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Listen to Your Better Angels

Needed: Messengers to the Rapture Generation

Listen to Your Better Angels
6Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those
who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people. 7He said in a loud voice,
"Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who
made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.“ (Rev. 14:6,7)

• Are We the Rapture Generation?

• Rightly dividing the Word of God
• Word pictures of the Messiah
• Sunset on the Age of Grace?
• The 3-fold Mission of Christ
• Feasts & Redemptive Events
• The 70-Year Generation Theory
• Equally Valid Generational Estimates
• Prophetic Events in Today’s News?
• Listening to Our Better Angels
Angels (messengers of God) have delivered prophetic utterances throughout the
ages. Several prominent examples occurred regarding Christ’s 1st advent, such as
His birth, death, resurrection, and ascension. Likewise, events preceding Jesus’
2nd coming were also foretold by an angel (see Dan 9). Are we this generation?

We are here…

For context, this chart (by Larkin) depicts all of the dispensational and redemptive
milestones as described in Scripture. Although the Church previously avoided or
allegorized prophetic events, in light of history, scholars now agree that biblical
revelation has literal, figurative, and prophetic significance for our generation.
Word Pictures…

Prophecy can simply be understood as the revealing of His-story in advance.

Comprising fully 25% of Scripture, God’s prophetic Word pictures a fantastic
adventure through time that culminates in the glorious final state. That said,
we’re now commissioned by Christ to reach the world with this Good News.
Age of Grace
Independence Day

Christ's public ministry bridged the dispensations of Law & Grace. Satisfying the
perfect demands of righteousness, the sinless Lord then offered Himself as the
substitutionary sacrifice for the sin of the world. In so doing, Jesus opened the
window of reconciliation with the Father, by grace through faith.
The Mission:

This graphic depicts the three-fold mission of Christ, as: prophet, priest, and King.
Jesus revealed the Father's will as our final prophet, He became a living sacrifice
as our High-Priest, and now intercedes on our behalf, prior to His literal return
and reign as King. Like God’s angelic messengers, we proclaim the 2nd coming.

This slide illustrates that the New Testament is concealed in the old, and the Old
Testament is revealed in the new. In effect then, Scripture can be at once: literal,
figurative, and prophetic - with literal feast days pointing to figurative redemptive
milestones that are fulfilled throughout prophetic history.

In NT gospel accounts, Christ reveals the nation of Israel will be both dispersed and finally
re-gathered (as a prelude to Daniel's 70th week). He goes on to cite the generation which
witnesses Israel's re-gathering will also experience the consummation of history. Questions
then become ones involving the length of a generation and the basis year for reckoning…
Equally Valid

Several equally valid reckonings of end-time events (with various basis years and
generational epochs) can also be cited. Interestingly though, regardless of which
basis year or generational length you select, most permutations seem to
reconcile on or before A.D. 2018.
Growing: Rapture…

Disasters Tipping
Points? Global

Rumors Economic Global
of War Decline Global Currency
Because only God knows the end from the beginning, prophecy is more than postulating
theories based on ancient manuscripts. Indeed the voracity of the prophetic always has a
correlation in actual history -- as noted in the prophesied rise and fall of the Babylonian,
Medo-Persian, Greek, and Roman empires. Likewise, current events portend fulfillments
reserved for the end-times.

Ez. 38 War?

Psalm 83 War?

There’s another advantage to predictive prophecy, besides a settled peace about

the direction of history, we have the ability to prepare for what will occur. And
after 6,000-years of prophetic utterance, no one will be able to say they were
caught unaware. So let them who have ears hear…
to Your

Essentially, the Lover of your soul desires a relationship with you. God speaks to
us through His Word. We reply though prayer. Salvation is a person. His name is
Jesus. Get to know Him. Eternal life is found in no other. Soon it will all be clear,
you were meant to be here, from the beginning...
For more information on our Statement of Beliefs, visit this link and scroll to the
Doctrine of Last Things. The Masters Theological Seminary has provided a concise
recitation of end-time events, combined with supporting Scripture references.

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