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(fleceived he Assent of die Governor oh 17th October, 1969 and
pubtished in h e Nagaiand Gazette, EmYaordinary dared 24th
Oclober, 1969)

to amend the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in 'its appliwtion

to Nagaland
Whereas it is expedient to amend the Societies Registration Act,
-1860,(Act XXI of 1860) hereinafter called the Principal Act, in
its application to the State of Nagaland in the mamer hereinafter
It is hereby enacted in the twentieth year r?f the Republic of India
as foIlows :1. Short title, extent and commencement.
(i) ' This Act may be called the (Societies Registration Nagaland
first Amendment) Act, 1969. .
(ii) It shall extend to the whole State of ~ a ~ a l a n d .
Provjded lbar the Principal Acc. s b d apply to the District of
Tuensang in the State of Nagaland subject to such modification,
if any, as the State,Governmentby notification in the Official
It shall come into force at once.



he .word "Registrar,aEJoint Stock companies" appearing

in S ~ ~ t i al:,df:t~e
oPrincipal Act shall be substituted by the
appointed by the stat^ C~overn.'
-. .
(ii) The words "Registrar ofJoint Stack Campanit$" wherever
they appear in the Principal Act shall be substituted by the
words "Registrar of Societies."

3. Inserfion of new Section 4A in Act XXI of 11160.

After section 4 of Principal Act, the following new Scction shall
be inserted namely :"4A (I) Together wilh tht List mentioned in. Secticln 4, there
shall be sent lo rhe Registrar of Societie a statement
showing changes during the year to which [be lisr relates
in the personncl of thc Government, Coucil, Directors,
Commitlee or other governing body towhom the managemcnt uf the affairs of [he society is entrusted and also
a copy of the rulcs ol rhe society corrected up to date
and cec~iIied10 bc a correct copy by not less than rhree
u l h e memhcrs of [he governing body.
(11) A copy of every alteration made in the rules of ~ h c
society, ccrtiljed to b e - a correct dopy by not less than
three members of the gove-rning body, shall be sent to
the Registrar of the socie~ieswithin thirty days of thc
making of such alteration."
4. Insertion o f new sections Act XXI or 1860.

Afrer Section 12 of lhc Societies Acl 1860 (Act X X I o[ 1860)

~ h lolluwing
shalI be irrserfed namely :
Change a t name.
"121%.Any socic~yrcgistcrcd undcr this ACLmay, with the conscnt

of not less ~ h a nrwo third of thc Lo~alnumber of its rncmbers by

a resulu~ionat a general meeting canvened for the purposc and
subject Lo thc provi~iunof Scction 125,change its name.
Notice of Change of name.
12B (1) Notice in writing of cvery change of name, signed by
the Secretary and by seven members of thc society
cbaoging its namc, ahall be sent to the Registrar.
(2) If the proposal namt is identical with Lhat by which. gy
other existing socieiy has been registered or;. io 'the
opinion of thc Registrar, so nearIy resembles such name
ns ro he likely l o deceive the public, the Registrar shall
refuse ta'register thc change of namc.
(3) Savc as provided ia sub-section (2), the Registrar shall,
if he is satisfied that the provision of this Act in respcct
of chrrngc of namc hnvc been complied with, regis~er
~hc:change of name and thc change of name shall have
eflecl Cronl [he date of such rcgislrarion.

Effect of change.
12C.Thercbange in the namc of a society regislcred under this
Act shall not effect any rigbts or obligations of the socicly or
rcndcr defective any Legal pra~eedingwhich rnigh~.have bccn
c o n h u e d or commenced by or against it by its formal name may
be continued or be commenced by or against it by ils new name".

5. Amendment of Section 13 of Act XXI of 1860, 1.

In Section 13 of rhc Principal Act.
(a) after the words "as the governing b o d y [he words "or special
committee formed to repIace the governing body in respccl
of all matters effecting thc winding up a l t h c socicty, or thc
said official committee" shall bc inserted.
(2) Aftcr Scction 13 o f lhc Act, the following proviso shall be
iosertcd as the first proviso namely.
"Provided that any matter decided by ~hreefifth of those present
either in person or by prony a1 any meering of the members of
.the socie~yor of the governing body therear or of any special
Cornmiltee appointed at a (:ieneral Mcc~ingfor the purposc of
winding up of the affairs of a wciely shall not be deemed to be
a matter of dispute within thc meaning of this section."

6. Amendment of Section 14 of Act XXI of 1860.


Sectian 14 o l the principal Act aficr he words "some other

s6ci,etyt' the words whether rcgislered under this Act or not",

shall be inserted.
7. Amendment of Section 19 of tbe Act XXI of 1860.
In Section 19 of the Principal Act for the words "two amas" in
between the words payment of "fifteen paise" shall be substituted.
8, Insertion of new Sections 12 and 22 in Act XXI o l 1960.
After Scc~ion20 of the Principal ACL,rhc following new sec~ioo
shall be inserted, namely :Penallies.
"21. (1)

I f thcPresidcn~,Sccrct;wy or any other pcrson auihoriscd

in this hel~aIfby a rcsulu~iunof Ihc governing body of
rhc snciaty faila to colnply with ~ h pruvisio~~s
of scctioti
4, he shall on conviclion; bc punishable wilh fine which
may uktcnd to fivc hundrcd rtrpccs and in ciisc of a
conlinuing breach, shall also bl: punishable with finc not
exceeding fifiy rupr;cs lor cncll day, during thc period

lhe breach coacinues after f i t coaviction for such

If any person willfully makes or causes to be made any
fake inter in, any omission from, the list required by
section 4, or in or from any statement of copy of rules
or alteration in rules sent, to the Registrar of Societies
under section 4A, he shall, on conviction, be punishable
with fine which may extend to two thousand rupees.
No Court inferior to that af a Magistrate of the First
class shaU try an offence punishable undcr this Act.
No court Shall take cogdizaace of an offence punishable
under ~s Act cxcept, upon complaint made by the
Registrar of Societies or any other person, authorised
in writing by kim, jn this behalf."



(Received Iltc asser~f o] Ore Governor on 91h June, 19M)

Further to amend the Societies Registration Act, 1869 in its

application 10 NagaIand.
IVhcreas it is expedient to amend the Societies Registration Act,
3860 (Act XXI of 1860) hereinafter called the Principal Act in
its application to the state of Nagaland io the manner hereinafter
ap pcaring.
It is hereby ccnacted in the ~hirtyfiith year of the Republic of
India as fulluws :

1. Short tiUe, extent and Commencement.

(I) This A c t may bc called the Socictics Registration (Nagalmd
Second Amendment) Act, 1984.
(ii) It shall exlend to the wholc Stale of Nagaland.
(iii) It shall come into force at once.

XXI of 1860.
After section 22 of the Principal Act, the following new sections
shall bc inserted, namely.
"23. Cancella~ionoC registration in certain cases ;
(1) Na~withstandin~
anything conlained in this ACI, the ~ q i s t r a r
of societies may, by order h writing cancel the regisrration
of any society regislered under this Act, whose offifice has
ceased to bc in the State of Nagaland whose activities are
subversive lo the objects of tbe society, or registpation had
been wrongly obtaincd and/or granled in violation of the
provision of the Acl :Provided thac thc Registrar of sodieties shall beCore passing an
order inade such irlquiry as he considers necessary:

2, Insertion of new sections 23 and 24 io tbe Act

Provided furtber that no order of cancellation of registration or

any society on !be ground of-the activities of h e society bcing
subversive to the objects, of the society s h d be passed until the
&ety is given m w n a b l e opportunity of showing cause against
don proposed to k taken in regard to it.
(u) h i appePl s i p k t an order made under sub-section (I)
may be prtfured in such manner, within such lime and
to such authority as may be prescribed and such authority
shall coaider and dispose of such appeals in the
prescribed manoer.
(iii) Thedecisions oftheappellate authority under sub-section

(ii) shall be fmal :(iv) In the event of cancellalion of registration dl any society
under [his s d i o n , any property left by such socicty alter
meeting all debts and Liabilities shall bc dealt with
according to Rules of thc Society, if any, and if not, as
tb G o v e e Body of such society shalt h d expedient.
24. Pmu or the State Government to make rules:(i) The Statc C;oucrnment may, aftcr previous publication, make
rules no1 inconsistent with his Act for carrying out thc
purpose of lhis Act.
(ii) In pariieular and without prejudice to the generdity of the
faregoing power, the Stale Ciovernment may make rules :-

(aj Prescribe

tbe forms of the Registrar ot Societies and

the made in which entries relating to registration are to
be made therein, and made in which such entries are
,to be amended or n o l a made thercin ?

(b) regdating the filing of documenls rewivcd by the

Registrar of Societies :

Prcscribing the authority More whom dnd the time

within which an appeal shall he preferred undcr subsection (ii) or sedion 23,;rad lbe manncr in which such
,appeals sball be considered and disposcd of,

(d) Prcscribbg coadi~iomfor the inspeclion of original


regulating the grant of copics of documents; and

4 klr any other rnattcr far which thcrc is no
prnvisiun ar insuficient provisions in [his Acl and Ior



which provision isin theopinioooftbeStateGovemmant,

necessary for giving efied to the purposes of this Act.
(iii) Every rile made under this section shall he laid ~6 m n as
may be, after it is made, before the Nagaland kgidativc
Assembly wwhilc it is in session for a total period of seven
days, which may be comprised in one session or in two
successive se.ssions and if, before the expiry of the session io
which it is so laid or the sasions immediately foUowing, the
Nagaland Legislative Assembly agree in making any modification in thc rule or the Nagaland Legislative Assembly agrec
that the rules should not be made, the rule shall thereafter

have effect only in such modified form, or be of no effect as

the w e may be; so however that any such modihation or
annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything
previously done under this rule.

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