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PUES RUC ‘Oren ARcane Lists [ARcCo} te ‘Arcane Briers ‘Arane Fores ‘Arcane Senses ‘Arcane Shield ‘arcane Signs Detection Law “Total Category Bonus: 7 Ranks Rank tem Oat Sper Toe ial Spell List Record Sheet Genera TP Speut Lists [C&R] Total Category Bons: a FRals Ca Tem Enhancements ‘Metal Crating ‘Stone Crafting GlasCeramie Craft. Wood Crating Rank Tem Gat Spex Tot ones Bonus Bonar Power Manipulation, Resim aw Spell inhibions HHPEEETTLE Spe Trigger ‘Cuosen Essence Lists [RMSR] ‘Arcane Healing ‘Arcane Summons ‘Arcane Visions ‘ura Lore Bladernes Fire Manipaation Gargoyle Masry —— ght Manpolon ‘Nature Mant Power Mastery Shing Law “Total Category Bons: Rak Rem Gat Spex Tot i F TEEPE ttl ‘oral Category Banos Rank Kem Gat Specs Tot "Wizakb Base Lasts [ARcCO} ‘otal Category Bonus: —_ Spell Coordination spell Hand Spell shied (GraoTie Bast Lists [ARCCO] ie Ranks Clase ‘Arcane Motions (Chaotic Sener Changes Hand ot Chace Total Category Bont Rank tem Gat Spec. Tou Bones Bonet Bonet ‘Macenunre Base Lists [ ry ‘Amplification. Conaining Ways Homers Call Spell Protection spell Tracer Bonuses Bonet Bonet, Bones Tht appears in the Cats & Ruin socbook ‘otal Category Bom: Rank Hem Gat Spec Toe Bone Bonar Bonus Boner Bonar: ‘Essence TP Spent Lists [CeR] x ‘Archnemancy” Brewing Lore” {Cori Casting® Cras Casting” Suilerak Master” Hear Magic™ Herbal Casting? Magic Ropes” ‘Mending Ways” itor Mage" ‘Nomenit Cating® cean Law Predicions? Sucre Wardings Traveler's Way" Total Category Bonus Rank Kem Gat Spee. Tot ona mes: Bones Bone Bonar: Bone Bonet Bones Bonet, Bonet Bones ome Bone 7Raaks Gun, ‘Menraus TP Speut Lists [C&R] ‘Toa Category Bono: Tank Tem Ost Spex Tot Bonuses Bases “otal Category Bones ‘Ractat See Lists [R&-C:UNo] te lyphstones SearUnbinding Ranks Ca, Bask Tem Gat Spex Tot — Bonet Bons Bonuses Borer oo {Ck Cases ins Sourebook: REC: Und: Races & Culler: Underground Race. Th it appears inthe Een Companion. Tremuten ganeda protcpy or ton camnetn pesond ne Sion Comm enerpner ie Alngurrarted Oren Mewrauisu Lists [RMSR] Total Category Bons: ‘Macent Bast Lists [RMSR] “otal Category Boma Rank em Gat Spee Tou | ise iene Clas Rank Hem Gat Spec. Tot, Bonus ‘Assssnation Mastery Bomses Disguise Mastery Bomex Bsespes Boma: Gathering Secrets Bones Midirecions ee Poon Mastery Bones Bones ‘Mrsric Bast Lisrs [RMSR] Tota Category Bom Bone ry Ranks Cha, Confsing Waye = (Cross Menrausy Lists [RMSR] “Total Category Boos Gas Atertion = ing = ue Ranke Chae Rank Tem Gat Spee Tot | Liquid Akeraion —— Te Ranke Antiipatons ‘tack Avoidance Brtlance Closking Damage Resitance Delving Detectione lasone Seifealing Spell Retnce | —— LITE ‘Gus Manipulation Boner: Mystical Change Bone: Slit Aeration Bones Bones Evin Mentauisu Lists [RMSR] Total Category Bonus: Bones st Rane Clas Rank Hem Gat Spec Tot Bonuses Mind Death Bones Mind Disease Bones ‘Mind Domination Bons ‘Mind Erosion ‘Mind asion Mind Subversion Lgesd Manipulation Mind Mastery Mind's Door Sence Mastery ‘Shiting Solid Manipslaton Speed Tekeise HET [RMSR: Rolemaser Sundar Rules Mento: Metals Companion “reasGo: Treasure Companion 1 Ths lt appear in the Mental Companion. Bod Masry Bone Mastery Concussion Mastery Mande Mastery —— Nene and Organ Mastery Prosnetice Irom Lis LiguidiGas its Boner (Other Ream bed —— Bones (wn Rei Imbed —— Bones ‘tack Mastery Bors: Defense Mastery External Concentation Waitive Heating —_ Yaesandig Ma Mind Contra Mind Merge Min Speech Presence Senee Control emison pated poeple son comeea, pve 6 Won own Epes te Ainge RR ee ‘Open Cranneune Lists [RMSR] Total Category Bonus PALADIN Bast Lists [RMSR] ota Category Bonus Rank tem Gat Spee ‘CLosep Craxeuine Lists [RMSR] ie Vane Bone Law Calm Spits Lecating Ways tore Muscle Law Nerve Law Organaw ‘tered Groondet Symbolic Ways Total Category Bonus Tank Wem Gat Spee [esecnseure ——tenemnren | Rank Tem Gat Spec Tot. [Nature's Protection Plint Mastery (Giian, AvcuMist BASE Lists {TREASCO) Total Category Bone a VRaaks Chas, ‘gut Gas List Other Resim Inbed ‘nn Rea mbed Holy Armoring aly ice aly Warde Holy Weapons Holy Works (Cun Bast Lists [RMSR] i Rake Cae Channels ‘Communal Ways Lite Mastery Protections Repalsions summons Rank tiem Cat Spec To Bont Bones Bonet Bom Bones ones Borer Tota Category Bonus Bask tom Gat Spec Tok Heater Base Lists [RMSR] i Raa Bod Ways Casing Muscle Ways Organ Waye surtace Wye ota Category Bonus: Tank em Gat Spec. Tot “Myrtate Base Lists [Chanco) ry Ranks Holy Mision The Defendet Thebye The Mask The will Vengence Gat Spee ie Vani Cas Communion Exorcime oly Arme Holy Healing oly Shed Rsk hem Gat Spee Tou TRancen Base Lists [RMSR] i ‘Ranks Cha fer Walls Moving Waye Natures Glee Natures Summons Natures Way Path Mastery Total Category Bonu Rak em Gat Tem ‘Summoner Bast Lisrs [CranCo] Ge Ranks Ga, ‘imal Semone — Planar Summons = Summoning Bond = Total Category Bont Task Nem Gat Spee. Tou Bones Borie Romie Bonet, Bone: Semaroning Circe Sommoning Mastery Teleport ‘Wantock Bast Lists [Chan] Doom’ Law Faith Detrction| Look of Terror Revengng Lave ‘Trandormations Wyrd Mastery rest Base Lists [Cano] in Vials Chas, ‘Agua Forms Rania Batefild Heating Ceremonies Chant Grade Desth Mastery Divine Magic Faas Shed Holy Defenses Holy Discipline Holy Element Holy Symbot aly rances aly Weapon Holy Wied Holy Wrath Hore Mastery Hunting Mastery Invet Mastery Lad Forma Proseyting Serpent Law Spin Domination spit Law Stone Mastery ‘The Hnter ‘Time Lore “ree Mastery Voodoo Magi ‘Total Category Bonus Boner Bonet Boner Borer Boras “otal Category Bonus: Rank Tem Cat Spec Boner Bonet once ona Bone Borer Bones Bonus Boner Boner ones Bomar Bonar Banas Bones onset omer Boner Bones Bomar Bore Bones Bones Evit CHANNELING Lists [RMSR] a ‘Ranks Ge Cases — Datk Channels Dark Lore ise Wounding TMG, Racmarer Sand faes Chana: Chanacng Companion ‘FeasGe:Teanre Compare The aap the Cres & Rus omen Teeason guess poopy br ton conmeria pond te Olen Clown Ener Ic Aled ee Second ‘Opes Essence Lists [RMSR] Character: ‘Macicaan Base Lists [RMSR] Total Category Honus Ranke Bones: Bones Bones Bone Element Shields Bonet Essence Hand Bonet, ence’ Percept. Bones Fey Conjery™ Bones Bonuses Bonuses Banas Bone Bomser Bones Boies Toul Category Bone Cc Matery* Counters? Dipeling Waye Earth Mastery" Elemental Summ: Fame Mastery Fre Mastery” Gate Matery Invi Ways Light Mastery” Living Change Locating Wat Loty Bridge Map Sal Mater Shaping® Mechanisns Way? rapid Ways Shield Martery Spell Enkancement Spell Reie Spit Mastery Water Master POPPEEEE EEE — Bonuses Bones, Bonet Essence Atcuemisr Base Lists [RMSR] Te Ranke Inorgani Lis somes guid tists Bemis Other Realm bed Bones: ‘Own Real bed —— ones ‘Armor Enchant. Bones General Enchant Boner: Nem Anais Bones Organi iis Bomar: Weapon Enchant Bone Total Category Bonus Rank em Cat Spee Dassen Base Lists [RMSR] Total Category Bons: in ‘Ranks Rank Tem Gat CConceament Mas. Bones: Inflences Bones: Mechanisms om Movement Mastery Bones: omer Tuuusonist Bast Lists [RMSR] “otal Category Bone Ranks Gass te Fee-Tase Smet Goines — Toso Mate phe Molding —— (nd Sense Mading Sound Molding —— —— Bowes Benes Spex ZS Bose Boma te Ranks Ch Earth Law Borate Fire Law Bonet Ieelaw Borer Light Law onus ‘Water Le Bonus Wind Lew Bonet Bask Nem Gat Spee. Tot ‘Mana Mouoex Base Lists [Esso] Category Bonne = ue 7anis Cae Glyphs Mata Barres Mara lem Mana Moding Mana Servants Body Rens Body Renewal Brasons Mind Over Matter Monk's Bilge Monk’ Sense TRUNEMAGE Bast Lists [Ecol ie Ranks (Commanding Wit Bone: Inscriptions Bones Nomendature Mastery Bone Physical Manpolations Boner Symbolism Bone Wearing Ways Boner Total Category Bonus: Bask Hem Gat Spex Tot Soncenen Base Lists [RMSR] te Ranke Flesh Destruction Bonuses Fas Detrction Bones Gus Destruction Bons Mind Destruction Bom Solid Detruction Banus Soul Derruction Bomar Total Category Bonus ‘Taoist Mowk Bast Lists [MazCo} tie Ranke Clas, Body Renewal ome Evatone ZS bemue Inner ye = Boma Monk ridge Bom Bones ‘Warnion Mace Bast Lists [sso] ‘Total Category Bone: rs Vania Cae Rank Hem Gat Spee Tot (Combs isons Bonuses Combat Waye Bones Spell Defense Boner Wartior's Bade Bore: Warsor’s Enbance. Bonuses Willof the Warior Bonuses Evi. Essence Lists [RMSR] ue Ranks Cs Dark Contact Dark Summons Darkness Eni Sammons Mauer Druption Physical Erosion [RMSR: Rolomster Standard ale Estos Channeling Companion, TrensCo: Tear Company MarCo: Martial Arts Companion 1 Ths appease Eee Companion. einen gates potocpy br nonconmeras pond we © on Corn Eneprnar ie Aight eae Rcd Srauis» Ovex (Own Resin) rofeion Bonus: Stu Bone Rank Bon: speci Bon Total Category Ronis Rank Coe Fiano Category Progrenion:0-0-0-0+0 Skill Progestin: 1+ 05-0 Rak ton a Borer Boner ‘SreLis+ CLosep (Own REALM) rofesion Bo Rank Cant Rank Bons: Category raprasion: 0-0 +0+0+0 speci Bones ‘hil Pogeesion 01120569 Total Categury Boma ‘ska ‘Ranke Clan Rank Wm Gat Spex Boma: Benne ene Ps Bom: ‘Seats Buse nk Bon spe Bon Total Category Bons: Rank Coe Gtegoy Progsiion:0-0-0-0+0 Skil Progemion eI 1+05-0 Ranks Clu Rank “em Gan Bees Banwsee Serius Orie Base (Own Rear) Profeson Bonu ‘Su Bono Rank Bonu: Special Bons: Rank Cont FR na Category Progieon-0- 00-00 Sail Progrewonc d= 0.50 Coss Rak tem ome Bones omer ‘Srruis + Orniens Protesion Bonus Str Bons Rank Bons Tota Category Bos ShilProprsuon:Del +1 0500 ‘ani chs Rank Rem Gat Bore Pores Bomuee ‘Sretis+ Onin (Ornea Ream) Protein Boma Bank Bows: Special Bom Rank Cost ai GtgoryPragresion:0-0-0-9+0 ShllProgramon- 011-050 Panis Choe Rank tem Cat Spec ome ‘Sruuis + CLosep (Orin REAIM) Profeion Ron Stat Bom Rank Bon Special Bon Total Category Bon Ranke Cha Raok tem Ga enue Rank Cont Fan Category Progression: 0-0-0 0-0 SillProgreion 0-1 108-0 ‘Srenis Orsi Base (OrHtR REAL) Bone 7 Sn ons: Rank Bons Special Bons Tota Category Bons Rank Cost ia Category Prgreaion: 0-00-00 ShilPeogeston:°1+1-05-0, Ranke Clas Rank Tem Bone Bonu Pons Bonus Bones im i in tom tree Rank Cat Tat Te

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