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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: September 9, 10, 2014

2014- 09- 23 16:09:57 GKToday

1. Who among t he f ollowing is f irst Spaniard t o win World Badmint on

[A]Yoana Mart inez Barbero
[B]Maria Krist in
[C]Erin Carroll
[D]Carolina Marin
Carolina Marin
Carolina Marin became t he f irst Spaniard t o win World Badmint on
Championship held at Denmark. She def eat ed World number One Li Xuerui of
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2. Which Commit t ee has been appoint ed by t he cent ral government t o st udy
and recognize obsolet e laws?
[A]Ramanujam Commit t ee
[B]Kelkar Commit t ee
[C]Rao Commit t ee
[D]Rangarajan Commit t ee
Ramanujam Committee
Ramanujam commit t ee will ident if y t he laws which ef f ect ively hamper
governance by creat ing avoidable conf usion.
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3. Which among t he f ollowing commit t ees has recent ly submit t ed it s int erim
report on women saf et y?
[A]Just ice C.S. Dharmadhikari Commit t ee
[B]Just ice V. Ramaswami Commit t ee
[C]Just ice J.M. Shelat Commit t ee
[D]Just ice R.S. Bachawat Commit t ee
Justice C.S. Dharmadhikari Committee
Just ice C.S. Dharmadhikari Commit t ee has recommended Maharasht ra
Government t o enf orce an absolut e ban on dance bars in st at e t o reduce
at t acks on women and crime rat e.
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4. Which of t he f ollowing became t he second longest running react or in t he

[A]Unit 2 of
[B]Unit 5 of
[C]Unit 2 of
[D]Unit 5 of

T arapur At omic Power St at ion

Rajast han At omic Power St at ion
Kakrapar At omic Power St at ion
Madras At omic Power St at ion

Unit 5 of Rajasthan Atomic Power Station

Unit 5 of Rajast han At omic Power St at ion is t he second longest running
react or in t he world is a 220 MW Pressurised Heavy Wat er React or (PHWR).
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5. Which Indian player has been select ed by Int ernat ional T ennis Federat ion
f or Davis Cup Commit ment Award?
[A]Rohan Bopanna
[B]Yuki Bhambri
[C]Mahesh Bhupat hi
[D]Harsh Mankad
Rohan Bopanna
Rohan Bopanna has been select ed f or t he prest igious awards. T he award is
given t o players who have shown remarkable play and a relent less st ruggle t o
represent t heir count ry in t he compet it ion.
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6. What is t he name of t he recent ly discovered dinosaur who is now said t o be
more aquat ic t han t errest rial?
[A]Dreadnought us schrani
[B]Spinosaurus aegypt iacus
[C]Diplodocus longus
[D]Giraf f it ian brancai
Spinosaurus aegyptiacus
T he bones of Spinosaurus aegypt iacus has been recent ly discovered which
have revealed t hat t he creat ure spent more t ime under wat er t han on land. It
showed some excit ing aquat ic adapt at ions.
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7. Who was t he chairman of t he Union Powers Commit t ee of t he Const it uent
[A]Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
[B]Jawaharlal Nehru
[C]Sardar Pat el
[D]J.B. Kriplani
Jawaharlal Nehru
Jawaharlal Nehru was t he chairman of t he Union Powers Commit t ee. It was

one of t he eight major commit t ees f ormed in t he Const it uent Assembly of

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8. Who among t he f ollowing has won t he Naad Bhed Yuva Puraskar f or 2014?
[A]Apoorva Krishna
[B]Kala Ramnat h
[C]Sangeet a Shankar
[D]Embar Kannan
Apoorva Krishna
18-year-old Bangalorean, violinist Apoorva Krishna has won t he Naad Bhed
Yuva Puraskar (Carnat ic music-Inst rument al) at t he Naad Bhed Nat ional Music
Compet it ions which are conduct ed by Spic-Macay and Doordarshan.
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9. T he object ive of t he recent ly launched "Reef er Vehicle Call-in-Cent re
Scheme" is t o ___?
[A]Provide boost t o aut omobile sect or
[B]Evaluat e t he saf et y of dif f erent vehicles in t he count ry
[C]Smoot h t ransport at ion of perishable goods
[D]None of t he above
Smooth transportation of perishable goods
Reef er Vehicle Call-in-Cent re Scheme was launched by t he Union Agricult ure
Minist er Radha Mohan Singh f or smoot h t ransport at ion of perishable goods.
T his will also involve creat ion of a dat abase of bot t lenecks experienced
during t he t ransport .
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10. According t o a recent WHO which count ry recorded t he highest rat e of
Child Marriages?
[B]Pakist an
According t o t he WHO report , t he highest number of child marriages were
seen in Bangladesh f ollowed by India and Nepal. In Bangladesh about t wot hirds girls are married bef ore t he age of 18.
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