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When you double click the Global Estimating icon the following screen will come

How to Create a new Project & New Job & Restore the jobs
1. Go to Set Project Mode and click the icon.

Click on this

2. You will see a list of project.

You only have one

project here

3. Create a project by clicking on the create icon and type in the new project name and
click ok.

Click on Create then

type in the project

4. You will see the project name you had created. Click Open.

Highlight the
project and click

5. You will see the job manager screen and your project name. You can create many
jobs, as you want in this job manager under project CYBERJAYA.

Your project name


You can create many

jobs as you want at
here which are under

6. Click on Create icon at the job manager, to create a job call ASRAMA and click

Click on this
icon and you will
see this

7. You will see the job that you had created shown at the job list.

You can see the job

called ASRAMA.

8. For example, I click on the Set Project Mode again and open the project called
General Estimating.

9. You will see a job called EXAMPLE had been created in the job manager for the
project General Estimating.

The project called

General Estimating.

You can see a job called EXAMPLE.

This is our Buildsoft sample job. You can
create as much as the jobs that under the
General Estimating project.

10. You can restore the sample jobs that I had backup into the Buildsoft Reference CD.
Put the CD into your CD-ROM. Click on Restore button and click on Browse

Click on Restore
button then you will
see this screen

Then click
on Browse

11. You will see a screen like below and select your CD drive.

You will see this

screen and select
your CD drive from

12. Double click on the Sample Jobs folder inside your CD then click OK.

Double click on
Sample Jobs folder
and click OK button.

13. Click on Get Details button.

Click on this Get

Details button.

14. You will see two jobs called BLOCK A and BLOCK B. Tick the box beside the
job name to select which job you want to restore. For example, I ticked both jobs.
After that, click on Restore button.

You can see two jobs here and choose

the jobs by ticking here.

After selected the jobs,

click on Restore

15. You will see the jobs had restored under your project.

The jobs had restored.

Create a Price List or called Library

1. Click on Set Price List Mode icon.

Click on Set Price List Mode


2. You will see a list of price list.

Some of the example price lists.

3. Click on Create icon and type in the new price list name (such as ABCD) and
click OK.

Click on Create icon

and you will see the
screen and type in the
price list name called
ABCD and click OK.

4. You will see the ABCD at the price lists column. Highlight the ABCD and click
Open button.
You can see the ABCD,
click on it and then click
Open button.

5. You will see the price list summary level. Double click on the row or click on
View next level button.

You can see the sentences 1. PRICE LIST

SUMMARY ABCD. That meant you are at
summary level or level 1 of ABCD
Double click on the row or click on View
next level button, you will go to 2. PRICE

6. You will see the price list trade breakup level, for you to key in the item
description. Then you can go to another level called Price List Rate Breakup"

Here for you to key in item description.

If you want to the Price List Rate Breakup level;
Make sure you highlight this cell.
Click on View Next Level to go to the Price List Rate
Breakup sheet or you can double click the cell.

7. Double click on the rate column or highlight the rate column and click on view next
level, you will see the price list rate breakup sheet for you to built-up the rates. To
go to the previous level, click on View Previous Level.

Click on this icon View Previous

Level to go back to Price List
Trade Breakup level and click again
to go back to the Price List
Summary level and click again to
exit the price list.

Restoring the Sample Price List (Library) from the Buildsoft Reference CD
1. Insert the Buildsoft Reference CD into your CD-ROM.
2. Click on Set Price List Mode icon.
3. Click on Restore button.

Click on Restore button.

4. You will see the following screen and click on Browse button.

You can see this screen and

click on Browse button.

5. You will see the following screen and select your CD-ROM drive.

You will see this

screen and select
your CD drive
from here

6. Double click on the Sample Price List (Library) folder inside your CD then click

Double click on
Sample Price List
(Library) folder and
click OK button.

7. Click on Get Details button.

Click on this Get

Details button.

8. You will see two price lists called QS and CONT. Tick the box beside the price
list name to select which price list you want to restore. For example, I ticked both
price lists. After that, click on Restore button.

You can see two price lists here and choose

the price lists by ticking here.

After selected the price

lists, click on Restore

9. You will see the price lists had restored.

The price lists

had restored.

Create a Sample Price List or Library

The price list that you had created, you can keep;
Material Rate Database which you can keep your various supplier rates.
Standard Rate which you can built-up you standard rate for the pricing purposes.
You can copy from your Material Rate Database when you are building up your
standard rate.
Standard Description which you can keep the standard description inside here.


1. Open the ABCD price list. At the Price List Summary level, differentiate the 3
portions of your database. (Material Rate Database, Standard Rate & Standard
Description). Highlight the Concretor under the MATERIAL RATE
DATABASE and click on View Next Level to go to Price List Trade Breakup
level or double click on Concretor.

To keep your supplier rates.

You can differentiate your
materials by trades.

For you to built-up the standard rate for pricing

purposes. You can differentiate your standard
rates by trades.

For you to keep the standard

description and you can copy it to
your new job when preparing the
BoQ. You can differentiate by
trades or elements.
For consultant QS firms, you might
be built up your rates under this
section and not necessary create
Standard Rates section.

2. Under the Concretor trade breakup level, you can key in the item description such
as I put in the 10mm Diameter for high tensile steel bar. The code will
automatically come out or you can key in your own code if you want.

You can key in the materials here such as I

keyed in rebar items here.
The codes will automatic come out or you
can key in your own code.
Double click unit cell to select the unit or
your can direct key in.
Key in your supplier rate for this item or
you can double click to go in rate breakup
level to key in the multiple suppliers rate.

3. Double click the rate cell for 10mm Diameter and you will see the following
screen. You can key in your suppliers name and rate here. After that click on View
previous level button.
If you want to get the average rate
please key in 3 (depend on how
many suppliers you have) at the
quantity column and put the +
sign beside it.

Once you finished, click on

View previous level button.
Key in your
suppliers name

Key in your
suppliers rate

4. After that, you will see the rate shows the average rate from your 3 suppliers and
shows in Blue colour. Blue colour that means you have keyed in some
information under the sub-level. Black colour shows you direct key in the rate
without go into rate breakup level to key in the rate.

The average rate shows in

Blue colour.
The rate that you directly key in
will show in Black colour.

5. After you finished keyed in, you can go back to summary level by clicking on View
previous level button.

1. At the Price list summary level. Double click the Concretor row under the

Click on View Next Level button

Double click on this row

2. You will go to trade breakup level.

You can key in the description from the

schedules of the rates here.
The codes will automatic come out or you
can key in your own code.
Double click unit cell to select the unit or
your can direct key in.

Key in your rate for each item or you can

double click to go in rate breakup level to
build up your composite rate.

3. For example, I want to build up the composite rate for mild steel bars in
reinforcement to concrete work generally including all cutting, bending and placing in
position for 10mm Diameter. Then I double click on the rate cell of this item, it will
go to the rate breakup level.

Build up composite rate

for this item
Double click on this cell

4. You will see the following screen (rate breakup level). You can copy your materials
rate from your MATERIAL RATE DATABASE section by clicking on Quick
Copy from a Price List button from the screen.

Click on Quick Copy from a Price List

icon to copy your MATERIAL RATE

5. Once you click the Quick Copy from a Price List, you will see the following
screen. You can select the trades and click OK button.

Highlight this
row and click

6. Select the items that you want to copy and click either Transfer Entire Row(will
transfer the descriptions, unit and rate), Transfer Description(will transfer
description only) or Transfer Current Rate(will transfer rate only). You can press
ctrl key to select alternate items that you want to transfer.
Highlight the item that you
want to copy

Click on this icon to Transfer

Entire Row.

7. You will see the items had been copied. You can see the rate show in Pink colour,
that mean it have formula. You can see the formula by single click on that cell and
you can see the formula show at the bottom or right click your mouse and select Edit
cell, you should be able to see the formula.

Highlight the cell

Right click your mouse and you

will see the option screen

Or you can see the formula at

the bottom

8. If you select the Edit cell you can see the formula is @C015. C015 is
representing the code for that item (10mm Diameter) and @ is representing the
current rate is linking to the item C015. If you have any update about your material,
you no need to come back here to update. You just need to go to the item C015 to
update and it will automatically update the items rate here.

If you have any update about your materials rate,
please always recalculate you all sub-level by going
to summary or trade breakup level and go to menu
and select Tools then select Recalculate All
Sublevels. It will automatically update all the rates
for you.

9. To copy other items again from MATERIAL RATE DATABASE click on Quick
Copy from a Price List.

Click on Change Trade button

to change the trade.

10. If you click on Change Trade icon, you will see the following screen again. For
example, I click on Labour Rates.

11. Then I want to select Labourer (Unskilled) and Steel Barbender and Fixer and
click on Transfer Entire Row icon.

12. You can change the colour of the description. You can click on the description that
you want to change the colour and going to click on Edit from the menu and select
Change Colour of Description

13. You can insert new rows by highlighting the row where you want to insert and right
click your mouse and select Insert Row(s).

Click on the row and right

click your mouse you can
see the screen beside and
select Insert Row(s).

14. After you selected the Insert Row(s), you will see a screen ask you to key in
number of rows that you want to insert. Type in the number and click OK.

15. You can see the rows already inserted.

16. Now you can build up your base cost for rebar 10mm diameter in kg. You can see
your rate that transferred from your MATERIAL RATE DATABASE was in
tonne. So you need to convert it into kg. By doing this, you can go to the rate cell
beside the kg and type in the formula by linking to the above rate in tonne. By
converting into kg from tonne, you need to divide by 1000. You can type in #
follow by line number and divide by 1000 (such as #2/1000). You can key in the
formula like what you do in Microsoft Excel such as +, -, / and etc.

Click on this cell and type in the

formula #2/1000. That mean the rate
in row 2 will divide by 1000.

17. Then you can see the rate will show in Pink colour. That mean it got formula. If
you want to add some wastage, you can go to Mark Up % column and punch in the
percentage that you want to mark up such as I put 5 for 5% mark up. After that, you
need to key in the constant for your labour rates such as 0.029. That mean one
labourer (unskilled), and one steel barbender and fixer needs 0.029 day to finish 1 kg
of the 10mm diameter rebar. Normally, every contractor firms have their own rate
constant. Once you finished, you can click on View previous level to go back to
trade breakup level.

You can key in

your constant here.

You can see your final

composite rate here.

You can key in your

mark up here.

18. Under the trade breakup level, you can see the rate for item 10mm Diameter shows
in Blue colour. If you dont want to build up your composite rate, you can straight
forward key in the rates in this level and it will show in Black colour. Then you can
click on View previous level to go back to summary level.

Rate shows in Black colour if

you directly key in the rate here.

Rate shows in Blue

colour it you have
composite rate inside.

1. If you want to build-up your standard description for the Excavation work, double
click that row or highlight the row and click on View Next Level at summary level.

Double click on this

row (Excavation

2. You will go to the trade breakup level. After keyed in the descriptions, unit and rates,
then you can click on View previous level to go to summary level and click View
previous level again to exit the price list or library.

After finished, click on View

previous level button to go back to
summary level and click again to exit
the price list or library.

You can key in the standard descriptions

over here
The codes will automatic come out or you
can key in your own code.
Double click unit cell to select the unit or
your can direct key in.

Key in your rate for each item or you can

double click to go in rate breakup level to
build up your composite rate.

Copy the job from one project to another project

1. Click on Set Project Mode and select the General Estimating project. Then click
on Open button.
2. You will see a list of jobs under the General Estimating project. Click on the job
calls BLOCK A and click on Copy button. Click on Copy to Project button.

Click on BLOCK
Click on Copy
You will see this
Click on Copy to
Project button

3. Then you will see the below screen. You can change the job name if you want. Select
the name of project to copy the job to (CYBERJAYA) and click OK button.

You will see this

Change the job
name if you want.
Select the project
Click on OK

4. Click on Set Project Mode and select the CYBERJAYA project. Then click on
Open button. You will see the job BLOCK A appeared under the job list.

had copied to here.

Preparing a Job or Bill of Quantities

1. At the job manager screen, click on Set Project Mode button and select the project
called CYBERJAYA and click Open.
2. Click on Create button to create a new job call APARTMENT and choose a price
list or library that you want to link with and click OK.

Click on Create button.

You will see this screen.
Type in the new job name
Select the price list you
want to link to this job.
Click on OK button.

3. If you want to change the price list, highlight the job and the Price List and press
Up and Down key to select other price list.

Highlight the job

that you want to
change its price

Highlight here
and press Up
and Down key
to select the
other price list.

4. Highlight the job and Click on Open button to open the job.

Highlight the job.

Click on Open

5. You are now at JOB SUMMARY level. You can type in the elements or you can
click on Quick Copy from a Job icon.
You can type in the
Click on Quick Copy
from a job icon.

6. When you click on Quick Copy from a job icon, you will see the following screen
and select the job calls BLOCK A that you want to copy from and click OK

Highlight the job that

you want to copy
Click on OK button.

7. You will see the screen below. You can select the description that you want to copy
by clicking on the numbers and it will shows in black colour. Then click on OK
button. Otherwise, you can change the job that you want to copy from by clicking on
Change Job button.

Select the
description by
clicking on the
Then click on OK
If you want to
change the job that
you want to copy
from, click on
Change Job

8. Then you will see the description had copied and its only copied the elements
description, not including the item descriptions.

9. You also can copy the elements from other job by opening the other job in the split
screen format. By opening other job, please click on Job Manager-CYBERJAYA
and open the job you want to copy.

Click here

10. Then you will see the following screen and click on the job BLOCK A that you
want to copy from, click on Open button.

Click on the job that you want

to copy from.
Click on Open button.

11. You will see the following screen. Highlight the element (PILING) that you want to
copy from and right click your mouse and select Copy Line(s) to Other Window.

You can see BLOCK

A show at below.

Highlight the
element that you
want to copy from.
Right click your
mouse and you will
see the screen and
select Copy Line(s)
to Other Window.

12. You can see the PILING had been copied to APARTMENT job. After copied,
highlight the BLOCK A job and click on View Previous Level icon to close the
BLOCK A job.

You can see the

element had been
Make sure you highlight the
BLOCK A job.
Click on View previous
level icon to close the job.

13. Double click on the element you had copied, you can see all the item description also

14. If you want to edit the description, click on the description and right click the mouse
and select Edit cell.

Click on the description that

you want to edit.
Right click your mouse and
you will see the screen and
select Edit cell.

If you want to
move the
description, click

If you want to Insert

Row(s) or Delete
Row(s), click here.

15. If you want to Insert a row or delete a row, right click your mouse and select Insert
row(s) or Delete row(s) (refer to above).

16. If you want to move the description, highlight the description and right click your
mouse and select Move (refer to above). Type in the line number and click ok.

Type in the line

number that you
want to move to

17. If you want to key in the item descriptions for the element (SUBSTRUCTURE),
highlight that element and click on View next level or double click the element, it
will go to trade breakup level.

18. At the Trade Breakup level. You can direct type in the description, Quick Copy
from a Job, Quick Copy from a Price List or Open a Price List.

Quick copy from

a job

Open a Price List

Quick Copy
from a Price List

19. Click on Quick copy from a job, you can select the job that you want to copy from
and click OK button. Then you can select the element that you want to copy from
and click on OK button.
20. You will see the following screen. You can select the descriptions that you want to
copy and click on Transfer Entire Row, Transfer Description, Transfer Current
Qty or Transfer Current Rate. You can choose to Transfer Sublevels as well. If
you want to change the elements or job, click on Change trade or Change Job

You can click on

this icon to change
the job.

You can tick this to

transfer sublevels such as
the Calculation sheet or
Rate breakup sheet from
the items that you

You can click on

this icon to change
the trade.

You can select either Transfer

Entire Row, Transfer
Description, Transfer Current
Qty or Transfer Current

You can click on

this icon to select
the item heading.

21. Click on Quick Copy from a Price List. You will see the following screen. You can
select what trade description; you want to copy from such as Excavation work.

Click on this.

Then click
OK button.

Click these two arrows to

open the next or previous

22. You will see the following screen and you can select the item descriptions that you
want to copy. Select either want to Transfer Rate Breakups sheet or not if you have
built up your rate inside your price list. Then you can click on Transfer Entire Row,
Transfer Description or Transfer Current Rate.

Tick here to
transfer the
rate breakup.

Click this icon

to change

You can select either to

Transfer Entire Row,
Transfer Description or
Transfer Current Rate.

You can select the

heading here.

23. If you click on Open a Price List icon, you should be able to see the screen like
below. You price list will appear at the bottom. You can double click on the trade
descriptions that you want to copy from such as double click on Excavation work.

You price list appear

Double click on the

24. Then you will see the price lists trade breakup level. You can select the description
that you want to copy and go back to your job at the item description cell, type in the
item code from your price list but you need to key in @ first and follow by code
number. If you remember the code, you no need to open your price list like this
format, you can straight away key in the code in your job. May you can print out your
price list and when preparing the job, you can just type in the codes.

Then come back to your job

and select which row you
want to transfer the
description to, and type in
the @ and follow by the

Select which item

description you want to
copy and refer to this code.

25. After that, you can see the description already copied to your job. The rate was shown
in Pink colour because it will link to your price list. If you have any update about
your rate on that item, it will automatically updated because of linking to the code.
You can see the code at the bottom of the job or you can click on the rate cell and
right click your mouse and select Edit cell to see the formula. If you dont want to
link, you can delete the code. The description will not link to your price list. You can
edit if you want.

The rate was shown in

Pink colour.
If you right click your
mouse and select Edit
cell, you can see the
You can see the formula at
the bottom also.

26. If you want to close your price list, highlight your price list and click on View
previous level button to go to summary level and click again to exit the price list.

Click on
this icon

Highlight you price


27. You also can insert row or delete row, move or edit the description such as at
previous level (Summary Level).

28. After you had keyed in or copied the descriptions, you can go to unit column and
double click the cell to select the unit for the description or you can direct type in the

When you double click

the cell, you will see this
table come out.

29. Every unit has their own definition;

head1= Bold and Underlined.
head2= Bold text
head3= Normal text with underline
head4 = Normal text
head5 = Normal text in italics

The shortened H1, H2, H3, H4 & H5 can be entered into the Unit
column to setup the headings also

heada = Starts a new page with head1

headb = Starts a new page with head2
headc = Starts a new page with head3
headd = Starts a new page with head4
heade = Starts a new page with head5
endh1 = End of Head1 section.
endh2 = End of Head2 section.
endh3 = End of Head3 section.
endh4 = End of Head4 section.
Endh5 = End of Head5 section.
spec = Lets text spread across the page.
spec0 = Lets text spread across the page, does not leave a line below.
specn = Lets text spread across the page, does not have a Bill reference.

= Item total displayed, but not added to job total

pcsum = Item total displayed, not added to job total. Unit displayed.

= Does not display a BOQ reference.

= Does not display a BOQ reference. No blank line below item.
= No BOQ reference. Centres the text.
= No BOQ reference. Places Note in the unit field.
= No BOQ reference. Item is displayed in unit field.

30. If you want to do your measurement on this item, go to the Quantity column and
double click the cell. You will go to CALC SHEET level for you to do the

If you want to do the

measurement for this
Double click on the
cell under the quantity

31. Then you will go to our calculation sheet. You can key in the dimension here. You
can key in the formula such as +, -, /, * , tan, cos, sin and etc.

If you want to deduct, key in

- sign here and it will show
in red colour.

You can key in your

reference here.

You can key in the

formula under these
cells and it will show
in pink colour.
The line total
comes out.
You can see the page
total here.

32. You can use the standard formula in you calculation sheet. By viewing the standard
formula, go to Job Summary level, click on File and select View Standard

33. If you didnt transfer the rates from your price list, you can build up your rate by
double clicking on the items rate cell under the rate column and you will go to Rate
Breakup Sheet.

34. Otherwise, you can copy the rates from your price list. Highlight the cell (on the rate
column) that you want to copy to and click on Quick Copy from a Price List and
select the standard rate that you want to copy from.

Highlight the rate

that you want to
copy from.

After that, click

on this icon to
transfer the rate.

If you have built up

your rate in the price
list, you can tick on
this icon to transfer the
built up rate as well.

35. You can see the rate had transferred and it show in blue colour. That mean it got sub
level, you can double click on that cell to go to rate breakup level to see the built up
rate. If you didnt build up your rate inside your price list, after you had copied into
your job, it will show in black colour.

You can see, it shows in

blue colour and you can
double click to go in to
see the built up rate.

36. If you know the items code inside your library, you can key in the code but before
that you need to key in @ and follow by code number.

Key in @ first and

follow by code number
such as pl1514.

37. You can see the rate shows in pink colour and you can see the formula by right click
your mouse from that cell and select Edit cell or you can see at the bottom.

The rate from your library

for the particular item will
transfer to here and
maintain link to your
library. You can right click
your mouse and select Edit
cell to see the formula.
Or you can see here.

How to Print the Bill of Quantities

1. Open the job that you had prepared.
2. At the Job Summary level, highlight the element that you want to preview the BQ,
go to BOQ menu and select Preview Single BOQ Trade.

Select Preview
Single BOQ

3. You will see the preview of the single element.

4. You will see the collection page will automatically come out.

5. If you want to customize the BOQ layout you can go to Set Job BOQ Options.

Select Set Job BOQ


6. You will see the following screen come out.

You can click on

Page 1 to Page 5 to
customize your

7. You will see the Page 1 to Page 5 options. Every page have their own definition.
Options Page 1
Page Numbering
Select one of the following page numbering formats :BQ / 1 Format
eg, BQ/1, BQ/2, BQ/3 etc
1/1 Format
eg, 1/1, 1/2, 1/2 etc
A/1 Format
eg, A/1, A/2, A/3 etc
Numbering Format
Format page numbers with A.1 or BQ.1 or 1.1
Select this option if you would like the page numbering to the format selected above.

Page Format - Columns and Headings

Print BOQ in grid form with heading

This option will add the grid to the page with a heading border.
BOQ S c heading.
This option adds S and c to the top of the total column.
Print BOQ in Qty - Unit - Rate form.
This will alter the column format from the standard Unit - Qty - Rate layout.
Print BOQ grids.
This option will add vertical lines between the columns, ie. grids.
Collection Pages
Print Bill of Quantities without collection pages.
Prints the BOQ without the collection pages.

Options Page 2
Trade Name
Print trade name once per trade within grid on BOQ
This option prints the Trade name once per trade only.
Do not print trade name at top right corner on BOQ.
This option turns OFF the trade name at top corner.
Do not print trade name within grid.
This option stops the trade from being printed inside the grid.

Print a blank line between continuing heads on BOQ.
This option spaces the headings by one line.
Print (Cont) or (Contt) at end of description.
This option appends the continued to the description.
Use (Contd) instead of (Cont)
This option selects the continued format, if selected.
Print without continued headings at top of BOQ pages.
This option removes the continued format from top of page.

Select one of the following indenting formats :No special item indenting.
Indent all item descriptions by 3 characters.
Indent all descriptions by one space at following line.

Options Page 3
Grouping Columns
Append codes from group Q column to item descriptions.
This option adds the Q code to the description.
Append codes from group Q2 column to item descriptions.
This option adds the Q2 code to the item description.
Append codes from group R column to item descriptions.
This option adds the R code to the item description.
Append codes from group R2 column to item descriptions.
This option adds the R2 code to the item description.
Append codes from group R2 column to right (item level only)
This option adds the R2 code to the right side of the description column. ( useful
for accounting reasons)
Print L / M / S / P breakup on BOQ
This option prints the Labour, Material, Sub-Contractor and Preliminaries
breakup as coded in the R column of the job at the end bottom of each page,
Summary and Collection pages.

Select one of the following blocking display options :No blocking quantities
No reference to blocking at all.
Blocking quantity ( one per line )
Places each blocking code on a separate line.
Block quantity ( multicolumn )
Places blocking codes together ( 5 ) per line with a summary of items at top of
description column using the first 7 characters of the item description.

Note: Blocking codes are the Q2 Codes.

Select the required options as follows :Print "Carried to Summary" at bottom of page
Do not print "Close Note" in summary page.
Use "Type Face" of user selected font on BOQ report.
Note: User type face is selected from the Select Printer Font at the summary level. Font
size will be limited to fit the page.

Turn justification off.

Justification will evenly spread the text along the line to fill the column.

Options Page 4
Format Numbers
Select the required numbering format from the following :BOQ item total column with commas.
eg, Total = 2,000,00
BOQ item rate column with commas.
eg, Rate = 3,000
BOQ item qty column with commas.
eg, Qty = 4,000
If page total is zero, show as Nil on BOQ.
eg, Nil
Do not print qty or rate on BOQ if item is 1.
eg, only item total will be displayed if Qty or Rate = one.
*The unit has to be "item" for this function to work.
Print tonne items with 2 decimal places.
eg, Qty = 4.00 if Unit = Tonne or Ton

Apply Markups
Job markup
This option will calculate and add the Job markup to all items in the BOQ.
Trade markup
This option will calculate and add the Trade markup to all items in the trade.
Item markup
This option will calculate and add the Item markup to all items with a markup.
Exact Rate
The exact item total is displayed. (see note)
Due to rounding of Item rates that have a markup, some values can not be displayed
correctly. This will be easily seen if an item rate is very low, eg. 0.12 and a markup of
say 10% is applied. The resulting rate of 0.132 can not be shown, however the total can
be calculated correctly.

Note: The BOQ does not display a Markup field. Markup values are included in the rate.

Item Numbering
Select one of the following options :Standard BOQ numbering system.
Alternate BOQ numbering system.
BOQ numbering system with trade reference (2 chars)
Uses the first 2 characters of the trade as a reference to the page number eg, Co 4
( the Trade of Concrete and page No 4 )

Include item numbers 1 and 0 on BOQ printout.

This can be confused with letters i and o on the paperwork, so they can be turned

Options Page 5
Work on BOQ Standard Phrases
This page of settings are self explanatory, these settings adjust the format of how the text
will appear on the printed report. These adjustments give you the user the option to alter
items like the format of the dollar field for a different currency.

Before any permanent settings can be saved the correct password must be entered.
Once the correct password has been entered the setting can be changed. Then
saved by pressing the the "Change" button and the "SAVE" button.
The standard as shipped password is "BOQ" once entered correctly changes can be saved.

Work on BOQ Page Settings

This page of settings gives you the option to have 2 preset formats for your BOQ. Style A
or B. This is a useful feature if different printers are used the values can be adjusted to
suit, printer A or B.
Style A = which prints in size 12 point
Style B = which prints in size 10 point
Note: Any settings displayed in a light colour are preset and can not be altered by the

8. If you want to print out the BOQ, you can select the BOQ menu again.
Printing the BOQ
The BOQ can be printed from the Summary level of the Estimate, under the heading of
BOQ, in the format set in the BOQ options for the Job.

Print BOQ Trades

This format will print the complete BOQ in the selected format for all the trade items at
the Trade Breakup level of the Estimate.
Trades do not need to be highlighted.

Print Priced BOQ Summary

When printed, this report will display the list of Trades, the page numbers that each
section ends on and the total value for each trade. Any other special items that have been
selected in the BOQ options will be also be printed, ie. Notes etc.

Print Without Prices

If this option is on, ie, a tick is displayed the BOQ will be printed without a price.

When "Print BOQ Trade (s) " is selected an unpriced BOQ will be printed.
When "Print Priced BOQ Summary" is selected an unpriced summary will
be printed.

Preview Single BOQ Trade

A single trade can be previewed on the screen before being printed. This is a useful
method to see if your BOQ options are satisfactory.
When the print preview is displayed you will be able to :-

Go To
When GO TO is selected a page number box will be displayed.
Enter the required page number and press "OK".
The selected page will be displayed.

Preview BOQ Summary

Selecting this function will display a preview of the Summary for the BOQ. All the
functions available for viewing the Single Trade are available.

9. If you want to print out the particular report from your existing job, you also can go to
Print menu and preview every reports if you want.

Click on Print menu and

select that report you want
to print out.

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