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Vitera Intergy

New System Features, Version 7.10

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

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Table of Contents
Vitera Intergy Basics ............................................................................................................ 1
Add Mobile Phone Numbers in Patient Registration .......................................................................................... 2
Edit and Delete Added States ..................................................................................................................................... 4
New Pending Charges Icon in the User Toolbar ................................................................................................... 5

Patient Information ............................................................................................................. 6

Patient Information Remembers Last Page Accessed ........................................................................................ 7

Record Patient/Person Information History System Parameter Enhancement.......................................... 8
High Priority Patient and Account Alerts ................................................................................................................ 9
New Verified With Family Option for Advance Directives ............................................................................... 11
Ethnicity Information Added to the Summary Tab in Patient Information ............................................... 13
Canceled and Rescheduled Appointment Date and Time Now Display in Patient Information........ 15
View Insurance Plan Notes From the Insurance Tab in Patient Information ............................................. 17

Financial ............................................................................................................................. 19

Schedule Collections Automatic Add and Remove to be Run by the Vitera Intergy System .............. 20
Collections Add and Remove Finance Group Options ..................................................................................... 26
Delete Multiple ERA Checks at Once ...................................................................................................................... 29
Charge Posting Warning Message for Duplicate Charge Information ........................................................ 30
Reopen a Closed Journal ............................................................................................................................................ 31
Encounter Can Be Required for Charge Posting ................................................................................................. 32
Journal Management Displays User Who Closed the Journal........................................................................ 33
Patient and Account Alerts Shown When Selecting Pending Charge ........................................................ 34
General Ledger Account Code Maintenance Allows Inactive Codes........................................................... 35
Turn Off $0 Charge Posting Warning ...................................................................................................................... 37
Refund Check Batch Printing Has Refund Journal Filtering ............................................................................ 38
Journal Close Window Renamed Journal Management .................................................................................. 40
View Who Created an Insurance Card Scan.......................................................................................................... 42
Show Copay Amount if AEV is Unknown .............................................................................................................. 43

Insurance Billing ................................................................................................................ 44

Auto Assign Insurance Serialization Change ....................................................................................................... 45

Create Pending Insurance Policies .......................................................................................................................... 55
Universal Billing Page and Header Information .................................................................................................. 58
Ability to Open System Insurance Plan Maintenance in Vitera Intergy Desktop ..................................... 59

Clinical ................................................................................................................................ 61

Internal Use Only Indicated on Rx Note ................................................................................................................. 62

Editing Lab Order Tasks in Vitera Intergy Work Tasks ....................................................................................... 64
Lab Purge Utility Changes .......................................................................................................................................... 66

Encounters ......................................................................................................................... 70
Select Encounter Date Range in the Pending Charges Window ................................................................... 71

Community Health Care .................................................................................................... 75

Medicare Mental Health Rate Change.................................................................................................................... 76

Preventive Procedures for Medicare Clinic Rates ............................................................................................... 78
Additional Sliding Fee Minimum Amount Options ........................................................................................... 79
Medicaid Clinic Rates for States Enhancements ................................................................................................. 83
OSHPD 2011 Reporting ............................................................................................................................................... 86
CA FPAR Identifies Unassigned Insurance Plans ................................................................................................. 88
Set Patient Age Ranges for CA FPAR Report ........................................................................................................ 89

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

CA FPAR Follow-up Encounter Reporting............................................................................................................. 90
UDS 2011 Reporting ..................................................................................................................................................... 91
UDS Report Table 6B Updates................................................................................................................................... 92
UDS Report Table 7 Updates ..................................................................................................................................... 96
UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet Updates ................................................................................................... 97
Using the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet for Table 6B Reporting .................................................100
Using Practice Analytics for Table 6B Reporting ...............................................................................................102

Transcriptions .................................................................................................................. 113

New Referring Provider Merge Fields ...................................................................................................................114

Edit Transcription Catalog Entry From Transcription Writer Work List .....................................................116

Letters and Labels ........................................................................................................... 119

New Letters/Labels Processing Merge Fields ....................................................................................................120

New Letters/Labels Processing Merge Fields for Recalls ...............................................................................125
New Letters/Labels Processing Merge Fields for Appointments ................................................................126

Scheduling ....................................................................................................................... 129

Appointment Time Displayed When Printing Referral Information ..........................................................130

Day of Week Is Displayed with the Date When Making an Appointment................................................132
Prevent New Appointments for Patients in Collections .................................................................................133
Appointment Template Color Palette Expanded .............................................................................................135
Patient Flow Tracking Window Can Be Resized ................................................................................................137

Reports ............................................................................................................................. 138

Exclude Encounters That Have Pending Charges from the Patient Encounters Report .....................140
Clinical Activity Audit Reporting ............................................................................................................................142
Pending Charge Report .............................................................................................................................................143
Procedure Analysis Report Filters by Modifiers.................................................................................................145
Appointments by Day Report Can Include Primary Insurance Information ............................................147
Patient Report Can Show Deactivated or Deceased Patients Only ............................................................149
Additional Displays of Insurance Plan Information in Appointment Worksheet Report ....................150
Procedure Productivity Report Can Show Modifiers .......................................................................................152
Open Item Report Has Procedure Sort and Filter .............................................................................................154
Filter the Procedure Analysis Report by Diagnoses and Patient Age Range...........................................156
Filter the Referring Provider Analysis Report by Date.....................................................................................157
Additional Payment Allocation Report Sorts and Filters................................................................................158
Procedure Reimbursement Report Can Filter by Post Date ..........................................................................160
Procedure Reimbursement Report Sorts and Filters by Procedure Code ................................................161
Account Summary Report Has Additional Filters .............................................................................................163
Patient Report Sorts and Filters by Insurance ....................................................................................................164
Practice Financial Summary Report Provider Sort Change ...........................................................................166
Option to Remove the Total Payment Amount from the Payment Description in the Open Item
Payment History Report ............................................................................................................................................167
Stop Scheduled Reports from Being Run ............................................................................................................169
Appointments Detail Report and Appointments Exception Report Show Additional Dates and
Times ...............................................................................................................................................................................172
Patient Referral Source Report Filters by Patient Registration Date ..........................................................174
New Percent of Total Column in the Insurance Ranking Report .................................................................176
New Show Patient Detail and Include Event Comments Options in the Patient Flow Analysis Report
Filter and Sort the Provider Productivity Report by Supervising Provider ..............................................180
Include Secondary Diagnoses Codes on the Diagnosis Analysis Report ..................................................181
Primary Insurance Productivity Report Enhancements..................................................................................182
Procedure Modifiers Now Display in the Insurance Productivity Report .................................................183


Table of Contents
Phone Tree Report Contains New Fields .............................................................................................................184
Enhanced Sorting in Phone Tree Reports ...........................................................................................................185

HL7 .................................................................................................................................... 186

Search HL7 Queue Using Text String ....................................................................................................................187

Viewing Unformatted HL7 Text ..............................................................................................................................188

RIS ..................................................................................................................................... 189

Indicate the RIS Studies That Have a Report Attached ...................................................................................190
Cloud-based Fax Systems Available for Document Delivery System ........................................................191

Practice Setup .................................................................................................................. 195

Warn If Saving a Duplicate Clinician Provider Identifier.................................................................................196

Patient, Account, and Charge Notes Security Enhancements .....................................................................197
Activity Audit Logs Include Report Duration .....................................................................................................198
Copy a Role Definition ...............................................................................................................................................201

System Setup ................................................................................................................... 208

Century Change Year Calculation ..........................................................................................................................209

Restrict PHI Access in Administration Windows by User ...............................................................................211
Access Practice Configuration from Vitera Intergy and Vitera Intergy EHR .............................................213
Limit Future Dates that Can be Entered ..............................................................................................................216
Copying System Users ...............................................................................................................................................217
Customize Transcription Approval Text ..............................................................................................................219
System Maintenance Scheduler Shows All Client Connections ..................................................................221
Meaningful Use Update Utility................................................................................................................................222


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

itera Intergy Basics

Vitera Intergy Basics

This chapter discusses enhancements to basic features in the Vitera Intergy system, such as
Patient Registration.
Add Mobile Phone Numbers in Patient Registration
Edit and Delete Added States
New Pending Charges Icon in the User Toolbar


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Add Mobile Phone Numbers in Patient Registration

You can now enter mobile phone numbers when you register a patient.
This enables you to record the mobile phone number for a new patient as well as the
guarantor, emergency contact person, and parent/guardian for the patient.
Previously, you could enter mobile phone numbers for patients only when you were editing
previously recorded patient information for an existing patient in Patient Information and
Person Maintenance or adding a new person in Person Maintenance.
Now, you have the ability to add mobile phone numbers at the time of registration.
The new Mobile Phone field has been added to following pages of Patient Registration:
Patient Demographics, Guarantor Information, and Contact Information.

Additionally, the following Vitera Intergy system reports have been modified to display mobile
phone information in the report.

Appointments Worksheet Report

Appointments Detail Report

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Patients With No Activity Report

Quick Patient Registration Report

Recall Report

Appointments Wait List Report

Appointments with Expired Slide Report

Collections Report with Demographics

Health Management Recall Report

Appointments by Patient Report (Note that the Appointments by Patient Report had
included mobile phone information prior to this enhancement.)

For example, the Appointments Detail Report now includes the Mobile Phone heading below
the Home Phone heading in the same column. The report displays the mobile phone number
for each patient included in the report who has a phone number recorded in the new Mobile
field in Patient Information.

The Appointments Detail Report has been enhanced to display mobile phone numbers. As a
result of the enhancement, if you use the Appointments Detail Report to manually generate
the output file for your Phone Tree system, it is necessary to contact Phone Tree to continue
this report with your Phone Tree system. It is possible to use the Appointments Phone Tree
Report for generating the output file for your Phone Tree system without additional changes.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Edit and Delete Added States

In Zip Code Maintenance, you can now edit or delete a state prior to saving the ZIP code.
This allows you to change or remove a state that was created in error.
The new Edit and Delete buttons have been added to the Select State dialog box in Zip Code

Note that you can edit and delete only those states that were created manually in Zip Code
Maintenance. You cannot edit and delete the pre-defined U.S. states.
Additionally, you can edit a manually added state from the State fields in some Vitera Intergy
windows, such as Service Center Maintenance and Person Maintenance.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

New Pending Charges Icon in the User Toolbar

You can now add a Pending Charges icon to your User Toolbar in the Vitera Intergy Desktop.

After the Pending Charges icon has been added to your User Toolbar, selecting the Pending
Charges icon will open the Pending Charges window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Patient Information

Patient Information
This chapter provides information about Patient Information enhancements.
Patient Information Remembers Last Page Accessed
Record Patient/Person Information History System Parameter Enhancement
High Priority Patient and Account Alerts
New Verified With Family Option for Advance Directives
Ethnicity Information Added to the Summary Tab in Patient Information
Canceled and Rescheduled Appointment Date and Time Now Display in
Patient Information
View Insurance Plan Notes From the Insurance Tab in Patient Information

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Patient Information Remembers Last Page Accessed

The Patient Information window now remembers the last page you accessed.

When you close the Patient Information window and/or logout of Vitera Intergy, Vitera Intergy
remembers the last page you accessed. The next time you open the Patient Information
window, the last Patient Information page you accessed before closing the Patient
Information window will display.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Record Patient/Person Information History System Parameter

The Record Patient/Person Information History system parameter has been enhanced in the
System Configuration window in System Administration. You now have the option of being
prompted to record the previous patient/person information in the Edit Patient Information
window or the Person Maintenance window.

The Record Patient/Person Information History system parameter now has the following

(Y)es The user will not be prompted to record the previous patient/person
information and the previous patient/person information will be automatically
(N)o The user will not be prompted to record the previous patient/person
information and the previous patient/person information will not be automatically
(P)rompt The user will be prompted to record the previous patient/person

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

High Priority Patient and Account Alerts

Vitera Intergy has been enhanced to show 'High Priority Patient and Account alerts
throughout the system.

If patient and account alerts are specified as 'High Priority in the Alert Maintenance window,
they display in bold, red text and the 'Yes' indicator displays in the High Priority column of the
Patient Alerts and Account Alerts windows.

If you would like to specify an alert as 'High Priority' when assigning a new patient or account
alert in Vitera Intergy, you can select the High Priority check box to specify that a patient or
account alert should display as high priority.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

New Verified With Family Option for Advance Directives

A new option, 'Verified With Family,' is now available for Advance Directives in the Advance
Directives tab on the Privacy page in Patient Information.

The Verified With Family check box specifies whether or not the family is aware of the advance
directive that determines the care provided in the situations specified in the advance directive.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Note that if the Verify With Family check box is cleared, the Patient Aware check box must be
selected if the patient is aware of the advance directive or the name of the party responsible
for the advance directive must be entered in the Third Party field.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Ethnicity Information Added to the Summary Tab in Patient

A patients ethnicity information has been added to the Summary tab on the Personal page in
Patient Information in the Race/Eth field. Previously, you could only view a patients ethnicity
information in the Edit Patient Information window.

Now, if a patient has ethnicity information in Vitera Intergy, it will display in the Summary tab
on the Personal page in Patient Information in the Race/Eth field.
For example if a patients race is defined as Caucasian and their ethnicity is defined as Other,
the patients race and ethnicity will display as C / O.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Canceled and Rescheduled Appointment Date and Time Now Display

in Patient Information
When an appointment has been canceled or rescheduled, the date and time that the
appointment was canceled or rescheduled now display in the Appointments tab on the
Scheduling page in the Patient Information window.
The date of the cancelation or rescheduling now displays next to the Cancelled on or
Rescheduled on field in blue text in the lower portion of the Appointments tab.

In addition, both the date and time of cancelation or rescheduling now display in the Notes
box in the lower portion of the Appointments tab.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

View Insurance Plan Notes From the Insurance Tab in Patient

You can now view insurance plan notes from Patient Information by clicking the Notes icon in
the Details pane of the Insurance tab.

The Plan Notes window displays in View Only mode.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


This chapter discusses enhancements to financial features, including billing and charge
posting features.
Schedule Collections Automatic Add and Remove to be Run by the Vitera
Intergy System
Collections Add and Remove Finance Group Options
Delete Multiple ERA Checks at Once
Charge Posting Warning Message for Duplicate Charge Information
Reopen a Closed Journal
Encounter Can Be Required for Charge Posting
Journal Management Displays User Who Closed the Journal
Patient and Account Alerts Shown When Selecting Pending Charge
General Ledger Account Code Maintenance Allows Inactive Codes
Turn Off $0 Charge Posting Warning
Refund Check Batch Printing Has Refund Journal Filtering
Journal Close Window Renamed Journal Management
View Who Created an Insurance Card Scan
Show Copay Amount if AEV is Unknown


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Schedule Collections Automatic Add and Remove to be Run by the Sage Intergy System

Schedule Collections Automatic Add and Remove to be Run by the

Vitera Intergy System
You can now set up Collections Automatic Add and Remove to be run on a schedule by the
Vitera Intergy system.
This enables you to add and/or remove collection accounts and notify assigned users
automatically whenever the scheduled run occurs.
Previously, you could add and/or remove collection accounts in your Vitera Intergy system
when you performed a Collections Automatic Add and Remove run.
Now, you can add and/or remove collection accounts when scheduled Collections Automatic
and Add and Remove runs occur and send a new Vitera Intergy notification about the run to
one or more assigned users. The notification includes attached files of the standard reports
about the collection accounts that were added and/or removed.
The new Schedule Collections Add/Remove feature has been added to the Vitera Intergy
system. The feature can be accessed from Vitera Intergy Practice Administration and from the
Collections Automatic Add and Remove window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Scheduling a Collections Automatic Add and Remove System Job


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Scheduling a Collections Automatic Add and Remove System Job

You can schedule a system job to perform a scheduled Collections Automatic Add and
Remove run that can add accounts to collections and/or remove accounts from collections in
your Vitera Intergy system.
Scheduling a Collections Automatic Add and Remove system job includes setting collections
criteria for the job, selecting the practice users who will receive notification about the system
job, and specifying the start date, start time, and day(s) of the week for the job to be run.
Follow the steps below for instructions on scheduling a collections automatic add and remove
system job.

1. You can open the Schedule Collections Automatic Add/Remove window from the
Collections Automatic Add and Remove window by clicking the Schedule link located in
the lower portion of the window.

Optionally, you can open the Schedule Collections Automatic Add/Remove window from
Vitera Intergy Practice Administration menu bar by selecting the Utilities menu, selecting
Schedule, and then selecting Collections Add/Remove.

2. To add accounts and selected responsible parties to Collections, select the Perform
Automatic Add check box. If you do not want to add any accounts at this time, clear the
check box.

If you selected the Perform Automatic Add check box, verify the default settings in the
Perform Automatic Add section for adding accounts and selected responsible parties to
Collections. You can add or edit field values, if necessary.

The next action that is specified for guarantors and insurance will be performed when the next
scheduled Collections Automatic Add and Remove system job is run.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

3. To remove accounts and selected responsible parties from Collections, select the Perform
Automatic Remove check box. If you do not want to remove any accounts during this
run, clear the Perform Automatic Remove check box.

If you selected the Perform Automatic Remove check box, verify the Responsible Party Type
field default setting for removing accounts and selected responsible parties from Collections.
You can change the setting, if necessary.

4. In the Notification Users section, you can assign the Vitera Intergy system users who will
be notified about the system job run by clicking the Assign Users button and selecting
the users.

5. To set the schedule for the Collections Automatic Add and Remove system job, click the
Schedule button. The Schedule System Job dialog box displays on the Select Job Run
Frequency page. The Weekly radio button is selected to run the job on a weekly

It is recommended that your practice run the Collections Automatic Add and Remove on a
weekly basis to update the accounts that are added to and/or removed from collections.
Optionally, you can select a different job run frequency by clicking the radio button for the
frequency that you want to use.

6. Click the Next button. The Select Job Run Time page displays.

7. In the System Job Name field, the 'Collections Add/Remove' job name is displayed. You
can edit the name of the system job.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

8. In the Start Date field, the date for today is displayed. You can change the date on which
the job run will be started.

9. In the Start Time field, the current time is displayed. You can change the time of day when
the job run will be started.

10. Specify the day(s) of the week on which to run the scheduled Collections Automatic Add
and Remove system job by selecting the check box for each day of the week that you
want to run the system job to add and/or remove collection accounts in your Vitera
Intergy system.

11. Click the Next button. The Activate System Job page displays.

12. To activate the job to be run by the Vitera Intergy system on the specified date and time,
select the Activate System Job check box.

13. Click the Finished button to save the scheduled Collections Automatic Add and Remove
system job and return to the Schedule Collections Add/Remove window.

The specified users will receive a notification task after the system job run. The task provides
the users with information about the system job run and the ability to view the add and/or


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

remove reports for the system job run. If the system job or the report fails, the task notes
indicate that one or more errors occurred. For more information about the user notification
task, see the Working an Auto Collection Rpts Notification Task from Work Tasks topic.

You have just completed Step-by-Step Scheduling a Collections Automatic Add and
Remove System Job.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Collections Add and Remove Finance Group Options

You can now set the finance group for accounts that have guarantor-responsible parties when
the accounts are added to Collections or removed from Collections.
When adding accounts to Collections, this allows you to select a finance group that will
replace the current finance group on the accounts that have guarantor-responsible charges
for which the accounts and responsible parties are being added into Collections. This can be
helpful for stopping statements for the account and guarantor that are based on the original
finance group prior to the account entering Collections.
Additionally, when removing accounts from Collections, this allows you to choose whether
you want the account finance group to be set to the previous finance group that was set for
the collection account or select another finance group.
The following enhancements have been added to the Collections Automatic Add and Remove

The new Set Finance Group (Guarantor only) check box and field for entering a finance
group have been added to the Perform Automatic Add section.

You can select the Set Finance Group (Guarantor only) check box and specify a finance
group in the field on the right side of the check box to assign a finance group to replace
the current finance group.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Clearing the check box prevents a different finance group from being specified for the
accounts and guarantor-responsible parties that are being added to Collections. The
account has the same finance group as prior to entering Collections

The new Set Finance Group (Guarantor only) check box, radio buttons, and field for
entering a finance group have been added to the Perform Automatic Remove section.

You can select the Set Finance Group (Guarantor only) check box and use the radio
buttons to specify whether to use the previous finance group that was set when the
account was added to Collections or to select a different finance group to replace the
previous one for the collection accounts. If you are selecting a different finance group,
you can enter the finance group in the field on the right side of the radio buttons.
Clearing the check box prevents a different finance group from being specified for the
accounts and guarantor-responsible parties that are being removed from Collections.
The same enhancements have been added to the Schedule Collections Add/Remove window.
This allows you to specify the finance groups that will be assigned when scheduled Collections
add/remove run is performed by the Vitera Intergy system.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

The finance group cannot be replaced for accounts with insurance-responsible parties that are
being added to Collections or removed from Collections.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Delete Multiple ERA Checks at Once

You can now delete multiple ERA remittance checks at the same time.
This allows you to select more than one ERA check in the Check Posting tab and delete all of
the checks at once.
Previously, you could select and delete only one remittance check.
Now, you can select one or more remittance checks and delete all of the selected checks.
The Delete Selected Check item on the Utilities menu has been modified to Delete Selected
Checks. The menu item is enabled when more than one ERA check is selected in the Check
Posting tab list of checks.

If you select more than one check and attempt to delete, the warning dialog box for the
deletion displays the number of checks that are about to be deleted.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Charge Posting Warning Message for Duplicate Charge Information

You can now receive a warning message when you attempt to add a charge that may be a
possible duplicate charge.
This allows you to be notified when you enter a provider, procedure, and service date that are
the same as another charge for the same patient and attempt to add the charge.
Previously, you could add the charge and not have an indication that the charge may be a
duplicate of an existing charge.
Now, you can be notified about the duplicate charge information and select whether to
continue or stop adding the charge.
The new warning message about duplicate charge information has been added to Charge
Posting. The warning message will display when you click the Add button to add the charge
and a duplicate procedure, date of service, and provider are detected on a previous charge for
the patient.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Reopen a Closed Journal

You can now reopen a closed journal.
This allows you to apply corrections or changes to a journal that had been closed previously
without having to call and use support services.
Previously, when a journal was closed for a post date, the journal could not be reopened by
the site.
Now, after a journal has been closed, the journal can be reopened by a practice administrator
until a daily close is performed for that journals post date. Once a daily close for a post date is
performed, no journals can be reopened.
The new Reopen Journals window has been added to Vitera Intergy Practice Administration.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Encounter Can Be Required for Charge Posting

You can now specify whether an encounter number is required in the Encounter field when
you are adding and posting charges in Charge Posting.
This can ensure that users will associate an encounter with a charge for a patient.
Previously, you could add a charge whether an encounter for the charge was entered or no
encounter was entered.
Now, you have the option to specify whether an encounter is required information for a
The new Encounter Required for Charge Posting practice parameter has been added to
Practice Configuration. You can select one of the following choices:
Yes The encounter code is required to post a charge.
No The encounter code is not required to post a charge.
The parameter is shipped with a default value of '(N)o'.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Journal Management Displays User Who Closed the Journal

You can now the view the logon ID of the user who closed a journal.
This allows you to identify the user who closed a journal in Journal Management.
Previously, the user who closed a journal was not displayed.
Now, the logon ID of the user who closed a journal is displayed for each closed journal.
The new By User column has been added to the list of closed journals in the Closed tab of the
Journal management window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Patient and Account Alerts Shown When Selecting Pending Charge

Patient and account alerts are now displayed in the Select Pending Charge dialog box.
This allows you to view the existing patient and account alerts that are associated with the
pending charge patient and account for which you are posting charges.
Previously, you did not have the chance to view the patient and account alerts when you
selected a pending charge for a patient.
The new alerts list now displays in the Select Pending Charge dialog box. Any existing patient
and/or account alerts associated with the pending charge patient and account are listed in the
lower portion of the dialog box. The alert type and description are displayed. The alerts list
displays only when one or more alerts exist.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

General Ledger Account Code Maintenance Allows Inactive Codes

You can now deactivate practice-defined Adjustment and Refund type general ledger account
codes when your practice is using a standard general ledger processor. Additionally, you can
reactivate a general ledger account code that was deactivated.
Deactivating a general ledger account code allows you to prevent a practice-defined
Adjustment or Refund general ledger account from being used. A deactivated general ledger
account is not displayed in the GL Accounts page in Provider Maintenance and is not available
in selection lists. Reactivating a general ledger account allows you to set an inactive account to
be available for use again.
Previously, the ability to deactivate a general ledger account was not available. To prevent a
practice-defined Adjustment or refund general ledger account from being used, you could
delete the account, but only if the account had not been assigned to transactions in the
The following enhancements have been added to the General Ledger Account Code
Maintenance window:

The new Deactivate button now displays when an active practice-defined Adjustment
or Refund general ledger account code is selected.

The new Activate button now displays when a deactivated practice-defined

Adjustment or Refund general ledger account code is selected.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


General ledger account codes that have been deactivated now display in the GL
Account Codes list in gray text.

The new label Inactive in blue text now displays when a deactivated general ledger
account code is selected.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Turn Off $0 Charge Posting Warning

You can now select whether a warning message will display when you attempt to post a
charge amount of $0.00.
This provides you with the ability to prevent the warning message from displaying if your
practice typically works with posting $0.00 charges.
Previously, a warning message displayed whenever you attempted to post a $0.00 charge
Now, you have the option to display the warning message or prevent the message from
The new Warn When Posting $0 Charges system/practice parameter has been added to
System Configuration in Vitera Intergy System Administration and Practice Configuration in
Vitera Intergy Practice Administration. You can select the following options:
(Y)es The warning message will display.
(N)o The warning message will not display.
The parameter is shipped with a default value of '(Y)es'.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Refund Check Batch Printing Has Refund Journal Filtering

When choosing which journals to filter refunds by in Refund Check Batch Print, only those
journals that have refunds in them are now displayed.
This provides you with the ability to view and filter a smaller set of journals that includes only
those journals that could possibly be in the batch of refunds.
Previously, journals were displayed in the list of journals for filtering regardless of whether the
journals contained refunds in them and could have been included in the refund batch.
The following enhancements have been applied to the Select Refund Check Filters dialog box
in Refund Check Batch Print:


In the Options section, the label of the Journals button was 'All Journals' and is now 'All
Refund Journals'.

When you click the Journals button, the dialog box that displays was 'Select Journal'
and is now 'Select Refund Journal'. In the dialog box, the 'All Journals' list is now 'All
Refund Journals'. The 'Selected Journals' list is now 'Selected Refund Journals'.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Journal Close Window Renamed Journal Management

The Journal Close window in Vitera Intergy Desktop and Vitera Intergy Enterprise has been
renamed Journal Management.

To open Journal Management from the Vitera Intergy Desktop or Vitera Intergy Enterprise
menu bar, select the Financial menu, and then select Journal Management.

In addition, the security override for the Journal Management feature has also been renamed
Journal Management.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

View Who Created an Insurance Card Scan

You can now view who created an insurance card scan in Vitera Intergy.
The user logon of the user that scanned the insurance card and the date and time when the
insurance card was scanned is displayed in Scanned By and On fields in the lower-right corner
of the Insurance Card Window for both the Front and Back images of the insurance card.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Show Copay Amount if AEV is Unknown

A patient's copay amount now displays in the patient flow work list of the Patient Work Flow
window, and in the Patient Check In list of the Patient Check In window if the patient's AEV
status is 'Unknown.'

The Copay column displays a copay amount associated with the visit type. The amount is
determined by the following conditions:

If the AEV status is Active and a copay value has been reported from the eligibility
check, this copay amount will be displayed. Note that multiple copays can be reported
from AEV for different categories of copays such as an office visit or a specialist. If
multiple copays are reported, the highest copay amount is displayed by the system.
If the AEV status is Active and a copay value has not been reported from the eligibility
check, the copay amount defined at the system level for the primary plan will be
displayed. Note that this amount is displayed in brackets in this field and the following
message is displayed in blue text at the bottom of the window: 'Not AEV'.
If the AEV Status field is blank because an eligibility check was not run or information
was not received from AEV, the copay amount defined at the system level for the
primary plan will be displayed. Note that this amount is displayed in brackets in this
field and the following message is displayed in blue text at the bottom of the window:
'Not AEV'.

Note that a blank field indicates that an eligibility check was run, but the patients status is


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Insurance Billing

Insurance Billing
This chapter provides information about enhancements to the Insurance Billing feature in the
Vitera Intergy system.
Auto Assign Insurance Serialization Change
Create Pending Insurance Policies
Universal Billing Page and Header Information
Ability to Open System Insurance Plan Maintenance in Vitera Intergy Desktop


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Auto Assign Insurance Serialization Change

Auto Assign Insurance Serialization Change

You can now use Auto Assign Insurance Rule Maintenance regardless of whether your practice
is serialized for the optional Community Health Care (CHC) subsystem.
Previously, Auto Assign Insurance Rule Maintenance was a feature of the optional CHC
subsystem. If your practice was not serialized for the CHC subsystem, the menu items and
windows associated with Auto Assign Insurance Rule Maintenance were not available.
Now, Auto Assign Insurance Rule Maintenance is no longer a feature of the serialized CHC
subsystem. The menu items and windows associated with Auto Assign Insurance Rule
Maintenance are available with the base Vitera Intergy system.
This enables you to set up rules for specific procedures or procedure classes to automatically
add an alternate insurance plan to a patients coverage list during charge posting, and then
post the charges to the alternate plan. This feature is useful when a patient receives services
that require more than one plan to be billed, but a single plan was added during patient
registration. The user posting the charges does not have to change the policy to correctly post
the charges.
For example, Medicare B is listed as a patients insurance coverage, but the provider saw the
patient while at the hospital, and hospital visits are covered under Medicare A. If Medicare A is
set up as an alternate plan for hospital visits for the master plan Medicare B. The alternate plan
Medicare A can be added automatically to the patients insurance plans when the charge for
the hospital visit procedure is posted, and during the daily close, the charge is posted to
Medicare A insurance.
Adding an Auto Assign Insurance Rule

Working with Auto Assign Insurance Rules


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Adding an Auto Assign Insurance Rule

You can now add an auto assign insurance rule to specify that certain procedure classes or
procedures are billed automatically to an assigned alternate insurance policy. An auto assign
insurance rule enables you to post charges to an alternate insurance policy for a patient
without having to add the policy for the patient.
Follow the steps below for instructions on adding an auto assign insurance rule.
1. If you are not already in the Auto Assign Insurance Rule Maintenance window, from the
Vitera Intergy Desktop menu bar, select the Setup menu, select Procedures and Profiles,
and then select Auto Assign Insurance Rules.

2. Add a master plan for the auto assign insurance rule by clicking the New button and
entering an insurance plan in the Master field of the New Auto Assign Insurance Rule
dialog box. The master plan is the parent insurance plan that provides the main patient
coverage for the payer source.
In the following example, Medicare will be the master plan for the auto assign
insurance rule.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

3. Click the Edit button. The Alternate Plans section of the window becomes available for


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

4. Click the Add button. The Select Plan dialog box displays. Select the plan to be used as
the alternate plan and click OK. An alternate plan will be used instead of the master plan
for specific procedure codes or procedure classes.
In the following example, Medicare A will be the alternate plan.

5. In the Charges section, select the specific procedure classes and/or procedures that will
be billed to the alternate plan.
To Select:
Specific procedure classes
Specific procedures

Do this:
Select the Proc. Classes button and then select
the procedure class(es).
Select the Procedures button and then select
the procedure(s).

In the following example, procedure class Out-of-Office Services (OUT) is the class of
procedures that will be billed to the alternate insurance plan.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

6. Click the Save button.

The alternate plan and the procedure class of the new auto assign insurance rule for the
master plan are displayed.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

An insurance plan can be used as a master plan only once, however you can add multiple rules
to a master plan.
A master plan cannot be used as an alternate plan.

You have just completed Step-by-Step Adding an Auto Assign Insurance Rule.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Working with Auto Assign Insurance Rules

After you have added an auto assign insurance rule, the rule will be applied when posting a
charge that uses the insurance plans and a procedure (or procedure class) of the rule.
In the following example, an auto assign insurance rule is applied when a charge is posted.

The auto assign insurance rule for master plan Medicare (MEDG), alternate plan Medicare A
(MEDA), and procedure class Out-of-Office Services (OUT) has been added for the practice.

The patient Claire League has the master plan Medicare (MEDG) as the primary insurance in
her coverage list.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Charges for the procedure 93010 Electrocardiogram - In Hospital that was performed for the
patient Claire League are being added. Note that procedure 90310 has procedure class OUT
for which the alternate plan Medicare A (MEDA) was assigned.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

The charge is added. The charge information is displayed in the lower portion of the window.

The charge is posted.

The posted charge for procedure 93010 is displayed for the patient in Patient Information
(Financial page, Charges tab). The alternate insurance plan Medicare A (MEDA) that was
applied for the charge is displayed in the Responsibility column.

The charge history of posting the charge to the alternate insurance plan is displayed.

In Patient Information (Personal page, Insurance tab), the Policies list for the patient displays
the alternate plan Medicare A (MEDA) below the #1 (primary coverage) plan Medicare with the
alternate plan selected. Note the Details text below the Policies for the selected alternate plan
that indicates that an alternate plan was used.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

You have just completed Tell Me More Working with Auto Assign Insurance Rules.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Create Pending Insurance Policies

You can now request a new insurance plan while creating an insurance policy for a new or
existing patient.
This feature can be helpful when a user enters the insurance policy information for a patient,
the plan for the policy does not exist, and the user is not allowed to enter plan information.
The user can now enter basic information to request a plan and continue adding policy
information, including the ability to scan the patient's insurance card. The policy information is
saved as a pending policy. An insurance specialist can then work with the pending policy to
fully add the new insurance plan in the Vitera Intergy system. The original user can then
finalize the pending policy as a normal policy for the patient that can be used for insurance
Previously, you could add an insurance policy for a patient only when the plan for the policy
was already existing in the Vitera Intergy system.
Now, when you are adding a policy for a patient and the plan does not exist, you can request a
new plan and enter information to create a pending policy.
The following new features and enhancements have now been added in the Vitera Intergy

The new Request button has been added to the Select Plan window.

The New Plan Request window has been added.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


The New Patient Policy window and Edit Patient Policy window have been modified.

The Use Existing Plan link has been added to the New Patient Policy window when an
insurance plan has been requested for a policy that is being added.

The Set Patient Default Coverage Order dialog box has been modified to display and
identify a pending insurance policy that has been added for a patient when a plan was

Messages to warn you that a pending policy exists for a patient now display when you
are performing tasks such as viewing patient insurance coverage information and
posting a charge.

The new Plan Request task type has been added to the Task Setup window.

The new Plan Request tasks now display in Work Tasks and Task Administration.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Universal Billing Page and Header Information

The Universal Billing page and Universal Billing Header information are now available for all
Vitera Intergy systems. Previously, all Universal Billing functions of the Ailments page in the
Patient Information interface required separate serialization.

The claim collapse capability and the use of revenue codes still require the Universal Billing
serialization option. Contact your Sales/Support office for more information.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Ability to Open System Insurance Plan Maintenance in Vitera Intergy

You can now open the System Insurance Plan Maintenance window from the Insurance Plan
Maintenance window in Vitera Intergy Desktop without having to login to System

With the proper security settings, you can open the System Insurance Plan Maintenance
window from the Insurance Plan Maintenance window in Vitera Intergy Desktop by selecting
the Utilities menu and then selecting System Insurance Plan Maintenance.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

In addition, the Insurance Plan Maintenance window in System Administration has been
renamed System Insurance Plan Maintenance window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Clinical Enhancements
This chapter discusses enhancements to the clinical areas of the Vitera Intergy software. All of
the windows in this chapter are optional features available for the Vitera Intergy system.
Internal Use Only Indicated on Rx Note
Editing a Lab Order Task in Work Tasks
Lab Purge Utility Changes


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Internal Use Only Indicated on Rx Note

In previous versions of Vitera Intergy, there was no indication that notes entered for a
prescription are for internal use only. They are not transmitted to the pharmacy and do not
display on prescription printouts. To make this information more apparent, Vitera Intergy has
been enhanced as follows:
In Vitera Intergy on the New Prescription window (also known as the Rx Pad), the label Internal
Note Only has been added to the button for adding a note.

In Vitera Intergy on the New Patient Reported Prescription window, the label Internal Note
Only has been added to the button for adding a note.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

In Vitera Intergy on the Patient Information window (Clinical page, Prescriptions tab), the label
Internal Note Only has been added to the button for adding a note.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Editing Lab Order Tasks in Sage Intergy Work Tasks

Editing Lab Order Tasks in Vitera Intergy Work Tasks

Vitera Intergy has been enhanced to allow you to edit a Lab Orders (Lab-O) task from Work
Tasks. A Lab Order task is generated when lab order request is entered in Vitera Intergy or in
Vitera Intergy EHR. The task is typically for a practice user to complete the lab requisitions for
the requested lab tests. However, there are cases when a Lab Order task is completed without
entering a lab requisition in the system.
The ability to edit a Lab Order task in Work Tasks allows you to modify the lab order request,
and it also allows you to complete the task without having to enter a lab requisition in the
When a Lab Order task is opened in the Lab Order viewer window, two new options are
available for editing the task.

On the toolbar, an Edit Order button is available. It displays with a paper and pencil
From the window menu, an Edit command displays on the Action menu.

Selecting either of these options opens the Lab Order Header Details dialog box. This dialog
box displays the details of the lab order request. You can edit the available information in the
dialog box. It is important to note that changing the When Save Order option to anything
other than Requested will result in the task being completed. The Work Task window will be
updated to display a status of Completed.
Editing a Lab Order Task in Work Tasks


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Editing a Lab Order Task in Work Tasks

You can edit a Lab Orders (Lab-O) task from Work Tasks. A Lab Order task is generated when
lab order request is entered in Vitera Intergy or in Vitera Intergy EHR. The task is typically for a
practice user to complete the lab requisitions for the requested lab tests. However, there are
cases when a Lab Order task needs to be completed without entering a lab requisition in the
system. Editing a Lab Order task allows you to modify the lab order request, and it also allows
you to complete the task without having to enter a lab requisition in the system.

If you are not already in the Work Tasks window, open it.
From the list of tasks, select the lab order task (LAB-O) that you want to edit.
Click the Work button. The Lab Order viewer display.
Click the Edit Order button (paper and pencil icon) on the toolbar.
- OR From the Actions menu, select Edit.

5. The Lab Order Header Details dialog box displays, from which you can edit the lab order
request. For help on a specific field, select the field and press F1.
6. Note that changing the When Save Order option to anything other than Requested
completes the task. The Work Task window will be updated to display a status of

You have just completed Step-By-Step Editing a Lab Order Task in Work Tasks.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Lab Purge Utility Changes

The Lab Purge Utility in Vitera Intergy can be run to identify and permanently delete large
numbers of old, outstanding lab records that no longer need to be tracked, including lab
results and lab orders. It is accessible from the Labs Information window by selecting the
Tools menu from the window menu bar, and then selecting Lab Test Purge Utility. The Lab
Purge Utility has been enhanced with the following changes:

Ability to Purge Unsent Lab Orders

You can now use the Lab Purge Utility to purge unsent Lab Orders. Unsent lab orders are lab
orders for which a requisition has been created but has not been sent. In the Test Results
section, an Unsent option is now available to select for purging unsent lab orders.

For instance, your practice may want to use this option to delete lab orders for tests that are
no longer needed or that the lab no longer supports. Some examples of unsent lab orders that
you might want to delete are lab orders for tests that the patient later refused, lab orders for
tests that the lab no longer performs, and lab orders that were created in error.

Ability to Enter a Purge Date Range

When setting up a lab test purge, you can now specify a range of dates for lab tests to be
purged based on the specified criteria. In previous versions, you were only able to specify an
end date, which effectively creates a date range that had an open-ended start date (that is, it
included all dates prior to the end date) and ended with the specified date.
The new date range now allows you to enter the Start and End date.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

For example, the current date is July 17, 2011 and you want to purge all outstanding lab test
results in June 2011. In the Transmit Date section, you would select Outstanding. In the
Transmit Date section, you would enter 6/1/2011 in the Start field and 6/30/2011 in the
End field. Select the Run button to begin the purge.
When entering the date range, if you want the start date to be open ended (that is, to include
all dates prior to the end date), leave the Start field blank. If you want the end date to be the
current system date, leave the End field blank.

Section Label for Date Range Indicates Date Type

The section that contains the purge date range has been modified so that the section label
indicates the type of date range you are entering. Depending on the type of lab test results
you have selected to purge, the date type differs, as follows:
If Final or Unmatched is selected in the Test Results section, the label of the date range
section is Reported Date.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

If Outstanding or Unsent is selected in the Test Results section, the label of the date range
section is Ordered Date.

In previous versions, the section label from the date entry was always Report Dates.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


This chapter discusses enhancements to the Encounters feature of the Vitera Intergy software.
Select Encounter Date Range in the Pending Charges Window


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Select Encounter Date Range in the Pending Charges Window

Select Encounter Date Range in the Pending Charges Window

You can now set the date range for which you want to filter pending charges by encounter
date in the Pending Charges window. Selecting a date range for pending charges reduces the
amount of pending charges that display and makes it easier to choose the pending charge
you wish to post.

Selecting an Encounter Date Range in the Pending Charges Window


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Selecting an Encounter Date Range in the Pending Charges Window

You can now set the date range for which you want to filter pending charges by encounter
date in the Pending Charges window.
Follow the steps below for instructions on selecting an Encounter date range in the Pending
Charges window.
1. If you are not already in the Pending Charge Report window, open it by selecting the
Financial menu in the Vitera Intergy Desktop menu bar, selecting Charges, and then
selecting Pending Charges.

2. From the Pending Charges window menu bar, select the Display menu and then select
Select Date Range.... The Select Encounter Date Range dialog box displays.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

3. Specify a range of dates by using the From and To fields.



Click the OK button.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

The Pending Charges window displays pending charges by encounter date in the selected
date range. In addition, the selected date range displays in blue text at the top-right of the
Pending Charge window.

You have just completed Step-by-Step Selecting an Encounter Date Range in the Pending
Charges Window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Community Health Care

Community Health Care

This chapter provides information about the new Vitera Intergy Community Health Care
features. Community Health Care features are optional features available for the Vitera Intergy
Medicare Mental Health Rate Change
Preventive Procedures for Medicare Clinic Rates
Additional Sliding Fee Minimum Amount Options
Medicaid Clinic Rates for States Enhancements
OSHPD 2011 Reporting
CA FPAR Identifies Unassigned Insurance Plans
Set Patient Age Ranges for CA FPAR Report
CA FPAR Follow-up Encounter Reporting
UDS 2011 Reporting


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Medicare Mental Health Rate Change

Medicare Clinic Rate can now calculate the Mental Health payment amounts based on the
service date of a Mental Health clinic rate visit.
This enables you to comply with regulatory changes for Federally Qualified Health Centers
(FQHC) that require different Medicare Mental Health payment percentages for the calendar
years 2010 - 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.
The following Medicare Mental Health payment percentages can be applied:
If the Service Date is from :
January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2011
January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
January 1, 2014 and after

The patient coinsurance

percentage is:

For example, if a Mental Health visit has the service date June 10, 2011, the patient coinsurance amount will be 45% of the amount entered for the total charge on the date. A
Mental Health visit that has the service date March 2, 2012 will have a patient co-insurance
amount that is 40% of the total charge amount.
Previously, the Medicare Mental Health payment amounts were calculated based on a single
percentage, regardless of the service date.
Now, the Mental Health payment amounts are calculated for multiple percentages by using
the service date of the Mental Health clinic rate visit to determine the correct percentage for
the payment amount.
The Medicare Clinic Rate feature has been enhanced to calculate patient co-insurance
amounts and insurance payment amounts based on the service date. When the Co-Insurance
Method field is set to Mental Health, Medicare Clinic Rate now calculates the patient
coinsurance amount using the percentage that is based on the year in which the service date


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Preventive Procedures for Medicare Clinic Rates

You can now select and assign specific procedures that are preventive procedures.
A preventive procedure is a health care service that is provided to maintain health or prevent
illness, disease, disability, or other conditions. Preventive procedures can include services such
as exams, shots, lab tests, and screenings, as well as programs for health monitoring,
counseling, and education. For example, a flu shot, a screening mammogram, and smoking
cessation counseling may be considered preventive procedures. According to Medicare rules,
coinsurance is waived for preventive procedures.
This enhancement enables you to exclude preventive procedures from the visit coinsurance
calculation when a procedure that has been specified as a preventive procedure is included in
a visit. The charge for a preventive procedure is not included in the total charge amounts to
which the Medicare clinic rate will be applied for the visit. When charges are posted,
preventive procedures are not included in the calculation of the patient coinsurance amount.
Previously, procedures could not be specified as preventive procedures in Medicare Clinic Rate
Maintenance for Medicare clinic rate calculations.
The new Preventive Charges section and Procedures button have been added to the Details
page of the Medicare Clinic Rate Maintenance window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Additional Sliding Fee Minimum Amount Options

You can now set sliding fee visit and charge amounts by service center and department.
The new override options enable you to vary visit minimum amounts and charge minimum
amounts for a sliding fee schedule by service center and department, as well as by slide level.
You can set a visit minimum amount and/or a charge minimum amount, and then set
overrides to the amount for one or more specific levels, service centers, and/or departments as
needed for your practice. The new options provide you with additional flexibility for setting
the visit and charge minimum amounts for your sliding fee schedules.
The following enhancements have been added to the Sliding Fee Schedule Maintenance

In the Details section, the new Slide Level, Service Center, and Department check
boxes have been added. The check boxes allow the user to indicate how charge and
visit minimum visit amounts may vary: by slide level, service center, and/or
department. If visit minimum fee amounts do not vary by Level, then an amount field
is provided for entering the default visit minimum amount for the Type.

In the lower portion of the window, the new Visit Minimum Overrides tab has
been added. The Visit Minimum Overrides tab displays visit minimum amounts that
have been set up for specific service centers and/or departments for which the Visit


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Minimum Overrides override the sliding fee type and slide level visit minimum


The new Visit Minimum Override page has been added. The Visit Minimum
Override page is available when the 'Visit Minimum Amounts Vary By Department' or
the Visit Minimum Amounts Vary By Service Center' check box on the Details page is
selected. The visit minimum amounts overridden by slide level, service center, and/or
department are displayed for the selected type. When a visit minimum override is
selected, the visit minimum override details can be edited. The visit minimum amount
for a slide level, service center, and/or department is applied when charges are posted
and the assigned slide level, service center, and/or department is on a charge included
in the visit. You can add, edit, and delete visit minimum overrides.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


The new Charge Minimum Override page has been added. The Charge Minimum
Override page is available when one or more Charge Minimum Amounts Vary By
check boxes on the Details page are selected for a sliding fee schedule type. For a
specific type of services, the charge minimum override amounts defined by slide level,
service center, and/or department are displayed. When a charge minimum override is
selected, the charge minimum override details for the override can be viewed or
edited. The charge minimum override amount for a slide level, service center, or
department is applied when charges are posted for those procedures that are
assigned a charge minimum override and the slide level, service center, and/or
department specified for the override is used on the charge. You can add, edit, and
delete charge minimum overrides.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Additionally, the Sliding Fee Schedule Report has been enhanced to display charge minimum
amount and visit minimum amount overrides.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Medicaid Clinic Rates for States Enhancements

You can now set additional rules to maintain Medicaid clinic rates for specific state programs.
The enhancements enable you to set individual state specifications for T-code billing and how
billed amounts should be calculated for Medicaid clinic rate billing.
The following enhancements have been applied to the Medicaid Rate State Maintenance

The Add T-Code Charge To Claim field options have been modified. The field
allows you to specify whether a state Medicaid program requires a T-code procedure
to be reported on Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) or Rural Health Clinic (RHC)
Medicaid clinic rate claims, and if so, how the T-code procedure is displayed on the
claim. If you are reporting T-codes, you can specify whether the T-code procedure is
placed as the first procedure or the last procedure on the claim. You also have the
option to specify that only the T-code procedure is reported on the claim. You can
now select one of the following choices:
(F)irst The T-code procedure will be sorted to the position as the first procedure
on the Medicaid claim. Additionally, the T-Code List field will display on the
Medicaid Clinic Rate Maintenance window when the state program is selected.
This field enables you to select the alternate code list that will be used to specify
the procedure code for which the T-code procedure will be applied.
(L)ast The T-code procedure will be sorted to position as the last procedure on
the Medicaid claim. Additionally, the T-Code List field displays on the Medicaid
Clinic Rate Maintenance window when the state program is selected. This field
enables you to select the alternate code list that will be used to specify the
procedure code for which the T-code procedure will be applied.
(N)o The state Medicaid program does not require a T-code procedure on the
Medicaid claim.
(S)ingle T-Code The T-code procedure will be the only procedure displayed on
the Medicaid claim. The T-code procedure will replace the visit procedure for the
claim. Additionally, the T-Code List field displays on the Medicaid Clinic Rate
Maintenance window when the state program is selected. This field enables you
to select the alternate code list that will be used to determine the procedure
code for which the T-code procedure will be applied. When the Single T-Code
option is selected, the T-code will also be displayed in insurance pre-bill analysis,
EMC billing, and ERA remittance reports.


The T-Code Billed Amounts field has been added. The field allows you to specify
how the billed amount of the T-code procedure charge should be calculated when a Tcode charge is included on Medicaid claims for a Medicaid rate state. You can select
one of the following choices:

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(G)ross visit charge The billed amount of the T-code charge will be the gross
amount of the visit procedure charge amount.
(N)et visit charge (clinic rate) The billed amount of the T-code charge will be the
adjusted clinic rate amount (visit charge amount) for the claim.
(T)otal gross charges The billed amount of the T-code charge will be the total of
all procedure gross charge amounts on the claim.
(Z)ero The billed amount of the T-code charge will be zero ('0') on the claim.

The Visit Billed Amounts field has been added. The field allows you to specify how
the billed amount of a visit procedure charge should be calculated when a T-code
procedure charge is included on Medicaid claims for a Medicaid rate state.
The T-code procedure may be displayed as the either the first procedure or the last
procedure on a Medicaid claim based on the setting of the Add T-Code Charge to Claim
field. You can select one of the following choices:
(G)ross visit charge The billed amount for the visit procedure charge will be the
gross charge amount of the visit procedure charge on the claim.
(N)et visit charge (clinic rate) The billed amount for the visit procedure charge
will be the clinic rate adjusted amount for the claim.
(T)otal gross charges The billed amount for the visit procedure charge will be
the total of all procedure gross charge amounts on the claim.
(Z)ero The billed amount for the visit procedure charge will be zero ('0') on the

The Ancillary Billed Amounts field has been added. The field allows you to specify
how the billed amounts of ancillary procedure charges should be calculated when a Tcode procedure charge is included on Medicaid claims for a Medicaid rate state.
The T-code procedure may be displayed as the either the first procedure or the last
procedure on a Medicaid claim based on the setting of the Add T-Code Charge to Claim
field. You can select one of the following choices:
(G)ross charge The billed amount of an ancillary procedure charge will be the
gross charge amount of the procedure.
(N)et charge The billed amount of the an ancillary procedure charge will be the
net amount of the procedure gross charge amount based on clinic rate
(Z)ero The billed amount of an ancillary procedure charge will will be zero ('0').


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

OSHPD 2011 Reporting

The federal requirements for OSHPD reporting of Section 5 - Encounters By Principal Service
and Section 6 - Revenue and Utilization By Payer have been changed for 2011 annual
Section 5 - Encounters By Principal Service
The following code range changes have been specified by the Office of Statewide Health
Planning and Development (OSHPD) for Section 5:
3 Hospital Related Services
13 Musculoskeletal System
33 CPT Category III Codes

2010 Procedure Code Range

99217 - 99223
20000 - 29999
0016T - 9999T

2011 Procedure Code Range

99217 - 99226
20005 - 29999
0001T - 9999T

For 2011 annual reporting, you need to use OSHPD Report Maintenance to change the
procedure code ranges for Section 5. This will enable your site to report the OSHPD Report
Section 5 data in compliance with the OSHPD 2011 specifications for OSHPD reporting.
The procedure code ranges for OSHPD Report Section 5 lines 3, 13, and 33 can be edited. This
allows any qualified charges posted within the OSHPD report date range that have the defined
procedure codes to display on the correct lines in the OSHPD Report Section 5.
In the following example, the procedure code ranges for Line 3 Hospital Related Services are
displayed. You can change the procedure code range of 99217 - 99223 to 99217 - 99226 by
editing the range.


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Section 6 - Revenue and Utilization By Payer

Because the Expanded Access to Primary Care ( EAPC) program was not funded for 2011,
OSHPD does not require or allow reporting of EAPC data for the 2011 reporting year. If the
OSHPD Report still includes data relevant to EAPC in Column (12) of Section 6 - Revenue and
Utilization By Payer that your practice needs to report to another payer category, you can add
the EAPC data to the appropriate payer category.


For official specifications and instructions about completing the OSHPD report, you
can refer to the Instructions for Completing Annual Utilization Report of Primary Care
Clinics for Report Periods Ended in 2011 by the Office of Statewide Health Planning
and Development.

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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

CA FPAR Identifies Unassigned Insurance Plans

The California FPAR Report now displays an indication for insurance plans that do not have an
assigned coverage category when the report is viewed or printed.
This allows you to identify a patients insurance plan that is unassigned and add a coverage
category for the plan in the Insurance Plans page of California Family Planning Annual Report
Previously, an insurance plan that did not have an assigned coverage category was reported
as Private Health Insurance by default. Unassigned insurance plans could not be
distinguished from insurance plans that had been designated as a private insurance type of
Now, an insurance plan that does not have an assigned coverage category can be identified in
the report.
When the report is viewed or printed, the new text '(Default) Private Health Insurance now
displays for a patients insurance plan in the Plan Type column of the report if the insurance
plan has not been assigned a coverage category.
If the report is exported, an insurance plan that does not have an assigned coverage category
is still reported as PVT in the output file data.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Set Patient Age Ranges for CA FPAR Report

You can now report only those patients who meet the specific age requirements for the
California FPAR Report.
This allows you to submit the correct data to the California Family Health Council, Inc. (CFHC)
for your required reporting of patient encounter data.
Previously, the California FPAR Report may have included patients of ages that were not
within the required age range for the male or female patients, if California FPAR encounters
were recorded.
Now, you can set up the California FPAR Report to include only those patients of an age that is
within the required age range for male and female patients separately.
The new Allowed Age for FPAR Reporting fields have been added to the Other page of
California Family Planning Annual Report Maintenance.
The following example displays the default values for the minimum and maximum ages for
the male and female age ranges.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

CA FPAR Follow-up Encounter Reporting

You can now record the lab results for a California FPAR encounter that had lab tests ordered
using a follow-up encounter.
This allows you to record lab test results data more easily for your California FPAR reporting.
Previously, when lab results for a test were available, the results were recorded on the original
Now, you do not have to locate the original encounter after a period of time since the lab tests
were performed and record the lab results on the same encounter. You can record the results
on a new encounter, the new encounter will be linked to the original encounter, and the test
and result data will be reported for the original encounter in the California FPAR Report.
The new CA FPAR Follow-Up encounter note form and the new CA FPAR Follow-Up with Lab
Results From Last Visit Medcin ID are now available for recording follow-up encounter
findings for the results of lab tests in the Intergy EHR system.
When you record the CA FPAR Follow-up with Lab Results From Last Visit finding and the
results of lab tests on the CA FPAR Follow-Up form, the new follow-up results encounter will
be associated with the original tests encounter.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

UDS 2011 Reporting

UDS 2011 Reporting

Specific Uniform Data System (UDS) reporting windows and report output in the Intergy
system have been updated.
The enhancements enable your site to obtain data for 2011 UDS reporting in compliance with
the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) 2011 specifications for UDS
For official specifications and instructions for completing the UDS report, you can refer to the
Bureau of Primary Health Cares Users Manual: Uniform Data System by Health Resources and
Services Administration.
For more information about the updates for 2011 UDS reporting in the Intergy system, see the
following topics:
UDS Report Table 6B Updates
UDS Report Table 7 Updates
UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet Updates
Using the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet for Table 6B Reporting
Using Practice Analytics for Table 6B Reporting


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

UDS Report Table 6B Updates

Table 6B in the UDS Report now includes the following changes:

The existing Section C: Childhood Immunization has been enhanced.

The new sections E, F, G1, G2, and H have been added.

Section C: Childhood Immunization

The federal requirements for a child to be counted in Line 10 Column C as fully immunized
have been increased for 2011 reporting.
Previously, a child was defined as fully immunized if he or she had been vaccinated or there
was documented evidence of contraindication for the vaccine or a history of illness for ALL of
the following prior to or on the 2nd birthday:

3 Hib
3 Hep B
1 VZV (Varicella)
4 Pneumococcal conjugate

Now, in addition to the previous list, the following new items are also now required to be
counted for full immunization:

2 Hep A
2 or 3 RV (rotavirus)
2 seasonal flu

Sections E, F, G1, G2, and H

The following sections have been added to Table 6B for 2011 reporting:

Section E: Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents

Section E (Weight Assessment and Counseling for Children and Adolescents) includes
patients in Line 12 Column (c) aged 3 through 17 years who have a Body Mass Index
(BMI) percentile documented, counseling on nutrition documented, and physical
activity documented for the measurement year. A patient must have had at least one
medical visit during the reporting period and have had the first visit ever with the
grantee prior to the patients 17th birthday in order to be included.


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Counts for Line 12 are not displayed the UDS Report. The report prompts you to see the
Clinical Quality Measures dashboard in the Practice Analytics system or use the UDS
Report Clinical Audit Worksheet to obtain patient counts.

Section F: Adult Weight Screening and Followup

Section F (Adult Weight Screening and Followup) includes patients in Line 13 Column
(c) aged 18 and over who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) percentile documented and a
followup plan documented (if patients are overweight or underweight) during the most
recent visit or within 6 months of the most recent visit. A patient must have had at least
one medical visit during the reporting period and the last visit with the grantee after
the patients 18th birthday in order to be included.
Based on the federal requirements for UDS reporting, patients who are identified as
pregnant or terminally ill cannot be included in the Weight Adult section.
Counts for Line 13 are not displayed the UDS Report. The report prompts you to see the
Clinical Quality Measures dashboard in the Practice Analytics system or use the UDS
Report Clinical Audit Worksheet to obtain patient counts.

Section G1: Tobacco Use Assessment

Section G1 (Tobacco Use Assessment) includes patients in Line 14 Column (c) aged 18
and over who have been queried about any and all forms of tobacco use one or more
times on the most recent visit with the grantee or within 24 months of the most recent
visit. A patient must have had at least one medical visit during the reporting period, at
least two medical visits ever, and the last visit with the grantee after the patients 18th
birthday in order to be included.
Counts for Line 14 are not displayed the UDS Report. The report prompts you to see the
Clinical Quality Measures dashboard in the Practice Analytics system or use the UDS
Report Clinical Audit Worksheet to obtain patient counts.

Section G2: Tobacco Cessation Intervention

Section G2 (Tobacco Cessation Intervention) includes patients in Line 15 Column (c)
aged 18 and over who were identified as users of any and all forms of tobacco and
received tobacco use intervention with the grantee on the most recent visit or within 24
months of the most recent visit. Tobacco use intervention can include cessation
counseling and/or cessation agents. A patient must have been identified as a tobacco
user, have had at least one medical visit during the reporting period, at least two
medical visits ever, and the last visit with the grantee after the patients 18th birthday in
order to be included.
Counts for Line 15 are not displayed the UDS Report. The report prompts you to see the
Clinical Quality Measures dashboard in the Practice Analytics system or use the UDS
Report Clinical Audit Worksheet to obtain patient counts.


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Section H: Asthma Pharmacological Therapy

Section H (Asthma Pharmacological Therapy) includes patients in Line 16 Column (c)
aged 5 through 40 who have a diagnosis of mild, moderate, or severe persistent asthma
and received or were prescribed accepted pharmacological treatment with the grantee.
A patient must have been diagnosed with persistent asthma, have had at least one
medical visit during the reporting period, at least two medical visits ever, and the last
visit with the grantee when the patient was between 5 and 40 years old in order to be
Based on the federal requirements for UDS reporting, patients who have the following
conditions cannot be included in the Asthma Pharm. Therapy section:

Allergic reaction to asthma medications

A diagnosis of asthma who are discovered, upon review, to have intermittent
mild asthma, not persistent asthma.

You can use your patient chart records to verify that the correct patients are included in
Line 13 Column (a).
Counts for Line 16 are not displayed the UDS Report. The report prompts you to see the
Clinical Quality Measures dashboard in the Practice Analytics system or use the UDS
Report Clinical Audit Worksheet to obtain patient counts.
In the following example, you can see the new Table 6B sections F and G1 displayed.



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Counts for Sections E, F, G1, G2, and H (Lines 12-16) of Table 6B are not displayed in
the UDS Report. The report displays a message that prompts you to see the Clinical
Quality Measures dashboard in the Practice Analytics system or use the UDS Report
Clinical Audit Worksheet to obtain patient counts. For more information about
obtaining patient counts for the sections, see Using Practice Analytics for Table 6B
Reporting and Using the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet for Table 6B Reporting.

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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

UDS Report Table 7 Updates

The reporting format for HbA1c levels in UDS Report Table 7 Section C has been changed.
Previously, the report displayed a count of patients in Line 12 for the range 7% < = HBA1C < =
Now, the report displays the counts of patients in Line 12 and Line 13 for the following two


7% < = HbA1c < 8%

8% < = HbA1c < = 9%

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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet Updates

You can now use the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet for the new UDS Report Table 6B
sections E, F, G1, G2, and H.
This allows you to generate a list of qualifying patients who meet the UDS reporting
requirements for the new sections. The resulting list can be used as a worksheet to manually
audit clinical records of the qualifying patients listed to compile submission values for each
section of Table 6B in the annual UDS Report.
The UDS Report Maintenance (Clinical Audit page) window and the UDS Report Clinical Audit
Worksheet window have been enhanced.
UDS Report Maintenance (Clinical Audit page) Window
The new Pregnancy and Tobacco Use sections have now been added to the Clinical Audit
page of the UDS Report Maintenance window. A Diagnoses button is available in each section.

The Diagnoses button in the Pregnancy section enables you to specify diagnoses that identify
patients who are pregnant. The selected diagnoses are applied when the UDS Report Clinical
Audit Worksheet is run for the Weight Adult section. The patients who have a recorded
diagnosis that has been specified for pregnancy will not be included in the worksheet list of
patients. According to the UDS reporting specifications, patients who are pregnant should not
be included in the UDS reporting for Section F: Adult Weight Screening and Followup section.
This provides you with the ability to generate a worksheet of the correct patients for the


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

The Diagnoses button in the Tobacco Use section enables you to specify diagnoses that
identify patients who have been diagnosed as being dependent on tobacco. The selected
diagnoses are applied when the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet is run for the Tobacco
Cessation section. The patients who have a recorded diagnosis that has been specified for
tobacco dependence will be included in the worksheet list of patients. According to the UDS
reporting specifications, only patients who are tobacco-dependent should be included in the
UDS reporting for Section G2: Tobacco Cessation Intervention. This provides you with the
ability to generate a worksheet of the correct patients for the section.
UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet Window
The Section Type section of the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet window has been
This allows you to generate a worksheet for each of the new UDS Report Table 6B sections:
The following new Section type options are now available:

Weight Child
Weight Adult
Tobacco Use
Tobacco Cessation
Asthma Pharm. Therapy

Additionally, the method for selecting a section type has been changed. Previously, you
selected a section type by clicking a radio button. Now, you select a section type by clicking
the down arrow on the right side of the field and clicking an item in a dropdown list.



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For more information about using the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet for the new UDS
Report Table 6B sections E, F, G1, G2, and H, see Using the UDS Report Clinical Audit
Worksheet for Table 6B Reporting.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Using the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet for Table 6B

You can use the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet to create a list of qualifying universe
patients for UDS Table 6B Sections E, F, G1, G2, and H for UDS reporting.
The worksheet results provide you with a list of universe (total number) patients for each
relevant UDS section.
For example, if you run the UDS Clinical Audit Worksheet for the Tobacco Use section, the
worksheet will generate a list of patients aged 18 years and over during the measurement
year, who had at least one medical visit during the reporting period, at least two medical visits
ever, and the last visit with the grantee after the patients 18th birthday.
The worksheet results for the Tobacco Use section of the UDS Clinical Audit Worksheet
correspond to the UDS Report Table 6B Section G1: Tobacco Use Assessment Column (a) Total
Patients 18 and Over.
The resulting list of 'universe' patients can then be used as a worksheet to manually audit
clinical records of the qualifying patients listed to compile UDS reporting submission values.
You can refer to the following steps when you are working with the UDS Report Clinical Audit
1. Verify the UDS Report Maintenance Clinical Audit Page settings.
From the UDS Report Maintenance Clinical Audit page, you can edit the items that will be used
by the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet, such as the diagnoses associated with pregnancy
and tobacco use. The definitions for the worksheet are used to qualify patients for the relevant
clinical section of the UDS Report.
2. Run the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet.
The UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet presents a list of patients for each section that
qualify for the universe of each corresponding section in the UDS Report.
3. Review the output of the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet.
Verify that the reported patient data is correct in order to submit the values for Table 6B and
Table 7 of the annual UDS Report.
In the Weight Adult section and the Asthma Pharm. Therapy section, patients who have
specific conditions should be excluded from the universe patients, according to the federal
requirements for UDS reporting.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

In the Asthma Pharm. Therapy section, you may need to review your patient charts to
determine patients who should not be included. Patients who have the following conditions
should be excluded from the universe patients:

Allergic reaction to asthma medications

A diagnosis of asthma who are discovered, upon review, to have intermittent mild
asthma, not persistent asthma.

4. View and change setup values and the settings for running the worksheet, if
If your output patient data is not correct, you may need to change setup values in the UDS
Report Maintenance (Clinical Audit page) and worksheet generation settings in the UDS
Report Clinical Audit Worksheet window. You can then run the UDS Report Clinical Audit
Worksheet again to generate output data based on your changes.
5. Use the worksheet results.
You can use the resulting universe patient worksheet data to review patient chart clinical data
to identify those patients from the universe whose records met the requirement for
compliance for the section and can be counted as receiving the service.
For example, you can use the worksheet results for the Tobacco Use section to review the
universe patient chart records to determine those patients who have been asked about their
use of tobacco at their most recent visit or at a visit within 24 months of the last visit. A count
of the patients that meet the criteria corresponds to the UDS Report Table 6B Section G1:
Tobacco Use Assessment Column (c) Number of Patients Assessed for Tobacco Use.


For official specifications and instructions for completing the UDS report, you can refer
to the Bureau of Primary Health Cares Users Manual: Uniform Data System by Health
Resources and Services Administration.

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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Using Practice Analytics for Table 6B Reporting

When you run the UDS Report for Table 6B, counts for the new Sections E, F, G1, G2, and H
(Lines 12-16) of Table 6B are not displayed in the UDS Report. The report displays the following
message in Column (a) and Column (c) of Lines 12-16:
"See Practice Analytics MU Dashboard or Clinical Audit Worksheet"
The UDS reporting updates for 2011 now incorporate the new Meaningful Use Clinical Quality
Measures that were added to the product in the Intergy Meaningful Use Edition (Intergy +
IEHR + Practice Analytics, version 7.10).
Prior to attempting to use the Practice Analytics system to provide the Table 6B (Lines 12-16)
numbers for UDS reporting, it is important to evaluate whether your EHR is mature (more than
a full year of data) and if Intergys Meaningful Use solution is configurable to the degree you
Additionally, you should use your knowledge and judgment about the UDS Reporting
requirements and account for any areas of concern by reviewing patient charts for accuracy.
For example, reviewing patient charts may be useful if your IEHR system was not used
consistently, or if some reportable items were entered as handwritten notes instead of
Meaningful Use template data.
Obtaining Table 6B Numbers from Practice Analytics
To obtain numbers for UDS reporting, you will use specific quality measures in the Clinical
Quality Measures dashboard.
The UDS Report Table 6B sections and the corresponding Clinical Quality Measures are listed

Section E: QM-11 Weight Assessment for Children and Adolescents

Section F: QM-8 Adult Weight Screening and Follow-Up
Section G1: QM-12 Tobacco Use Assessment
Section G2: QM-13 Tobacco Cessation Intervention
Section H: QM-29 Asthma: Pharmacologic Therapy

Follow the steps below for instructions on obtaining Table 6B numbers from Practice
1. Log on to Practice Analytics by opening the Practice Analytics Logon window,
entering your logon name and password, and then clicking the Logon button. The
Practice Analytics - [Main] window will display.


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2. Display the dashboards by clicking the Dashboards navigation button in the lower
left corner of the Main window. The dashboards assigned to your user account will
display in the navigation pane under the My Dashboards folder in the left pane.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

3. Display the Clinical Quality Measures dashboard by clicking Clinical in the Quality
Measures folder of the Dashboards list located in the left pane. The Clinical Quality
Measures dashboard will display in the right pane.


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4. Verify that the Criteria tab is selected.


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5. In the Measures section (known as a 'dimension'), select the measure for which you
want to obtain reporting numbers, such as QM-8 Adult Weight Screening and Followup. The measure scores will display.


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6. In the Measure Criteria area, locate the Measurement Period dimension and verify that
the End Date and Visits settings match your UDS reporting period criteria. You can
change them, if necessary.


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7. Verify that the service center settings in Intergy Practice Analytics match the UDS
reporting service center selection criteria in the Intergy Desktop. Selecting service
centers allows your site to include only those service centers that are grantee locations
for UDS reporting.
For example, you may be running your UDS Report for only the MRMC (Madison
Regional Medical Center) service center.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

In Intergy Practice Analytics, you will need to review measure scores for only the MRMC
service center.
To verify the service center settings in Intergy Practice Analytics, select the Summary
tab and select the Svc Cntr (Service Center) cycle group. The Measure Breakdown
displays a list of the service centers in the cycle group and details about each service


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You can select a service center in the list to display Measure Scorecard details about the
service center by clicking on the row of the service center in the list. For example, you
may select the MRMC service center to match the selection for the UDS Report in the
Intergy Desktop.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

7. In the Measure Score bar located in the upper portion of the tab, locate and review the
Numerator and Denominator measure scores.
The Overall row shows the scores for all listed service centers. If you have selected a
service center, the Current row displays and shows only the scores for the currently
selected service center.

The Numerator score corresponds to the Column (c) patient count in UDS
Report Table 6B for Lines 12-16.
The Denominator score corresponds to the Column (a) patient count in UDS
Report Table 6B for Lines 12-16.

In the following example, the QM-8 Adult Weight Screening and Follow-up measure is
being reviewed and the MWC service center has been selected. In the Measure
Scoreboard, the Current row shows a Numerator count of '1' patient and a Denominator
count of '1' for the MWC service center.
The Numerator count of '1' may be reported for the UDS Report Table 6B, Section F, Line
13, Column (c).
The Denominator count of '1' may be reported for Line 13 Column (a).


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Alternatively, you can use the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet to create a list of
qualifying universe patients for UDS Table 6B sections for UDS reporting. The UDS
Report Clinical Audit Worksheet allows you to manually audit clinical records to
compile submission values for Table 6B of the annual UDS Report.
For more information about using the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet, see Using
the UDS Report Clinical Audit Worksheet for Table 6B Reporting.


For official specifications and instructions for completing the UDS report, you can refer
to the Bureau of Primary Health Cares Users Manual: Uniform Data System by Health
Resources and Services Administration.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


This chapter discusses enhancements to the Transcription Management System (TMS) of the
Vitera Intergy software.
New Referring Provider Merge Fields
Edit Transcription Catalog Entry From Transcription Writer Work List


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

New Referring Provider Merge Fields

New referring provider merge fields are now available to use in Vitera Intergy Transcription
Writer for transcription documents. Merge fields serve as placeholders for Microsoft Word to
automatically collect information from the Vitera Intergy system, and insert the information
into a transcription document. These merge fields can be added to your Transcription Writer
templates. This is generally done by technical personnel upon installation of the Transcription
Management System.
The information in the following merge fields can be viewed and edited from Referring
Provider Maintenance:
Field Name
Information Collected
Ref_Phone_Fax Fax number of patient's referring provider
E-mail address of patient's referring provider

You can view all of the merge fields available to use in Vitera Intergy Transcription Writer for
transcription documents by creating a merge document in Microsoft Word, selecting the
patient.txt or RISpatient.txt data source, and clicking the Insert Merge Field button.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Edit Transcription Catalog Entry From Transcription Writer Work List

You can now edit a Transcription Catalog Entry from the work list in Transcription Writer if you
have an Edit access level equal to or greater than that of the transcription catalog entry. By
clicking the new Edit button in the Transcription Writer Work List, you can open the
Transcription Entry Details window.

From this window, you can click the Edit Details button to open the Edit Transcription
Catalog Entry window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

In the Edit Transcription Catalog Entry window, you can make your edits in the fields provided.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Letters and Labels

Letters and Labels

This chapter discusses enhancements to the Letters and Labels feature of the Vitera Intergy
New Letters/Labels Processing Merge Fields
New Letters/Labels Processing Merge Fields for Recalls
New Letters/Labels Processing Merge Fields for Appointments


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

New Letters/Labels Processing Merge Fields

New Letters/Labels Processing merge fields are now available to use in Vitera Intergy. Merge
fields serve as placeholders for the Letters/Labels Composer and Microsoft Word word
processors to automatically insert selected information from the Vitera Intergy system into a
letter, label, or recall notice merge document. Each letter, label, or recall notice has a
document that includes an associated merge document upon which the letter, label, or recall
notice is based. When these merge documents are created, merge fields are placed within
them. When letters, labels, or recall notices are generated, the merge fields in the document
are replaced with the appropriate information from the Vitera Intergy system.
The following Letters/Labels Processing merge fields have been added:
Patient Merge Fields
Field Name

Info Collected
Info Generated From
Patients mobile phone
PI Personal - Summary tab
Mobile Phone number of Person Maintenance
the account guarantor
Work Phone number of the Person Maintenance
account guarantor
Name of patients preferred Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities and
the Contacts tab on the Personal
page of Patient Information
Phone number of patients Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities
preferred pharmacy
PatPharmacyPharmacistPh Phone number of patients Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities
preferred pharmacist
Fax number of patients
Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities
preferred pharmacy
1st line of patients
Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities
preferred pharmacys
2nd line of patients
Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities
preferred pharmacys
City of patients preferred Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities
pharmacys address
State of patients preferred Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities
pharmacys address
Zip code of patients
Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities
preferred pharmacys
City, State, and Zip code of Pharmacies page of Rx Utilities


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features



patients preferred
pharmacys address
Fax number of patients
referring provider
Mobile number of patients
referring provider
Pager number of patients
referring provider
Answering service's
number of patients
referring provider
E-mail address of patients
referring provider

Referring Provider Maintenance

Referring Provider Maintenance
Referring Provider Maintenance
Referring Provider Maintenance

Referring Provider Maintenance

Account Merge Fields

Field Name
Info Collected
GuarMobilePhone Mobile Phone number of the account guarantor
GuarWorkPhone Work Phone number of the account guarantor

Info Generated From

Person Maintenance
Person Maintenance

Guarantor Merge Fields

Field Name
Info Collected
GuarMobilePhone Mobile Phone number of the account guarantor
GuarWorkPhone Work Phone number of the account guarantor

Info Generated From

Person Maintenance
Person Maintenance

Referring Provider Merge Fields

Field Name


Info Collected
Info Generated From
Fax number of patients referring provider Referring Provider
Mobile number of patients referring
Referring Provider
Pager number of patients referring
Referring Provider
Answering service's number of patients Referring Provider
referring provider

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


E-mail address of patients referring

Patients mobile phone number

Referring Provider
PI Personal Summary tab
Name of patients preferred pharmacy
Pharmacies page of Rx
Phone number of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
PatPharmacyPharmacistPh Phone number of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
Fax number of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
1st line of patients preferred pharmacys Pharmacies page of Rx
2nd line of patients preferred pharmacys Pharmacies page of Rx
City of patients preferred pharmacys
Pharmacies page of Rx
State of patients preferred pharmacys
Pharmacies page of Rx
Zip code of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
pharmacys address
City, State, and Zip code of patients
Pharmacies page of Rx
preferred pharmacys address

First Injury Merge Fields

Field Name

Info Generated From

PI Personal Summary tab
Name of patients preferred pharmacy
Pharmacies page of Rx
Phone number of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
PatPharmacyPharmacistPh Phone number of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
Fax number of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
1st line of patients preferred pharmacys Pharmacies page of Rx
2nd line of patients preferred pharmacys Pharmacies page of Rx


Info Collected
Patients mobile phone number

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


City of patients preferred pharmacys
State of patients preferred pharmacys
Zip code of patients preferred pharmacys
City, State, and Zip code of patients
preferred pharmacys address

Pharmacies page of Rx
Pharmacies page of Rx
Pharmacies page of Rx
Pharmacies page of Rx

Recall Notice Merge Fields

Note: These fields are only available in Letters/Labels Composer.
Field Name

Info Collected
Patients mobile phone number


Full name of the account guarantor


Mobile Phone number of the account

Work Phone number of the account
Name of patients preferred pharmacy


Info Generated From

PI Personal Summary tab
PI Personal Summary tab
Person Maintenance
Person Maintenance

Pharmacies page of Rx
Phone number of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
PatPharmacyPharmacistPh Phone number of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
Fax number of patients preferred
Pharmacies page of Rx
1st line of patients preferred pharmacys Pharmacies page of Rx
2nd line of patients preferred pharmacys Pharmacies page of Rx
City of patients preferred pharmacys
Pharmacies page of Rx
State of patients preferred pharmacys
Pharmacies page of Rx
Zip code of patients preferred pharmacys Pharmacies page of Rx


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features



City, State, and Zip code of patients

preferred pharmacys address

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Pharmacies page of Rx


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

New Letters/Labels Processing Merge Fields for Recalls

New Letters/Labels Processing merge fields for recalls are now available to use in Vitera
Intergy. Merge fields serve as placeholders for the Letters/Labels Composer and Microsoft
Word word processors to automatically insert selected information from the Vitera Intergy
system into a letter, label, or recall notice merge document. Each letter, label, or recall notice
has a document that includes an associated merge document upon which the letter, label, or
recall notice is based. When these merge documents are created, merge fields are placed
within them. When letters, labels, or recall notices are generated, the merge fields in the
document are replaced with the appropriate information from the Vitera Intergy system.
The following Letters/Labels Processing merge fields for recalls have been added:
Recall Notice Merge Fields
Field Name
Info Collected
ApptLocPhone Appointment location's phone
Appointment location's fax
ApptLocContact Appointment location's contact
Todays Date


Info Generated From

PI Scheduling Recalls tab
PI Scheduling Recalls tab
PI Scheduling Recalls tab
Vitera Intergy system date (not machine
system date)

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

New Letters/Labels Processing Merge Fields for Appointments

New Letters/Labels Processing merge fields for appointments are now available to use in
Vitera Intergy. Merge fields serve as placeholders for the Letters/Labels Composer and
Microsoft Word word processors to automatically insert selected information from the Vitera
Intergy system into a letter, label, or recall notice merge document. Each letter, label, or recall
notice has a document that includes an associated merge document upon which the letter,
label, or recall notice is based. When these merge documents are created, merge fields are
placed within them. When letters, labels, or recall notices are generated, the merge fields in
the document are replaced with the appropriate information from the Vitera Intergy system.
The following Letters/Labels Processing merge fields for appointments have been added:
Special Merge Fields
Field Name

Info Collected
The current system date displayed in
short format (e.g. 01/01/1981)
CurrentDateLong The current system date displayed in long
format (e.g. January 1, 1981)

Info Generated From

Vitera Intergy system date (not
machine system date)
Vitera Intergy system date (not
machine system date)

Appointment Merge Fields

Field Name
Info Collected
Date of appointment displayed in short format
(e.g. 01/01/1981)
ApptDateLong Date of appointment displayed in long format
(e.g. January 1, 1981)

Info Generated From

PI Scheduling
Appointments tab
PI Scheduling
Appointments tab

Account Merge Fields

Field Name



Info Collected

Info Generated
The last date that charges were billed to an PI Financial
insurance plan on this account displayed Summary tab
in short format (e.g. 01/01/1981)
The last date that charges were billed to an PI Financial
insurance plan on this account displayed Summary tab

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

in long format (e.g. January 1, 1981)
The last date that an insurance payment
was made on the account displayed in
short format (e.g. 01/01/1981)
The last date that an insurance payment
was made on the account displayed in
long format (e.g. January 1, 1981)
Date of last statement displayed in short
format (e.g. 01/01/1981)
Date of last statement displayed in long
format (e.g. January 1, 1981)
Date of last guarantor payment displayed
in short format (e.g. 01/01/1981)
LastGuarantorPaymentDateLong Date of last guarantor payment displayed
in long format (e.g. January 1, 1981)

PI Financial
Summary tab
PI Financial
Summary tab
PI Financial
Summary tab
PI Financial
Summary tab
PI Financial
Summary tab
PI Financial
Summary tab

Insurance Plan Merge Fields

Field Name

Info Collected

Info Generated
Subscriber date of birth displayed in short
PI Personal
format (e.g. 01/01/1981)
Subscriber date of birth displayed in long
PI Personal
format (e.g. January 1, 1981)
Date of birth of the secondary insurance plans PI Personal
subscriber displayed in short format (e.g.
SecPlanSubscriberDOBLong Date of birth of the secondary insurance plans PI Personal
subscriber displayed in long format (e.g.
January 1, 1981)

Recall Notice Merge Fields

Field Name



Info Collected
Info Generated From
Date on which the recall will occur
PI Scheduling Recalls tab
displayed in short format (e.g. 01/01/1981)
Date on which the recall will occur
PI Scheduling Recalls tab
displayed in long format (e.g. January 1,
Date the recall was generated displayed in PI Scheduling Recalls tab

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

short format (e.g. 01/01/1981)
RecallRunDateLong Date the recall was generated displayed in
long format (e.g. January 1, 1981)
Todays Date displayed in short format
(e.g. 01/01/1981)
TodaysDateLong Todays Date displayed in long format (e.g.
January 1, 1981)


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

PI Scheduling Recalls tab

Vitera Intergy system date
(not machine system date)
Vitera Intergy system date
(not machine system date)


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


This chapter discusses enhancements to scheduling features in the Vitera Intergy system.
Appointment Time Displayed When Printing Referral Information
Day of Week Is Displayed with the Date When Making an Appointment
Prevent New Appointments for Patients in Collections
Appointment Template Color Palette Expanded
Patient Flow Tracking Window Can Be Resized


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Appointment Time Displayed When Printing Referral Information

You can now display the time of a referral appointment in the Referral Authorization form and
the Referral Detail report output. This enables you to provide the time of referral
appointments in print for patients, referring providers, and other parties involved with
referrals when you issue a referral via paper and when you generate the Referral Detail report.
Previously, only the referral appointment date was displayed. Now, you can display both the
date and time of a referral appointment.
The time of a referral appointment has been added to the Referral Authorization in the

The time of a referral appointment has been added to the Referral Detail Report in the
Appointment section.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

The Referral In and Referral Out features are optional for the Vitera Intergy system. If your
practice is not serialized for the Managed Care subsystem of the Vitera Intergy system, the
menu items and windows associated with the features will not be available.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Day of Week Is Displayed with the Date When Making an

The day of the week of an appointment for a patient is now displayed when you are
scheduling an appointment.
This allows you to view the day of the week of the date that you selected when you are adding
the details to make the appointment.
Previously, only the day, month, and year of the date that was selected in the Appointment
Scheduler window for a patient appointment was displayed in the Make Appointment
Now, the day of the week is also displayed with the day, month, and year of the appointment.
The day of the week has been added to the selected date that displays in the Make
Appointment window for an appointment. For example, if you select July 1, 2011 in the
Appointment Scheduler window for a patient appointment and open the Make Appointment
dialog box, the date is displayed as Friday: 07/01/2011.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Prevent New Appointments for Patients in Collections

You can now specify whether to permit or prevent appointments from being scheduled when
a patients account is in Collections.
This allows you to prevent appointments from being scheduled for patients whose account is
in Collections in the Vitera Intergy system.
Previously, you did not have an option to specify whether appointments could be scheduled
for patients who were a member of an account that was in Collections.
The new Prevent New Appointments for Patients in Collection practice parameter has been
added to the Practice Configuration window in Vitera Intergy Practice Administration.
You can select one of the following options:

(Y)es - When a patient whose account is in Collections is selected in the Appointment

Scheduler window or the Make Appointment dialog box, a Message dialog box
displays informing you that the patient is in Collections and an appointment cannot
be scheduled. The patient selection is canceled.

(N)o - When a patient whose account is in Collections is selected in the Appointment

Scheduler window or the Make Appointment dialog box, an appointment can be

The parameter is shipped with a default value of '(N)o'.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Appointment Template Color Palette Expanded

You can now select from a larger palette of colors when applying a reason code to a new or
existing appointment.
Previously, only a limited number of colors were available when configuring a new
Appointment Reason Class in the Scheduling Maintenance setup window.
The Show More Colors button has been added to the Select Appointment Color window.

Clicking this button displays the Select Colors pane. Click on the Select Foreground Color or
Select Background Color button to use a color from the expanded palette to configure the
appearance of the reason code setting.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Default reason code colors that are shipped with Vitera Intergy have not been modified.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Patient Flow Tracking Window Can Be Resized

You can now change the size of the Patient Flow Tracking window. Previously, this window
operated only at a fixed set of dimensions and could not be resized.
Click and hold the mouse cursor on the lower right corner of the window, and drag the
window borders to the desired width and height.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


This chapter describes new reports and enhancements for existing reports.
Exclude Encounters That Have Pending Charges from the Patient Encounters
Clinical Activity Audit Reporting
Pending Charge Report
Procedure Analysis Report Filters by Modifiers
Appointments by Day Report Can Include Primary Insurance Information
Patient Report Can Show Deactivated or Deceased Patients Only
Additional Displays of Insurance Plan Information in Appointment Worksheet
Procedure Productivity Report Can Show Modifiers
Open Item Report Has Procedure Sort and Filter
Filter the Procedure Analysis Report by Diagnoses and Patient Age Range
Filter the Referring Provider Analysis Report by Date
Additional Payment Allocation Report Sorts and Filters
Procedure Reimbursement Report Can Filter by Post Date
Procedure Reimbursement Report Sorts and Filters by Procedure Code
Account Summary Report Has Additional Filters
Patient Report Sorts and Filters by Insurance
Practice Financial Summary Report Provider Sort Change


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Option to Remove the Total Payment Amount from the Payment Description
in the Open Item Payment History Report
Stop Scheduled Reports from Being Run
Appointments Detail Report and Appointments Exception Report Show
Additional Dates and Times
Patient Referral Source Report Filters by Patient Registration Date
New Percent of Total Column in the Insurance Ranking Report
New Show Patient Detail and Include Event Comments Options in the Patient
Flow Analysis Report
Filter and Sort the Provider Productivity Report by Supervising Provider
Include Secondary Diagnoses Codes on the Diagnosis Analysis Report
Primary Insurance Productivity Report Enhancements
Procedure Modifiers Now Display in the Insurance Productivity Report
Phone Tree Report Contains New Fields
Enhanced Sorting in Phone Tree Reports


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Exclude Encounters That Have Pending Charges from the Patient

Encounters Report
You can now prevent encounters that have pending charges from being included in the
Patient Encounters Report.
This enables you to show unresolved encounters in a Patient Encounters Report that does not
also show the encounters that have pending charges. Additionally, this provides you with the
ability to generate report data that matches the data that can be displayed in the Encounter
Resolution window.
Previously, you had the ability to run the Patient Encounters Report to include unresolved
encounters only, which also included those encounters that had pending charges.
Now, you have the option to specify whether to exclude the encounters that have pending
charges when you run the report for unresolved encounters only.
The new Exclude Encounters with Pending Charges check box has been added to the Patient
Encounters Report window.

The Exclude Encounters with Pending Charges check box is available only when the
Unresolved Encounters Only check box is selected. When the Unresolved Encounters Only
check box is cleared, the Exclude Encounters with Pending Charges check box is cleared and
not available.


Selecting the Exclude Encounters with Pending Charges check box prevents
encounters that have pending charges from being included with the unresolved
encounters in the report.

Clearing the Exclude Encounter with Pending Charges check box allows encounters
that have pending charges to be included with the unresolved encounters in the
report. Encounters that have pending charges will have the status of 'Unresolved' in
the report.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Clinical Activity Audit Reporting

You can now run an Activity Audit Report for clinical activity.
This enables you to report on information being stored in the clinical activity audit log section
of the Security Activity Audit Logs system.
A clinical activity report includes events such as users attempting to view prescriptions or
create new lab tests.
The new Clinical radio button has been added to the Report Type section of the Activity Audit
Report window.
When you select the option to run a report of clinical activity, the Activity Permission Status
section displays on the right side of the Sort By section. You can specify the status(es) of the
clinical activities to include in the report, such as only those attempted activities that a user
was denied permission to perform.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Pending Charge Report

You can now run the new Pending Charge Report.
This report allows you to audit and review pending charges before claims processing and
The new Pending Charge Report has been added to the Vitera Intergy system. The report can
be run from the Pending Charges window and the Select Report window.

The Pending Charge Report groups the pending charges by encounter and optionally shows
posted charges as well. For each pending charge or posted charge, the report lists detailed
information, such as the patient name, procedure code, provider name, encounter number,
encounter service date, primary insurance, post date, and service center. In the Post Date
column of the Pending Charge Report, a pending charge has a post date shown as a ('--')
because pending charges do not have post dates.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Procedure Analysis Report Filters by Modifiers

You can now select procedure modifiers when generating a Procedure Analysis Report.
This allows you to include in the report only those charges that have the selected modifiers.
Previously, charges were included in the report regardless of the modifiers for the procedures.
Now, charges will be included in the report based on the modifiers that you select for the
The new Modifiers button has been added to the View section of the Procedure Analysis
Report window.

The Procedure Analysis Report has been enhanced to display the modifiers that were selected
for the report. On each patients charge line, the modifiers for the procedure are displayed.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Appointments by Day Report Can Include Primary Insurance

You can now select whether to include the primary insurance information of the patients in
the Appointments By Day Report.
This allows you to display the primary insurance plan name and whether an insurance card
was scanned into the Vitera Intergy system for patients in the report.
Previously, the report did not include the primary insurance information of the patients.
Now, you have the option to include the primary insurance plan name and whether an
insurance card for the plan was scanned for each patient.
The new Include Primary Insurance check box has been added to the Options section of the
Appointments By Day Report window.

When the check box is selected and the report is run, a new line for each patient in the report
now displays. The line contains the patients primary insurance plans name and whether the
patient has an insurance card for that plan that was scanned.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Patient Report Can Show Deactivated or Deceased Patients Only

You can now select whether to include or exclude active patients for the Patient Report.
This provides you with the ability to display only deactivated and/or deceased patients in the
report by excluding active patients.
Previously, active patients were always included in the Patient Report, and you could select
whether to include or exclude deceased and/or deactivated patients. You could run the report
for deactivated and/or deceased patients, but active patients were always included, and you
could not prevent them from being included in the report.
Now, you have the option to include or exclude active patients in the Patient Report.
The new Active Patients check box has been added to the Options section of the Patient
Report window.

When the check box is selected and the report is run, active patients will be included in the
report. Clearing the check box prevents active patients from being included in the report.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Additional Displays of Insurance Plan Information in Appointment

Worksheet Report
You can now view the patients insurance plan when you run the report in a mode for patients.
This enables you to identify the insurance plan for patients whose appointments are included
in the report in any of the patient modes.
Previously, insurance information for a patient was not displayed when the report was run in a
patient mode. Additionally, only the code of a patients insurance plan was displayed in
Insurance Plan mode.
Now, the insurance code is displayed for each patient whose appointment is included in the
report when the report is run a patient mode. Additionally, the entire insurance plan name is
now displayed when the report is run in Insurance Information mode.
The Insurance column has now been added to the Appointments Worksheet Report when the
report is run in the following modes for either the Summary or the Detail report type.

Patient Information

Patient (No Conflicts)

Patient (Appts Only)

Patient (Open Only)

Additionally, the Insurance column has been modified to display the full insurance plan name
in Insurance Information mode for either the Summary or the Detail report type.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Procedure Productivity Report Can Show Modifiers

You can now specify whether to show a line and total for each procedure/modifier
combination that is included in the report.
This allows you to view the modifiers that are associated with a procedure and provide
additional information about the procedure.
The new Show Modifier Detail check box has been added to the Procedure Productivity Report
window in the new Options section. The check box is available when you select the Detail
mode for running the report.

To display a separate line and total for each procedure/modifier combination, select the Show
Modifier Detail check box.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

When the check box is cleared, the report displays one line and total for each procedure only
and does not report each procedure/modifier combination.
When the Summary mode is selected, the check box is not available.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Open Item Report Has Procedure Sort and Filter

You can now sort and filter the Open Item Report by procedure.
This allows you to generate an Open Item Report based on selected procedures.
The new Procedure radio button option has been added to the Report Sort section of the
Open Item Report window. Additionally, the Procedures button has been added to the View
section to display when the Procedure report sort radio button is selected.

When the report is run by procedure, each procedure code (that does not have optional
modifiers) is displayed on a new page with the procedure code and its description as the

The summary of the report will contain a line item for each procedure code.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Filter the Procedure Analysis Report by Diagnoses and Patient Age

You can now filter the Procedure Analysis Report by diagnosis and by a range of patient ages.
This allows you to run the report to show only specific diagnoses for procedures and the
patients of specific ages.
The following enhancements have been added to the Procedure Analysis Report window in
the View section.

The new Diagnoses button has been added.

The new Patient Ages radio buttons and fields for the first and last years of the age
range have been added.

The diagnoses that are displayed in the report are the primary diagnoses for the procedures.
The patient ages for the report are based on the service date.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Filter the Referring Provider Analysis Report by Date

You can now run the Referring Provider Analysis Report by post date or service date for a
specific range of dates.
This allows you to report only those patients who have charges within a specified date range.
The enhancement provides you with the flexibility to determine the revenue from the referred
patients for multiple options of date ranges.
Previously, the report showed the year-to-date charges of referred patients for the current
year only.
The new Report Dates section has been added to the Referring Provider Analysis Report
window. The Report Dates section includes the new Post Date and Service Date radio buttons,
the field for selecting a date range, the From field, and the To field.

When the report is run, the total dollar amount of charges that have dates (post dates or
service dates) within the date range will be included in each referring providers Total Charges


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Additional Payment Allocation Report Sorts and Filters

You can now sort and filter the Payment Allocation Report based on payment method and
payment class.
This provides you with additional options for generating specific report data.
Payment Method Sorting by payment method allows you to group insurance payments for
the selected date range by the method of payment, such as cash, check, or electronic fund
transfer. The total payment and allocation amount is displayed for each payment method. For
each payment, allocation information is displayed including the patient, procedure, post date
and service date. This sort method allows you to choose specific payment methods to be
included in the report.
Payment Class Sorting by payment class allows you to group insurance payments for the
selected date range by payment class, such as patient payment and insurance payment. The
total payment and allocation amount is displayed for each payment class. For each payment,
allocation information is displayed including the patient, procedure, post date and service
date. This sort method allows you to choose specific payment classes to be included in the
The following enhancements have been added to the Payment Allocation Report window:


The new Payment Method radio button now displays in the Report Sort section.

The new Payment Methods button now displays in the View section when the
Payment Method radio button is selected as the report sort.

The new Payment Class radio button now displays in the Report Sort section.

The new Payment Classes button now displays in the View section when the Payment
Class radio button is selected as the report sort.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Procedure Reimbursement Report Can Filter by Post Date

You can now filter the Procedure Reimbursement Report by charge post date.
This provides you with the ability to generate report data based on the post dates of charges
that will be included in the report.
Previously, the Procedure Reimbursement Report could be filtered by service date only.
Now, you have the option to filter the report by service date or by post date.
The following enhancements have been added to the Procedure Reimbursement Report


The Service Dates section label has now been changed to the Charge Date Range.

The Service Date and Post Date radio buttons are now displayed. You can select the
Service Date radio button to include charges based on the service date of the
procedure associated with the charge, or select the Post Date radio button to include
charges based on the date the charge was posted to the patients account.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Procedure Reimbursement Report Sorts and Filters by Procedure

You can now sort and filter the Procedure Reimbursement Report by procedure.
This provides you with additional options to generate specific report data based on
Previously, the Summary mode and Detail mode were available and you did not have the
ability to filter by procedure code.
The following enhancements have been applied to the Procedure Reimbursement Report

The new Procedure Class mode has replaced the Summary mode. The Procedure Class
mode lists each procedure class.

The Procedure Class/Code mode has replaced the Detail mode. The Procedure
Class/Code mode includes the individual procedures for each procedure class and the
total for all procedures in the class.

The new Procedure Code mode now displays. The Procedure Code mode lists each
procedure code.

The new Procedures button now displays in the View section.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Account Summary Report Has Additional Filters

You can now filter the Account Summary Report by the finance group, status, and class of
This allows you to generate report data for a more specific set of accounts, based on finance
group, status, and class.
Previously, you had the ability to filter the Account Summary Report data by account.
Now, you have the ability to filter the report by class, status, and finance group, in addition to
The new Finance Groups, Account Statuses, and Account Classes button have been added to
the View section of the Account Summary Report window. This provides you with the ability
to select the finance groups, account statuses, and account classes that you want to include in
the report.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Patient Report Sorts and Filters by Insurance

You can now select whether to sort the patients in the report by primary insurance plan.
Additionally, you now have the option to include only those patients who do not have a
primary insurance coverage plan.
This provides you with additional options to include patients and display Patient Report data
based on patient insurance coverage.
Previously, the Patient Report did not provide an option to sort the report by patient primary
coverage. Although the ability to select specific insurance plans to include was available
previously, you did not have the ability to include only patients who have no primary
insurance coverage.
The following enhancements have been added to the Patient Report window:

The Primary Plan radio button now displays in the Sort By section. This provides you
with the ability to list patients alphabetically by the primary insurance plan of the
patient. Note that patients who do not have an active primary insurance plan in their
coverage list may be shown first in the report list.

The Plans radio buttons now display in the View section. This provides you with the
options to include patients regardless of insurance plans, patients who have specific
insurance plans only, or you can include only those patients who do not have a
primary insurance coverage plan.
To Include:
All insurance plans


Do this:
Click the All Plans radio button.

Specific insurance plans only

Click the Selected radio button and select the

patient plan(s) by clicking the Plans button and
selecting the plans.

Patients who have no primary

insurance coverage only

Click the No Insurance Coverage Only radio


The Plans button now displays in the View section when the Selected radio button is
clicked. This provides you with the ability to select the plans that you want to include
in the report.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Practice Financial Summary Report Provider Sort Change

You can now generate the Practice Financial Summary Report with the providers sorted by last
name then first name.
This allows you to review the providers included in the report in alphabetical order based on
their last names then first names.
Previously, when you generated Practice Financial Summary Report sorted by provider, the
providers were listed in alphabetical order by provider ID code.
Now, when the Practice Financial Summary Report is sorted by provider, the providers are
listed in alphabetical order by last name then first name.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Option to Remove the Total Payment Amount from the Payment

Description in the Open Item Payment History Report
You can now select whether to show the total payment amount of the check in the
descriptions of payments for patient charges in the Open Item Payment History Report.
This allows you to prevent the payment amount from being displayed in the payment
description. This can be helpful when you are providing the report for patients and you do not
want the total payment amounts from payers to be shown.
Previously, the total payment amount was displayed in each payment description. An option
to not include the total payment amount was not available.
The new Include Check Amount in Check Description check box has been added to the Open
Item Payment History Report window. The check box is available only when the Account
report sort option is selected.

To display the total payment amount of the check in the payment description, select the check


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Clearing the check box prevents the total payment from being displayed in the payment

The check box is shipped with a default setting of selected.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Stop Scheduled Reports from Being Run

You can now deactivate a scheduled My Favorites report that is set to run daily, weekly, or
monthly to prevent the report from being run. Additionally, you can now delete a report that
was scheduled to run once at a later time.
This allows you to prevent a scheduled report from being run. This can be helpful when too
many reports may have been scheduled at the same time, or if a user determines that a report
that was scheduled to run later no longer needs to be run.
Previously, after a report was scheduled to run once at a later time or a My Favorites report
was scheduled, you did not have the ability to prevent the report from being run prior to the
scheduled run time.
The following enhancements have been added to the Report Monitor window:

The new Deactivate button now displays when a scheduled My Favorites report is
selected. This allows you to stop the report from being run and prevent its schedule
from being in effect.

The new Delete button now displays when a report that was scheduled to run once at
a later time is selected. This allows you to stop the report from being run at the
scheduled time.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


The new Include Deactivated Reports check box now displays above the reports list.
This allows you to display scheduled My Favorites reports that have been deactivated
in the reports list.

The new Reactivate button now displays when a deactivated scheduled My Favorites
report is selected. This allows you to set the prior schedule for running the report back
into effect. When a report schedule is reactivated, the report will be run on the first
appropriate future date based on the report schedule.

The new Deactivated indicator now displays in the Next Run column for deactivated

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


The new Deactivate All option now displays in the Actions menu of the Report
Monitor window when the window is opened in Vitera Intergy System Administration.
This provides you with the ability to deactivate all of the scheduled My Favorites
reports and delete all of the reports that have been scheduled to run once at a later

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Appointments Detail Report and Appointments Exception Report

Show Additional Dates and Times
You can now view the date and time that appointments are created, rescheduled, and
canceled in the Appointments Detail Report and the Appointments Exception Report.
Previously, the Appointments Detail Report displayed only the date that an appointment was
created, rescheduled, or canceled. The Appointments Exception Reports previously did not
display the date or time that an appointment was created, and the report displayed only the
date that an appointment was rescheduled or canceled.
Now, the Appointments Detail Report and the Appointments Exception Report show the date
and the time when appointments are created, rescheduled, and canceled.
This allows you to view the dates and times in both reports when appointments are created
and when appointments are rescheduled or canceled.
In the Appointments Detail Report, the Entry Date column label has been changed to Entry
Date Time and the time an appointment was created is now displayed with the date in the
column. Additionally, the time an appointment was rescheduled or canceled now displays
with the date an appointment was rescheduled or canceled.

In the Appointments Exception Report, the Original Appt. Created by column label has been
changed to Original Appt. Created, and the date and time an appointment was created are


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

now displayed in the column. Additionally, the time an appointment was rescheduled or
canceled now displays with the date an appointment was rescheduled or canceled.

As a result of these enhancements, if you use the Appointments Detail Report to manually
generate the output file for your Phone Tree system, it is necessary to contact Phone Tree to
continue using this report with your Phone Tree system. It is possible to use the
Appointments Phone Tree Report for generating the output file for your Phone Tree system
without additional changes.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Patient Referral Source Report Filters by Patient Registration Date

You can now select a date range for the Patient Referral Source Report.
This allows you to report patient referral source data for a selected range of patient
registration dates.
Previously, report data based on patients of all registration dates was included.
The new Report Dates section has now been added to the Patient Referral Source Report
window. The section includes the new Registered field for selecting a date range, the new
Start field for entering the first date of the date range, and the new End field for entering the
last date of the date range for the report.

In the Report Dates section, you can select the following date ranges:


Current Month Includes all patients registered from the beginning of the current
month to the current date.

Last Month Includes all patients registered in the last full calendar month.

Current Three Months Includes all patients registered from the beginning of the
current three-month period to the current date. The current month is the third month
in the three-month period.

Current Year Includes all patients registered from the beginning of the current year
to the current date.

Last Year Includes all patients registered in the last full calendar year.

Custom Date Includes all patients registered from the date manually entered in the
Start field to the date manually entered in the End field.

All Dates - The report will include all patients in the practice.

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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

The Start and End fields will automatically fill with the appropriate dates depending upon the
value in the Registered field and the current date. except for Custom Date, for which you
select specific dates.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

New Percent of Total Column in the Insurance Ranking Report

The Insurance Ranking Report has been enhanced to display a new % of Total column. The %
of Total column in the report displays the percentage of insurance plans or carriers in the
practice for a specified date range in terms of the total number of patients assigned, charges
generated, or receipts collected for each plan or carrier.
For example, when generating an Insurance Carrier Ranking Report by Patients, the top carrier
in the practice in the image below is responsible for 48.72% of the total patients.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

New Show Patient Detail and Include Event Comments Options in the
Patient Flow Analysis Report
You can now display patient details and event comments in the Patient Flow Analysis Report.
If the Event sort method has been selected, you can optionally select the Show Patient Detail
check box to display patient details, such as the Patient, Event Start Time, User, and Amount of
Time in Event.

If the Show Patient Detail check box has been selected, you can optionally select the Include
Event Comments check box to display comments about the patient event, if available.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Note that if the Show Patient Detail check box option is selected, the Subtotals By check boxes
display in gray text and are unavailable.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Filter and Sort the Provider Productivity Report by Supervising

You can now filter and sort the Provider Productivity Report by Supervising Provider.
When generating the Provider Productivity Report, you can list procedures based on the
providers who supervised them by select the Supervising Provider radio button in the Provider
Mode section.

If a procedure does not have a supervisor associated to it, it will be grouped in the No
Supervising Provider section of the report.
In addition, when filtering providers in the View section when generating the Provider
Productivity Report in Supervising Provider mode, the providers chosen will filter the
supervising providers on the report.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Include Secondary Diagnoses Codes on the Diagnosis Analysis Report

You can now include secondary diagnoses codes on the Diagnosis Analysis Report.
When generating the Diagnosis Analysis Report, you can select the Include Secondary
Diagnoses check box to include all diagnoses codes in the order that they display on the
charges after the primary diagnoses codes.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Primary Insurance Productivity Report Enhancements

The Primary Insurance Productivity Report has been renamed the Insurance Productivity
In the Insurance Productivity Report, you can now select the insurance type you want to
generate from the Insurance Type section in the Insurance Productivity Report window.

You can select the Primary radio button to list primary insurance productivity information or
select the Secondary radio button to list secondary insurance productivity information.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Procedure Modifiers Now Display in the Insurance Productivity

Procedure modifiers now display in the Insurance Productivity Report.
When you generate this report as a Charge Detail report type, procedure modifiers will display
next to the procedure code in the Procedure column of the report if they exist for the


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Phone Tree Report Contains New Fields

The Appointments Phone Tree Report generates a text (.txt) file for use by the Phone Tree
system. Phone Tree is an automated messaging system that uses the data in the text file to
call patients and remind them of upcoming appointments. The file contains appointment data
such as patient name, appointment time, and patient home phone number.
The Appointments Phone Tree Report now contains the Work Phone and E-mail fields in the
generated text file. When the Appointments Phone Tree Report is generated, the patients
work phone and e-mail address as recorded in the system will be included in the file,
providing additional patient contact information to Phone Tree for appointment reminders.
It is possible to use the Appointments Phone Tree Report for generating the output file for
your Phone Tree system. As a result of enhancements to the Appointments Detail Report,
such as displaying mobile phone numbers, if you use the Appointments Detail Report to
manually generate the output file for your Phone Tree system, it is necessary to contact
Phone Tree to continue using this report with your Phone Tree system.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Enhanced Sorting in Phone Tree Reports

You can now schedule the Appointments Phone Tree Report and the Schedule Phone Tree
Report for specific rooms and equipment in addition to providers and locations. Phone Tree is
an automated messaging system that uses system data to call patients and remind them of
upcoming appointments. The Schedule Phone Tree Report is used to set up options for the
Appointments Phone Tree Report and to schedule the runs of the report.
In the Schedule Phone Tree Report window, you can specify the list of reminder calls by
selecting specific rooms and equipment. This is useful if you want to organize appointment
reminder calls by room and equipment. The options Rooms and Equipment have been
added to the View section of the report window.
In the Appointments Phone Tree Report window, you can specify the list of reminder calls
by selecting specific rooms and equipment. This is useful if you want to organize appointment
reminder calls by room and equipment. The options Rooms and Equipment have been
added to the Include section of the report window.
When you select the Rooms button in either window, the Select Rooms dialog box displays so
you can limit the number of items in the report by selecting specific rooms.
When you select the Equipment button in either window, the Select Equipment dialog box
displays so you can limit the number of items in the report by selecting specific equipment.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


This chapter describes an enhancement made to the HL7 communications protocol utilized by
the Vitera Intergy software.
Search HL7 Queue Using Text String
Viewing Unformatted HL7 Text


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Search HL7 Queue Using Text String

You can now search the HL7 queue using an arbitrary text string. Previously, searches could be
conducted only using specific data fields, such as date, status, or event type.
If you are not already in the HL7 Log and Queue Viewer, from the System Administration
Desktop, select the Utilities menu, select HL7, and then select HL7 Log and Queue Viewer.
Click the Queue tab to display the current HL7 queue items.

When using filters to shorten the list, you may use a general text search to display HL7
messages that contain a specific string of characters in any part of the message. Click the Text
radio button to use this filter, then type the text to search for in the Message text contains


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Viewing Unformatted HL7 Text

You can now view the unformatted HL7 text from any message in the HL7 Queue Manager
Window. Previously, this text could be viewed only from the Vitera Intergy System
Administration desktop.
From the Vitera Intergy desktop, click the Communications menu and select the HL7 Queue
Manager item to open the HL7 Queue Manager window.

Now, an additional tab with the label HL7 Message is available at the bottom of the window.
Click this tab to view the raw, unformatted text of the HL7 message. This tab is available for
demographics, financial, results, and orders messages.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


This chapter provides information about new features of and enhancements to the Radiology
Information System (RIS) in the Vitera Intergy software. RIS is an optional system available for
the Vitera Intergy system.
Indicate the RIS Studies That Have a Report Attached
Cloud-based Fax Systems Available for Document Delivery System


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Indicate the RIS Studies That Have a Report Attached

You can now identify whether a study has a report when you are viewing the studies list in RIS
Visit/Study Maintenance (Studies page) and Patient Information (RIS page, Studies tab).
This provides you with an indication of whether one or more transcription reports have been
associated with a study or a report is missing from a study.
Previously, transcription reports were not indicated in the list of studies in RIS Visit/Study
Maintenance and Patient Information (RIS page, Studies tab). The information was available
when the row of a specific study was selected.
Now, an indication of whether transcription reports exist for studies is displayed in the list of
A new column was added on the far right side of the studies list in RIS Visit/Study Maintenance
(Studies page) and Patient Information (RIS page, Studies tab). A check mark in the column for
a study row indicates that one or more transcription reports have been associated with the
study. If the column is blank for a study, the study does not have a transcription report.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Cloud-based Fax Systems Available for Document Delivery System

You can now use a cloud-based fax system for your Intergy Document Delivery System.
A cloud-based fax system provides you with the ability to access and deliver fax services over
the internet through your Document Delivery System.
Previously, the Document Delivery System supported a server-based fax system for document
delivery. A server-based fax system requires installed hardware and software for clients.
Now, the Document Delivery System supports cloud-based fax systems for document delivery.
The cloud-based fax systems do not require installing hardware and software for clients. Fax
service is provided by accessing the third party fax system via the internet. A cloud-based fax
system does require setting up an account with the fax service outside of the Intergy system.
After setting up an account with the Metrofax service, it is necessary to phone Metrofax to
activate the web service prior to using the Document Delivery System for faxing.
The cloud-based fax system options in the Intergy system are available at both the system
level and the practice level. This allows each practice at multi-practice sites to choose a fax
system, if necessary.
The following enhancements have been added to the Intergy system to support the use of
third party cloud-based fax systems:

The new Fax System parameter has been added to Practice Configuration and System
Configuration. The parameter is used to specify the type of fax system to be used by
the Intergy Document Delivery System.
You can select from the following options:


Castelle FaxPress - A server-based fax service that uses locally installed

hardware and drivers.

MetroFax - A cloud-based fax service.

Sfax - A cloud-based fax service.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


The Fax Server User ID parameter has been enhanced to support the cloud-based fax
system options in addition to the existing server-based fax system option. Previously,
the parameter name was 'Fax Server User ID'. The parameter name is now 'Fax System
User ID' to indicate support for the available types of fax system options. The
parameter is used to specify a unique name or sequence of letters and numbers that
identifies the user account on the fax system used by the Intergy Document Delivery

The Fax Server Password parameter has been enhanced to support the cloud-based
system options in addition to the existing server-based fax system option. Previously,
the parameter name was 'Fax Server Password'. The parameter name is now 'Fax
System Password' to indicate support for the available types of fax system options. The
parameter is used to specify a confidential sequence of letters or numbers that is used
in conjunction with the Fax System User ID to allow the Intergy Document Delivery
Server access to the selected fax system.

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

The new pre-defined FaxSystem lookup type has been added to System-defined
Lookup Maintenance. The FaxSystem lookup type provides the options that are
available for the Fax System parameter. The available options are the Castelle
FaxPress, MetroFax, and Sfax fax systems.

The new FaxSystemURL lookup type has been added to System-defined Lookup
Maintenance. The FaxSystemURL lookup type has a lookup code for each cloud-based
fax system defined in the FaxSystem lookup type. The description of each
FaxSystemURL lookup code will contain the URL used to access the system. When the


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Sfax system is the selected fax system, the system will automatically use the Sfax URL
from the FaxSystemURL lookup type to transmit faxes. When the MetroFax system is
the selected fax system, the system will automatically use the MetroFax URL to
transmit faxes.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Practice Setup

Practice Setup
This chapter discusses enhancements to features used for setting up your practice.
Warn If Saving a Duplicate Clinician Provider Identifier
Patient, Account, and Charge Notes Security Enhancements
Activity Audit Logs Include Report Duration
Copy a Role Definition


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Warn If Saving a Duplicate Clinician Provider Identifier

A new warning dialog box now displays if you attempt to save a Clinician Provider Identifier in
Provider Maintenance that is already assigned to an existing provider in the system.

You can proceed with saving the duplicate provider ID number by clicking Yes. You can cancel
saving the duplicate provider ID number by clicking No.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Patient, Account, and Charge Notes Security Enhancements

Patient, Account, and Charge Notes now have new security features allowing more control of
who can add, edit, and delete notes.
The Write Patient Notes, Write Account Notes, and Write Charge Notes security overrides have
been renamed Add Account Notes, Add Charge Notes, and Add Patient Notes in the Notes
Maintenance feature in the User Setup tab in the Users and Security (Practice) window in
Vitera Intergy Practice Administration. In addition, the following security overrides have also
been added:


Delete Account Notes

Delete Charge Notes
Edit Account Notes
Edit Charge Notes
Edit Patient Notes

Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Activity Audit Logs Include Report Duration

The Activity Audit Log now displays a column in the Report Activity tab that lists the duration
of a report. Previously, this information was not displayed.

This change applies to both System Administration and Practice Administration.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Security Permissions for Displaying The Practice Configuration Window

Security has been added for opening and editing the Practice Configuration window from
Vitera Intergy and Vitera Intergy EHR. Note that when the Practice Configuration window is
opened from the Intergy Practice Administration desktop, the practice administrator logon is
checked in lieu of the security permissions.
The security permissions for viewing the Practice Configuration window are controlled by the
Practice Configuration security feature. The Edit Practice Configuration activity controls
whether the user can edit practice parameters and other items in the Practice Configuration

The Practice Configuration feature check box and the Edit Practice Configuration activity
check box for this activity is cleared by default. For users who are set up with access to all
features, the Practice Configuration feature check box and the Edit Practice Configuration
activity check box will be selected by default. For users who are not set up with unrestricted
feature access, the Practice Configuration feature check box and the Edit Practice
Configuration activity check box will be cleared by default.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

You have just completed Tell Me More Security Permissions for Displaying The Practice
Configuration Window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Copy a Role Definition

Copy a Role Definition

You can now copy a role definition in the Users and Security window in Practice

When you copy an existing role, you also copy the role details and Vitera Intergy Desktop
Copying a Role


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Copying a Role
You can now copy a role definition in the Users and Security window in Practice
Follow the steps below for instructions on copying a role.
1. If you are not already on the Practice Users and Security window, from Practice
Administration, select the Setup menu, and then select Users and Security.

2. Display the definition tabs by selecting the Display menu and then selecting Show
Definition Tabs, if they are not already displayed.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

3. Select the Role Definitions tab.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Select the Details page.


In the Role box, select the role you want to copy.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features



Click the Copy button. The Copy Roll dialog box displays.

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In the Copy To field, enter a name that uniquely identifies the copied role.


Click the Save button to save your changes.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Next, you can change the role's permissions for Vitera Intergy Desktop components.

You have just completed Step-by-Step Copying a Role..


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

System Setup

System Setup
This chapter discusses enhancements to features used for setting up the system.
Century Change Year Calculation
Restrict PHI Access in Administration Windows by User
Access Practice Configuration from Vitera Intergy and Vitera Intergy EHR
Limit Future Dates that Can be Entered
Copying System Users
Customize Transcription Approval Text
System Maintenance Scheduler Shows All Client Connections
Meaningful Use Update Utility


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Century Change Year Calculation

You can now set a number of years as a century offset from the current year.
This enables the Vitera Intergy system to correctly interpret and display the year in four digits
as the current century or the previous century when only the last two digits are entered for the
year of a date.
The 'Century Change Year' parameter has been modified and has the new label 'Century Offset
from Current Year'.

Previously, the Century Change Year practice parameter was used to specify the year that
served as the dividing point between two centuries, such as '10' for the year ''2010'.
Now, the Century Offset from Current Year parameter provides you with the ability to specify
the number of years past the current year that is used to determine the century change year
for the Vitera Intergy system. The century change year serves as the dividing point between
the previous century (19__) and the current century (20__).
For example, if the current year is 2011 and the Century Offset from Current Year value is set to
'5', the century change year is '16'.
Therefore, if the year '15' is entered for a date, the year will be converted to the future year
'2015' in the current century because the year '15' is less than the century change year '16'.
However, if the year '16' is entered for a date, the year will be converted to the past year '1916'
in the previous century because the year '16' is equal to the century change year '16'.


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Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Likewise, if the year '17' is entered for a date, the year will be converted to the past year '1917'
in the previous century because the year '17' is greater than the century change year '16'.
The parameter is shipped with a default value of '5'.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Restrict PHI Access in Administration Windows by User

You can now specify whether an individual user has permission to view Protected Health
Information (PHI) in administration windows.
This enables you to allow or prevent permission to view PHI by setting a user permission.
Previously, the Mask PHI in Security Audit Logs system parameter was used to specify whether
protected health information was displayed or masked in security audit logs. When PHI was
masked, patient names and other identifiable patient data were obscured when audit
information was viewed.
Now, the Mask PHI in Security Audit Logs system parameter has been removed, and the new
Allow User to View PHI in Administration Windows check box has been added to the
Permissions section in the Users and Security (System) window.
The new check box allows you to specify whether a user has access to Vitera Intergy System
Administration and Vitera Intergy Practice Administration windows that display patient PHI,
such as HL7 Remote Maintenance and Rx EDI. PHI can include information such as the patient
name, patient SSN, and the names of drugs prescribed.
When the setting of the check box is changed, the activity is recorded as a 'View PHI in admin'
event in the User Setup tab of Activity Audit Logs.
You can make your choice by selecting or clearing the check box;
Selected - The user has permission to access the Vitera Intergy System Administration
and Practice Administration windows that display PHI.
Cleared - The user does not have permission to access the Vitera Intergy System
Administration and Practice Administration windows that display PHI. When a user does
not have access to view PHI, and attempts to open a window that displays PHI, a
security message displays to inform the user.
The check box is shipped with the default setting of selected.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Access Practice Configuration from Vitera Intergy and Vitera Intergy

The Practice Configuration window in the Vitera Intergy Practice Administration desktop
contains many practice-level settings for operating Vitera Intergy and Vitera Intergy EHR. To
facilitate access to these settings, approved practice users can now conveniently access the
Practice Configuration window in Vitera Intergy and in Vitera Intergy EHR. Security settings in
Vitera Intergy control the ability to view and edit the Practice Configuration window from
Vitera Intergy and Vitera Intergy EHR.

Note that ability to display the Practice Configuration window in Vitera Intergy EHR is only
available if the Vitera Intergy software is installed on the same workstation as Vitera Intergy
Opening the Practice Configuration window in Vitera Intergy EHR
To open the Practice Configuration window in Vitera Intergy EHR, select the Setup menu from
the Vitera Intergy EHR menu bar and then select Practice Configuration.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

The Practice Configuration window will display just as it does when opened from the Vitera
Intergy Practice Administration desktop. Note that some actions that can be performed in this
window are controlled by security permissions.
Opening the Practice Configuration window in Vitera Intergy
To open the Practice Configuration window in Vitera Intergy, select the Setup menu from the
Vitera Intergy menu bar, select Administration, and then select Practice Configuration.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

The Practice Configuration window will display just as it does when opened from the Vitera
Intergy Practice Administration desktop. Note that some actions that can be performed in this
window are controlled by security permissions.
Instructions for specifying practice parameters for Vitera Intergy EHR in the Practice
Configuration window are available in the Vitera Intergy EHR Setup Guide in the Practice
Configuration Setup chapter.
Security Permissions for Displaying The Practice Configuration Window


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Limit Future Dates that Can be Entered

You can now specify the maximum number of years in the future from the current date for
which a date can be entered in a date field in the Vitera Intergy system.
This allows you to limit the future dates that can be entered to a specific number of years in
the future. This can be helpful to prevent report data problems resulting from a report
attempting to generate data through a date far in the future.
Previously, the number of years in the future of a date that could be entered in a date field was
not limited.
Now, you can specify the maximum number of years in the future for which a date can be
The new Max Number of Years in the Future for a Date Entry system/practice parameter has
been added to System Configuration and Practice Configuration. You can specify a maximum
number of years from 0 through 99. The parameter is shipped with a default value of 5.
For example, if the current date is 07-01-2011 and the parameter is set for 5 years, then 07-012016 is the latest date in the future that can be entered in a date field in the Vitera Intergy
system. If the date 08-01-2016 is entered, a warning message displays informing you that the
date is invalid because it is too far in advance of the current date.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Copying System Users

Access and security settings for Vitera Intergy users may now be copied from an existing user
account. Access to the System Administration Desktop, Practice Administration Desktop, and
Vitera Intergy Desktop is duplicated without the need to assign group membership or
permissions separately. Previously, each Vitera Intergy user account was created individually
and all membership and permissions were assigned for each account manually.
1 If you are not already on the System Users and Security window, from System
Administration, select the setup menu, and then select Users and Security.
2 Select the Users page. In the Logon field, select the user account with the permissions and
group membership you would like to copy to a new account.

3 Click the Copy User button to open the Copying Security Settings for User Account


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

4 Observe that the User Type and Class fields are already populated with the same
information used in the original user account..
Type a new Logon name. This field may not be copied from the original user account and
must be unique.
Type a new Name for the user account. This field is required.
Enter the appropriate information in the Password, Contact Info and Permissionsboxes. Note
that some settings are copied from the original user account.
For help on a field, select the field and press F1.
5 Click Save when you finishing entering the fields for an account. You will return to the
Users and Security window, where the new account you have created is now displayed.
6 If necessary, select the Practice and Enterprise pages to make changes to the other group
membership and access settings. You may also need to access the Practice Users and Security
Window to make any other changes. Note that these settings have been copied from the
previous user account.
7 When you finish copying user accounts, click the Close button to return to the System
Security Setup window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Customize Transcription Approval Text

You can now create custom text for the approval text that is added to transcriptions and
encounter notes, if you need to make changes to the default text to suit the needs of your
1 If you are not already on the System Configuration window, from System Administration,
select the Setup menu, and then select System Configuration.
2 From the System Configuration window, select Transcription item in the left pane to
display Transcription parameters.

3 Select the Transcription Approval Line parameter, and click the Value column to display
the Select Transcription Approval Line window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

4 Make changes to the text to suit the needs of your practice. Note that the following
variable items are available for use in this field:
{approved-by-name} - The name of the approver is substituted for this variable in the text of
the document.
{approved-on-date} - The date of approval is substituted for this variable in the text of the
{approved-at-time} - The time of approval is substituted for this variable in the text of the
5 Click OK to save the changes you have made, or click Cancel to return to the System
Configuration window without making any changes.

The transcription approval line value has a maximum size of 200 characters. This limit includes
the characters of the variable items.
You may omit any or all of the variables from the transcription approval line as needed.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

System Maintenance Scheduler Shows All Client Connections

The Vitera Intergy System Maintenance Scheduler now displays all client connections,
including both Vitera Intergy and Vitera Intergy EHR desktop programs. Previously, this utility
displayed only Vitera Intergy client connections and not Vitera Intergy EHR connections.

The Type column now displays the value 'Intergy' for standard Vitera Intergy desktop clients,
and 'EHR' for Vitera Intergy EHR client connections.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Meaningful Use Update Utility

Meaningful Use Update Utility

The Meaningful Use Update Utility has been added to Vitera Intergy System Administration.
This utility allows practices to update their health management guidelines with the latest
meaningful use data. The guidelines in the Health Management system are a critical
component for providers who wish to demonstrate that they are meaningful users of EHR
technology. Since the criteria for the clinical quality measures which are used to demonstrate
meaningful use may change from time to time, it is important to keep these guidelines up-todate with the latest changes without interrupting the practice's workflow.

To minimize the impact to practice workflows, the system will attempt to detect the data
practices do not want to use in their guidelines and respect those exclusions during data
imports and updates. For example, when users delete reminders from guidelines or delete
clinical events from reminders, the system will not delete those links. Instead, it will only
deactivate them. Therefore, during import, the system will detect that users do not want to
use the deactivated data and will not add that data back.
The Meaningful Use Update window allows you to apply meaningful use updates to your
Health Management guideline sets as well as import the updated Encounter Note form and
Document Template. Retrieving and downloading the latest Meaningful Use updates assists
your practice in accurate reporting of meaningful use clinical data.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

In total, the Meaningful Use update includes:

System Encounter Note Findings.

Encounter Note Clinical Lookup Types and Codes.
Document Templates.
Encounter Note Forms.
Health Management Starter Kit Knowledgebase. Note that if your practice is new to
using Health Management, then the Health Management Starter Kit Knowledgebase
including the Meaningful Use Quality Measures is imported as part of the update.
Retrieving and Applying Meaningful Use Updates


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Retrieving and Applying Meaningful Use Updates

1. To access the new Meaningful Use window, from Vitera Intergy System Administration
menu bar, select the Utilities menu, select Import, and then select Meaningful Use

The Meaningful Use Update window displays.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

2. The Meaningful Use Update window displays. To retrieve and apply the updates for
your practice, select the appropriate option in the Retrieve Updates section and then
select the Retrieve button. Note that the status of the retrieved updates displays to
the right of the button.

Select the From Vitera Support Center option if you need to retrieve the latest
update. When this option is selected, the system will download the Meaningful
Use update from the Vitera Support Center website
Select the I have the latest update file if you already have retrieved the latest

3. Once you have retrieved the latest update, select the practice which you want to
received the update. When you select the practice, information displays in the table at
the bottom of the window.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

You can view the guideline sets which are marked for updates and the knowledge base
which contains the guideline set. The Current Version column displays the date when
the guideline set was last updated and the Update column indicates if the guideline set
is marked to receive an update (Y) or not (N).


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features

Select the Update button. The retrieved updates are applied to the practice. Note that
if your practice is new to using Health Management, then the Health Management Starter Kit
Knowledgebase including the Meaningful Use Quality Measures is imported as part of the
A message box displays containing the location of the log files from the update

Select the OK button. The table refreshes to display the current information.

You have just completed Step-By-Step Retrieving and Applying Meaningful Use Updates.


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


Vitera Intergy 7.10 New System Features


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