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1- TTDh
Heater Terminal Temperature Difference.
2- TTDc = Condenser Terminal Temperature
3- Tloss = temperature difference between brine and
condensing vapor temperature.

To Simplify the Single Stage Flash in Mathematical Analysis,

the following assumption must be considered :
1-Specific heat at constant pressure(Cp) = 4.18 kJ/kg C.
2- The overall heat transfer coefficient Uh = Uc = 2 KW/m2 c
3- Neglect the Steam Sub-cooling and super heating
4-Neglect all heat losses
5- Xp zero ( Salt Free)

1- Mf = Mb + Md

2- Xf Mf = Xb Mb

3,4) Ms s = Mf cp (To T1 ) = Uh Ah (LMTD)h

Where :
s : latent heat of steam

Uh: heater overall heat transfer coefficient (KW/m2 C)

Ah : Area of heater (m2)
(LMTD)h : Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference of heater

5,6) Md v = (Mcw + Mf ) cp ( T1 Tcw )

= Mf cp ( To Tb)
= Uc Ac (LMTD)c
Where :
v : latent heat of Vapor
Uc: overall heat transfer coefficient (KW/m2 c)
Ac : Area of condenser (m2)

(LMTD)c : Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference of condenser

(To T1)
7) (LMTD)h =

Where :

(Ts T1 )
(Ts To )

(LMTD)h : Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference of heater

To: Top brine temperature

Ts: Steam temperature

(T1 Tcw)
8) (LMTD)c =

Where :

(Tv Tcw)
(Tv T1 )

(LMTD)c : Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference of condenser

Tcw: cold water temperature

Tv: vapor temperature

9) PR =

s Mf cp (To Tb )


s (To Tb )

v Mf cp (To T1 )

Where :
PR : Performance Ratio
s : steam latent heat
v : vapor latent heat

v (To T1 )

10) Tst = To - Tb
11) To T1 = Tst + T loss+ TTDc
Where :
TTDc : Condenser Terminal Temperature Difference

Tloss : Thermodynamic losses

Tst : stage temperature drop

To : Top brine temperature = 90c

Tb: Temperature of reject brine= 40 C

Ts : Steam temperature = 100c

Tcw : cold water temperature = 30c

T loss : Thermodynamic loss = 2c

TTDc : The condenser terminal temperature difference = 3c
Xf : The salinity of intake seawater = 42,000 ppm

v : vapor latent heat = 2412.5 kJ/kg (at 38 C)

s : steam latent heat = 2256 kJ/kg (at 100 C)



Performance Ratio


Mf/ Md
specific flow rates of feed seawater

Qin / Md

Mcw / Md
specific flow rate of the cooling water


Salinity of brine

Area of heater (m2)

Area of condenser (m2)

Tst = To - Tb = 90 - 40 = 50C
TTDh = Ts To= 100 - 90 = 10C
Tv = Tb - Tloss = 40 - 2 = 38C
v = 2412.5 kJ/kg (at 38oC)
s = 2256 kJ/kg (at 100oC)
(s)(Tst )
PR =

(Tst + Tloss +TTDc) (v)

= ((2256) (50)) /((50+2+3)(2412.5))
= 0.85 kg distillate/kg steam

Md v = Mf Cp Tst
Mf/Md = v /(Cp (Tst ))
= 2412.5/((4.18)(50)) = 11.54 kg feed seawater/kg distillate
Md v = (Mf+Mcw) Cp (To- Tst - Tloss-TTDc-Tcw)
Mcw/Md = v(Cp (To- Tst -Tloss-TTDc-Tcw)) - (Mf/Md)
= (2412.5)/((4.18)(90-50-2-3-30)) - 11.54 = 103.9 kg cooling seawater/kg distillate

Mb = 11.54 - 1 = 10.54 kg brine/kg distillate

Xb = Xf Mf/Mb = (42000) (11.54)/(10.54) = 45984.8 ppm

(LMTD)h =

Tst + Tloss + TTDc

ln (( TTDh + Tst + Tloss + TTDc) / TTDh )

= (50+2+3) / ln((10+50+3+2)/(10))
= 29.4 oC
((Ms) s))
Ah/Md =

= 2256/((0.85)(2)(29.4))
= 45.1 m2/(kg/s)

ln((Tst +TTDc)/(TTDc))
= 50/ln((50+3)/3)
= 17.4 C

(LMTD)c =

Ac/Md = v /((Uc)(LMTD)c)
= 2412.5/((2)(17.4))
= 69.3 m2/(kg/s)
Qin /Md = Ms .s/Md
= 2256/.85 = 2654.11 kJ/ kg distilled water

This method is a great improvement in the single stage flush

The same process as single stage flush.
The process is repeated several time and It recommend with the
same temperature difference
The target is to decrease the amount of energy stored in the steam
so the process dont need to be cooled.
So the maximum efficiency increased.

1) Md v = Mf cp (To Tn )= Mf cp n. Tst
Where :
v: latent heat of vapor @ ( T = (To + Tb )/2 )
Md : Mdi
To Tb : n Tst
As :
n :is the number of stages
Tst :is the average temperature difference of stage (recommended to
be the same difference).

Ah / Md


Ac / Md

Mp / M d
specific flow rates of feed seawater


Area of heater (m2)

Performance Ratio

Salinity of brine

Area of condenser (m2)


Tst = (To Tn ) / 23 = (90-40)/23 = 2.174 C

Taverage = (To + Tn ) / 2 = (90+40)/2 = 65C

= 2346 kJ/kg

(n Tst )s
PR =
(Tst + Tloss + TTDc ) v
= (23)(2.174)(2256)/((2.174+2+3)(2346.5))
= 6.7 kg distillate water/kg steam



The specific feed flow rate is

Mf/Md = v/(Cp(To - Tb))
= 2346.5/((4.18)(90-40))
= 11.22 kg intake seawater/kg distillate

Mb/Md = 11.22 - 1 = 10.22 kg/kg distillate

Xb = Mf .Xf /Mb = (42000) (11.22)/(10.22) = 46,126 ppm


(LMTD)h =

Tst + Tloss + TTDc

ln (( TTDh + Tst + Tloss + TTDc) / TTDh )

= (2.174+2+3)/ln((10+2.174+2+3)/(10))
= 13.27 C

Ah / Md = Ms s / (Md Uh (LMTD)h
= 2256/((6.7)(2)(13.27))
= 12.7 m2/(kg/s)


(LMTD)c = (T st ) / ln (T st + TTDc )/(TTDc))

= 2.174/ln((2.174+3)/3) = 3.98 C

Ac / Md = Mf Cp Tst / (Uc (LMTD)c )

= 12.8 m2/(kg/s distilled water)

Total area = Ah + n Ac = 307.1 m2

. Single stage once through type is more efficient and more
economical in energy consumption.
. Single stage once through type is more suitable for
. Single stage once through type need more area to be

Until now we have discussed two different types of water

distillation (the single stage flash, and the single through multi
stage flashing) accompanied with a proper Thermodynamics
analysis of the systems.
In this section we will discuss a third type of multi stage
flashing which is MSF with brine mixing, and by the end of
reading this lecture you should:
1. Know the theory of operation of this type
2. Spot the advantages and disadvantages of this type.
3. Understand the thermodynamics analysis of this type.
4. Compare between the three types with respect to (PR)
and total Area.

Feed water

Brine to be

Steam in

Steam Out


(schematic diagram of MSF with brine mixing)

According to previous figure:

It is a basic MSF except that a portion of a mass of a value equal
to (Mr Mf) was taken from the exiting brine with temperature of
(Tb) to be mixed with the entering feed water having the mass
(Mf) & temperature (Tcw) raising its temperature to (Tr) but
increasing its salinity as well.
After the mixing process, the steps are the same as any MSF
distillation process.

What is its idea?

It is simply based on the idea of making a use of the brine
outcome by recirculating a portion of it in the MSF cycle , thus
making use of its thermal energy instead of throwing it away.

Why do we insert a saline solution back into the

system ?
In this type of desalination it is acceptable to do so -as long as
we are operating within the predetermined limitations (salinity up to
70,000 ppm)- because we are using thermal energy to extract fresh
water by means of evaporation and condensation.

What happens if we exceeded the 70,000 ppm limit?

This will cause the following problems in the cycle:
1. Will cause excessive fouling and scaling throughout the system.
2. Decreases the overall efficiency.
3. The resulting reject could have huge impacts on the environment, which
would require more handling.

What is the purpose of using brine recirculation (Adv.)?

1. Decreasing the feed water flow rate which decreases the amount of the pretreatment required for the feed water.
2. Improving the thermal efficiency of the cycle by recirculating the brine which
has higher thermal energy than feed water, instead of throwing it away.
3. Decreasing the amount of brine water exiting the system.

What are the main disadvantages of using brine

1. Due to excessive salinity the system requires frequent cleaning
and maintenance in order to prevent scaling.
2. Requires larger area.

1. By applying mass balance to the whole system we get,

M = M b + Md

.. . Equation ( 1 )

2. By applying salinity balance on the whole system we get,

M . X = M b . X b + Md . X d

( Xd ) assumed to be zero, due to its very small value

M . X = Mb . Xb .. . Equation ( 2 )

From ( 1 ) and (2 ):
X (Mb + Md ) = Mb . Xb
Md . X = M b ( X b - X )
Mb =

. Md

.. . Equation (3 )

Xb - X

Mb is the mass flow rate of brine.

Md is the mass flow of distilled water.
X , Xb are the salinity of both feed and distilled water respectively.

4,5. By applying energy balance on the heater ( figure 2 )

we get,
Ms . s = Mr . Cp . (To - T1 )

. Equation ( 4 )

Md . v = Mr . Cp . (To - Tb)

. Equation ( 5 )

(Figure 2)

6. And from previous lecture we could deduce that,

(To - Tb ) . s

PR =


.. . Equation ( 6 )
(To - T1 ) . v

Note: the performance ratio may be considered as a measure of


. Equation (7)


Step 1: Analyzing the given information and requirements


Required to find:

From equation ( 8.3 ), get the mass of exiting brine :

( X ) * ( Md )

( Xb X f )
( 42000 ) * ( 1 )

( 70000 42000 )

Mb = 1.5 Kg/S

And From equation ( 8.1 ), We could get the mass of entering water:
Mf = Mb + Md
Mf = 1+ 1.5 = 2.5 Kg/S

Knowing the value of PR ( from equation 8.4 ), get the values of

Ms & T1 , or do energy balance for the heater to get T1:

PR =



Ms = 0.125 Kg/S



and Md=1 kg/s

then Ms=0.125 kg/s

For the heater we have ,

( Ms ) * ( s ) = ( Mr ) * ( Cp ) * ( To T1 )
( 0.125 ) * ( 2200 ) = ( 17.942 ) * ( 4.18 ) * ( 90 T1 )

Which gives out that T1 = 86.66 c

we had deduced that,
(To - Tb ) . s

PR =


=8 .. . Equation ( 6 )
(To - T1 ) . v

Then Tb = 60.8 deg C

Also, To-N.Tst=Tb
Then Tb = 90 23 * Tst

then Tst =1.3 deg C

. And we know that,

( Md ) * ( v )
Mr * cp =
(To - Tb )

( 1 ) * ( 2400 )

Mr * 4.18 =

( 90 60.8 )
Mr = 17.942 Kg/S

( Md ) * ( Xf ) + ( Mr Mf ) * Xb = ( Mr )* ( Xr )

Xr = 66098 PPM

. LMTDh =

. LMTDh =
. LMTDc =
then, LMTDc= 3.65C


last step area calculation

Acondencer= 14 m2
Aheater=10.634 m2

MSF with



MSF once




Total Area




This table has a great significance, since it means that we have improved the PR
but it with accompanied by size issues (increased size ).

In this type we utilized the useful thermal energy going out with the
reject, thus maximizing the PR values, and increasing the
recovered water amount.
The increase in the PR values is accompanied with an increase in
total area.
Frequent maintenance and cleaning is a must with this type of
distillation to prevent fouling or scaling that may occur due to the
high percentage of salinity.
The maximum allowable amount of salinity to be recirculated is
about 70,000 ppm.
If the maximum value was exceeded, scaling and fouling will take
place in the system, as well as an increase in the environmental
impact of the reject.



No. of Students per topic

Three Students maximum

Output Format

Power Point + videos

Equations editing

To be written on equation editor; not photo

Dead line

2nd & 9th of May, 2014


15-20 minutes maximum

Deliverable form

CD including the presentation

Topic 1

Using CFD in Desalination

1. Finite difference and finite element
2. Main Boiling Equations and solution assumptions
3. Main Flush Equations and solution assumptions

4. Main Flush Equations and solution assumptions

5. Main salt separation Equations and solution




Topic 2

Methods of Humidification and Dehumidification Desalination

1. Open Air Open Water Systems
2. Open Air Closed Water Systems
3. Closed Air Open Water Systems

Topic 3

Hybrid Solar Energy and Desalination

1. Available Arrangements
2. Relevant calculations
3. Case Studies with its calculations (minimum two cases)

Topic 4

Hybrid Wind Energy and Desalination

1. Available Arrangements
2. Relevant calculations
3. Case Studies with its calculations (minimum two cases)



Topic 5

Hybrid Geothermal Energy and Desalination

1. Available Arrangements
2. Relevant calculations
3. Case Studies with its calculations (minimum two cases)

Topic 6

Arrangements of RO Membrane
1. Available practical membranes specification with catalog cuts
2. Arrangements of membranes (Series and Parallel)
3. Case Studies with its calculations (minimum two cases)

Topic 7

Full Design of MSF Plant

1. Practical Arrangements (not schematic)
2. Relevant calculations (Heat exchanger Fuel Steam -)
3. Case Studies with its calculations (minimum two cases)

Topic 1

Asmaa Ramadan El Sayed

Ibrahim Gad El Haq

Topic 2

Ahmed Mahmed Osman

Wael Wadee
Mohamed Fouad

Topic 3

Ahmed Tarif
Mohamed Bashir
Waleed Mohamed

Topic 4


Topic 5


Topic 6

Ashraf Hussein
Mohamed Tarek
Mohamed Hussein

Topic 7

Mohamed Essam
Mohamed Hamdy
Aya Ahmed



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