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The Destroying Angel and

the Death Cap Amanitas
(Amanita bisporigera group and Amanita
These mushrooms get their common name
because they are responsible for many fatal
mushroom poisonings.
These mushrooms contain amatoxins. The
North American Amanita bisporigera which has
been called Amanita virosa in many older books
occurs in Europe. It is a whitish colored mushroom.
Amanita phalloides occurs in both Europe and
North America.
Flesh: In Amanita bisporigera it is white and can be
solid to becoming stuffed. It does not bruise.
Amanita phalloides flesh is white fleshed except for
an occasional single yellow streak near the cap.
Cap: Amanita bisporigera is 1 to 4 inches wide. It
starts out somewhat convex becoming almost flat
with age. Its cap color is white to whitish but can on
occasion sometimes faintly have yellowish, tannish,
or pinkish tones in its center area. It lacks warts or
patches on top. Its outer edge is not typically lined.

One of the Destroying Angles - Amanita

It can be shiny and is smooth. Amanita phalloides is
2 to 6 inches wide. It is also becomes convex
becoming almost flat with age. Its cap color is
yellowish green to olive green and can have tan to
brownish or grayish tones. It is somewhat smooth
and shiny and can be a little sticky when wet. Pieces
of the veil can be left on its cap.
Gills: In Amanita bisporigera the white to whitish
gills are closely spaced to crowded. They are not
attached to the stalk or slightly adnate. Amanita
phalloides about free or slightly adnate, they are

white to whitish or creamy and can have a faint yellow

green tone on occasion. They are crowded.
Spore Print: white to creamy white for both species.
Stalk: Amanita bisporigera 2 to 5 1/4 inches tall and 1/4 to
3/4 inches thick. It is whitish in color and has a white ring.
It has a bulb like base. Amanita phalloides 2 1/2 to 6
inches tall and 3/8 to 1 inch wide. It is whitish in color or
with yellowish tones. Its large ring is white to whitish or
with yellowish tones. It has a bulb. On both species the
stalk gets wider going downwards.
Where: Amanita bisporigera on the soil in mixed woods
and under hardwood trees such as oak.
phalloides on the soil in mixed woods. Live in CA but
also conifers in other areas.
When: Amanita bisporigera June through September
perhaps a little longer in the south. Amanita phalloides
Sep Nov. in the east, but November February in the
How they appear: Amanita bisporigera singly to in small
groups to scattered. Amanita phalloides typically grows in
groups but can be found singly to scattered.
How commonhow rare? Amanita bisporigera is
common in eastern north America and is a NA species.

Amanita phalloides is generally rare in the north east

but can be locally abundant; in the west it is

Amanita phalloides
The Deadly poisonous Amanita ocreata grows in the
west is similar to A. bisporigera. The are many other
poisonous and similar looking whitish amanitas.
Deadly Poisonous. Can cause kidney and liver
failure. This is an extremely important mushroom
to learn before considering the consumption of any
wild mushroom since this group has caused so
many deaths.

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