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Kevin Mugur Galalae


Published by


Protecting people from governments.


The insights for this article, which is a prelude to a forthcoming book, came to
me during a 75-day hunger strike while in pre-trial detention in Canada for my
defense of human rights. During these 75 days I lost 55 pounds or 27% of my
initial body weight and came within an inch of death in my attempt to compel the
Canadian government and by extension the international community to stop
their devastating methods of population control and adopt worldwide legislation
instead. The Canadian authorities watched me wither from 206 to 150 pounds
and hoped that I would die. To keep my hunger strike secret they prevented me
from seeing the International Red Cross and the Canadian media remained
silent throughout. Despite my sacrifice, the Canadian authorities and the
international community did nothing to stop the depopulation genocide. To this
day, it proceeds as it has for the past 65 years, with complete disregard for
human life and dignity.
Since its inception in 1945, the Global Depopulation Policy has never been
exposed, even though over the course of seven decades it has gradually come to
affect every human being on the planet. It has been concealed from the world at
great cost in human life and treasure because it constitutes crimes against
humanity that are without parallel in human history. This is the first time the
Global Depopulation Policy is exposed. What you are about to read is forbidden
The following pages will forever alter your outlook and understanding of the
world and of your fellow human beings.



Since the end of the Second World War and with the formation of the United Nations in 1945,
international peace and stability have been maintained by controlling population growth.
Unbeknown to the masses, governments have used covert methods to limit births in developed
and underdeveloped countries alike and to accelerate deaths in Africa and a few critically poor
and overpopulated areas elsewhere.
Births have been prevented by interfering with the reproductive system so as to lower human
fertility, while deaths have been promoted by weakening the immune system so as to increase
morbidity and mortality.
The methods used by every country to control population growth have been dictated by the level
of development and the existing infrastructure as much as by political will or lack thereof and
have either been imposed by force and deception from the outside or adopted willingly by the
governing, military and scientific elites of nation states that have relied on the moral, technical
and monetary assistance of the United Nations, its agencies, and the greater international
Regardless of the methods used to control population and whether they are imposed or selfimposed, strict secrecy and deception have been necessary to prevent the masses from
discovering the bitter truth that for the past 68 years they have been the object of a silent and
global offensive, a campaign of attrition that has turned the basic elements of life into weapons
of mass infertility and selective death.
Without our knowledge or consent, governments the world over have subverted our reproductive
freedom and ability to procreate to achieve ambitious and necessary demographic objectives and
in the process have committed the most odious and wide-sweeping crimes in human history to
save mankind from even greater evils: nuclear annihilation, mass starvation, and environmental
devastation. The birth of nearly two billion people has been prevented and the death of half a
billion hurried. While these goals have been intentional, the architects of the Global
Depopulation Policy have unintentionally undermined the genetic and intellectual endowment of
the human species and have set back eons of natural selection. Their intentions have never been
malevolent, but the unintended results of their actions are frightening.
It is the task of this article to reveal this silent offensives secret methods and insidious means,
which make up the worlds greatest con, so that an awakening to the dire realities we face will
prompt each and every human being on earth to demand a share of the responsibility and
population control can be legislated across the globe, with little or no resistance, for the next
three generations or until our numbers are sufficiently low to allow humanity to live in balance
with nature and at peace with itself.
This is the only way our children will have a future and a life of dignity.



We started to become victims of our own success when science and technology gradually
enabled us to survive the natural scourges that have kept us in check throughout history:
pestilence, war, famine, and death. These four horsemen of the apocalypse have been the natural
enemies of our species. We have been waging war on them since times immemorial and, as we
have largely vanquished them, we found ourselves unchallenged on earth. We have become an
unstoppable force, absorbing earths space and productive capacity and displacing all other
species to make room for our ever-growing needs and numbers.

1. Physical Realities: The Cost of Ignorance

We now confront a set of physical realities that are unprecedented: overpopulation, hyperconsumption, and long life spans.
For the first 250 million years of our existence, we have struggled to survive and remained few
in numbers, reaching 500 million by the late Middle Ages. In the succeeding 300 years from
circa 1500 A.D. to 1800 A.D. we doubled our numbers thanks to improvements in agriculture,
transportation and distribution. Population pressures during these three centuries were relieved
by emigration to the New World.
The next doubling, from one to two billion, took only one century and occurred with the advent
of the Industrial Revolution when Europes population began to grow at an unprecedented pace.
Medical advances allowed most children to survive childhood while better nutrition and
sanitation extended the lifespan. Population pressures during this time were relieved by
European conquest and the exploitation of colonies in Africa and Asia.
As the benefits of science and technology became global, the surge in population became global
too and a billion people were added in only 50 years bringing the total to 3 billion by 1950.
Population pressures in this half century could no longer be absorbed by either migration or the
exploitation of colonies and this led to a bitter struggle for resources during the two world wars;
a struggle that has ravaged entire nations and killed more than 80 million people, more casualties
than all other conflicts in history combined.
Since 1950, we have added a billion new people every 10 to 15 years, bringing the total
population to 4 billion by 1970, to 5 billion by 1987, to 6 billion by 1999, and to 7 billion by

The population is expected to peak at 9 billion by 2050 and then start to decline. The reason the
population is expected to peak by 2050 is not because of prosperity and education, as we are led
to believe, but because the global elite that makes up the international community and controls
the United Nations has taken proactive measures since 1945 to ensure that resource scarcity and
national greed do not cause World War III. For better or worse we owe them six decades of
relative peace and stability, which is an extraordinary accomplishment when one considers that
this was achieved while the population has grown at the fastest pace in history.
If our leaders had taken no proactive measures to curb population growth, we would now face a
global population of 9 billion instead of 7 and our numbers would continue to double every 40
years and reach 14 billion by 2050 and 28 billion a century from now. Judging by the dismal
state of half the worlds peoples and by the alarming pace of environmental degradation, even
the current population is unsustainable.
We must not forget that even at 7 billion, half of us live in poverty or abject poverty despite the
tremendous scientific and technical advances of the past half century and that in many places on
earth conditions are so volatile and desperate that societies are on the brink of collapse. The
population explosion clearly bodes global catastrophe.

Not only has the global population grown at the fastest pace in human history during the past six
decades, but its needs per capita have also grown at the fastest pace in human history and, in fact,
at a much faster pace than the exponential population growth we have experienced. The average
modern human being consumes 100 times more resources than our forefathers a couple of
centuries ago did, and at least 5 times more resources than our grandparents did in 1950.

This means that for all intents and purposes the 7 billion people who are alive today have a much
greater impact on the planets ecosystems than an equivalent number of our forebears in the
distant or immediate past. Consequently, the planet is straining under our load. Soil erosion,
carbon dioxide accumulation, rapid deforestation, global warming and the melting of the polar
caps and glaciers are but some of the consequences of the environmental burden we have
become as a species. Given the impact we have on the planet at 7 billion strong, it takes no
scientist to foresee that the planet cannot possibly sustain 14 billion of us let alone 28 billion,
which is where we would be heading in less than a century had there been no proactive
intervention and aggressive interference with our ability to have children.
As our needs and numbers increase, we are placing unsustainable demands on critical resources
like water and fossil fuels, which are vital to our survival and define our standard of living.

Water shortages are already an impediment to development and even a threat to bare survival,
causing conflict within and between nations. Both our fresh water supplies and our fossil fuel
reserves are in crisis. 1.1 billion people live without clean drinking water and 2.6 billion lack
adequate sanitation and these combined problems kill nearly 4000 children every day from water
borne diseases.

For some nations water shortages are critical and growing worse from year to year because
dwindling reserves need to be shared by an increasing number of people. Daily per capita use of
water in residential areas varies accordingly. While North America and Japan have 350 litres at
their disposal for every person, Europe has only 200 litres, and sub-Saharan Africa has a paltry
10 to 20 litres.1 Water consumption in the 20th century has increased six-fold and at twice the
rate of population growth. Americans, for instance, used 7 gallons of water per day a century
ago and 145 gallons today.

Since development has occurred earlier and faster in some countries than in others, and the
politics of conquest and exploitation have prevented equitable distribution, per capita
consumption differs greatly around the globe in more than just water and oil. North Americans
on average consume 3 times more resources than Europeans, 5 times more than the Japanese, 20
times more than Asians, and 40 times more than Africans.
If everyone on earth were to have Americas standard of living then the existing global resources
could sustain only 1.2 billion people.2 If we would be content with the European standard then
our resources would sustain 3.6 billion. And if we were to universally adopt the Japanese
standard of living than our global resources could theoretically accommodate 6 billion.
The problem is that the demands we make on the environment are already much greater than the
earths capacity to regenerate, which is why the environment is collapsing and we are running
out of vital resources. This means that our planet could not sustain 1.2 billion Americans in
perpetuity any more than it could sustain 3.6 billion Europeans or 6 billion Japanese.
However you slice it and dice it, we can come to only one conclusion; namely that there are far
too many of us and if we are to continue to consume resources as voraciously as we have become

World Water Council,

Currently the United States has 320 million people or c. 5% of the worlds population, but consumes 25% of the
worlds resources.

accustomed to (and that all others on earth are aspiring for) and that our level of civilization
demands, we have no choice but to drastically reduce our numbers to a level that is within the
earths ability to regenerate.
Merely halting the global population at 7 billion, therefore, is not a solution. How well we want
to live will determine how many of us the earth can accommodate. And since human nature
demands constant improvement in our way of life we can only fulfill our personal and
civilizational needs by further reducing our numbers.

Long Life Spans

Not only is the earth overpopulated and straining under our ever-growing demand for resources,
we now also live longer than ever before. Life expectancy has risen dramatically over the
course of the past 100 years. While at the beginning of the 20th century one could expect to live
about 35 years, at the beginning of the 21st century one can expect to live nearly 70 years. This
doubling of our life spans means that modern human beings not only consume substantially more
resources than people in the past, but that they also consume them for twice as long as their

Overpopulation, overconsumption and long life spans are polar opposites of the conditions under
which man lived in the distant past, when he was at the mercy of nature, was scarce in numbers,
lived from hand to mouth and died young.
We have overturned the natural equilibrium that keeps species in symbiotic relationships and in
so doing we have become a threat to the natural environment that sustains all life on earth,

including our own. If we have learned anything is that progress comes at the cost of nature, but
can only occur in a healthy natural environment. The competing demands of progress and nature
can only be reconciled if progress occurs within natures finite limits, and for that to occur there
must be fewer of us; few enough, in fact, for nature to absorb and repair our impact.
The cost of progress has taught us three important lessons:
1. Given human nature, consumption per capita will only increase from one generation to
the next.
2. The greater the ecological footprint per capita, the fewer people can be accommodated by
earths finite resources.
3. Human civilization cannot survive into the future unless it learns to live within the
regenerative capacity of Mother Earth, thus within the limits of the natural environment
and its finite resources.
What we are about to learn is that having won the uphill battle we must now win the downhill
battle. Let me explain.
To increase in numbers our civilization has had to overcome natural obstacles set to preserve the
balance within ecosystems, a hard-won equilibrium from millennia of evolution that once
disrupted has caused nature great harm. If we are to restore the natural balance that sustains all
life on earth we must now decrease our population or else perish. But to decrease the population
our civilization must overcome man-made obstacles set to preserve the socio-economic balance
within societies, a hard-won equilibrium from centuries of give and take, trial and error, conflict
and cooperation, therefore damaging the fabric of society.
The upward and downward battles are equally hard and disruptive, the former on nature and the
latter on society. Only a stable population living within natures constraints can survive in
perpetuity and continue to evolve. If we fail to achieve such a state of equilibrium between man
and nature we will find ourselves living on a planet denuded of all animal and plant life and we
will die along with it.
Only man can stop man. This was realized by those with foresight who quietly began to take
proactive measures, unhindered by the indifference or ignorance of the vast majority who was
unable to foresee and remains unwilling to accept the impact we have as a species that has risen
above the natural element and has succeeded in harnessing nature solely to its own advantage
and who, as a result, now lives in a parasitical and therefore unsustainable relationship with
Once these enlightened minds realized that the global population must be stabilized they had to
find a way to stabilize it. The decision and the political will to tackle population control came

about at the United Nations which was set up immediately after World War II to maintain peace
between nations, thus to avoid war at all costs. But war was the last remaining natural enemy to
unrestrained population growth, since famine and pestilence have been largely eliminated in the
first half of the 20th century. The United Nations was therefore faced with the unenviable task of
having to find a substitute to war as a means to stop the population explosion. Not only had
humanity lost the taste for war after two world wars that occurred in a single generation, but the
development of nuclear weapons made the idea of war inconceivable as it would mean assured
mutual annihilation. What is the point of waging war if no one can win it as there would be
nothing left to take at the end of a nuclear war?


If the carnage of war, the last remaining scourge of humanity, could no longer be relied upon to
reduce our numbers so that nations could live within their means, then a way had to be found to
prevent the birth of new people. And that is how the raison d'tre of the United Nations and the
primary premise for the existence of an international community came to be population control.
Once the decision was made to pursue international peace and cooperation to avoid war, the
realization that the only way to preserve peace is by ensuring that nations live within their means
was inevitable, as was the realization that to live within the available means every country had to
limit the growth of its population.
The community of nations under the auspices of the United Nations had only to find and agree
upon acceptable ways to prevent new life, which proved to be easier said than done.
Tremendous obstacles stood in the way.

2. Systemic Obstacles Paradoxes and Paradigms

Infanticide has been practiced throughout history as a rudimentary form of population control,
but never before had humanity endeavoured to control the population of entire nations and of the
world as a whole without committing murder. The obstacles they encountered were unexpected
and formidable.
Lack of Birth Control and Public Awareness
First, the science and technology of birth control were in their infancy in 1945 and the vast
majority of the population had neither the means nor the knowledge to prevent unwanted births.
At most a third of the population in Europe and North America practiced birth control and many
of those relied on the traditional methods of rhythm (also called periodic abstinence), withdrawal
(coitus interruptus), douching, and prolonged breastfeeding, which have a high failure rate but

were the only forms of birth control condoned for married couples. Diaphragms, contraceptive
sponges, condoms, and spermicides were available in the cities but not in wide use. The pill and
IUDs had yet to be invented and legal barriers to condom use were not removed until the 1960s
and 70s.
Christianity and the Doctrine of Papal Infallibility
Second, neither contraception nor abortion was legal or morally acceptable to the mainstream
and both met with staunch opposition from conservative and religious elements of society.
Sexual gratification without the goal of reproduction was considered immoral and legislatures
refused to legalize any forms of birth control or to even remove obscenity laws from their
statutes so the issues could be openly discussed and the public educated. Social acceptance of
contraception was still decades away while abortion is to this day a controversial topic. While
the Anglican Church sanctioned the use of birth control by married couples in 1930, and the
Federal Council of Churches followed suit in the U.S. in 1931, the Roman Catholic Church, and
most other Christian denominations, took a firm stance against all forms of artificial birth control
and has not reversed its position. Hampered by the immutability of the doctrine of papal
infallibility, by which the Vatican, since 1870, has claimed that the Pope is the ultimate moral
authority in the Christian world and preserved from the possibility of error, the Papacy could not
alter course once the Church had committed itself against birth control. And as the Holy Sea
commands the respect of one billion Christians, the population control lobby had come to a dead
The Democratic Process
Third, the democratic process stood in the way of legalizing birth control let alone legislating
family size, as no politician could hope to be elected on a platform of government interference
with peoples reproductive freedom. The process of seeing contraception as an issue of public
health rather than one of morals had started after World War I but did not reach critical mass
until the early 1950s due to efforts initiated by the United Nations. Elected officials and
politicians could not and did not seek to convince the public that unless strict population control
measures are adopted immediately and universally society would face nuclear war in the near
future or would collapse in two or three generations from famine. They were held back by selfserving reasons, as it would have meant the end of their political ambitions and careers, as well
as by the conservative values that define the governing class.
It would have come as a great shock to the architects of the Global Depopulation Policy that the
most valued aspects of Western society, democracy and Christianity, stood in the way of their
plans to keep the peace by limiting family size. Yet democracy and Christianity proved to be
insurmountable obstacles to mans noblest and most civilized way to ensure peace and prosperity
for all. Paradoxically, had it not been for the intractability of church leaders of all Christian
denominations, but Catholics in particular, and for the un-electability of politicians in a

democratic system, the Global Depopulation Policy would not have been driven underground to
be carried out by deception through covert chemical and biological means but could have
proceeded in the open and by freely given consent and thus be legislated.
As it became clear that the systemic obstacles could not be overcome at the national level, the
responsibility to introduce effective population control measures was transferred to the
international arena and placed onto the United Nations.
To circumvent these formidable systemic obstacles, the architects of the Global Depopulation
Policy realized that they had to deceive the world in order to move the masses to do what is
needed against their will and without their knowledge. And that is how the stage was set for
historys greatest deception. The crimes committed behind the veil of secrecy that was raised to
shield the Global Depopulation Policy from public scrutiny and accountability for over 60 years
are without parallel in history by virtue of their sheer magnitude. While these crimes have been
committed not with malevolent but with benevolent intent, to save humanity from its own
ignorance and indifference, they nevertheless redefine the concept of crimes against humanity
and throw our species into an entirely different and unflattering light.

3. Historical Circumstances Victors and Vanquished

Every generation lives and operates within the confines of its time and is at the mercy of history.
The political climate at the end of World War II was volatile and charged with hatred and
bitterness. Europe and Japan were laid waste and economic conditions were dire everywhere.
There was no time for subtle measures. Desperate times called for desperate measures.
Allies versus Axis Powers Unconditional Surrender Guinea Pigs
The Allies won the Second World War and its members, who called themselves the United
Nations, became signatories of the Declaration of the United Nations and members of the
newly-formed United Nations Organization at wars end.
The United States, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, the so-called Big Three,
controlled Allied policy during the war and dictated the United Nations policy after the war.
The unconditional surrender of both Germany and Japan in 1945 provided the Allies with the
opportunity to institute strict population control measures on the conquered nations of the Axis
Powers without seeking anyones permission. Japan,
being the most hated enemy of the United States, had
already been punished with two nuclear bombs at
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. To ensure that it rose from
the ashes but stayed humble, the reconstruction


included a nation-wide plan of population control.

As an island nation with limited natural resources, an already large population, and a modern
economy whose industry demanded vast imports of foreign resources, Japan was the ideal testing
ground for aggressive fluoridation, which was the only tried and tested fertility-depressing agent
known at the time. The Nazis had used it on the Jews and the Soviets on their gulag prisoners
and was found to be not only extremely effective in sterilizing both men and women but also in
inducing a bovine state of obedience and submissiveness.
In the cities, fluoride was put in the drinking water at every water treatment plant while in the
country fluoride pills were distributed along with food rations. The work of poisoning the
Japanese was accomplished by Japanese war criminals from Unit 731, which had performed
lethal human experiments on civilians since 1937. The members of this unit, which was
officially known as the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department, were given
immunity from criminal prosecution at wars end by General McArthur, the Supreme
Commander of the Allied Forces, and instead of being executed for having murdered tens of
thousands of innocent civilians in heinous experiments and torture they were put to work on
sterilizing their fellow nationals. The campaign was extraordinarily successful and Japan
became the only nation in the world not to have a baby boom generation after the war, the result
of which Japan also became the first nation in the world to have a larger number of retirees than
children. As a reward for their service to the Allied depopulation effort, many of the scientists of
Unit 731 were promoted to prominent careers in politics, academia, medicine, business and
especially in intelligence, aiding the United States biological weapons development program and
forming the scientific avant-garde of what was to become the Global Depopulation Policy.
Germany and Italy, the other two major Axis Powers, were subjected to similar population
control measures as a result of which they now occupy the unenviable second and third place on
the list of nations with the most aged populations in the world. Japans elderly (defined as 65
years of age and over) make up 24% of the overall population, while in Germany and Italy the
elderly constitute nearly 22% and 21% of the population respectively.3
That the three Axis Powers are in this demographic position is obviously no coincidence but the
result of the deliberate and aggressive measures imposed on the vanquished by the victors as
soon as they unconditionally surrendered. The Axis Powers served the Allies as guinea pigs and
the lessons learned on the citizens of these nations were soon applied on the citizens of the Allied
Powers themselves.4

The World Bank, Databank:
The percentage of elderly is much lower in the former Allied that in the former Axis Powers since population
control measures were undertaken later and more carefully on their own people than on the defeated foes. The U.K.
elderly stand at 17%, the U.S. at 14%, and the Russian Federation at 13%.


Nuclear Weapons Assures Mutual Annihilation Military-Industrial Establishment

The second historical factor that has contributed to the secret, deceptive and unlawful nature of
the Global Depopulation Policy is the militarization of the political and especially geopolitical
climate post World War II. The war had ensured that the armies of both sides had swelled to
unprecedented numbers and absorbed large shares of their nations GDP. On the Allied side they
were there to stay while on the Axis side the armed forces were dismantled along with the
industry that equipped them.
The conquered nations of Europe and Asia were
placed under military administrations and
depended on handouts from their former enemies
for reconstruction. General Douglas MacArthur
took charge of the Supreme Command of Allied
Powers (SCAP), which occupied Japan from
1945 to 1952, and was assisted by British
personnel to enact widespread military, political,
economic, and social reforms.
The post-war occupation of Europe, during which the Axis Powers were demilitarized with the
help of the English, French and Soviets, and the ensuing Marshall Plan (1948-1952), when they
were helped to reconstruct, were both delegated by the U.S. military. As in Japan, so in Europe a
military man was put in control, General George Marshall.
A military mentality took root in the U.S., the Soviet Union, and the U.K., and strong and allpervasive intelligence agencies grew at the very heart of the political power structures of these
three global powers where they became firmly and irrevocably entrenched.
In the decade following World War II, population control was conceived and implemented solely
by the military personnel of the U.K., U.S., and U.S.S.R., whose intelligence agencies defined
and ensured the programs secrecy and expediency and who collaborated and cooperated with
one another to solve crises and to avoid nuclear conflict.
As more nations joined the nuclear club5 the probability and desirability of war between nucleararmed nations became ever more remote and emphasis shifted to the silent war of attrition waged
covertly on civilians by their own militaries and governments who made human fertility their
primary enemy and target.

The Soviet Union acquired nuclear weapons in 1949, the U.K. in 1952, France in 1960, China in 1964, India in
1974, Pakistan in 1998, and North Korea in 2006. The notion that Israel possesses nuclear weapons is a fiction to
deter the Arabs from launching a renewed attack.


United Nations Substitute to War International Peace

Gradually, as its infrastructure was built up, the United Nations took
over the responsibility for population control from the military, but
the methods and means had already been set and continued to be used
covertly while civil society and religious bodies tried to find moral
justification for conventional methods of birth control and primed and
educated the public on the necessity for smaller families.
The United Nations replaced the League of Nations and like its defunct counterpart its chief
mission is to maintain world peace by promoting cooperation in solving international economic,
social, and humanitarian problems. To achieve its goal, the UN has evolved over time and has
grown to encompass six principal organs and seventeen subsidiary agencies.
The military-industrial establishments of the U.S., U.S.S.R/Russia, and the U.K. continue to be at
the forefront of the battle against human fertility and are charged with the task of conceiving and
carrying out new methods for population control that violate national and international laws with
the full knowledge and consent of their nations executive branches and the international
The shift from military to civilian control of the depopulation policy has occurred gradually in
the 1950s and 1960s and while on the national level it is now overseen by the executive branch
of every nation, internationally it is delegated and coordinated by the United Nations and its
agencies, particularly the United Nations Development Fund (UNDP), the UN Economic and
Social Council, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank Group (WB), the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
The primary concern of the United Nations and the pivotal issue for the international community
is the Global Depopulation Policy, which looms invisibly behind every structural adjustment
loan and every development grant.

4. International Obstacles Geopolitical Dilemmas

The depopulation plan has proceeded in stages through a laborious process of persuasion and
manipulation and though it has come to encompass the entire world and affects nearly every
individual on the planet it has been concealed to this day due to several considerations.
International Consensus and National Interests
Forging international consensus despite irreconcilable differences and divergent national
interests is extremely difficult and best done discreetly between high level national and
international parties. To educate an entire nation takes generations whereas to convince or co15

opt a select number of individuals who already possess an understanding of political and
geopolitical issues, and who are more likely to set aside cultural prejudices and historical
animosities (especially for personal gain), is a much easier and faster enterprise. The technocrats
and scientists employed by the United Nations have therefore concentrated on co-opting their
counterparts at the national level in key ministries once high level envoys have successfully
focused their attention on heads of state.
News Travel Faster Than Understanding The Need for Secrecy
An enlightened country, or a country that has experienced population pressures for centuries
(such as the Netherlands), could conceivably receive popular approval for legislating family size
once it brings the issue out in the open and allows the media and civil society to discuss it freely.
But in so doing it would pass sensitive information beyond its borders to countries that are not
ready for general consensus and thus expose and jeopardize the covert methods that are in place.
By a domino effect, the depopulation policy could be brought to a sudden halt throughout the
world and thus the countries where only secret methods of population control are possible and
that are most likely to suffer from population pressures and resource scarcity would not benefit
from proactive measures that though painful and criminal nevertheless enable such countries to
survive the demographic transition from growing to stable populations before they either
collapse under the burden or are ready to accept and embrace legislation.
Since news travel faster than understanding the need for secrecy has remained paramount and
has been respected by nations that have already undergone the painful demographic transition by
covert chemical means.
Inglorious Past of Eugenics The Instinct to Procreate
The mere mention of population control brings back memories of the Holocaust and the Nazi
eugenic agenda, which has tainted any and all efforts to institute enlightened and voluntary
family planning measures. The inglorious past of eugenics acts as a barrier to benevolent
population control. Furthermore, people have an innate aversion to the thought that the state
should be allowed to have a say in our sex life, as this strikes at the heart of our instinct to breed,
which is among the strongest instincts we possess.
The Logistics of Moving Billions
The world is a mighty big place and a depopulation program is a complex, expensive and labor
intensive project that cannot happen simultaneously across the globe. Problems of timing and
coordination have dictated a piecemeal approach. It is logistically impossible to proceed on all
fronts at the same time and this has limited the United Nations and its wealthy sponsors to
proceed gradually whereby resources are focused on specific countries on any given decade.
Once the program is established and national authorities can continue it with little outside
assistance then the international community shifts its focus to the next set of nations. It is thus

that the Global Depopulation Policy has advanced like a wave in the ocean and has succeeded in
sweeping the entire globe.
Social and Psychological Inertia
Countries and cultures are set in their ways and it is difficult if nay impossible to thaw the social
and psychological inertia that stands in the way of change, even if change is desperately needed.
Europes and North Americas experience has shown that most Protestants were willing to
accept contraception and abortion whereas most Catholics and Orthodox were not. The Sunni
and Shia sections that make up the vast majority of the Muslim world appear equally reluctant to
accept any state interference with peoples reproductive freedom. The same entrenched
opposition to family planning appears throughout Africa where the international community has
advanced by force and with complete disregard for the peoples well-being. Some cultures are
more easily manipulated than others and these places were first to be subjected to population
control. This explains why 90% of the population growth of the past half century has occurred in
the developing world. Westerners, in other words, did it to themselves and are now doing it to
the rest of the world by hook or by crook, since non-western countries are far less receptive to
population control regardless of the method used.




In this section I will only briefly list the methods to control population growth. The benefits and
drawbacks of each method are discussed further in the text.
As the Global Depopulation Policy grew in scope its methods expanded accordingly, being
dictated by the particular circumstances of each region and nation. Broadly speaking the
methods can be categorized in two groups, direct and indirect. Direct methods are aimed at
undermining fertility while the indirect methods are aimed at undermining the family. Both
direct and indirect methods subvert peoples reproductive freedom.



Legislation China
Deng Xiaopings One-Child Policy since 1978
China is the only country in the world that chose to restrict family size by law and
thus tackle the population problem overtly and not covertly. As a one party state,
Chinese statesmen do not have to compete for office by pandering for popularity, as
politicians in democracies have to, and this enabled the Chinese Communist Party to
introduce the One-Child Policy, officially known as the Family Planning Policy
(), immediately after Chairman Mao died and Deng Xiaoping took over
the reign of power. The policy forbids couples in urban areas to have more than one
child while rural couples and minority groups are allowed two children.


Coerced Surgical Sterilization India

1952 Population Control Policy (first in the world)
1976-77 Indira Gandhis State-of-Emergency
2000 National Policy replacement level fertility by 2010 (tubal ligations for
women and vasectomies for men)
After two failed and misguided attempts to address the population problem (in 1952
and 1976), India, which is grossly overpopulated, has settled for coerced surgical
sterilization as the method of choice. In less than 20 years, India has succeeded in
surgically sterilizing 80% of its women of childbearing age, which, considering that it
is the worlds most populous nation after China and has 1.2 billion people, it is an
incredible accomplishment. It has succeeded not by persuasion or education as much
as by coercion. Mobile medical caravans scour the countrys villages, where 80% of
Indias people live, and entice the villagers, who are for the most part illiterate and
easily misled, with offers of free medical care for every woman who has had two or

more children. The women are then sedated and subjected without their knowledge
or consent to a tubal ligation, a procedure that takes circa 30 minutes, and that renders
them irreversibly sterile for the rest of their lives. The government of India offers
incentives to men to voluntarily undergo a vasectomy, which is a far easier and faster
medical procedure than a tubal ligation, taking only seven minutes, but that due to
Indias culture, where men have far more authority than women, remains unpopular
and therefore a statistically less significant measure for addressing the population


Covert Methods
A. Chemical Sterilization for the developed world
Fluoridation is the Wests method of choice for suppressing
fertility in both men and women. It has been used throughout the
West since 1950 and fluoride is delivered either through tap
water, table salt, or milk depending on the country and its level of
development. A few select and wealthy nations in northern
Europe use compulsory dental plans to ensure that every citizen
receives periodic applications of fluoride directly in the mouth.
Regardless of the delivery agent used, fluoridation has been imposed on the populace
under the pretext that it combats tooth decay, which is completely inaccurate and
dishonest. Of the four methods, water fluoridation is by far the most wide-spread, as
it is used on nearly 1 billion people the world over. Water fluoridation, however, is
only possible in places with a modern infrastructure of water treatment plants and
therefore even in wealthy nations it is only viable in cities that have at least 10,000
people. Salt fluoridation is the second most popular fluoridation method and is in
use throughout Latin America and the Caribbean region as well as in a few European
countries that have abandoned water fluoridation. Milk fluoridation is restricted to
very few countries and is used as a supplementary method of fluoridation elsewhere.
To keep human beings in a constant state of fluoride poisoning, toothpaste and dental
health products throughout the world are fluoridated.

bisphenol A (BPA)
To close the loophole created by the modern habit of drinking bottled rather than tap
water, the depopulation lobby has replaced glass with plastic bottling starting in 1980
and has used a specific fertility-depressing chemical, called bisphenol A (BPA) to

polycarbonates and epoxy resins.
BPA is
ingested when it leaches into food and
beverages for human consumption.
nearly every plastic bottle on the planet is now
made of BPA-based polycarbonates and almost
every metal and aluminum can in the world is
lined with epoxy resins containing BPA, people
are chronically exposed. The lining of metal
cans with BPA is aimed at both the urban and rural poor who are more likely to eat
canned soups, vegetables and fruit and will thus receive more than their share of
fertility depressing agents, as they will ingest it from multiple sources. But as the
depopulation lobby has a strong eugenic component to it, reducing the numbers of
the poor is a desirable outcome.

aerosol aluminum spraying

Spraying powdered aluminum oxide at high altitudes by airplane a phenomenon
known as chemtrails is a rather new method of population control that is
restricted to NATO countries and is aimed at breaking the back of organic and
traditional farmers to make room for corporations and their genetically modified
crops. The aluminum sprayed falls to the
ground and poisons the soil and the water,
which has two intended consequences:
first, it makes the growing of traditional or
heirloom seeds impossible and forces
farmers into bankruptcy thus freeing the
land for purchase by agro-giants who stand
ready with aluminum-resistant genetically
modified seeds; and secondly, aluminum
binds with fluoride compounds and greatly
increases fluoride toxicity, therefore
reducing the human bodys toxicity threshold level previously thought safe. In other
words, you can do far more damage to human health with aluminum fluoride than
you can do with just fluoride and you need less of it. That is why, for example, the
spraying of aerosolized aluminum is far more prevalent on the Western seaboard of
Canada and the US, where tap water fluoridation is scarce and people ingest fluoride
from bottled water and soft drinks as well as canned foods, but at lower levels than
people whose tap water is fluoridated.


B. Biological and Bacteriological Methods for the developing world

Poor countries do not have water treatment plants and therefore cannot fluoridate
their water. Salt fluoridation requires the political will and stability necessary to coopt a select few politicians and bureaucrats, but Africas political landscape is volatile
and for ever changing. And milk fluoridation is expensive and morally reprehensible
as it targets innocent children through free-milk school programs and sickens them
when they are young and defenseless. African leaders, moreover, have largely
resisted international pressure to poison their people. That is why the depopulation
lobby has devised effective methods of population control for Africa specifically and
more recently for other poor and reluctant countries whose voluntary cooperation was
impossible to gain.

If the depopulation lobby could not control the number of people born into the world,
then they would increase the number of people leaving this world. In other words, if
they could not tackle the population problem at the front end of life by controlling
fertility, they would and did tackle it at the back end of life by increasing morbidity
and mortality. This was deemed necessary for Africa, which resisted any and all
attempts at population control. The HIV/AIDS virus was specifically created for the
Sub-Saharan African population by a cooperative effort between Soviet and
American scientists in the employ of their nations military-industrial establishments.
It was designed to do maximum damage by undermining the immune system and to
have an affinity for people of color. It gradually achieved its intended goal once it
was introduced into the bloodstreams of countless innocents in Africa, Brazil and
Haiti by the World Health Organization through its smallpox immunization program
that ended in 1980. Infection is as high as 30% in some African nations (5%
continent wide) and 70% of all AIDS deaths occur in Africa. More than one million
people die in Africa from AIDS annually and nearly two million new infections are
registered every year.

Bioengineered flu strains, such as N1H1, the swine flu and the bird flu viruses, have
been used to manufacture mass fear of pandemics and condition the public to the
practice of mandatory vaccines or government-mandated vaccinations programs.
This will allow the authorities to target specific populations when and if the
eugenicists decide that a new deadly strain must be introduced into an unyielding
population, as it was done in Africa, Haiti and Brazil until 1980.

Genetically Modified Organisms are the newest and most sophisticated weapon in the
eugenic arsenal and are intended for the developing world where chemical population
control methods cannot be applied due to poor infrastructure. Primary GMO crops
are corn, canola, cotton and soybean. Fierce resistance to GMO crops has however
put into doubt their viability as a global fertility depressing agent. Their advantage
lies in the fact that the people targeted will be growing their own poison and paying
for it, which makes GMOs ideal for poor nations whose governments cannot afford to
pay for population control of any kind, be it chemical, biological or bacteriological.
Their advantage lies also in the fact that they can be engineered to do as little or as
much damage as is desirable and no one will be any wiser for it.



Ever since the United Nations assumed primary control and responsibility over the
Global Depopulation Policy in the early 1960s, it has been looking for more humane
ways to achieve the intended demographic objectives and has concentrated much of
its effort and resources on finding psychosocial ways to change the dynamic of family
life and to put enough pressure on families and individuals to make it difficult and
undesirable to have more than one child.
substance abuse
Various countries have encouraged various forms of substance abuse to detract
individuals from family life and to cause the dissolution of mostly low income
families by premature death, chronic illness or crippling debt. The West has
promoted the use of recreational drugs. China has encouraged excessive tobacco
use. And Russia has made alcohol sufficiently cheap and ubiquitous to create a
nation of alcoholics. As a result, drug addiction has reached epidemic proportions in
many western countries and particularly in the U.S. and Canada, where tens of
thousands of families are destroyed by drug addiction annually. Smoking deaths
have tripled in China over the course of the past decade and tobacco has become the
number one killer causing 1.2 million deaths a year. By 2030 the number of
tobacco-related deaths is expected to reach 3.5 million a year. And it is forecast that
if trends continue, a third of all males in China will be killed by tobacco by 2050.
Even more disastrous is Russias alcohol problem. Alcohol consumption has nearly
tripled over the past 16 years and more than half a million Russians die of alcohol22

related deaths annually. In no small part due to alcohol abuse, the life expectancy of
Russian males has dropped to 59 years, 17 years lower than their male counterparts
in Western Europe. These patterns of substance abuse have dire effects on family
formation and family size.

The counterculture of the 1960s, which brought about the sexual revolution, was
encouraged in order to break the sexual taboos that prevented the mainstream from
adopting widespread and uninhibited contraceptive use. It also made drug use
socially acceptable and set the stage for the introduction of ever-more destructive
drugs both legal and illegal, creating a drug market and an underground economy
that relies on drugs and prostitution, is antithetical to families, and has become a
breeding ground for HIV/AIDS. The hippy counterculture of the 1960s was
followed by the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) counterculture of the
1970s and 1980s, which brought about acceptance for and the decriminalization of
homosexuality in time for the explosion of LGBT caused by the effects of long-term
exposure to fluoride, which raises the incidence of sexual confusion from a naturally
occurring level of about 4% to an artificially high level of 15%.

The most subtle and insidious form of population control is the manipulation of the
law to criminalize formerly acceptable social behaviors and domestic quarrels, and to
incarcerate a large percentage of the poor in order to prevent them from forming
families and raising children. Throughout the Western world and especially in the
U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand, this form of population control fulfills the
eugenic requirements of the
policy, as it targets primarily
minorities and the poor. The
zero tolerance domestic law,
minor drug offences, and the
three-strikes law are typical
examples of legislation designed
to fulfill the requirements of the
Global Depopulation Policy. The
zero tolerance domestic law is
designed to break families apart
at the slightest conflict by

removing discretionary powers from the police and giving the state the authority to
go over the wishes of spouses to press criminal charges that result in bankruptcy and
family dissolution. Conflicts that could be resolved in the privacy of homes within
minutes or days are given the status of violent crime to destroy families, separate
parents from children, and to transfer their wealth to the judicial class.
The three strikes law mandates harsh sentences for anyone who has been convicted
of two felonies and who upon being convicted of a third felony faces life in prison. It
was first applied in Washington State in 1993 and then in California in 1994 to
compensate for their lack of fluoridation due to popular opposition and then spread
throughout the western seaboard for the same reason.
As a result of such eugenic laws, hundreds of thousands of families are broken apart
annually in the English-speaking world as well as in several European countries. In
the U.S., the judiciary has become the primary tool for eugenic objectives giving
America the dubious distinction of being the nation with the highest incarceration
rate in the world and also in history at 743 adults behind bars per every 100,000
citizens. When people on correctional supervision and on house arrest are factored
in, the U.S. far surpasses even Stalinist Russia in the number and proportion of
prisoners to the general population. The graph above shows that it was not until
1980 that the eugenic use of the judiciary was unleashed.
Statistics also show that visible
minorities bear the brunt of the
incarceration mania that has
gripped the United States and to
a lesser extent much of the
western world. Canada ravages
its native population by this
method. Europes statistics, as
well as Australias, are skewed
by the fact that immigrants are
held in separate detention
centers and are not counted as
The practice of imprisoning
immigrants and asylum seekers
is a direct consequence of the Global Depopulation Policy and is discussed later in the



Economic pressures are used to create an environment that is hostile to families and
especially to the raising of children.
forcing women into the workforce
The United Nations favorite method for reducing the number of children is womens
participation in the workforce. In the name of poverty eradication, womens
education and employment have been given the highest priority. To this end, women
in the developing world are being encouraged to get educated and forced to leave
their traditional place at home to seek employment. A working woman has less time
for children and therefore less incentive to have children. A working woman will
also delay childbearing to satisfy career ambitions or the demands of the labor
market. But since women make up 51% of the global population the steady influx of
women into the labor market depresses wages worldwide at a time when
unemployment is already a chronic problem the world over. This mass migration of
women into the workforce is also displacing men economically, disrupting
traditional patterns of family life, confusing gender roles, and pitting men against
women, all of which aid the cause of achieving smaller and fewer families.

delayed employment
The demand for excessive and unnecessary credentials is the means by which
entrance into the workforce is delayed in the developing world so as to prevent
young people from starting families early in life when their biological clocks make
them most fertile.


The average age for women to have children in Europe and Japan is 29 while in the
U.S. it is 25.6 Throughout the developed world women today have their children at
least four years later than women in 1970. In the first half of the 20th century, when
the population was not subjected to social engineering, European women had their
children in their late teens and early twenties. By delaying entrance into the
workforce for both men and women, an entire decade has been shaved off from
womens childbearing years.

excessive materialism
The media is being used to condition people to be rabid consumers and to dedicate
their incomes to excessive materialism rather than invest it in children, as previous
generations did. The consumption of goods and services in ever greater amounts
has become mans primary preoccupation in the socially engineered post-World War
II era giving rise to a consumer society that is self-centered and has relegated
children to secondary status.

Foreign aid followed by World Bank loans and then by IMF austerity programs have
intentionally created spiraling debt in the developing world to deprive poor nations
of the revenue needed to invest in infrastructure and social programs. Coupled with
plummeting commodity prices and Western protectionism this has become the
formula for poverty that the
imposed on the developing
world to create economic
conditions that are hostile to
families. Monetary coercion
conquest to control the
resources and destinies of
other nations. This is done
to halt the population
explosion that prevents the
developing world from catching up with the needs of its growing population, as
much as it is done for the rich worlds self-serving need to secure access to vital

T.J. Mathews, M.S., and Brady E. Hamilton, Ph.D., Delayed Childbearing: More Women Are Having Their First
Child Later in Life, NCHS Data Brief, No. 21, August 2009:


resources on foreign soil. This catch 22 situation is the cycle of poverty that the
architects of the Global Depopulation Policy hope to break worldwide by instituting
tough medicine now on nations that are late newcomers to population control
The population control lobby is rightfully concerned that 90% of the people born in
the past 50 years in the world were born in the developing world, thus in countries
that were already poor and could least afford unrestricted population growth. The
wealth gap that separates the developed from the developing world has grown over
the past half century in large part because the developed world has instituted
proactive population control measures and has stabilized growth whereas the
developing world has not. The developed world, in other words, has paid a very high
price for its prosperity.
Just what every region has sacrificed is the subject of the next section, which looks at
the pros and cons of the population control methods chosen by or for countries.





Taking on mans primal instincts is a difficult task. The instinct to breed is second only to the
instinct to live and the Global Depopulation Policy has challenged both. Not surprisingly, the
results are mixed.
1. CHINAS One-Child Policy

111% population growth since 1960; TFR 1.6 (-73%); 400 million births prevented
Since its introduction in 1978, the One-Child Policy has prevented the birth of 400 million
Chinese. Without it, China, which has a population of 1.35 billion, would have had a population
of 1.75 billion, thus 30% more.
Prior to its introduction in 1978, Chairman
Mao encouraged large families and opposed
family planning programs. During the 30 years
that Mao Zedong was in office (1945-1976),
China grew from 540 to 940 million people
and thus nearly doubled its population. Had
the government done nothing and the same
growth levels would have continued, China
would now have nearly 2 billion people and
none of the prosperity that has made it the second most powerful economy in the world.
Market-based economic reforms coupled with population controls have catapulted China to
unprecedented prosperity. Its gross domestic product (GDP) took off as soon as the One-Child
Policy was implemented and in the ensuing three decades it grew 18-fold. China now has a per
capita income of $6,091.
There is no question that in purely economic terms the One-Child Policy, coupled with freemarket reform, has been a phenomenal success. But what are the social and political drawbacks
of the policy?
To better understand the following data readers will need a brief lesson in demographics, the
study of populations. A countrys population is the result of two primary factors, namely how
many people are born in any given year and how many die, thus the balance between fertility and
mortality. The population explosion started when our improved medicine and quality of life
enabled nearly all children to survive birth and the first critical years of life, while at the same
time extended peoples lives into old age.
To stop the population explosion governments began adopting family control measure to lower
fertility and set as their target an average of two children for every woman, which is known as

replacement level fertility. The average number of children born to every woman of
childbearing age is known as the total fertility rate or TFR. And the ideal TFR is 2 children per
woman, or replacement level fertility. The idea is that if every couple on earth has no more than
two children than the population will neither grow nor decrease, it will merely be replaced with
every new generation and will remain stable in perpetuity.
Before governments began
interfering with their peoples fertility, the TFR of most nations was anywhere between 3 to 6
children per woman and this meant that populations grew at a rapid pace and doubled every 20,
30 or 40 years.
The demographic profile of a country is represented graphically by a population pyramid, which
shows the distribution of various age groups in a population, with the youngest age group at the
bottom and the oldest at the top. A natural population growth always forms a pyramid, as the
population is growing steadily thus widening the base. But once a population is interfered with
and the number of children born starts to decrease the base of the pyramid becomes narrower and
the population eventually stabilizes. The graphic representation of a stationary population looks
like a haystack rather than a pyramid. If the average number of children born per woman drops
below 2, then the bottom of the pyramid becomes in time thinner than the middle, which denotes
that the population is decreasing. The graphic representation of a population that is declining
then looks like a mushroom.

This demographic transition from an expanding to a stationary to a contracting population is

visible at a glance as the pyramid becomes a haystack and then a mushroom. This transition
cannot happen without active, long-term human intervention. To achieve this demographic
transition it takes anywhere between 3 to 5 generations, thus anywhere between 60 to 100 years.
This gradual and slow process requires a governments firm and sustained commitment and by
necessity will straddle many changes of leadership. Once a country commits to achieving the
demographic transition it is in for the long haul and for a tough battle.
Most developed countries today are in phase 3 or 4 of the demographic transition, as they have
covertly chemically sterilized their people for 60 years, whereas most developing countries are in
phase 2 or 3, as they have adopted population control measures more recently.
Chinas population pyramid in 1930 looked like that of any other country on earth at the time, as
no country had adopted population control measures. But once China introduced its One-Child
Policy, the number of children born decreased rapidly compared with previous cohorts and its
population pyramid began to narrow at the bottom. China will enter stage 3 of the demographic

transition in this decade and by 2025 its

population will start contracting from a peak
of about 1.5 billion people.
China will have achieved its demographic
transition in 60 years or three generations,
which is a tremendous accomplishment given
the size of its population. This shows that
legislating population control and openly
enforcing it is a very effective way to fight the
population explosion.

But there are drawbacks to Chinas method of combating population growth.

consequences of Chinas One-Child Policy are as follows:

The negative

police state enforcement

To ensure compliance draconian measures have been used especially in the countryside
where the authorities have forced women to abort and have even demolished the homes
of peasants who have had a third child. Even though rural Chinese are allowed two
children (if their first-born is a daughter or suffers from physical disability, mental illness
or mental retardation), whereas urban Chinese are allowed only one, the policy meets
with greater opposition in the countryside than in the cities. Pregnancy without a birth
permit is considered out-of-plan and therefore illegal. The One-Child Policy is in great
part responsible for Chinas police state and its massive and rigid bureaucracy. Local
governments direct officials to punish non-compliance with heavy fines, termed social
maintenance fees (shehui fuyang fei), which force many couples to choose between
undergoing an unwanted abortion and incurring a fine much greater than the average
annual income. Children may go without a household registration (hukou) because they

are born out of plan and their parents do not pay the mandated fees. Lack of a valid
hukou raises barriers to access to social benefits, including subsidized healthcare and
public education. To ensure enforcement, the Chinese government employs 300,000
officials. To help out with enforcement, the China Family Planning Association has 92
million members, organized into more than one million branches. Officials are given a
financial incentive to meet abortion and sterilization quotas, leading to extortion and
coercion. Family planning bureaus conduct pregnancy tests on married women and those
who miss a test will be fined. Some local governments offer rewards to informants who
report population planning violations. Village cadres face a penalty of 1,500 Yuan
(US$230) for each woman with two children whom they fail two sterilize. Conversely,
they are promised a reward of 500 Yuan (US$77) for each tubal ligation that they see
through to completion. Teachers who violate birth quotas are at risk of losing their
retirement benefits.

forced abortions and sterilizations

Millions of aspiring mothers are forced
to undergo abortion or sterilization. 13
million abortions are performed each
year at an average of 35,000 a day.
How many of them are forced is
impossible to tell. Since 1971, Chinese
doctors have performed 336 million
abortions and 196 million sterilizations.
They have also inserted 403 million
intrauterine devices. 55% of all women
in China have had an abortion. The psychological stress women face leads to a suicide
rate for females that is three times higher than for males. China, in fact, is the only
country in the world (along with the small island nation of Sao Tome and Principe) where
the suicide rate is higher for women than for men. Suicide is the leading cause of death
for adult women living in rural China and accounts for a third of all female deaths. 56%
of the worlds female suicides occur in China, but only 19% of the worlds population
lives in China. 500 women commit suicide in China each day, usually by ingesting

lopsided male/female ratio due to abortion of female fetuses

More than half of all abortions in China are the result of pre-natal sex selection. Many
parents prefer a male child to a female and will abort until they have a male fetus. This

has led to a gender imbalance and, as a result, nearly 30 million Chinese men will be
unable to find brides by 2020. Although such a large number of unmarried men could
cause social instability, it also means that a good percentage of Chinas men have been
excluded from the procreation chain, even though unintentionally.
Chinas State
Population and Family Planning Commission reports that 118 boys are born for every
100 girls. In rural areas, where boys are preferred to girls because they can help with
farming and carry the family name, the sex imbalance is even greater, as 130 baby boys
are born for every 100 girls. To rectify this trend, the government introduced the Care
for Girls program in 2001 to promote the birth of girls in rural areas through financial
incentives of 100 Yuan (about $13) each month per girl. Also, local education fees are
waved for girls.

strict control of population movement

Since rural Chinese are allowed to have two children while urban Chinese are not, the
government exercises strict control of internal movements and prevents rural dwellers
from migrating to the cities. Chinas household registration system (hukou) acts like
an internal passport and allows rural Chinese to move to the cities only for temporary
work or post-secondary studies. The children of farm workers who have migrated to the
cities are not allowed to enroll in city schools and must attend school in their villages.
There are circa 130 million children in China who are separated from their parents
through the requirements of the hukou system which are in great part dictated by the
demographic objectives of the One-Child Policy.

2. INDIAs Surgical Sterilization

260% population growth since 1960; TFR 2.6 (-57%); 250 million births prevented
India is the worlds largest democracy and unlike China it could not restrict family size by law.
Due to its poorly developed infrastructure and moral objections to mass poisoning, India could
also not adopt the Wests covert chemical control measures. Its method of choice, coerced
surgical sterilization, bypasses its infrastructure shortcomings and avoids the moral obstacle of
poisoning its people.
India has settled on coerced surgical sterilization of females after four decades of failed attempts
to give incentives to its male citizens to voluntarily undergo sterilization. In the 1950s and 60s,
monetary compensation or bonuses were offered to medical practitioners who performed
vasectomies on low-income men, as well as to those who motivated men to receive vasectomies,
and on the men who received them. The incentives were only available to low income men,
which betrays the policys eugenic aspect.

Men were the target of sterilization efforts because of the ease and short duration of no-scalpel
vasectomies compared to tubal ligations. But even when better incentives were offered, such as
land and fertilizer, there were not enough takers to decrease the national fertility rate fast enough,
which is why in 1976 the government of India adopted a policy of compulsory sterilization and
began rounding up the poor into sterilization camps. Six million vasectomies were performed in
one year, triple the previous number. This backfired quickly and the compulsory laws were
removed a year later after having tainted the entire sterilization plan. After a cooling down
period the government began focusing on women and has proceeded since by tricking them into
being sterilized.
Through the actions of the National Population Stabilization Fund (NPSF), India has prevented
the birth of approximately 200 million Indians. It has accomplished a great deal but not enough
to stop its population from growing. During the seven decades that India has battled with the
peoples drive to breed it has reduced the countrys TFR from 6 to 2.6 children per woman, but
has far to go to reach replacement level fertility and its population continues to grow at a rapid
rate. In fact, India is not expected to reach replacement level fertility until 2050 and by 2030 it
will have surpassed China as the most populous country in the world. At that time, India will
have 1.53 billion people and will still be growing while China will have peaked at 1.46 billion.
When India gained independence from the UK in 1947, its population was a mere 350 million.
In the 65 years hence, its population has more than tripled and now stands at 1.2 billion. By
2050, India is expected to have c. 1.6 billion and by 2100 it will be the only country on the planet
to have more than 2 billion people.

Because Chinas population reduction program has been far more successful than Indias, it has
substantially reduced the number of poor, whereas Indias has increased.


Even though China has started to control population 25 years later than India, it has used a more
effective method and has sustained its effort. That is why it is far ahead of India in the
demographic transition, as the graph above shows at a glance. Overt legislation is clearly a far
better way to defuse the population bomb than coerced surgical sterilization.
Let us now look at the drawbacks of Indias coerced surgical sterilization method.

The most unappealing feature of Indias method of population control is that it is for the
most part forced upon the people and is therefore involuntary. That it takes place
without the peoples knowledge or consent has far-reaching implications, not least of
which is that it invalidates Indias democracy and violates the peoples fundamental
rights and liberties. To get away with it, the countrys media has been co-opted to
maintain a veil of silence, which means that India does not have a free or truthful media.

From the very beginning of its population control efforts, India has targeted primarily the
poor, which makes for a discriminatory and divisive policy. This being said, its most
recent efforts are more even-handed.

insufficiently effective
For coerced surgical sterilization to bring the nations total fertility rate below
replacement level, thus below two women per woman which is necessary if the
population is ever to decrease it would have to be performed on most women after
their first child and not after the second or third as is currently the case. Indias leaders,
however, unlike their Western counterparts, are too humane to violate their peoples
reproductive rights to such an extent as to leave them with only one child. But as India
becomes more overcrowded and desperate, future generations of women will certainly
find themselves sterilized after their first child.

What India and China have in common as far as population control is concerned is that they both
use methods that allow all women and all families to have at least one child. The same cannot be
said about the Western method of population control, covert chemical sterilization.


3. THE WESTS Covert Chemical Sterilization

Europe & Russia 19% growth since 1960; TFR 1.6 (-45% since 1950); 400 million births prevented
Japan 35% growth since 1960; TFR 1.4 (-62% since 1950); 100 million births prevented
USA 77% growth since 1960; TFR 1.9 (-34% since 1950); 150 million births prevented
The low fertility levels found in the developed world and their falling populations are
conveniently attributed to the effects of affluence to mask their true source, namely the chronic
poisoning of the masses via chemical agents delivered through the basic elements of life, water
and food. If affluence were indeed the reason for falling fertility rates than the oil-rich countries
of the Gulf would have the lowest number of children, but that is not the case, as women in
wealthy countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates continued to have
unchanged reproductive rates, at 4 to 6 children per woman, until 1990 when they began
introducing fluoride and BPA in their peoples water and food.

Since 1960, the 27 member states of the European Union have grown from 420 to 500 million,
a paltry 16% increase, while countries in the developing world grew 300% and thus tripled their
populations during the same time. According to EUROSTAT, the total population in EU27 will
continue to increase at a reduced pace until 2025 due solely to migration and then begin a steady

decline. Without migration the EUs population would have started a rapid decline in 2010. The
birth of approximately 300 million Europeans has been prevented by the Global Depopulation
The entire European continent, including Russia, has entered the last stage of the demographic
transition, the shrinking stage. This shows that the covert chemical sterilization methods chosen
by western nations, in conjunction with a variety of psychosocial methods, have been
extraordinarily effective in halting population growth. In fact they have been so effective that
many EU nations have had to introduce economic incentives to boost births in order to prevent a
population decline that is too rapid and could spell their economic collapse.
Russias demographic transition is even more
advanced than that of Europe. Its population
reached a historic peak in 1991, at 149 million,
then declined at a rate of 0.5% until 2009 down
to 143 million, and has been growing modestly
since. The high death rate (due to rampant
alcoholism) and low birth rate (due to covert
chemical sterilization measures and tough
economic conditions) account for the drastic
fall. The Russian government, having been
poisoning its people for the past 60 years in
order to lower their fertility, now has to
encourage more births to prevent a population
collapse. Russias TFR has climbed to 1.7 (from a low of 1.15 reached in 1999) and is now
higher than in any other Eastern European country.
Russia had a population of 120 million in 1960 and 102 million in 1950. That means that its
population has increased by a paltry 16% since 1960 and by only 23% since 1950. Russia,
therefore, records one of the smallest population increases in the world since World War II. This
is the result of the clumsy and callous way in which the Soviet and later the Russian government
has combated population growth.
Japan is at an even more advanced stage in its demographic transition than Europe. In 1945,
when the Allies started their occupation and began controlling the growth of the Japanese
population through chemical means, Japan had 72 million people. By 1960, when it already
reached replacement level fertility, Japan had grown to 95 million. Its population peaked at 128
million in 2010 and has been decreasing ever since. That means that Japan has grown only 44%
since the end of World War II when the Allies imposed population control, and by a paltry 25%
since 1960. Its population is expected to decline by nearly one million people per year in the
coming decades and settle at 85 million by 2060, by which time more than 40% of the population


will be over the age of 65.

The birth of
approximately 100 million Japanese has been
prevented by the Global Depopulation Policy.
As the first country in the world to be subjected to
chemical sterilization, Japan was also the first to
reach replacement level fertility, and the first to have
more elderly than young people. Forty years from
now Japan will have an inverted population pyramid
and its numbers will have been greatly reduced, just
as it was intended by the architects of the Global
Depopulation Policy.

The United States is a high immigration country which is why its total fertility rate (TFR) has
not declined as quickly as Europes, Japans or Russias despite equal efforts. The TFR for
white Americans stands at 1.95, for blacks at 1.96, and for Hispanics at 2.4. At 317 million, the
US is the third-most populous country in the
world. Since 1960, its population has grown by
138 million, or 77%, a far cry from the tripling of
the population experienced elsewhere. While its
population is still growing due to immigration,
the total number of births has been declining
since 2007 when it reached an all-time high of
The most optimistic projection shows that the US
population will peak in 2040 at around 360
million inhabitants.
Clearly, the Wests covert chemical sterilization has worked extremely well at halting the
population growth but at what cost? The evidence shows that poisoning the people to lower
fertility has terrible consequences.

downgrades the genetic and intellectual endowment of humanity

Ample medical and statistical data shows that long-term, low-intensity fluoride
poisoning lowers intelligence and irreversibly damages genes. The negative effects are
cumulative if the poisoning continues over generations, as has been the case in Europe,
Russia, Japan, the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore; all
of whom have intentionally subjected their people to fluoride poisoning since c. 1950, to

In 2012 there were 3,952,937 live births, that is, 360,295 fewer births than in 2007, a 9% drop.


BPA poisoning since 1980, and to aluminum poisoning since 1995. It is estimated that 5
to 10 IQ points are lost by each generation of children subjected to fluoride in the womb
and during the first years of life. Research also shows that BPA and aluminum, like
fluoride, are endocrine disruptors and therefore damage the human body universally and
at the molecular level. The benefits of natural selection acquired over millennia of
evolution are being reversed by reckless human intervention over a period of decades to
accomplish the goals of the Global Depopulation Policy by covert, toxic means rather
than proceeding as China has done by overt, legislative means.

causes unnecessary illness and suffering

Since all chemical agents chosen to undermine human fertility work
by damaging the endocrine system, the unintended side-effects to
human health are legion. By disrupting the endocrine system,
fluoride has an adverse effect on every part and function of the
human body, impairing reproduction and development, the immune
system and the nervous system. Illnesses associated with Western
living standards heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer conveniently attributed
to poor diet and lack of physical activity, are in fact, for the most part, the result of the
endocrine disrupting poisons deliberately fed to people
in the developing world since 1950.
As the architects of the Global Depopulation Policy
have widened the use of these poisons to the developing
world, the same illnesses are beginning to wreak havoc
there. These so-called illnesses of affluence are in fact
the effects of chronic poisoning and the epidemic is
spreading to the developing world far in advance of the
affluence that supposedly brought this curse upon the
developed world.
In countries like Brazil and Iran, for instance, where
fluoridation and BPA use have been introduced fast and
furious, and not as gradually as in the developed world,
these so-called Western ailments are more deadly there
than in the West. The WHO, which is central to the
Global Depopulation Policy, predicts even more deaths
in the future due to chronic illnesses, knowing full well
what to expect once their poisons of choice are
unleashed upon virgin populations.


A second branch of illnesses caused or exacerbated by chemical sterilization agents are

neurological and span the entire spectrum of developmental and mental disorders:
learning disabilities, speech and language impairments, mental retardation, autism,
attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), bipolar disorder, depression,
anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Alzheimers, Down syndrome,
dementia, chronic fatigue syndrome, dyslexia, epilepsy, motor skill disorders,
Parkinsons disease, Tourette syndrome, antisocial behavior, schizophrenia, and
countless other ailments. More than 25% of the populations exposed to chemical
sterilization agents are affected by mental or developmental disorders; a ten-fold greater
incidence than in populations that have not been chronically exposed to such toxic
A third group of illnesses concern sex hormone disorders: disorders of sex development,
acquired sex disorders, disorders of gender, disorders of puberty, and menstrual function
and fertility disorders. Of these by far the most concerning are gender identity issues,
which is why the incidence of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) is at least
10% higher in countries that have chemically poisoned their people to lower their
fertility than in countries that have not.
A fourth group of illnesses concern the damage done to the immune system, which is
rendered either hyperactive or repressed, resulting in either autoimmune diseases and
allergies or, respectively, in viral attacks and cancers. In one way or another, everyone
who is subjected to the poisons of the Global Depopulation Policy suffers from damage
done to the immune system.
The overall effect of the Wests chemical sterilization program will not be known until
research is allowed to occur and scientists are not punished for publishing anything
related to the pervasive chemical agents we are intentionally being subjected to for the
sake of population control.
What is certain is that the general health of people in the developed world is inferior to
that of people in the developing world despite the huge gap in the quality of their
healthcare. And that can only be adequately explained by the toxic substances that
people in developed nations have been chronically subjected to for the past 60 years.

induces state of bovine obedience

Sodium fluoride, which is the fluoridating compound used most often as it is a byproduct
of the aluminum and phosphate industries, is known as the obedience drug8 and anyone

Dr. Stepehn Cooter, Sodium Fluoride: The Obedience Drug,


poisoned with it experiences fluoride fatigue and lives in a state of behavioral control.9
A fluoridated population is an easily managed, obedient population whose ability to
think and act is greatly impaired by the tranquilizing effect of sodium fluoride. But since
everyone is being poisoned in the womb, no one knows the difference. The stability of
the political system of the western world has little to do with peoples level of
satisfaction with the status quo and everything to do with the fact that westerners are
involuntarily controlled by fluoride poisoning by their eugenic governments. The same
is true of the former Eastern Bloc countries which is why the insufferable conditions of
communism were tolerated with little or no dissent and political change had to wait for
the systems economic collapse.

leads to genetic impoverishment

A well-guarded and revealing statistic is the percentage of women who remain childless
in developed countries versus developing countries. It is no coincidence that 1 in 4
women in many European countries (such as, Italy and Switzerland), and 1 in 5 women
in Canada and the U.S. and elsewhere in the West, never have children, whereas only 1
in 20 women in China and a mere 1 in 30 in India remain without child. The Wests
covert chemical sterilization methods, in other words, remove up to a quarter of the
populace from the procreation cycle and this results in a dangerous genetic
impoverishment if continued for even two or three generations. The total fertility rates
of developed nations hide the fact that a significant and growing percentage of women
have no children whatsoever because their family tree has been pruned by chemical
poisoning. Even a conservative estimate reveals that at least 300 million genetic lines
have been stopped dead by the Global Depopulation Policy in the western world alone.
This frightening statistic makes the Nazis, who killed at most 20 million people, look
like amateurs compared with the depopulationists that followed suit.

annihilates democracy
The primary duty of democratically-elected governments is to ensure the peoples
security. Poisoning the masses in secret with toxic chemicals to lower their fertility goes
against fundamental moral tenets and violates the premise that the government respects
the will of the people. The people have never given their government or the UN the
consent to turn the basic elements of life into weapons of mass sterility and morbidity.
Authority that is not rooted in the people and considerate of the fundamental rights of
citizens ceases to be legitimate. Since legality is the basis for legitimacy, and poisoning
people is clearly outside the law, western governments since 1950 have been illegitimate
and to this day remain illegitimate.

Dr. Bruce Spittle, Fluoride Fatigue, Paua Press, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2008.


subverts the rule of law

No government that has used or is using covert chemical sterilization agents on their
people can claim to respect the rule of law, since interfering with peoples fertility is a
violation of the genocide convention, which states unequivocally:
Article 1
The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace
or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent
and to punish.
Article 2
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with
intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,
as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to
bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Article 3
The following acts shall be punishable:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.
Article 4
Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall
be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or
private individuals.

The Wests covert chemical sterilization program violates every article of the genocide
convention except article 2 (e) and does so with impunity and universally. To get away
with it, the freely elected governments of western nations have made the Global
Depopulation Policy impervious to legal challenges and this requires the active
subversion of the rule of law across the board. What remains is the illusion of legality
when in fact governments that commit genocide and crimes against humanity, and have
done so for more than 60 years, operate entirely above and outside the law, as no criminal
code, constitution or legal covenant, be it national or international, even remotely
attempts to justify the poisoning of people.


causes irreversible social division

By necessity, the Global Depopulation Policy is driven by a limited number of people
who are in the know while the rest of the population is utterly ignorant. This splits
society into insiders, who are an empowered elite, and outsiders, who are innocent
victims. More than this, due to the damage chemical sterilization does to the intellectual
and genetic endowment of the race, the insiders, who know how to protect themselves
and their offspring, will in just a few generations be genetically and intellectually
superior to the general population, who is subjected to chronic and inescapable
poisoning. The Global Depopulation Policy, therefore, makes eugenic claims of genetic
and intellectual superiority a self-fulfilling prophecy.

demands a culture of secrecy, deception and cruelty

The architects of the Global Depopulation Policy know that pursuing covert chemical
sterilization is a hard sell and that no one in their right mind could be persuaded to
voluntarily subject himself or his children to chronic poisoning regardless of the greater
good. That is why they have proceeded in secrecy by deceiving the general public with
lies and dissimulation so as to be able to cruelly poison their fellow men and damage
generations of children in such fundamental ways as to rob them not only of their health
and future but also of their dignity.
All western nations are as a result sustained by a culture of secrecy and by universal
hypocrisy that if unveiled would cause their sudden and well-deserved collapse. The
media, the scientific, the political, the military and even the religious elites are part and
parcel of the deception and equally complicit in crimes against humanity. The only way
they could have implemented such a global policy by such murderous means is by
consenting to cooperate and by agreeing to preserve the veil of secrecy at all costs, lest
they should all be called to account for their crimes. Once they have agreed upon this
course of action they knew there would be no way back and no way out, which is why
every international meeting at Davos, at any of the many Rockefeller foundations, or at
the executive level of every UN organization involved happens behind closed doors.

brings about the devolution of man

The multigenerational effort demanded by the demographic objectives of the Global
Depopulation Policy means that peoples intellectual and genetic endowments will be
subverted and downgraded for several generations. The damage done and yet to be done
reverses natures work and brings about the devolution of man. The damaged offspring
of damaged parents who themselves are born of damaged parents will have suffered such
degradation that they are unable to cope with the demands of society, which is why we
see a growing class of dysfunctional, demoralized and disabled people in developing
countries that have entered the last phase of their demographic transition.

endangering the ecosystem

All three methods of chemical sterilization fluoridation, BPA and aluminum spraying
contribute to environmental degradation at a time when the world can least afford it.
Fluoride, a highly toxic element, especially when derived from heavy industry as a
byproduct laced with other lethal poisons, is the last thing we should be adding to our
drinking water. If it is in our drinking water it will make its way into our aquifers, lakes,
rivers and creeks and will in time make all water undrinkable. Our landfills are
drowning in non-biodegradable BPA plastics when we could be using clean glass that
can be reused again and again, as was done until the 1980s, and that can be easily
recycled. And spraying aerosolized aluminum laced with ethylene dibromide, barium
and cationic polymer fibers from the air is nothing short of insane considering the
devastating effect these elements have on us and on all plant and animal life.

misusing science and censoring research

The application of science and medicine to cause intentional damage to the human
reproductive system and unintentional damage to our general health and to our precious
intellectual and genetic inheritance irrevocably undermines our trust in the people and
institutions that are charged with protecting us, but that instead severely harm us. If
everyone were to misuse their professional credentials the same way the lawyers,
doctors, scientists and politicians on the payroll of the Global Depopulation Policy are
doing in order to also contribute to the effort to reduce the population, then architects
would design every fourth home to collapse on top of its inhabitants, engineers would
build bridges and tunnels with deadly traps, teachers would encourage their students to
bash each others heads in, automakers would make sure that the wheels on their cars fall
of regularly to cause fatalities, and janitors would apply slippery oils to their newly
swept floors to make sure that a sufficient number of people break their necks on any
given day. Knowledge is supposed to be used to make our lives better and safer not
deprive us of our children and to make us ill, stupid, and fat. The level of control,
manipulation and repression necessary to steer scientists away from doing vital research
and from telling the truth invalidates the entire purpose of scientific research and
corrupts entire fields of knowledge thus undermining peoples trust in science and

invites conflict and mistrust within and between nations

If we cannot trust our doctors and scientists, our generals and politicians, our judges and
archbishops, then who can we trust. And why should we tolerate being treated like an
infestation and exterminated like vermin? This is the ultimate betrayal of our trust by
the very people we need to trust most. No society can or should function at such a
morally reprehensible level. That it has come to this speaks volumes about the
decadence of western society, which is where this diabolical policy has originated, and

about the perversion of westerners, who are the architects of this murderous plan. Once
people open their eyes and realize what is happening there will be hell to pay, as we will
have to start from the very beginning and replace all our institutions and people who are
now in control of the system. There will be no trust left within or between nations and
no one to trust.

4. AFRICAS Bacteriological Extermination

400% growth since 1960; Crude Death Rate 21 per 1000; 50 million deaths caused
As reprehensible as the Wests covert chemical sterilization methods are they pale by
comparison with the bacteriological methods imposed on Africa by whites who have little mercy
for their own kind let alone for Africas blacks.
Africa is the only continent on which population control has been imposed from the outside.
Having refused to adopt fertility reduction methods be they through legislation, coerced
surgical sterilization, or covert chemical
sterilization the international community
decided to address Africas population
explosion by artificially increasing its
morbidity and mortality rates instead. And
what better way to increase illness and
death than by undermining the immune
Africas population in 1960 stood at 285
million and today it is 1.1 billion strong,
thus four times larger. This 400% increase
is unsustainable and would have caused the
continents collapse. With mass death
foreseen anyway, the US and Soviet
militaries unleashed the HIV/AIDS virus on
the African people to break the back of the
population explosion.
What could not be achieved by preventing
births is being achieved by promoting
death. The demographic transition from a
growing population pyramid to a
decreasing population mushroom is being


achieved faster than could have been done by depressing fertility but also at an infinitely higher
price in raw suffering.
Although Sub-Saharan Africa has only 11% of the worlds population it has more than 70% of
the global total of HIV-positive people. Thirty million people or 9% of all adults in Sub-Saharan
Africa are afflicted with AIDS. Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia
and Zimbabwe have an HIV prevalence of 20% or greater, thats one in five adults. Cameroon,
Central African Republic, Kenya, Malawi and Mozambique have adult HIV prevalence levels of
10% or more.
AIDS affects population size in several ways: by increasing death, shortening life, decreasing
population growth, and depressing fertility. The architects of the Global Depopulation Policy
have struck four birds with one stone.
1. increased death rate
AIDS is the leading cause of death in Sub-Saharan Africa, where it has killed more than 20
million people in less than three decades and has in some countries more than quadrupled the
mortality rate. Deaths increase directly from AIDS and indirectly as orphans are uncared for and


face higher mortality risks.

As the epidemic spreads the number of fatalities will increase as well, especially if drugs are not
made available to the infected, which is more often than not the case due to the exorbitant price
of antiretroviral drugs and the refusal of drug companies to allow cheaper generic versions.
The unusual infectious profile of the disease ensures its rapid spread. Unlike most other
infectious diseases, AIDS has an unusually long incubation period and a high infection rate. As
a result, HIV-infected people are asymptomatic and unaware that they are infected unless they
undergo serologic testing, by which time they will have transmitted the virus to others.
As the virus is transmitted from mother to fetus mortality rates for children under five have
exploded. In some African countries projections forecast a five-fold increase in childrens
The weakened immune systems of those infected with AIDS have also increased the incidence of
infectious diseases throughout the population which has resulted in an upsurge of pneumonia and
tuberculosis throughout Africa.
The annihilating efforts of the Global Depopulation Policy have had their intended results
elevating the continents death rate to the highest levels in the world.

Crude Death Rate by Country (2006 data)

The crude death rate, defined as the total number of deaths per year per 1000 people, is nearly
three times higher in Africa than the global average of circa 8 per 1000.


2. decreased life expectancy

In Southern Africa, life expectancies are falling to levels
not seen in over 50 years. Across the region, life
expectancy has fallen by at least 15 years and in some
countries by 30 years or more. In a region that was
expected to reach life spans of 70 years it has instead
fallen to 55. In Lesotho, for instance, where one in four
adults is HIV/AIDS infected, life expectancy was nearly
60 years in 1990-1995 but plummeted to 34 years in
2005-2010 because of AIDS deaths.

3. depressed fertility
Because AIDS deaths are concentrated in the 25 to 45 age groups it is affecting fertility rates as
well. The fertility rate of Sub-Saharan Africa has steadily declined since the onset of the AIDS
epidemic and its decline can only be attributed to the devastation of Africans of childbearing age
since no other population control measures have taken hold in Africa.
Fertility is also affected by the greater morbidity caused by HIV/AIDS since those infected have
suppressed immune systems and are prone to developing other illnesses and infections.

Fertility rate; total (births per woman) in Sub Saharan Africa


4. decreased population growth

The increased death rate, decreased life expectancy, and depressed fertility all contribute to a
slower population growth. In a few countries the population growth has stopped entirely due to
AIDS but in the region as a whole the population continues to grow, though at a much slower

Of the four methods of population control i.e., legislation, coerced surgical sterilization, covert
chemical sterilization, and bacteriological extermination devised by the Global Depopulation
Policy, the deliberate causing of illness and death through the man-made HIV/AIDS virus is by
far the most brutal and immoral. Killing millions to save a continent is not a solution, it is
insanity. That the virus was created by white scientists to be used primarily on blacks shows also


that racism is alive and well and that a depopulation policy that is centrally delegated and not
controlled by the people will never be free of eugenic undertones.
The victims of HIV/AIDS in Africa alone make the Nazi Holocaust pale by comparison. The
Global Depopulation Policy as applied in Africa can no longer be described as benevolent in its
intent. It is a racist and merciless extermination policy that redefines the concept of crimes
against humanity.

It will be decades before Africa can wash away with blood the evil that was perpetrated on its
people by a race that still sees itself as superior and acts as though the earth was meant for it
Of the four options available to achieve depopulation none is without flaw, but the
bacteriological method is the most brutal and least effective; the covert chemical method is the
most effective but has the costliest long-term consequences and harms the most vulnerable
members of society, children, as well as altering the social fabric in insidious ways; the coerced
surgical method has relatively few negative consequences but will not stop population growth
unless imposed on all women after the first birth; and the legislative method is very effective and
does not punish children, placing the onus on adults, but requires police state enforcement.


Let us briefly review the cost in human life paid and yet to be paid by the people of this planet as
a result of the way in which our leadership, both national and international, have pressed on.

nearly 2 billion births covertly prevented by chemical, surgical and bacteriological

more than 500 million births overtly prevented by legislation and abortion
more than 300 million genetic lines permanently and irrevocably shut out of procreation
Japans, Europes, Russias, North Americas, Australias and New Zealands IQ
reduced by 15 to 25 points
10% of the populations exposed to covert chemical sterilization means rendered sexually
10% of all children born in countries subjected to covert chemical sterilization have been
condemned to developmental disorders
1 out of 5 Western women rendered infertile or childless by a combination of chemical
and psychosocial methods of population control; compared to one out of 20 in China and
1 out of 30 in India
100% of the populations subjected to chemical fertility control have damaged endocrine
systems resulting in chronic illness in at least 25% of these affected populations
all males subjected to chemical fertility control methods have compromised, substandard
more than 500 million people have met with premature deaths due to artificially high
levels of morbidity and mortality achieved through chemical, biological and
bacteriological methods of population control


It would be intellectually dishonest of me to pretend that the measures taken by the Global
Depopulation Policy have not saved the world from a far worse outcome than what has been

civilization would have long collapsed had the population been allowed to grow at
natural rates and an additional 2 billion people would have been born into the world
between 1950 and today
widespread famine would have destabilized Africa, South America and Asia by the
1980s causing universal misery and suffering of an order of magnitude never
experienced in history
a Western world with a population twice as large as today would have conquered and
taken by force the resources of Africa and South America to ensure its own survival and
standard of living


the environmental degradation we face today would have been twice as bad and none of
the protected tracts of land that have been set aside over the past 50 years could have
been saved from desperate exploitation
there would have been no peace and prosperity and large areas of the world would have
been annihilated by nuclear war

As difficult as it is to admit it, we owe the depopulation lobby our civilizations survival and our
very lives, sickened though they are. More than this, we owe them a world order where
consensus not force rules (most times) and where the more humane tools of monetary coercion
have replaced the brutal means of military conquest. We owe them peace and prosperity. We
also owe them our innocence, for they have allowed us to keep our hands free of blood and our
consciences unburdened by guilt.




The sheer magnitude of the Global Depopulation Policy has dictated a gradual and incremental
approach that has three distinct phases, each with its own primary objective.
Phase 1 Population Control 1950 to 2000
From 1950 to the turn of the 21st century, the overarching goal of the depopulation lobby has
been to bring the total fertility rate (TFR) of every country on earth to 2 children per woman, the
so-called replacement level fertility. At wars end, the global population doubled every 30 years
due to high fertility rates and many developing countries doubled their numbers every 20 years

Between 1945 and 1970 Japan, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the Soviet Union, and North
America instituted covert chemical sterilization measures (mainly water fluoridation, to a lesser
extent salt fluoridation and, for Scandinavian countries, the UK and Germany, fluoridation via
free but compulsory dental programs) and brought their TFRs to or near the magic level of two
children per woman.
As we have seen, population control measures were first imposed on the Axis Powers and
cobelligerent nations as soon as the war ended. By the early 1950s they were implemented
throughout Europe, both East and West, in a tit for tat fashion, whereby the Soviet Union forced
it on a country in its sphere of influence and the United States reciprocated by imposing it on a
country of equal size in western Europe. The U.K. in turn imposed it on the Commonwealth
nations starting with Singapore (1956), Hong Kong (1961), and Ceylon, which is now known as
Sri Lanka (1962).


In the 1960s a few countries in Latin America (such as Columbia and Uruguay) adopted the
Wests covert chemical fertility control methods by either water or salt fluoridation.

In the 1970s Latin America and the Caribbean joined the depopulation program and adopted
mainly salt fluoridation (with the exception of Brazil and Argentina which opted for water
fluoridation and Chile which chose milk fluoridation). Australia and New Zealand came on
board with water fluoridation and in 1978 China introduced its One-Child Policy. Thailand
began its milk fluoridation program in the late 1970s.


In the 1980s, Northern Africa and South-East Asia were welcome to the program, while SubSaharan Africa and Haiti were deliberately infected with HIV and the AIDS epidemic began to
work its way through the populace. Pakistan, Turkey and Oman also came onboard and India
accelerated its efforts.

In the 1990s, Israel and the Middle East joined and have been using tap and bottled water
fluoridation as well as BPA plastics. In 1990, Iran began the most intense population control
program in history by fluoridating both tap and bottled water, as well as salt and milk and even
baby formula. Bolivia and Paraguay, the only two holdouts in South America, adopted salt


The only regions that failed to reach replacement level fertility (or close to it) by the turn of the
21st century is Africa and especially Sub-Saharan Africa, India, as well as late comers
Afghanistan and Pakistan, Yemen, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, the Gulf
countries and the Middle East.

The world today is a sea of blue, as the passions of human sexuality and the potency of human
fertility have been doused with chemical and biological poisons, psychosocial machinations, and
economic sabotage. The evidence, however, shows the countries that voluntarily implemented
population control early and firmly, by whatever method, are much better off than those that
delayed, and infinitely better off than those that refused and which consequently have become
the worlds hotspots.
The lesson to be learned here is that when solving global problems that eschew popular
consensus and consent, moral considerations unfortunately and sadly have to be set aside, at least
until such time as the electorate is sufficiently wise to understand the problem and take

Phase 2 Population Stabilization 2000 to 2040

The overarching goal of this phase is to ensure that the global population does not exceed 9
billion and that it peaks at the latest by 2040. GMOs have been unleashed on the developing
world and the nations of the Middle East and the Gulf to ensure that the goal is reached. This is
a critical period, as fertility rates in the poorest of nations are dropping like planes from the sky


without being accompanied by prosperity, which has always been used to justify falling birth
rates in order to conceal the true reasons. And this is raising suspicions.

Phase 3 Controlled Depopulation 2040 to 2150

Once the global population peaks at 9 billion or thereabouts, the full panoply of fertility
depression agents will remain in place to ensure a steady and controlled decline. How low the
population will have to decrease will be dictated by our consumption patterns and environmental
necessities. Judging by how fast the developing world is aspiring to reach western standards of
living and by the fast rate at which fossil fuels and fresh water are being depleted, it is safe to
assume that the global population will have to shrink by at least two thirds from its peak of 9
billion, provided that renewable energy technologies will be fully engaged in the next 50 years
and the ecological footprint of every human being decreases to half what is today. In the absence
of such sparing use of resources and universal use of advanced technology, the population will
have to decrease to less than a billion if human civilization is to halt the destruction of the
environment on which its very survival depends.
Since no other resource on earth is more vital than water and our freshwater reserves are already
under tremendous stress, it is the availability of water more even then oil that will dictate how
many people will be able to live on earth in the 22nd century. Trends and forecasts are not rosy.
The Population Institute paints the following picture:
The 2009 World Water Development report revealed that nearly half of the global population will
be living in regions of high water stress by 2030. This projection is particularly daunting
considering that in 2000, 508 million people inhabited water-stressed or water-scarce regions
indicating that the percentage of the world population affected by water-scarcity could balloon
from 8%, to 47% in a mere three decades. This water scarcity directly correlates with poverty. The
amount of people living on less than $1.25 a day approximately corresponds with the amount of
those unable to access safe drinking water. The global population is expanding by 80 million
people annually, increasing the demand for freshwater by about 64 billion m3 a year.3 In fact,
water withdrawals tripled over the last 50 years due to population growth. This rapid growth rate
also caused the potential global availability of water to decline from 12,900 m3 per capita per year
in 1970, to 9,000 m3 in 1990, to about 7,000 m3 in 2000.10

As long as depopulation is pursued fairly and the genetic variety of humanity is preserved, there
is no reason to fear a 90% decrease in our numbers and every reason to welcome it.


Population Institute, July 2010:




Broadly speaking, population concerns and the methods used to address them have gone through
three distinct justifications, each rooted in its own historical period and circumstances.

1. Civilizing the Savages Racial Superiority (1850-1945)

During the tail end of the colonial era, European powers justified their plunder of lands not their
own and the murder of people unlike themselves with the excuse that they were civilizing the
savages by bringing them the benefits of European culture and western technology. That
European arrogance and sense of entitlement, which originated in the British Empire and
flourished during the Industrial Revolution, decayed into delusions of racial superiority that
found political and popular support in every western European country with colonies to abuse.
Europes racial superiority conceits reached their apex in the Nazi and fascist ideology and ended
in the depredations of the Holocaust and of World War II.

What began as the white mans burden and ostensibly as a project to advance civilization,
evolved into a demented belief in the racial superiority of Caucasians and the self-serving
science of eugenics11, which was used to morally justify the genocide of Jews and Gypsies
throughout Europe and the ethnic cleansing of countless indigenous people throughout Asia,
Africa, Australia, and the Americas.


Eugenics is the social philosophy of improving human hereditary qualities by social programs and government


Three historical figures define the transition from theoretical concern over population growth to
active ethnic cleansing: Thomas Robert Malthus (1766 1834), Sir Francis Galton (1822
1911); and Adolf Hitler (1889 1945).
In 1789, Malthus published An Essay on the Principle of Population, showing that population
growth outpaces agricultural production and traps humanity into subsistence-level conditions.
His analysis was particularly relevant at a time when the Industrial Revolution had precipitated a
population explosion in Britain and poverty made life unbearable for increasingly more people.
In 1883, Francis Galton, who was inspired by Darwins theory of evolution, invented eugenics
and in his book Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development advocated for monetary
incentives to promote the breeding of intelligent people as a form of social selection of desirable
The notion that humanity can be improved by deliberate social programs and government
intervention took hold and spread throughout the western world where it was soon
misappropriated to justify the forced sterilization of mentally retarded and mentally ill people as
well as brutal assimilation and integration programs of indigenous people throughout the British
Empire so as to destroy their cultures and wean their numbers.
Fascism being a form of radical authoritarian nationalism took the notion of racial superiority
that had evolved out of eugenics to its ultimate conclusion, mass murder, by asserting that
stronger nations have the right to expand their territory by displacing weaker nations. The
foremost proponent of racial supremacist views, Adolf Hitler, used German superiority claims to
justify his Final Solution and pursue the systematic extermination of Jews and Gypsies, as well
as his policy of conquest and occupation that had as its objective German hegemony over Europe
and especially over what he considered the inferior Slavic people of Eastern Europe.

2. National Security and International Peace (1945-1985)

To avoid repeating the massacres of the two world wars, which occurred within the four decades
that experienced the fastest population growth in Europes history, and the frightening prospect
of nuclear annihilation, world leaders agreed at the end of World War II to henceforth uphold
peace among nations through mutual cooperation and proactive measures. Recent history had
taught nations the hard lesson that war is caused by lack of natural resources when nations
outgrow them in their quest for progress and prosperity and that war can therefore be avoided if
nations learn to live within their means by properly managing their natural resources. It was also
understood that the only way to avoid outgrowing natural resources is by limiting population
growth, this being the only alternative to war. The rationale for controlling population was
therefore supplied by the real fear of nuclear conflict and the need to avoid it by living within
ones national means. Safeguarding natural resources became the primary national security

prerogative of every industrialized nation on earth and safeguarding peace among nations
became the primary imperative of the international community which was empowered to combat
population growth across the world before it leads to wars of necessity. The United Nations was
formed to fulfill the task of keeping the peace between nations by controlling population growth
within nations. The New World Order revolves around the objective to maintain peace by
controlling population growth.
The requisite shift in thinking in terms of what is good for the world rather than just what is good
for a single nation is primarily the accomplishment of the United States. It is a paradigm shift
that has propelled the world towards enlightened cooperation, continuous dialogue, and
economic interdependence.
The United States has promoted this paradigm shift with
extraordinary self-restraint and laudable selflessness considering the potential for abuse and the
sacrifices that have been required of it.
While the civilian institutional infrastructure was put in place at the United Nations and its
agencies to be able to coordinate this colossal global task, the military forces and intelligence
agencies of the US, UK and the Soviet Union, the three Allied powers that won the war, assumed
command and control of the depopulation agenda and pioneered the covert chemical sterilization
methods that are still with us today.
However cruel and underhanded we may find their population control methods to be today, they
are certainly a far cry from the atrocities of conventional war endured by our grandparents and
infinitely more humane than the annihilating power of a thermonuclear explosion. Compared to
the wanton destruction of war, proactively combating human fertility by mutual agreement or,
should that fail, by mutual coercion also has the distinct advantage of sparing the physical
infrastructure and ensuring uninterrupted economic progress. The Global Depopulation Policy,
therefore, represents a giant leap forward in the way nations conduct themselves towards other
nations, in the way people coexist within and beyond national borders, and in the way natural
resources are managed and shared and to what purpose they are being used.
Population control as a substitute to war is the progeny of the bipolar world order that followed
World War II when the international balance of power was precariously held by the United
States and the Soviet Union. Considering the deep suspicions and ideological animosities
between the communist and capitalist camps, and the existential threat they posed to one another
through the awesome power of the nuclear warheads they had pointing at each other, it should
come as no surprise that they agreed to wage a demographic war on their own people, and on
those within their spheres of influence, rather than risk their mutually assured destruction in a
nuclear confrontation.
American President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 1945) was the moving force behind the
formation of the United Nations Organization and the ideals he cherished are imbedded in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As an ardent anti-imperialist and free trader, Roosevelt

envisioned a world free of European colonialism and stated his post-war goals in the Atlantic
Charter, the policy statement agreed upon by the Allies in 1941, whose pillars are: the
abandonment of the use of force and of ambitions for territorial aggrandizement, global
cooperation to secure better economic and social conditions for all, freedom from fear and want,
and free trade and free access to raw materials. In 1942, the Allies pledged adherence to the
Charters principles and in 1945 at Yalta, just before wars end, Roosevelt brought Stalin
onboard and reiterated his vision of the future and his intentions for enduring peace:
"The Crimean Conference ought to spell the end of a system of unilateral action, the
exclusive alliances, the spheres of influence, the balances of power, and all the other
expedients that have been tried for centuries and have always failed. We propose to
substitute for all these, a universal organization in which all peace-loving nations will finally
have a chance to join.

The United Nations was born from enlightened minds and was endowed from the beginning with
the noblest intentions.

But even the noblest intentions are sullied by the realities of the day and the post-war generation
had the most desperate realities to contend with, both political and economic. It was no time for
consensus building. The entire world was on Americas shoulders at wars end and America
moved in on Europe and Japan with military ruthlessness to ensure that history does not repeat

itself and aggressor nations are contained once and for all. The reconstruction of Europe and
Japan comprised ambitious population control objectives in addition to demilitarization and they
were achieved in record time and were mirrored by the Soviets in their own sphere of influence
and with even greater ruthlessness.
Once the worlds industrial nations were tamed with fluoride and tough love within 20 years of
wars end, the U.S. focused on Latin America. Since the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, the Western
hemisphere had been Americas concern. The depopulation project had in the meantime passed
into the hands of a new generation that was led with unprecedented fervor by Nelson and David
Rockefeller, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger. By 1980, every country in Latin America
save for Bolivia, Paraguay, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Haiti had adopted the same covert
methods of chemical sterilization as the West had done before them. The depopulation project
had become global and its globalization was firmly entrenched in Americas foreign policy
statements under the cover of security.

3. Environmental Conservation Sustainable Development (1985-present day)

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the lifting of the Iron Curtain, and the gradual absorption
of formerly communist nations into the European Union, the threat of nuclear confrontation
disappeared and the justification for depopulation shifted from national security and international
peace to environmental preservation. Avoiding ecological collapse and preserving natural
resources for future generations is a genuine concern that has traction with people outside the
political and military arenas, which is why consensus building on the need for depopulation has
become easier than ever before and has brought onboard environmentalists, scientists, religious
leaders, celebrities, jurists, businessmen, journalists and people from all walks of life. What
demographers and world leaders saw seven decades ago is now obvious to anyone willing to
look at the world from a global perspective and capable of honesty.
That is why the Global Depopulation Policy has passed from the hands of a few enlightened
leaders into the hands of civil society and a much broader international community. While many
of the newcomers are unaware that covert chemical and biological sterilization agents are
responsible for lower birthrates and stable populations in the developed world, and not prosperity
and education as it is being asserted in order to deceive the public, others know but are unwilling
to admit it openly12 and some even to themselves lest they should have to confront their
consciences and the unpleasant reality that by their silence they are complicit in crimes against
humanity and genocide. This is an inconvenient truth. It is far easier and far more to their
advantage to go with the flow and benefit from joining the system already in place, rather than
attempt to bring the con into the open so as to change the methodology of the Global

Dr. Osmunson, President of Washington Safe Water, is a point in case, as his email exchange with me in 2012,


Depopulation Policy from covert, immoral and involuntary poisoning to overt, ethical and
consensual legislation. And so we forge ahead towards our self-destruction because the best
among us lack the courage to stand up and speak the truth, to go against the grain, and because
they have long stopped trusting in their fellow man and in their own ability to challenge the
status quo. In a society where everyman is for himself, every man cares only for himself. In a
world of giant institutions, the individual has become an insignificant speck of dust. The
institutional machinery was set in motion nearly seven decades ago and has gathered such
momentum that even those at the helm of the international community are powerless to stop it.
Perhaps the most influential figure in the transition to an environmental justification for
population control, and the last individual to be heard before the UN and its agencies have
completely institutionalized the population problem and drowned everyone in the bureaucracy, is
American biologist Paul Ralph Ehrlich, who in 1968 published his influential book The
Population Bomb. Ehrlich predicted that the human population is too large and poses a threat to
the environment of the planet and ultimately to human survival unless strong actions are taken to
curb population growth and avert future ecological and social disasters.
In 1983, the UN spun a satellite organization, called the World Commission on Environment and
Development (WCED) or more commonly known as the Brundtland Commission, to focus on
environmental problems and solutions. The Brundtland Report, published in 1987, came up with
a course of action to avoid the dire predictions of environmental catastrophe. Its prescriptions
are encapsulated by the term sustainable development, which has become the catchword for
the environmental movement and the euphemism behind which depopulation measures have
been hidden ever since. The Reports analysis and prescriptions are extraordinarily valuable and
it is not my intention to throw it into a negative light. My only criticism is that it does not bring
the Global Depopulation Policy into the open but rather hides it behind a new curtain, that of
sustainable development.
The Brundtland Report was followed by Agenda 21, a non-binding, voluntarily implemented
action plan with respect to sustainable development/depopulation that was developed by the
United Nations, multilateral organizations and national governments at the Earth Summit in
Rio de Janeiro in 1992 to combat poverty and pollution, conserve natural resources and develop
in a sustainable manner. The voluntary objectives of Agenda 21 were made enforceable in 2000
by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) when 189 UN members states and 23
international organizations pledged to (1) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, (2) achieve
universal primary education, (3) promote gender equality and empower women, (4) reduce child
mortality rates, (5) improve maternal health, (6) combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases,
(7) ensure environmental sustainability, and (8) develop a global partnership for development; all
of which hinge on one and one thing only, halting population growth and reducing the global


The Millennium Development Goals are a concrete road map that sets specific targets and shows
how to achieve them. It is an ambitious and worthy plan, but as the Agenda 21, it is dishonest
because it refuses to state the obvious, namely that at its core lays the Global Depopulation
And that is how, over the course of a century and a half, the justification for population control
measures has evolved from civilizing the savages to preserving international peace to
safeguarding the environment.


Evil is opportunistic and it has raised its ugly head by taking advantage of both our strengths and
weaknesses. Neither the secular nor the religious sections of our society have been able to avoid
falling victim to this new and most awesome incarnation of evil and from being used by it. It has
turned on us our respect for individual freedom, our democratic system of governance, our sense
of right and wrong, our religious tenets, our deepest values and most cherished beliefs. And it
has used and worsened our greed and egotism, our lack of trust in others, our ethnic divisions,
our religious differences, our smallness in the world, our conceits and ignorance.
SECULAR leaders have chosen the easy comforts of Realpolitik and have taken refuge from the
hard task of having to confront and compel the masses by hiding behind practical and material
considerations, by doing what needs to be done with the least resistance. They find it easier to
lie to the masses than to educate them. They find it easier to tell the people what they want to
hear rather than what they need to know. There is no benefit for politicians, scientists and
technocrats in empowering the people to do what is best for themselves on their own.
Politicians across party lines within nation states have joined hands with leaders of all colours
across the world in agreement that population control measures are inevitable. They have been
able to reach consensus and work in tandem but it has not dawned on them to ask for their
peoples cooperation. It has not dawned on them that if they found sufficient common ground to
be able to agree then so would the people of the world. That realization is inconvenient because
it makes the hierarchical structures of global governance obsolete and dethrones leaders from
their privileged positions of power. Maintaining and entrenching power is more important for
political leaders than empowering their people. And that is why secular leaders, be they
politicians, scientists, soldiers or journalists, have placed their own best interests before the
common good.
RELIGIOUS leaders have put up a good fight until the late sixties when even the Vatican was
absorbed into the rank and file of the depopulation elite. Beleaguered by traditionalist Catholics
who refuted the Vaticans attempt to realign itself with the modern world through the reforms of
the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), Pope Paul VI issued the encyclical letter Humanae

Vitae, which spells out the Churchs position on the regulation of birth and subtly gives secular
authorities permission to impair peoples fertility while in the same breath reaffirms the Churchs
opposition to artificial birth control methods, sterilization and abortion. Pope Paul VI wrote
the Church does not consider at all illicit the use of those therapeutic means necessary to
cure bodily diseases, even if a foreseeable impediment to procreation should result there
fromprovided such impediment is not directly intended for any motive whatsoever. 13

Caught between a rock and a hard place that is to say, on the one hand, between the immutable
position of the Church on the issue of birth control due to the Doctrine of Papal Infallibility and
the intractability of conservative Catholic members who refused to accept a softening of
Vaticans opposition to birth control and, on the other hand, the absolute necessity for population
control in an overflowing world and the changing attitudes of the majority of Catholics towards
the use of artificial birth control the Vatican was forced to morally compromise by giving
secular authorities the Churchs blessing for the use of covert chemical sterilization methods and
its tacit collaboration as far as keeping these methods secret. While the Vatican has continued to
openly criticize governments for allowing abortions, it has kept quiet about the chemical and
biological methods that governments use to lower fertility and that cause untold illness and
constitute an affront to God and Nature by degrading the intellectual and genetic endowment of
To hold this compromised and dangerous position from the top, the Church
leaders who are responsible for changing the Holy Sees position with
respect to population control at the Second Vatican Council, have been
elected pontiffs: Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini became Pope Paul VI,
Bishop Albino Luciani became Pope John Paul I, Bishop Karol Wojtyla
became Pope John Paul II, and Father Joseph Ratzinger, who was at the time
a theological consultant, became Pope Benedict XVI.
It remains to be seen if Pope Francis II will break rank with the depopulation lobby and will
protect the people by speaking up. I can only hope that he was elected for this very purpose and
that his predecessor was the first pope in 600 years to be ousted from office, not resign, because
Church leaders have finally realized that they made a fatal mistake by making the Church a silent
partner in the depopulation policy. As the first Jesuit pope, the first Latin American, and former
Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus in Argentina, he may be the right man for the job. I
say this because the Jesuits have been crucial in the development of Liberation theology, which
was the primary Catholic movement fighting for the defense of the poor in Latin America from
unjust economic, political and social conditions. That movement was sadly dismantled by the
Vatican hierarchy to comply with the interests of the worlds secular powers. It is now time to
reconstitute it.

Encyclical Letter Humane Vitae of the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI, 1969:


There are several reasons why I can assert with 100% certainty that the Vatican is fully aware of
the mass poisoning. First, the Vatican has enjoyed permanent observer status at the UN since
1963 and, as such, has all rights of full membership except voting and putting forth candidates.
Its permanent observer status allows the Vatican to attend all sessions of the UN General
Assembly, UN Security Council, and UN Economic and Social Council; the latter two organs
being crucial to the depopulation policy. This means that the Vatican has been privy to any and
all information concerning the Global Depopulation Policy. To its credit, the Vatican has
refused to join the UN as a full member, undoubtedly because it rejects the organizations
methods and means. In diplomatic language, full membership would involve the Holy See in a
direct way in questions of political, military and economic order which go beyond its aims,
which Archbishop Celestino Migliore, former Vatican Nuncio to the United Nations, described
as being of a religious and moral character.14 Nevertheless, the Vatican has not told the
people the truth and that is an unforgiveable trespass especially since it bears part of the
responsibility for pushing the Global Depopulation Policy underground by its refusal to accept
that birth control methods are necessary since human beings lack the self-control to limit sexual
intercourse to only the infertile periods of womens menstrual cycle.
Second, the Vatican enjoys since 1952 observer status at the World Health Organization (WHO),
which is the premier UN body responsible for promoting covert chemical sterilization and has
been at the forefront of the Global Depopulation Policy. The Vatican also has a Permanent
Observer Mission in Geneva, where the WHO is located, which attests to the Vaticans
monitoring abilities of WHO policies. In fact, the Vaticans influence at the WHO has been so
strong that it has succeeded again and again in blocking adoption of the concept of
overpopulation as a grave public-health threat, which would have enabled the WHO to tackle it
openly and that enjoyed broad consensus among members states.15
Third, the Vatican has participated in and has had a major impact on the negotiations and
outcome of the 1994 Cairo Population Conference. The program of action that resulted from
that conference became the steering document of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA),
which since 1969 has been the coordinating agency of the Global Depopulation Policy. The
Vatican has therefore been intimately involved in the manner in which the overpopulation
problem has been approached by the international community and individual member states. It
would be nave to think that the Vatican has no knowledge of the most broadly used method of
population control, namely covert chemical sterilization by fluoride and/or BPA.
Fourth, the Vatican is the first organization I turned to for help after publishing my book Water,
Salt, Milk: Killing Our Unborn Children. The Vatican, however, has shut its door in my face

Tracy Early, Catholic News Service, U.N. resolution spells out Vatican's rights as permanent observer, UN
Observer, July 2, 2004:
The Vatican and World Population Policy: An Interview with Milton P. Siegel by Stephen D. Mumford


on multiple occasions and has refused to even acknowledge receipt of my communications. It

has, in other words, chosen to bury its head in the sand and assume a stance of see no evil, hear
no evil, speak no evil in order to hide its complicity in the Global Depopulation Policy. My
efforts to get the Vatican to save the worlds people from chemical and biological annihilation
have been many but futile. In August 2012, I went in person to the office of the Diocese of
Orlando, Florida, to inform the Catholic community about my findings on the depopulation
policy and to speak to Mr. John Noonan, the Bishop of Orlando. Bishop Noonan refused to grant
me an audience or to help me pass on my research to the Vatican. In September 2012, I wrote
directly to the Apostolic Nunciature to the United States, the Vatican embassy, and asked for an
audience with Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan16, the current ambassador, to discuss the evidence
of covert chemical sterilization that I had uncovered. Not only did Archbishop Vigan not grant
me an audience, he also never acknowledged my request or answered my emails, which is a
basic courtesy. His secretary, however, did confirm to me on the phone that the Archbishop
received my book.
Undeterred by my lack of success, I then emailed the Vatican itself, but once again I received no
response or acknowledgement from Pope Benedict XVI or his office. Frustrated with the
Vaticans behaviour, I then published two open letters, one of them addressed solely to His
Holiness.17 But once again the Vatican remained silent.
I also wrote and sent copies of my book to The International Organizations Research Group and
the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute, two premier Catholic organizations that have
been vocal critics of UN policies and staunch defenders of peoples reproductive rights. I
received no response.
For good measure and to exhaust all avenues, I wrote to the heads of the Vatican Secret Archive
(Prefect Sergio Pagano) and the Vatican Radio (Father Federico Lombardi), but once again I was
ignored and received not even the common courtesy of an acknowledgement, which confirmed
to me the Vaticans complicity in the Global Depopulation Policy. On 10 December 2012, I
went in person to Washington, D.C., and knocked on the Vatican Embassys door to ask for
asylum. Not only did I not receive asylum, but I was not even allowed to enter the embassy and
make my case. The nun who opened the door clearly knew who I was and had been instructed to
deny me any and all requests, including accepting a letter from me for Archbishop Vigan.
But I did not give up on the Church. Upon my release from prison in September 2013, I once
again attempted to save the Catholic Church by giving Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins, of

A speech given by Archbishop Vigan in 2010 at the 79th General Assembly of Interpol intimates that he is fully
aware of the criminal methods used by the Global Depopulation Policy:

Letter to Religious Leaders, 2 October 2012: Letter to the Vatican, 18 October 2012:


the Archdiocese of Toronto, the opportunity to help. My request this time was for room and
board for two months to be able to concentrate on writing this short history of the Global
Depopulation Policy. The only response I received was a clear and brief no from the
Cardinals secretary when I called the office to confirm receipt of my email.
I let the readers draw their own conclusions as to why the Vatican and the Catholic hierarchy are
intent on protecting the Global Depopulation Policy by maintaining a vow of silence. I have
already drawn mine.




While world leaders in the aftermath of World War II had no choice but to implement covert
methods of population control for reasons described above, world leaders today have no reason
not to abandon these immoral methods and adopt legal means instead. The obstacles that stand
in the way today are relatively minor compared to the insurmountable obstacles faced by their
counterparts in the past.
The Global Depopulation Policy is unquestionably the most complex policy ever devised by man
and accepting it is no easy task, as it strikes at the heart of our humanity and confuses the
boundary between right and wrong.

By far the most significant obstacle is the need to admit the 65-year-old history of covert
chemical and biological population control methods, without which a reorientation of the
policy to overt legislative methods is not possible. But who has the courage to stand in
front of the world and tell people that they are at the receiving end of a global campaign
of attrition and have been treated no better than an infestation of vermin?
Once having admitted to genocide and crimes against humanity someone must assume
responsibility and explain to the world why it was necessary and what would have
happened had these measures not been taken. But who would assume this kamikaze
duty? This is after all a genocide committed through sustained structural violence. It is
not the work of a single tyrant or of a group of lunatics. It is the work of an entire
system, an international system, a hydra with a thousand heads.
The fear of reprisals and of mass unrest deters even the bravest politician from telling the
truth, especially when the truth is buried beneath layers of deception and it is as evasive
as a snow flake in the wind. And why would any world leader confess to crimes begun
by past generations and then take responsibility for an inherited system of mass murder?

It is easy to see why our best and brightest are waiting for an outsider to tell the truth and why
they hope that outsider will bear the brunt of the peoples wrath, as the mob, in its stupidity, is
inclined to want to kill the messenger.
Since understanding the problem of overpopulation requires a geopolitical bent of mind, thus a
birds eye view of the world, and the capacity to comprehend how a multiplicity of factors
contribute to the overall picture, few people have the intellectual curiosity to follow the problem
to its core, fewer still have the stamina to want to find solutions, and the fewest have the courage
to stick their necks out for an amorphous mass of 7 billion souls, all strangers.

It is much easier to deny that overpopulation is humanitys greatest problem than it is to

face it head on and accept that in the final analysis there are only two ways to solve it:

either we voluntarily restrict our own reproductive urges and limit our families to at most
two children, or the government will do it for us any which way it can. Denying the
problem is a way of deflecting responsibility, an intellectual copout.
The human capital deterioration caused by the mass lowering of the IQ of entire nations
through chemical agents has made it even more difficult for the average citizen, whose
IQ would be sorely tested, to comprehend the complexity of the overpopulation
Cognitive limitations in human reasoning prevent people, for instance, from grasping the
dynamics of global warming which is a consequence of overpopulation, and from seeing
the inevitably disastrous outcome of continuing on the same path.

Who can explain the unexplainable? That is the question. And why risk being misunderstood?
It is so much easier to throw ones hands in the air and hide behind the excuse that there is
nothing a single man can do. And yet what is required here is a single man courageous enough to
trust in the ability of humankind to rise to the occasion, sufficiently vocal to make everyone
listen, and smart enough to make everyone understand. I dont know if I meet these requirements
but I sure as hell will try.

Be the change you want to see in the world, Mahatma Gandhi once said. But to be the change
one has to be emotionally invested, one has to care and one has to care enough to want to
The unpleasant reality is that the general public does not care about the distant future and
people are unwilling to make sacrifices for issues of no immediate concern to them.
This, of course, is as much the result of peoples general indifference and apathy as
much as it is a consequence of the campaign of misinformation the public has been
subjected to for half a century by a leadership bent on deceiving rather than informing
Faced with such an enormous problem, people would rather find scapegoats than having
to assume responsibility. This human weakness translates on the political arena of the
developing world in its refusal to admit that it has an overpopulation problem so as to
avoid having to overcome the painful moral struggle required by depopulation measures,
while in the developed world it translates into a refusal to change consumption patterns
and a way of life that is hard to alter.
There are no heroes to be found when what is required is to throw oneself in front of a runaway
train. There are no heroes to be found when the enemies that need to be faced are ignorance,
prejudice and apathy. And that is why the Global Depopulation Policy continues in its original
form, even though its methods are known to do as much harm as good.


In this section I will attempt to trace population concerns to their origin and briefly identify why
they began to shape governmental actions and where they found the most support.
While people have long contended with famine and conflict, it was not formally recognized that
continuous population growth might be the underlying problem until Thomas Malthus wrote An
Essay on the Principle of Population in 1798. The British government seized upon Malthus
thesis and passed the Census Act in 1800 which enabled the holding of a national census in 1801,
the first of its kind, and every ten years since.
Malthus identified two types of checks on population growth: positive checks, which raise the
death rate, such as hunger, disease and war; and negative checks to lower the birth rate, such as
abortion, birth control, prostitution, postponement of marriage, and celibacy. No sooner said
than done the British governments began interfering with population growth by promoting
celibacy and encouraging the postponement of marriage among the poor.
Several factors are responsible for the appearance of population concerns in Britain rather than

Britain is an insular society with limited natural resources

and throughout its history it has had to resort to plunder to
make up for its lack of land and shortage of natural wealth.
It is no coincidence that Britain and Japan, both of whom are
island states, are amongst the most aggressive nations in
history. Their shortage of natural wealth has forced them to
look for it elsewhere and take it by force, which is why they formed the largest maritime
empires in history.
Britain was also the first nation to industrialize and this made its shortage of natural
resources all the more acute, since an industrial society needs infinitely more resources
than an agrarian society.
As the first nation to industrialize, Britain was also the first to deal with the
consequences of industrialization both positive and negative. Industrialization, for
instance, displaced many people from the land and forced them into the cities where
poverty increased and governments were at a loss as to how to employ the growing
numbers of poor.
Its empire forced Britain to think in broad terms, even global terms, and seek proactive
solutions before law and order collapsed. This resulted in various eugenic pieces of
legislation aimed at indigenous people throughout the British Empire.


Last, Britain being the only European nation where the monarchy remained firmly
entrenched, aristocratic conceits and entitlement were bound to creep into public policy
and infect it with disdain towards the common man. It is no coincidence that eugenics
was born in England and that its earliest proponents were for the most part British

2. U.S./U.K./U.S.S.R.
It is no accident of history that the largest nations on earth the Soviet Union, the United States
of America, and the United Kingdom (whose Empire occupied a third of the worlds landmass)
were victorious at the end of World War II. It should also come as no surprise that these colossal
nations found it easy to agree on the need to control population growth given that as world
powers they shared the same geopolitical concerns. Nor should it come as a surprise that they
have consequently remained in control of the Global Depopulation Policy as its architects and
foremost proponents and have pushed the United Nations towards increasingly brutal
depopulation methods.

It is difficult for giant nations to micromanage problems. It is much easier to find grand
solutions that employ the blunt tools at the disposal of governments. The political leadership of
nations that straddle multiple ethnicities and that in the case of the U.S., U.K. and the U.S.S.R.
was and continues to be overwhelmingly Caucasian would also be less emotionally connected
to the population at large given the racial divide. This would make it easier to implement
heartless radical population control methods such as the covert chemical sterilization by fluoride
favoured by them since 1945.

3. NORDIC COUNTRIES (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland)

The staunchest supporters of the Global Depopulation Policy and amongst its most generous
funders are the northern European countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Holland, which
is incidentally why their officials occupy such a prominent role in the UN bureaucracy and why
they have such a disproportionally large representation in the ranks and especially at the top of
international organizations.


The cold climate of these northern European nations requires long-term planning and tolerates
lower population densities than warmer climates and this has instilled a more disciplined and
proactive approach to population pressures.
The Netherlands has also the distinction of having among the largest population densities in
Europe at 497 people per square kilometer and has contended with extreme land shortages for
centuries, which is why it has resorted to expensive land reclamation projects to keep up with its
increasing population and food needs. Approximately 1/6 of its entire landmass, or 7,000 km2,
has been reclaimed from the sea at great cost in men and treasure.

The Global Depopulation Policy, therefore, has its origin in the social upheavals caused by
Britains industrialization; became the pivotal element of the post-war international order due to
the geopolitical concerns shared by the victorious Allied powers, the United States, the Soviet
Union, and the United Kingdom; and received the most support from northern European
countries where tough climatic conditions have necessitated far-sighted actions to ensure
responsible management of existing resources.




There is hardly an aspect of our lives that is not affected in one way or another by the necessities
of the Global Depopulation Policy. And there is hardly a person on the planet who is not
touched both diretly and indirectly by the many measures of depopulation. The only people who
can claim to be outside the reach of the Global Depopulation Policy are the isolated tribes of the
Amazon and other such scattered groups living in remote and inaccessible parts of the globe far
away from civilization.
The following is but a sketch since the subject is vast and extremely complex and merits a
detailed account. I will dedicate more space to it in my forthcoming book but even there it will
be only a summary of the policys direct, indirect and unintended consequences.

Any attempt at social engineering will have a cascading effect. Some effects will be expected
and others unexpected.
The political fallout of the Global Depopulation Policy has irrevocably altered the nature of
our societies by stripping away the fundamental supports of freedom and democracy.

Illegitimate governments and false democracies

A policy that can only be implemented in secret and against the will of the people will
by necessity require bypassing the democratic process. As voters would never give their
governments consent to poison them to infertility and to chronic and debilitating illness,
governments have decided to never ask for permission. But government exists to ensure
the security of the people not subvert it. The Global Depopulation Policy has turned the
role of government upside down and has therefore annihilated the social contract that
exists between the electorate and the elected, rendering every western government that
has perversely claimed to be democratic the very opposite. This means that since 1945
the world has not known democracy, but only its illusion and a perverted one at that.

Abnegation of the rule of law and structural violence

How do you commit genocide and crimes against humanity and still preserve the rule of
law? The answer is obvious, it is not possible. Legality is the basis of legitimacy and
the depopulation policy is grossly outside the law, rendering the administration of justice
illegal and the authority of the state ill-gained. Only by manipulating the legal system to
be blind to the atrocities committed by the depopulation policy can the state preserve its
authority, but in so doing destroy its integrity. Structural violence defined as violence
committed by social institutions has become enshrined at the core of nations as the

primary function of the state, for that is the only way to sufficiently harm people so as to
lower their numbers and stop them from breeding while pretending to serve them. The
judiciary and legislative branches of government have been enlisted by the executive
branch to be active participants in the structural violence made necessary by the
depopulation effort, and their participation has resulted not only in their refusal to
identify and punish those responsible for committing crimes against humanity, but also
in their complicity in passing and enforcing laws designed to destroy the lives and
families of those at the bottom rung of society who already bear the brunt of economic
and political decisions made to deny them a place in society. The greater imperative of
the depopulation policy has consequently erased the separation between the three
branches of government whithout which neither democracy nor the rule of law can exist.

Misused institutions and taxes

Since the goals of the depopulation policy are antithetical to those of any functioning
human society, the institution of state must be manipulated from the top to achieve the
very opposite they were created for. This explains why nothing works as it should
anymore in our countries. The fruits of our labour, our taxes, are being used against us
by funding institutions to harm not help us. Ministries of health promote poisons in our
food and water and publish false reserch to justify their actions. Ministries of justice
pass laws designed to get the weak, the poor and the foreign behind bars to ensure their
families cannot flourish. Ministries of labour are given directives to keep the
unemployed out of work, the underemployed desperate, and the employed overworked,
for that is how the populace is kept docile and afraid. Ministries of information wage
campaigns of indoctrination and misinformation and fill our airwaves and newspapers
with inconsequencial news while avoiding the matters that affect us.
Ministries of
finance are delegated to deepen and widen both personal and public debt and to funnel
the wealth created by our labour into the pockets of a select few who delegate the
depopulation policy from the top and who need this money to make it work againt us.
That is why we are getting sicker, poorer, dumber, weaker and more desperate with
every passing decade while our fertility rates continue to decrease nicely and our family
trees are losing their branches.

Surveillance, censorship and control

The further along the depopulation policy proceeds the more ambitious its objectives are
and the greater the need for repressive measures to ensure success. But repression in
supposedly democratic states, whose existence depends on maintaing the illusion of
democracy and the rule of law, must take forms that can be justified by higher
prerogatives and must be sufficiently subtle and gradual to avoid backlash. Hence, our
surveillance society is explained as necessary to ensure our security from terrorist attacks
terrorists that are the creation of our own secret services and whose existence in our

midst is kept alive by false flag events orchestrated by the collaborative efforts of the
depopulation lobby and their mercenaries. Hence, our censored media and social
networking sites, as well as the classification of millions of government documents
formerly in the public domain, is explained as necessary lest the terrorists take advantage
of our open society and plan and carry out new attacks on us. Hence, increasingly
intrusive methods of control I.D. checks, body scans, involuntary detentions, denials of
due process, military tribunals, the imprisonment of whistleblowers, the detention of
immigrants, lifelong imprisonments for stealing a steak, etc have completely
annihilated our fundamental rights and civil liberties by making them conditional on
national security, public morals and the integrity of our borders, in other words on the
interests and goals of the depopulation lobby.

What constitutes right and wrong is for every society to decide for itself not for governments
and elites to decide on their own. It is the indefensibility of the goals and methods of the
Global Depopulation Policy that have forced our leaders to circumvent not only our
democratic processes and the rule of law but also the very norms and principles on which our
morality rests.

Culture of deception, dishonesty and cruelty

Whether they like it or not, governments have to lie to their people and to deceive them
into believing a false reality, an illusion manufactured to hide the dangerous truths of the
depopulation policy. Lies are built upon lies. We are told that fluoride is good for our
teeth, that chemtrails are meant to slow down global warming, that GMOs will increase
yields and feed the starving, that plastic is safe, that flu vaccines will save the sick and
the old from dying, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, that the government
intercepts only the conversations and emails of terrorists, that 9/11 was the work of
Islamic fundamentalists, that affluence stops overpopulation, that the government is
looking after your best interests, that the media is free. Lies and more lies to cover up
the cruelties of a eugenic and genocidal policy that makes our children sick, makes us
sterile, makes our society a farce, degrades our species, and dishonours us in the eyes of
God and history.

Warped media
Instead of educating and informing the public, the medias role is to misinform and to
indoctrinate. Deception and dissimulation have proliferated alongside the increasing
monopolization of the media by a few giant corporations that now have a stranglehold on
the truth and are purely in the business of disseminating propaganda, now
euphemistically called public relations. The highest priority of the mainstream media

is to manufacture consent and staying on message requires central control, which is why
the same news are regurgitated by an army of journalists on hundreds of channels that
draw their news blips from a dozen press agencies harnessed to the same global power
center. Noam Chomsky explains:
And there's a logic behind it. There's even a kind of compelling moral principle behind it.
The compelling moral principle is that the mass of the public are just too stupid to be able
to understand things. If they try to participate in managing their own affairs, they're just
going to cause trouble. Therefore, it would be immoral and improper to permit them to do
this. We have to tame the bewildered herd, not allow the bewildered herd to rage and
trample and destroy things. It's pretty much the same logic that says that it would be
improper to let a three-year-old run across the street. You don't give a three-year-old that
kind of freedom because the three-year-old doesn't know how to handle that freedom.
Correspondingly, you don't allow the bewildered herd to become participants in action.
They'll just cause trouble.
So we need something to tame the bewildered herd, and that something is this new
revolution in the art of democracy: the manufacture of consent. The media, the schools,
and popular culture have to be divided. For the political class and the decision makers
they have to provide them some tolerable sense of reality, although they also have to
instill the proper beliefs. Just remember, there is an unstated premise here. The unstated
premise-and even the responsible men have to disguise this from themselves-has to do
with the question of how they get into the position where they have the authority to make
decisions. The way they do that, of course, is by serving people with real power. The
people with real power are the ones who own the society, which is a pretty narrow group.
If the specialized class can come along and say, I can serve your interests, then they'll be
part of the executive group. You've got to keep that quiet. That means they have to have
instilled in them the beliefs and doctrines that will serve the interests of private power.
Unless they can master that skill, they're not part of the specialized class. So we have one
kind of educational system directed to the responsible men, the specialized class. They
have to be deeply indoctrinated in the values and interests of private power and the statecorporate nexus that represents it. If they can achieve that, then they can be part of the
specialized class. The rest of the bewildered herd basically just have to be distracted.
Turn their attention to something else. Keep them out of trouble. Make sure that they
remain at most spectators of action, occasionally lending their weight to one or another
of the real leaders, who they may select among.18

But the bewildered herd is beginning to see through the smokescreen of the mass media
and are turning for news to the Internet, which is why the New World Order
depopulationists are in a state of panic and have launched a full scale attack on Internet
freedom by interfering with the free flow of information on the world wide web. They
are doing this by shutting down independent websites that expose aspects of the
depopulation policy and by erecting in their stead dummy websites that disseminate halftruths so as to discredit those who reveal aspects of the depopulation policy as
conspiracy theorists and crackpots. These purveyors of falsities then incorporate kernels

Noam Chomsky, Media Control, Second Edition: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda, Seven Stories
Press, 2011.


of truth within outlandish conspiracy theories that blame everything under the sun on
defunct or irrelevant groups such as the Illuminati or the Freemasons, or on alien
invasions and royal bloodlines. The websites that cannot be shut down because they are
too important or too well established are being monitored by shills who hone in on
anyone who disseminates sensitive information with attacks ad hominem designed to
discourage, intimidate and discredit.

Targetting the poor, the weak and the foreign

The low socio-economic section of society is the primary target of depopulation. The
ranks of the poor are under the concerted attack of the structural violence orchestrated
for depopulation purposes. That is why the poor alone are subject to the full panoply of
chemical, biological, psychosocial and economic methods and, consequentlly, suffer
from disproportionate rates of death, dysfunction, disability and infertility.
The dramatic inequality artificially created by the depopulation lobby has resulted in a
society of haves and have-nots; of the 1% elite that is buttressed by the struggling middle
class, that makes up 10% to 30% depending on the country, while the rest of us, the
remaining 70% to 90%, are the poor, best defined as those who are a few paychecks
away from homelessness.
This economic division of society reflects the division of society necessitated by the
Global Depopulation Policy: with 1% insiders, those in the know who delegated things
from the top; followed by the 10% to 30% who are on a need-to-know basis since they
keep the system running; and the rest, who comprise the vast majority, are the
completely clueless outsiders, who when told that they have been scheduled for
annihilation will smile smugly and call you mad. Money and knowledge are the shields
necessary to survive the demographic transition. Money enables one to stay away from
bad food, bad water, and bad circumstances while knowledge allows one to know what
is safe and what isnt and therefore how to protect ones offspring.

Access to money and knowledge ensures security from the multiple weapons directed at the
populace by those in control of the policy. I cannot give my readers the money necessary to
protect themselves and their children, but I have given them the knowledge19 and continue to
empower them in this article.
19 19

Kevin Galalae, Water, Salt, Milk: Killing Our Unborn Children, 2012:
Free download at:


Irreversible infertility
Different body types react in different ways to chronic poisoning. Those who are least
resistent and who are exposed the longest (i.e. throughout their lives or worse over
multiple generations) or at the most crucial time in their development (i.e. in the womb
and during the first five years of life) will sufer the most dire repercussions and will be
rendered infertile or subfertile. Some 20% of people exposed to the depopulation
policys chemical and biological agents are infertile and some 60% subfertile. This
leaves only about 20% with normal fertility, of whom the vast majority have escaped
chronic poisoning because they live in the country.

General ill-health
Since all fertility depressing agents used are endocrine disruptors, the damage done to
the human organism is universal. Every citizen of the developed world is affected in one
way or another and a good 60% suffer in various degrees from illness.

Downgraded genetic and intellectual endowments

Multi-generational exposure to poisons that cause neurological and physiological
deterioration results in cummulative damage to our species genetic and intellectual
endowments. After three and in some cases four generations have been subjected to
chronic poisoning the damage is so extensive as to render a good 10% of the population
completely dysfunctional and the remaining 90% inferior both physically and
intellectually to previous generations. We are as a result a feebler race.

Endemic mental and developmental illnesses

Children bear the brunt of the mass poisoning and consequently incur serious damage to
the brain which is exhibited through mental and developmental illnesses that together
affect some 25% of our children and youth, a 24% increase in only half a century.

Sexual confusion
Prenatal exposure to fluoride and BPA, disrupts the interaction of fetal hormones on the
developing brain that play a role in sex differentiation, which in turn influences the
sexual orientation that emerges later in adulthood. The result is a 10% higher incidence
of individuals with aberrant sexual preferences than would be naturally occurring.

The demographic transition from growing to decreasing and finally to stable populations is
difficult and extremely disruptive. During this transition many of the social and economic
problems the architects of the depopulation policy intend to fix are temporarily exacerbated.
Stable populations are unknown to modern industrial and post-industrial states and require a

redesign of the social and economic structures they are accustomed to and that are rendered
obsolete by the new demographic makeup.

Going from a growing to a decreasing population causes economic havoc in liberal freemarket economies that are premised on continuous growth.

recession, deflation, chronic unemployment

A stable and especially a decreasing population brings about stagnation and,
respectively, contraction in consumer spending, which in turn causes recession that, if
prolonged, results in chronic unemployment and deflates the value of goods and
services, as there is more supply than demand. The economies of nations with
decreasing populations are in a downward economic spiral that cannot be compensated
for by increasing per capita consumption (since the needs of individuals and their means
are limited and a saturation point has long been reached, as attested by the high personal
debt levels in the developed world) or by increasing exports (as that disrupts the
economies of the importing countries and the balance of trade).
The economic
symptoms described here are most acute in Japan, as would be expected since it is the
country furthest along in the demographic transition. Europe follows suit, having been
subjected to depopulation measures right after Japan. The US, Canada, Australia and
New Zealand will soon follow, but are for the time being still growing due to high
immigration. Recession, deflation and chronic unemployment are here to stay until the
population stabilizes at the desired lower level and there is nothing any government can
do about it. The most western governments can hope to achieve is to avoid defaulting on
their debts until growth in the developing world can come to the rescue of the developed
world, which is why China and the wealthy nations of the Gulf have been funding the
Wests deficits and will continue to do so. This moribund fiscal arrangement will
inevitably end in a global currency, for that is the only way to start with a clean slate
once enough developed nations can no longer repay their debt.

public debt, capital flight, outsourcing

Governments have responded to recession by adopting expansionary macroeconomic
policies, that is to say they have increased the money supply and government spending
while also decreasing taxation to boost personal spending. This has caused the public
debt to balloon saddling future generations with unsustainable and unrepayable debt.
These desperate measures however are meant to keep the developed world afloat while
its population decreases. As business profits have been shrinking at home, companies
are moving abroad to the developing world (where populations are still growing and
consumers are much younger and therefore more likely to spend) and with them go also

the developed worlds capital and jobs. By this transfer of wealth and industry a more
homogenous distribution of wealth is hoped to be achieved globally by the gradual
impoverishment of the developed world and the concomitant enrichment of the
developing world. This entanglement of our economic faiths has made globalization an
absolute and irreversible necessity since that which the developed world loses in
productive capacity and jobs it is gaining back from the developing world in transferred
profits and expanded markets.

collapsed social safety nets and pension plans

The demographic transition having reached an advanced stage in the developed world,
the aged (defined as 65 years old and over) now equal or outnumber the young (defined
as 16 and under) and the ratio between workers and retirees has become unsustainable.
Many European governments are as a result defaulting on their social entitlements or
running unsustainable deficits. For the time being, they are being bailed out by their
wealthier neighbours who themselves are running deficits. As the populations of Japan
and Europe continue to decrease, there will be fewer and fewer workers to pay the
pensions of the old and the taxes governments need to meet their social obligations. This
means that the fiscal situation of nations with decreasing populations will become
increasingly dire and will end in bankruptcy. The only way to avoid this outcome is by
achieving political union between the developed and developing world so that taxes can
be collected and transferred across borders when and as needed. One world government
is therefore inevitable.

Society is a cohesive whole and the social engineering required by the Global Depopulation
Policy has caused great disruptions in the social fabric of nations with dire repercussions on
families, as has been intended.

social decay and division (insiders versus outsiders)

The secrecy and discretion required by the Global Depopulation Policy has by necessity
split society into two camps, insiders and outsiders. This division is antithetical to the
concept of equal rights and to social cohesion and is ripping societies apart. The very
function of the insiders is to undermine the safety and stability of the rest of us so that
our families cannot thrive and will break apart. Nothing reflects better the subversive
actions of the depopulation insiders than the exploding divorce rates that have surpassed
50% throughout the developed world. To fulfill the depopulation policys objectives,
society has been redesigned to tear families apart, for that is how the rearing of offspring
is undermined.


Children from broken families do not receive the support they need to be successful and
to support families of their own. A vicious cycle is perpetuated that limits the number
of children born and that deprives these children of the opportunities necessary to live
fulfilling and useful lives. Large segments of the population have been rendered
superfluous and deemed unworthy of investment in as they have been scheduled for
annihilation and are being socially excluded to hurry their demise.

displacement and excessive urbanization

The application of fluoride to drinking water is only possible in cities, which has
required promoting urbanization. In only 50 years, a mostly rural world has been
transformed into a mostly urban world, with urbanization rates as high as 90% in
developed nations. While urbanization goes hand in hand with industrialization, the
rapid rate and extent at which it has proceeded since 1950 have been intentional and
achieved by deliberately forcing farmers off the land and coralling people in ever denser
urban environments. This massive displacement and excessive urbanization have been
the cause of countless social problems.


An urban population is much easier controlled and lacks the self-sufficiency necessary to
safeguard the quality of its food, which the depopulationists need more than ever to
tamper with now that genetically modified organisms are being forced into our diets to
replace fluoridation as the primary method of sterilization.

confusion and hopelessness

People have lost control over their lives as every aspect is controlled by a system that has
become suffocatingly oppressive. A pervasive sense of confusion and helplessness traps
all of us into a system that is dehumanizing and that we are meant to serve rather than
serve us. Maintaining the integrity of the system requires that we all submit to it and that
we abdicate our right to act according to our consciences, for that is the only way the
structural violence necessary to undermine our families and impair our reproductive
freedom can be accomplished. At no other time in history has man felt more degraded
and diminished, more insignificant and impotent. The dignity of man has been
sacrificed to the depopulation objective.

It is a paradox of the Global Depopulation Policy that while it aims to save the environment by
achieving sustainable development through population control it is harming the environment to
lower the population. Adding fluoride to our water pollutes the acquifers and endangers our
most valuable resource. Spraying aluminum in the air contaminates both our air and soil with a
heavy metal that is harmful to plant and animal life alike. Landfills are overwhelmed with nonbiodegradeable BPA plastics. Genetically modified organisms contaminate natural crops and
endanger biodiversity. And the heavy use of pesticides and insecticides necessary to sustain an
industrial type of agriculture is damaging the soil and killing useful insects such as the bees
without which pollination cannot occur. The combined effect of these contaminants is a more
toxic not a cleaner environment.

One cannot tamper with society to the extent it has been tampered with and not expect
unintended consequences.

A. Universal loss of freedom and global police state

To institute measures that are meant to undermine our proper sexual functioning, our
reproductive freedom, and the integrity of our families is a daunting task because it goes
against mans instict to breed and his desire to be happy. Regardless of the method

chosen by governments and a genuine effort to keep our fundamental freedoms intact, the
authority of the state has had to increase in step with the depopulation programs
objectives. We now live for all intents and purposes in a global police state where every
right and freedom we have on paper is conditional on the depopulation imperative which
is the axel of the New World Order. Having entered the second phase of depopulation a
decade ago, which requires that under no circumstances can the global population be
allowed to exceed 9 billion, the last resistance point, the Islamic world, has become the
focus and the cause of the latest repressive measures. By the time the third and last phase
of depopulation is accomplished a hundred years from now, and the global population
will have decreased to the desired level, tyranny will be so deeply entrenched that it will
be impossible to regain our freedom. Autocracy has already replaced democracy at the
international level and is usurping the democratic foundations of even the strongest and
most liberal states. Once authoritarianism is in place worldwide there will be nowhere to
turn to for outside help and humankind will be doomed to global totalitarianism from
which there will be no escape. This encroachment on our rights and freedoms is being
accomplished under the pretext that the so-called free world is under threat by terrorist
groups that want to destroy our society. But this is a fictitious enemy needed to justify
the erosion of our rights and freedoms ostensibly for the sake of our security.
B. Countries as prisons concentration camp mentality
While globalization has freed money and goods to travel across borders unhindered,
people are subject to the most stringent restrictions to their freedom of movement in
history. Countries have been turned into prisons because that is the only way the
population can be segmented and controlled and because different countries are at
different stages of depopulation and therefore require different medicine.
concentration camp mentality has evolved throughout the world by empowering police
and security forces to use increasingly heavyhanded methods of control. In addition,
developed nations that have made tremendous sacrifices to lower their populations are
now reluctant to let in outsiders from countries that have been late implementing
depopulation measures and that as a result have a high outflow of migrants who seek a
better life in the West only to find themselves placed in detention camps upon arrival.
This explains why immigration has been tightened across the world and the treatment of
immigrants now resembles the treatment of criminals.
C. Devolution and the splicing of the species
The downgrading of the genetic and intellectual endowments of people exposed to
chemical sterilization, though unintended, is now an irreversible fact. This social
devolution of the species will eventually result in the separation of humanity into a
superior and an inferior branch if covert chemical methods of population control are
allowed to continue rather than being replaced with overt legislation. What the long-term

effects of GMOs will have on the human organism is not yet known but we can predict
with 100% certainty that they will be negative as nothing designed to impair a normal
function of the body can have positive overall effects on human health. And should those
in control of the depopulation project have subjected themselves to the same chemical
sterilization measures as the rest of us out of a sense of fairness, our leadership will be as
intellectually degraded as the rest of us and incapable of leading us back into the light.
This means that humankind is forging towards its self-destruction in auto-pilot mode.
D. Social selection of undesirable traits
I have no doubt that the original architects of the Global Depopulation Policy though
ruthless were highly intelligent and extraordinarily courageous individuals motivated by
the best intentions to do what is right for the world but forced by circumstances to do
what is possible. However, to fulfill the covert objectives of depopulation they have had
to rely on an army of footsoldiers who can only be recruited from the ranks of
objectionable human beings. By necessity rather than design, the social selection of
individuals with undesirable traits has placed the unworthy in positions of power and
control over the rest of humanity. The depopulation project is therefore contributing to a
debasement of the moral quality of the species. The selected insiders will afterall inherit
the world as they will be able to propagate their genetic lines and protect their young
while the rest of us will gradually lose the ability to have children and become extinct.
And should they be as clueless as the rest of us about the end result of their labours, that
means that they too are becoming extinct along with the excluded majority.
E. Demise of capitalism
The capitalist mode of production depends on the creation of goods and services for the
extraction of surpluss value or profit so that capital accummulation can accrue that in
term can be used to create even more goods and services. The entire capitalist system is
therefore premised on growth and growth is finite in a stable population and impossible
in a shrinking population. Capitalism as an economic system will therefore collapse as
soon as the global population begins to decrease and supply will outstrip demand forcing
production to go into a continuous downward spiral. The financial crisis, the housing
market bubble, the rising national deficits, and the increased frequency and depth of
recessions are the inevitable and predictable consequences of a halt in population growth
in the developed world. This has already altered the nature of free-market capitalism,
which is now a mix between planned and market-driven elements, with the former
absorbing an increasing proportion of the GDP.
The world would be completely different or not be at all had our leaders not embarked on
engineering depopulation immediately after World War II to save us from deadly poverty,
nuclear confrontation and environmental catastrophe.




No one is happy with this policy, least of all the people whose hands are drenched in blood
because they have been doing the dirty work on our behalf so that we may sleep in peace and
live in blissful ignorance. When all the facts are on the table, any reasonable person can come to
only one conclusion, namely that while what they have been doing to stop the population
explosion is crazy doing nothing would have been even crazier. Furthermore, without the
publics understanding of the enormity of the problem legislating family size was and will
remain impossible in democracies and the covert methods of chemical and biological poisoning
will have to continue come hell or high water.
A change of course from covert to overt population control requires brave honesty and genuine
regret. The first step is to reveal the policys 65-year history of chemical poisoning and the more
recent biological substitutes, as well as the accompanying psychosocial and economic methods,
which will prepare the ground for trust to be reestablished between the elected and the electorate.
The second step is to explain the causes and choices of the policy to impress upon the public the
factors that drove the depopulation effort underground. Statesmen and their technocrats are not
gods but simple men and as simple men they are bound and restricted in their actions by the
same obstacles and realities that stand in the way of all our dreams and ambitions. They did
what they had to do given the realities of the day.
The third step is to reveal in full the policys goals, its extraordinary achievements and terrible
damage so that everyone can look upon the world with the same brutal clarity afforded those
with the full facts. Once the people will know what the truth is and how critical our situation is
they will understand the need to continue to supress population growth and that the least painful
way to do it is by legislating family size. They will also understand the terrible burden our
leaders have had to carry in silence and in secrecy so that we, the common people, will not have
to be weighed down.
There is a lot to forgive but even more to be thankful for. The process of forgiveness and
reconcilliation needed to leave behind this most odious chapter in human history should be along
the lines of South Africas Truth and Reconcilliation Commission. Full amnesty and no
retribution for the men and women who have done the impossible and the unthinkable and who
come forth of their own volition to explain their actions. It will take time to comprehend their
actions and their motives and the best way to do it is to hear it from the horses mouth. For too
long we have been spared the brutal truth so that we may live in a pleasant illusion. But it is our

children and our childrens children who have been paying a heavy price so that we could be
spared the burden of truth. This is wrong. It is adults who have to protect children not vice
versa. Henceforth those living will have to act responsibly and make sacrifices so that those yet
to be born can come into the world healthy and into a healthy world. As it stands, our children
come into the world sick into a sick world. China is the only nation that has tackled the
population problem responsibly and the world must look upon China as an example and use its
expertise and experience.
Once we have created the necessary space for reconcilliation we can dismantle the matrix of
control set in place to pursue depopulation covertly. There is no need for surveillance,
censorship, deception, secrecy, and brutal force in the new world of enlightened consensus. The
burden of truth will weigh heavily upon the conscience and actions of each and every human
being on earth, but the benefits of controlling our reproduction at its source will be enormous.
For one thing, it will free the vast sums of money now wasted on the military-industrial
establishment. It will give the media and the education system a free hand to finally enlighten
and empower us rather than deceive and indoctrinate us. And it will allow government to be
truly democratic and work for our best interests without having to subvert our rights and
freedoms. Ultimately it will erase the borders that separate us and make us all citizens of the
world thus freeing us from being prisoners of countries.
When truth and nothing but the truth is at the center of our society we can all acquire the
knowledge necessary to think and act like enlightened human beings and develop a global
consciousness that will allow us to escape the mental, emotional and psychological trap of the
narrow and obsolete era of nation states. Our loyalty must shift from the nation to the planet,
from our fellow nationals to our fellow human beings wherever they are on earth, and from our
own time to all time.
The process of education and empowerment necessary to give us all the wisdom to think
globally, the discipline for self-restraint, and the compassion to care for the future as much as for
the present, must be our all-consuming task until it becomes our all-enduring accomplishment.
This process can proceed as follows:
The full persuassive force of the media, the education system, and public campaigns must be
unleashed to overcome the ignorance, indifference and apathy inculcated over decades
through incomplete and dishonest information. For that is the only way to rid us of false and
dated loyalties to nationalism, patriotism, tribalism, doctrine, race, and financial interest.
That is also the only way to outgrow the cultural prejudices that stand in the way of the

global consciousness we need to care not just for the here and now, for our backyards and for
our human needs only but for the future of civilization, the entire biotic community and the
global common. We look at the world from the dirt crawling perspective of bugs when we
must look at the earth from the soaring perspective of birds.
Once we are allowed to see the world as a whole and see the approaching abyss, the
responsibility for family planning must be placed in the hands of couples and the oversight of
targets in the hands of communities. We must help each other exercise the restraint
necessary over our reproductive systems by all means available, natural and artificial, in the
kindest way possible so as to avoid the oppressive weight of public intrusion into our private
lives. The more responsible we are as individuals the less need there will be for public
To avoid the blaming game and suspicions that not everyone is pulling in the same direction
at the same pace, we are in need of a single global authority mandated strictly with ethical
oversight over depopulation. This ethical authority, which I have tentatively named the
Center of Global Consciousness, needs to have the full endorsement and support of
religious and secular authorities and be given the final say and global and direct access to the
media so it can communicate with the public directly and unencumbered by cultural, political
and economic considerations.
The sacrifices we are all asked to make with respect to our right to breed must be rewarded in
concrete and palpable ways. The depopulation effort therefore must be tied to rewards
enshrined in a set of global laws, the Laws of Conscience and Consciousness, that confer,
among other things, global citizenship and full residence rights to those who comply with the
targets set, which, depending on the country, will be a maximum of either one or two
children per family. The purpose of the Laws of Conscience and Consciousness is to
coalesce the people of the world under the motto One Planet, One People, One Law, One
Destiny so that problems of global concern can be address through global and universal
The overall effect of this process of personal emancipation and public evolution is to engender a
New Axial Age through enlightened thinking and equitable actions that will make possible the
dissolution of the New World Order.




The most common question I have had to answer is how I came to know about the Global
Depopulation Policy. My story of discovery is worthy of a Hollywood movie and goes back
almost ten years. To do it justice I will dedicate a book to it in due time called Structural
Violence: Personal Responsibility in National and International Systems. Dont be deceived by
the academic title for it hides a rollercoaster ride and an adventure of bloodcurdling suspense.
For the time being, I will only give a brief sketch of the trials and tribulations I went through and
continue to go through to bring you the truth and to set the world aright. It is a heartbreaking
story and I find it hard to write about it even though I am living it; or perhaps because I am living
In 2004, while travelling around the world, I had an epiphany in the Palau Islands, on the sixth
day of solitary kayaking through this marine paradise. It was too powerful an experience to
recount so I let my diary notes tell the story:
Sunset finds me gathering beach wood, of which there is plenty lying around, bone-dry and fire-ready.
Before long the orange glow of a crackling bonfire sends forth its unpartisan warmth and jubilant flames jump
merrily into the night sky. The beach is caressed by the fugacious tatters of flames and the ocean is touched
by the stealthy projections of stars.
The water around me no longer gurgles and splashes as it did by the alcove where it got caught under
the cavity of rock below. Now it ripples and murmurs from three sides ever so gently on its encounter with
the soft and smooth sand where it washes ashore in shy wavelets.
In the tent, as I lie on my back stretching, giving my poor spine a break from bending over the journal
and writing, I can smell the musty, distinct odor of overused and underwashed sheets. In search of better air I
slide half my body outside the tent and look skyward. Until now I, like everyone else living under the rules of
human civilization, have been defrauded of plenitude, of the multispectral inheritance of life, for only when
we become single faceted are we any good for society and can conform and submit to its intelligence. Here,
in the lap of nature, here, at the end of the world, I no longer long for plenitude. Here, I am whole.
There is a panoply of stars up there, magnificent to behold, but still no moon to be seen. It hangs so
low on the horizon in the northern sky that I can discern its hallow over the eclipsed ridges of distant islands,
but not the moon itself. It is strange to have such a bright and star-filled night sky, yet moonless. Just as odd
is the realization that true joy is not possible without hardship. I fall asleep looking up and probing in.
He appears inside the tent; no, closer, inside my head, inside my soul, like a slender angel of light, like a
sudden electric shock. I am startled, blinded, frightened. His hands, more elongated and younger than I
remember them, are crossed in an attitude of pious repose or mute prayer while the index fingers are barely
touching his lips, as one absorbed in silent contemplation. (This apparition, you must understand, was
instantaneous, without admonition, warnings, portends.) There is light all around him. He is light and love
and emanates both love and light with an unbearable luminosity of being and then his eyes fall on me, my
fathers kind eyes are unraveling the depths of my soul with the ease of unfolding a scroll and penetrates to
the very core of my being, seeing all I had not seen, not wanted to see or pretended not to see. He plunges his
gaze into my very nature to become origin of my nature. The light that envelops him and which is enveloped
in him leaps into me and thereafter sustains itself. Light, divine light as all light is; love, divine love as all
love is; now concentrate their rays and waves of lovelight into a single mirror to etch itself with its entire code
of truth, its infinite entirety and not just the essence into my fragile soul, which, being of flesh and blood, can
sustain the cataclysmic force of impact for only a fraction of a second; a fraction of a second that threatens to

disintegrate me. It is all too quick, instantaneous; too painful, but of an unknown and unqualifyable pain;
and too ecstatic to either comprehend or quantify. All I can do, all I have time to do, all I have the strength
to do is to react instinctively, irrationally, and instantaneously by jumping up and running out of the tent in
one impossibly brisk and fluid motion, lightning fast, liquidly fluid, unhindered-by-anatomy-fast and then
just as suddenly, just as uncontrollably, just as frighteningly to burst into tears and weep like an infant in an
instant. I emerge from sleep not as from a viscous hologram or visceral hallucination, but as from the clearest
of realities; so much so that the fantastic nightscape I now see with my opened and astounded eyes strikes me
as being a delirious dream now that Im awake. Above me the sky is as unperturbed and star-filled as when I
fell asleep. Wherever I turn I am surrounded by spectacular beauty beauty beyond words and beyond the
possible but the greatest beauty of all resides within me. On the outside Im tense, agitated, incredulous,
and I tremble, but inside there is peace and calm and quietude of the kind I have never known before; peace
so powerful that it tears me apart like war, like shrapnel; pain so sharp that it satisfies like pleasure, like water;
insight so deep that it confuses like falsehood, like betrayal; tranquility so complete that it equals furor, and
chaos. I shiver like a leaf, I burn like a flame, I shiver and burn with soul-rending pain, the pain of love. I am
moved to the core, which has melted and has been reconstituted. I weep for my father, overwhelmed by the
love with which he touched me, which he gave me, which he instilled in me. All that pure love in all its
immensity, in all its eminence, welled up and now released, lost and now found, given and taken and
homegrown now overflows me like a river in spring. I am the wellspring and the world is my delta. I am in
the limelight of lovelight under the starlight and it is all unbearably heavy, unbearably light, unbearably
freeing, unbearably trapping, unbearably bearable is the unbearable light. I spill over with love: the love of my
father, the love of a friend, the love of a lover, the love of a child; love, pure love, love indescribable and
unclassifiable love; love gained, love lost, love altered, love unrecognized; omnipotent, omniscient,
omnipresent love. Love so pure and all pervasive it clarifies its object and its subject, it clarifies what I am
made of, made from, and made for. It clarifies what sustains me and what sustains all and everything. Love
so strong it calls forth longing for my beautiful father. I look to the stars for him and call him back. I want
to know why? Why he came to me from the beyond? Why, father, why? What is the message? What is the
meaning? I look at the islands in the starlight and at the sea in the moonlight, but find him nowhere save for
inside of me, in the lovelight. I put my arms around me and hold him, hold the piece in me that is from him;
so much in me is from him, so much in me is him. And the longing subsides in love and in tears only to be
jolted anew by the source-less intimation: live on love alone, from a soundless voice resounding in the fiber of
my being. Have I heard right? Have I even heard it? Have I understood right? I want confirmation. I need
validation. I ask out loud for verification! I scream into the night sky for authentication!! I am desperate for
substantiation!!! And then the words, the same words, the same admonition, live on love alone, live on love
Live on love alone.
somehow (to my consternation, to my dismay, to my incomprehension) acquire material form,
body, substance, as a mercurial incarnation of sorts, concrete yet incorporeal, palpable yet without definition,
tangible yet without proof and without trace save for the meaning that is communicated to me with words yet
without words, but without doubt or ambiguity, mint-fresh and bell-clear. I understand, but I dont
understand. I hear and see the message, but I fail to comprehend. How am I to live on love alone? How?
Is it literal or merely figurative? Is love to be my guiding principle or my sustenance? I fall on my knees and
weep, and weep, and weep. Because I now know, I know, I know. I know what I must do and I am afraid. I
am alone. I am human. I am of flesh and blood. I am a mortal and Ive been told to be divine. I rise from
the stirred sand mortally divine, divinely mortal.
I have been surprised in a state of purity having been purified by travails, isolation, fasting - and
have been transported to a higher state of purity. I am too moved, too alive, too stirred to the core and too
transformed to go back to sleep, too transformed to go back to life. Instead, I slide inside the kayak naked as
the night and paddle into the open to witness the sunrise without the obstruction of land, without
obstructions of any kind; wanting to prolongue the state of transcendence and the feeling of exaltation,

wanting to keep open the door to that other world. The other world being the truth of this world. I watch
the day being born from a sea of tranquility and with a heart of serenity.
From the hush of the night rises a silent sun to bring forth a soundless day over a mute horizon and
into my quiet soul. From the blueness of night rises an orange sun to bring forth a yellow day over a crimson
horizon and into my light-flooded soul. From the coolness of night rises a hot sun to bring forth a fresh day
over a crisp horizon and into my consecrated soul.
The day finds me naked in the kayak, staring at the rising ring of fire with dried tears in my eyes. It
is a day like no other and a perfect image of the state of my being, as though nature is the reflection of my
soul, or its allegory; the moment in which to define myself against an entire universe.
Today, the landscape is at my mercy and I am merciful. And the seascape is benign for I am
benevolent. The air is breathless and the water immovable and time stands still because I ordain it. I am
breathless and immovable because time has ordained it when it stood still. Nature is my meditation and I am
its premeditation. Neither one subordinates the other in its psychology, in its reach. My text and natures are
verbally identical and so the end result is irrefutable, indubitable truth: knowledge without antecedents. The
day is spurned by the spontaneous alliance and subliminal convergence of chance, natures and mine, which
begot an analogue world of un-digital beauty, the pure nonsense and pure wisdom of nature, the chaos and
the order. Swept along by the inertia of our arrested fantasies, I feel solitaire yet accompanied, accompanied
in solitude. I have crossed oceans of time to find this moment or to be found by this moment. In a sense I
no longer know where I end and the ocean begins, where time ends and I begin.

I struggled for a long time to fully understand what it meant and succeeded only years later
when I had to draw upon the strength of lovelight implanted in me on that night by whatever
mysterious force.
A few months later, towards the tailend of my one-year-long journey around the world, I had
a second epiphany at Iguazu Falls in Brazil. I would have liked to let my diary describe it, as
I lack the right words now, but all my property, including my intellectual property and the
book I wrote at the end of my journey, has been confiscated by the Canadian authorities and
never returned to me.
While the first epiphany gave me the strength to endure the trials to come, the second
epiphany gave me an inkling of what I was expected to do. It happened on a clear night as I
walked along the gorge of the river mesmerized by the sublime spectacle of a dozen gigantic
waterfalls. The mist rose into the night sky and formed a rainbow in the moonlight, a
phenomenon I have never seen before or since. In watching the churning river, deafened by
the roar, I was struck by an insight that came to me with the same force and clarity as the
tumble of the immense volume of water before me: that I must be the drop of water that
changes the course of the river. The message and the mission were unmistakeably clear and
they came with a severe warning, namely that if I lack the courage to pursue it to the end I
will be denied the joy of being by the side of my two children. The mystery is that at that
time my two boys, Ben and Oliver, had not been born and I was still single. I dont know
how to explain this and I have long given up trying to, other then to resign myself to the time

honoured adage that God works in mysterious ways. But despite the lack of logic, I took the
warning to heart since I was allowed to feel, if only for an instant, the searing pain of the loss
to come.
I am not a religious man, but I cannot deny the spiritual nature of these two epiphanies, the
only such events I have ever experienced in my life. They altered the core of my being and
there is only one explanation. God spoke to me.
For the next five years, my life unfolded without any events of public interest. Despite my
epiphanies, I was not called upon to change the course of history. I married and had two
children. In 2009, a year before the birth of my second son, however, I was expelled from
Oxford University where I attended an online course in political philosophy. The purported
reason for my expulsion was breach of netiquette, thus of online etiquette, a poor excuse to
justify Oxfords brazen violation of freedom of speech, thought and conscience in the name of
a national program of surveillance and censorship of the academic environment imposed on
British universities by CONTEST, Britains strategy for combatting terrorism and
The course tutor, I reasoned at the time, did not like my opinions about Britains foreign and
domestic policies or the forcefullness with which I expressed them and saw fit to throw me
out of the course, Oxford being a conservative university. It took me one year of adjudication
and a similar experience at Leicester University, where I began a Masters Program in
Internation Relations and Global Order just a few months after my course at Oxford, to
discover that the British government had embarked upon a national program of thought
control that had spread to two-thirds of its universities and that was about to be implemented
Europe-wide through the Stockholm Programme starting in 2010, but that I shut down in the
nick of time by publishing my infamous paper The Great Secret: Surveillance and
Censorship in Britain and the EU.20
To ensure that no other student falls victim to this covert program of surveillance and
censorship (which I dubbed SAC) I sued the UK at the European Court of Human Rights
(ECHR) in March 201121 and a month later I went to Strasbourg, France, to engage in a
hunger strike in front of the Council of Europe to compel the European Union to condemn the
UK for creating such an instrument of control and force it to compensate all students who had
been prejudiced by the program and whose academic ambitions and lives had been destroyed.
Throughout my 30-day-long hunger strike, the Council of Europe and its Commissioner for
Human Rights, Mr. Thomas Hammarberg, as well as the French media, remained silent and

Kevin Galalae, The Great Secret: Surveillance and Censorship in Britain and the EU, 25 October 2010:

Kevin Galalae vs. The U.K., Application no. 13386/11, European Court of Human Rights, 1 March 2011:


failed to even acknowledge let alone respond to the four public letters I addressed to the
While hungering in Strasbourg, I became aware that Britains strategy for combatting
terrorism and radicalization was enabled by Resolution 1624 passed in 2005 by the United
Nations Security Council and that programs like SAC fell under this resolutions ambit and
were overseen by two UN bodies the Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC) and the Counter
Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) specifically created to coordinate the institution of
autocracy worldwide under the pretext of combatting terrorism and preventing radicalization.
Two days after my return to Canada from France I was arrested by the Canadian authorities,
falsely charged with crimes I did not commit, thrown out of my own home, separated from
my wife and children by force, deprived of all my computers and work materials so I could no
longer publish or voice my opinions, cut off from my bank account, and thrown into the street
with only the shirt on my back.
With the help of family and friends I was able to continue my defense of human rights but
every time I published a new paper exposing new aspects of state corruption and international
autocracy I was rearrested. Between May 2011 and February 2012, I was arrested four times
and denied access to the disclosure and to due process each and every time. The Canadian
judiciary collaborated fully with the executive branch of the Canadian government and the
leadership of the United Kingdom where the orders for my arrests ultimately originated.
In January 2012, after I had given an interview with Princeton TV in the U.S.22, the Canadian
government dropped all pretence and warned me in no uncertain terms that unless I cease and
desist my political activism and stop publishing I will be rearrested. I responded by saying
that my fundamental rights and my childrens future are non-negotiable. On 10 February
2012, the police was sent to arrest me but luckily I was not home. Upon receiving word, I
drove east throughout the night, abandoned my car, my last worldly possession, and crossed
clandestinely into the US three nights later, nearly losing my life on the first attempt, as I fell
into the half frozen river, but succeeding on the second.23
I made my way to Florida where I have family and for the next two months I stayed off the
radar preparing lawsuits against Canada and the UK, which I then filed with the European
Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg, France; the Inter-American Commission for
Human Rights in Washington, D.C.; and the United Nations Human Rights Council in


The Plight of Kevin Galalae, Interview with Adam Bierman of Princeton TV, December 2011:
Activist Flees Canada in Terror, The Oslo Times:


Geneva, Switzerland.24 At the same time, I applied for political asylum in Argentina, Bolivia,
Costa Rica and Venezuela, all countries that are ostensibly at odds with the West.
The international courts failed to respond within the three months mandated by law and the
countries I had applied for asylum did not acknowledge my applications. Costa Rica was the
only country to process my application but refused to grant me asylum. I later also applied to
Norway, which although initially acknowledged my application it later stopped
communicating without any explanation whatsoever. Switzerland had denied me asylum a
year earlier.
The silence of the international courts and of the countries I had applied to for asylum
confirmed that I had exposed programs and policies that are of concern to countries that have
nothing in common polictically or economically and that are being protected by the
international community as a whole even though they clearly and blatantly violate
international law and national constitutions.
While pursusing legal and political avenues to justice and asylum, I also turned for help to the
media, but could make no headway either with the western media or the media of countries
that should have jumped at the opportunity to show that they are not the only ones abusing
human rights and civil liberties and that the West is equally guilty of abuse and hypocritical
when criticizing others. China, Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, Russia, Argentina, and a dozen other
countries maintained the same code of silence as the purportedly free media of the United
States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Italy and a dozen others I had
written to and sent evidence of blatant violations of fundamental human rights and civil
liberties on a gigantic scale.
With nowhere to go, I had become for all intents and purposes a prisoner of the invisible
global government of the New World Order, lacking recourse to justice or the possibility of
asylum. I was trapped in the US, pennyless and futureless. To make matters worse, within
two weeks of resuming communication via the internet, the American authorities removed the
public phone I used to speak to my wife and friends and installed software in the public
library I frequented to prevent anyone using a hotmail account, as I did, to send files as
attachments. Every effort was made to contain me without depriving me of freedom, for
which I am grateful to the American government.
While it had become clear to me that I had exposed programs and policies vital to the New
World Order and protected by every country on earth regardless of its political system,
religion and culture, I did not yet know what issue could possibly compel the entire world to
silence and secrecy, the suspension of the rule of law, the annihilation of media freedom, and

UN Application by Kevin Galalae


the sport of mutual criticism. Not until, that is, I was asked by The Olso Times to write a
series on the demise of human rights across the globe and upon presenting the editors of this
liberal and outspoken publication (that had stood by me when no one else did) with the
commissioned articles they refused to publish them and retreated into complete silence. In
writing my third article of the series, entitled The Effects of Overpopulation on Human
Rights25, which was eventually published by The Oslo Times but with a broken link and
without giving me credit for writing it, it finally dawned on me that overpopulation is the only
global problem sufficiently grave and large to unite the entire international community in
common cause and to justify and explain the impenetrable veil of silence.
Once I identified overpopulation as the cause of all evil and the progenitor of the New World
Order it was childs play to find evidence of the methods and means by which individual
nations and the international community have proceeded to address it. When you ask the
right questions it is impossible not to uncover the truth, regadless how deeply burried it is and
how many layers of deception block your way to it.
During July and August, I worked day and night with a sense of extreme urgency to assemble
the scientific and statistical evidence necessary to prove that fluoride, BPA, and GMOs were
developed for one and one reason only, to stop the population bomb from blowing up the
earth. I published my book Water, Salt, Milk: Killing Our Unborn Children26 at the
beginning of September 2012. As expected, as soon as I posted it the global censorship
machine took it down. The Sleuth Journal, however, broke the ice and Wendy Blanks, its
editor, did a valiant job to bring my book to the publics attention. I also launched a
campaign to disseminate it by using the very propaganda channels set up by the system to
perpetuate the con. Linkedin and facebook proved very useful by enabling me to access those
propaganda channels through the back door. Linkedin especially allowed me to draw the
attention of media professionals, human rights organizations and civil society across the world
by joining discussion groups set up by CNN, Al Jazeera, BBC, Amnesty International,
Human Rights Watch and other such giants that have long been subsumed within the ranks of
the Global Depopulation Policy and that were now faced with the unpleasant realization that
they and their secret had been uncovered. To Linkedins credit, it refused to bend under
pressure from the security apparatus to remove my book and articles or shut down my

Kevin Galalae, The Effects of Overpopulation on Human Rights, 3rd article of the series Introspections on Human
Rights: In the Absence of Critics:

Last I checked, my book is carried by the following websites:


account. Scribd by comparison complied. Shills came at me from every direction to shut me
up or divert the discussion but did not suceed as they are mediocre minds and poorly trained
and are at a disadvantage because they work to supress the truth and the truth has a way of
always surfacing. I also received a vague offer to profit but refused it in no uncertain terms.
Nevertheless, the mainstream media remained silent. Throughout September and October, I
worked at a feverish pace to gather the names and contact emails of the worlds media
organizations and most important journalists. The first week of November, I published the
fruits of my labour, an 810-page-long Global Media Directory27 and then proceeded to email
my book directly to the people who run the worlds newspapers, magazines, radio stations,
and television channels. The apparatus of suppression kicked in high gear and bounced my
emails back or prevented them from getting through to their destinations. I responded by
changing my location and opening new email accounts so as to continue reaching the worlds
four corners. After emailing the evidence to thousands of people and organizations in 55 of
the 193 countries in my Global Media Directory, I was satisfied that word will continue to
spread by the effort of others. To ensure success, I also made a few hundred copies on CD
and mailed two dozen of them to select organizations and individuals in half a dozen countries
as well as distribute the rest randomly to total strangers by leaving them in peoples mailboxes
and at their doorstep. I took the bus to Orlando and spent a day doing just that, putting CD
copies of my book in the hands of total strangers.
I spent another day in Clermont
distributing copies to every church and religious establishment in the city. To my
astonishment, a few days later President Obama made an unscheduled visit to Clermont and
shortly after announced that fluoridation levels across the US will be lowered from 1.2 ppm to
0.5 ppm.
With my work in the US done, and at last aware that there is nowhere to emigrate to since the
entire world is subject to the constraints and methods of the Global Depopulation Policy, I
decided to return home to reclaim my children and ask the Canadian government to allow me
to work on changing the methods of depopulation from covert poisoning to overt legislation.
On the way to Canada, I made one last attempt to get the Vaticans assistance by stopping at
its embassy in Washington and asking for asylum. I was not allowed inside the embassy let
alone granted asylum. So I got back on the bus and a few hours later handed myself over to
the Canadian authorities at the Fort Eerie border crossing where I was promptly arrested.
Despite my olive branch, the Canadian government kept me imprisoned for nine months in
pre-trial detention and on the first day of the trial I won my freedom by filing a motion for
stay of proceedings on the grounds of non-disclosure. The decision to set me free however
had already been made and the court was just going through the motions.


Kevin Galalae, Global Media Directory, November 2012:


During the first three months of incarceration, I observed a hunger strike and for 75 days
refused to eat anything whatsoever losing 55 pounds and coming close to death. The only
reason I survived the ordeal is the lovelight planted inside of me in the Palau Islands and that,
miraculously, acted as a source of energy and gave me enough strength to not only stay alive
but also perfectly healthy. I realize how unbelievable this sounds but it is the truth and I will
not lie just to make my story more credible or politically correct. The records from the Quinte
Detention Centre, where I was held, will attest to the fact that all medical tests, blood tests and
electrocardiograms that were taken throughout my hunger strike came back with perfectly
normal results, which left the doctors speechless. The reason I stopped the hunger strike is
my heart, which began to feel brittle and as though it could rip at any moment and because it
became clear to me that I would be doing the authorities a favour if I died.
Throughout the hunger strike, I thought about my children and the depopulation policy and
every insight contained in this book came to me during the state of deep meditation and
introspection I reached during that time. Deprivation allowed me an extraordinary clarity of
mind and an intellectual incisiveness that I could not equal in normal living conditions.
Throughout the hunger strike I also experienced a state of elation that I described to the jail
medical staff who looked after me as physically weakened, mentally strengthened, and
spiritually in a state of grace. I was not depressed or discouraged for a single minute and
suffered no fainting spells or health problems other than the occasional heart palpitations and
irregularities; not exactly unusual for a 48-year-old.
After the hunger strike, which took place in segregation and under 24-hour observation, I was
housed in the general population dorm where the Canadian authorities had inserted a team of
three undercover cops to apply subtle pressure on me to get me to plead guilty to a
harrassment charge and three breaches so the judiciary and police could justify my
incarceration and protect itself from civil liability and international embarrassment. The same
pressure came from my government-appointed lawyer who withdrew her services as soon as
she realized that I will not plead guilty to anything and that I intend to take the false charges I
face to trial, which is the last thing the Crown wanted since it had no case whatsoever, as all
charges against me were false and intended only to keep me in jail for as long as possible and
therefore silent for as long as possible.
I will not go here into the details of the legal battle I fought once I took over my own legal
defence, which is worthy of a book in itself, but suffice it to say that every court proceeding
was predetermined and took place behind closed doors with no media or public presence
whatsoever. Full disclosure was never produced, many of the police occurrence reports and
witness transcripts that were made available had been doctored, my entire medical file had
been falsified to create a non-existent history of mental illness, witness and police statements
were pure perjury, and both the letter and the spirit of the law were violated with impunity
macking a complete mockery of the administration of justice and the separation of powers
that is supposed to exist in a democracy such as Canada.

When the undercover team of cops failed to get me to plead guilty and I instead presented
them with a list of indicators that exposed their true identity, the facade was dropped and I
was made an offer that involed a numbered Swiss bank account. I refused and an incident
was promptly created to move me into super-protective custody where I remained for the rest
of my incarceration.
I will post here three of the letters I sent from jail because they illustrate better than anything
the work of persuassion I engaged in to get the worlds power players on our side, on the side
of the people. The letters are addressed to his Holy Father, Pope Francis II; to the United
Nations Human Rights Commissioner, Ms. Navanethem Pillay; and to the Prime Minister of
Canada, the Honourable Stephen Harper. The first two were smuggled out of jail by fellow
inmates as I feared they would not be allowed to go through.
16 June 2013

Holy Father,
Nearly a decade ago, God graced me with an epiphany in the Palau Islands where he filled me the
strength of Lovelight, knowing that I would soon need it. Shortly after, at Iguazu Falls, He gave me a
mission; to be the drop of water that changes the course of the river. He made me understand that I
am the drop and humanity the river. I do not know why He chose me; only that He did. Perhaps He
saw in me a purity of heart that is uncommon and a strength of character that is unyielding; qualities
He knew that I would need.
It was not clear to me how I was to change the course of history until last year when I exposed the
global depopulation policy and its insidious methods. The Church is the first I appealed to and
although the Vaticans doors have remained closed to me, I was encouraged to see how swiftly it
reacted. By changing leadership the cardinals have saved the Church. But what about the people, for
without them there is no Church.
The actions of the United Nations and the international community over the past six decades have
demonstrated that pure reason is as destructive as blind faith. Inside of every man reason must be
guided by love and love by reason if we are to live in the image of God and restore harmony between
men and between humanity and nature.
Our leaders have failed us and the Church bears part of the responsibility for it has tacitly allowed
secular powers to turn the basic elements of life into weapons of mass destruction that were then used
and continue to be used on the innocent and the defenceless to achieve necessary demographic
objectives. This is an affront to God and in violation of the values and norms that make us human and
God could not stand idly by and witness our self-destruction and the debasement of His creation. He
activated me and I come to you as His messenger. The people must know the truth and we must help
them forgive those who have erred and teach them how to assume responsibility for the future, thus
how to live in the image of God by embodying His virtues in their daily lives. How to achieve this is
spelled out in my Diagramma della Verit, included in this letter. If we fail in our task, Fatimas third

vision will become a reality. If we succeed, and we will, humankind will ascend to a higher level of
consciousness and a new axial age will propel us into a brighter future; a future in which the mind is
not at war with the heart.
To stop me from telling the truth and from saving our children and our dignity, the authorities keep me
imprisoned and under relentless pressure to acquiesce. With humility I turn to you and the Church not
in the hour of my need but of humanitys need. Help me protect the born and the unborn before it is
too late.
With gratitude,

Kevin Galalae
a son of man

14 May 2013
U.N. Commissioner for Human Rights
Ms. Navanethem Pillay

Esteemed Commissioner,
In 2012, I appealed to you as a dissident in exile and have also filed an application with the U.N.
Human Rights Council to seek justice and redress for crimes committed by Canada against me and my
children in retaliation for exposing a covert programme of surveillance and censorship in British
I am now reiterating my appeal from jail, where I have been languishing for over six months, in the
hope that this time you will do more than just assign Ms. Schwarze of SOS Rassismus DeutschSchweiz to discreetly work on my behalf without offending the governments of Canada and the U.K.
The need to write to you arises from new evidence that I herewith submit and that explains both my
continuing oppression and the continuing reluctance of civil society and the international NGO
community to speak up.
You may or may not be aware that in September 2012 I published Water, Salt, Milk: Killing Our
Unborn Children and that two months later I released a Global Media Directory urging the press
and broadcasting agencies of the worlds 193 countries to inform citizens that their governments are
subjecting them to fertility-depressing agents delivered through the basic elements of life for the
purpose of achieving demographic objectives dictated by the United Nations and its agencies as part
of its efforts to stabilize the population explosion and save the world from environmental catastrophe
and conflict over diminishing resources.
At no time did I question the categorical imperative of effectively addressing overpopulation, or the
urgency with which it needs to be approached. What I vehemently oppose is the chemical and
biological means chosen to do so and the devastating impact these immoral and unlawful means have

on the genetic and intellectual endowment of mankind. To stop this silent genocide I have then
launched a barrage of open letters to the worlds religious leaders to enlist their help for the
protection of my fellow man and to create the space we need to force our governments and the United
Nations to change course and legislate population control. After a short stop in Washington D.C.,
where the doors of the Vaticans Nunciature were shut in my face, I then returned to Canada, from
where I had escaped ten months earlier.
On December 10, 2012, as expected, I was taken into custody at the border and with the first
opportunity I explained to the Canadian authorities that I returned home to give Canada a chance to
rectify the injustices it has committed against me and to give me the opportunity to work discreetly
towards changing the depopulation policy from covert poisoning methods to overt legislative methods.
The government of Canada has responded to my good faith offer by saddling me with new criminal
charges that are as baseless and malicious as the first set from 2011. It has then proceeded to violate
even the most basic tenets of jurisprudence along with due process and the letter as well as the spirit
of the law in order to keep me behind bars.
On the first day of imprisonment, I declared a hunger strike and did not eat for 75 days, losing 55
pounds or 27% of my initial body weight and pushing myself to the very limit of my endurance and to
near death in the hope that the authorities will listen to reason and cease cooperating in crimes
against humanity. But the government of Canada is not willing to listen to reason and stop poisoning
its populace to infertility and chronic illness. It is instead set to proceed with the eugenic agenda and
believes that by keeping me in prison indefinitely they and the international elites will be able to stiffle
the truth and avoid having to account for their actions.
That is a fools dream. The truth is out and nothing can stop it from spreading. Even within the
confines of the prison I am held in, the Quinte Detention Centre, the truth continues to spread.
Quintes dorm 4 has become a university on depopulation. No one leaves it without being educated
about the genocidal methods by which our elected governments and once respected international
agencies are violating our very right to life, which necessitates the wholesale subversion of our
inalienable rights and liberties.
Nevertheless, I held back on publishing a history of the depopulation policy that I wrote here in prison
and that is in the hands of several online publications, waiting for me to give them permission to
publish it.
I have held back so far to avoid causing mass unrest, because I believe it will be in no ones interest if
unrestrained anger is the means by which the global populace will react to news that they and their
children are treated like vermin by the very people they have elected and the very institutions they
have entrusted with the protection of their health, rights and liberties.
I urge you to do your duty and publicly denounce the depopulation policy and help bring to justice
those who drive it without concern for the wellbeing of the vast majority and in total disregard of the
values and norms that make us human and humane. I urge you to stand by me and aid humanists
prevail over eugenicists so we can save both the world and the humanity of humankind or else we will
all face certain and global revolt. I urge you to remind the global elite that they have embarked upon
a noble and necessary path, but that they will never reach their intended destination by condemning
the worlds people to sterility and damning their lineages to extinction.
We cannot preserve life and the planet without protecting the dignity of man, the integrity of his mind
and body, and the principle of equality between men. Just as the sun shines for us all so must the rules
that govern us be the result of informed and universal consent.

We, the people of the world, have not given either the U.N. or our governments the consent to poison
us so as to save a select and self-chosen fraction of mankind. The future belongs to us all and so does
the responsibility to make the sacrifices needed to halt and reverse population growth. What we lack
is the opportunity and the trust and respect of our national and international leaders.
Remind those in positions of power not to act like the Pharisees of bygone days and crucify me for
their sins. I am not the son of God, I am only a son of God, but I love justice, the earth and my fellow
man just the same and nothing will stop me from defending them.

Kevin Galalae

20 June 2013

Honourable Prime Minister Harper,

For the past three years, the organs of state, acting under your executive authority, have violated
every Charter right to prevent me from first defending freedom of speech and thought in academia
and, more recently, from protecting the global populace from the genocidal methods of population
control devised by the Allies and employed by the U.N. since the end of World War II.
You have succeeded in destroying my life and my family but not in discrediting my public image and
credibility through underhanded attacks on my mental health, which is the dishonourable method of
choice for the security apparatus when faced with legitimate dissent in a democratic society. If
anything, my stature on the international arena has grown by leaps and bounds and I now occupy the
pinnacle of human rights activism.
The fact that a man of my standing languishes in prison under false charges designed to mask political
intent and deprived of due process to ensure my indefinite detention, speaks volumes about the state of
Canadas decay as a nation of the rule of law.
Yet despite my personal situation and suffering, I have sympathy for your predicament once I account
for the national and international security prerogatives that underlie your actions in respect to my
You have inherited the commitment to the depopulation policy from your predecessors and, Canada
being a founding member of the U.N. and signatory to its covenants of international cooperation and
harmonization, you are undoubtedly constrained by unbreakable contractual obligations to assist the
U.N. in achieving its long-term demographic objectives, without which the worlds economic, social,
environmental and humanitarian problems will remain unsolved and will eventually make it
impossible to maintain international peace and security. But while previous prime ministers were
shielded by plausible deniability via deception and dissimulation to allow the depopulation policy to
go undetected, and could invoke immunity from prosecution by virtue of the derogation of powers and

therefore of responsibility from national to international bodies, you no longer have that escape
mechanism, as I have presented unassailable, multi-disciplinary and mutually reinforcing scientific
evidence in my book Water, Salt, Milk: Killing Our Unborn Children in regards to the true
objectives and dire effects of the chemical and biological methods used to undermine human fertility,
as well as the psychosocial and economic methods used to undermine the family; methods that fall
squarely within the definition of the genocide convention and that in any court of law will qualify as
crimes against humanity.
Unless properly primed and thoroughly educated, few if any people will understand that our leaders
have chosen the lesser evil for the greater good when the devastating effects on our health and on our
childrens very existence are as diabolical and unforgiveable as the latest scientific evidence shows.
But while leaders in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s could justify their actions by pointing out the systemic
obstacles that stood in the way of legislating population control namely the lack of birth control
devices, the ignorance of the masses as to the unfolding population explosion, the unelectability of
politicians advocating family planning, and the intractability of the church in respect to abortion and
artificial birth control leaders in the 90s and until today do not have recourse to these justifications.
Yes, new obstabcles have arisen but they are not impossible to overcome in light of the fact that the
prospect of environmental collapse is imminent and universally recognized by the common man, who
will also understand, once presented with the facts, that unless the global population is stabilized and
then gradually reduced it will be impossible to save the earth and ensure the continuation of human
civilization. We therefore have a solid reason, in addition to the necessary international institutional
framework and the mass media tools to inform and empower the populace, to accept and abide by
population control legislation.
Once I understood this, I returned to Canada with an olive branch from the security of foreign exile in
the U.S. and with a good faith offer to be allowed to work discreetly on converting the depopulation
policy from covert poisoning to overt legislation. Sadly my offer has been ignored and those who
drive the policy continue to deceive themselves with the notion that by keeping me behind bars the
truth can be stiffled. This is a fools wish, for I have ensured that the truth is disseminated digitally,
from nation to nation, as well as physically, from person to person. The truth is spreading
exponentially through the populace with or without me and once it reaches a sufficient number of
people the tide will turn and the magnitude of the crimes committed on the innocent and unsuspecting
in the name of security will jar nations beyond anything ever experienced in history. If my
premonitions are correct, unless world leaders come forward and prepare for a soft landing, the result
will be more explosive and catastrophic than anyone might dare to guess and the political and
administrative establishments of every nation on earth will have to face the wrath of the people in its
rawest form. God forbid it should come to this for the world will succumb to chaos and mayhem.
That is why I urge you as father to father, as man to man, and as human being to human being to take
the necessary steps to ensure that this outcome is prevented. To avoid such a tragic and dangerous
outcome I have offered an elegant solution that will enable a change of course without destabilizing
global peace and security. It will in fact strengthen them while also freeing the leadership from the
prison it has created for itself by protecting lies with lies.
The time has come to tell the truth. In the absence of truth your government is illegitimate for it lacks
the consent of the people. The Canadian people have never given you or the U.N. the consent to turn
the basic elements of life into weapons of mass destruction that have been turned on us to poison our
reproductive systems and to undermine our families and will never give their consent to such
diabolical methods. Government was established to uphold the rule of law not subvert it. Legality is
the basis for legitimacy and the depopulation policy is clearly outside the law. Furthermore, your

most solemn duty as prime minister is to protect our lives and ensure our security. Your governments
actions in respect to the depopulation policy amount to the exact opposite, hence the veil of secrecy,
and certainly do not constitute responsible government. Authority that is not considerate of the
fundamental rights of citizens ceases to be legitimate. The means of control the government adopts
must reflect the attitudes and principles of those they govern. Once again, this is clearly not the case.
If you lack the freedom, the courage or the integrity to tell Canadians the truth and halt any and all
covert depopulation measures, then step out of my way and let me do what needs to be done to return
the world to sanity. For I am not afraid to stand in front of the world and show the way forward even
though I know that I will face the dark forces of ignorance, prejudice and fanaticism. I am prepared
to die for hmankind.
As the agent of the policys unmasking, I have earned the trust and respect of the people. As
interpreter of our leaders motives and analyst of the policys causes and consequences, I have shown
fairness, objectivity, and more than just shallow understanding. And as a thinker and a man of action,
I have demonstrated that I lack neither the intellect nor the courage to take the leap of faith and break
the ice of apathy and inertia demanded of true leadership. I have earned the right to lead the
international community into a new era of peace and prosperity.
I cannot help but feel that during your recent trip to the U.K. you have conferred with Her Majestys
Government and sought royal assent for what I can only hope is a break from the depopulation policy
and my release from jail.
The longer I am held behind bars, the greater the likelihood that those who come after me, and will
seek to defend their children as I have done, will have no reason to trust that the government is
capable of enlightened benevolence and will, as a result, not show the kind of restraint and
understanding I have. And this does not bode well for either national or international security.
If the Canadian government and by extension the international community are to preserve their
dignity and credibility and ensure their security, now is the time to tell the world the truth and change
course. My plan for accomplishing this is outlined in the book I wrote while on a a 75-day hunger
strike in the Quinte Detention Centre where to this day I am being held. The book is entitled Killing
Us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policy. You can ontain a copy of
the content pages from Superintendent Gillis, in case you do not already posses one, as it is too
voluminous to send in this envelope.
Since my case is outside the jurisdiction of the courts and I am held under false charges and false
pretenses, I hope that you will release me by prime ministerial decree and allow me to fulfill my
destiny. On this count I want you to know that the circumstances which led to my current position are
nothing short of extraordinary and I have described them only to a select few, Pope Francis II being
one of them. In 2004, while travelling around the world, I experienced two epiphanies which gave me
the strength and the direction to battle with the world. Despite my avowed agnosticism, it appears
that God has chosen me to change the course of history. If you should doubt my sacred credentials, as
I myself do from time to time, you will not be able to dismiss as easily my crisp logic, undaunted
determination, and the greater envelope of my compassion.
The most rational explanation I can muster for this unusual chain of events that has catapulted me to
the center of global attention is that God could not stand idly by and witness our self-destruction. He
empowered me to be His agent and I intend to carry out His will regardless of what happens to me.
Evil is opportunistic and has taken advantage of our weaknesses and divisions; between science and

religion, between nations, social classes, races, religions and even between men and women. The
depopulation policy in its present form is an embodiment of all these weaknesses and divisions which
is why it is unsustainable. Its unethical, destructive and divisive nature creates social and political
rifts that are irreversible and damages the genetic and intellectual endowments of humanity beyond
repair. This is in violation of the norms and values that make us human and humane. It is also and
foremost an affront to God and Nature.
I hope that you will be guided in your decision making by reason and faith in equal measure and that
neither one will blind the other. It is an awesome burden that you and your counterparts carry and I
can help you unload it and place it where it properly belongs, on the capable shoulders of humanity.

Kevin Galalae

I dont know what effect my letters had, but there was a marked change in the way I was
treated by the jail staff and the courts afterwards.
The fact that my offer to work discreetly on changing the policy from covert and immoral
methods to overt and legal methods has been refused betrays that the leadership wants me to
continue exposing the policy and shut it down so they can be delivered from the hell they have
inherited and from which they cannot escape because as insiders they are bound by international
commitments and by confidentiality aggreements to maintain the secrecy. As for the policys
footsoldiers, if they break rank they face the risk of being convicted of treason and spend the rest
of their lives behind bars. That is why the most adamant support I have received so far is from
secret service agents from various countries, who have asked me in private not to stop and to
press on because what I am doing is vital.
Two weeks before my release from jail, during my second detention review, the Crown
presented me with a copy of a ten-year-long restraining order denying me contact with my
wife and children. The restraining order is completely illegal as I was not invited to defend
my position in court, which is mandated by law, and utterly immoral because it severs without
reason the love that bonds fathers and sons, but it is in keeping with the methods used by the
depopulationists to break up families and command obedience. Furthermore, it does not
explain why I should be prohibited from seeing my wife and children, especially for such a
long duration. In fact, the judge who presided over the detention review, said that he had
never seen such a long restraining order. So the battle with the forces of evil resumes and my
children continue to be held hostage by the Crown and the international community as
leverage over me.
Upon my release from jail, on 11 September 2013, I discovered that my email accounts have
been hijacked by the military-industrial establishment and are being controlled from three

separate locations in the U.S. Three days ago, on 27 September 2013, all files in my laptop
computer were eviscerated by an unknown entity on the same day I emailed the editor of The
Sleuth Journal to inform her that this article will be ready for publication in a couple of days.
Since I keep external copies, I lost only a days work. This, by the way, is not the first but the
fourth time my computer files have been destroyed.
The powers to be are up to the same methods of sabotage and intimidation to stop me from
disseminating the truth about their murderous policy, but it appears that the coalition has
broken apart and that the military-industrial establishment no longer has the support of the
political establishment. This article will undoubtedly bring the remaining members of the
coalition scattering in all directions, as they will know that the end is near.
I am certain that better men than me have tried and failed to bring the truth and break the
silence about the Global Depopulation Policy. There are several reasons why I have
succeeded where others have failed.
1. There is a tradition of political dissent in my family that goes back three generations
and I was not about to abandon it or fail to honour it.
2. I feel bound by my parents sacrifice. They left their native country, Romania, when I
was fourteen years old so their children could live in freedom and I would not allow
their sacrifice to be in vain by closing my eyes and turning my back to the ultimate
source of cancer in the world today, which left untreated will prove fatal not only to
my childrens future but to all our future.
3. Having grown up in a totalitarian communist state, I was taught to read between the
lines and not to believe any official pronouncements, public declarations or the word
of politicians. In fact, if they say black I was taught to assume they actually mean
white or at the most gray and to see it as such until I can cross-reference the evidence.
As a result of where I grew up, I lack the gullibility of westerners who have been
conditioned by sophisticated media propaganda and religious education to believe
everything they are told and to submit to authority without challenging it.
4. Perhaps the most important factor in my success is that I could get my message across
digitally and without cost and that I could access a wealth of data and information by
computer, an advantage unavailable to previous generations. The world wide wibe
and the digital age have empowered us to have the world at our fingertips whereas
previous generations were restricted to their immediate surroundings in their attempt
to spread the word without the help of the media.
5. I have immigrated twice (from Romania to Germany as a child, and from Germany to
Canada as a young man), have lived and been educated in three countries and in as
many languages on two continents, have travelled around the world twice, have visited
some 100 countries, and speak six languages to various degrees of incompetence and
all of them with an accent, including my mother tongue, Romanian. I therefore have a
global perspective, love many countries and cultures but have loyalty to none. I am

the quintessential global citizen and no one without a global perspective could have
possibly unravelled the Global Depopulation Policy.
6. Having grown up in Romania under Ceausescus dictatorship I had the good fortune of
escaping fluoridation28 and therefore my judgment, intellect, and courage have not
been impaired by chronic exposure to this obedience drug. Moreover, out of luck
rather than knowledge, I have been drinking only mineral water bottled in glass for the
past 30 years and this has protected me from BPA and fluoride poisoning.
7. The vast majority of the worlds population is composed of cowards, man having been
socially selected over centuries of social coexistence to keep his head low and his tail
between his legs. In addition, repressive measures have deterred men from risking
their lives to tell the truth to an indifferent populace. Last but not least, in capitalist
societies and capitalism is the only ideology left standing the only thing that
matters is personal gain and there is nothing to be gained and everything to lose by
going against the grain and challenging the New World Order. This last factor is
particularly relevant since this is the first time in history we are faced with a global
policy and as such there is nowhere to go to escape it and no untainted statesmen to
give refuge to anyone who exposes it and therefore threatens the positions of power of
every head of state on earth and of the entire establishment of power and international
community. Few men have the courage to take on the world.
8. I am not a cynic. I believe in the fundamental goodness of man and attribute all evil
on earth to circumstances beyond mans control and in which man is given little
choice but to be bad. On a larger scale, the same goes for governments, as the Global
Depopulation Policy attests. Because I am not a cynic, I believe that our leaders are
decent people who try their best but are faced with impossible and contradictory
demands. This positive outlook has allowed me to hope that sooner or later I will
break through the systems walls by appealing to the better nature and to the humanity
of the individuals in power. I knew that sooner or later I will get them on my side, if
only I persist, if only I make sacrifices that no one will and gain their respect.
In addition to the above factors, the authorities have made several fatal mistakes:
1. They did not know when to back off. Having suppressed hundreds perhaps even
thousands of courageous men and women before me, they have grown arrogant and
possessed by the delusion of invincibility. As such, they have underestimated me
from the very beginning and relied on a graduated increase of pressure to subject me
to their will. It has not worked because I came out of nowhere too fast too strong and
garnered global attention before they could take me out, if assassinations are still
practiced in the name of the policy.


Nicolae Ceausescu, though a communist dictator, refused to poison his people. He was one of only very few
European statesmen to have taken this position.


2. They made the mistake of separating me from my children whom I love more than
anything and anyone else on this earth and for whom I will move mountains. They
have therefore not only given me the most powerful of incentives to fight like a lion
but also freed me to dedicate 100% of my time to the defense of human rights and the
discovery of truth. As a stay at home dad who also worked from home, my time and
energy were dedicated almost exclusively to my children and work as a professional
writer. Had I not been separated from my children by force I would never have had
the time and the energy necessary to find and expose the Global Depopulation Policy.
3. The system of suppression has grown too effective, too universal, and therefore too
obvious to be able to perpetuate the illusion of freedom and democracy. Had the
authorities had the good sense to sacrifice the covert program of surveillance and
censorship (SAC) I had uncovered in the U.K. and the E.U. in order to save the
deopulation policy by allowing the media and courts to do their jobs, I would have
long lost the trail of crumbs that led me to the core of the New World Order, thus to
the depopulation effort.
Now that the truth is out the question is how to bring about change. No acts of bravery are
required to send this policy to the netherworld. Because it hinges on secrecy all we have to do is
reveal the secret and expose the deceipt. Like a vampire, once brought into the light it will
disintegrate. The powers to be are fully aware of the policys vulnerability, which is why it
spends untold human and material resources to preserve the secret and continue the deception.
Politically, we must organize and send governments a clear message that unless they stop
poisoning our water, food and air we will prosecute them for crimes against humanity. This
will break the ranks of the political coalition that controls the Global Depopulation Policy.
Economically, we must stop buying anything that comes in plastic, metal, and aluminum
because they are made of BPA or coated with it. We must stop using any dental products that
contain fluoride. We must stop buying foods made from GMOs. We must also stop
consuming processed foods because there is no way of telling what the additives, artificial
colorants and sweeteners they contain are intended to do to our bodies and therefore we
cannot trust them. This will separate private interests from the political will.
Socially, we must set aside cultural and religious differences, class struggles and national
loyalties to be able to unite across borders and gain democratic control of the international
power structure. This will give the majority a say in the worlds destiny.
It sounds easy and it is. The problem is that broad participation is necessary and people
nowadays are almost impossible to get off their couches and away from their TV screens,
having been conditioned and poisoned to be passive spectators not active participants in the
shaping of their lives and societies.


Before releasing this paper for publication, I thought long and hard about asking for advice and
direction from President Obama, Ban Ki Moon, and Pope Francis II, but I have a feeling they
need my help more than I need theirs, for no one would love to be delivered of this awesome
responsibility more then those whose consciences it plagues.
Also, I decided not to for fear that I would allow myself to be bought by the underlings of the
depopulation lobby whose function is to silence people like me with money. I have already
declined two such offers, I may have accepted the third. I have been pennyless and without my
children for nearly three years, imprisoned for one, and relentlessly derided by the very people I
am trying to save, and I might have been tempted to take the easy way out and look after my own
interests like everyone else.
Frankly, I have come to the end of my reserves and at times I fail to see the purpose in trying to
save the ignorant masses. I cannot save those who will not save themselves and who moreover,
in their stupidity and cowardice, blame me for telling them the truth and for destroying their
carefully preserved illusion of reality. They fail to understand that virtually everything that
happens in this world and that has happened in the world for the past 60 years is a detail, a
consequence or a loose end of the depopulation effort: the food they eat, the water they drink, the
air they breathe, the bottles they drink from, the laws that govern them, the jobs they have and
those they lost, the companies that moved abroad, the pensions they fight for, the past conflicts,
the present and the future conflicts, the famines they witness on TV or affect them personally,
many of the illnesses they suffer or their children suffer from, the news they are allowed to see
and the more important ones they will never see, the choice of words of their favourite TV
anchorman or woman, the price of oil, the price of groceries, the price of honesty, the level of
public debt, the cost of living, the level of taxation, and on and on and on. They fail to see
because no one has ever bothered to explain it to them. But some fail to see because they dont
want to see and will never want to see beyond their immediate surroundings. Still they have the
right to know. And the right to misunderstand. The right even to ignore. Public policy and
especially international order must not be based on wilful deception. And most certainly not on
the repression of truth.
So I am fighting for the truth and for the love of truth. More than anything, I am fighting for the
innocent children born and yet to be born. It is them I need to save and I have always had a soft
spot for children. And to be honest, I am also fighting because the powers to be have angered
me by trying to bully me into silence and by holding my children hostage to have leverage over
me. I dont like bullies and have never taken kindly to bullying. And anyone who uses innocent
children to hide their crimes or pursue their interests, however lofty those interests may be, are
scumbags in my eyes. And I will root them out.
When I come to the end of my strength, as I have on multiple occasions, that lovelight inside of
me realights me without fail and also reminds me that the secular powers I face are but a tiny
enemy and the least of my worries because I have made a promise to God and if I fail to honour

it His warning will come true and I will never see my children again. Since I would rather be
dead than without my children, I press on and hope for the best. Hope that He will stand by me,
as I stand by you.
I am not a religious man, but I have the good sense to fear that which I dont understand, and of
whose existence and awesome power I was given undeniable proof, and whom I know to be the
source of my strength.




Social problems cannot be solved through science. Not without bringing about new and even
more severe social problems. Social problems require social solutions. Replacing blind faith in
God with blind faith in science has gotten us into serious trouble. Neither God nor science can
save us. We can only save ourselves.
The choice is simple.
It is either this...



or this.



I choose the latter. What will you choose? The time has come to choose and to choose right or
we will all die miserable deaths.

To those who hold on to the fiction that our planet is not overpopulated I give this picture of the
earth at night to consider.


The author:

Kevin Mugur Galalae
Founder of:
The Peoples Protection Force
Freedom in


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