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ian Mostaedi

irles Broto & Josep

ar Chueca


aphic Design & Production: Francisco Ordutia
Irt: Pilar Chueca & Jacobo Krauel
>ofreading:Monika Camacho

All languages (except Spanish)

rles Broto i Comerma
sias Marc 20, 4-2
310 Barcelona, Spain
.: +34 93 301 21 99 Fax: +34 93 302 67 97
3N: 84-89861-83-8

Spanish language
lituto Monsa de Ediciones, S.A.
avina, 43
930 Sant Adria de Besos. Barcelona, Spain.
.: 34 93 381 00 50. Fax: 34 93 381 00 93
3N: 84-95275-70-8
inted in Spain
-.: B-13889-2002

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Stone facades

Fachadas de piedra
Facades of reinforced concrete and blocks
Fachadas de hormigbn armado y de bloques
Brickwork facades

Fachadas de iadrillos
Veneer Facades

Fachadas de aplacados
Rendered facades
Fachadas con revestimientos continuos

Wooden facades
Fachadas de rnadera
Metal facades

Fachadas methlicas

Glass facades
Fachadas de vidrio
Mixed facades
Fachadas mixtas
Facade enclosures
Cerramientos exteriores

La faclsada ya no tiene por qud formar parte de la estructurammo muro dl

no longer have to form part of the strucbm as load@

walls, but are a skin that wraps the building and

carga, sino que es una piel que emruehre al ediich,y le dota de permall

IB personality through the materials, textums, odours

dad propia a b w k & HIS twMales, texbras, c d m y composiciones.


Las fachadas, como elementos extemos y por tanto visible$ desde fuen

bml elements that are visible from outside the build-

del e d i i , han sido d dlep de 10s Eembfos culturalea y


have reflected the cultural and aesthetic

~~asi co

mo de la d u d 6 n de las costumbres de sus usuaios.

ps and the evolution of the customs of their users. One

Uno de lm aspectos que ha ido marcando la evoluci6n de las fachadas hi

i@pacb that has marked the evdution of facaw has

m discovery of new building materids such as con-

sido el deswbrimi de nuevos M r i a l e s mstmchm, siendo el hor

, *hich

in the 20th century led to a definitive change to-

jbqmchliition and autonomy of the facade.

s are also to a certain Wenl the Wer of introdudb
m p h i i r a l wok, the first thing we see. They may se+w make us despair, and thraugh their readingone a
r Ihe nature of Mis hidden M i n d Ihm.
m t , though facades still in many cases show new,
$d amactive ideas, one of the main pmbkms of mn&myarchitecture is the absence of an authentic system
& b i d i ifacades that solves the functional requireL@hllst consenring lightness and modernity.
t,kere is an increasing number of specialists in walls
B production- of mass-produced and tailor-made fag.
%Is incmasing, here are still many technical aspects
st be resolved a posteriori. These aspects, often un@, are those that give validity to the design by sdvyeqhernents of the facades.
&mmprise part of the walls that make up a building,
protedion from the weather and t
b external envi$K Themfom,-this p a ~of
I the Ming must meet re@ts of habitability, stabili and durability such as:
against h e wind

$qrbr structural joints

mi@ el material que ya en el sigto XX ha suQuesto un definitive paso ha

cia el proceso de espedalizacidny a u t m i a de la iachada
Las fachadas son tambien en cierta medida la

de p m c i 6 1

del trabajo arquitectdnico, lo primero que se obsewa. Tienen capacidat

de seducir o desesperar y a travbs de su lectura se puede intuir la na

hrrakza de lo que esconden.
Actualrnente, si &en las fahadas siguen en muchos caws most-

nuevas ideas validas y atractivas, uno & 10s grandes problemas que si

gue padeciendo la arquitectura contemporhea reside en h ausencia dc

un verdadero sistema 6 fachada industrializado que pemita resolve

las exigenciasdel cemmiento, consewando las mmas condiciones dt

l i r e z a y modemidad.
Si bien cada vez e m n rnb eqmiatistas en cerramientos y aumenta k

producclbn de fachadas d & a s en saie y a m d c 4 m ' a son rm,

s qte deben ser mAt06
a posteriori. Estos
~ as

chos b

peclw, a menudo menospreaados, son 10s que finalmente acaban dandc

v a l i i al cPseiio,sdudonando las ex-

Las tsd*ldapitman

que demaradan Isfadwlm

de 10s cemmimta que mtmm un e d i i ,

aislandolo de Ias d i m e s climatoidgii y ambintales dd exterior.

Por ello, esta part0 dd &ciu

Mcumplir u r n exigencias de habii.

bilklad, e s t a b i i y dumbiidad ws cwm>:

- Resisten&

a la aoddn Etel viento



m acMc&


moisture. indudina rain, snow and m-





Mly there was no separation betweenthe wall and the structure,

< urr &imlpl0 &eri&tia aeperscih wtr8 91~ l ~ m 1 e nylla0 eatrub
d the wall was the only element that solved the problems of
~ G s(knIdo-c$ mura el drdccr $ernyW*e s?lwoioiraba los probleangth, water tightness and thermal Insulation by being very thick.
maq d@@S.i~t%~t.~la,
rstmqlrr3id~ypxst8c$&~brrrrl@~mediante ufi '
e great thickness of old stone walls glves them good thermal
eumentgl ds au espesr. .
haviour, due to their ability to accumulate and give off heat
Ei gran espkdr c*:los aniiguos &rOS
p&rafia&que &to$ ten- , gan m bwrn cpmWrtermnmtateieo, W d o a au capmlded d~
ermat inertia). Also, due to their great mass, they provide exlent acoustic Insulation.
murn~liry ce&r G ~ I O K(ir.lerctar&rrnica), ~ w m ~ r n od' , ~ g sla, ,gmn
~ '
ese traditional loadbearing walls have no reinforcement, so
., , ma6a'+ue~pdse'rnr$ti c q m t e n t o &os%& ss ex@ente,
!ir flexural strength is very limited. There are two main types:
..,,,.rc.>.. E W
jmlmtes tradlblond&~SQ m(actsrlzan pgf &,l&ar nih.,..,,..
nmed earth and rubble masonry.
d& arrwmn can b WE su mpaclW
r ka$~seenciaa Be..-.,.,A.:=
x.:: :: - gOn
111sof rammed earth are made from worked clay that is poured :ZEijgg, xi@ e$ ,muy limMed&;3%puadedi&lhgulr'&it& mUrO d? t ~ i ay-mul
3 formwork. This system is common in areas where natural
ra tle,rnzonpast&g, - , .
n e is scarce. The bulldings may have up to three floors with a
El mrb d@t@plaI'3@
cje arciib dw$&sa I;liectd
txr sirnum thickness of 50 cm. Today this system is rarely used. ,$?@$:-,en 4 inbiir &un encofr@~,~ q : ,5is6m4
tipi# de zonw donde
bble walls are made with rough stones laid by hand to fit to- .,.Il.:iC:.,..> .?..e$mw fa p i & i I
&fi& 'pu& Ilew a t&@r tr$a @adfa$cka[- ,
ther without courses or standard sizes. They can be made with 3 i ~ ~ ~ ~
y un e ' @ m , PnFnimo2&iWcrn. Hoy'@ndl8 &en@-* usa..
4.., . ;<--.
B rn5o de rnaqosieria seyealjza art iie~lrissin ~atxar-m d s .
nent or lime mortar, or dry.
B minimum thickness of the wall is 40 crn. These walls are very
a mano y aju8tad$s~n&~
Mp attas. dnsegufr 4n o@enbe hiled& o
ong. There is no limn to their height, but their stability and s$~;2~f&p&$, - W W . 3e p e e hacer Mri rnezel~
g @gmaMl,p9Sea?. 1
fu:zz-2574~c, merit mun be taken into accoum.
@ p 3 q rnhimodel"mur~,
:% dfa,@pacidad tesls-.,.hsl:i-4:yw
e limits of local construction are aeterm~nedby the availabfl- ;LQ&$,
t a e dd.'muq-@ timitaw B l m , sina ,su e$&@d
kk~e&. - , '






. . ~ /fachadas de niedra

La conception volurn&rica tambibn se

arndda a la topgrafia y al aprovechamiento de las perspectivas visuales. Elb
explica las suaves curvaturas de las fachadas: en el a M o oeste, la i n f l d n
viene rnarcada pos una franja vertical
acristalada que incorpora un elmento
de mneraste en su superlicie esencialmente opaca.
La seleccih de 10s materiales esti en
wnsonanda tanto con el context0 t i p
Iogica coma con las normalivas: rnuros
de rnamposterla de -piedra (mn las dos
variedades caracteristicas del Illgar) y
teja grabe recuperada.
La tensibn de las curvaturas permite ek
tablecer mias capas murales que sirven
para diferenciar b s espacb.

The volumetric design adapts to the

bopography ard tries to take advam
taw of visual perspectives. This explains the gently curving facades: on
the west facade, the inflexion is
marked by a vertical glazed &rip that
incorporates an element of cmlmst in
Its msentlally opaque surface.
The selection d the materials is in harmony wkh both the lypologlcal context and the regulaUtlons: walls of stom
rubble (with the two varletles that are
characteristic ofthe I d o n ) and salvaged Ambi rodtiles.
The tension of the c u m is used to
establish several wall layers that differentiate the spaew.




builds his scheme.

$ly. fdlowlng the age-old buildid
@tbm of hls country. T k almost
@she use of this material for the
HIS, flm,arches and cellings (vaults
gives these deslgns great

-; I/

. .




This scheme arose as a e o m r e ~

of an old adobe house into a IO-mMn
hotel. The condition was not to intervene in the adobe walls, to leave the
facade unmodified and to arrange ther
space between the walls as If It
formed parl of the city.
The old stone-clad well generates a
ninemetre-high to-.
The courses @
pebMes also line some walls of the
rooms and the interim &eels of the
complex. The materials used are
adobe, pebbles and wood. The simpis
iiy and n d n ~ n of
y the materials used
(adobe,pebbles and wood) ensure the
i m r a t l o n of the m p l e x in the em+
ronment, and do not affect tke degree
of ownfort.
materials were se
lected following the local buildhg Wac&
tion, which is suited to the warm d m
climate, resulting in a k t m i c and introspeetive a r c h i i u r e with t h i i blind
walls and few openings.
Este proyecto nace de la reutilizacibnde
una antigua casa de adobe como hotel
de 10 habitaciones. La mndici6n era no
intervenir en 10s muros de ad*,
modificar ,a fachada, y ordenar el espacio entre 10s muros mmo si formaraparte de la ciudad.
El antiguo pozo existente revesiido de
piedra, genera una torre de 9 metros de
akura. Las hiladas de canto rdado re
visten tambien algunos paramentos da
las habitaciones y las calles interiores
del cornpkjo. Los materiales utilizados
son adoh, p i d r a de lacustre y madera.
La simpliddad y economia de 10s mate
riales utilizados (adobe, piezas de canto
rodado y madera) garantizan la integmcion del conjunto en el entorno, y no alterm el grado de cornodidad. La seleccion de estos materiales ha estado COW
dicionada por la badici6n conshctiva
Imal y por el clima deskrtioo y &lido det
lugar, que han I h a d o a una arquitectura tectbnica e introspectiva, de
mentos ciegos y escasas aberturas
practicadas sobre 10s gruesos muros.

In wood and a



In this house two d

M lmk are
combined, each one with its own
grarnme and aim, together with two
diftwent techniques used in the cons l n h o n d t h w two levels. Indeed,
two houses were eMlceived and bulk
as one. The first level, for the children,
consisb d an o p ~ k
p e m m , a stone
c u h with doors and wlndows. The
second level, fw the parents, is a concretg cube with a large gl-ed balcony.

En esta casa se oomMnan do8 n h k

distintasycadaunodeelkaxlsupropioprogmyobjetrvo, juntocondosdferentes thlcas empleadas er~la consW&I
& esm dm n k h . En Mnitiva, dos casas que han sido W d a s y
wrwtnridas cwno una sda El primer niml,&dbcbabsniM,consisteenm
opus imrturn, un cubo de piedra m
de !us pBdres, es un c u b de hormigdn
con un gran babk asistalado.

-a arquitectura tradicional libanesa est.6

nvariablemente constituida por un cub0
3 un paralelepipedo, con una cubierta
dana o un techo pirarnidal de tejas roas. En el oentro de la fachada principal
;e encuentra una triple arcada que co.responde al vestibulo y que const tuye
?I elernento principal de esta unidad residencial. En este prhecto, se queria
xeservar la volumetria y el tratamiento
Merior de la piedra tfpico en la arquitec:ura libanesa, per0 at misrno tiempo se
queria cambiar el rlgido esquema del
restbulo central por un disefio mas flexisle. El diseno del vestlbulo central en la
3quitectura tradicional, supone el uso

de una s i m d a tfgida que se exterioriza

d tratamiento de la fachzda. La introdud611de una logia cubierta con una
W a de mu& situada en un extremo de lafachada permite sustiiir la triple
arcada M i c i m a l y m i r la fachada
en una compici6n asim&trica.
El uso de la piedra pwmite que la residencia se adapte al medio fbilmente,
permitiendo a su vez una reinterpretscibn de la arquitectura local. Las wnsideracimes ctimAticas imponen el uso
de este material, asl wmo el uso de una
cubierta de teja roja, puesto que arnbos
elementos pueden soportar las fuertes
nevadas en invierno.

Itheory, facades of

reinforced concrete provide a simultaneous

olutton for the wall and the structure of the building. A single masrial provides water and air tightness and insulation. However, il
lese functions were to be met by concrete, the walls would b~
ery thick, so thermal insulation and waterproofing are also used.
Vhen the outer skin of the facade is concrete, one must bear in
nind the thermal bridges that can be erewhen the thermal
isulation is on the interior.
llocks of exposed concrete and cement are used in buildingr
rith up to four storeys above ground level in locations with sei
nic levels of less than 8. This structure of blocks of exposed co
rete or cement follows the same criteria as a
ure, though it may have reinforcement that allows cross walls t
19replactced by bracing.
h e blocks must have a very high q u a ~ ~ ~ s $ a c
lardless of the mortar that is used.
n addition to smooth blocks, there are a large vari
:or double wails cavity walls, ties between the hvo
:or the outer facing one must choose blocks with a high
,urface and edges, whether one is using normal grey
H i e cement and marble aggregate or cobured cement.
n addition to blocks with a smooth fam, there is a wide ran{
msibiUtles for this technique, such a- "En Split Diamante,
~te,Rudolph, stc.
'he bonding and the ( itructian techn


Las lachadas de hormigan armado, en un prindpio, solucionan rle

slmuWa &I ccerramierrtcr y la estructwa del eci'ficio. Se cwlfla
nico rnatdal la estmquddad y el aislamiento a un Onica matelial. De todas formas si &b se confiara en el hrmnigbn, 10s espesores dsl muro setfan muy grandes, can lo que debemos mflar
tamhrh en los aislantes tkrnicos y b impeme&lizaci4fi.
mlsmo harmigSFa, se d
cumdo el aishf8 tbm

er& vistp se,&mfe$'&i~:iw &u

dd bfren8, ddfk@38,mb
$? 4
Mior a 8. %a & m fde
W ~e $ de
vim &u@ bs rfhpdG &efi& Qwlen WTtUCtutTt, :
&.qua b-bi@ p&$d& #'+durn. De7&ta "
& aupdrrdr d$h m
y ~sMWbp3t,
- : + i ~:L+~yd~7
,\L a:,.,.. :wc43*
W b h q cpe
~ mmtenga ma oatldaa &@pgl y
jnClqmdrinhmente &I rno~szd'~ua
m utjii~k,





m,whim wlweBdtl.
m a cie ids i$&jue~

- t&in&


r b pasiWd&~W@tath~m,

nos, I@ blcrquss tip GER, Sph,bimnte,H+liRut;FaW,&



and blI

The predominant geometry on the facade is the r h n g l e . This rhythm is

determined by a linear succession of
"solids' and 'boids" in which the former act as private spaces and the latter act as an area for community li.
The private space is in turn divided Into a porch and a room, so the differentiation betwen exterior and interior
is slightly blurred.
The facades are c o r n ~ e of
d three differentlated elements that are used to
provide functional and aesthetic qualitlas: reinforced concrete, glass and alr.

&a que predomina en el alza8mt2ngulo.Este r'itmo sstA deo por una sucesi6n lineal de vo,:llenosmy "vacios" en 10s clue 10s
hacen la funcih de espacios
mienbas que los obos s i m
na para la vida en corn0n.
o piiado ests. a su vez d ~ d i d o
lo que la dieinterior queda

se oornponen a partir ds
diferenciados que son
aprwechar tanto su funrno su componente &&armado, cristal y aire.

the formrrr prosperity and W future

~ ~ ~ a l i y o f t h e

Un enorme muro agrletado de horrnig h armado permanme c m o testigo

rnudo de la pasada prospridad y dde las
futuras posibilidades, sirviendo no d o
al hotel, sino a to& el h a .

m consists of f w r blocks
(whibiticm halls) and wan e . The use of rnexferlor provides a senhe museum is elevated.
canwall expmsses
b u n t Daisen. The purity
was based on the abrty of the v o l u ~

were used: Uw four

e m m p e a very

Esie musm mnsta de cuatro bloques de

hormigon (salas de expicion) y espacios de agua. El rnuseo esta recubistto
de hormigbn armado. El hecho de utilizar
hormigon para 10s exteriores proporciona
una sensad6n de elevation al rnuseo. El
muro curvado de hormigbn expresa la
escala del monte Daisen. La pureza de
Takenaka se ha basado en la abstraction
y la sencillez de 10s volbmenes, y en la
limpieza de 10s matsriales utilizados: 10s
cuatro blocues de homigbn cornponen
un peml de gran contundencia.


A sl~gle-familyhouse built in reinfoconwith a W steel structure

On lhe exterlor the most outstanding
feature of the facade Is the curvature
of the wall on the I& of the entrance.
The concrete was left unadorned in a!most the whole dwelljng as can be
seen in the columns, thus complementing the mainly white plaster surwith buches of primary colours.

Casa unifamiliar de dos pisos constr

da en hormigbn armado y parcialmer
en estructka de acero.
En el exterior, la caracteristica rn
notable es, en la fachada principal,
curvatura da la pared a la izquierda
la entrada.
El hormigdn se ha mantenido sin n
gOn adorno en casi toda la vivienda c
mo, por ejemplo, en las column:
complementando las superficies en)
sadas, la mayorla en blanco con not
de colores primarios.


an L*hap.
the volumes Is bulb with exreinforcedconcrete, and the othprefabrlcab3dcOnmbblodcs.

facades of concrete blocks /fachadas de bloques de hormigon

The strudure of this dweiling consists

of two pallel rows Of p o s t - m e d

an artificial mnym that supports the
mncrete floor and ceiling.
The north W e Is open wtth 1.2 rn
wlde pillars to pfovIde as much natural IlgMlng as posslbte for the lnterior. Glass panels w e placed m e e n
the pillars, creehg a distorted vision
of the Ian-.
On the other hand. Ehe c o m m o n of
the smth irscrtde avobds the suniigM
w r t h d W M ~ ~
The cwlwete paneis were seated and
p d i to dfer a shlny silver thM.

Las fachadas de estas viviendas residenciales egtan realiradas con grandes bloques de hormig6n blanco cornbinados con zonas de mamposterla de
color oscuro.
La composici6n de las f x h *
de la interpolacibn de estrechas franjas
de cdw negro enbe grandes h a s de
mlor blanco, realizdas con Moques
prefabricados de horrnigbn.

facades of these residential

are made of large whits
blocks combined with
omposition of the facades
m the interpolation of
k strips between large
, made of prefabricated

--- of cement blocks /fachadas de bloques de cement0


$@Iconcenb*atPda la fuerd W ,hrrnaliida en
&de leiseta quehdo que
&o principaly que se define
@ d s t i c o : la singular
;de lm Woques de m e n t o
LTmmun apreio que j w
+s solar-.

The main facade of this house SF

as a formal and visual polnl of reference for the whole scheme.
This famde concenbatee the whole
expressive force of the bullding, formallsed in a wall with a broken design
that contaim the main access and Is
delltined by a characteristicfeature: the
striking arrangement of the greylsh
cement blocks that fo,rm a bond that
plays with the Mectekl sunllght

The bricks used on these facades must be solid or perforated

3rd size and top qualily, to guarantee the colour and the ab
defects (stains, efflorescence, bums, etc.). Bricks of lower qualican be used provided that they do not have defects affecting
more than 15% of the exposed surface. Machine-made bril
now used exclusively. Hand-made bricks are no longer used
The different types of exposed brickwork walls are:

use a single type of brick There are differem types of bond such as
stretcher and header bonds (according to the face of the brick that
is left exposed); English cross or St Andrew's cross, which alternate courses of stretchers and headers; Flemish or Dutch bond,
which alternate stretcher and header bonds in the same course.
horizontal courses are alternated with masonry of another mat
Walls with piers: these are bonded walls that have piers to
vide greater strength.
Double walls: These are built of the same or a different type of
brick, and are interwoven by cramps, ties, alternating courses, etc.
Cavity walls: these are double walls that are separated with a

brick facades
Fachadas de ladrillo

Thls red brick buiWing has a

rhythm of openings and plk
The structure of Uw bulldln
w e d of a s k e k n of prel
mnerete dement8. The ol
are of exposed brickwork.
Special attentton was paid
natlng thermal lorldges
acoustic insulation.
The east M a d e has wlndw
row rows flanked by pillars,
the west lacads has pro&
races that reproduce the patl
windows on bhe east facade.
All the apartments haw v k
exterior and brlghl Interiors
slgn of the wlndowa gives rh
monumewity to the bullc
favours the control of solar
temperature in the dwellings

,edificio de ladrillo rojo se capor un ritmo muy marcado

pilam, mi-

b s q a r b m n h cuentan con

y monumental, favorel mm
la insdad6n y la c l i c i h

llel adobe walls wntain tlte

and are extended to dellmlt
rlor protected spaces: an
ing room and a small priconceived as an extenedrooms. lladltlonallocal
uch as CMCa CastelLana
porws and irregular,
maferlal, which was
the Etruscans, has
for rural oonmetion
Is scheme for its ex-

at it compensates for

Dos mums paraldas de adobe contienen

la midencia y se extienden delimitando
los espacios exteriores protegidos: un
cwnedor a1 airs libe y un pequeAo jardln
pnvado concebido como una ampliacih
de 10s dormitories. Se han utilizado materiales de larga tradicbn local como d
adobe de Civita Castellana, que es p m so e irregular. Este material, ya utilizado
por 10s etruscas, h a sido adoptado para
la wnstruccih rural y utilizado en este
proyecto por su expresividad, por su
smprendente tars y por sl k h o de
que mmpensa la severidad de las paredes rectas con la calculada imprecisibn
dd detalle.

The orlglnal floor plan of the dwelllng

was transformed through t b integration of a new vertical element, a volume dad in blue brlek that lmks onto
the inner court. It Is IaM wltfi wntinuous header joints.
The new intervendlon responds to the
new requirementsof use and Is limited
to four discreet elements: the wall of
Mue glazed bricks, the wall of Am, the
lowers to reduce sotar qaln, and the
revoMng interior wall.

La estructura de la planta original de la

vivienda se revduclm mediante la insercih de un n u e ~
elernento uer!kal,
un mlurnen m s t i d o de ladrillo azul
intenso que mim hacia el patio intetioc
Se coloca cwrm aparejo de 1Iaga corrtinua a ti&. El car&er de la nueva
intervencibn responde a 10s nuevos
requerimiertas de uso y se reduce a
cuatro elementos discretos: la pared
azul de ladtilbs vibificados,la pared de
zinc, las lamas cie p r o w so~ar,
y la
pared giratoria interior.

En esta casa de Botta se puede observar

la adaptabilidad del ladrillo en p a r a
curvas. El ladrillo no sblo p u d e f o m r

pared= rectas, si no que tamhen sirve

para formas wrvas, consewando, eso si,
el peso y conturdendade cwlquier edificacibn M a con Wca de ladrillo.
En este caso, el ladrillo rojo se mloca
aparejado a soga y tambikn corno remate a sardinel.

In this house by Both one can appreciate the adaptabllhy of brickwork for
curued walls. Brickwork can be used
for straight and cuwed walls and always offers an image of solidi.
In this case. the red brick is laid in
stretcher bonding with a final course

of rowlocks.

La f&w& se ha redcon M l b
roja d q m & a t i h , y sus w n w ~ ~
combinadas de manera irregular f
cen que h lur incida en mUa apartammb de mpdo distinto, rnknlms que la
de vidrio deI espacio comCln
perrmite una -ma
cwnwlieaci6n con
d WIW.
La fachadade los dormhbs
se ha tiisehdo c m una estrumra revestida de vidrio. Esta cristalera d
protegida por mmm&teflows
jardin interior.


buildhg, with the flush volumes of

~ a n d b r i d r ~ b y s m a l l
minim frame9.

seetion, l i d with

a ptinth dad in a wmef 01 t l m
green marble.
The SIs of red brickwork, mock
ulaW through the *zag
d openiwsfhesbde~showanwein-


entradayen laperfiiwhdelasviseras
L a ~ ~ d e l ~ ~ c
top,moduladamedlante el
& abwturasenagmQ.
Loa ahados laterales rnuestran una
versibn de la ediificacibn
introvertida y herm&ca, m 10s werpo& de
rnA& y ladrilb enmsados y rasgados
pot escasos vanos, donde destacan
las carpinterhas de duminio gis oswm '
de lamas horlwntales.


Fachadadondeseubicaelacceso~I?cipal se apoya sobre pllares de s e d h

invsrtida, bmdos de acero irmidable de acabado bnihte, material que se
en la

rre physid separation of the two skins of which a wall is comd,

the inner one providing strength and the outer one actg as an envelope, is a fundamerrtal step in the evolution of
len the outer skin is mposed of h v y maWW it is not conered s b i d y as a veneer facade because the outer skin, genly of stone, concrete or ceramic, lmsmits the load through a
ng system or a ~ w l u subsbudurn
to an inner waH or to
I shdure of the building; this system has the advantage that
~eprocess is reversible. though only partially.
aused by wind or irnon tlw bwer part of the building must
taken into account.
eldom has a loadbearing function and in general only has to
mar its own weight.
he M m e n t of the veneer marks the composition of the faie: il allows the jdnb to establih d i i rhythms in each
Jrse through the vertical placing of the e l m or their meetat the joint, since they & not need a lap.
rangeofmaledsthatcan belwedforthistypeofskinisirb
n h , though they mwt fulfil cwlain reguiremerrts: homogeneity
i h i t y are sought; they must not Jlow b r p t i o n of waby capillary action; and their peinmbilii and durability must
be taken into account

after long
to sunlight
r a b i l i of its initial
3 veneer has become a ~lccsssion
of independent elements in

dly Mepndmt of- d
in the supporting stm%m.

La separaci6n fisica de las dos now que wmpanen m muro es wl

paso fundamental en la evoluci6n de los sisterr~as.De
ssta-sectotaabRojaintefiordecapacidadm&enteyqusda la Mia exterior
derar eomo un tipo de m i e n t o
chcho ya que marre a ma fachada convenciond a la que se lo afbde una hop extwna & unas caracteristicas determinadas, genedmente @a&
de piedra, hormigdn o c d m i i , que a a& de fijaciompuma
les o de una subesmctura continua transmiten el peso a otra hojp de
la estmchra dd edificio, un &sterna que presents la ventaja de la
reversibilldad del proceca, aunque 9610 sea parcialmmte.
En este tlpo de cerrarnientos tlene especial ~mportancia,adam* de
l a 1 6 g i a c a h g M o r i a , 1% accionesdinhii producldas pord
La capacidad portante quedardrelqada a contadas ocasiones y pw
lo general se le p d r r A que resists Crnicamente su propio peso.
La fijacih &I aplawdo marca la compsicidn de la fachada: permibte que la junta pueda e s t a b l m distintos rrtmos en cada hila&; la
vertic;d de las pieas o la aoincWmia en la junta, ya que

no es necasana su trabazbn
.Los matenale con 10s que puede realm= esta hoja mn infinrtos,
aunque 8s necesano que cumplan unas recprisitos mlnrrnos. se buscar&la homogeneidad y continuidad de las @ems,se cornprobard
su parostdqi, que no sea p ~ M laealosorci de agua por caplmdad, tambh, la psmaeab~lidady la d u m a .
El material elegido trene que cumplir las propiedad= mechicas de
reststencia a traccidn, compresih y flexibn; tarntub debe asegurar
la d u r a b i l i de sus ~ s h c a iniciak
d e s p k de h a h sw
frrdo una lkga expsici6n al sd
El aplacado se ha cwnrertldo en una sucesdn de prezas lndependimes, tanto desde el punto de wsta mechico wmo de estanquetdad. Las sujeclones se hacen par puntos que permlten el libre
comportamiento de la placa y su total independenc~arespecto a laq
defmaclones del soporte.






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Fachadas de aplacados

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The scheme occupk a a shlike a ships bow, with majestic wrves,

elegant combination d the chddlng
materiais: granite and mirror glass.
The bulldlng, whose m
e is clad In
polishd grantte panels combined
with strips of reflecthe g b , adapts
its sinuous and organic curve to the
nmow site on whlch It is M.

El conjunto ocupa un solar con f

m de
proa de barco, can majesawSas c u m ,
de las wales cada fachada presents la
cambinaclbn atemperada y &gam de
los mabridesde r d r n i m t o elegidos:
granito y mpejo.
El ediiicio, wya fachada ha sido reves
tida con piezas de granito pulido corn
binado con franjas de cristal reflectante, se adapta con su sinuosa y orgbica curva al estrezho solar en que se
encuenba situado.

de toda la bahla, y su f o m contien8
una doble m:
en planta, fomlando un
~ w a ~ . E l ~ l t a d o - e


hiwha&alviento.La~aparedconfigum la park posterior del edificio y

dopta forma de biombo. Su plarrta he
gutars-aiatopogaaadd terrene. Una &e de vlgas en la
park superior del e d i unen hw h y
el biwnbo Los mEneliales son p'opke
dd lugar: granito ds M o n d a m pSa el
b h h , granite m a d e PwririQpwala
. - de
- y W o m d fachada e interiores. B di&b &IMi%
biwnbo.Ambas quedan unidasr r d h k
ta una rampa ascalonada.

i~Wble from the whole bay. The
buiing contains a double wrm a
ctcrsElr arc in lha grwnd plan and a
ofthebuilding and-theof a
screen. Its irregular ground plan
-the land. A serW of bartms in ilm up

p d : Mondariz granite for the screen,

phk PorriAo granite for the Pligtat d
&p!sandthetmhwksand~ L y S O ~ f O T t h e ~ d t h e
and the Intetiorrs. The building
$hw a wall Rat acts as a m e ,

S i ~ t f i e ~ n d f a c a d e o
centre as a high grmW wall thatde
limits the enclosure. The external
dadding of granite p a d s , Set agaiw
the Mite @asleiand m a r k on the intwh, fawrurs the i n t e p l h in the
mMwmental and My dimension of
the cky of Santiago.
The d w m e Is formed by two large
b k b : one that f o r m the museum
with its outbuildings and storage
premises, and one that c m t a h the
m d h i m n and the library.

has %


* - M e ,

whiih i
# t e ~ a r e b M ,





h i c h - a
at n l g k l ? m ~ &

~ 4 ~ M s t o n e . A w i 1d

~ ~ t h e f = a d L
Onthet&w&fadthe house, a narwwf&@~.twobuikll~d*

~ ~ t h . e m O a t h e


mMls8d wppw eompletelY
ihe rear
and pmvfdesthe u d y
ofasingkpbe. .

de esfe cerrarniento m6vil enf&

m o t i v o ' M de la fachada W
con abemHas &re

se han defini ck fwma

s.h nh-@n tipo de ventanas, de

& l o s m w o s ~ ~
~ h o m o n t a l e s , q u e ~
tanto de noche mrno de dia El
gan wmlsa remata la consprgrgctando una genema

ias a una simple fa*.

Un &stem de

. -,*

Rendered facades

Fachadas de revestimiento
.- J:


. -?

rendered facades /fachadas de reuesrimentos continuos

The predominant g m w t r y of the

composition is Mon cubes of difemit sizes that present a d~
demrmlnatw: the openings, Ihal dfw
dlffmnt -reas
of contact with the
~ a n d p r o v l d e ~ .
The dwelling is articulated in a w i e s
of cubes halock into each other. The
use of d
i wlwrs and materials
on the exterior helps to emphgsisethe
7of these volumes.
The large slldhg glass doors on the
ground floor cmtmsl with the appearance of iiw r6st of the building. The
mwture is a mked one of reinforc%d
conaete and metal elements. The
north and easl facades are dad in 25
miaon a n o d d aluminium.

na cam disbninador d n : la aperklra de

la vuelcan en m a w o meal Merior A tiempa que
a su v e n t i l m .
la vivienda se en una
qua se wms!mn enbe
i6n & d i i colores
su exterior a y d a a rela presencia de estos drnenes.
lias puertas corrdems de
planta bap sirwn Fomo
ai aspect0 del rasto del

alumirk a w & s

The facade of this church was clad in

white render.
In the centre of tfie awed wall one can
see a small circular opening through
which a beam of ligM is cast inta the
apse. The sunlight enters the church
through 25 skylightdcmes and many
w i n d m situated in the side wall.

Lafadmdadeesta~laseham&d o c o n m ~ ~ .
una pequel[a &rhrra circular a &a& de
delgtrside. L a k n d e l s d m a t r a v $ s
de 25 &@as, lucematios y rmmerosas


The outer wails, dean and bare, are

d with eolours obtained from
nahrral pigments, grey on the floors
and terraces, M u e on #e verHcal
planes. Thii chromatic e f f d h&ps to
lnrify the maases and dlfferentlates
the m main volumes.

, a la vez que d k m

This clinic was designed with a thick,

&&ive form to shietd its occupants
from the noise and pollution generated by the nearby roundabout and Ryaver. The fluid h n of the buikling is
like a gentle w h i i skin with a double

curve, composed of panels tM provide new archttectural qualWs and

brightnessto a zone dominated by the
strong llnear character af the roads
mart run through R. The
is W
ken up Into curved overlapping W s
with afree space between them that
fmmes the views toward the exterior.
T k e x b b finish consists of a rough
coai d m i c ST0 6 rnrn on small ins W t q panels. The sbueture b of 50
mm coW g a h n i i angular profile.

Esta dlnica se disenb mn urn fuerte y

r e f h m forma con la intencih de que
sus 0cupEtntes ~tuvieranprotwib del
ruido y de la contarrinacibnque w a n
ta rotonda y el paso e l m adyacsnies. La fwma fluida del e d i es como
una suave y b h m mraza de &We
cum, campuesta pm paneles que otMgan nuevs cualidadesaiquitecthiicas y
iurninosidada una m a dominada por el
fuerte car$cter lineal de las difwentes
v$as que lo atraviesan. La fachada se
d e s m p m e en p a n e b c u m que,
solagados, dejm un aspacio l ienhe
dlos que enmarca tas vistas hacia el
M r . El acabado exterior se ha &zado con un enfesmdo a c r l l i ST0 de
% mm sobre pandes aislanks reduck
dos La esfmchrn es de perfif angular
g ~ o e n f t b ~ m m .

a g m of individual Udings, but an
ality. This led to the use of unHyingformalrnediisuchasthebrlgMmdonthe
which used mineral pigments
pp& of the old houses of tho city.

hintencih da este p r q d o no era lade

cmi&& m gupo de & c i a indivioRratss, gb70 urta entidad. B o mdme al
usa de rnedios formales unificadores w.gala es el intenso color raja de ta f
a hse ck pigmenb minerdel cola
de bs viejas casas de la ciudd.

For the treabent of the facade, the archltects did not attempt to imitate the
buildings of the zone. The facade was
adorned with a chequered mdtif of
ligM blue and grey, creatlng a surprising effect of camouflaged archttecture. The chequered pattern extends
to the south facade, whete panels of
transparent and tmnslucent glass a t
ternate, and mitigate the effect ofa totally uniform glazed surface.

Para el tratamiento de la fachada, 10s

arquitectos han rehuido el rnirnetisrno
con las edificaciones de la zona. La fachada se ha adornado con un rnotivo
ajedrezado de cuadros mules y grises
claros, creando un efecto sorprendek
te, de arquitectura camuflada. El patr6n
de tablero de ajedrez se exliende hasta
la fachada sur, donde paneles de vidrio
transparente y translicido se alternan, y
mitigan el efecto de una superficie total
y uniformemente acristalada.

This scheme propa longitudlnal

Layout of parallel wings perforated by
many openings toward the murk
and gardens.
The treatmen1 of the outer walls, rendered in cement oxidised wlth ferrous
sulphste, shows the architects' wish to
integrate the volumes of the building
into an environment of reddish earth.
The complex, understood as a single
space, Rts In with the wburs of the
earth and the surrounding vegetation.
The openings in the walk ernphaslse
thelr thickness.

En este proyecio se propone un esque

ma longitudinal de alas pardelas, perf*
rado por aperturas m6ltiples hacia 10s
patios y jardines.
El tratarniento de las paredes externas,
enfowadas en cemento oxidado con sulfato fh'ioo, revela la vDfwrtad de 10s arquitedas de integrar 10s volumenes del
sdificio en un arnbiente de tsrrem rojiio.
Todo el mnjbnto, entendido mmo un
6nico espacio, se entona con 10s mlores
de la tieria y la ve~tacibncircundante.
Los huecm abiertas en 10s mums pmen
de relie& el espesor de 10s rnismw.
La carpinterla de aluminio lacado de
color negro, contrasts con el acabado
superficial de 10s murm exteriores.

ood is a
as beena
constantly throughout history, wooden facades have never been very common
Buildings with a wooden structure normally have rubble facades.
At present, we find buildings in which wood is used very rationally on the facade by applying new technologies and knowledge
to take full advantage of this material.
Though wooden walls have good thermal properties I inner
layer is normally added to improve the insulation. Also, thanks to
mechanisation and industrialisation in the treatment of wood, the
joints and fits of the pieces are far more precise, thus ensuring
better protection from rain and wind. Furthermore, the wood is
treated with additives to provide protection from insects and fire,
which give it greater durability and strength. Wooden elements
made from chips and layers processe
ow also offer
better strength and weather resistance.
There are several types of loadbearing timber facades. The traditional Finnish system, for example uses logs that lock together at
the corners, forming the final finish. Another system is the balloon-kame. This is a lighter construction than the Finnish system,
using small-section uprights that support crossmembers t
support the beams and joists of the frame of the building. The
terior finish is of tongue and groove boards.
Exterior cladding of wood tends to consist of high-density pan
or slats treated with additives to provide protection against moi'
ture, fire and insects. There are currently a great variety d produc
on the market, with different thicknesses and finishes. One mu=
bear in mind the need tn protect the edges of the wood panels.

m li,mdwa BSun m$u

ha I
gb' c t la
~ Mst;trrIa14 q ~ d@
a fa&&dae de Md8a;a n m i
~ u mtrdm.
.htxjifiCi@ .ds estnrstura & madera, por lo ger
, H b ~ : h a d a s ' d em p q t e r j a . :
kt&l~@nie, &mkanm eciifi~jo~
&n* 91w ,de,la haderaen la lah es
bjllcur~~ q
,d , i @ ~ C i O nWaS t ~ d c
its p ~
para8aaar i wte,yaterial
k s ~ ' r n & mPXOWCM,
;i MR>@ m$$&da t&j& de un huro.& rnad@a t
s b u r n , actualme; se BW,e ua 'rf:v&tiPnienta 'i+riqi ds aishtq t611@copaa .'
wjywk & h j c
16&i. &imisr;lo; gratis ala r n m @ ~ & n "
90 da &dara&s '+dm y isuplimes
. ,;:,
&er+n & ~q
&8 pG
0 1 1 G"
5 6 imrjrr&,'l
ue te da una rnayo


iezas hechas a parttr de v

is y
de mad
ctamente en fAbrica, cclns~gu~endo
un rnejormienro
mentos externos y la resistencla
Hay diversos tipos de fachada de rnadera gortante El ststerna trad
cbnal finlandks por ejemplo usa rolllzos de madera tramados entre
sf en las esqcnnas, siendo tambikn el acabado f~nalOtro s~sternaes
el llamadoballoon-frame Una mnstruccron de mayor ligereza que el
sidema antenor, a base de montantes de rnadtdera de pequena eswadria que sujetan unos t r a v e s ~ o sa 10s clue se sustentan las wgas
y las jaoenas de la estructura del edificio. El acabado exterior es de
lamas de madera machihembrada.

c m una alta densidad, tral

ifugos. Actualmente
stos, con dlstlntos eve?

Wooden facades
Fachadas de madera




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'This system d facade dements Is prektMEafed and composed of an exteri-

;& eeladding of oak, with t h k wad in'#illation and sane of the sewloes inHrporated In Its Interlor. Each of
$ W e elements forms a disposable
:hmwrk Into which the concrete is
pured, and It thus has a shctural
@mtion, as well as providing aeoustlc
'hlertion and fire protdon.
,mewo& @ proposed as an element
;& identity in an environment where
Wis matetlal Is rwt common. and at
3he same tlme as an attempt Po Incw-

prate some tradltsonal construction

ddutbns of the 'lryrol.
The dialogue with the exterior is
&Mevd through a sequence of h C
mnles that stand out from the sowh
,hcach like traqmnmt boxes. Doors
make these spaces independent from
We resi of the dwelling, and tult-hehght
s l i i g paneb open them completely
to the exmior.

El sistema de ebmentos de fachada es-

Ill prefabricado y cornpuesto par un revestimlento W r i o r de madera de roble,

, lasaislamiento
de lana de r m a y pate de
instalaciones incoporadas en su m8

tsrior. Cada uno de esm elementos confwma un encofrado perdido dentro del
cual se vierte en bra el horm~&n, que
cumple a la ven una funcibn estructural,
de aislamienta aajstim y de proieocibn

I1 m

a incendios.

La madera se propone corno elernento

1 de identidad en un entorno donde no es
frecuente este material, y al mismo
I tiempo mmo un intento de inwrporar

, algunas soluciones constructhas tradiI


cbmk del Tirol.

El diaogo con el exterior ss ha conseguido a tra~i!sde una muencia de miradores que sobresalen de la facMa
Bur a modo de cajas transparentes.
Unas puertas permiten independizar
estos espacios del resto de la vivienda,
mientras que unos paneles deslizarttes,
acristalach de suelo a techo, 10s abren
pw oompleto al exteriw.

Thls two-storey house built in oak

wood houses the workshop and
dwelling of an artist
One of the most Srilring features of
the scheme is the arrangement of a
series of sliding panels of the same
wood that when closed convert the
house into a blind, hermetic box.
When the panels are opened, the
users enjoy a balcony that sumunds
the dwelling, and when they are closed
they have extra space for the rooms.
The open joints of the external wood
cladding create horizontal strips of
sunlight when the panels are closed.
When the panels are open there is a
fluid relation between the interior
and the exterior.


da, construidaen madera de m

la vwienda ck un artista plAstico.
os rasgos m&s singulares del
8s ta disposicth de u r n serie
les correderos de B rnisrna

k se abren, 10s uwaun Mch qw r d e a

la v~enda,a1 tiernpo que disponen
spacio adicional para las diversas
iones mando htm se cierran.
6 junta abierta de la madera que rsViste
.fachadas pemrite la wtrada de so1 en
ntales cuanh Ice
f n una posici6n
se produce urn
a relaci6n entre el interior y el exterior.

El edificio se e W r b de manera que

un par de grandes pwertas enfrentadas
abriwan y atmwaan el conlunto, permitiendo un oantrol dd oontacto entre
las diferentes habitaciones at&
de la
sala principal de la vivienda. C m o
contrapunto a estas aberturas que
llenan de luz el interior, el rest0 de la
casa se mantwo relativamente cerrado.
Las ventanas se e m n a t
d de
unos m a r m retraidos que sabresalen
de los m u m indinados de la vivienda,

w n un sentido contrario a1 de las fachadas, y caracterhda por dejar al descubierto park de.sus paneles.
hi pugs, la wnfigude las paredes inclinadas, se realii6 con la intancibn de ganar lumimsidad y de otorgar
cierto mrwimiento a La estructura.
bpaneles que prouam h inclinaci6n
de las fadladas son de madera de mbk,
un matwial que, adm& de ser resistte y duradero, entona con el paisaje.

The buiMing L structured in such a

way that a @r of Iarge doors face
each other across & providing coWd
of the contact M w e e n the dmererlt
rooms through the main room ofthe
dwelling. In c m b ~to
t these openings
that RII the interior wsth light, the rest d
the house was kept relatively closed.
The w i n d m are established hmlrgh
frames that stand out from the slophg
walls ol the dwelling, at an oppodte
angle to that of the facades, thereby
leaving pat af the panels wplosed.
The sloplng Wls were used to gain
brightness and provlde a certain
movement to the structure.
The panels that from the sloping h
cades are of oak wood, a material that

Thii bright, wrnpact dwelllng Is located on an embankment and was made

In cedar wood. The'ground plan and
elevations are determined by the good
vlews to the south, and also by the
nelghfsourlng buildings to the north,
which llmlt the views. Whereas both
the north-faclng maln aoews and the
side windows only offer partlal vlews,
the southern face of the dwelling
opens onto the surrounding nature
through a large glazed surface.

Cornpacta y luminosa, esta vivienda es-

th ernplazada en un terraplbn y ha sido

realizada en rnadera de cedro. La disposicibn en planta y alzado es~-determinada por las arnplias vistas hacia el sur,
as1 como tambibn por las cmtruccicnes Wms, al none,que limitan las vistas. Por O!JO lado, tanto el acceso principal, orientado al norte, wrno las ventanas laterales ofrecen sblo vistas parcia
les, la cara sur de la residencia se abre
a la naturaleza circundante a t&
una gran superficie de cristat.

The facade Is clad in Western red

cedar, as a reference to the wooden
beams of the old warehouse building
and because of its low weight. The
glazed openings are highly polished
and frameless, to ernphasise the
beauty of the wood.
The design of the facades Is charm
terised by the uniformity provlded by
the red cedar, subtly grooved by the
alumlnlum wlth which the balconies
and stalrs were built.


La fachada esta cubierta de cedro rojo

occidental, como referencra a las vlgas
de madera del antiguo edificio de almacenes y debido al bajo peso del material.
h s aberturas acristaladas estAn especialrnente pulidas y no tienen a r m o n
pm enfatizar la belleza de la rnadera.
El disefio de las fachadas se caracteriza
por el ernpleo uniformador de la rnadera
de &ro rolo, surcado con sutilidad por
d aluminio de arancita con que se han
crmstruido balcones y escaleras.

h e building was constructd with

wood frames and mainly prefabricated
elements, which reduced construction
time to four months.
The aesthetics are determined by the
use of a small selection of materials,
each one used with its natural surface texture. In order to emulate the
proportion of openlngs and walls of
old dwellings of historic Interest, an
external skin of narrow larch wood
slats was designed to conceal the
open stairs, so that they are not visible from the exterior.
The Ilght filters through this skin t*
ward the stairs durlng the day, where
as at nlght t
b artlficlal IlgMlng artlcuIates the openings on the facade and
provides lighting in the court. Large
panels of s m o t h plywood were used
only where the cubes are incised, in
the areas of direct contact between
the building and its inhabitants.

proceso de ediTicaci6n se llevb a cacon carpinterla de madera y prefabrlcacibn en la mayoria de las partes,
lo que acort6 el tiempo de construcaidn a cuatro meses.
La estbti~del conjunto esth determiw d a por el uso de una pequerla selee
eibn de materiales, cada uno usado
la textura de su superlicie natural.
$on objeto de imitar la proporcibn de
uras y garedes de las viejas vide inter& hist6ric0, una piel
de lamas estrechas de madera
e alerce ha sido disefiada para ocultar
escaieras abiertas, de manera que
en el exterior.
f i b a tr&
de esta piel hacia
eras durante el dla, tnhtras qu8
he la ilumunacib artiicial artiwla
cle la fachada e ihrnina el patilizado comachapado liso en
grandes s61o donde b s wbos
@n m d o s , en las greas de contact0
t&to gntre el edficio y sus habRante~,


The exterior wall does not have a homogenous surface, but i

s broken by
the e f h i of light and shade and by
the filter d larch wood boards.
This is a dear example in which the

envelope d the bullding is formed by

slats of wood, with a wide separation
between them, as one normally im&gines an element formed by dats.

El muro exterior no presenta una superficie

h o m g h e a , sin0 rn* bien se m g e por
el efectade luces y sombras. y por el fikro
de un entablado de madera de alerce.
k t e es un claro ejemplo donde la envolbra del edificio estA fomada por lamas de
madera, con una importank separaci6n
entre ellas, tal mmo se suele imaginar un
alemento mnstituido por lamas.

Toda la estructura esti forracla, tanto

interior como exteriormente, con capas
de aislamiento e impermeabilizaci6n y un
estrato de revestimiento de madera. La
madera ernpleada es aleroe sin tratar
con juntas verticales en las que se encajan perfiles en U que facilitan el desagije.
Una de las soluciones para emnomizar
y Iqrar rapider ha sido reducir el n0mero de vanos y concentrarlos en dos
tipos: ventanas normales de 120 rn de
a h a y puertas acristaladas en planta
baja. Enmarcadm con carpintdas de
rnadem de alerce, las aberturas de la
facfiada sur forrnan una swencia continua de ventanas en la primera planta y

de puertas en la planta baja, siguiencb

un esquema traditional de arquitectura
dombstica de la zona.
LEts fachadas autoportantes han sido
realizadas con paneles de madem de
alerce sin tratar que, mn el paso del
tiempo, adquirirh una phtina gris plateada que contribuirh a la proteccl6n
contra las agresiones climslticas.
El h n b p r o w o wns!mctivo realizado
in situ ha sido la wnstrucci6n del s6tano
de horrnlgdn armado. El resto del
rrsontaje m ha realimdo medianie la utilizacibn de elernentos prefabricados de
madera, que ecoramlza c m k y agiliza
d p r o m de ejmci6n.

and of doom on the ground floor, totlwvlng a tradltlonal p t b m ol d

tlc archlteeture In ihe area.

mfmoflng and a daddlng of wood.
The wood used Is umeatd kuch w#h
speed was to reduce the number of
windows and llmlt them to two
larch wood kames, the openlmp d
the swth f a a c i ~farm a cantlnwua
sxpmeofwinuow m mefirstnaar

The self-supporting facades were

made with panels of rtntnrated larch
that, with the passing of time, acquire
a silvery grey m n a that will provide
weather protection.
The only buildlng pmcem camled out
In situ was the consmetion of the reInforced FMlcrete basement The rest
ol the assembly was performed wlth
prelabrlmted wood elements, whlch
reduce m and W l M e the constructlon -p



.I,,! 3


' - ' K 7- '


A very unusual solutlon for the facade

in terms of cubic architecture: a
cladding of larch siding. In this reglon
this is a traditional material that has
proven Its value and lasting quallty In
the dlfficukdlmatic conditions that are
found at this altitude.
An Interestingfeature is the volumeic
reldon of the greenhouses or loggias
that stand Out from the south facades,
and the arrangement of the windows
and the stalrs In the access areas,
whlch gke the buildings s random appearance that is less severe than that
of conventional apartment blocks. The
skln of wood scales, a reglonal sign of
identity and a local bulldlng resource,
Is recovered like a tallor-made suit.
The dadding of wood tiles takes on
new connMations.
En ~ t proye30
se busch una solucibn
muy rara en tbrminos de arquitmtura c6bica: un revestimiento de tablillas de pirm
de alerce (tingladillo). En esta regibn, &e
es un material tradicio~lque ha demos
trado su valor y su calidaddumdera en las
tiiciles cosldiciones clirdticas que prevak e n a esta altitud. Debe sefialarse el
juego volum~tricode 10s invernaderos o
logias superpuestos al trazado de las
fachadas sur, y la disposicibn de las
ventanas y de las escaleras en 10s frerk
tes de acceso,que otorgan a 10s edif~
cios una apariencia aleatoria, resiAndoles severidad frente a la imagen convencional de 10s bloques de pisos. La
piel de escamas de madera, signo de
identidad y recurso constructive regional, se recupera mmo un traje a medC
da. El revestimiento de teias de madera
adquiere connotaciones nuevas.

~thertypes of wood facades /otros ti~osdefachadasdemadera

The 286 rnP floM area Is divided. into

two parallebplped elements, with one
set back sllghtly fKrm the other.
Parallel walls dad in pressed wood
panels p used for the interior dlvisions of the dwelling, defining spaces
that are c b d by windows on the
north and south sides.




m' cbn~tdm
se repartenen un
mfylurado pw dm p b wque se ensamblan con un

esm ~vesti&s da
omerada organizanda


Mdo espacios que, en sus caras

y sur, se cierran con cristaleras.

RwMer and copper claddig mark the

zones of the penthouse. The large panels of laminated wood on the facade
were Impregnated to provide fire protection and dyed a recCorawe mlour.
The windows were placed In the same.
plane as the facade of wood and render, so the outer skin forms a flat, precise surface.
The front volume, with its ground floor
completely glazed, is clad with boards
of red spruce In vertical skips. Thus,
as there am no horizontat joints, deb+
rioMon due to moisture is avoided.

&-om y cobre rnarcan las zonas &I

en la cubierta Los grandes panebs de nmadera laminada de la fachada
se irnpregnaron para protegerlos del
%ego y se tikron de rojo y naranja.
Las ventanas se wlocan en el rnismo
pano de la fachada de madem y r e m
.fa, de mod0 que la piel exterlor se con7hura c m o un frente plano y p e s o .
El volumen delantero, con su planta ba$a cmpletamente acristalada, se ha revestido con tableros de rnadera p i m
rgja dispuestos en frenps verticales. De
mte modo al no haber juntas en sentido
horizontal, se evita el deterioro de 10s
misrnos a causa de la humedad.

, '&o

The apartments are

fmm the
w m m spce along the north facade. The daddlng of the south fad e , of red and orange pantedwood,
marks a contrast wlth the surrounding
vegetation and with the concrete wall
that closes the building ta the north.

L O ~ ~ 0 5 t i e n e n e l a c c e s o ~
el espacio m m h a lo largo de la fachada
m e . El rwrestimienio de la fachada sur,
de madera pintada de mbr rojo y namnja, marca un contrastecon la -can
arclrndante y con h pared de hmig6n
que cierra el ediicio al nwte.

me main material used for the conManwas e:

on the &miw aH
t t r e w o o d ~ w a s d y d ~ .
Wmln tlw general rigar, the only wnsrnerrtal licence of h e seheme was
the vertical placing of the boards in
the srn%W Mbrme, wkeas in tfie
larger vohnne they are placed hodwntally, emphadslng the functbnal
independenced each Mock.

R e s p c b a 10s matesiales utiltrados

para la ,
el gran
t o d o e l ~ d e ~ sih a
do t&ido tle w h trlanco. En el @or
supane la
dB Im tabtones
en smMo verbical an el valumen rnhs
pequeno, m-i
que en el mayor las
piez;ls se docan hwimntalmente, lo
que mfatka aden&, la Wemder+
cia fumima1 de cada bbque.



Metal claddings o h many p o ~ l b l l for

~ sthe exterior finish d a
facade. On the market one can find panela ol several types of mtXal. The materia& most used are aluminium and gdvanlsed steel,
though one ~n alsa find pmds of cFtainles steel, oapper and zinc.
M w i p~~nsls
can be of two t m : singla-layer or multi-layer panels.
Singldayer panels have the advwrtage of being very light, nof ahsorbing water md in cmes of fire they do not give off tclxlc g w l
though they involve prdslms d cwKtsnsatim and thermal expartsion, TQ solve h e problem d condensation, ventilated W e 8 are
used. Ttre problem of thermal expangion means that the&wctures
must W able to &sorts the increase in eize. Smalt-dm pmels.
some of greater thickness, with a gmbr number of jaim are
therefore used, Geometric;solutionsallowing
free mwernont ai
the panels are dsu used, su& as folds at the edges of the panels.
Multi-lrryer p8nels formed by two sheets with a jdntlhg material bewen them offer greater rebtanos to deformtion. Axording td
the trpe of jointing mawid,the panels may be thermally inart' ar
imulating. Inw panels using rnaterhts such a$ polyethylme offer
greater strength. and absorb expansion without the need to inihe thickness of mi m d plate, rro panels of considelable
size can be u s d (up to 8 metres long by 1.5 m wide). Furlhamore,
as there is no thermal hsulstjbn between the two metal Sheets,
there is no prnblem of thermal expansion between the two. In genera the facad= are ventilated to a d d condensatlan.
In insulating panels the jolding materid is a thermal insulation d
mineral wod, polyurethane OF polycymumte. l%lssolution avoids
condensation and Increases the resistance of the panel to toeformatiin. Howevw, there is a problem of tfrrerential e a n s l o n be
%weepthe twofaces of the panel, which can lead to euwature and
defonnati, so it is prefembie W use small panels. A& the insulaZion is In the panel' itself, one must maintaln the two layers conskntly isolated, even at ~e edges, t~ twoid a thermal bridge,

l<bs r e ~ s t i m k c s
metali&aofrecsn mumas pa$ibilidades a t s h o
@lab& eortsfi~rdc[c~uha faChad&, En el mWc&
, .-.db.$ebncAwWafi.pnelei dk?vafiPd3 tlpos de meMt L;u&:
rn& ~ftiliados'mn
10%c6e ahrninlo y 10s de ~ C W QgaWiAImda, '~1.'
- blw hrrrbi6n.~@
panel@$de acero inoxidable, d&~99re ,
o dexli~.'toopyn~168
~ B P $ : pu~den
I ~
ser da dos
p a ~ w -:
unkapw o pandes rnu!timp&. . , .
Los pane& unr0;8@d;formadmWr un8 sola chqa rrWlca tlehsr
& i u e $bh m& tiggrm, no t&#n ningh ekrnaflc?.que



eii faso de'inc@nd~,
m cispiinden ga$esl&~~s,, :

,si diefi tieinan pw3Qfermd6 mm&n~w~bnes-y

de grand% Etl\at3cio~.
W t&nikas, Para w b d ~ n kern
de la mdeclsacbfl, $efucden
uw con fachada~vp&ad&. El problem@de iasdiiata~bnest$mua s hew qm &as m e l e e mcurrafi a-a-otucionesque jmmkm,la <;
' absar'ci$rrd@ I$s ditatacbnes. &l .a% usan pafie&
d@W m f i ~ s
paquefios, ementando J,~6merq,
da junks. En at~unosc m Se
I@$ da un mayor eswsar,p bien i;mi satudanest geom6tlims we per- .
,mitan mo\;/lmipntolibie dg lo$bist~tas
paneIe4. C O W par rqjemplo
con pllegues-~nk s h d e s M p'a,mI., , ,
Lm p&88 muillcape, f ~ o pwodo$ cRaga$ &h ih r n k r i r l de
un&-lntsiw, &emuna inayor.lnercia te~i&entEi.3$@n sl rn$eriR
- at'ci@U M ~ ,kxspadw m~&rr
t&miwente Q ai&t86, - j
. , , & r& pWo?er i n e m con unldn corn el pollatiknot
. se cansigrjB ljrG &or W & n ~ i qua absortae tes dilatacioms sin
, ngeaidisd de am-rywef gwesa & la &@a ma$lica,.
I6que psr- . -4
,mitesue puedan H@ar a ser'pandss.ds un mm7o considerable (de
- hsta 8 m de ,WgaPM 1,6 rn cte &&a),Adem&, ql &'%em& un A$-.
b t e t6rmIco entie 1$8 dos c h m m e t a i d , no ti- el problem de
dilataci6rI elifer&@ wiJwambas, Pm Is$grwaI @eusm con fa*
das vsntlladas para e&ar I& c ~ e k a c i a n a s .
En b s mle~
dslmtes, d malerial de ufi6n es uu &&&Ia i a i m
i6nnim. ya &a lma minerd, polluretam a policianuralo. ~n 88ta 80iuclbli se corHgue Wpr "las oandywQms y amentar la inem '
resi~& d+ panel. btow fain@ tiehen d problem$de dkmb
nes d i f m m i a e-doscaras a,p%d. lo que puede piomcar
y&oydme$ de &e, oon lo que es prsferible lo usar
panel&'& griodes dhqndrnesAt enk&barse qi ais!an?+o en et
' W
o -el,
~ r a & ' ~ @ +s chapas ~slactas@nSta?tg: 5
~Wnte,indw en l&&e$S,
para esultal aaiquier M n t e h ~ .






. -


IMetal facades
'ac hadas metalicas

These facades were h i l t udng a double skin. The outer skin of aluminium
creates an air chamber in the Interior,
whlle an open chamber at the top
takes the cooled air upwards.
From the outsfde, this hospital has an
unusual appearance. The building is
m p e d of two perfectlyd i i ed blocks clad in aluminium, which are
separated by the mid of the emkame.

Las fachadas se construyerm a partir de

una doble piel: siendo de aluminio la exterior, creando una c h a m de aire en la
patte interior, y una abierta en la parte
superior para crear una circulacib vertical ascendente del aire refrigerado.
Exteriorrnente,este hospital se caracte
riza por presentar una configuracibn
pcco habitual. El edificio e& constituido por dos blques perfectamente dife
renciados, revestidos de alurninio, y
que aparecen separados entre sf por el
vacio de la entrada.

This private residencemuseum stands

on a black gmnile podium that extends
outwards at t4e front and rear of the
main volume. The white volume of the
h o w , wftich stands on pilotis, Roats
above the podium like an opaque
plane, perforated by several openings.
The front facade, clad in metal, p r o m
the dwelling areas, whereas the north
and w& facades have curtain walls
that, together with the o p q e main h
cade, direct the interlor space toward a
smalt pod in the southwest area.
The exterior of the house is clad in panels of white painted aluminium with alumlniumframed, insulzrting windows.

3 rekidencia-museopr~vado
se asien-


un p d i o revestido de granito
ro p ~se&extknde tanto en la parte
:rig m m o posterior del volumen

El ~cuerpo blanw de la casa,

sobre pilotis, Rota sobre
un plan0 opam, perfora-


frontal, revestida de metal,

?onas dest~nadasa viviinda
en Ias fachadas norte y oescOrtia que, junto con la
$$a pimcipal, dirigen el ss@ hacia un pequefio estaque
V e .


3 de 4umhio lacado EI@


plex of 20 apartments for

that is developed inside a
buildlmg with a southem
s allowing a large green
developed for the enjoythe usem. On this side, the
ofthefacade is a perfwated
w e e n with a central open
se galleries and the screen
Wter between the lpubllc street


MoeUng the daylight.

es un cornplejo de 20 apara ancianos que se desarroel interior de un edificio de 4 plante, de manera que
de 10s usuarias. En
el cierre de la fachada es una
6 alurninio pdorado can un
central abiirto. Estas g a l a s y
la &an mmo filtro entre el caliw de la calle y la privacidad

de acceso se enwenban
protegidas con pantallas
perfwado, que marcan el
de cada videnda s i l impedir la
de luz a las mismas

On thls page, the building materials are prefabricated: large panels fw ligM buildings s u p
ported by pillars mounted on the foundations
and trapezoidal rough aluminium sheel on the
surfaces of the facades. The wooden elements
were simply treated with wax.
North side: the facade is practically bllnd, b e
cause of the nearby railway.
On the following page, the facades of the prismatie volumes are resolved through largo
planes of aluminium panels, strategically cut
by horizontal glazed strips. Another feature is
the vertlcal glazing that houses the staimell
on the west facade.

En esta W i n a , 1% naateriales constructivos scn prefabr'icados: grandes placas para construcciones ligeras
satenidas por pilares rnontados sobre 10s cimientos y
chapa trapezoidal de aluminio en bruto en las superficies de las fachadas. Los elementm mstructivos de
madera han sido sencillamente tratados a la cera. Lado
norte: la fachada es prActicamente ciega, lo que responde a la cercana via &I ferrocarril.
En la phgina sigu~ente,las fachadas de Ios wlbmenes
prismhticos se resuelven mediante grandes planos de
placas de aluminio, estratkgicamente horadadas por
puntuales franjas acrisialadas de tendencia horizontal.
Destaca asi misrno el acristalamiento vertical que alberga la caja de escaleras en el alzado occidental.


The copper cone located in the centre

of the bullding corresponds to a newby
clrcular basketball stadturn, bilt also recalls the images of unldenMed flying
objects, a volcano or a warrioh shield.
This scheme is consfmeted basically in
wnulated reinforced concrete blocks
that form slmple and forceful geometric

El con0 de mbre situado en el centro del

edificio corresponde a un baloncesto, y recuerda a las
10s objetos vdantes M identificado~,~a

formas de volcanes o bien al escudo de

un guerrero.
Este proyecto dcanmido kimmente
en bbques de laormigh armado grmulado
que constituyen sencillas y contundentes
cornpiciwres geornehicas.

It is a cube of six I d s , buiH in con-

Este c u b de w's niveles, &A wnstrui-

~ I n s o m e ~ t h e a r r a n g e ment of the panels allows sunlight
h g h . The copper cladcon#ak the number of lev& and ttw
-reaf ?hebuilding. The arrangeofthecopper panets -0P~effeetsontheaiurfaeesafthe
whkh reinforce Ihe Image d
M e i y and calm amblgu*-mwiurnemai~itsas the copper Is oxldised

do en hcmi@n y rev&ida de p m e k
de cobre de 20 cm de grosor. En aigunas zonas, la dispici6n de !as plaeas
permlte la entrada de l u solar. Et revestfmiento aSpico chimula el n6mero de

niveles y fa mrudura del d i .La dik

posici6n d8 bs placas de cabre permite
pemcies dd wbo, que refuemn la imagen de rnisteriosa sobriedad y serena
ambigwad. I3 volumel modsu
mlerior a m e d i i que d cobre
se oxida y cambia su colw y texturn.

borten steel facades /^-"-"-dc

This scheme is materialised in a wmpad container of 60 metres of facade.

The main facade has a double identity, of day and night. Durlnq the day, it
is a bllnd wall covered WIWI a skin of
oxidlsed corten steel, with a narrow
openlng for the entrance, and access
through a glass bridge that runs over
a narrow dltch. With the exception of
these two doors, the facade appears
impenetrable. These openings are
protected by a glass canopy.
At night everything changes, and the
facade Is transformed into a wall perforated by tiny points of light that reflect the Interior light and dematerialise the steel panels.

El m c t o 9s materializa en un mmpacto cmnedor de HI metros de fachada.

La fachada principal tiene una doMe
identidad, de dla y de noche. Durante el
dia, aparece cwno un muro cLqo c u m to de una p d &.acero mrten oxidado,
en el que se a h una angmta enkada.y
a la gue se accede M i a n t e un pllente
de vidrio que discurre sobre un estrecho
foso. Con excepcibn de estas dos guertas, la facpada parece impenetrable.
Estm h u x m esth protegidm por una
rnarquesina de vidrio.
De noche todo camba, y la fachada se
transforma en un mum perforado por minClscubs pmtm de luz que reflejan la
luz interior y que desmaterializan las

planchas de acero.

:exterior of the dwelling is clad in

gfs of wrten steel, which will
as a result of erosion, chang'bmtn black to bright red with the
h g of time.


de la vivienda estA revestid0 de

dw de acero wrtkn, que se i r h osxiendo oomo respuesta a la erosibn,

a d o de colw, pasando del negro al
I lntenso con el paso del ttempo.



fachadas meta~jcas

The clearly differentiated p r t s of the

buildingare juxtaposed simuitaneoudy
rather than chaotically. Diirent conshetion systems, the old and the new,
m i s t and interdate. The design of
the facade, wlth partially mobile panels
of zinecoated metal mesh, creates
spaces of transition and Interstices.

Las clararnente diferenciadas partes de

ladtflmcibl se yuxtabaponen, pero no de
un modo cabtlco sino simultdneo.
Distintos sistemas consbuctii, lo
guo y lo nuevo, coexisten y se interretacionan. El diseAo de la fachada, con
paneles de rejilla metAlica revestidos de
zinc parcialmente mwibles, crea espacios de trarsicibn e ~ntwsticios.

The 80 metre enftance facade is trans

formed into an intelligent image of It+
novative architectural solutions. A
structure with a double layer of perforated metal, shtuated in front of the
black frame of the building, produces
a striking effect thanks to the use of
neon lights. The small black orifices
are transformed into mobile strips that
accompany the observers dong their
journey, or guide them to a perspective
of endless depth as they approach.
The grey aluminium links the interior
and the exterior to form a whole.
The skin of the building is formed by a
double layer of perforated metal plate.
The neon lighting system in the interior produces a great vlsual impact.

La fachada de entrada de 80 metros se

transforma en una irnagen inteligente de
innovadoras soluciones arquitectonicas.
Una estructura de doble cape de metal
perforado, situada delante del arrnazon
negro del edificio, produce un efecto
chocante gracias al uso de luces de
ne6n. Los orificios pequefios y negros
se transforman en bandas mwibles que
acornpanan al observador a lo largo de
su paseo, o lo guian hacia una perspectiva de profundidad sin fin a m d i d a que
se acerca. El gris del aluminio vincula la
cantidad de retaciones entre el interior y
el exterior para forrnar un conjunto.
La piel del edificio estA formada pot una
dobk capa de chapa met6lica perforada.
El sistema de luces de n e b instalado en
su interior produce un efecto de gran
impact0 visual.

The use of metal plate on the exterior

of the building emphasise the forms
and volumes of the scheme.

k Slither, cuyo disefio e ~ c ba
tiles, mnsta de 1 0 5 unidades de
. h a s se han dispuesto a mddo
simiente, con un \memento de
el punto de unibn. La acumulaesta incliraacionen 10s 15 &em.
D resub en unna c
um abierta,
acia la calk y c h c a a hacia d
de la paroela Para k &gas fase ha m p l e d un mtirniento
anas escamas superpestas de
orado que aseguran h privaci-

, dando Itgar-a un a-


metal perforado que mm

unidad de habitacidn estk~
das 200 mm respecto de la
ente. El uso de este matarial
ici6n de las placas, mmo
supone una sduci6n tmto
mo funcional, ya que las peren las planchas aseguran
acidad de 10s rnoreres de
8 mrno el paso de luz, mienW e un punto de vista esMinWen a la construcci6n un aire
w y casi orghnico, m n d o la

building, whose design reforms, is c o m w of 105

its. The dwelling units are
nuclei. Each nuclew is
iththe following one, with
1.50 at the joinl. The a&
thls inellnati?n in the 15
bulldlng results In an

open curve, which Is convex toward

the street and concave toward the lnterior of the plot. For the long facades
a cladding of diaphanous overlapping
scales of perforated metal ensures the
privacy of the circulation areas and
balconies. Each dwelling unit stands
back 1.4 m from the following unit,
creablng a protected access to the
aparbnents and a priva& balcony.
The perforad metal plates that corn
pose each dwelling unit are set back
200 mm from the following unit. The
use of this material and the arrangement dthe plates as scales is both an
aesthetic and functional solution, because the perforations in the panels
ensure the privacy of the dwellings as
well as the entry of natural light,
whereas from an aesthetic viewpoint
they give the building a dynamlc and
almost organic appearance, recalting
the skin of a reptile.

Throughout histoy the search for slim, light walls that are self&b~uedelaa lo hrgo & la historia do un rxtrl9Fhients ligero,>& po- 4
supportihgl. and M e r weather pratectbn and acpusti and the+
ca p&o, de>rrlinimoesp%or, Butopm'fante, de grmdd3 dimmiones
ma1 insulation haS I& to the w e of glass as the rnaerial that 11s'
y que bumpla tas exqehcta ds todo axrami4nto: kr&rms&iiidad, ' ,
ableto overcome the mtithesls between interior and errterior, The
erS$%iquddad, ais/mimtoachstica y t8mico, ha mniWic!a el vitlriabuilding & sskin and bones only became poeible when iindUsmgr
en t,in jnat~rialc a p & supmar la antitwis hist6ria e m intert& y
learned how to make stratified glass providing a perfect weather
Wenot &I6 cumdo 1% iidusiqe ha ssido cap& de gamat and emcient air-wndtioniq systems.
Tratlsparency is the key to the appeararlce 01 modern archAscrvapor, y cl~mti&donaseficacm en bs edifrcios,h sick3 ~Unnd, -,
turn. The openlngs can be far larger thank& to the possibilities
kdificiode piel y huesbs ha He@& a sar urn r8EdiCIadc
offeredby the new glass techniques, but this incream in size
Lal~anspmitlnaes ef aspect0 c1;ave El$ ki aqutwth~r
mod&& b
must be combined with an analysis of the consequences for
h u h j3ueden ser m u h a rn& Qrarrde8 gr&ias a Ias 'pbsibilida~.:
qUe ofrmen la$ nuwas tstecnlcas d#t vlctria, pert, me inincremnto ds
the interior environment.
lh order to &sigh a sultatrle pmfectisn ftom sunlight, cemin Limtamdo
d e b haus(6e,$j&.&@~$
interiar. !?>$..
. . .3$$6'**'
itations must tsR taken hto account. The need for solar gain in
winter, the requirement of cleb direct views of the extertar, and
Si sa va a disefiar una protemlbn ~o18rl:adscu$d.da.a esbs wigenI
h e loglIdrl1 de&re tQ achieve the maximum level of irlterior lighteias, deben tenerse en cyenta abunas iimdtacione$.61 inkds de no
ning tye the three most difficult cott&tlqrls .to combine, through
gerdfrr el apsrte t ~ r n l i w
sotar en nvlerm, la exig$nc[w& fwer u m .a
the use-dleyers, stained g l a e and ~therforms of solar protee,., vsibn direna y nit& da,werim y el ldgico c b 8 c y de conseguir el
6on..However, the disadvanfages of completely glazed bulldings
m h m o nivel de ilurninacldn Hlterjor soh Ms tr@$ <mdicianes rn&
diiicille~de conciliar con lamas. Woos tefiidas y dm& uilflaje de
are o b ~ b wI : s bf heat in Winter and overbating in summer.
There are many h t k k t h g eolutions for facades of buildings
la p r o t m d n solar. Sm embargo, las daventajas de los edificios -.$
mat are environment !riendly. his qpmach considerably re- $3;:;
). c~ptetarnenteawistaiados son obvlvias: pdrdidas de
dices energy tosses,iq winter and overheating in summer. The
invierno y sobrecalentarniento en verano. .
range of posibiliiies and c,mhinAtionsmay be divided info the wpp-/>L Exlsten bastantes ~oluciongs1nteresmB paraTachadas de edificio~
f0llbwing c@egori&:
- p,.. que: son rmpstuosas con ei Mi ambient@.Este plameam~emo
Pingle-dayerfacades,elements of solar protaction, exterior crr in- A*.-'
reduce mrlsiderabbmenta las p6ldida3 energ&lw en inviernq y el
subreCaientamlento en veranb. El abanico de posi biildades~y"p"~Akx








nacfonesp d e agruparse en tas siguimtes cam~rkis.F~ ~~M~W- %

: %F ~c ~~
elementas de grhtecci6n contra d sdl, exte3
flares o interiores; a can a t ~ elementas
mcprporadmen el espaclo ., ,{

- FachadBs mana&a,



the atmospheric
cleaning and maintenance. -

provides ~a:nece&aryair flow.

. .

dernentw de cmttot sdal &didos. Urn elemento de control solar

,exterior es mi$ eficiente que uno irri~iOr,a MuSa dW'ca1m qua .
resulta de la sobrwadtcibn dot elemento m~smo,que st est6 fuera,
permanwe en el -nor
&I edifi~io.Sin embargo, las efeaos de las condiciones atmsfkrlcas pueden'incrementa Q
I gan mmera bs '
castes &'llmpi.ena y m e n l ~ ~ n t o ,
Una fachda mufiwa ss obtkne ar7Miendo uffa tuna sdlla dg

iachadas de vidrio

This mnstru#m, based on a t

dimensional grid, adopts the form of a
g h h o f 8 x 1 5 x 1 2 ~ . T h e
Mldlng b dMded m l y lnto bwr
W, occupies the two higher vdme!% whereas the two lower flows
house the dvEelling.
of transparent gl-,
which embthe fow facad= and helps to EMnrert
the Interlor lnto a dear, bright space
during the day.
T h e f o u r ~ o f
can nItheir degree of privacy
and p r o & d m from sunlight through
Um use ofW l e insulating curtains.

La constnlccih, basada en urta trams

Mmensional. adopta h forma de una
caja de cristal de 6x15~12m e . En
senti& vertical, el ediicio se divide en
euatro partes. La oficina. si)uada en el
lrrtimo nivel. m p a 10s dos vol~imenes
sup4bms, mlentras que en las dos partes tnferlares se encuentran las dos
plantas de vivienda.
El e d i se w w e k en una sutil piel
de vidio msparente, que abr~aalas

vertir el interior en un espacio Ilmpio y

luminoso dwante el dla.
Las cualro PachadaS de aim1 transparente piden m t a r su grad0 de priv ~ y ~ f m t e a l a r a d i i
66n sdar mediante la u t i l d n de cortinas aislantes rn%les.

Wlth four L-shaped towers llke open

books facing each other and dellmltlng
a symbotic space, the library Imposes
Its presence and has a clear Identity.
The aim of the architecl was to clad the
building in p e l s of glass that were as
large and hamparent as possible.
The towers were clad in the most
transparent glaas available in order to
accentuate their immaterial nature.

Con sus cualro torres en L asemejandose a cuatro libros abiertos en~rados10s

unos a 10s otros y delimitando un esp&
cio simbblico, la bibliateca impone su
presencia y una clara identidad.
El objetivo del arquitecto ha sido recubrir
e[ edificio con paneles de cristal lo m h
grandes y transparentes posible.
Las torres han sido recubiertas con el
cristal mAs transpareme posibte para
acentuar su inmaterialidad.



The continuity Is ensured ttrrough a

l selection of materials (glsss,
dwn$llurn and steel) and &urs
g m y and s w . The walk rue
bulb with g l w sornetjnws


d ~ m e s ~ w W I S l ~ v ; t .
ri&y ofd
m of manic to ensure a
s u ~ l e v e l o i ~ a n d d e f i -

nitionofthe-Theof hgkss enawm the visual d n u -

ily between h e acws8 wea, the hat1


La continuidad queda garantizada

mediame una cuidada seleccibn de
matetiales (miHal, aluminio y m)y
mlores (W,
gris y plateado). Cas
pardes e s t h constmidas con cristal,
urms veca tmnsparente y otras wbierto
con una gran variedad de densidades
de cerhica para garantizar un nivel
aproplado de msparencia y ck deWi
ci6n de superficies. La bansparencia del
cristal garantiza b continuidad visua[
ewe la uxla de accesos, el vestibule y
la t e r n del jardin.

translucent glass facades /hehadas de vidrio translucido

The headquarters
Port m p a n y Lenmdi was designed
as a shgle, rectangular volume with
hvo levels and an exterior cladding of
comgmbd sheets that Is only Interrupted by the doors piaced along the
facade for lorry access.
From the exterior, the building is perceived as a rectangular volume without partitions, and w l h openings fm
transluoent glass panels fills the interL
or wlth daylight.

La sede de la ernde WanqmW

hohndesa bnsvelt se prayectb corm
un cuerpo Onico, un volurnen rectangular m n dos nivete$ y un rwtimiento
exterior de planchas onduladas, que
&lo se vo interrumpido pot b
que se distribuyena lo largo de l a m
da y que dan acceso a 10s camianes.
Desde el exterior el edfato se perch
mrno url cuerpo rectangular sn particb
nes, y m n m r a s para la entrada de
miones, y mya fachada de ph&m
de cristal traslhcido permite la entrada
de abundante luz natural en el interior.

On this page, the green regli glass wall

of the building forms a unifonn background that cohabits wlth the Interlor
and exterlor lightlng. Thls materlal was
chosen in order to harmonlse with the
surrounding lndustrlal buildings.
On the following page, the scheme was
based on the restoration of an d d
building. Almost cwering the street fad e , there is a new screen divided into three long glass panels. This attractive and provocative element is illuminated from inside by fluorescent tubes
concealed behind the metal frames,
wtrlch also illuminate the interior wall.
The surface of mch glazed panel wrnblnes translucent and transparent
parts, which produce a dynamic pfastic
effect that partially c o n d s from the
outside the circular stair placed behind
them that links the diirent levels.
Finally, glass is also used in the skylight behind the facade, so the bare
foyer also m e l v e s tog Ilghting. The
large front door gives the dwelling a
certain monumental air.

En esta p&ina, la pared verde acristalada de reglit del edifki0 forma un fondo
uniforme, que convive con la iluminacibn
interior y exlerior. La eleccibn de este
material buscaba armonizar con 10s edificios industrides circundantes.
En la siguiente phgina, el proyecto parte de la restauracibn de una antigua
construcci6n. Casi cubriendo la fachada a la calle se levanta una nueva pantalla dividida en tres largas ptanchas de
vidrio. Este elemento sugerente y atractivo, se ilumina desde dentro can t u b
fluorescentes, ocultos tras la carpinteta
metAlica, que tarnbibn bMan el rnuro interior. La s~perficiede cada panel vidriado combina partes traslrjcidas y
transparentes,-loque producs un din&
mico juego plAstico que semioculta
desde fuera la escalera circular colocada tras ellos, que sirve de hilo conductor entre 10s diversos niveles.
Finalmente, el vidrio se dobla en el remate interior de la fachada, de rnanera
que el desnudo vestibule tarnbibn recibe
luz cenital. La entrada, una gran puerta
de acceso, dota de cierta monumentalidad a la vivienda.

Two rectangular wings that meet at an

angle of 112.5 degreH produce a fanshaped atrlum between them. The atrium, covered wlth layers of transparent
glass and wired glass, is a semi-open
space for rehabilltation and recreation,
In which one can feel the slight natural
changes of light and wlnd; il is also
used as a stage for events such as
concerts, plays, dances, etc.
Tho architect has created a large alh
um filled with light through the massive
use of glass in the curved wall of the
south facade and the roof.
From the structural viewpoint, all the
glass walls were dlmensioned to withstand the wind and heavy snowfalls.

Dos alas rectangulares que se encuentran en un hpulo de 112,5"grados p m

dumn un.atrio en foma de abanico entre ellas. El atrio, cubierto con capas de
vidrio transparente y vidrio alambrado,
es un espacio semiabierto para la rehabilitacibn y recreaci6n, donde se pueden
sentir 10s ligeros cambios naturales de
luz y viento; tambibn siwe wrno escenario para actuaciones como coneiertos,
obras, bailes, etc.
El arquitecto ha creado un gran atrio inundado de luz rnediante la utilizaci6n masiva de cristal en la pared curvada de la
fachada sur y la cubierta.
Desde el punto de vista estructural, todos
10s cerramientos de cristal han sido dimensionados para que resistan la accidn
del viento y la sobrecarga de nieve.

screenprinted glass facades /fachadas de widrio serigrafiado

Thls apartment buildlng is an elegant

and dlscreet complex that stands out
bmxuse of the decorative W o r n
applled by the architect on the window
panes of all the apartments.
In the design of the facade, the idea
was to provlde floor-to-ceiling glazing
in each apartment, with sliding doors
to avoid loss of space. The exterlw
joinwy is of varnished Mack alumink
urn and the interior jolnery of the dow
bleglazed windows is of wood.
The doured enamelled Images are
printed on the outer skin of glass.
The motifs used to cover the glass facade are scenes fmm the frescos by
Giulio Romano In the Palano del TB in
Mantua. The use of such bright
cofours weates a successbn of clear-

Este edificio de apartamentos se exhibe c o r n un conjunto elegante y s e

brio, singularizado por la licencia decorativa que el arquitscto se ha permitido
en los vidrios de las ventanas de todos
lo6 apartamentos.
E h el diseAo de la fachada, la idea era
proporcionar acristatamiento de plena
altura a cada apartamento, con puertas
correderas para witar la p4rdida de espacio. La carpinteria exterior es de alumini0 negro bamizada y la interior, de
doble vidrio, es de madera.
Las imhgenes coloreadas y esmaltadas est6n irnpresas en la fachada exterior de vidrio.
Los rnotivos con que se ha mbierto la
fachada de cristal son escenas capturadas de 10s frescos pintados por Giulio
Romano en el Palauo del T6 de Mantua.
La utilizacibnde colores tan intensos c a
mo 10s originales, crea una sucesibn de
imAgenes murales clararnente definidas.

This is a building with a compact volumetric mntigurahlon in order to p

serve the local vegetation as far as
possible. With its vegetation-covered
roof and Its screen-prlnted facade, the
building attempts to restore the spatlat
order of the park.
The centre is formed by a plinth with a
mineral appearance made of reinforced mncrete, which houses the
main restaurant, and a fully-glazed
volume with a metal structure that
houses the rehabilitation facility.
These two elements are surrounded
and unified by a screen-printed glass
skin with a plant motif. The windows of
the terrace, screen-printed with vegetable mntifs, give privacy and coolness, and acoustic insulation from the

Este es un sdificio qus presenta una I

configuricidn volurnetrica cornpacta
con el fin de preservar lo mejor posiMe la
vegetacibn que crew en el lugar. Con su ,
cubierta vegetal y su fachada serigrafia
da, el edificio trata de restituir el ordew !
miento espaaal del parque.
EI centlo M ~ cansfltuao
pa un M O
de aspeclo mineral, de hormigh armado,
que w e el mtamante pr~ncipaly p r
un volumen de sstnrctura m e W a enter&
mente acristalado que abe la sala de rehablIii6n. Estos dos elementos e m
rodeadus y u n i f ' k por una envoltura
de cristal serigrafiado cm un mi'm mgetal. Las crlktaleras de la terraza aportan
intimidad y frescura al tiempo que h a m
de a i s l m acbstiw del emteriw.


To avoid the traditional separation between workers and management, it

was decided to build a false facade to
wrap the building. The facade is m m posed of three sections: a black plinth
of concrete, a row of windows that
open in the plinth and, abov* a glazed
section formed by panels of decorated
glass, mounted on a simple framework
similar to that used to build greenhouses. The volume is broken at two
points: the main access, where the logotype of the company acts as a pillar,
and the access to the offices.
The facade with its letters suggests the
nature of the company. In the glass a
text by the Dutch poet K. Schippers
was engraved, with a typography in
bold face designed by K. Martens.

Para evitar la tradicional separacibn entre

operarios y ejecutwos, se opt6 por la
construcci6n de una falsa fad7ada que
envolviera el edificio. La fachada est6 formada por tres secciones: un plinto negro
de horrnigon, una hilera de ventanas que
se abren en el plinto y, encima del mismo, una seccion acristaladaforrnada por
paneles de cristal dewrados, montados
sobre un marco sencillo, parecido al que
se emplea para la construccibn de invernaderos. El volurnen se rompe en dos
puntos: el acceso principal, donde el logotipo de la empresa hace fas veces de
pilar, y el acceso a las oficinas.
La fachada, con sus letras, evoca la
naturaleza de la ernpresa. En el cristal
se ha grabado un texto del poeta h e
land4s K . Schippers, con tipografia de
palo seco y negrita, de cuyo diseho se
ha encargado K. Martens.

glass block facades /fachadas de paves

This complex conslsts of two blocks
located in an old Industrial zone of the
city centre. The street facade of bolh
volumes is clad in stucco wlth balconies that overlook the road. The lw
terior facade, offering greater privacy,
looks over the garden and is built with
glass blocks and large openings.
Behlnd thls facade, and between each
apartment and the garden, there is a 3
rn corridor that acts as a central space
for the relaxation and encounters of
the tenants. Daylight comes In
through the glass facade, and at night
the situation is reversed: the artificial
light is projected to the exterior, convertlng the bullding into an enormous
Ilghtlng element set in the garden.

El cornplejo consiste en dos Moques situados en una antigua ZOM industrialen

el centro de la ciudad. La fachada de
ambos voltjmenes 6revestida de esturn con balcones desde 10s que se divisa la carfetera. La fachada interior, de
mayor privacidad, mira hacia el jardin y
estb construida con piezas de p& y
grandes aberturas. DetrAs de esta fachada, y entre cada apartamento y el jardin, se levanta un wrredor de 3 m que
funciona corm espacio central para el
relax y el encuentro de Ios inquilinos. La
luz natural se filtra a t r a k de la fachada
de vidrio, lo que de noche se traduoe a
la inversa: filtrando la luz artificial hacia el
exteriw, como una gran pieza luminosa
que ilurnina el jardh.

The north facade of this Wmetdod

rectangular volume is clad entirdy in
glass blocks, and contains the hotetsi
26 rooms.



: -?,,&<>;

. '.





ground plan of the

complex is dMded into elght wlumes
that house the small residentla1 units.
These are M on a concrete pllnth and
offer a pwverhrl silhouette agalnst the
dlsartlculated urban landscape of
~ l o J in
i ,Tokyo.
The functional pmgramme was re- sOhred wlth great simplldiy: the apart+menisoccupy the higher levels, within
dght cubes measuring slx m m ,
whose exterbr walls m M n e glass
bbcks and aluminium sheeting.

The r-gular

rectangular, se
8 volrjmenes que albergan

, de planta

pequenas unidades residenciales.

se alzan sobre un basamento de
ig6n y perfilan una contundente sien .el mrticulado paisaje urban0

rama funcianal se resueb con

ez: 10s apartarnentosocupan
superiores, dentro de ocho
metros de lado en cuyo cs
ienta exteri~se combinan el pa,la chapa de aluminio.

mixed facades /fachadas mims


I>-.. .

Las dimensiones de la parcela --estrey su orientah --nortesur-, Wigahan a r W i ur~wlum longitudinal y a adun mbdub
de 7,20metros en fachada, ya que un
bloque m b profundo can viviendas m h
estrechas no parecia un solucibn posible. Para asegurar el
soleamiento en 106 d
i de 106 alrededores d l o w
n acorndam en la pastiIla 87 de las cien u n W e rqueridas,
par lo cud se decid~dafiadir unos cuerpos en voladiio en la cara norte. Estas
cajas, que sobresalen de la a
dineada a la calle,se abren por sus I&raks a la orimtaci6n este-oeste, ya que
en Holanda esi4 prohibido orientar las
Wendas rjnicamente al norte, y a las

cha y alargad-

vistas sobre el p6lder cercano. Se s'tlian

sin orden aparenie, lo que provoca dC
versas perspectm desde las galehas
de las distintas piantas. Cerradas pardalrnente con vidrio, en estas galehas
se dejan algunos huecos abieros por
don& Lentilan las habitawnes,cocinas
y un pequeiro cuarto,que dan a esta fachada. Con las wrimhnes en la posG
ci6n de las ventan& y las distintas rnedidas y maleriale de 10s balmnes, en
10s que se hace uso de diferentes color s , se ha mseguido dotar de mracter
propio a cada una de las viviendas.
Debido a las wdenamas cmba incendim y la regulacibn sobre a i m e n t o
adstim., h u h que revestir la estrmura
en vohduo; estos cuerpos se acaban


en madera, al igual que la fachada sur,

contrastando con la supenkb de vidrio
y trormigbn de las gal&=.
En el disello de las W u r a s , ha sido
necesaria una gran riqueza y variedad,
ianto de formas como de materiales,para proporcionar la individualidad requerida a cada apartamento. Trece de I m
cien apartamentos se encuentran totalmente susmdidm de la fachada norte
mediante un sistema de vigas memicas
trianguladas que permiten absorber el
vdadkzo. Cada uno de estos 13 apartamentos recibe sol en las fachadas este y

El odor del baldn lo dezidla el inquilino,
lo que explica la M d a d y el riimo cro&tic0 que reina en el edificio.

The dimensions of the plot long and

m and the north-soutfi aientatlon made it n m w to create a Iongttudlnal volume and to adopt a module of 7.20 metres on the facade, dnce
a deeper block with narrower
dwelllm dld not seem feasible. To
e m r e sufklent exposure to the sun
in the surmundings buildings, only 87
of the required hundred unlts could be
housed in the Wock, so it was decided
to add overhanging volumes on the
north facade. These boxes -that stand
out from the facade aligned to the
street- are open at the sides in the
east-west orlentation (in Hdland it is
forMddm to orlent dwellings only tc-

wards the north), offering views of the

nearby polder. They are arranged
without apparent order, creating different perspectives from the galleries of
the different floors. These galleries are
partially closed wfth glass, and some
parts are I& open to ventilate the
rooms (kitchens and a smalf utility
room) that give onto this facade. With
the varlatlons in the posltlon of the
windows and the diirent measures
and materlals of the balconies -in
which different colours are used- each
dwelling has Its OWTI character. Due to
the regulations on fire and acoustlc fnsulation, the overhanging structures
had to be clad; they are finished tn
wood, like the south facade, oontrasting with the glass and concrete surface of the galleries.
fn the deslgn of the openings, great
richness and variety of forms and materials was neoessav in order to provide the individuality required for each
apartment. Thirteen of the hundred
apartments are totally suspended
from the north facade by means of a
triangulated metal frame that absorbs
the overhang. Each of these 13 apartments receives sunlight on the east
and west Pacades.
The colour of the balcony was decided by the tenants, which explalns the
variety and the chromalic rhythm that
governs tho building.

The building is a long block parallel to

the road that runs through the valley.
The facade on the road side has
views and sunlight, whereas the rear
facade faces the north and the mountain. The end walls respond in their
composltlon to similar principles: the
west facade, the first that is seen
when one approaches from the town,
shows the thidmess of the building,
whereas the opposite wall, which
gives straight onto the landscape,
opens the building toward the exledor
and transforms the end of the block
into a sort of ship's bow.
The south facade expresses the differences In size between the rooms and
comblnes the stone cladding of the
larger surfaces with the zinc cladding
of the overhanging elements. The
north facade is clad in concrete
blocks, a cheap material that creates a
special tension with the sophisticated
technology used in the lintels to allow
the long horizontal openings.
A low wall of hollow bri&s wlh thermal protection has simple guides attached halfway between the floor
slabs. The veneer of San Vicente

stone is 3 crn thick. The horizontal

joint between the stones is 6 mm and
the vertical one 4 rnrn. Water penetration is reduced by these narmw Joints,
the width of which is established by
the type of k i n g , the precision In the
assembly and the calculated move
ment of Ihe structure.
An interesting innovation in this work
was the lattice of stone slats, consisting of folded panels of stainless steel
to which the stone was attached.

0 5





The apartment building mnsists of a

linear block divided horizontal& lnto
three clearly differentiated parts: a
plinth of offices and shops, a central
volume with 26 apartments and a set
of six large arbiculated villas that complete the volume. Though wrapped in
a common volumetric shell, each of
these parts expresses its relation to
the exterior through the difserent openings and the different textures and
materials. The plinth has the function
of dlrect connection with the Irnmediate urban environment and with the remaining elements of the scheme.
Finished in sturdy stone shtes from
the Ardennes region, it opens at the
points corresponding to the shops
and the four doorways, and ts protonged Into the intwior of the block to
form the walls that deltmit the gardens
paces, the old villa and the car park.
The central volume Is clad in panebs of

anthracite grey that create tight longitudinal strlps of facade which are cut
by the habntal &ips of the wln- I
The six villas that complete tha _1
bulMing are presented as a sculptural 1
combination of fragmentary and articulated volumes clad In red cedar.
The three intermediate f k r s consist
of a forceful rectangular volume with a
rhythm of wlndows sunk and cut lnto
the f a d e of concrete and anthracb
grey. The One of the roof is described
through a sculptural comblnatlon of ''I
volumes dad in cedar, whose corners


El edificio de apartamentos consiste en un

bloque lineal dividido horizontalmente en
tres partes claramente diferenciadas: un
z6calo de oficinas y cornercios, un cuerpo
central con 26 apartamentos y un conjunto
de 6 grandes villas articuladas que rematan
el volurnen. Aunque encerrads en una envolvente volumbtrica comljn, cada una de
estas partes expresa su diferente relacibn
con el exterior a travbs de 10s diversos huecm, asl como de las distintas texturas y
rnateriales. Asi, la funcibn de conexi6n dlrecta w n el entorno urbano inmediato y
con los &stantes elementos del proyecto
corresponde al z h l o . Acabado en robustas lajas de piedra de la region de las
brdenas, se abre en 10s puntos correspondientes a 10s comercios y a 10s cuatro portales y se prolonga hacia el interior de la


manzana para formar los muretes que delimitan 10s espacios mrrespondientes al
jardin, la antigua villa y el aparcamiento. El
volurnen central estb revestido de placas de
antracita gris que crean tersos pafios longitudinales de fachada en 10s que se recortan
10s huecos horizontales de las ventanas c e
rridas. Las seis villas que rematan el edificio
se presentan como un juego escultorico de
vol13menes fragrnentarios y articulados,
revestidos de mad&a de cedro rojo.
Los tres pisos intermedios consisten en un
pderoso volumen rectangular con un ritmo
de ventanas rehundidas y recortadas en la
fachada de hormigbn y antrancita gris. La
llnea de 2ubierta se describe rnediante un
juego escultural de voldmenes revestidos
de madera de cedro, cuyas esquinas y retranqueos forman lujosas terrazas.

This old *storey

stone farmhouse
was a damp place without running water that urgently needed restoration.
The work had to be carried out without
spoiling the transparent typology of
the existing structure. The bulldlng is
accessed through a surprhlngly large
m c e lomted in the cem of a stone wall. An annex In larch wood on the
west side is now the sunniest part of
this solid stone house.

Esta antigua granja de piedra de dos

plantas se caracterizaba por ser un lugar
himedo y por necesjtar una urgente restauracibn. Se trataba de poder realizar la
obra sin estropear la tipologla transparents de la estructura existente. A1 edificio se accede a traves de una sorprendente y generosa entrada situada en el
oentro de un muro de piedra. Un annexo
realizado en madera de alscce y situado
en ta zona oeste, resulta ser ahora la zona mas soleacia de esta sblida casa de

I It-I--,
The ground plan of the lower level is
square, whereas that of the higher
levels is semicircular. This difference
is also reflected in the rnateriats used
for the exterior cladding of each level: w h i painted brick at street level
and grooved metal plate on the flrst
and second floors.
The facade giving onto the street
seems to be a contlnuatlon of the
ground flmr, but the rear part of the
dwelllng is resolved In a dierent way,
In a seml-drcle.

La planta del nlvel inferior tiene forma

cuadrada, mientras que las de 10s nlve
les superlores son ssmicirculares. Esta
diferencla se refleja tambikn en 10s m a
teriales ernpleados para el revestlmiento exterior de cada nlvel: pintura blanca
sobre ladrlllo a n ~ e de
l calle, y planchas de metal estriado para la srirnera
y segunda plantas
La fachada que da a la calle parece una
mntinuacion de la planta baja, pen la
parte posterior de lavivienda se resuelve
de un modo distinto, en un semiclrculo.

Las ventanas tienen especial importancia dentro d ~ -2rrarnier

edificio ya que su aislamiento tkrmico y ac6stico
e inferior al de 10s muros en que esthn incorporadas,
e pueden presentar problemas de penetraci6n de ag!
. .- .- - - .
A further aspect of win=&.
the _inw!.aliomw
por sus juntas y de hurnedades de condensaci6n.
against emrn=!
noise. t------=i~~-_~;~:&;;--~~::;;;,
-Por otra parte, las ventanas tienen gran importancia a
One of the fundamental characterisiics-ofopeninis that
slamiento, sobre todo respecto a 10s ruidos exteriores.
deal with In this chapter is their arrangement
Per0 otra de las caraaeristjcas fundamentales de 10shuecos
-acreate different compositions, which together
taremos en sste capitulo, es su disposition en la fachada, cremdo d~sthat protect them, such as blinds and shutters, gi
tintas composlciones, que junto con 10selementos que [as protegen:
its personality.
persianas, contraventanas, etc., dotan de personalidada cada edificio.
A general classification of windows would incl
En una clasificacibn general de ventanas podemos encontrar ]a "enfolding casements, sliding windows and pivoted sashes. There
tana fija, la ventana de hojas abatibles, ventanas correderas y ventare also windows with louvred shutters and folding windows. n
s,,,,,., w=basculantes. Tambikn se pueden encontrar ventanas de lam,
The joinery of the windows may be of wood, steel, aluminium or ~2-gorientabtes y ventanas de librillo o de acordeon.
PVC, though the new materials that are coming onto the market -+==
carpinterra de las ventanas puede ser de madera, de acero, de
offer better protection against moisture and wind.
y de PVC, aunque 10s nuevos materiales que van satienAdditional elements on the facade include systems of shade anc
'do al mercado se van adaptando a ellas para mejorar sus condiprotection that control the degree of lighting, sunlight and ventila
ciones de estanqueidad.
tion, partial reduction of views, and protection from forced entry. gs:
Entre 10s elernentos adicionales en fachada se encuentran, en pri-



elements such as grilles and railings.





- Facade enclosures, openings





Cerramientos exteriores,
el h u e c o

The main facades of this resldentlal

complex are of rubble with exterior hsulation and a flne stuoco finish with a
uniform colour that forms a smooth
skin mapping the geomebie volume of
the building. The dark chestnut colour
of the outer walls is set against the
brlgM orange of the walls of a
te court,
generating a rich chromatic effect of
contrasts In a space that d w wlth
the changes of llgM during the day.
The large wlndows run fm floor to
ceiling on the facades and are like
enormous eyes looklng over the lake
and the park. T h y have a wide alumhlum frame that houses the blinds,
runners and wooden jolrsery. Seen
from tiw exterior, these windows have
no external protection or ralllngs.
The free arrangement of the openings corresponds to the different
types of apartments.

Las fachadas principafes de este complejo residenciat son de mamposteria

con aislamiento exterior y un estucado
fino y de color uniforme que muestra el
edificio mmo un cuerpo geometric0
vestido con una piel lisa. El color castaAa oscuro de las paredes externas se
yuxtapone con el color naranja claro de
las paredes del patio, lo que genera un
rico juego cromhtiw de contrastes en
un espacio que varia con 10s cambios
de luz a lo largo del dia.
Las grandes ventanas se recartan de
suelo a tech0 sobre 10s alzados y se
abrm wrno enormes ojos hacia el lago
y el parque. sta as se perlilan con un ancho marm de aluminio a modo de cwnisa que con?ienelas persianas, guias y la
carpinteria de rnadera. Vistas desde el
exterior, estas ventanas no tienen ni proteccibn externa ni barandiltas.
La distribucibn libre de las aperturas
responde a los distintos tipos de apartamentos.

As the archlte& wished to u g n a h cad8 that WBB 88 transparent as possb

had to devise m e constructionwicks
to give Ihe building sufficirrt d i d i i .
The ownplete k a n s m n c y of Ihe fa
d e s is achieved through openings
that run kom f b r to ceiling, and the
metal blnery of the doors and w b
dows acts as a loadbarlng element.
The only -1s
of flnMshss on the fw
mde are the sturdy wooden shutters
that cover the concrete sectlom.

Corno 10s arquitectos proyestaban

seflar una fachada lo m&s.ianspre
posible con ventanas de gran altura
tuvieron que ingeniar algunos tru
constructivos para dar al etiificio su
ciente solidez.
De esta manera,la wrnpl
cia de las fachadas se

detalles & -0s

en la
las oontravsntaMs de
que wbren las &n

A double height window with a southern asoffers impvlws of

facade, was deliberately cvvwd wtth
zinc oxlde to make it more striking.
The rmalnlng makiats am ttm habitual ones oflhfs area o f t h e m : erposed con-,
Amerkan plne, glass
and metal plate for the exhlor, whlte
render for the -ir
walls and &id
wood for the roof and M n g . me
large wlndow is hermetimIy insto rnlnlmlse heatlng corn.

Una ventam de doble altura orientada al

sur proporciona unas impresionantes
vistas sobre el valle. El haldn, que es el
unico elemento que sobresale de la
fachada, se ha recubierto deliberadamente con bide de zinc, lo que lo h e
mAs Ilamativo, rnientras que el resb de
los rnateriafes empkdos se reducen al
repertorb consbuctivo qw es habitual
en esta zona de 10s Alpes: hormrgbn
visto, madera de plno arnerkano, vidrio
y planchas de metal para el exterior,
revam b l m para b s mum i n t e r i m
y madera rnaciza para la mbierta y el
pavlmento. El gian ventanal ha sldo hermeticameme ais&tfo para minimizar el
mste de calefaccii.



La expresi6n


material de las fachadas

de este proyecto desdibuja en parte la

masa de 10 edificado. Los tres edificios



of the fa-

de los que consta

cades of this programme

partly blurs

el prayecto



de un modo similar, cerran-

the built mass. The three buildings of

do su fachada norte con un aplacado de

which the scheme is composed were

piedra cortado por unas aberturas marcadamente horizontales. EI resto de las



neer with sharp horizontal incisions.

The rest of the facades have a double


se componen

de una doble

piel: un estuco rajo dividido por unas

aberturas verticales de suelo a techo en

in a similar way, by clos-

ing the north facade with a stone ve-

skin consisting of red stucco divided

su parte interior, mientras que por fuera,

by vertical openings from floor to ceil-

separados 60 cm de la anterior, unos paneles de lamas de madera se mueven

ing in the interior, and an outer skin


one, consisting of panels of wooden



de las ne-


exterior, alrededor


by 60 cm from the inner

slats that can be moved freely accord-

sus inquilinos .

Estogcpaneles m6viles proporcionan




de todas la

visual mente


ing to the needs of the occupants.

These mobile panels provide an exterior space around all the dwellings that

espacio interior. La terraza de la sala de

extends the interior space visually. The

estar puede entenderse

terrace of the living room can be understood as an interior or an exterior

como un inte-

rior 0 un exterior dependiendo

sici6n de los paneles.

de la po-

according to the position of the panels.


The most a l i k d w W r e s of this

building are the arrangement of the
openings and the composition d the
facade, as a medium for eonceallng
the interior. The curtain wall of the facade is compsed of prefabri~ted
f w d modular elements, induding sills
and frames, all in fibre concrete, and

moblle elements such as panels of Rne

slats of C a m m a d e reintorced by a
fllm of flhglass and a translucent gel
mat, mounted on a metal frame. As
the marble slds are only 7 mm thlck,
they allow the daylighl through.
The panels rnwe through a pulley and
counterweight mechanism and go up

and down through grooves in the

frames, as in a sash wlndow. During
the night, the small panel of the upper
part and the Large one of the lower
part are joined to conceal the glazed
part of the facade module. The parts
move independently to offer a large
number of intermediate positions.

El mayor atra3vo de esta edificacion

resih en la cornposic16nde la fachada,
mncebida mmo un rnedio de ocultacibn, y sobre todo, en la configuracibn
de las aberturas. El muro cortina de la
fachada estA compuesto por elemmtos
prefabricados rnodulares fijos, inclwndo alferares y montantes vertjticales, todo en hormigbn de fibra; y p r otros elementos rnbiles, paneles de tinas lamas
de mhmol de Carrara refonadas por
ma -pel'mla .de Wm cle,~elrioy get
transl6ad0, montadas sobre un marco
de prfil metaico. La extrema delgadez
de estas lamas de rnhrmol de 7 mrn
permite filtrar la lur.
Los paneles se mueven mediante un m e
canismo de p l e a y conkapeso, y se
d e s p l e de arriba abajo s trads de
ranwas inssrtas en rnmtantesveriicales,
como en una ventana de guitlatina.
Durante la mck, el panel pqueAo de la
p h superior y el mayor de la inferior se
juntan para ocultar la parte vidriada del
m&ulo de fachada La independencia
de sus movirnientm permite urn gran
variedad de posiciones interrnedias.

laminxla, los ecfficios

@aje escueto y fumi
contraventmas m d m s dan la

El mkter tmrtsparente de la pi

revela ackmhs la g e o M a de la
ca de madera. Las hhturas se
de la excesk radiacbn sdar
g r m k wntmventanas mrredems,
Lm edificios, cuya estructura es ch
mrg6n armado, esth cubiertos per
piel de madera de pno no tratadq
&jet0 de que su color se vuelva ofis
el paso del trempo.

Pfaced In-an austere row, t

volumes have a rectangular
and look wer the river on on
slde elmions. Completely
wlth laminated marlne w
bulldings develop a sfmple
t h a l language that refers
cal tradition. The enormous
shutters ave the image. In
tarice, uf Ule doors of a large
one approaches, one sees th
they cmtdn apartments, and a,
ther exarninatlon shows that they
room for the elderly.
The ttrtnsparent outer skin
war8 the geometry of th

c W , are m v e d by a sldn
treated p5ne d,
which will g~
In the course of tlme.

The doors are dlding separating elements and

walk of dm, inslde and out, that occupy the
whole Itelght of the m.There are no lintels, sills
w spandrels. Sliding blinds, screens and open galkdes act as separating layers between the public

and private spaces.


Due to the high degree of flexibility provided by

the archlteets and the open nature of the facades'
wrnposlhion, the occupants can adapt the outer
structure to their Individual needs without disturbing the general rhythm of the elevations.
The exterlor composition also provides spatial
quality and brightness on the Interior.

t a s puertas son elementos separadores deslizantes

y paredes de cristal, tanto dentro como fuera, que
ocupan toda la altura de la habitacibn. No hay dinteies, antepechos ni umbrales. Persianas correderas,
marnparas y gderias abiertas act6an como estratos
separadores entre 10s espacios p6blicos y privados.
Debido a1 amplio grado de fleibilidad y aberlura con
que 10s arquitectos han resuelto la compici6n de fachadas, Im inquilinos puedenadaptar la estructura exterior a sus necesidades iidwiduales sin perturbard ritmo general de los alzadw.
La oomposici6n de 10s acteriores beneficia tambien a
la calidad espacial y a la lurninosidad de 10s interiores.

In terms of volume, thls scheme conof a plinth that suppMts two

bulldings (the hotel and the apartment
block), which is clad In dark grey
enamelled glass in the opaque areas,
creating a similar e f k l to that of a
normal glass window.
In contrast to thls 'Yransparenr base,
the upper part Is clad in matt glass on
the exterior. Both the open spaces and
the closed volumes shlne Ihrough a
matt external envelope.
Due to the modular use, to the layout af
the windows, to the matt glass and to
the fddlng shutterg, the facades look
rrwm like a code than a compmstlon.
Depending on the we of the sidjacemt
the facade consists ofa series
of layers of matt glass, bansparent
glass, and sweens of thermal w solar
insulation in several combinations.
To protect the interior from exessive
sunlight, sliding aluminium shutters
were incorporated in the facade. A is
as if the envelope of the bblldlng
opened in an ever-changing m d f .
The two white houslng volumes show
the cornpsitfon based on Roor-toceiling panels. The use of shutters
wer the glass panes produces a facade whose appearance changes
continually accwdinq to the use of the
housing and the climate, forming musical varlsdlons on the same lattice
subject. The scheme has thus been
designed with attention to the envlronment, in which It stands SeMassured.





til tbrrminm de volumen, el proyecto

consiste en un plinto scbre el que se
apoyan dos edificios (el hotel y el bloque
de apartarnentos) y que est& revestido
de vidria esmaltado en gris oscuro en
las mrms opacas, de rnanera qus &nsslva el efecto similar al de una ventana
de vjdrio normal.
En contraposici6n a esta base transparente, la park superior estA revestida
de vidrio mate en el extedor. Tanto los
&pacios abiertos corno 10s volhmenes
errados brillan a travbs de la envoltura externa mate,

Debido al uso modular, a la distribwibn

de ventanales, al vidrio mate o a las
mntraventanas plegables, las fachadas
se asernejan rnAs a an c6digo que a
una composici6n.
Oepesldiendo del uso de 10s espacjos dyaoentes, la fachada mnsiste en una se
r i i de cap~isde v i d t i mate, vidrio transw r i t e , pantallas & aislamiento tbrmica
o solar en mbinaciones varias.
Para proteger el interior de la excesiva insolacibn, m han integrado en la fachada
mntraventanas de alurninio corrderas.
Es mmo si la envoltura del edificio se

abriera en un motivo siempre camb~ante.

Los dos cuerpos blancos de alojamiento
awsan la wmposici6n basada en pansles de fxhada de suelo a techo. El anpleo de contraventanas sobre 10s Wos
de vidrio prduce una fachada cuyo aspecto cambia continuamente, se@n el
uso del afojamiento y el ctima, formando
variaciones musicales del rnismo Zema
reticular. Asl que el confunto se dl&
wn atembn al entorno y con ssgcrridad
en su propia presencia.

The street facade Is totally glared and

is protectd by a cast Iron curtaln that
can be folded element by element.
The undulating openings give the curtain afluid and textile feeling. Whereas
the construction of the facade leaves
the central space of the dwelling behind, its heavy material provides protection against the unpleasant noise
on thls slde of the street.
The photograph shows the absolute iw
dependence of the structure, whM om
ly adapts to the nwds of tfre residents.

A volume thb

houses the
and repwsmM&.
sons, ma facade bT
ing was e M in
w h e w the m
with g l m and & E f ) r i d g e
was c o n c e i v e d w a W W
~ rises above We WH hitding. It is
ma& of reinforced mnaMe clad in
orangered paintsd plywmd. Due to
thenatureof thissRummandItsflaw
of forces, the many large w f n d m o e
wpy a very large area
The wlndows ate p r u t w w by shuttws that fold vertically, and from thls
position they c o m l the sunlight from
the east and west.

Un vohmen que hace las woes de

puente sntre la m n s h c c i h nueva y ta
an~gua&.la las zonas de adminisffaci6n y representaci6n. Por rxzones tanto
estbticas oomo de oornposicibn, la
fachada del edificio original m ha revestido con paneles de madera, mientras
que el nuevo edificio se ha realkado con
vidrio y hormig6n. El puente se ha concebido Gomo una viga de caje que se alza sobre el edificio original. La viga de
caja se ha redizado con hormigbn
arrnado revestido de madera contrachapada pintada de rojo anaranjado.
Debido a la naturaleza de esta estructura y a su 17 ujo de fuerzas, la superticie del
ventanale es la mayor posible, tanto por
la cantidad de vams como por la altum
y anchurz de 10s mismos
Las ventanas estAn protwdas por contraventanas que se pliegaA verticalmente, y desde esta posici6n ,controlan el
asolearniento del este y del beste.

A c
d a p p r w h was u%dfor hiis
dwelling, which is interpeW
technically Innresidential
bulldlng that has an experimental
fumth In its current sltuatlon. The facade la a decorative concrete wall wlth
a great woden doc# ai the rear. The
frmt of ttm building consists of a
stnrc9um of Irninated wood pogts
with a panel d Betoplan (qmxywab
ed ptywood). The panels are both
ikd, with red ftxings to provide eonor
with wooden $hutasthe windonrs.


Se utilizb un enfoque ruml pam esta vivienda QE se

eomo un e d i
residenci t 8 c n i
ejem una fund611 exprlmenfal en su
coniiguracibn actual. La fachada se presenta como un muro demrativo de
h m l g h con una gran puer?a de mader a m lapartepstmor. La partefrontal
postes de madera larnirda con un ganel
de & e m de Betoplan [rnadem cmhcbpada de e m P . tos p a d e son fib,
con ensamblajes de tono m j b para
m,0 mavibles con mmavenhnas de madm frente a las m a s .

blinds and curtains /gersianas y cortinas

The a p m l n l ~

the adjoining plot This side opening
not only intended to let lhe light a m
sunshtne Into the apartments, but also
~ ~ ~ o n t h e a d ~ i n g p
The aparbnents all look towards ttm
central court The outw wls we towly glazed and pmtected with wooden
roller bllnds.

Los apartamhos sa agrupan atcededm

vecim situada d s u m aWt
mkarlahysdenlos~,sino bmWn t i i del vet&r de m
gran grbol skuado en el solar aontJm.
L o s ~ ~ m i r a n ~ h a c i
p&boentral.Losrnum -&
&$mas da d n t o de psienrrollables de madera.

Several treatments of fim glass and

the careful study of the sbmb and
the incoming light maw@
#relationship according to the- b r M and
its orientation.
The volumetrics and the merent
types of glazing and ather solar proWtlons dornlnate ttre &or
appearance of the dwelllg.
A surface ftoatlng over the ground
serv&as a
for the g W volume
that is pmtected nrith i m o r cloth curtains and exleriw metal curtains.

Varios tratamientm del vidrio y el estudio

minucioso de las sombras y de las entradas de luz manipulan esta relaci6n de
acuerdo al progmma y su cxientacj6n.
La volurnetria y 10s distintos tjpos de
acristalamiento y d e m k 2rotecciones
salares dominan el aspecb exterior de
la vivienda.
Una superficie que flota p r encirna del
terreno sirve de base al volumen acristalado que se protege con wrtinas de tela
interiores,y cortinas mdlicps meriires.

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