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Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Java Programming

Duration: 5 Days
What you will learn
This course teaches the concepts and essential elements of the Java language. While learning Java, you build
applications using standard Java technologies. In hands-on practices, students build and test standalone programs,
gradually adding more functionality as each new lesson is introduced. The development environment used for the
course is Oracle JDeveloper 11g, so you also learn how to use the graphical development capabilities of JDeveloper to
aid application development and testing.
Learn To:
Use JDeveloper 11g to write, build, debug and deploy Java Applications
Interact with the Oracle Database from a Java Application
Catch and handle exceptions in your applications
A Live Virtual Class (LVC) is exclusively for registered students; unregistered individuals may not view an LVC at any
time. Registered students must view the class from the country listed in the registration form. Unauthorized recording,
copying, or transmission of LVC content may not be made.

Java Developer
Java EE Developer

Required Prerequisites
Knowledge of simple SQL and HTML
Experience with a structured programming language
Basic knowledge of the principles of object orientation

Course Objectives
Use Oracle JDeveloper 11g to build, generate, and test application components
Write standalone applications with the Java programming language

Course Topics
Introducing the Java and Oracle Platforms
Key components of Java
The Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
Components of the Java SE Java Development Kit
Oracle JDeveloper 11g IDE

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Basic Java Syntax and Coding Conventions

Identify the three top-level constructs in a Java program
Identify and describe Java packages
Basic language syntax and keywords
Primitive Data Types and Operators
Keywords and reserved words
Declaring and initializing variables
Operator categories
Using string object literals and the concatenation operator
Controlling Program Flow
Decision-making constructs
Performing loop operations
Using switch statements
Developing Applications with Oracle JDeveloper (11g)
Creating new applications and projects
Navigating around JDeveloper's IDE
Consult the JDeveloper Help system
Debugging an application
Creating Classes and Objects
Instance variables and methods
Instantiating classes and calling instance methods
Using class variables and methods
JavaBeans architecture
Object Life Cycle and Inner Classes
Overloading methods
Defining and overloading constructors
Object life cycle
Define and use inner classes
Using Strings
The Java String class
Performing Operations on Strings
Wrapper class
Formatting classes
Using regular expressions for matching, replacing and splitting strings
Using Streams for I/O
Using streams for the input and output of byte and character data
Generate formatted output
Object streams and object serialization
I/O exception handling
Inheritance and Polymorphism
Inheritance hierarchies
Superclass methods and constructors
Using final with methods and classes

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Arrays and Collections

Primitives and objects arrays
Process command-line variables
The Java Collections Framework
Using Generic Types
Declare and use generic classes, interfaces and methods
Using wildcard types
Structuring Code Using Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Define abstract classes and methods
Define interfaces
Compare abstract classes and interfaces
Implement interfaces
Throwing and Catching Exceptions
Checked and unchecked exceptions
Catching and handling exceptions
Throwing exceptions
Creating exceptions
Using JDBC to Access the Database
Registering the driver
Getting a database connection
Executing a query
Closing the connection
Handling exceptions
Managing transactions
User Interface Components
Swing containers
Java foundation classes
Using the Container hierarchy
Adding Swing components to an application
Adding User Interface Components and Event Handling
Adding Swing components to a container
Modifying the contents of the components
Using the AWT event handling model
Create a menu bar with menus and menu items
Defining event handler in JDeveloper
Deploying Java Applications
Using JAR files
Deploying applications with JDeveloper
Generating an archive file

Copyright 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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