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SAP Requirements Gathering Questioner

SAP Requirements Gathering

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Published by birenagnihotri
SAP Requirements Gathering Questioner
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A. Organizati
In Scope Custom
1 CrossApplication/Centr
al Organizational

Yes/No Yes/No
1.1. Company
1.2. Credit Cont
rol Area1 . 3 . C o
mpany Code1.
4. Business Ar
e a 1 . 5 . Fu n c t i o n
a l A r e a 1.6. Fina
ncial Managemen
t A re a 1 . 7 . C o n t r
olling Area1.8.
P r o fi t C e n t e r 1 .
9. Operating Co

n c e r n 1.10. Mate
rial Valuation Ar
ea1 . 1 1 . P l a n t
1.12. Division
2 Product Data
M a n a g e m e n t 2.1.
Engineering and
d e s i g n o ffi c e 3 Pr
oduction Planning
and Procurement
Planning3 . 1 . M R
P Controller3 . 2
. MRP Area4

4.1. Purchasing
G r o u p 4.2. Purch
asing Organizati
on5 P r o d u c t i
o n 5.1. MRP Co
n t r o l l e r 5.2. Pers
on Responsible fo
r the Supply Area
6 Sales and Dis
tribution6 . 1 . S
a l e s A r e a 6.2.
Sales organizati

on6.3. Distributi
on channel6 . 4 .
S a l e s o ffi c e 6 . 5
. Sales Group7
Inventory Manage
ment, Warehouse
Management and
QuestionerBy :
Biren Agnihotri

( birenagnihotri@

7.1. Storage loc

ation7.2. Wareh
ouse complex7 .
3. Loading poi
n t 7. 4 . Tran spor ta
t io n Plan ni ng Poi
nt 7 . 5 . S h i p p i n g
point8 Custo m
e r S e r v i c e 8.1.
Sales Organizati
on8.2. Distributi
on Channel8 . 3 .
S a l e s O ffi c e 8 .

4. Sales Group
8.5. Service Plan
ning Plant8.6. S
ervice Planner G
roup9 P l a n t M a
i n t e n a n c e 9.1.
Maintenance Pla
nning Plant9 . 2 .
Maintenance Pla
nt9 . 3 . P l a n t S e
ction9 . 4 . Lo c a
t i o n 9.5. Mainten
a n c e P l a n n e r G ro

up1 0 Q u a l i t y M
a n a g e m e n t 10.1.
Pu r c h a s i n g O r g a
n i z a t i o n 1 0 . 2 . Wo
rk Scheduler Gro
up10.3. Sales Or
ganization11 Env
ironment, Health
and Safety1 2 P r
oject Managem
e n t 12.1. WBS El
ement Applicant
12.2. Person Resp

onsible for WBS E

lement1 2 . 3 . Wo r
k Scheduler Gro
up12.4. Capacity
P l a n n e r G ro u p 1 2
.5. MRP Controll
e r 12.6. Person Re
sponsible for the
Work Center1 3 F i
nancial Account
ing13.1. Chart o
f A c c o u n t s 13.2.
Consolidation Co

mpany1 3 . 3 . S u

14 Enterprise C
ontrolling1 4 . 1 .
D i m e n s i o n s 1 4. 2
. Curr en ci e s (Con
solid a t ion )1 4 . 3 .
V e r s i o n 14.4. Co
nsolidation Grou
p14.5. Consolida
tion Unit1 5 A s s
et Accounting1
5.1. Depreciatio
n area15.2. Char
t of depreciation

15.3. Asset cla

ss 16 Real Estat
e Management1
6.1. CompanySpecifi c (Relevant
to Real Estate Man
agement)16.2. Sys
tem-Specifi c
(Relevant to Real
Estate Managemen
t)1 7 O r g a n i z a t i o
nal Management
17.1. Organizati

onal Units1 7 . 2 .
J o b s 17.3. Posi
t i o n s 1 7 . 4 . Ta s
k s 18 Personnel
8. 1. Pe rsonn e l
A r e a 1 8 . 2 . Pe r s o
n n e l S u b a r e a 1 8.
3 . Em p l oy er Assi
gnmen t U nit AT1
8.4. Employee
Group18.5. Empl
oyee Subgroup1

8 . 6 . Pa y ro l l A re
a1 9 R e t a i l 1
9 . 1 . S t o r e 19.
1 . 1 . S t o r e 19.1.
2. Storage locati
on19.1.3. MRP c
D e p a r t m e n t 19.1
.5. Unloading poi
n t 1 9 . 1 . 6 . Re c e i v i
ng point19.2. Dis
tribution center

1 9. 2 . 1. Di str i bu t i
on cent er1 9 . 2 . 2 .
Storage location
19.2.3. Shipping
point19.2.4. Loa
d i n g p o i n t 19.2.5.
Transportation pla
nning point1 9 . 3 .
W a re h o u s e 19.3
.1. Warehouse1
9.3.2. Storage t
ype19.3.3. Stora
ge section1 9 . 3 . 4

. S t o r a g e b i n 19 .
3 . 5. M a teri a l st a g
i ng a rea 1 9 . 3 . 6 .
Door19.4. Cus
t o m e r 19.4.1. C
u s t o m e r 19.4.2.
Storage location
19.4.3. MRP cont
roller1 9 . 5 . P u r c
h a s i n g 19.5.1. Pu
rchasing organiza
tion1 9 . 5 . 2 . Pu r c h
a s i n g g ro u p 1 9 . 5 .

3 . Pu r c h a s i n g a re
a1 9 . 6 . S a l e s 1
9 . 6. 1 . Distr ibut io
n cha in1 9. 6 . 2. Sa
l es orga ni za t ion 1
9 . 6. 3 . Distr ibut io
n cha nn el1 9 . 6 . 4 .
Sales area19.6.
5. Sales of ice19
.6.6. Sales grou
pB . M a s t e r D
a t a 1 General M
a s t e r Re c o rd s 1 .

1. Material Mas
ter1.2. Materia
l BOM1.3. Serv
ice Master1 . 4 .
B a t c h 1.4.1. B
atch Master

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