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Tree Conservation

Trees are critical to the overall quality of our environment. Trees offset development impacts,
significantly diminish noise pollution, lower air temperature, reduce smog, remove pollutants
from the air, and decrease topsoil erosion. Trees are a ritical component of numerous ecosystems
and provide habitats for songbirds, small forest animals, wildflowers, and smaller understory
Benefits of Protecting your Community's Trees
As important as trees are, their survival is often threatened by development. For instance,
developers commonly clear-cut building sites to make construction faster and easier. Millions of
trees are needlessly destroyed in this way each year, because many communities do not have
strong tree preservation ordinances.
Tree conservation can have positive environmental, economic and health benefits for
Top 10 Reasons We Need Trees:
Source: USDA Forest Service
1. Trees help purify the air we breathe by absorbing pollutants.
2. Trees increase property values and improve the tax base in communities.
3. Trees improve neighborhood appeal, attracting business, shoppers, and homeowners.
4. Trees cool our cities and towns by reducing heat generated by buildings and paved surfaces.
5. Tree shade, properly placed, can save an average household up to $250 annually in energy costs.
6. Trees reduce the amount of pollutants in sewer systems, saving communities millions of dollars in
water treatment costs.
7. Trees soften harsh building lines and large expanses of pavement, making urban environments much
more pleasant.
8. Trees provide habitat for birds and other wildlife, maintaining a balance with nature even in urban
9. Trees reduce the amount of water-borne pollutants that reach streams and rivers.
10. Trees reduce levels of domestic violence and foster safer, more sociable neighborhood environments.

Protection of Forest:
The existing forests should be protected. Apart from commercial cutting, unorganised grazing is
also one of the reasons. There are several forest diseases resulting from parasitic fungi, rusts,
mistletoes, viruses and nematodes which cause the destruction of trees. The forests should be
protected either by use of chemical spray, antibiotics or by development of disease resistant
strains of trees.

Proper Utilisation of Forest Products and Forests:

Generally, forests have been cut for logs and rest of the tree stump, limbs, branches and
foliage, etc., are left out in the forest as worthless debris. Further waste occurs at the sawmill.
There is a need to use all this waste material. Now several uses have been developed and
products like waterproof glues, board, etc., can be obtained.
Similarly, forests can easily be used or developed as tourist centres. By using them as tourist
centres the country can earn substantial foreign exchange. This practice has been adopted by
many countries, both developed and developing.
The concepts of national park and game sanctuary have now become popular and every
country has developed its unique forest area as a national park. In India alone, there are as
many as 21 national parks. This scheme is a good method of forest conservation.
Moly was 5-years old and her mother was the queen of all kingdoms.
Everybody knew her as Little princess because she was so small and cute and always smiling.
But, unfortunately, her mother died and the poor little princess became the only heir to the kingdom at 5years old.
So, little Moly became the queen of the Kingdom. People didnt like the idea because she was still too
young but Moly was very smart. She had been with her mother during her entire reign and had learnt
from her. But the most important value she had learnt was honesty.
One of the queens counselors wanted to take advantage of the situation and planned to discredit Mely
and so disinherit her. In this way he would become King.
The adviser worked on his plan and began to speak badly of the little queen in the palaces corridors, but
Moly heard him and had an idea.
She convened all the townspeople in the main square to explain to them what the adviser was doing.
Im going to be a good queen. My age doesnt matter, what matters is that I am not marred by adults
politics. I will always be honest with you. The advisor was then expelled from the Kingdom for being a
traitor. We want honest values in our town!
And thats how Moly became one of the most valued queens ever, and people in town really loved her
because she was nice and honest with them.

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