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(Not printed at Government expense)

Uoited States
oJ Amefica
p R o c E E D r N GAs N D D E B A T EoSF r u r p 6 ' b . o * c R E S S , s E c o N Ds E S s I o N

Beliefsand Principlesof The John Birch Society

HON. LARRY McDONALD both his world and himself. We sionate civilization. The Communists
oF(inoR(;rA believe that the direction which con- recognize no such compulsions, but
TNTHEHoLTsEoFREeRESENTAT'IVES stitutes improvement is clearly vis- this very ingredient of amoral brut'
Wednesday, September 3, 1980 ible and identifiable throughout ishness will help to destroy them in
Mr. McDONALD. Mr. Speaker, man's known history, and that this the end.
many of my colleagues have ques- God-given upward reach in the heart
tioned me concerningthe beliefs and of man is a composite conscience to
principlesof The John Birch Society. which we all must listen. IV
The John Birch Societywas founded We believe in patriotism. Most of
in December1958.It is an educational iI w will gladly concede that a parlia-
organization which believesstrongiy in We trelieve that the Communists ment of nations, designed for the
its motto: "Less government,more re- seek to drive their slaves and them- purpose of increasing the freedom
sponsibility, and with God's help, a selvesalong exactly the opposite and and ease with which individuals,
better world.' downward directidn. to ilie Satanic ideals, and goods might cross na-
The Society'does not endorseot con- debasement of botir man and his tional boundaries would be desir-
tribute to political parties or candi- universe. We believe that Commu- able. And we hope that in some
dates and, in the strict sense,,isnot a n;m is as utterly incompatible with future decade we may help to bring
political organization. Individual religion as it is contemptuous of about such a step of progress in
membersare activein educationlaction "1 all moralitv and destructive of all man's pur€uit of peace, prosperity,
programs concernedv,'ith sound eco- freedom. ti is intrinsically evil. It and happiness. But we feel that the
nornics.proper values of.government,_ must be opposed, therefbre, with present United Nations was designed
atrd an appreciation qta_ frrmlg$r9ryqligr9r11go_q{s. foqndery lor thg_g1aq!!y, ot-
"t .tl::"",l
histc,qv.The Socieb-;-..tytfiqu.y=- "t_ - b11ftt
rno@ounc1s. posite purpose of increasing the ri-
in the building o{ an informed elec- We believe that the continued coexis- gidity of govemment controls over
torate and, blr so doing, in.the restora- tence of Communism and a Chris- the lives and affairs of individual
tion of the valuesthat made this coun- tian_stylecivilization on one planet is men. We believe it has become, as it
trv great' The memberl fone19 n]av a i-porJiut". The struggle between was intended to become, a major
maior role in halting this nation'sre- ltJ- *rrt end with one completely instrumentality for the establishment
treat fiom greatness. triumphant and the other comptetely
r 1 n: , o of a one-world Communist tyranny
In my opinion, The John Birch So- a"r[r.iv"o. we intend to do our part, over the population of the whole
cietv is the {inest body of m.en and tnerefore, to halt, weaken, rout, and earth. One of our most immediate
ivomenin the world todav,,andI appre- to bury, the whole inter- objectives, therefore, is to get the
ciate the interestof mV col,leaques in it. "u""t"Af'
national bo-*urriri conspiracy. United States out of the United
For their irnprovedunderstanding. I in-
Nations, and the United Nations out
sert those beliefsand principlesinto III of the United States. We seek thus to
the congressionalRecord'
we believe that means are as im- save our own country from the
gradual and piecemeal sunender of
GrNsRA.!- Bprrrrs,q.No pRrNcr'resntrbrtflff r}rSilJr::1tifi{jf; its sovereignty to this Communist-
or THp JoHN BtncH Socttry been so widely and deliberately cir- controlled supergovemment, and to
culated about us, none is so viciously stop giving our support to the steady
I untrue as the charge that we are enslavement of other people through
With very few exceptions, the willing to condone foul means for the machinations of this Communist
members of The John Birch Society the sake of achieving praiseworthy agency.
are deeply religious people. A mem- ends. We think thatCommunismas a
ber's particular faith is entirely his way of life, for instance, is com-
pletely wrong;but our ultimate quar- V
own affair. Our hope is to make
better Catholics, better Protestants, rel with the Communists is that they We believe that a constitutional
better Jews - or better Moslems - insist on imposing that way of life on Republic, such as our Founding Fa-
out of those who belong to the the rest of us by murder, treason, thers gave us, is probably ttre best of
Society. Out never-ending concern is and cruelty rather than by persua- all forms of govemment. We believe
with morality, integrity, and pur- sion. Even if our own use of force that a democracy, which they tried
pose. Regardless of the differences ever becomes necessary and morally hard to obviate, and into which the
between us in creed and dogma, we acceptable because it is in self- liberals have been trying for 50 years
all believe that man is endowed by a defense, we must never lose sight of to convert our Republic, is one of
Divine Creator with an innate desire the legal, traditional, and humanitar- the worst of all forms of govem-
and conscious pulpose to improve ian considerations of a compas- ment. We call attention to the fact
that up to 1928 the U.S. Army tion by those who pay its bills and ences. But we believe that the most
Training Manual still gave our men in provide its delegated authority, the important history consists not of ttre
uniform the following quite accutate more honestly responsible it will be. repetitions but of the changes in
definition, which would have been And the diffusion of govemmental these recurring linla in the series.
thoroughly approved by the Consti- power and functions is one of the For the changes mark the extent to
tutional Convention that established greatest safeguards against tyranny which man has either been able to
our Republic. "Democracy: A gov- man ha.syet devised. For this reason improve himself and his environ-
emment of the masses. Authority it is extremely important in our case ment, or has allowed both to deterio-
derived through mass meeting or any to keep our township, city, count5r, rate, since the time around. We
form of 'direct' expression. Results and state govemments from being think that this true history is largely
in mobocracy. Attitude toward prop- bribed and coerced into coming un- determined by ambitious individuals
erty is communistic - negating prop- der one direct chain of control from (both good and evil) and by small
erty rights. Attitude toward law is Washington. minorities who really know what
that the will of the majority shall they want. And in The John Birch
regulate, whether it be based upon VIT Society our sense of gratitude and
deliberation or governed by passion, responsibility (to God and to the
prejudice, and impulse, without re- We believe that for any people noble men of the past) for what we
straint or regard to consequences. etemal vigilance is the price of lib- have inherited makes us determined
Results in demagogism, license, agita- erty far more as against the insidious to exert our influence, labor, and
tion, discontent, anarchy:" It is tle- encroachment of intemd tyranny sacrifice for changes which we think
cause all history proves this to be than against the danger of subjuga- will constitute improvement.
hre that we repeat so emphatically: tion from the outside or from the
"This is a Republic, not a democ- prospect of any sharp and decisive X
racy; let's keep it that way." revolution. In a republic we must
constantly seek to elect and to keep In summary, we are striving, by all
VI in power a government we can trust, honorable means at our disposal and
manned by people we can trust, to the limits of our energies and
We are opposed to collectivism as maintaining a cunency we can trust, abilities, to bring about less govem-
a political and economic system, and working for purposes we can ment, more responsibility, and a
even when it does not have the trust (none of which we have today). better world. Because the Commu-
police*tate features of Communism. We think it is even more important nists seek, always and everywhere, to
We are opposed to it no matter for the government to obey the laws bring about more government, less
whether the collectivism be called than for the people to do do. But for individual responsibilitV, and a com-
socialism or the welfare state or the 30 years we have had a steady stream pletely amoral world, we would have
New Deal or the Fair Deal or the of governments which increasingly to oppose them at every tum, even
New Frontier, or advanced under have regarded our laws and even our on the philosophical level. Because
some other semantic disguise. And Constitution as mere pieces of paper, they are seeking through a ggan-
we are opposed to it no matter what which should not be allowed to tically organized conspiracy to de-
may be the framework or form of stand in the way of what they, in stroy all opposition, we must fight
govemment under which collectivism their omniscient benevolence, con- them even more aggressively on the
is imposed. We believe that increas- sidered to be "for the greatest good plane of action. But our struggle
ing the size of govemment, increas- of the geatest number." (Or in their with the Communists, while the
ing the centralization of government, power-seeking plans pretended so to most urgent and important task be-
and increasing the functions of gov- believe.) We want a restoration of a fore us today, is basically only inci-
emment all act as brakes on material "government of laws, and not of dental to our more important long-
progress and as destroyers of per- men" in this country; and if a few range and constructive purposes. For
sonal freedom. impeachments are necessary to bring that very reason we are likely to be
that about, then we are all for the more effective against the Commu-
VII impeachments. nists than if we were merely an ad
hoc group seeking to expose and
We believe that even where the IX destroy so huge and powerful a gang
size and functions of govemment are of criminals. In organization, dedica-
properly limited, as much of the We believe that in a general way tion, and purpose we offer a new
poqer and duties of govemment as history repeats itself. For any com- form of opposition to the Commu-
possible should be retained in the bination of causes, similar to an nists which they have not faced in
hands of as small governmental units earlier combination of causes, will any other country. We have tried to
as possible, as close to the people lead as a rule to a combination of raise a standard to which the wise
served by such units as possible. For results somewhat similar to the one and the honest can repair. We wel-
the tendencie of any governing produced before. And history is come all honorable allies in this pres-
body to waste, expansion, and des- simply a series of causeswhich pro- ent unceasing war. And we hope that
potism all increase with the distance duced results, and so on around once they and we and millions like us
of that body from the people gov- cycles as clearly discernible as any of have won a decisive victory at last,
emed; the more closely any govem- the dozens that take place elsewhere many of these sameallie will join us
ing body can be kept under observa- in the physical and biological sci in our long look toward the future.

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