rary Bre ee Deuble Angls" Sui thar aeeaee thatthe Pistons 2 and 3 sea oat ‘at a ‘pila by eae eves 3 2 od eae a midsirotie tener te re mee ‘conta! position between the Pinions. ae TSR ce we wi tate tn an cou fetta aaa te! Mas ee ob Scer fie ie eee rm ete Ghtaticn ef 2 Ras B Section V. Clutches, Reversing and Drive-Changing Mechanism —(ontinued, SM, 73-15—DOG CLUTCH MECHANISH, SM. T6-TT_CEAR CHANGE LEVERS SM. 73 shows the 5 “The sive in the Sociat Couptng (SM. 74) lx provided to ftate the one mate aod ans female se opprattanlof tach ute 2s SM 75. “ine grooea eafags witl a ple ae dee fated emailing ls so that cape 9 tata ap trove don iahal Site “Severe are Stet Coopiing a. 1 reas Enable 2 Star Wheel or inion, grote and he Soshot Ge, to ke'mourtat on ashes Gouin maved on fe: (cn Mba be cadet ound sparen atthe hodiy sith the chal or allanse onc The oem teerdnata siaicary hint ihe Sveton of he ler Sete earone tare ie Herel we ‘Tonite Tf thn Boast Counting ‘iach end. li eter beions 97 Sonat Sd liar of the ts Si chek ‘te imered ite ‘Threaded Pat soay Skate without vemoving (ie act feusee to engage the 5 sore, Choc, Zee moka Riera Silene” oer Eunesees oa Se cline pete ma SO Fea SM. 78—0BAR CHANGING LEVER WITH QUADRANT tae hove Sacket Gove ured ft gacign of x Dog Cltcn tes Gente Gear Whoa Toe nls fered oa be mounted 0 that Ioan evelee Keay aboct Hs shaft tnd. cue sbestd ve tien theatre (2 eco tat he setecoue “Thies typeof handler patsy adabnabe lor fting test ehangen uth fo thote S319 Sia Aon weed nto the Coe Pot bat fouchng boon 5, ar ten sesred by Tocking tho aut Senet cline “Tap Sather farsa he Colar Bean, oe Sat hay Gs pac Gn featnaly e's ternngl on onic of the lovers SAG nese tine Cet Rad Ths BEi side ea nin sonst ble of the Cran. “The lever & tego by Mathers Bon Hal» al ates Cured Sty oul” with the stat evel ase onan ae hat ‘euch Jase sean utes lah an arranger ta gear wea of cue, te bllen wequeed iow thing snd tne ean be encty fitnng to or three Sooke Gaping cod fo0' Soa ol erdeary Coupons Sipe the kes In te Seip 10 and Gow cetae tee es difrent Fotis fing.on ia shat 3 shou he aerenges 29 that Shel diaernt enpoenmente are ea about Rthese Gee pales al lke ver Se then tho fata wl nek eal id out of engagement one Section V. Clutches, Reversing and Drive-Changing Mechanism —(ontinuei) ‘ORAR CHANCE ric obencing ange srafary to $M, 9, ard the upper et ‘Rod gua wile th Sooke Coupling 4 Tie later serve to conaet a Gear Wheel {wile ale Bop lute egron 5 tho whol king at ant pate od othe Geer vereafoRvon im he bose eauaaa to engags Ah On” operon. ofa SM, 199-141—EARINGS FORMED BY COUPLINGS SAN. 159 luntaes te Ale Rode ngie Threngh Bevel amid Geom i Gena, "The powers 3 the Rad 1 Yheoog’ the Zteeth 8 Gear 2, to a eowergonding Gevel Ges Srenared to the Rod 4. One end of thee Rod I rene freely Im ene. ena of the Coupling 6 wills the Red rine fecey tn the eetre Pole of the Caualing Two Waar ars plastd betzcen the Coupling sn tbe Bove 3feradjantnen purposes, tha a Cellar § i geruee above Coupling to held te in poston SiN. M0.—Thiie sar 2 5.8. with the exception that aG-teeth and aint Sen Cone ate employee tnd (he Auls Red 4 rotates In fhe end tenet ihe aupertractre ih i sera bale af the Coupling 2 fstead of nin shoud be tours to Inthe castro ele Upper Relay Rann SM. 1AL—tn (his example the Asie Rou 1 etetonary, whit the Axle Rod Dratats in the cent ole ofthe Coupling 5 the lator bolng secured to tbe Red Te uatiy int seperation: 1p ah ct he genre pred she contre mechani Te ee em ihe tatooal wortment he (eetstn Pit, later engages wth the ra feath “of Sine Rater Hace 3 tates of ih Ble ile see win n lower renee oi Section VIL Roller and Ball Bearings, etc. —(continneiy St, M4 FALL HEARINGS APPLIED TO MECHANICAL pieceR ‘Ts ltueateaanather example of tho ae of the Mlascane Be Deering trite ir shown apsted oa mode meohenia: Aigrr and'in the eae the Plangog all Feng vrs pan te fal ccead of sha Geared Sal Face ae fo Lis tn ihe Alatration the Far gad Tall Race i ahonn Bed sear af the Bale Ale, spur aehing employed tora he sugested, ffsteng Of Spock Cin mecharim at fo Sle 10 “The ae {Sear hes", neh teplaon the Cannes BAK. Race, ie anoures eChndate gine wavaing asst tho moat by four |” Reverses (Anele Brauain a. ‘The [f Plnon 8 tice lecoed fo 2 Rod that: ven by any suitable mens ror the melt pave! fed tn the. Sufertistures eygrges with tbe Goet ‘Get 2‘rna ‘thos evests the tvivlleg movement SM.182- STANDARD BALL BEARINGS ‘The Hlatalon slows tha standard esoune dal Sanwa Unie (rar Me 8, SM ihe ald of hh ervoture ay {reed sinut s contr pivot ely ond in tear te ‘ed ot ty Ccrnpiete with Ball For the Method sTroenriog aed operat 2. UM Ose Sn babe Ta Sa BALL anes Arran za eng he pee of Flanged Pitta 2. and the Gear < een So eet ceed — tanta tH os Gellar hols the ual together. seonal Azan Ss Tact acres ¢ ese Shs ANS ins eo ielSet ofa Wrens an the Rod 6a te nd whe 2 sa 4 8 Section VIIL STEERING GEAR S.M,I6L-MOTOR CHASSIS STEERING CEAR AND SPRING SUSPENSION Se very Interesting model of "Ackerrann "sgelig state, ans shovn ted to 4 Maccane mater chante. "he sewing wheel shalt with sy be stused at eny ootrennt ogi ta the hore slate he Consrte Wheat sn the Ros by meas of AE" Ph AN Ellenatiye melted af cennectien may be employed, soning of 2 Worm Wed eegng Sather Wel of Bion oman he shetc 2" Phe Latter eames nlerk9 please, raehes ta bot graped in Caller on nYerther Rod 4. A Couriig bed to the oer en ‘Waa Rod fs pretty samnecad in seman nantes oo te endothe shot Mods te exter End'af wihah Grae the bearing (or one of the vot’ whee. "Th Rog Slesecured in 8 Cou ‘Sountee oa Hoa juvta adieu Grant 0 Thelattrla sent algatly shown and ecard to'treinoresdsroie bare The furtner oad vhael is eoncested eine Ret rnd wel Sy etna ol Hod 7, vhichs cae pivotally om the ahonue a long bots seeured Cale 0% Short Rede mounted ia the Couplage 9. 1a cas! prectie thee fon woah or alteated at SHighutyobtane angle to the cee, sve a portion UVat tel entie Meas i produced auld set headin tinea he lem pt le sli estes sit rea ble “Tn dice ace coer vagina desea Snguler moversat ta Ua ete tical and an Saceming angwar moveneit tthe loner ae "rhe coun eninge shown in ths utesien should be noted, ‘The laminated 2 faves of ipa arog asesizy are. oblate mea & an nterenleto Coie rouated ona teaervene ale Ro Thai ther onda forded ty means sla Boats shots to. the, ents Team ennovtion allen for ‘oad whens. faite » racist dad short Red from a. Coup! 1 movemeat ‘than ine sping are hattened Gy suey fol, or tock, imparted fem the SM.182WORK AND PINION STRERING GEAR ‘The aute 1 ofthe fant zezd wheal journaled in 3)” Double Aatle Stip 2 lied to Bush Whee 3 The later ecyee te « yer bale « sbic’ Zo carer 2 F Pann & ‘On cpettion of the secsng hes) the shalt 4s rata by rene af tho Worm Wheel sangagiay the Pinion &. eorssquerilyalerng the positon of 8 avki'bs Send ory Car tracing srl mods 8 be Seated Icom the nw in woh hey or of Worm ard Pion seen hoszo tly and enti a Gri oY ston ng ver 8 inert that descr we 3 MG oad wheel a deed ive, the salt of the Plaga iy Jouraled sie connestad to sub area angea SiN, 25)-STRERING GEAR ‘Theale 2 cared from 2 Doub ‘Angle Stap | belied so 8 Bush Wh Bln’ SHUG, but fe sete about heat by means of consesting St Shad iter Is pleated ot 730 Oho Bplmated ef Gert end mute (Gee S.m, 262) and ab tho other ond 6 tec Grant 4 soeued Uo the teeing Hoh. eats Bort Su fem entre beasngs for beth the steering te na show Rod abeut wie tie Bush ‘Weal ane Doudle Aagie Stn |v Section VIIL Steering Gear —tcontinuedi SoM, 16h-STRERING GEAR FOR TRAGTOR “The ype of stectng year is partelaiy suitable for ae in sel Yead tactrn te. The ane woe! rratas by neat of Bal Grae 2 W hoctentl‘aatt 9 Jumalied fa," U" Angle baackets 3a, The shel santes a Worm Whee svaseng with ®St-och Gear Whee 5 on Fis. “rhe If Sprocket Wiel? ened Sopages, torgh « Sprociet Chal, at Wheat buted tthe Double fomashert le Rod 11 ge in (rot of the (rma bearings for Bo le Tract rand wher. Watters shosis be placa ‘on ten tate Metueen the Sprocket 9 and Sip ion over to slow roftient sesanae for cr hate wound open iso Irak st tae end Io Fauld the oer is ald eut Gee Sa. 169. ‘he tie eads of the hala age sere io che Cairemigs of the Double Anile Sip 10 ~ SM. 165—STRERING GEAR ‘The method adepted ia paling the saad heels Inthe rect a os Fellows: the stcrng salt apeete, the est Cos Sexe {ho caus of ths cress Simp to lho tndsafa Deulle Angie Sip 6 pvelad Sp ait and nals (GME 22) to the Doutta Gert" Sip 7 and areyng le Bal the 700d Soe set ie mousteg at an te'the Rea & 5.8185 Section VIII. Steering Gear—(contiaved) ‘SM, 168 AEROPLANE CONTROL GEAR ‘SI. 268 listates atypical oonat cent iste maybe embod iy the tjonty of Uigesane “Surspnes “Tas eesane conta ane inmates together one 221" Flat Plate for ‘hnverienes in ning ther le the fogs Gia ead. “The joystick Lo LY" Rod Seis Teethe foe Se Souve Semin. The eds et the later e sucured te "Ron 9 white Is jarnaled tergmtally de cite 4 Coming 3. AE Fag tis Joucated ome f Beltascaeed late by co nts and retained postion by ream of Calan The SM, 16¢—WORM AND CHAIN STRERING GEAR FOR TRACTOR ce owe on erate seeerrrse se.) Tangthy “ant che” Rod” be ie sDootie™ Bractets bolted fe the do tare pte of the cate. grisene a 1 Rolon dena Rod 5." this Red S'eEenes" caverl Couplings and. Collars, toe toad of gle ub aa at “ne eee fe ead the Usigings vo‘ sn fume and thence fassea round the Sproat 8 fideor bee € coasts of 29" Step fe front aes ‘rhe ena of she siain ea 1 coum Jolned together, By pivoted ot is cente to the fiat Phe fesgou of fie eatangereat she feat whale may se sirsted ahr tity Se fatene ai ene endo a shart lover secure at ght angles OFTEN Soeering to The dreton In whish she teerag whesl le tusnede age ol ihe aovator,. i ther sltsched to te feystek Ind rune the Paley dane bash te arother ston leva sewed te the SM, 166 i $4 167 BOAT STEERING GEAR Upper sige othe elevator, "Heron whsn the ssl posed onward, the ‘The Seyloe show In SM. IAT may be ued in surrerous Meosane mages elevatoz movea doravard lem ig rigs th candice te tote af the ara of stlge, ‘The S/°Str) nat epremets ce tier @ toted tos Bash U) ne woneare: “ier the tis pullaa save’ fhe elevator dr tated, ighie aor ie atcored te he Cop of the Rod shal cases the rudder. Toe “The oie 7 soared at lz eanire $9 the Ceupling 9 aad ls end ath DF Rod sausying the seecing wheel te Joursaisd Sra Double Angls Slip being Led round galde pulleys, ne fastened fo Short lesse. roectiog Sia in's Trobnbe secur U the Plate "A lengts of core ts takin woune ght engl ftom fae iftns. Tig tier ae connected sogethor Up alee? the atesting rod aeveral tines, ad esth ends Then pased over fhe I' tat wire ataned to larter lovee projecting ham tele oppee sider “Cones Poueysenfuled to'the ler” The Pulleysresecireu to {- Brita |outraleg sly. wher. ne slck & move fo toe aft the aor on the ight sda is In Deuba Brveketa wHleh in turn ate belted tp 51” Stripe a0 hour fslde to rane At ite sine tine the Teil Now beseen that ae the Redexeriae 4, tee ead ol tne ‘ther end = Nouns tebe te se,“ ‘Spang aro on he op delete Gerienily an the ing ihe all tee setoas Brtuee St RIK, Srllareouly odil snip and “Ths anet ofthe redder bar 3 See apo connceled by wire Stl rough slice ides toed be moved gat Boer gece Ge Statt by punting the iver = Teside “ie nol ihe it foot u Section LX. SCREW MECHANISM ‘The Threaded Rod 1s one of the most ussful features of the Meccano system; it readily Jends itself to a wide variety of ingenious movements, and, as vill be sen from the examples included in this section, it enables some very important mechanical movements to be reproduced with detailed accuracy. IU also proves invaluable as a method of increasing the available power, although at @ considerable loss of speed, inorder to cape with exceptionally heavy loads. S.1,291—SCREW GEAR, OPERATING JIB OF CRANE ‘the Thiendoe Rod | pases thro the conte threaded tere ofa Goupung 2 sich ety earned fam th tS on sort Rags he iin tm pred ‘Tha Reds seoured fn Theesced Coughing? Bled tg short Hod 8: 2nd the Bevel Whoa! $ on fe Tian evel severing 2 ee She se) Ee sexcr in elected on pleored ar"V4 ane batted o's Dottie Bracket sa attedo, alt 12 and speed by Washers betwedt the xo Bevel Wacol The jb 3 iaremee (ge and fail ecole tho diet St rotation ol the Thvesde 5.4, 181APPLICATION OF SCREW GEAR IN TRAVERSING ECHANISM OF MACHINE TOOLS ‘This doiil shows ssetion ofthe Meccano Log Saw (Model No. (211 n this modet Thoeaded srs tdencmployed to adj he pion af scm. Snares that te egy may be et ay Ged Sas "A Yorealy ajunsble fame, which aurea the sim, aides 09 the upright members 10, and Is ected fm the Tented oes 8. "Tans angage itn the Feeaded Giang ied te the Pe Shae eomected at ther dpper ends to hte Ross} and 2by Caupincs ar Had | aed Save rotated imultaneovly trom the bonontal shat S by trans of: Conteate Whats 3 and {Pinions 4 snd the Fae 6 cel or lower acowding to the ection a oration ofthe vere Threaded Kade Fj itestatt 5 conmcoed by Sprocket Che Tl to andhenl evenly atuotea in ih bse 2 Section IX. Screw Mechanism —(eontinued SM. 183 -MOISTING CEAR OF CRANE DRIVEN BY SCREW NECHANISHL Toe tendauiwal {ratetw a. Contate "Theended Crank 7 tele cpmranca of the hana 7 ‘ewes, and ite movement is smo Ser tbe hoisting cord of the ‘ile of Pulloj, The mathod 3) vi cor Is operated ie i TW abould be aoted that ibe Rea 0 ls hernalied fad ote Cocbing 11 nish is lexi) movated sa 260 5. 185—LATHE TOOL ADJUSTING DEVICE Tne, Theasod Red. 1, fosmid in 8 Leuste Ane Strip 2 ane ala In place by ¢ ‘it rotated oy te Nan foal Sttghad at tale fre ene to a ad fe lied betpeun toe iy° Supe 6 20d form alee on whieh forthe ( sessions fain The 2} te toot postales etween the! Spa ® ty artber sores lie Db ie hatte aie or Ie fStscquence of thy movement of the Couplings & Section S24.186ADJUSTING AND LOCKING ‘DEVICES SM, 195 shor 3 terew adjustment fied te the, (ast "a then The ‘ded Roa seage, he esol 3 ‘Toresded Crark 2 Flite tn stovk 3 ‘ish sles between Abele Gaara Tis tslork te guided by. meame el a Dowie ‘nel Sp Selted tos undated, engine Rod oe. The Threaded fed I ie seavre? Dy s Goupiing 6 the Red 7, ads Yootes By a haneeote 2 “The tllstack fe locked In petlan on tarning ts Tiveased Dom 9, why eggs {Be abenk of = bolt passed Ihrough 4 ti? ip pce Iranseradiy beneath the Clee 3 hd tha Threaded Seas ares the alt tresses agains ts UH" Sup end eases {erp the Girdera hedhng Ua tal oe edly Ia pection. IX. Screw Mechanism —tontinued ‘SN.18LOCKING DEVICE Thle dinatetes seine by hich the table of = nung reaching ltr apparatus, may Me lek and Silely oaks fn tay positon, ‘Tha iaule (is alted toa find 2ating on vordea shat 3, A felt Sin erie Inthe Bars of the Grants and cates = Collar 6 which te odin ios on i Git a wt The fae oho Ie te pan by Eg the aS wrap the shalt'3alstitatle Rane provides ky a Thesded 195 Berio the Cllr 6 SM.168_SCREW ADJUSTHENT ‘The Theeadhd Rod shows fat. illateation is employed to adjust the slevaion 6a mone pun. Ths engaging & Thyndez Graph volted fo the Fvivalling ists hreuth Fle Scot. the plac by te Galas, The adjustment Up rotalng the |" Pinion shown Further examples of Senay Mesaview wi be found in "Bi Yoda 08 (Seouon ih 4 Sm. 160 SCREW ADJUSTMENT Mae the Tad Re geod ‘shine et. Tho ttle ie blog 12'Thteaded Chane 2, the bos of whi nase: th vertical Taran. od inion ehion ran with the ‘Woem bee\4 0 the shat of tRoand nies) oled ot a ‘Bract 7 shas ‘Ti labs tr rals or lowared acccding tothe Sesion al otetlon the hank Note Where a Vineided Red 3 vee Section X. OVERHEAD TROLLEYS & TRUCKS FOR GANTRIES, SM, 201 TRUCK, WITHE AUTOMATIC DIScHARG® ” ‘The Al" 21" Plt Plate I, fering the Bottom ofthe tusk, vat sc 3 an enon n anor Cousie Angie Stp Sy whlch le spac a Pte by manrs at ‘vo Washers pigeon caer ofthe bole 2 a featollid'y the Sed earn af eeee Poser. woiah race Upon Bim long supron otra etn ort acd She Paley ered wpe oping Wietrsssagincese, Taged we ieltibe deriaskng he btm nce the Pull of, belay elased by Paley if sith opine rll SM, MBnOVERHEAD TROLLEY, ventas “te toe far ‘WITH CHAIN HOIST, cide af the eva. ny erent ot hb ly es rhage "saat Saar email oy qSprnist Chain 27 tn tbe meas), it eater he vole comet fey te SP BM Ange es at veptter weil end By teethat atte Tht halt Se Shae at B meee a Emer 2 RTH FS artlet Chel 20 so seer ote naa ag tages tte ag ot Speier Gah 6nd of cht Secs cy an he ser Sm 201 SM, 202_OVERIIEAD TROLLEY Foe GANTRY, The 4 Panged Whacle 1, ta ate sccameed on rio oaettuetea rorAngle Citas ila down on the fnntey thd the varoue movements See Scrushy Naulkigon ents Sprocket Ehhige The shaln®2 operates the Boa Moe onich be geated sore 4 tat Guanca, 9 Plsion ea fod 3 Or UE Ria is beeuot eI Saachat Wheel Creag ihe to othe eae lly fe caused to (rave song the 1h by lig as he en eal see wth ‘a be ean thn Monson Stone Saving Machine (hee ea Sey Bs oye whe EITC, Section X. Overhead Trolleys &' Trucks for Gantries, etc.—teowtiinued SM.201 OVERHEAD TRAVELLER POR GANTRY S205 OVERHEAD TRAVELLER FO ‘CARRY, “The axes 1 of the travellog vhesle are Journaledthrourh the ende et ue 2)7 Stipe 2 Blase oonier end spaaes by Waterss 3 F'StE 3 are bolted to the Stipe Gormocled a tice lover ends iy Gated Sas Piece Palese Paster (3 in the usted (rom Tyo 3H" Sulps U connected by UPA pects Angle Sviped) rhe mtd wra Bnd bees Glia aee sil groe ar ae Eiang condoned over 3 eee Pty Suniel Gntocrn he 2 Shige 9 on the fod paces rnd a scaend Ie Paley oa ‘shan of the st 11 inthe pully ts tom thunce i ames over lriter f° Paley 64 sutazed from the cord 9, Ui onde of which te Te tall up tom tae foquther, Waar blog vas years \ehies "ue erated 12 She tamer & tee SH ash S055, OUD BP ERAAS A sion {IT Jeenps tha Law Section XL TRAVERSING MECHANISM, SM, 2U—TRAVERSING MECHANISM. OF HEAVY DRAGUINE, ‘SM. 211 ean undasreath vow ofthe boos of @ heavy Dron, ane of traversing mechactm ewhlah tho aang poner Se aoepled fo teen "unning en a ndrupte trac "Te Give eed ky yy of yerselsbatt ana Baye Geart 6 and Lp Bed, and two! F Pions stash of vhigh is mounted sraretaly ona shee Rod, Fear ¥* Sprecet Whces Paced te Whe shal of {he elon 3 wre euch connected Sy Eprecict Chan Ufo 1" Sprocket Waals the Popes Tae eign wel alee Srl uses te ane abet by ee ee en ‘oe of the fourenhecled ogee” ie Shaw in tll in Jad the Geom 2 eee ‘hietrston is totee Dowtle,Brsetas 13 fat fons a socket ta een ‘Re prev eshurms sk 94 10-RAGK AND IRON TRAMERING CHAN tucked Be pr pons lana Trae ae stat oa an watnomre» ida eae et neue Epes ates Cenc : Hpres ori on rate a aaa ’ ee whey ees yg SONY Rea ant rnin, at std to sphere na Gee ak ee eee Basra long she Rach crying the cde with it SM. 212 —TRAVERSING MECHANISM foot ol 8 artne or simile adel, wich the sraving whe 22 Fania Seong valerie Red sh red ta the Salat the Flange Wheel The ater ated in the bee of tho mae frase a Section XI. Traversing Mechanism —¢ontinued) 0,214 SELF-MAULED UvELuNe caneiacr the tetereng ap arate the moving china Patel song’ bf senna ihirlving. elon Tame Flewiy int pn cord. 2 The fetlor pests round a 1" Puley 3, Saree Fm the fre nase she ease Sane ID end ie etached the EMUAAMicursters 26m ithe Goaluilng Vaceine (Gusta Ro 7.2" wk ch Ihe ype’ ot travermee smechontay it employed. 18 lng toa alae SM, 216—GNDLESS ROPE TRAVERSING ceAR ”” st 230 TRANSMISSION OF MOTIVE: POWER TO ROAD WHEELS "Thi movement may be emusyed In ovorhsed cranes, cae, Sc 2lg Een anjemeath viaw of tha vnna, sae of the Stan Shovel ie gee ete Horie wari th ture an thy driv f fod dom othe ned sels by enalat ope leave” anspor conveys, ata ana ry of the st The ofa ie Josrneed shvough thew af Uwe Pear Whecl ‘thor mele hayes aecited to te EDGR a reel of tcck is coorction cons of ay ales 2 Sed lend 1S Sn etey and pasting vou’ 3 pully 9 eer Ste oun the rusetaatos pei and caren evel Weal J ean th GF the'runway, Ove ofthe puleo iar te! nelive power, SENG Shed (2s ty arian Rad ST lll ov an alge | thecal pin an Sina ups rund he ple bein ate i af toe $n aed was Maton cae parted exes) Fale af suheeat pip." root chain may be wed In gle of the eat htc be Seo Byinche af Spracice Wels 7 and Srecket Chel Shea more foveal ond weiss Wve wil be santa the Gr bindings Two wathor shoul) aso speed than the ether the Bovel Gear $ be ir to inte andthe Dyasiest He ilerenss Sn epord batween the Bevel Gear 6 and 7, UW Bie yeticle ae rane iat Sue see Bevel Gram 5, 6 and Pimeat all wai as fone. unt eee the ens cos ate eaveliog at vacily the eemesyeed. $M, 52 RECIPROCATING CEAR “The Mecsane Taplow Fes Tage nll, povile « sya ae lea divers, Fane © ios ay eevee cracls, $2 se Sane Meek ashe sw, Tae fe i ooraieg traech the ent tenes srovilng F Garone and ten (om tha ain shale 3. Te eer ne Sa ply ofected 0 Srp Couple 3 moustnd om ule Rod Eau 25s al ee te en? Te Sng iow Pema ent No Poy voile sew at once att ela’ feveneat of ‘SM. 89-LAMINATAD SPRING, CANTILEVER TYPE Leninand spanpesemaines eset tof" eal” springen be oo sot a fol of Heese Sine targa nai Ton Su SHERI tated ete tp turn SHR EE AE Spiny tat Seve sng Bouts Bracket at the ced. A chofler spring Fequently In woo hoe beth ends tached to th yeti, whit its arte See the nd oe Thee legen aa aha. Semaine tyDe (S'S nah, Seaton Vill a it's Bolte tothe (ramewors ef the Vile Section XIII. ge eG) st 256 EXAMPLES OF MECCANO HANDLES, et. SM, 265 Hland-whel eonstracte frm & Ete Pate Ie, Total about vbo sta Iiyord earring Deeded Py ‘SHE 296 Cram arly aomponsd of toe Cranks bolted ‘earlier, and short Rod te Su orecraak handle, formed tom 4 Coupling 2nd short Red sito The Tha ded Fn engages oof feceing of 3 ceamveres iF Double nas Tn 3 Cou Fisthee ceamples ate sue show In SHUNoe 5 000, 62,72 96 137 ete SM. 200—PEDESTAL “Phi dei Dotates ain terotng Sdnpltion of receao ‘Roaete sem ver pedestal, or 2 Seria slur, at 80.260 Miscellaneous Appliances—eontinned) SM. 251 —OVERUEAD GEAR FoR ELECTRIC LOCO SM, 261 tlataies « eset sollecon, or Fantagrph, of the re wet on Hi cues (orn “Throacaa” Rede Sindy ebrneata tothe 2" Rods 2 Ble by Calas sry forte Galas’ 3 th which Up 2 Rous 4 Spost te ecg turn. Tie Tioended Bade S enter oor fisher Gall on She Rots and ip the later ty ai ls cad ees Thendod Kod &, The’ later urns frei all four Cellar, ati stciharend's Threaded Bo A Bioee ef tout copper Slee @ Sasi ae s Bta “The pantagazh ie precenied from Sagfing Uo eno "ae Speesct Chub 0 and 1 oh permit vera folding ee 2x Suto arrmged opposes ‘hat, wilson 1 pases ender Te terpuetive Cole on Raa 22 ane ver the Clie en Rog 2, chain TI gore ower the Collaton Rod 23 and ander that 0 Spc Comeating the Rese 2 ona ds fake the Radel thue anh Ue pants, 7 ‘set thes tha he copper wie @ temee afaot the averhetd wee ‘he partegeth ae iit Hem te nea oly & Bek” lls ad Esenating Buses ard Wahert; "he Sure ted {Ste ote waits ramewors ofthe pantatraphand in taulsted re 2 ‘SM. 262TIVOT, FORMED FROM DOLT AND UTS Asimile type af pivot or gutvl beans oh prgeae cxicealy ata actin note tncan ML 2 he GaN poses through the Sip 2 agi ecrely bel to Steps Dy sped 9! tivo le 4and & eben sr sereves ght saint ppecie sic of the ‘Srp. Salient poco lft teteen ‘Tht nut Send the valt end te alow foe maveront af he Sty. vache SSIS BOLT AND_LOCKAUTS ether 11m a pita Sv sts may he ong eted by fiat pacisy Ue Sioa 2 and 3 (ay lltration S262) Ses eed okog te ee tend 8 mieten The uve ae turned fo oppodie dvections onl they eecualy 7 ‘iter Im postin on the bolt.” This acrnogesent Sloee wee movestont of bath Stipe, lndepemieniiy of the ake a Section XIII, Miscellaneous Appliances—(ouinued) SM.264_CAM, OR TAPPET lt gene rodent rtroutng ott A Gants Fork cartad 4 = Cou Seeved to 2 revolving shat, engag {oc bret peiod in each evelion with te teeth of 2" Sprovhal Wheel seated {9 ¢ seand aha se impertig tothe later an loternltontrotay mavens Tis deve esta in PevattionIndestrs. easing insane ete ngroutest rotary motlen ‘ay ale te sblemsa by pau 204 “toe gyi, Rerevample fame ot te Soulein fhe 99 comeved, ted the Sgrehst iit given 'n te abd-te meson by crane ard coe eeing ted fos, the ate! What Hil aves tion sro 40 hatin MI Si 265--Cam, On TAPPET “Ws rsenbies SM. 261 and conwerlt a rela utery mation tees a repro guar lett ene mac ea Phe 1 iy We 3 2h 2e the en toate, the Brstote 2 rata of lower tor renting tance hon the Rods "The Eecustaue es form ef eum oe S252 Si 267—0BLL CRANK, ‘Te bal erate a lever of she WE Siar, and ig orployed sz 0 means eae ere reine ten ie dati tore a fewest ae at 30 mah othe, and one tart heater thoughts Bul Gaal 2 et Me 13; bee Bees ro pvoltly coaneted by belts and nis es SM 202), Sis 265--EPICYCLOIDAL CHAR ln efleyeadal gear ego toovbed weal exueed fo ratte about th cream. terene of seathen, "Fe Paton! Whe etl enpaper with thy Gear Wea fits caried on 9 shalt furnalled na if Std. alted to n Cortate Wheel fohish rotetes Recs "The hatter nay be secured Sah BU Raise ah ie Shee aero Re tec Ra ART UATE oy HERS aera ae ete tc Rae AREAS ene, ea a a “ Section XII. Miscellaneous Appliances —towinned) VARIABLE AND MULTIPLE DRIVING MECHANISM ‘SM.270VARIADLE ROTARY DRIVE, SM 270 thaates wathod by bleh the length of & driven anat may be vated hile itis ir otin. The detail shows toe gear aap fo a diling machine it wl invuot thatthe verte! dil safe tn to segments. the upper dan copmant 10 bring consesteg so the lover by anna e/' Bush Whoa! | engaging tte ener’ acs 2 uted in ancther hat Whee! dr wnlch secured te toe over sapmest The dig {oct carted an the lier applied tothe work ar pzsndng a Teves, ad tleae feturned to its fermer posta by the Compresion Speing 7 earl Ne 1208), whl it five Sythe tat atten 2 Gala b oer sl aay a rege ing 8. The spring thoed be spy strlche belare Lela sd in this appara ‘eile notoce pate thar ods 2a thanselves to the movement of the dl by Slangin the hols af the Bush Whe! ‘SM Stake another sew of the dellaistiog dave Tha levee { i pigtaly spouted at by wets of bat ad lakerte (S34 20) and enenges vith tha Bye Peed ‘Foe teria consectedsalzo ty bot anu ioukenuts—2o a sable breekee 4 |S. 270) tmownted'on the dl shale 4, If anew typa Sys Ponto ussa the Laver 8 mus: Ea peesd ether ava trom the de sal. Si. 271—I0ULTIPLE-DRIVE MECHANISHE “This mechanism 8 frequently amioyed rllng_ mashinee sn timier appeatar enero a rember of that are netstat auniorm=yerd Ze den yaa Raa 6 vts's TH Conizate wn 7 ach {ald by the J" Pinon & eegeed to the bur palny shall, Tha Roe 3x josaa troupe ee hour a'tuo ‘Pace Pater and 3, Med (o- De worgh elu ot anath inn tne Sfteth Gear Wheel 4° "he later sive Pinens 3 Slathd'ie be Tous countovetalla € which coy the tals move ie Couples: SM.272—-UNIVERSAL JOINT ee mourn Unmpa Cun gun et (Ma, 40) den to conn tng rotating seats ying (ifort lanes, ar tealog a 5 arg1Ng ‘Rccramle ofthe nttean ait fe fund fe al mate! ear haf fara 2 Rona EMonzticn helwccn the popeiee ante and the mim drivin shalt tbe engin, {Enlowing or such verteu mowemant ok Me Conk axle ta may be det Ue OF (8 aproce Ground ate over whan the ear tre. So. 272 shove, the (Coup ing attastod othe ges Hex ot an Mleeczne Motoy Chauis. Anothor sul Siatration a te ora te par wil be found fs SAL 225, SM.270—SPRED INDICATOR ‘An atic, ighrument foe muoaring the speed af any totaling shalt nay be comleucted on the cenefuge gevernor principle ise STOR. Be empleytog the Sfoverent of the’ wight tovauale spsimer roving ove a grhduated sone Bee Mode No. 438 Wana et asroctos « Section XL. Miscellaneous Appliances—tcontinuea, 8. #15—crosstRaD snoaTM gta somo 9 A rork Pleat Son tie end of the PRION SRE a pial seals eee Et au te posi ie conte of hz Fok les Sielepe Bes cage te le. sone ap ome eon Shetaleact Ith Bs of the a6 21-a0IL.up emaneare Tsescypasvecowl oat compte sey bit ant ene ee aha te ni Sethe te spel bys ruck 2c Sag sever SORA ears enhtpese pon Geng Fit awe lets Sah he ask eS scelred fe aie wires he ister Ply bated sie h Coeting'@ foes ee Geant 2° en spiced by ashes iv ore at ek at Soper iiemart Ion ote be ing etic nen oboe ‘he model, o "he Ese 7 outta va nator tem ag neg tee by ast Sth Seca eal told ib eee Breet eaa ot sh. e_oscuuine enamets feycalnin gina naka Pee tenia agen aay Saeed ie eee Beare ae ea 2 or eee Ste Seay Can see oe es a oi eras Pore aint ne Heme er erie Bia Vrain cers snce SARE enc ange Section XIII. Miscellaneous Appliances—(couinued) so arog an TOR SUES ok Section XTIL. SM. 250_BALL-AND-S0CKET JOINT ‘Av ln sacl enginaeig, a balbene mci Jlnt—tc, & Juin that sil snabe naka fe pivot rosy in a directo a ites Ie rowed in model alldng.aithaagh te trot poss Giastehy edie x ballaniacta et Sbtsined, 9 show in 20 258 tn hie the pork, [Ebreented by e Sufva Bearag | while the siya Se Miscellaneous Appliances—continued) SM, 2m NADIUS mwmIcATOR rang he oti oa elspa postion the preter wil bee Sta pon inhreperay ined. Tues hes iinp eer "eed cava te akan 0 ae Ghat tho ola at Ke peer Sng fo pe wih that ade Araatua disse tae oe Spertae alt garce the parlor af the is and te maa Feciresta Weal’ The vive! Beateg'a osrted ona ‘ono such 2 hee we (Una in Seasings 4 Henas tha Rod Sheeting Ss Sala US ig ay ee np HvOUGh any ante Sat 281—unNcE constRucTION ‘The hinge shox to 5. 220 1 Bate op {toc Seyeu slats mounted a 247 Ro ‘Tha Calas Pane 2'me sured 2 th cr oy ‘eana of ernay bss pasted though che Ang S/ auie balng pled om. the bols to Pros tum outing ihe foe 4 uy wler als Sutcey spaced bp Wasners “These bate ako erve fo gig the Roe se poutin, Tae Fematniag dhe Calle ate ine o> aecing Purpose eng thule be lea on the od . he “settraction at enact ass mca mag «aide eheragh wl they shold oo assent ‘a the” serstaction af Uppine wagers sib Meged acy ste Sa 25I-CONWECTING ROP END BEARING SM, 205 shees = simple ut wate ‘rbigand hecaing tor a in connctian ‘pit ite Mesa rananete (Fart Na. [d4). Ncaisica et ewe [Senge reunted on the ep Sew nen of nu sna oie puasng can ltely tne ugh the tod tbe Couplings asd by = fair of Settee 4 ‘rite saves a°cuin the vonneaie tod Inthe Coupling, “tie panien ol the‘con: Meeting fod jn°tho centre ofthe eran aati $y spring Clo. 8 fumed "Aematialy two 1° Trangular Plates, sed'instng et the Sup tay te sed {ova toeong Coupiog secured by is ort ore ole St get anes &2 Coustog ‘to lea that hy sen handle tafey wibea nee 1S fngh, thes speeding ep lofts movements ‘ "ine Mecfans rast leeslor abun 81%, 282 con. sitgota Goupig | Unt is uel htm aboot tha? Rod, xbloh fe gpsea inthe Ser of Crank poled te the nea ane af he Wegener ne pga Shick 8 sencee the Worry A The weight of the hater eg ae te Rattler sees pater at tito the Rou paced. "Adal shaped lm soe ot Fou chou i toled at 70 an Ange Beso teehee Totieth. The Roa? posses throug a hole ote ia and fiom thevardao Et mera ~ 3 "MECCANO MAGAZINE’ Published “S PAECCANS World's 4 Monthly Best . Magazine Price for Boys SIXPENCE Whe *Mcome Maga” me te such sibiela Rallye, Fars ‘Acronautics Mecano Sey’ newspaper. He sends &‘Engheor ard laventer, Betta, Wonderiat é rmplony and screens with hb inend Bre Carek, Wendl aces, ae Railways EE ee vies held obs erp, tts Patent Rae, biciaal Sramps sok em Photography, Bois sad eter tent of Lives of ts him of he Latest tet to ey nein egetne Latest Meiene ebdk; vhat Merino Clabeate ferro Mesto parts a eorefonerse Fomous ‘Paves ort: Sew t eontzend ith otter ums im vm Se Baler cen 2 Taventors Necrie byes the Competitors tut we Me ranger" ees, The paling = Bleetricity iwag, 1 conatessplon aca oo dae (fhe eto aah eat Compesitlons ‘Wie te the Edlnn“asane Wagan” Ol Swan, Lveest ensosine 62 inaterpa. A wll hen foveal Spilman enpy ote aka pat ete Icyou met fe brgome stogelerssbseiier the estes ote 4/= for Mr ves er Gf tr Iwelve ise, pont foe Piirnency 1 you pater oo 50, you may order the Magnes ‘tors your Hocext® desi ov fom any semsapent or Takata cle Crdorealy owed daappolatent. bee COMPLETE OUTFITS No.0 Meccano Outfit... swe 6 ow as a ee a Hof: wats os 6/- ne : 26 are i + 50/- 5 (Garton) 2 Oye | SL Proventatlon Outat 2 95/= 6 2 outte (Garten) us/- 16 Presentation Ouest 2 350/- Lows % cL Bey MOTORS, Etc. Meseane Clockwork 16 nm Electle Motor No.1 (Volt) «ss 2 25/8 =, Amumultr (Vol, 2 Ames). 8/8 Resistance Controller 3/6 Transformer Beltitiny <<. Boj MECCANO PRICE LIST ACCESSORY OUTFITS No, 004 Mecsano Aveesory Outht .. 2. 6 i OR ae 5/6 ts fo ow Wee wake ay € 126 ae on oa + 26 Ae e, » Gaacraes > 8 é (Carton). 50/= ee, 4 (Wood). 807. Es ae ee OE Specal Inventor's Outfin, ve ens ANS OLE UR AN EY ATOLL SINT LEED NITIES LETTE RSTO TE ES EE Patents and Desiges Patens and Designs ‘Great Beis (Great ain zossaamnan * cn 8.408 asus aes emai T3733 “acs Sits. THE TOY THAT MADE ENGINEERING FAMOUS — fei39 1700 GLA ——“Milioas of boys in every country throughout the world play with facie Buoins cll? Meetano,” Tea are the Meceano Factories acd dstbuing centres een ee Skee Mecsane Grane) Lic, eine eceaaa Lia, ead Office Bad Factory Meccano Co eal Oe & Warto Se 3.8 trea oceano Lid, + Keatee fed Eason) SEL, Meezine Lit, 16, Cobone Sha, Fase, Meceano Agencies Ae. asian, = Berea” ae So ease Company Ie t g i LT A A AEE I A NS

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