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The Seven Vows:

He: You will offer me food and be helpful in every way. I will cherish you
and provide welfare and happiness for you and our children.
She: I am responsible for the home and all household responsibilities.
He: Together we will protect our house and children.
She: I will be by your side as your courage and strength. I will rejoice in
your happiness. In return, you will love me solely.
He: May we grow wealthy and prosperous and strive for the education of
our children. May our children live long.
She: I will love you solely for the rest of my life, as you are my husband.
Every other man in my life will be secondary. I vow to remain chaste.
He: You have brought sacredness into my life, and have completed me.
May we be blessed with noble and obedient children.
She: I will shower you with joy, from head to toe. I will strive to please you
in every way I can.
He: You are my best friend, and staunchest well-wisher. You have come
into my life, enriching it. God bless you.
She: I promise to love and cherish you for as long as I live. Your happiness
is my happiness, and your sorrow is my sorrow. I will trust and honour you,
and will strive to fulfil all your wishes.
He: May you be filled with joy and peace.
She: I will always be by your side.
He: We are now husband and wife, and are one. You are mine and I am
yours for eternity.
She: As God is witness, I am now your wife. We will love, honour and
cherish each other forever.

Vows (pratidnya) of the bride

The bride takes the following consecutive seven vows, one at each step.

1. : : !
Meaning: O Lord! I have had the good fortune of acquiring you due to the various
types of merits acquired by me in various births.

Meaning: I will look after your entire family, from the infant to the aged and will be
happy with whatever I get for my sustenance.
Meaning: I will always abide by your directives and will regularly cook delicious
food, vegetables, etc.
4. : : :
Meaning: I will embellish myself with clean attire and will indulge in sexual play with
you through acts with the mind, speech and body.
5. : :
Meaning: I who face sorrow bravely and remain pleased in happiness will share both
your happiness and sorrow and will never indulge in adultery.

Meaning: I will happily perform all your household chores. I will also serve my inlaws and will respect other relatives. I will stay wherever you stay. I will never deceive
my beloved (master) and will never get deceived by him.

Meaning: O master! I will assist you in the rituals of sacrificial fires ( hom-yadnya ),
etc. and will obey you with regard to Righteousness ( Dharma), wealth (artha) and
desire (kama ). Here, in the presence of the deity of fire (Agnidev), the Brahmans , my
parents and relatives you have become my master and I have offered my body unto

Vows (pratidnya) of the groom

The meaning of the mantra to be chanted by the groom with each step is as follows
1. - - : Meaning:O
bride, you have walked one step with me, so we have become friends; hence you be
my provider of food. Help me to fulfill my vowed religious observances ( vrats ).
May we have many sons and may they have a long life.
2. - (The rest should be chanted like the mantra at
number 1 and the same should be repeated when each mantrais
chanted.)Meaning: O bride, you have walked two steps with me; hence may you
become one who will give me strength.
3. (Rest as No.1.)Meaning: O bride, since you have
walked three steps with me, may you become one who will increase my wealth.
4. (Rest as No.1.)Meaning: Since you have walked
four steps with me may you increase my happiness.
5. : (Rest as No.1.)Meaning: Since you have walked
five steps with me, may you give birth to children.
6. : (Rest as No.1.)Meaning: Since you have walked six
steps with me may you give me pleasure in all seasons.
7. (Rest as No.1.)Meaning:You have walked seven steps
with me, hence our friendship (relationship) has become strong.

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