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So, strings are one-dimensional but when

we mo-, when we move to rooms, room

acoustics we move to a three dimensional
And what I'd like to do is start here
with a rectangular cavity.
It could be any inclosed room that you're
again we can, we can write an expression
for the response.
we're going to assume that the cavity has
dimensions Lx, Ly, and Lz.
So we have this rectangular cavity.
And we're going to write an expression
for the pressure in the sound field as a
function of variables in the x, y, and z
direction and of course, time.
again, using partial differential
equations and separation of variables, we
can find the solution.
which can be represented in the x, y and
z dimensions.
As well as our harmonic response
characteristics here.
the assumption that we make is that all
the surfaces of the enclosure are rigid.
So this is, this defines our boundary
because what happens if we have rigid
en-, rigid surfaces in the enclosure of
the walls.
Then the velocity of the air particles at
the wall have to be 0.
And for the solution that's expressed
above, we end up with a wave number.
that's a function of all 3 dimensions.
As you can see here, Kx.
So we have a wave number in the x
dimension, a wave number corresponding to
the y dimension and a wave number
corresponding to the z dimension.
And the the total wave number is the sum
of the squares and the root of that.
So if we apply boundary conditions the
solution to the acoustic wave equation
yields a form that's really similar to
what we saw for the string.
except of course we we now have the
response in 3 dimensions.
and this is the response, again, this is
beyond the scope of this course to derive
But I'm assuming everybody has dealt with
basic sine and cosine waves at this
And we just have a few subscripts on our
variables here, because, you know, again,
we have 3 dimensions instead of 1.
So, like the string, there are multiple
modes, an infinite number of modes, in

For the acoustic cavity.
But the difference here is that we
actually have modes that correspond to
three dimensions.
So we have a wave number in the x
We have an infinite number indicated by
the subscript L.
We have a wave number in the y dimension
with an infinite number described by the
subscript m.
And also, a wave of numbering the z
dimension, again here with an infinite
number of wave numbers described by the
end of cn.
we have our natural frequency that
corresponds to each mode.
Of the acoustic cavity, and again we
express that as the as the harmonic
function here through the complex
Here are the descriptions for the wave
numbers as you see and forms are very
similar obviously in each direction.
the product of the modal n to c L.
times 5 or else of x.
Again, similarly for the y dimension and
again for the z dimension.
And, of course, our expression that
relates the the natural frequency and the
wave number is through the speed of
And it's expressed as indicated here.
Now, we can solve for the natural
frequency, and if we do that in terms of
our wave number which we had earlier.
k is expressed as the sum of, the root of
the sum of the squares.
And here's c which corresponds to our
speed of sound.
Fairly simple expression for the natural
frequency that corresponds to each
acoustic mode in the cavity.
So for example if we let L equal 0 and n
equal 0.
Let m equal 1.
We would get an expression just like the
one you see here.

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