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RNC Level

get .12345 (gives the cell discription)

lget .12345 (gives the total indepth discription)
lget .12345 cpich (print CPICH Power)
lget .12345 power (print all the power settings of the cell)
lget .12345 pwr (This will print all the Power settings with string pwr)
lget .12345 pwradm (print PowerAdmission setting)
lget .12345 pwroffset (print Poweroffset setting)
lget .12345 dlcodeadm (print downlink code admission setting)
lget .12345 code (Print settings related to code)
lget .12345 sf (this will give the users admission for every SF)
lget Utrancell=12345 utranrelation ( To print Utranrelations of th cell)
lget Utrancell=12345 gsmrelation (To print GSM of thE cell)
lget .12345 external (this will give all the external cell definitions0
lget .12345 pwr (This will print all the Power settings with string pwr)
lget coveragerelation ref (to check the Coverage relation settings)
lget .12345 2d (to check the 2d threshold on the cell)
lget .12345 ref (to get all the ref data like)
lget .12345 iub (to check the iub link id)
lst iub (Detailed Iub link data)
st iub(status of Iub link)
lst iur(detailed status of Iur link)
st iur (status of Iub link)
lget .12345 L2 (to check the enhanced L2 support feature)
lget .12345 hotype
lget .12345 offset (to check all the offset in the cell,you can also type individualy)
lget .12345 qoffset2sn (any offset you can check individualy)
lget .12345 hyst (to check all the hyst settings in the cell)
lget .12345 dl (check the DL settings)
lget .12345 uarfcn
lget .12345 ul (all UL settings)
lget .12345 hs (check all HS settings of the cell)
lget .12345 eul (check all eul settings)
lget .12345 cell or cellreserved (cell reserve status)
lhget . utranrelation or gsmrelation (will give you a horizontal printout its easy to copy
and read on excel)
bl .12345 (block the cell)
deb .12345 (De block the cell)
lbl .12345 hsdsch (This is to block on specific mentioned nodes in this case HS)
ldeb .12345 (deblock the cell and bring back the specific blocked nodes back)

lst .1234 (gets the operational status of the cell and its channels)

lst .12345(gives the operational state of the channels inclusing HS and EUL)
hc .12345 (check for old CV's and Activites loged in the NodeB)
alt (check all active alarms)
lget rncfeature (Prints the status of all the current RNC Features)
lget pmservice or lget 3 (to check how many counters are available)
lget 5 (to check the admin and ooperatiion state)
lget .1234 reserved (To check cell reserved status)
lget .1234 ret (to check the rach re transmission settings)
lget .1234 rach (check rach settings)
lget .1234 fach (check fach settings)
lget .1234 pch (check pch settings)
lget .1234 state (check all rach,fach,hs states)
lget .1234rate (check all the pref rate settings)
lget .1234 ho (check all the hand over settings)
lget .1234 sho (check sho settings)
lget .1234 ifho
lget rrc=1 (to see all the timer settings on RNC level)
lget rrc
lget rab
lget iub ulhwadm (to check the ULHWADM limit)
lget .12345 rate (to check the ul and dl pref rate)
lget coveragerelation ref (to check the coverage relations)
lget .1234 codethreshold (to check the codethresholdPDU seting)
lget . inactivity (to print ChannelSwitching Inactivity timers)
lget . downswitch (print downswitch parameter settings)
lget . upswitch (print upswitch parameter settings
lget . cellchange (to check HS Cell changed parameter)
lget . trigger (All the triggers and timers settings)

lget uemeascontrol (to check the RNC level Measurment parameters This is
one of the very Immp command that contains most of our measurement
related parameters)

Where 1245 = Cell id

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