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Mesoamerica General Information Ancient Mesoamerican Series

Olmec - Toltec
The term, Aztec is the The earliest we know about
term that most his- the Mexica is that they mi-
torian use to describe grated from the north into
the culture that domi- the Valley of Mexico as
nated the Valley of early as the twelfth century
Mexico in the fifteenth AD, well after the close For everything you need to know about planning your visit
and sixteenth centu- of the Classic Period in to the Museum, including admissions, directions, and park-
ries. All the Nahua- Mesoamerica. They were a ing, please see the Visitor Information area of our site.
speaking peoples in subject and abject people,
the Valley of Mexico forced to live on the For general information and current exhibition schedules
were Aztecs, Turquoise Mask of worst lands in the valley. call (212) 769-5100 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or e-mail
while the culture that Xiuhtecuhtli the god of fire They adopted the cultural Visitor Information. For advance reservations for special
dominated the area patterns that originated exhibitions, films, and lectures, call (212) 769-5200 (9:00am
was a tribe of the Mexica called the in the culture of Teotihuacán, so - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday) or e-mail Tickets.
Tenochca. At the time of the Euro- the urban culture
pean conquest, they called them- they built in the
selves either “Tenochca” or “Toltec,” fifteenth and
which was the name assumed by sixteenth
the bearers of the Classic Meso- centuries is
american culture. essentially a
of Teotihuacán American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024-5192 April 1st - October 31st 2010

Aerial view of Teotihuacán 100 BCE–750 CE.

American Museum of Natural History
Olmecs History
The earliest civilization in Central The history of the Tenochca is among Aztec
America—and possibly the earliest the best preserved of the Mesoameri- Death
civilization in the Americas—was The peoples of Mesoamerica distin- cans. They date the beginning of their God
the Olmec civilization which arose guished between two types of people: history to 1168 and their origins to an
sometime between 1200 and 1000 A giant Olmec
the Toltec (which means “craftsman”), island in the middle of a lake north
BC. They originally lived in the Gulf head of a warrior who continued Classic urban culture, of the Valley of Mexico. Their god,
Coast region of southern Mexico, at La Venta and the Chichimec, or wild people, who Huitzilopochtli, commanded them on a
but soon expanded into Guatemala. settled Mesoamerica from the north. journey to the south and they arrived
Olmec society was very simple. It The Mexica were, then, originally in the Valley of Mexico in 1248. Accord-
was essentially divided into two Chichimec when they migrated into ing to their history, the Tenochca were
groups: the elite group lived in the Mexico, but eventually became Toltecs originally peaceful, but their Chichimec
small urban centers and the com- proper. ways, especially their practice of
mon people lived in the rural areas. The most dramatic achievement human sacrifice, revolted
The Olmecs were overwhelmingly of the Olmecs were the building of other peoples who banded
an agricultural people.The elite massive stone heads. We aren’t sure together and crushed The history of the Tenochca is among
lived off of the agriculture of the who is represented by these heads, their tribe. the best preserved of the Mesoameri-
common people, but they but archaeologists believe that cans. They date the beginning of their
probably didn’t rule over they may be Olmec kings. Around Temple I, 732 CE. history to 1168 and their origins to an is-
the agricultural popu- 300 BC, the Olmec vanished for Ballplayer, Mexico, land in the middle of a lake north of the
lations. Instead, they reasons that vanished with them. 700–900 CE. Valley of Mexico. Their god, Huitzilo-
carried out religious We do know, however, that much pochtli, commanded them on a journey
ceremonies centered of their culture and social structure to the south and they arrived in the Val-
in the towns and was absorbed by other peoples. The ley of Mexico in 1248. According to their
carried out commercial Olmecs, as far as we can tell, are the history, the Tenochca were originally
trade in luxury and first chain in the development of peaceful, but their Chichimec way
Kunz Axe
artistic items. Mesoamerican culture. A life size eagle
warrior ceramic

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