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Articles from General Knowledge Today

GK & Current Affairs: August 21, 22, 2014

2014- 08- 29 18:08:12 GKToday

1. According t o 2014 Nuclear Mat erials Securit y Index prepared by

Washingt on-based Nuclear T hreat Init iat ive, what is t he new rank of India out
of 25 count ries wit h weapons-usable nuclear mat erials?
T he ranking has been widely crit icised due t o inadequat e met hodolgy used
and also being t ermed as uninf ormed.
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2. Which Brit ish act or and direct or whose dream project Gandhi won 8 Oscars,
passed away last week?
[A]George Arliss
[B]Rowan At kinson
[C]Richard At t enborough
[D]Felix Aylmer
Richard Attenborough
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3. Who is / was t he f irst woman judge of Supreme Court of India?
[A]Just ice Gyan Sudha Mishra
[B]Just ice Fat hima Beebi
[C]Just ice Ranjana Prakash Desai
[D]Just ice R. Banumat hi
Justice Fathima Beebi
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4. Wit h which among t he f ollowing count ries, India shares t he longest
[D]Pakist an

Bangladesh- 4053 kms

China - 3380 kms
Nepal - 1690 kms
Pakist an - 2912 kms
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5. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe will host a t radit ional Japanese t ea ceremony as
a rare honor f or PM Modi. It is known as:
[B]Aisat su
[D]Chashit su
Japanese PM Shinzo Abe will host Chanoyu f or his Indian count erpart PM Modi
in T okyo. It has been used as a polit ical t ool by Japanese leaders in t he past
and is reserved f or special guest s. PM Modi, most likely will be of f ered
'mat cha'- a powered green t ea during t he ceremony.
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6. . t he new hindi domain launched by Government of India will init ially cover
8 Indian languages. Which among t he f ollowing languages is not included in
t hem?
[B]Mait hali
[D]T elugu
T elugu
T he new domain .bharat has been launched t o make India digit ally accessible
t o all and is ext ended t o 8 languages: Hindi, Konkani, Bodo, Dogri, Mait hali,
Nepali, Sindhi and Marat hi. New languages will be added gradually.
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7. Who among t he f ollowing is a not ed Carnat ic f lut e art ist ?
[A]MS Subbulakshmi
[C]Sikkil Mala Chandrashekhar
[D]Sri Lalgudi Jayarama Iyer
Sikkil Mala Chandrashekhar
Sikkil Mala Chandrashekhar has been honored by nat ional and int ernat ional
awards. She specializes in Carnat ic classical music.
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8. Which of t he f ollowing st at ement s is /are t rue about Pradhan Mant ri Jan

Dhan Yojana?
1. Cit izens don't need a minimum balance t o open bank account s
2. An overdraf t f acilit y of Rs. 1 lakh f or Aadhar enabled account s
3. An addit ional insurance cover of Rs. 30,000 f or all t hose who open account s
bef ore January 26, 2014.
Select t he correct opt ion f rom t he codes given below:
[A]1 and 2
[B]1 and 3
[C]Only 2
[D]Only 3
1 and 3
At t he t ime of opening t he bank account , t hese t wo will be provided: Overdraf t f acilit y is f or Rs.5000 -An inst ant accident insurance cover of Rs. 1
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9. T he Indian government has announced it s plans t o set -up a high speed t rain
corridor. Current ly, what is t he maximum speed of long-dist ance Indian t rains?
[A]90-100 kmph
[B]100-120 kmph
[C]70-80 kmph
[D]80-90 kmph
70-80 kmph
T he high-speed t rain syst ems under t he const ruct ion can reach a speed of
300-350 kmph.
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10. Mount Sinjar, which was recent ly making news, is locat ed in __?
America recent ly carried out air st rikes against Islamic St at e (ISIS) milit ant s in
Iraq t o assist Iraqi f orces in t heir ef f ort t o break t he siege of Mount Sinjar,
where people f rom t he surrounding area, most ly f rom religious minorit y
Yezidis, had f led t o t ake shelt er f rom t he jihadist s.
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