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Science Fair Research Plan Criteria for Success

Quarter 2 - Due December 5th

*Must be in 12 font black Times New Roman
*Section Titles must be highlighted and bolded with a colon (:)
Title: Use the experimental design vocabulary on page 33 of your notebook to
write your title and hypothesis in the correct format.
Purpose/Question: The question that is being investigated in the experiment.
Background Research: 5 paragraph essay. Needs to clearly state global
relevance, history of discovery, and current uses of experimental practices.
Needs to include in-text citations (Authors Last Name, year)
Hypothesis: A prediction of the results of the experiment that relates the
independent variable to the dependent variable (If and Then Statement).
***Abstract (Required for higher level approval project): 2-3 paragraph
summary, no more than 250 words, the abstract should include the following:
purpose of the experiment, procedure, brief description of data and conclusion.
Independent Variable: (IV-Manipulated Variable): The variable that is
changed by the person doing the experiment; need to clearly describe the
Dependent Variable: (DV-Responding Variable): The variable that changes
as a result of the changes in the IV (what youre measuring). Quantitative
data needs to include units of measure; qualitative data needs to include an
explanation of how you will clearly differentiate the quality of the data.
Constants: Anything that remains the same for each trial of the experiment.
Control: Clearly indentified the original level, which is different than the
experimental groups. It may not be possible for all experiments to have a
Number of Repeated: The number of times the experiment is done (should be
at least 5).
Materials: all materials used to conduct the experiment
Procedure: Write the procedure in your own words. Use enough detail so that
someone could repeat the experiment from what you have written. Number the
steps and use sequential wording (First, Second, Next, Then, After that, Lastly)
Works Cited: at least 5 citations in MLA format (Use Citation Machine or
Easybib online)
Science Fair Final Research Paper Criteria for Success

Quarter 2 Due December 15th

Must be in 12 font black Times New Roman
Section Titles must be highlighted and bolded with a colon (:)
Title: Use the experimental design vocabulary on page 33 of your notebook to
write your title and hypothesis in the correct format.
Purpose/Question: The question that is being investigated in the experiment.
Background Research: 5 paragraph essay. Needs to clearly state global
relevance, history of discovery, and current uses of experimental practices.
Needs to include in-text citations (Authors Last Name, year)
Hypothesis: A prediction of the results of the experiment that relates the
independent variable to the dependent variable (If and Then Statement).
Abstract: 2-3 paragraph summary, no more than 250 words, the abstract should
include the following: purpose of the experiment, procedure, brief description of
data and conclusion.
Independent Variable (IV-Manipulated Variable): The variable that is changed
by the person doing the experiment; need to clearly describe the levels.
Dependent Variable (DV-Responding Variable): The variable that changes as a
result of the changes in the IV (the results of the experiment or what youre
measuring. Quantitative data needs to include units of measure; qualitative data
needs to include an explanation of how you will clearly differentiate the quality of
the data.
Constants: Anything that remains the same for each trial of the experiment.
Control: Clearly indentified the original level, which is different than the
experimental groups. It may not be possible for all experiments to have a
Number of Repeated: The number of times the experiment is done
Materials: all materials used to conduct the experiment
Procedure: Rewrite the procedure in your own words. Use enough detail so
that someone could repeat the experiment from what you have written.
Observation/Data: (Record observations in the data table): Make a data table to
record your observations. Data Table must be properly labeled including title,
columns and rows. Units of measure need to be indentified and I should be able
to clearly identify your IV and DV from the Data Table. Electronically Embedded
Data Analysis: Graph data and analyze the relationship between the IV and DV.
All graphs must be clearly labeled including a title that explains the experiment,
labeled x and y axis with unit of measure. Electronically Embedded.
Conclusion: First, restate problem/purpose, is the hypothesis correct, and
explain the relationship between IV/DV. Next, describe what the data shows and
what conclusions you can draw. Lastly, your conclusion must show how the data
gathered supports (or doesnt support) what you learned from the background
information. Restate global importance and relate this to what you have learned
from experimenting.
Works Cited: at least 5 citations in MLA format (Use Citation Machine or
Easybib online)

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