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Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange:

An Overview
Michel Abdalla
ENS, Paris, France

Abstract. Password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols are a particular case of authenticated key exchange protocols in
which the secret key or password used for authentication is not uniformly
distributed over a large space, but rather chosen from a small set of possible values (a four-digit pin, for example). Since PAKE protocols rely on
short and easily memorizable secrets, they also seem more convenient to
use as they do not require an additional cryptographic devices capable of
storing high-entropy secret keys. In this survey, we consider the problem
of designing authenticated key exchange protocols in the password-based
setting. In particular, we discuss the dierent security goals that one can
consider as well as dierent ways of realizing these goals. Finally, we recall some of the most recent results in the area and discuss some of the
issues regarding the implementation of these protocols.
Keywords. Password-based authentication, key exchange.


Authenticated key exchange is an extremely useful tool in cryptography, allowing

users to establish a common secret which they can then use in applications to
achieve both privacy and authenticity. While several means of authentication
have been proposed, most of them rely on either the existence of a public-key
infrastructure or the availability of pairwise high-entropy secret keys.
Password-based authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols are a particular case of authenticated key exchange protocols in which the secret key or
password used for authentication is not uniformly distributed over a large space,
but rather chosen from a small set of possible values (a four-digit pin, for example). Since PAKE protocols rely on short and easily memorizable secrets, they
also seem more convenient to use as they do not require an additional cryptographic devices capable of storing high-entropy secret keys.
Due to their practicality, password-based key exchange protocols have been
very popular over the years. Unfortunately, the vast majority of protocols found
in practice do not account for the fact that passwords have low entropy and are
often subject to the so-called dictionary attacks. These are attacks in which an
adversary tries to break the security of a scheme by a brute-force method, by


S.S.M. Chow et al. (Eds.): ProvSec 2014, LNCS 8782, pp. 19, 2014.
c Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014

M. Abdalla

trying all possible combinations of secret keys in a given small set of values (i.e.,
the dictionary). Although not very eective in the case of high-entropy keys,
dictionary attacks can be very damaging when the secret key is a password since
the attacker has a non-negligible chance of winning. Such attacks are usually
divided in two categories: o-line and online dictionary attacks.
To address the problem of dictionary attacks, several protocols have been
designed to be secure even when the secret key is a password. The goal of these
protocols is to restrict the adversarys success to online dictionary attacks only,
in which the adversary must be present and interact with the system in order
to be able to verify whether its guess is correct. The security in these systems
usually relies on a policy of invalidating or blocking the use of a password if a
certain number of failed attempts has occurred.
In this survey, we consider the problem of designing authenticated key exchange protocols in the password-based setting. First, we recall in Section 2
the first seminal work in this area, namely the encrypted key exchange (EKE)
protocol by Bellovin and Merritt [13], together with its main variants. As the
security of existing EKE-based protocols relies on idealized models, such as the
random-oracle model [12], we review in Section 3 the main PAKE schemes with
a proof of security in the standard model. Finally, in Section 4, we briefly discuss
other issues such as universal composability, adaptive security, and recall some
of the most recent results in the area.

The Encrypted Key Exchange Protocol and Its Variants

The seminal work in the area of password-based key exchange is the encrypted
key exchange (EKE) protocol of Bellovin and Merritt [13] (see Fig. 1). In their
protocol, two users execute an encrypted version of the Die-Hellman key exchange protocol [23], in which each flow is encrypted using the password shared
between these two users as the symmetric key. Intuitively, since the elements to
which the encryption function is applied are chosen uniformly at random from
the underlying group, an adversary eavesdropping on the communication cannot
learn any additional information which would allow him to perform an o-line
dictionary attack.
Due to the simplicity of the EKE protocol, several other protocols were soon
proposed in the literature based on it [14, 31, 36, 40]. Unfortunately, due to the
lack of a proper security model for the analysis of PAKE schemes, these protocols
were only heuristically secure.
It was only in 2000 that Bellare, Pointcheval, and Rogaway [10], as well as
Boyko, MacKenzie, and Patel [17], proposed security models for PAKE schemes
and proved variants of the EKE protocol, under ideal assumptions, such as the
random-oracle model [12]. In addition to these, several other protocols were
proposed in the literature based on EKE protocol [6, 18, 19, 37], each with its
own instantiation of the encryption function. Currently, the simple passwordauthenticated key exchange protocol in [6] (to which we refer as SPAKE) is
among the most ecient PAKE schemes based on the EKE protocol.

Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange: An Overview

Public information: (G, g, p), E , D

Secret information:
Alice (A)

Bob (B)

x Zp ; X g x
X E (X)

y Zp ; Y g y
Y E (Y )

SK A (D (Y ))x

SK B (D (X ))y

Fig. 1. The encrypted key exchange protocol [13]. The protocol uses symmetric encryption and decryption algorithms E and D and works over a finite cyclic group G of
prime order p generated by an element g.

The SPAKE scheme is a variation of the EKE protocol, in which the encryption
function E (.) is replaced with a simple one-time pad function. More specifically,
whenever a user A wants to send the encryption of a value X G to a user
B, it does so by computing X h1 , where h1 is an element in G associated
with user A and the password is assumed to be in Zp . The session identifier
is defined as the transcript of the conversation between A and B together with
their identities, and the session key is set to be the hash (random oracle) of the
session identifier, the password , and the Die-Hellman key. The full description
of SPAKE is given in Fig. 2.
Public information: (G, g, p), h1 , h2 , H
Secret information: Zp
Alice (A)

Bob (B)

x Zp ; X g x
X X h1

y Zp ; Y g y
Y Y h2


KA (Y /h2 )x
H(A, B, , X , Y , KA )


KB (X /h1 )y
H(A, B, , X , Y , KB )

Fig. 2. SPAKE: A simple password-based key exchange protocol [6]. SPAKE works over
a finite cyclic group G of prime order p generated by an element g.

As shown in [6], SPAKE is a secure PAKE scheme in the random-oracle model

[11] according to the definition in the indistinguishability-based model of Bellare,
Pointcheval, and Rogaway [10] if the computational Die-Hellman problem is
intractable in G.

M. Abdalla

PAKE Protocols in the Standard Model

Even though EKE-based protocols are extremely ecient and easy to use, their
security relies fundamentally on a heuristic assumption, namely the randomoracle model, in which hash functions are assumed to behave as a random oracle. Unfortunately, the random-oracle model is known not to be sound [20].
More precisely, there are several examples of schemes [9, 20, 28, 38] that can be
proven secure in the random-oracle model and for which there does not exist any
concrete instantiation of the hash function for which the scheme remains secure.
Hence, it is an important security goal to design schemes which do not rely on
any idealized model such as the random-oracle model.
The first protocols whose security proof did not rely on any idealized model
were proposed by Katz, Ostrovsky, and Yung (KOY) [34] based on the decisional
Die-Hellman assumption and by Goldreich and Lindell [27], who proposed a
solution based on general assumptions. While the former KOY protocol assumed
the existence of a common reference string, the protocol by Goldreich and Lindell
did not rely on any trusted setup assumption. Later, Gennaro and Lindell [26]
abstracted and generalized (under various indistinguishability assumptions) the
KOY protocol using the concept of smooth projective hash functions [22], which
became the basis of several other protocols [5, 7, 8, 16] in the literature. To understand how the Gennaro-Lindell protocol works, let us first review the concept
of smooth projective hash functions.
Smooth Projective Hash Functions. One of the main tools used in the
Gennaro-Lindell (GL) protocol is the notion of smooth projective hash functions
(SPHF, [22, 26]), which can be seen as a special type of zero-knowledge proof
system for an NP language. More precisely, the definition of SPHF requires
the existence of a domain X and an underlying NP language L such that it
is computationally hard to distinguish a random element in L from a random
element in X \ L. For instance, in the particular case of the PAKE scheme
in [21], the language L is defined as the set of triples {(c, , )} such that c
is an encryption of the password with label under a public key given in
the common reference string (CRS). The semantic security of the encryption
scheme guarantees computational indistinguishability between elements from L
and elements from X.
One of the key properties that make SPHF so useful is that, for a point x L,
the hash value can be computed using either a secret hashing key hk, or a public
projected key hp (depending on x [26] or not [22]) together with a witness w
to the fact that x L. Another important property of these functions is that,
given the projected key hp, their output is uniquely defined for points x L
and statistically indistinguishable from random for points x X \ L. Moreover,
without the knowledge of the witness w to the fact that x L, the output of
these functions on x is also pseudo-random.
Overview of the GL Protocol. Now that we have informally introduced the
SPHF concept, we can finally review the GL PAKE protocol, whose detailed

Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange: An Overview

Public information (CRS): pk

Secret information:


(sk , vk ) SKG(1k )
l vk A B
cA = Enclpk (; rA )
(l,cA )

(hp ,cB )

hk A HK(pk )
hp A (hk A , l , cB )
A = Signsk (l , cA , cB , hp A , hp B )

hk B HK(pk )
hp B (hk B , l , cA )
cB Enclpk (; rB )

(hp , A )

KA = HP(hp B , cA , l , rA )
KB = H(hk A , cB , l )

abort if Vf vk ((l , cA , cB , hp A , hp B ), A ) = 0
KA = H(hk B , cA , l , )
KB = HP(hp B , cB , l , , rB )

Fig. 3. An overview of the Gennaro-Lindell PAKE protocol [26]. (KG, Enc, Dec) are
the key generation, encryption, and decryption algorithms of a labeled public-key encryption scheme [39]. (SKG, Sign, Vf) are the key generation, signing, and verification
algorithms of a one-time signature scheme [24]. (HK, , H, HP) are the key generation,
key projection, hashing, and projected hashing algorithms of a family of smooth projective hash functions for the language L consisting of triples {(c, , )} such that c is
an encryption of the password with label .

description is given in Fig. 3. At a high level, the players in the GL protocol

exchange CCA-secure encryptions of the password, under the public-key found
in the common reference string, and then compute the session key by combining
smooth projective hashes of the two password/ciphertext pairs. More precisely,
the players first exchange ciphertexts consisting of encryption of their respective
passwords with respect to the label containing their identities and the verification key for a one-time signature scheme. Next, each player chooses a hashing
key for a smooth projective hash function for the language {(Enclpk (), , )} and
sends the corresponding projected key to the other player. Each player can thus
compute the output of its own hash function with the help of the hashing key,
and the output of the other one using its knowledge of the randomness that was
used to generate the ciphertext of the password. To avoid attacks in which the
adversary generates new projection keys without modifying the corresponding
ciphertexts and projection keys, A also signs the transcript of the conversation.
To understand informally why this protocol is secure, first consider the case
in which the adversary plays a passive role. In this case, the pseudo-randomness

M. Abdalla

property of the smooth hash function ensures that the value of the session key
will be computationally indistinguishable from uniform since the adversary does
not know the randomness that was used to encrypt the password. Now imagine
the case in which the adversary provides the user with an encryption of the wrong
password. In this case, the security of the protocol will rely on the smoothness
of the hash functions, which ensures that the session key will be random and
independent of all former communication. Thus, in order to be successful, the
adversary has to generate the encryption of the correct password. To do so, the
adversary could try to copy or modify existing ciphertexts. Since the encryption
scheme is CCA-secure, and thus non-malleable, modifying is not really a possibility. Copying does not help either since either the label used for encryption will
not match (making the session key look random due to the smoothness property) or the signature will be invalid (in the case where the adversary changes
the projection keys without changing the label and hence the verification key).
As a result, the only successful strategy left for the adversary is essentially to
guess the password and perform the trivial online dictionary attack, as desired.
Follow-Up Work. Due to its simplicity and generality, the KOY/GL PAKE
schemes [26, 34] have become the basis of several other PAKE schemes [5, 7, 15,
21,25,30,32,33,35]. Among these, the construction by Jiang and Gong (JG) [32]
and its generalization by Groce and Katz (GK) [30] are among the most ecient
PAKE schemes with a proof of security in the standard model according to the
definition in the indistinguishability-based model of Bellare, Pointcheval, and
Rogaway [10]. In particular, the GK/JG protocol only requires the exchange of
8 group elements and a total of 3 rounds. More recently, this result has been
slightly improved in [4].

Further Considerations

To conclude this survey, we now discuss some additional issues that one should
take into account when designing and implementing PAKE schemes, such as
universal composability and adaptive security.
Universal Composability. Most of the existing PAKE protocols, including the
ones mentioned so far, have proofs either in the indistinguishability-based security model of Bellare, Pointcheval, and Rogaway (BPR) [10] or in the simulationbased of Boyko, MacKenzie, and Patel (BMP) [17]. Even though these models
provide a security level that is sucient for most applications, they fail to consider some realistic scenarios such as participants running the protocol with different but possibly related passwords. To surmount these deficiencies, Canetti,
Halevi, Katz, Lindell, and MacKenzie [21] proposed an ideal functionality for
PAKE protocols in the UC framework which makes no assumption on the distribution on passwords used by the protocol participants. Since the KOY/GL
protocol is not known to achieve UC security, the authors of [21] also provided
a new scheme based on the GL construction [26] that securely realizes the ideal
functionality for PAKE under static corruptions .

Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange: An Overview

Since the work of Canetti, Halevi, Katz, Lindell, and MacKenzie [21], several
new constructions have appeared in the literature achieving UC security under
static corruptions [15, 30, 35]. Among these, the work of Benhamouda et al. [15]
is the most ecient one, only requiring only the exchange of 12 group elements in
Adaptive Security. While the protocols in [15, 21, 30, 35] already achieve a
stronger notion of security than those in the BPR and BMP models, they are
only known to be secure in the presence of static adversaries, when the set of
corrupted players is known in advance. However, in reality, the adversary may
be able to corrupt parties adaptively and learn their internal states. To address
this issue, Barak, Canetti, Lindell, Pass, and Rabin (BCLPR) proposed in [8] a
simple and intuitive construction that uses general techniques from multi-party
computation. Even though their solution is very elegant, their protocol is quite
inecient due to its generality. Since then, several new constructions have been
proposed [2, 3, 5]. While the construction in [2] is the most ecient and only
requires a single round, the one in [3] has been proven secure even without
assuming reliable erasures.
Trusted Setups. All of the PAKE protocols discussed in this survey have
security proofs in idealized models or assume the existence of a trusted common
reference string. There are, however, PAKE protocols which do not assume any
trusted setup assumption [27, 29]. While these results are outstanding from a
theoretical point of view, they are of limited interest for practice due to their
lack of eciency.
Acknowledgments. The text of this survey was extracted from the Habilitation
diriger des recherches (HDR) thesis by the author [1] and contains some minor
updates to take into account more recent work in the area. Its contents are based
on joint work with Fabrice Benhamouda, Olivier Blazy, Emmanuel Bresson,
Cline Chevalier, Dario Catalano, Olivier Chevassut, Pierre-Alain Fouque, Louis
Granboulan, and David Pointcheval.

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M. Abdalla

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