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Sunday, November 25, 2012/5:00 P.M.
Zefanya Merryani
10 2012 308
The dangers of Cramming

Thesis Statement
Thesis Statement: Cramming and the effect of cramming
Topic: The Dangers of Cramming by Keith Ablow
Controlling Idea(s): Cramming can disruption the regular sleep cycle and can cause
temporary intellectual lapses or stimulants severe side effects.
Paragraph Structure/Outline
Introductory Paragraph
A. Opening(s): Midnight, and the spiral notebook barely half full. The rest of its pages,
scribbled with organic chemistry equations, litter the dorm-room floor
B. Hook(s) / Bridge(s): Every few minutes the figure hunched over the desk tears away
another page, having memorised as much as he can, and passes it on to his friend.
C. Thesis Statement: And thus the two roommates continue all night, dropping the pages to
the carpet after each has absorbed his fill.
Paragraph 2
A. Topic Sentence: Welcome to the all-night cramming session, which most students resort
to at some desperate point in their college careers.
B. Supporting Sentence 1: Armed with the energy of youth, they simply ignore their
bodies' cries for sleep, trying to fend off fatigue with doses of coffee or, occasionally,
C. Concluding Sentence: Teachers and parents have long argued that cramming does more
harm than good -- and the latest research into sleep needs and patterns suggests that they
are right
Paragraph 3
A. Topic Sentence: For some people, disruption in the regular sleep cycle can cause

temporary intellectual lapses and stimulants can set off severe side effects
B. Supporting Sentence 1: _ Thus, for every student who manages to memorise the
chemical synthesis of bona-S-rubber at 5 a.m. and then triumphantly finds that precise
question on his test at 9, there are more than a few who lament the "obvious" answers
they blew on a multiple-choice exam because they "just couldn't focus."
Paragraph 4
A. Topic Sentences: The outcome of all-nighters is unpredictable because the impact of
sleep loss varies so widely
B. Supporting Sentence 1: . "Some people are markedly impaired by even a small decrease
in sleep time," says David Buchholtz, a neurologist and sleep therapist at The Johns
Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, "while others can go without sleep for a few nights
without any demonstrable loss of performance.
C. Supporting Sentence 2: People also have vastly different minimum requirements: a full
night's rest can range from 4 to 10 hours
D. Concluding Sentence: It is critical, experts stress, for each person to know how much
sleep he needs.
Paragraph 5
A. Topic Sentences: Heavy use of stimulants can compound the problem
B. Supporting Sentence 1: . Many students assume that large quantities of coffee or a few
amphetamines will increase alertness; they don't
C. Supporting Sentence 2: In fact, stimulants merely disguise -- briefly -- a reduced
capacity to grasp, retain, and retrieve information.
D. Supporting Sentence 3: "Caffeine does not correct the cognitive impairment caused by
lost sleep," Buchholtz says. "A person may be awake, but he'll have to deal with an
intellectual deficit, and his concentration won't be there. He can actually have
'microsleeps' and stare at the same word for five minutes.
Paragraph 6
A. Topic Sentence: Nor are unpredictable naps the only penalty of substance abuse
B. Supporting Sentence 1: Coffee drinkers should watch out for Caffeine Intoxication
Syndrome, an onset of anxiety, panic, headaches and a frustrating inability to sleep
C. Supporting Sentence 2: Most people would have to drink about 10 cups to fall into this
condition, but some are so sensitive that it can hit them after only 2 to 3 cups.
D. Supporting Sentence 3: Speed [an amphetamine] is far more hazardous
E. Supporting Sentence 4: Overdoses can lead to auditory hallucinations and paranoia. In
addition, according to Larry Alessi, assistant professor of psychiatry at The Johns
Hopkins Medical School, "if someone uses speed for many weeks and then stops, he may

'crash' into severe depression."

Paragraph 7
A. Topic Sentence: Unless a person abuses his body with stimulants, he should be able to
snap back fairly quickly form an all-nighter
B. Supporting sentence 1: One full night of rest will usually produce complete recovery
from up to 48 hours of sleep deprivation; normal, healthy people have been known to stay
awake for as long as a week without lasting ill effects.
C. Supporting Sentence 2: On the second night, there is usually an increase in REM (rapid
eye movement) sleep, the phase in which dreaming occurs.
D. Sub- supporting sentence 1 : Normally, REM sleep is beneficial, but some people report
particularly graphic and disturbing nightmares associated with a sudden increase in REM.
Paragraph 8
A. Topic Sentence: Then there are the problems of students who want to get a good night's
sleep before an exam but just can't
B. Supporting Sentence 1: Stress often promotes insomnia
C. Sub suppoting sentence 1: It may cause the reticular activating system, the structure in
the brain that is responsible for alertness, to stay on too long; this prevents sleep-inducing
mechanisms from doing their job
D. Supporting sentence 2: What do experts advise a student who finds himself tossing and
turning for a half hour or so on the eve of a test?
E. Sub supporting sentence 1: He should get up and try an ordinarily relaxing activitiy, like
snacking or watching television, until he is tired
F. Sub supporting senttence 2: He should get up and try an ordinarily relaxing activitiy,
like snacking or watching television, until he is tired
Paragraph 9
A. Topic sentence: Sleeping too much, authorities agree, should not worry most people.
B. Supporting sentence 1: Even after an extended night of "rebound" sleep, the brain
arouses itself when its needs have been fulfilled.
C. Supporting sentence 2: Clinically depressed people do often retreat into slumber to
avoid the waking hours, but true clinical depression is accompanied by other noticeable
symptoms such as loss of appetite, decreased self-esteem and even thoughts of suicide.
Concluding Paragraph
A. Restatement of Thesis Statement: In the end, the best formula to follow when finals
arrive is one that students have been taught for years moderation

B. Summary of the main ideas stated in the body paragraphs:
There will surely by times when excelling, or perhaps just passing, requires pushing
bedtime back, but any major changes in sleep patterns should be made cautiously.
C. Suggestions/Predictions:As Buchholtz suggests, "The key is keeping perspective and not
ever overdoing it."
Not a few people who feel bored when he is required to do many tasks, but they are
trying to do their job in a timely manner. While they are having their saturation point to find a
friend to talk to. If they have to do their job until late at night, they overcome their sleepiness by
drinking coffee, but not many people know that coffee has side effects that cause health
Another impact of task demands a lot of that is, lack of sleep because they have to do the
work until late at night. And the side effects of sleep deprivation is, in the morning when a lot of
students who attended the sleepy and cause them not to focus on the current majors.
In addition, students often do the work until late at night they also experience stress, and
the stress resulted in them experiencing insomnia. It may cause the reticular activating system,
the structure of the brain responsible for alertness, to stay too long, this prevents the sleepinducing mechanism of doing their jobs. And the result of giving too many tasks that students
always feel overwhelmed by the task, and the symptoms of clinical depression which was
accompanied by noticeable symptoms such as loss of appetite, decreased self-esteem and even
suicidal thoughts.
Measures to overcome these things by providing a longer period of time for students to
work on a given task, so that the negative impacts of the above actions can be resolved.
Academic Words&
1. Adaptation
Meaning : the action or
process of adapting or
being adapted.
2. Available
Meaning : able to be used
or obtained; at someones
3. Beneficial
Meaning : Law relating to
rights to the use or benefit
of property, other than

Examples in Sentences
Living in groups is an adaptation to increase the efficiency
of hunting
The nurse is only available at certain times.

The beneficial effect on the economy side is very high.

legal title.
4. Energy
Meaning : a healthy
capacity for vigorous
activity; the strength and
vitality required for
sustained physical or
mental activity
5. Ignore
Meaning : refuse to
6. Research
Meaning : systematic
investigation to establish
facts (noun.act)
7. Cycle
Meaning : an interval
during which a recurring
sequence of events occurs;
a periodically repeated
sequence of events
8. Temporary
Meaning : not permanent;
not lasting (adj.all)
Lasting for a time only;
existing or continuing for
a limited time; not
permanent; as, the patient
has obtained temporary
9. Chemical
Meaning : relating to or
used in chemistry
(adj.pert); of or made from
or using substances
produced by or used in
reactions involving atomic
or molecular changes
10. Precise
Meaning :sharply exact or
accurate or delimited
(adj.all); Having
determinate limitations;

We need much energy for jogging

The man ignored the doctor's advice that the disease is

getting worse
The students had to research the history of the Second

The never-ending cycle of the seasons

Employed on a temporary basis.

Chemical is a branch of science of compound

Diagnosis given by the doctor is very precise

exactly or sharply defined

or stated; definite; exact;
nice; not vague or
equivocal; as, precise rules
of morality. (adjective)
11. Obvious
Meaning : easily
perceived by the senses or
grasped by the mind
12. Focus
Meaning : the
concentration of attention
or energy on something
13. Outcome
something that results
14. Impact
Meaning : the striking of
one body against another
15. Minimum
Meaning : the smallest
possible quantity; the
point on a curve where the
tangent changes from
negative on the left to
positive on the right
16. Range
Meaning : the limits
within which something
can be effective
17. Expert
Meaning : a person with
special knowledge or
ability who performs
skillfully (noun.person);
having or showing
knowledge and skill and
aptitude (adj.all)
18. Stress
Meaning : (psychology) a
state of mental or
emotional strain or

Expected by the patient's desire was expressed clearly

The controversy brought clearly into focus an important

difference of opinion.

The outcome obtained from the sale of the bag is very

The impact of any changes in the current environment is a
lot of people with the disease
Availability of medical equipment in the hospital is very

A piano has a greater range than the human voice.

Dangerous disease that should be handled by someone who

is an expert

The stress was more on accuracy than on speed.


suspense (noun.state);
special emphasis attached
to something (noun.state)
19. Compound
Compound leaves are composed of several lobes.
Meaning : Composed of
two or more elements,
ingredients, parts;
produced by the union of
several ingredients, parts,
or things; composite; as, a
compound word.
20. Assume
Meaning : take to be the
The gods assume human or animal form in these fables.
case or to be true; accept
without verification or
proof Terjemahan
(verb.cognitiontake to be
the case or to be true;
accept without verification
or proof verb.cognition)

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