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Richard Grannon 2013

1. Make sure your goals are your goals and not other peoples goals. This is what you
want for yourself not what other people want for you or what suits their agenda.
2. The way to know if one of your goals is your goal is to check and see how it makes
you feel. If it makes you feel excited, motivated, giddy and happy like a small child
then its yours. If it does not then either its someone elses goal for you or its an old goal
that doesnt fit the person you are today.
3. REMEMBER: Motivation is a symptom of doing what you LOVE to do. Its a by product,
not a goal or an attribute. If you arent motivated then you arent living in accordance with
your values or moving in the directions you truly want to.
4. You can never reach a goal per se. A goal by its definition must be in the future. The
purpose of a goal setting exercise is that it uncovers our values and lets us know which
directions we should be moving in.
5. Write down 3 dream jobs or roles that you would LOVE to do. Practicality is no issue
here, just imagine someone has waved a magick wand and you can do anything you want.
6. Generally speaking you should write your goals in code or keep them in a password
locked folder, do not let anyone see your goals do not tell anyone your goals.
7. Of the 3 jobs you wrote down, think of WHY you would love to do each of them and
come up with 5 things for each job.
E.G. I want to write and direct films.
Why? 1.I want to be able to tell stories, to give people experiences, to help them think in
new ways 2. it gives me social significance allows me to contribute 4. it makes me
money 5. I would enjoy the whole process, I am passionate for the subject
Anthony Robbins defined 6 human needs that might help you come up with your reasons
why you want to achieve these goals.

1.Certainty (security/safety/predictability

2. Uncertainty (risk/ danger/ discovery/ the unknown/ variety)

3. Significance (yeah you got an ego, its natural and human to want
recognition, people who get zero recognition usually end up depressed
and with poor self images)
4. Love and Connection being loved, doing what you love, feeling
connected to other people
5. Growth (if you are desperately unhappy, you have probably not seen
any progress for a while and cant see any around the future, a tiny bit
of progress back in your life and it does great things for your sense of
well being)
6. Contribution people who dont contribute often have low self
esteem, and feel anxious and depressed. As soon as the person starts
helping others freely and focusses on adding value in the world they
can start to feel better again
8. Go deep into your values, go inside and find out what moves you. You might surprise
9. If you got a mini panic attack doing this exercise, dont worry about 10% of most people
do. You probably have a little unconscious block to success. Its easy to remove, if you
want you can contact me and find out why that is happening and let me help you to get rid
of it.
10. Write down, what single goal that could be complete 4 weeks from today could you
commit to that would give the most improvement in every area of your life?
11. What ONE daily habit could you adopt for the next 3 months that would have the
greatest positive impact on your life.
12. I am an insane multi billionaire and I will write a cheque right now for you to live on for
one year. I want you to think of a figure that would make you happy. Write that figure
13. Write a couple of quick notes about what you could spend that money on that would
make you happy.
14. A goal is a static objective in the future that you either hit or miss. A direction is a
continuous process of movement towards certain values. Do you understand the
difference? Which is more powerful. Write down 5 directions that you will now
consciously adopt having realised more about your core values.
e.g. I will be now move in the direction of being more optimistic and cheerful and having
more fun.
I will now move in the direction of being more loving and of giving more to others.

Up to you what you write. Just make sure they are in line with your values.
15. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not at all and 10 being super duper, how motivated are
you on a day to day month by month basis right now. Give me the average.
16. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not at all and 10 being super duper, how congruent or in
line with your values is your current lifestyle, career and relationships.
i.e. if you value you risk, independence and contribution does your current lifestyle allow
for that? Does your current lifestyle reward those values and behaviours?
17. If there is a wide disparity (anything below 4) in congruence between values and
current life stlye and you find your motivation at 5 or below can we reasonably conclude
your lack of motivation is due to you not living according to your values? What changes
can you safely make to bring your life into line with those values?
18. This is an exercise I got from Frank Kern
Imagine your perfect day and write it down in note form. This should make you smile and
should feel good:
In a nutshell The Perfect Day Exercise asks you to imagine what your ideal or perfect
day would look like to you.
What will I do when I awaken on my perfect day?
Where will I be?
Who will I spend time with?
What will I eat for breakfast?
Where will I go after breakfast?
What type of work will I do on this day and for how long?
What things will surround me?
What will my car look like?
Who will I work with?
Who will I meet for lunch?
What will I eat for lunch?
What type of exercise will I do?
What will I do for fun and entertainment?
Where will I sleep?
What books will I read?
What movies will I watch?
What will I hear and smell?
What clothes will I wear?
What friends will I contact?
You get the idea.the more detail the better.
19. What would you attempt to do if you KNEW you absolutely could NOT fail.
Write down 5 things.
Any questions?

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